- # Natural Language Toolkit: Feature Structures
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
- # Author: Edward Loper <edloper@gmail.com>,
- # Rob Speer,
- # Steven Bird <stevenbird1@gmail.com>
- # URL: <http://nltk.sourceforge.net>
- # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
- """
- Basic data classes for representing feature structures, and for
- performing basic operations on those feature structures. A feature
- structure is a mapping from feature identifiers to feature values,
- where each feature value is either a basic value (such as a string or
- an integer), or a nested feature structure. There are two types of
- feature structure, implemented by two subclasses of ``FeatStruct``:
- - feature dictionaries, implemented by ``FeatDict``, act like
- Python dictionaries. Feature identifiers may be strings or
- instances of the ``Feature`` class.
- - feature lists, implemented by ``FeatList``, act like Python
- lists. Feature identifiers are integers.
- Feature structures are typically used to represent partial information
- about objects. A feature identifier that is not mapped to a value
- stands for a feature whose value is unknown (*not* a feature without
- a value). Two feature structures that represent (potentially
- overlapping) information about the same object can be combined by
- unification. When two inconsistent feature structures are unified,
- the unification fails and returns None.
- Features can be specified using "feature paths", or tuples of feature
- identifiers that specify path through the nested feature structures to
- a value. Feature structures may contain reentrant feature values. A
- "reentrant feature value" is a single feature value that can be
- accessed via multiple feature paths. Unification preserves the
- reentrance relations imposed by both of the unified feature
- structures. In the feature structure resulting from unification, any
- modifications to a reentrant feature value will be visible using any
- of its feature paths.
- Feature structure variables are encoded using the ``nltk.sem.Variable``
- class. The variables' values are tracked using a bindings
- dictionary, which maps variables to their values. When two feature
- structures are unified, a fresh bindings dictionary is created to
- track their values; and before unification completes, all bound
- variables are replaced by their values. Thus, the bindings
- dictionaries are usually strictly internal to the unification process.
- However, it is possible to track the bindings of variables if you
- choose to, by supplying your own initial bindings dictionary to the
- ``unify()`` function.
- When unbound variables are unified with one another, they become
- aliased. This is encoded by binding one variable to the other.
- Lightweight Feature Structures
- ==============================
- Many of the functions defined by ``nltk.featstruct`` can be applied
- directly to simple Python dictionaries and lists, rather than to
- full-fledged ``FeatDict`` and ``FeatList`` objects. In other words,
- Python ``dicts`` and ``lists`` can be used as "light-weight" feature
- structures.
- >>> from nltk.featstruct import unify
- >>> unify(dict(x=1, y=dict()), dict(a='a', y=dict(b='b'))) # doctest: +SKIP
- {'y': {'b': 'b'}, 'x': 1, 'a': 'a'}
- However, you should keep in mind the following caveats:
- - Python dictionaries & lists ignore reentrance when checking for
- equality between values. But two FeatStructs with different
- reentrances are considered nonequal, even if all their base
- values are equal.
- - FeatStructs can be easily frozen, allowing them to be used as
- keys in hash tables. Python dictionaries and lists can not.
- - FeatStructs display reentrance in their string representations;
- Python dictionaries and lists do not.
- - FeatStructs may *not* be mixed with Python dictionaries and lists
- (e.g., when performing unification).
- - FeatStructs provide a number of useful methods, such as ``walk()``
- and ``cyclic()``, which are not available for Python dicts and lists.
- In general, if your feature structures will contain any reentrances,
- or if you plan to use them as dictionary keys, it is strongly
- recommended that you use full-fledged ``FeatStruct`` objects.
- """
- from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division
- import re
- import copy
- from functools import total_ordering
- from six import integer_types, string_types
- from nltk.internals import read_str, raise_unorderable_types
- from nltk.sem.logic import (
- Variable,
- Expression,
- SubstituteBindingsI,
- LogicParser,
- LogicalExpressionException,
- )
- from nltk.compat import python_2_unicode_compatible, unicode_repr
- ######################################################################
- # Feature Structure
- ######################################################################
- @total_ordering
- class FeatStruct(SubstituteBindingsI):
- """
- A mapping from feature identifiers to feature values, where each
- feature value is either a basic value (such as a string or an
- integer), or a nested feature structure. There are two types of
- feature structure:
- - feature dictionaries, implemented by ``FeatDict``, act like
- Python dictionaries. Feature identifiers may be strings or
- instances of the ``Feature`` class.
- - feature lists, implemented by ``FeatList``, act like Python
- lists. Feature identifiers are integers.
- Feature structures may be indexed using either simple feature
- identifiers or 'feature paths.' A feature path is a sequence
- of feature identifiers that stand for a corresponding sequence of
- indexing operations. In particular, ``fstruct[(f1,f2,...,fn)]`` is
- equivalent to ``fstruct[f1][f2]...[fn]``.
- Feature structures may contain reentrant feature structures. A
- "reentrant feature structure" is a single feature structure
- object that can be accessed via multiple feature paths. Feature
- structures may also be cyclic. A feature structure is "cyclic"
- if there is any feature path from the feature structure to itself.
- Two feature structures are considered equal if they assign the
- same values to all features, and have the same reentrancies.
- By default, feature structures are mutable. They may be made
- immutable with the ``freeze()`` method. Once they have been
- frozen, they may be hashed, and thus used as dictionary keys.
- """
- _frozen = False
- """:ivar: A flag indicating whether this feature structure is
- frozen or not. Once this flag is set, it should never be
- un-set; and no further modification should be made to this
- feature structue."""
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Constructor
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def __new__(cls, features=None, **morefeatures):
- """
- Construct and return a new feature structure. If this
- constructor is called directly, then the returned feature
- structure will be an instance of either the ``FeatDict`` class
- or the ``FeatList`` class.
- :param features: The initial feature values for this feature
- structure:
- - FeatStruct(string) -> FeatStructReader().read(string)
- - FeatStruct(mapping) -> FeatDict(mapping)
- - FeatStruct(sequence) -> FeatList(sequence)
- - FeatStruct() -> FeatDict()
- :param morefeatures: If ``features`` is a mapping or None,
- then ``morefeatures`` provides additional features for the
- ``FeatDict`` constructor.
- """
- # If the FeatStruct constructor is called directly, then decide
- # whether to create a FeatDict or a FeatList, based on the
- # contents of the `features` argument.
- if cls is FeatStruct:
- if features is None:
- return FeatDict.__new__(FeatDict, **morefeatures)
- elif _is_mapping(features):
- return FeatDict.__new__(FeatDict, features, **morefeatures)
- elif morefeatures:
- raise TypeError(
- 'Keyword arguments may only be specified '
- 'if features is None or is a mapping.'
- )
- if isinstance(features, string_types):
- if FeatStructReader._START_FDICT_RE.match(features):
- return FeatDict.__new__(FeatDict, features, **morefeatures)
- else:
- return FeatList.__new__(FeatList, features, **morefeatures)
- elif _is_sequence(features):
- return FeatList.__new__(FeatList, features)
- else:
- raise TypeError('Expected string or mapping or sequence')
- # Otherwise, construct the object as normal.
- else:
- return super(FeatStruct, cls).__new__(cls, features, **morefeatures)
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Uniform Accessor Methods
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # These helper functions allow the methods defined by FeatStruct
- # to treat all feature structures as mappings, even if they're
- # really lists. (Lists are treated as mappings from ints to vals)
- def _keys(self):
- """Return an iterable of the feature identifiers used by this
- FeatStruct."""
- raise NotImplementedError() # Implemented by subclasses.
