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4 years ago
  1. SciPy is an open source library of routines for science and engineering
  2. using Python. It is a community project sponsored by Enthought, Inc.
  3. SciPy originated with code contributions by Travis Oliphant, Pearu
  4. Peterson, and Eric Jones. Travis Oliphant and Eric Jones each contributed
  5. about half the initial code. Pearu Peterson developed f2py, which is the
  6. integral to wrapping the many Fortran libraries used in SciPy.
  7. Since then many people have contributed to SciPy, both in code development,
  8. suggestions, and financial support. Below is a partial list. If you've
  9. been left off, please email the "SciPy Developers List" <>.
  10. Please add names as needed so that we can keep up with all the contributors.
  11. Kumar Appaiah for Dolph Chebyshev window.
  12. Nathan Bell for sparsetools, help with scipy.sparse and scipy.splinalg.
  13. Robert Cimrman for UMFpack wrapper for sparse matrix module.
  14. David M. Cooke for improvements to system_info, and LBFGSB wrapper.
  15. Aric Hagberg for ARPACK wrappers, help with splinalg.eigen.
  16. Chuck Harris for Zeros package in optimize (1d root-finding algorithms).
  17. Prabhu Ramachandran for improvements to gui_thread.
  18. Robert Kern for improvements to stats and bug-fixes.
  19. Jean-Sebastien Roy for fmin_tnc code which he adapted from Stephen Nash's
  20. original Fortran.
  21. Ed Schofield for Maximum entropy and Monte Carlo modules, help with
  22. sparse matrix module.
  23. Travis Vaught for numerous contributions to annual conference and community
  24. web-site and the initial work on stats module clean up.
  25. Jeff Whitaker for Mac OS X support.
  26. David Cournapeau for bug-fixes, refactoring of fftpack and cluster,
  27. implementing the numscons and Bento build support, building Windows
  28. binaries and adding single precision FFT.
  29. Damian Eads for hierarchical clustering, dendrogram plotting,
  30. distance functions in spatial package, vq documentation.
  31. Anne Archibald for kd-trees and nearest neighbor in scipy.spatial.
  32. Pauli Virtanen for Sphinx documentation generation, online documentation
  33. framework and interpolation bugfixes.
  34. Josef Perktold for major improvements to scipy.stats and its test suite and
  35. fixes and tests to optimize.curve_fit and leastsq.
  36. David Morrill for getting the scoreboard test system up and running.
  37. Louis Luangkesorn for providing multiple tests for the stats module.
  38. Jochen Kupper for the zoom feature in the now-deprecated plt plotting module.
  39. Tiffany Kamm for working on the community web-site.
  40. Mark Koudritsky for maintaining the web-site.
  41. Andrew Straw for help with the web-page, documentation, packaging,
  42. testing and work on the linalg module.
  43. Stefan van der Walt for numerous bug-fixes, testing and documentation.
  44. Jarrod Millman for release management, community coordination, and code
  45. clean up.
  46. Pierre Gerard-Marchant for statistical masked array functionality.
  47. Alan McIntyre for updating SciPy tests to use the new NumPy test framework.
  48. Matthew Brett for work on the Matlab file IO, bug-fixes, and improvements
  49. to the testing framework.
  50. Gary Strangman for the scipy.stats package.
  51. Tiziano Zito for generalized symmetric and hermitian eigenvalue problem
  52. solver.
  53. Chris Burns for bug-fixes.
  54. Per Brodtkorb for improvements to stats distributions.
  55. Neilen Marais for testing and bug-fixing in the ARPACK wrappers.
  56. Johannes Loehnert and Bart Vandereycken for fixes in the linalg
  57. module.
  58. David Huard for improvements to the interpolation interface.
  59. David Warde-Farley for converting the ndimage docs to ReST.
  60. Uwe Schmitt for wrapping non-negative least-squares.
  61. Ondrej Certik for Debian packaging.
  62. Paul Ivanov for porting Numeric-style C code to the new NumPy API.
  63. Ariel Rokem for contributions on percentileofscore fixes and tests.
  64. Yosef Meller for tests in the optimization module.
  65. Ralf Gommers for release management, code clean up and improvements
  66. to doc-string generation.