- def _values(self):
- """Return an iterable of the feature values directly defined
- by this FeatStruct."""
- raise NotImplementedError() # Implemented by subclasses.
- def _items(self):
- """Return an iterable of (fid,fval) pairs, where fid is a
- feature identifier and fval is the corresponding feature
- value, for all features defined by this FeatStruct."""
- raise NotImplementedError() # Implemented by subclasses.
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Equality & Hashing
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def equal_values(self, other, check_reentrance=False):
- """
- Return True if ``self`` and ``other`` assign the same value to
- to every feature. In particular, return true if
- ``self[p]==other[p]`` for every feature path *p* such
- that ``self[p]`` or ``other[p]`` is a base value (i.e.,
- not a nested feature structure).
- :param check_reentrance: If True, then also return False if
- there is any difference between the reentrances of ``self``
- and ``other``.
- :note: the ``==`` is equivalent to ``equal_values()`` with
- ``check_reentrance=True``.
- """
- return self._equal(other, check_reentrance, set(), set(), set())
- def __eq__(self, other):
- """
- Return true if ``self`` and ``other`` are both feature structures,
- assign the same values to all features, and contain the same
- reentrances. I.e., return
- ``self.equal_values(other, check_reentrance=True)``.
- :see: ``equal_values()``
- """
- return self._equal(other, True, set(), set(), set())
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self == other
- def __lt__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, FeatStruct):
- # raise_unorderable_types("<", self, other)
- # Sometimes feature values can be pure strings,
- # so we need to be able to compare with non-featstructs:
- return self.__class__.__name__ < other.__class__.__name__
- else:
- return len(self) < len(other)
- def __hash__(self):
- """
- If this feature structure is frozen, return its hash value;
- otherwise, raise ``TypeError``.
- """
- if not self._frozen:
- raise TypeError('FeatStructs must be frozen before they ' 'can be hashed.')
- try:
- return self._hash
- except AttributeError:
- self._hash = self._calculate_hashvalue(set())
- return self._hash
- def _equal(
- self, other, check_reentrance, visited_self, visited_other, visited_pairs
- ):
- """
- Return True iff self and other have equal values.
- :param visited_self: A set containing the ids of all ``self``
- feature structures we've already visited.
- :param visited_other: A set containing the ids of all ``other``
- feature structures we've already visited.
- :param visited_pairs: A set containing ``(selfid, otherid)`` pairs
- for all pairs of feature structures we've already visited.
- """
- # If we're the same object, then we're equal.
- if self is other:
- return True
- # If we have different classes, we're definitely not equal.
- if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
- return False
- # If we define different features, we're definitely not equal.
- # (Perform len test first because it's faster -- we should
- # do profiling to see if this actually helps)
- if len(self) != len(other):
- return False
- if set(self._keys()) != set(other._keys()):
- return False
- # If we're checking reentrance, then any time we revisit a
- # structure, make sure that it was paired with the same
- # feature structure that it is now. Note: if check_reentrance,
- # then visited_pairs will never contain two pairs whose first
- # values are equal, or two pairs whose second values are equal.
- if check_reentrance:
- if id(self) in visited_self or id(other) in visited_other:
- return (id(self), id(other)) in visited_pairs
- # If we're not checking reentrance, then we still need to deal
- # with cycles. If we encounter the same (self, other) pair a
- # second time, then we won't learn anything more by examining
- # their children a second time, so just return true.
- else:
- if (id(self), id(other)) in visited_pairs:
- return True
- # Keep track of which nodes we've visited.
- visited_self.add(id(self))
- visited_other.add(id(other))
- visited_pairs.add((id(self), id(other)))
- # Now we have to check all values. If any of them don't match,
- # then return false.
- for (fname, self_fval) in self._items():
- other_fval = other[fname]
- if isinstance(self_fval, FeatStruct):
- if not self_fval._equal(
- other_fval,
- check_reentrance,
- visited_self,
- visited_other,
- visited_pairs,
- ):
- return False
- else:
- if self_fval != other_fval:
- return False
- # Everything matched up; return true.
- return True
- def _calculate_hashvalue(self, visited):
- """
- Return a hash value for this feature structure.
- :require: ``self`` must be frozen.
- :param visited: A set containing the ids of all feature
- structures we've already visited while hashing.
- """
- if id(self) in visited:
- return 1
- visited.add(id(self))
- hashval = 5831
- for (fname, fval) in sorted(self._items()):
- hashval *= 37
- hashval += hash(fname)
- hashval *= 37
- if isinstance(fval, FeatStruct):
- hashval += fval._calculate_hashvalue(visited)
- else:
- hashval += hash(fval)
- # Convert to a 32 bit int.
- hashval = int(hashval & 0x7FFFFFFF)
- return hashval
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Freezing
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #: Error message used by mutating methods when called on a frozen
- #: feature structure.
- _FROZEN_ERROR = "Frozen FeatStructs may not be modified."
- def freeze(self):
- """
- Make this feature structure, and any feature structures it
- contains, immutable. Note: this method does not attempt to
- 'freeze' any feature value that is not a ``FeatStruct``; it
- is recommended that you use only immutable feature values.
- """
- if self._frozen:
- return
- self._freeze(set())
- def frozen(self):
- """
- Return True if this feature structure is immutable. Feature
- structures can be made immutable with the ``freeze()`` method.
- Immutable feature structures may not be made mutable again,
- but new mutable copies can be produced with the ``copy()`` method.
- """
- return self._frozen
- def _freeze(self, visited):
- """
- Make this feature structure, and any feature structure it
- contains, immutable.
- :param visited: A set containing the ids of all feature
- structures we've already visited while freezing.
- """
- if id(self) in visited:
- return
- visited.add(id(self))
- self._frozen = True
- for (fname, fval) in sorted(self._items()):
- if isinstance(fval, FeatStruct):
- fval._freeze(visited)
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Copying
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def copy(self, deep=True):
- """
- Return a new copy of ``self``. The new copy will not be frozen.
- :param deep: If true, create a deep copy; if false, create
- a shallow copy.
- """
- if deep:
- return copy.deepcopy(self)
- else:
- return self.__class__(self)
- # Subclasses should define __deepcopy__ to ensure that the new
- # copy will not be frozen.
- def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
- raise NotImplementedError() # Implemented by subclasses.
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Structural Information
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def cyclic(self):
- """
- Return True if this feature structure contains itself.
- """
- return self._find_reentrances({})[id(self)]
- def walk(self):
- """
- Return an iterator that generates this feature structure, and
- each feature structure it contains. Each feature structure will
- be generated exactly once.
- """
- return self._walk(set())
- def _walk(self, visited):
- """
- Return an iterator that generates this feature structure, and
- each feature structure it contains.
- :param visited: A set containing the ids of all feature
- structures we've already visited while freezing.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError() # Implemented by subclasses.
- def _walk(self, visited):
- if id(self) in visited:
- return
- visited.add(id(self))
- yield self
- for fval in self._values():
- if isinstance(fval, FeatStruct):
- for elt in fval._walk(visited):
- yield elt
- # Walk through the feature tree. The first time we see a feature
- # value, map it to False (not reentrant). If we see a feature
- # value more than once, then map it to True (reentrant).
- def _find_reentrances(self, reentrances):
- """
- Return a dictionary that maps from the ``id`` of each feature
- structure contained in ``self`` (including ``self``) to a
- boolean value, indicating whether it is reentrant or not.
- """
- if id(self) in reentrances:
- # We've seen it more than once.
- reentrances[id(self)] = True
- else:
- # This is the first time we've seen it.
- reentrances[id(self)] = False
- # Recurse to contained feature structures.
- for fval in self._values():
- if isinstance(fval, FeatStruct):
- fval._find_reentrances(reentrances)
- return reentrances
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Variables & Bindings
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def substitute_bindings(self, bindings):
- """:see: ``nltk.featstruct.substitute_bindings()``"""
- return substitute_bindings(self, bindings)
- def retract_bindings(self, bindings):
- """:see: ``nltk.featstruct.retract_bindings()``"""
- return retract_bindings(self, bindings)
- def variables(self):
- """:see: ``nltk.featstruct.find_variables()``"""
- return find_variables(self)
- def rename_variables(self, vars=None, used_vars=(), new_vars=None):
- """:see: ``nltk.featstruct.rename_variables()``"""
- return rename_variables(self, vars, used_vars, new_vars)
- def remove_variables(self):
- """
- Return the feature structure that is obtained by deleting
- any feature whose value is a ``Variable``.
- :rtype: FeatStruct
- """
- return remove_variables(self)
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Unification
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def unify(self, other, bindings=None, trace=False, fail=None, rename_vars=True):
- return unify(self, other, bindings, trace, fail, rename_vars)
- def subsumes(self, other):
- """
- Return True if ``self`` subsumes ``other``. I.e., return true
- If unifying ``self`` with ``other`` would result in a feature
- structure equal to ``other``.
- """
- return subsumes(self, other)
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { String Representations
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def __repr__(self):
- """
- Display a single-line representation of this feature structure,
- suitable for embedding in other representations.
- """
- return self._repr(self._find_reentrances({}), {})
- def _repr(self, reentrances, reentrance_ids):
- """
- Return a string representation of this feature structure.
- :param reentrances: A dictionary that maps from the ``id`` of
- each feature value in self, indicating whether that value
- is reentrant or not.
- :param reentrance_ids: A dictionary mapping from each ``id``
- of a feature value to a unique identifier. This is modified
- by ``repr``: the first time a reentrant feature value is
- displayed, an identifier is added to ``reentrance_ids`` for it.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- # Mutation: disable if frozen.
- _FROZEN_ERROR = "Frozen FeatStructs may not be modified."
- _FROZEN_NOTICE = "\n%sIf self is frozen, raise ValueError."
- def _check_frozen(method, indent=''):
- """
- Given a method function, return a new method function that first
- checks if ``self._frozen`` is true; and if so, raises ``ValueError``
- with an appropriate message. Otherwise, call the method and return
- its result.
- """
- def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if self._frozen:
- raise ValueError(_FROZEN_ERROR)
- else:
- return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
- wrapped.__name__ = method.__name__
- wrapped.__doc__ = (method.__doc__ or '') + (_FROZEN_NOTICE % indent)
- return wrapped
- ######################################################################
- # Feature Dictionary
- ######################################################################
- @python_2_unicode_compatible
- class FeatDict(FeatStruct, dict):
- """
- A feature structure that acts like a Python dictionary. I.e., a
- mapping from feature identifiers to feature values, where a feature
- identifier can be a string or a ``Feature``; and where a feature value
- can be either a basic value (such as a string or an integer), or a nested
- feature structure. A feature identifiers for a ``FeatDict`` is
- sometimes called a "feature name".
- Two feature dicts are considered equal if they assign the same
- values to all features, and have the same reentrances.
- :see: ``FeatStruct`` for information about feature paths, reentrance,
- cyclic feature structures, mutability, freezing, and hashing.
- """
- def __init__(self, features=None, **morefeatures):
- """
- Create a new feature dictionary, with the specified features.
- :param features: The initial value for this feature
- dictionary. If ``features`` is a ``FeatStruct``, then its
- features are copied (shallow copy). If ``features`` is a
- dict, then a feature is created for each item, mapping its
- key to its value. If ``features`` is a string, then it is
- processed using ``FeatStructReader``. If ``features`` is a list of
- tuples ``(name, val)``, then a feature is created for each tuple.
- :param morefeatures: Additional features for the new feature
- dictionary. If a feature is listed under both ``features`` and
- ``morefeatures``, then the value from ``morefeatures`` will be
- used.
- """
- if isinstance(features, string_types):
- FeatStructReader().fromstring(features, self)
- self.update(**morefeatures)
- else:
- # update() checks the types of features.
- self.update(features, **morefeatures)
- # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Dict methods
- # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- _INDEX_ERROR = str("Expected feature name or path. Got %r.")
- def __getitem__(self, name_or_path):
- """If the feature with the given name or path exists, return
- its value; otherwise, raise ``KeyError``."""
- if isinstance(name_or_path, (string_types, Feature)):
- return dict.__getitem__(self, name_or_path)
- elif isinstance(name_or_path, tuple):
- try:
- val = self
- for fid in name_or_path:
- if not isinstance(val, FeatStruct):
- raise KeyError # path contains base value
- val = val[fid]
- return val
- except (KeyError, IndexError):
- raise KeyError(name_or_path)
- else:
- raise TypeError(self._INDEX_ERROR % name_or_path)
- def get(self, name_or_path, default=None):
- """If the feature with the given name or path exists, return its
- value; otherwise, return ``default``."""
- try:
- return self[name_or_path]
- except KeyError:
- return default
- def __contains__(self, name_or_path):
- """Return true if a feature with the given name or path exists."""
- try:
- self[name_or_path]
- return True
- except KeyError:
- return False
- def has_key(self, name_or_path):
- """Return true if a feature with the given name or path exists."""
- return name_or_path in self
- def __delitem__(self, name_or_path):
- """If the feature with the given name or path exists, delete
- its value; otherwise, raise ``KeyError``."""
- if self._frozen:
- raise ValueError(_FROZEN_ERROR)
- if isinstance(name_or_path, (string_types, Feature)):
- return dict.__delitem__(self, name_or_path)
- elif isinstance(name_or_path, tuple):
- if len(name_or_path) == 0:
- raise ValueError("The path () can not be set")
- else:
- parent = self[name_or_path[:-1]]
- if not isinstance(parent, FeatStruct):
- raise KeyError(name_or_path) # path contains base value
- del parent[name_or_path[-1]]
- else:
- raise TypeError(self._INDEX_ERROR % name_or_path)
- def __setitem__(self, name_or_path, value):
- """Set the value for the feature with the given name or path
- to ``value``. If ``name_or_path`` is an invalid path, raise
- ``KeyError``."""
- if self._frozen:
- raise ValueError(_FROZEN_ERROR)
- if isinstance(name_or_path, (string_types, Feature)):
- return dict.__setitem__(self, name_or_path, value)
- elif isinstance(name_or_path, tuple):
- if len(name_or_path) == 0:
- raise ValueError("The path () can not be set")
- else:
- parent = self[name_or_path[:-1]]
- if not isinstance(parent, FeatStruct):
- raise KeyError(name_or_path) # path contains base value
- parent[name_or_path[-1]] = value
- else:
- raise TypeError(self._INDEX_ERROR % name_or_path)
- clear = _check_frozen(dict.clear)
- pop = _check_frozen(dict.pop)
- popitem = _check_frozen(dict.popitem)
- setdefault = _check_frozen(dict.setdefault)
- def update(self, features=None, **morefeatures):
- if self._frozen:
- raise ValueError(_FROZEN_ERROR)
- if features is None:
- items = ()
- elif hasattr(features, 'items') and callable(features.items):
- items = features.items()
- elif hasattr(features, '__iter__'):
- items = features
- else:
- raise ValueError('Expected mapping or list of tuples')
- for key, val in items:
- if not isinstance(key, (string_types, Feature)):
- raise TypeError('Feature names must be strings')
- self[key] = val
- for key, val in morefeatures.items():
- if not isinstance(key, (string_types, Feature)):
- raise TypeError('Feature names must be strings')
- self[key] = val
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Copying
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
- memo[id(self)] = selfcopy = self.__class__()
- for (key, val) in self._items():
- selfcopy[copy.deepcopy(key, memo)] = copy.deepcopy(val, memo)
- return selfcopy
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Uniform Accessor Methods
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def _keys(self):
- return self.keys()
- def _values(self):
- return self.values()
- def _items(self):
- return self.items()
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { String Representations
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def __str__(self):
- """
- Display a multi-line representation of this feature dictionary
- as an FVM (feature value matrix).