  67. Bruce Southey for bug-fixes and improvements to scipy.stats.
  68. Ernest Adrogué for the Skellam distribution.
  69. Enzo Michelangeli for a fast kendall tau test.
  70. David Simcha for a fisher exact test.
  71. Warren Weckesser for bug-fixes, cleanups, and several new features.
  72. Fabian Pedregosa for linear algebra bug-fixes, new features and refactoring.
  73. Jake Vanderplas for wrapping ARPACK's generalized and shift-invert modes
  74. and improving its tests.
  75. Collin RM Stocks for wrapping pivoted QR decomposition.
  76. Martin Teichmann for improving scipy.special.ellipk & agm accuracy,
  77. and for linalg.qr_multiply.
  78. Jeff Armstrong for discrete state-space and linear time-invariant functionality
  79. in scipy.signal, and sylvester/riccati/lyapunov solvers in scipy.linalg.
  80. Mark Wiebe for fixing type casting after changes in Numpy.
  81. Andrey Smirnov for improvements to FIR filter design.
  82. Anthony Scopatz for help with code review and merging.
  83. Lars Buitinck for improvements to scipy.sparse and various other modules.
  84. Scott Sinclair for documentation improvements and some bug fixes.
  85. Gael Varoquaux for cleanups in scipy.sparse.
  86. Skipper Seabold for a fix to special.gammainc.
  87. Wes McKinney for a fix to special.gamma.
  88. Thouis (Ray) Jones for bug fixes in ndimage.
  89. Yaroslav Halchenko for a bug fix in ndimage.
  90. Thomas Robitaille for the IDL 'save' reader.
  91. Fazlul Shahriar for fixes to the NetCDF3 I/O.
  92. Chris Jordan-Squire for bug fixes, documentation improvements and
  93. scipy.special.logit & expit.
  94. Christoph Gohlke for many bug fixes and help with Windows specific issues.
  95. Jacob Silterra for cwt-based peak finding in scipy.signal.
  96. Denis Laxalde for the unified interface to minimizers in scipy.optimize.
  97. David Fong for the sparse LSMR solver.
  98. Andreas Hilboll for adding several new interpolation methods.
  99. Andrew Schein for improving the numerical precision of norm.logcdf().
  100. Robert Gantner for improving expm() implementation.
  101. Sebastian Werk for Halley's method in newton().
  102. Bjorn Forsman for contributing signal.bode().
  103. Tony S. Yu for ndimage improvements.
  104. Jonathan J. Helmus for work on ndimage.
  105. Alex Reinhart for documentation improvements.
  106. Patrick Varilly for cKDTree improvements.
  107. Sturla Molden for cKDTree improvements.
  108. Nathan Crock for bug fixes.
  109. Steven G. Johnson for Faddeeva W and erf* implementations.
  110. Lorenzo Luengo for whosmat() in
  111. Eric Moore for orthogonal polynomial recurrences in scipy.special.
  112. Jacob Stevenson for the basinhopping optimization algorithm
  113. Daniel Smith for sparse matrix functionality improvements
  114. Gustav Larsson for a bug fix in convolve2d.
  115. Alex Griffing for expm 2009, expm_multiply, expm_frechet,
  116. trust region optimization methods, and sparse matrix onenormest
  117. implementations, plus bugfixes.
  118. Nils Werner for signal windowing and wavfile-writing improvements.
  119. Kenneth L. Ho for the wrapper around the Interpolative Decomposition code.
  120. Juan Luis Cano for refactorings in lti, sparse docs improvements and some
  121. trivial fixes.
  122. Pawel Chojnacki for simple documentation fixes.
  123. Gert-Ludwig Ingold for contributions to special functions.
  124. Joris Vankerschaver for multivariate Gaussian functionality.
  125. Rob Falck for the SLSQP interface and linprog.
  126. Jörg Dietrich for the k-sample Anderson Darling test.
  127. Blake Griffith for improvements to scipy.sparse.
  128. Andrew Nelson for scipy.optimize.differential_evolution.
  129. Brian Newsom for work on ctypes multivariate integration.
  130. Nathan Woods for work on multivariate integration.
  131. Brianna Laugher for bug fixes.
  132. Johannes Kulick for the Dirichlet distribution.
  133. Bastian Venthur for bug fixes.
  134. Alex Rothberg for stats.combine_pvalues.
  135. Brandon Liu for stats.combine_pvalues.
  136. Clark Fitzgerald for namedtuple outputs in scipy.stats.
  137. Florian Wilhelm for usage of RandomState in scipy.stats distributions.
  138. Robert T. McGibbon for Levinson-Durbin Toeplitz solver, Hessian information
  139. from L-BFGS-B.