- """
- return '\n'.join(self._str(self._find_reentrances({}), {}))
- def _repr(self, reentrances, reentrance_ids):
- segments = []
- prefix = ''
- suffix = ''
- # If this is the first time we've seen a reentrant structure,
- # then assign it a unique identifier.
- if reentrances[id(self)]:
- assert id(self) not in reentrance_ids
- reentrance_ids[id(self)] = repr(len(reentrance_ids) + 1)
- # sorting note: keys are unique strings, so we'll never fall
- # through to comparing values.
- for (fname, fval) in sorted(self.items()):
- display = getattr(fname, 'display', None)
- if id(fval) in reentrance_ids:
- segments.append('%s->(%s)' % (fname, reentrance_ids[id(fval)]))
- elif (
- display == 'prefix'
- and not prefix
- and isinstance(fval, (Variable, string_types))
- ):
- prefix = '%s' % fval
- elif display == 'slash' and not suffix:
- if isinstance(fval, Variable):
- suffix = '/%s' % fval.name
- else:
- suffix = '/%s' % unicode_repr(fval)
- elif isinstance(fval, Variable):
- segments.append('%s=%s' % (fname, fval.name))
- elif fval is True:
- segments.append('+%s' % fname)
- elif fval is False:
- segments.append('-%s' % fname)
- elif isinstance(fval, Expression):
- segments.append('%s=<%s>' % (fname, fval))
- elif not isinstance(fval, FeatStruct):
- segments.append('%s=%s' % (fname, unicode_repr(fval)))
- else:
- fval_repr = fval._repr(reentrances, reentrance_ids)
- segments.append('%s=%s' % (fname, fval_repr))
- # If it's reentrant, then add on an identifier tag.
- if reentrances[id(self)]:
- prefix = '(%s)%s' % (reentrance_ids[id(self)], prefix)
- return '%s[%s]%s' % (prefix, ', '.join(segments), suffix)
- def _str(self, reentrances, reentrance_ids):
- """
- :return: A list of lines composing a string representation of
- this feature dictionary.
- :param reentrances: A dictionary that maps from the ``id`` of
- each feature value in self, indicating whether that value
- is reentrant or not.
- :param reentrance_ids: A dictionary mapping from each ``id``
- of a feature value to a unique identifier. This is modified
- by ``repr``: the first time a reentrant feature value is
- displayed, an identifier is added to ``reentrance_ids`` for
- it.
- """
- # If this is the first time we've seen a reentrant structure,
- # then tack on an id string.
- if reentrances[id(self)]:
- assert id(self) not in reentrance_ids
- reentrance_ids[id(self)] = repr(len(reentrance_ids) + 1)
- # Special case: empty feature dict.
- if len(self) == 0:
- if reentrances[id(self)]:
- return ['(%s) []' % reentrance_ids[id(self)]]
- else:
- return ['[]']
- # What's the longest feature name? Use this to align names.
- maxfnamelen = max(len("%s" % k) for k in self.keys())
- lines = []
- # sorting note: keys are unique strings, so we'll never fall
- # through to comparing values.
- for (fname, fval) in sorted(self.items()):
- fname = ("%s" % fname).ljust(maxfnamelen)
- if isinstance(fval, Variable):
- lines.append('%s = %s' % (fname, fval.name))
- elif isinstance(fval, Expression):
- lines.append('%s = <%s>' % (fname, fval))
- elif isinstance(fval, FeatList):
- fval_repr = fval._repr(reentrances, reentrance_ids)
- lines.append('%s = %s' % (fname, unicode_repr(fval_repr)))
- elif not isinstance(fval, FeatDict):
- # It's not a nested feature structure -- just print it.
- lines.append('%s = %s' % (fname, unicode_repr(fval)))
- elif id(fval) in reentrance_ids:
- # It's a feature structure we've seen before -- print
- # the reentrance id.
- lines.append('%s -> (%s)' % (fname, reentrance_ids[id(fval)]))
- else:
- # It's a new feature structure. Separate it from
- # other values by a blank line.
- if lines and lines[-1] != '':
- lines.append('')
- # Recursively print the feature's value (fval).
- fval_lines = fval._str(reentrances, reentrance_ids)
- # Indent each line to make room for fname.
- fval_lines = [(' ' * (maxfnamelen + 3)) + l for l in fval_lines]
- # Pick which line we'll display fname on, & splice it in.
- nameline = (len(fval_lines) - 1) // 2
- fval_lines[nameline] = (
- fname + ' =' + fval_lines[nameline][maxfnamelen + 2 :]
- )
- # Add the feature structure to the output.
- lines += fval_lines
- # Separate FeatStructs by a blank line.
- lines.append('')
- # Get rid of any excess blank lines.
- if lines[-1] == '':
- lines.pop()
- # Add brackets around everything.
- maxlen = max(len(line) for line in lines)
- lines = ['[ %s%s ]' % (line, ' ' * (maxlen - len(line))) for line in lines]
- # If it's reentrant, then add on an identifier tag.
- if reentrances[id(self)]:
- idstr = '(%s) ' % reentrance_ids[id(self)]
- lines = [(' ' * len(idstr)) + l for l in lines]
- idline = (len(lines) - 1) // 2
- lines[idline] = idstr + lines[idline][len(idstr) :]
- return lines
- ######################################################################
- # Feature List
- ######################################################################
- class FeatList(FeatStruct, list):
- """
- A list of feature values, where each feature value is either a
- basic value (such as a string or an integer), or a nested feature
- structure.
- Feature lists may contain reentrant feature values. A "reentrant
- feature value" is a single feature value that can be accessed via
- multiple feature paths. Feature lists may also be cyclic.
- Two feature lists are considered equal if they assign the same
- values to all features, and have the same reentrances.
- :see: ``FeatStruct`` for information about feature paths, reentrance,
- cyclic feature structures, mutability, freezing, and hashing.
- """
- def __init__(self, features=()):
- """
- Create a new feature list, with the specified features.
- :param features: The initial list of features for this feature
- list. If ``features`` is a string, then it is paresd using
- ``FeatStructReader``. Otherwise, it should be a sequence
- of basic values and nested feature structures.
- """
- if isinstance(features, string_types):
- FeatStructReader().fromstring(features, self)
- else:
- list.__init__(self, features)
- # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { List methods
- # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- _INDEX_ERROR = "Expected int or feature path. Got %r."
- def __getitem__(self, name_or_path):
- if isinstance(name_or_path, integer_types):
- return list.__getitem__(self, name_or_path)
- elif isinstance(name_or_path, tuple):
- try:
- val = self
- for fid in name_or_path:
- if not isinstance(val, FeatStruct):
- raise KeyError # path contains base value
- val = val[fid]
- return val
- except (KeyError, IndexError):
- raise KeyError(name_or_path)
- else:
- raise TypeError(self._INDEX_ERROR % name_or_path)
- def __delitem__(self, name_or_path):
- """If the feature with the given name or path exists, delete
- its value; otherwise, raise ``KeyError``."""