  140. Alex Conley for the Exponentially Modified Normal distribution.
  141. Abraham Escalante for contributions to scipy.stats
  142. Johannes Ballé for the generalized normal distribution.
  143. Irvin Probst (ENSTA Bretagne) for pole placement.
  144. Ian Henriksen for Cython wrappers for BLAS and LAPACK
  145. Fukumu Tsutsumi for bug fixes.
  146. J.J. Green for interpolation bug fixes.
  147. François Magimel for documentation improvements.
  148. Josh Levy-Kramer for the log survival function of the hypergeometric distribution
  149. Will Monroe for bug fixes.
  150. Bernardo Sulzbach for bug fixes.
  151. Alexander Grigorevskiy for adding extra LAPACK least-square solvers and
  152. modifying linalg.lstsq function accordingly.
  153. Sam Lewis for enhancements to the basinhopping module.
  154. Tadeusz Pudlik for documentation and vectorizing spherical Bessel functions.
  155. Philip DeBoer for wrapping random SO(N) and adding random O(N) and
  156. correlation matrices in scipy.stats.
  157. Tyler Reddy and Nikolai Nowaczyk for scipy.spatial.SphericalVoronoi
  158. Bill Sacks for fixes to netcdf i/o.
  159. Kolja Glogowski for a bug fix in scipy.special.
  160. Surhud More for enhancing scipy.optimize.curve_fit to accept covariant errors
  161. on data.
  162. Antonio H. Ribeiro for implementing iirnotch, iirpeak functions and
  163. trust-exact and trust-constr optimization methods.
  164. Matt Haberland for the interior point linear programming method and
  165. SciPy development videos.
  166. Ilhan Polat for bug fixes on Riccati solvers.
  167. Sebastiano Vigna for code in the stats package related to Kendall's tau.
  168. John Draper for bug fixes.
  169. Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez for axis-dependent modes in multidimensional filters.
  170. Alessandro Pietro Bardelli for improvements to pdist/cdist and to related tests.
  171. Jonathan T. Siebert for bug fixes.
  172. Thomas Keck for adding new scipy.stats distributions used in HEP
  173. David Nicholson for bug fixes in spectral functions.
  174. Roman Feldbauer for improvements in scipy.sparse
  175. Dominic Antonacci for statistics documentation.
  176. David Hagen for the object-oriented ODE solver interface.
  177. Arno Onken for contributions to scipy.stats.
  178. Cathy Douglass for bug fixes in ndimage.
  179. Adam Cox for contributions to scipy.constants.
  180. Charles Masson for the Wasserstein and the Cramér-von Mises statistical
  181. distances.
  182. Felix Lenders for implementing trust-trlib method.
  183. Dezmond Goff for adding optional out parameter to pdist/cdist
  184. Nick R. Papior for allowing a wider choice of solvers
  185. Sean Quinn for the Moyal distribution
  186. Lars Grüter for contributions to peak finding in scipy.signal
  187. Jordan Heemskerk for exposing additional windowing functions in scipy.signal.
  188. Michael Tartre (Two Sigma Investments) for contributions to weighted distance functions.
  189. Institutions
  190. ------------
  191. Enthought for providing resources and finances for development of SciPy.
  192. Brigham Young University for providing resources for students to work on SciPy.
  193. Agilent which gave a genereous donation for support of SciPy.
  194. UC Berkeley for providing travel money and hosting numerous sprints.
  195. The University of Stellenbosch for funding the development of
  196. the SciKits portal.
  197. Google Inc. for updating documentation of hypergeometric distribution.
  198. Datadog Inc. for contributions to scipy.stats.
  199. Urthecast Inc. for exposing additional windowing functions in scipy.signal.