- if self._frozen:
- raise ValueError(_FROZEN_ERROR)
- if isinstance(name_or_path, (integer_types, slice)):
- return list.__delitem__(self, name_or_path)
- elif isinstance(name_or_path, tuple):
- if len(name_or_path) == 0:
- raise ValueError("The path () can not be set")
- else:
- parent = self[name_or_path[:-1]]
- if not isinstance(parent, FeatStruct):
- raise KeyError(name_or_path) # path contains base value
- del parent[name_or_path[-1]]
- else:
- raise TypeError(self._INDEX_ERROR % name_or_path)
- def __setitem__(self, name_or_path, value):
- """Set the value for the feature with the given name or path
- to ``value``. If ``name_or_path`` is an invalid path, raise
- ``KeyError``."""
- if self._frozen:
- raise ValueError(_FROZEN_ERROR)
- if isinstance(name_or_path, (integer_types, slice)):
- return list.__setitem__(self, name_or_path, value)
- elif isinstance(name_or_path, tuple):
- if len(name_or_path) == 0:
- raise ValueError("The path () can not be set")
- else:
- parent = self[name_or_path[:-1]]
- if not isinstance(parent, FeatStruct):
- raise KeyError(name_or_path) # path contains base value
- parent[name_or_path[-1]] = value
- else:
- raise TypeError(self._INDEX_ERROR % name_or_path)
- # __delslice__ = _check_frozen(list.__delslice__, ' ')
- # __setslice__ = _check_frozen(list.__setslice__, ' ')
- __iadd__ = _check_frozen(list.__iadd__)
- __imul__ = _check_frozen(list.__imul__)
- append = _check_frozen(list.append)
- extend = _check_frozen(list.extend)
- insert = _check_frozen(list.insert)
- pop = _check_frozen(list.pop)
- remove = _check_frozen(list.remove)
- reverse = _check_frozen(list.reverse)
- sort = _check_frozen(list.sort)
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Copying
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
- memo[id(self)] = selfcopy = self.__class__()
- selfcopy.extend(copy.deepcopy(fval, memo) for fval in self)
- return selfcopy
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Uniform Accessor Methods
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def _keys(self):
- return list(range(len(self)))
- def _values(self):
- return self
- def _items(self):
- return enumerate(self)
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { String Representations
- ##////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # Special handling for: reentrances, variables, expressions.
- def _repr(self, reentrances, reentrance_ids):
- # If this is the first time we've seen a reentrant structure,
- # then assign it a unique identifier.
- if reentrances[id(self)]:
- assert id(self) not in reentrance_ids
- reentrance_ids[id(self)] = repr(len(reentrance_ids) + 1)
- prefix = '(%s)' % reentrance_ids[id(self)]
- else:
- prefix = ''
- segments = []
- for fval in self:
- if id(fval) in reentrance_ids:
- segments.append('->(%s)' % reentrance_ids[id(fval)])
- elif isinstance(fval, Variable):
- segments.append(fval.name)
- elif isinstance(fval, Expression):
- segments.append('%s' % fval)
- elif isinstance(fval, FeatStruct):
- segments.append(fval._repr(reentrances, reentrance_ids))
- else:
- segments.append('%s' % unicode_repr(fval))
- return '%s[%s]' % (prefix, ', '.join(segments))
- ######################################################################
- # Variables & Bindings
- ######################################################################
- def substitute_bindings(fstruct, bindings, fs_class='default'):
- """
- Return the feature structure that is obtained by replacing each
- variable bound by ``bindings`` with its binding. If a variable is
- aliased to a bound variable, then it will be replaced by that
- variable's value. If a variable is aliased to an unbound
- variable, then it will be replaced by that variable.
- :type bindings: dict(Variable -> any)
- :param bindings: A dictionary mapping from variables to values.
- """
- if fs_class == 'default':
- fs_class = _default_fs_class(fstruct)
- fstruct = copy.deepcopy(fstruct)
- _substitute_bindings(fstruct, bindings, fs_class, set())
- return fstruct
- def _substitute_bindings(fstruct, bindings, fs_class, visited):
- # Visit each node only once:
- if id(fstruct) in visited:
- return
- visited.add(id(fstruct))
- if _is_mapping(fstruct):
- items = fstruct.items()
- elif _is_sequence(fstruct):
- items = enumerate(fstruct)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Expected mapping or sequence')
- for (fname, fval) in items:
- while isinstance(fval, Variable) and fval in bindings:
- fval = fstruct[fname] = bindings[fval]
- if isinstance(fval, fs_class):
- _substitute_bindings(fval, bindings, fs_class, visited)
- elif isinstance(fval, SubstituteBindingsI):
- fstruct[fname] = fval.substitute_bindings(bindings)
- def retract_bindings(fstruct, bindings, fs_class='default'):
- """
- Return the feature structure that is obtained by replacing each
- feature structure value that is bound by ``bindings`` with the
- variable that binds it. A feature structure value must be
- identical to a bound value (i.e., have equal id) to be replaced.
- ``bindings`` is modified to point to this new feature structure,
- rather than the original feature structure. Feature structure
- values in ``bindings`` may be modified if they are contained in
- ``fstruct``.
- """
- if fs_class == 'default':
- fs_class = _default_fs_class(fstruct)
- (fstruct, new_bindings) = copy.deepcopy((fstruct, bindings))
- bindings.update(new_bindings)
- inv_bindings = dict((id(val), var) for (var, val) in bindings.items())
- _retract_bindings(fstruct, inv_bindings, fs_class, set())
- return fstruct
- def _retract_bindings(fstruct, inv_bindings, fs_class, visited):
- # Visit each node only once:
- if id(fstruct) in visited:
- return
- visited.add(id(fstruct))
- if _is_mapping(fstruct):
- items = fstruct.items()
- elif _is_sequence(fstruct):
- items = enumerate(fstruct)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Expected mapping or sequence')
- for (fname, fval) in items:
- if isinstance(fval, fs_class):
- if id(fval) in inv_bindings:
- fstruct[fname] = inv_bindings[id(fval)]
- _retract_bindings(fval, inv_bindings, fs_class, visited)
- def find_variables(fstruct, fs_class='default'):
- """
- :return: The set of variables used by this feature structure.
- :rtype: set(Variable)
- """
- if fs_class == 'default':
- fs_class = _default_fs_class(fstruct)
- return _variables(fstruct, set(), fs_class, set())
- def _variables(fstruct, vars, fs_class, visited):
- # Visit each node only once:
- if id(fstruct) in visited:
- return
- visited.add(id(fstruct))
- if _is_mapping(fstruct):
- items = fstruct.items()
- elif _is_sequence(fstruct):
- items = enumerate(fstruct)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Expected mapping or sequence')
- for (fname, fval) in items:
- if isinstance(fval, Variable):
- vars.add(fval)
- elif isinstance(fval, fs_class):
- _variables(fval, vars, fs_class, visited)
- elif isinstance(fval, SubstituteBindingsI):
- vars.update(fval.variables())
- return vars
- def rename_variables(
- fstruct, vars=None, used_vars=(), new_vars=None, fs_class='default'
- ):
- """
- Return the feature structure that is obtained by replacing
- any of this feature structure's variables that are in ``vars``
- with new variables. The names for these new variables will be
- names that are not used by any variable in ``vars``, or in
- ``used_vars``, or in this feature structure.
- :type vars: set
- :param vars: The set of variables that should be renamed.
- If not specified, ``find_variables(fstruct)`` is used; i.e., all
- variables will be given new names.
- :type used_vars: set
- :param used_vars: A set of variables whose names should not be
- used by the new variables.
- :type new_vars: dict(Variable -> Variable)
- :param new_vars: A dictionary that is used to hold the mapping
- from old variables to new variables. For each variable *v*
- in this feature structure:
- - If ``new_vars`` maps *v* to *v'*, then *v* will be
- replaced by *v'*.
- - If ``new_vars`` does not contain *v*, but ``vars``
- does contain *v*, then a new entry will be added to
- ``new_vars``, mapping *v* to the new variable that is used
- to replace it.
- To consistently rename the variables in a set of feature
- structures, simply apply rename_variables to each one, using
- the same dictionary:
- >>> from nltk.featstruct import FeatStruct
- >>> fstruct1 = FeatStruct('[subj=[agr=[gender=?y]], obj=[agr=[gender=?y]]]')
- >>> fstruct2 = FeatStruct('[subj=[agr=[number=?z,gender=?y]], obj=[agr=[number=?z,gender=?y]]]')
- >>> new_vars = {} # Maps old vars to alpha-renamed vars
- >>> fstruct1.rename_variables(new_vars=new_vars)
- [obj=[agr=[gender=?y2]], subj=[agr=[gender=?y2]]]
- >>> fstruct2.rename_variables(new_vars=new_vars)
- [obj=[agr=[gender=?y2, number=?z2]], subj=[agr=[gender=?y2, number=?z2]]]
- If new_vars is not specified, then an empty dictionary is used.
- """
- if fs_class == 'default':
- fs_class = _default_fs_class(fstruct)
- # Default values:
- if new_vars is None:
- new_vars = {}
- if vars is None:
- vars = find_variables(fstruct, fs_class)
- else:
- vars = set(vars)
- # Add our own variables to used_vars.
- used_vars = find_variables(fstruct, fs_class).union(used_vars)
- # Copy ourselves, and rename variables in the copy.
- return _rename_variables(
- copy.deepcopy(fstruct), vars, used_vars, new_vars, fs_class, set()
- )
- def _rename_variables(fstruct, vars, used_vars, new_vars, fs_class, visited):
- if id(fstruct) in visited:
- return
- visited.add(id(fstruct))
- if _is_mapping(fstruct):
- items = fstruct.items()
- elif _is_sequence(fstruct):
- items = enumerate(fstruct)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Expected mapping or sequence')
- for (fname, fval) in items:
- if isinstance(fval, Variable):
- # If it's in new_vars, then rebind it.
- if fval in new_vars:
- fstruct[fname] = new_vars[fval]
- # If it's in vars, pick a new name for it.
- elif fval in vars:
- new_vars[fval] = _rename_variable(fval, used_vars)
- fstruct[fname] = new_vars[fval]
- used_vars.add(new_vars[fval])
- elif isinstance(fval, fs_class):
- _rename_variables(fval, vars, used_vars, new_vars, fs_class, visited)
- elif isinstance(fval, SubstituteBindingsI):
- # Pick new names for any variables in `vars`
- for var in fval.variables():
- if var in vars and var not in new_vars:
- new_vars[var] = _rename_variable(var, used_vars)
- used_vars.add(new_vars[var])
- # Replace all variables in `new_vars`.
- fstruct[fname] = fval.substitute_bindings(new_vars)
- return fstruct
- def _rename_variable(var, used_vars):
- name, n = re.sub('\d+$', '', var.name), 2
- if not name:
- name = '?'
- while Variable('%s%s' % (name, n)) in used_vars:
- n += 1
- return Variable('%s%s' % (name, n))
- def remove_variables(fstruct, fs_class='default'):
- """
- :rtype: FeatStruct
- :return: The feature structure that is obtained by deleting
- all features whose values are ``Variables``.
- """
- if fs_class == 'default':
- fs_class = _default_fs_class(fstruct)
- return _remove_variables(copy.deepcopy(fstruct), fs_class, set())
- def _remove_variables(fstruct, fs_class, visited):
- if id(fstruct) in visited:
- return
- visited.add(id(fstruct))
- if _is_mapping(fstruct):
- items = list(fstruct.items())
- elif _is_sequence(fstruct):
- items = list(enumerate(fstruct))
- else:
- raise ValueError('Expected mapping or sequence')
- for (fname, fval) in items:
- if isinstance(fval, Variable):
- del fstruct[fname]
- elif isinstance(fval, fs_class):
- _remove_variables(fval, fs_class, visited)
- return fstruct
- ######################################################################
- # Unification
- ######################################################################
- @python_2_unicode_compatible
- class _UnificationFailure(object):
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'nltk.featstruct.UnificationFailure'
- UnificationFailure = _UnificationFailure()
- """A unique value used to indicate unification failure. It can be
- returned by ``Feature.unify_base_values()`` or by custom ``fail()``
- functions to indicate that unificaiton should fail."""
- # The basic unification algorithm:
- # 1. Make copies of self and other (preserving reentrance)
- # 2. Destructively unify self and other
- # 3. Apply forward pointers, to preserve reentrance.
- # 4. Replace bound variables with their values.
- def unify(
- fstruct1,
- fstruct2,
- bindings=None,
- trace=False,
- fail=None,
- rename_vars=True,
- fs_class='default',
- ):
- """
- Unify ``fstruct1`` with ``fstruct2``, and return the resulting feature
- structure. This unified feature structure is the minimal
- feature structure that contains all feature value assignments from both
- ``fstruct1`` and ``fstruct2``, and that preserves all reentrancies.
- If no such feature structure exists (because ``fstruct1`` and
- ``fstruct2`` specify incompatible values for some feature), then
- unification fails, and ``unify`` returns None.
- Bound variables are replaced by their values. Aliased
- variables are replaced by their representative variable
- (if unbound) or the value of their representative variable
- (if bound). I.e., if variable *v* is in ``bindings``,
- then *v* is replaced by ``bindings[v]``. This will
- be repeated until the variable is replaced by an unbound
- variable or a non-variable value.
- Unbound variables are bound when they are unified with
- values; and aliased when they are unified with variables.
- I.e., if variable *v* is not in ``bindings``, and is
- unified with a variable or value *x*, then
- ``bindings[v]`` is set to *x*.
- If ``bindings`` is unspecified, then all variables are
- assumed to be unbound. I.e., ``bindings`` defaults to an
- empty dict.
- >>> from nltk.featstruct import FeatStruct
- >>> FeatStruct('[a=?x]').unify(FeatStruct('[b=?x]'))
- [a=?x, b=?x2]
- :type bindings: dict(Variable -> any)
- :param bindings: A set of variable bindings to be used and
- updated during unification.
- :type trace: bool
- :param trace: If true, generate trace output.
- :type rename_vars: bool
- :param rename_vars: If True, then rename any variables in
- ``fstruct2`` that are also used in ``fstruct1``, in order to
- avoid collisions on variable names.
- """
- # Decide which class(es) will be treated as feature structures,
- # for the purposes of unification.
- if fs_class == 'default':
- fs_class = _default_fs_class(fstruct1)
- if _default_fs_class(fstruct2) != fs_class:
- raise ValueError(
- "Mixing FeatStruct objects with Python "
- "dicts and lists is not supported."
- )
- assert isinstance(fstruct1, fs_class)
- assert isinstance(fstruct2, fs_class)
- # If bindings are unspecified, use an empty set of bindings.
- user_bindings = bindings is not None
- if bindings is None:
- bindings = {}
- # Make copies of fstruct1 and fstruct2 (since the unification
- # algorithm is destructive). Do it all at once, to preserve
- # reentrance links between fstruct1 and fstruct2. Copy bindings
- # as well, in case there are any bound vars that contain parts
- # of fstruct1 or fstruct2.
- (fstruct1copy, fstruct2copy, bindings_copy) = copy.deepcopy(
- (fstruct1, fstruct2, bindings)
- )
- # Copy the bindings back to the original bindings dict.
- bindings.update(bindings_copy)
- if rename_vars:
- vars1 = find_variables(fstruct1copy, fs_class)
- vars2 = find_variables(fstruct2copy, fs_class)
- _rename_variables(fstruct2copy, vars1, vars2, {}, fs_class, set())
- # Do the actual unification. If it fails, return None.
- forward = {}
- if trace:
- _trace_unify_start((), fstruct1copy, fstruct2copy)
- try:
- result = _destructively_unify(
- fstruct1copy, fstruct2copy, bindings, forward, trace, fail, fs_class, ()
- )
- except _UnificationFailureError:
- return None
- # _destructively_unify might return UnificationFailure, e.g. if we
- # tried to unify a mapping with a sequence.
- if result is UnificationFailure:
- if fail is None:
- return None
- else:
- return fail(fstruct1copy, fstruct2copy, ())
- # Replace any feature structure that has a forward pointer
- # with the target of its forward pointer.
- result = _apply_forwards(result, forward, fs_class, set())
- if user_bindings:
- _apply_forwards_to_bindings(forward, bindings)
- # Replace bound vars with values.
- _resolve_aliases(bindings)
- _substitute_bindings(result, bindings, fs_class, set())
- # Return the result.
- if trace:
- _trace_unify_succeed((), result)
- if trace:
- _trace_bindings((), bindings)
- return result
- class _UnificationFailureError(Exception):
- """An exception that is used by ``_destructively_unify`` to abort
- unification when a failure is encountered."""
- def _destructively_unify(
- fstruct1, fstruct2, bindings, forward, trace, fail, fs_class, path
- ):
- """
- Attempt to unify ``fstruct1`` and ``fstruct2`` by modifying them
- in-place. If the unification succeeds, then ``fstruct1`` will
- contain the unified value, the value of ``fstruct2`` is undefined,
- and forward[id(fstruct2)] is set to fstruct1. If the unification
- fails, then a _UnificationFailureError is raised, and the
- values of ``fstruct1`` and ``fstruct2`` are undefined.
- :param bindings: A dictionary mapping variables to values.
- :param forward: A dictionary mapping feature structures ids
- to replacement structures. When two feature structures
- are merged, a mapping from one to the other will be added
- to the forward dictionary; and changes will be made only
- to the target of the forward dictionary.
- ``_destructively_unify`` will always 'follow' any links
- in the forward dictionary for fstruct1 and fstruct2 before
- actually unifying them.
- :param trace: If true, generate trace output
- :param path: The feature path that led us to this unification
- step. Used for trace output.
- """
- # If fstruct1 is already identical to fstruct2, we're done.
- # Note: this, together with the forward pointers, ensures
- # that unification will terminate even for cyclic structures.
- if fstruct1 is fstruct2:
- if trace:
- _trace_unify_identity(path, fstruct1)
- return fstruct1
- # Set fstruct2's forward pointer to point to fstruct1; this makes
- # fstruct1 the canonical copy for fstruct2. Note that we need to
- # do this before we recurse into any child structures, in case
- # they're cyclic.
- forward[id(fstruct2)] = fstruct1
- # Unifying two mappings:
- if _is_mapping(fstruct1) and _is_mapping(fstruct2):
- for fname in fstruct1:
- if getattr(fname, 'default', None) is not None:
- fstruct2.setdefault(fname, fname.default)
- for fname in fstruct2:
- if getattr(fname, 'default', None) is not None:
- fstruct1.setdefault(fname, fname.default)
- # Unify any values that are defined in both fstruct1 and
- # fstruct2. Copy any values that are defined in fstruct2 but
- # not in fstruct1 to fstruct1. Note: sorting fstruct2's
- # features isn't actually necessary; but we do it to give
- # deterministic behavior, e.g. for tracing.
- for fname, fval2 in sorted(fstruct2.items()):
- if fname in fstruct1:
- fstruct1[fname] = _unify_feature_values(
- fname,
- fstruct1[fname],
- fval2,
- bindings,
- forward,
- trace,
- fail,
- fs_class,
- path + (fname,),
- )
- else:
- fstruct1[fname] = fval2
- return fstruct1 # Contains the unified value.
- # Unifying two sequences:
- elif _is_sequence(fstruct1) and _is_sequence(fstruct2):
- # If the lengths don't match, fail.
- if len(fstruct1) != len(fstruct2):
- return UnificationFailure
- # Unify corresponding values in fstruct1 and fstruct2.
- for findex in range(len(fstruct1)):
- fstruct1[findex] = _unify_feature_values(
- findex,
- fstruct1[findex],
- fstruct2[findex],
- bindings,
- forward,
- trace,
- fail,
- fs_class,
- path + (findex,),
- )
- return fstruct1 # Contains the unified value.
- # Unifying sequence & mapping: fail. The failure function
- # doesn't get a chance to recover in this case.
- elif (_is_sequence(fstruct1) or _is_mapping(fstruct1)) and (
- _is_sequence(fstruct2) or _is_mapping(fstruct2)
- ):
- return UnificationFailure
- # Unifying anything else: not allowed!
- raise TypeError('Expected mappings or sequences')
- def _unify_feature_values(
- fname, fval1, fval2, bindings, forward, trace, fail, fs_class, fpath
- ):
- """
- Attempt to unify ``fval1`` and and ``fval2``, and return the
- resulting unified value. The method of unification will depend on
- the types of ``fval1`` and ``fval2``:
- 1. If they're both feature structures, then destructively
- unify them (see ``_destructively_unify()``.
- 2. If they're both unbound variables, then alias one variable
- to the other (by setting bindings[v2]=v1).
- 3. If one is an unbound variable, and the other is a value,
- then bind the unbound variable to the value.
- 4. If one is a feature structure, and the other is a base value,
- then fail.
- 5. If they're both base values, then unify them. By default,
- this will succeed if they are equal, and fail otherwise.
- """
- if trace:
- _trace_unify_start(fpath, fval1, fval2)
- # Look up the "canonical" copy of fval1 and fval2
- while id(fval1) in forward:
- fval1 = forward[id(fval1)]
- while id(fval2) in forward:
- fval2 = forward[id(fval2)]
- # If fval1 or fval2 is a bound variable, then
- # replace it by the variable's bound value. This
- # includes aliased variables, which are encoded as
- # variables bound to other variables.
- fvar1 = fvar2 = None
- while isinstance(fval1, Variable) and fval1 in bindings:
- fvar1 = fval1
- fval1 = bindings[fval1]
- while isinstance(fval2, Variable) and fval2 in bindings:
- fvar2 = fval2
- fval2 = bindings[fval2]
- # Case 1: Two feature structures (recursive case)
- if isinstance(fval1, fs_class) and isinstance(fval2, fs_class):
- result = _destructively_unify(
- fval1, fval2, bindings, forward, trace, fail, fs_class, fpath
- )
- # Case 2: Two unbound variables (create alias)
- elif isinstance(fval1, Variable) and isinstance(fval2, Variable):
- if fval1 != fval2:
- bindings[fval2] = fval1
- result = fval1
- # Case 3: An unbound variable and a value (bind)
- elif isinstance(fval1, Variable):
- bindings[fval1] = fval2
- result = fval1
- elif isinstance(fval2, Variable):
- bindings[fval2] = fval1
- result = fval2
- # Case 4: A feature structure & a base value (fail)
- elif isinstance(fval1, fs_class) or isinstance(fval2, fs_class):
- result = UnificationFailure
- # Case 5: Two base values
- else:
- # Case 5a: Feature defines a custom unification method for base values
- if isinstance(fname, Feature):
- result = fname.unify_base_values(fval1, fval2, bindings)
- # Case 5b: Feature value defines custom unification method
- elif isinstance(fval1, CustomFeatureValue):
- result = fval1.unify(fval2)
- # Sanity check: unify value should be symmetric
- if isinstance(fval2, CustomFeatureValue) and result != fval2.unify(fval1):
- raise AssertionError(
- 'CustomFeatureValue objects %r and %r disagree '
- 'about unification value: %r vs. %r'
- % (fval1, fval2, result, fval2.unify(fval1))
- )
- elif isinstance(fval2, CustomFeatureValue):
- result = fval2.unify(fval1)
- # Case 5c: Simple values -- check if they're equal.
- else:
- if fval1 == fval2:
- result = fval1
- else:
- result = UnificationFailure
- # If either value was a bound variable, then update the
- # bindings. (This is really only necessary if fname is a
- # Feature or if either value is a CustomFeatureValue.)
- if result is not UnificationFailure:
- if fvar1 is not None:
- bindings[fvar1] = result
- result = fvar1
- if fvar2 is not None and fvar2 != fvar1:
- bindings[fvar2] = result
- result = fvar2
- # If we unification failed, call the failure function; it
- # might decide to continue anyway.
- if result is UnificationFailure:
- if fail is not None:
- result = fail(fval1, fval2, fpath)
- if trace:
- _trace_unify_fail(fpath[:-1], result)
- if result is UnificationFailure:
- raise _UnificationFailureError
- # Normalize the result.
- if isinstance(result, fs_class):
- result = _apply_forwards(result, forward, fs_class, set())
- if trace:
- _trace_unify_succeed(fpath, result)
- if trace and isinstance(result, fs_class):
- _trace_bindings(fpath, bindings)
- return result
- def _apply_forwards_to_bindings(forward, bindings):
- """
- Replace any feature structure that has a forward pointer with
- the target of its forward pointer (to preserve reentrancy).
- """
- for (var, value) in bindings.items():
- while id(value) in forward:
- value = forward[id(value)]
- bindings[var] = value
- def _apply_forwards(fstruct, forward, fs_class, visited):
- """
- Replace any feature structure that has a forward pointer with
- the target of its forward pointer (to preserve reentrancy).
- """
- # Follow our own forwards pointers (if any)
- while id(fstruct) in forward:
- fstruct = forward[id(fstruct)]
- # Visit each node only once:
- if id(fstruct) in visited:
- return
- visited.add(id(fstruct))
- if _is_mapping(fstruct):
- items = fstruct.items()
- elif _is_sequence(fstruct):
- items = enumerate(fstruct)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Expected mapping or sequence')
- for fname, fval in items:
- if isinstance(fval, fs_class):
- # Replace w/ forwarded value.
- while id(fval) in forward:
- fval = forward[id(fval)]
- fstruct[fname] = fval
- # Recurse to child.
- _apply_forwards(fval, forward, fs_class, visited)
- return fstruct
- def _resolve_aliases(bindings):
- """
- Replace any bound aliased vars with their binding; and replace
- any unbound aliased vars with their representative var.
- """
- for (var, value) in bindings.items():
- while isinstance(value, Variable) and value in bindings:
- value = bindings[var] = bindings[value]
- def _trace_unify_start(path, fval1, fval2):
- if path == ():
- print('\nUnification trace:')
- else:
- fullname = '.'.join("%s" % n for n in path)
- print(' ' + '| ' * (len(path) - 1) + '|')
- print(' ' + '| ' * (len(path) - 1) + '| Unify feature: %s' % fullname)
- print(' ' + '| ' * len(path) + ' / ' + _trace_valrepr(fval1))
- print(' ' + '| ' * len(path) + '|\\ ' + _trace_valrepr(fval2))
- def _trace_unify_identity(path, fval1):
- print(' ' + '| ' * len(path) + '|')
- print(' ' + '| ' * len(path) + '| (identical objects)')
- print(' ' + '| ' * len(path) + '|')
- print(' ' + '| ' * len(path) + '+-->' + unicode_repr(fval1))
- def _trace_unify_fail(path, result):
- if result is UnificationFailure:
- resume = ''
- else:
- resume = ' (nonfatal)'
- print(' ' + '| ' * len(path) + '| |')
- print(' ' + 'X ' * len(path) + 'X X <-- FAIL' + resume)
- def _trace_unify_succeed(path, fval1):
- # Print the result.
- print(' ' + '| ' * len(path) + '|')
- print(' ' + '| ' * len(path) + '+-->' + unicode_repr(fval1))
- def _trace_bindings(path, bindings):
- # Print the bindings (if any).
- if len(bindings) > 0:
- binditems = sorted(bindings.items(), key=lambda v: v[0].name)
- bindstr = '{%s}' % ', '.join(
- '%s: %s' % (var, _trace_valrepr(val)) for (var, val) in binditems
- )
- print(' ' + '| ' * len(path) + ' Bindings: ' + bindstr)
- def _trace_valrepr(val):
- if isinstance(val, Variable):
- return '%s' % val
- else:
- return '%s' % unicode_repr(val)
- def subsumes(fstruct1, fstruct2):
- """
- Return True if ``fstruct1`` subsumes ``fstruct2``. I.e., return
- true if unifying ``fstruct1`` with ``fstruct2`` would result in a
- feature structure equal to ``fstruct2.``
- :rtype: bool
- """
- return fstruct2 == unify(fstruct1, fstruct2)
- def conflicts(fstruct1, fstruct2, trace=0):
- """
- Return a list of the feature paths of all features which are
- assigned incompatible values by ``fstruct1`` and ``fstruct2``.
- :rtype: list(tuple)
- """
- conflict_list = []
- def add_conflict(fval1, fval2, path):
- conflict_list.append(path)
- return fval1
- unify(fstruct1, fstruct2, fail=add_conflict, trace=trace)
- return conflict_list
- ######################################################################
- # Helper Functions
- ######################################################################
- def _is_mapping(v):
- return hasattr(v, '__contains__') and hasattr(v, 'keys')
- def _is_sequence(v):
- return (
- hasattr(v, '__iter__')
- and hasattr(v, '__len__')
- and not isinstance(v, string_types)
- )
- def _default_fs_class(obj):
- if isinstance(obj, FeatStruct):
- return FeatStruct
- if isinstance(obj, (dict, list)):
- return (dict, list)
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- 'To unify objects of type %s, you must specify '
- 'fs_class explicitly.' % obj.__class__.__name__
- )
- ######################################################################
- # FeatureValueSet & FeatureValueTuple
- ######################################################################
- class SubstituteBindingsSequence(SubstituteBindingsI):
- """
- A mixin class for sequence clases that distributes variables() and
- substitute_bindings() over the object's elements.
- """
- def variables(self):
- return [elt for elt in self if isinstance(elt, Variable)] + sum(
- [
- list(elt.variables())
- for elt in self
- if isinstance(elt, SubstituteBindingsI)
- ],
- [],
- )
- def substitute_bindings(self, bindings):
- return self.__class__([self.subst(v, bindings) for v in self])
- def subst(self, v, bindings):
- if isinstance(v, SubstituteBindingsI):
- return v.substitute_bindings(bindings)
- else:
- return bindings.get(v, v)
- @python_2_unicode_compatible
- class FeatureValueTuple(SubstituteBindingsSequence, tuple):
- """
- A base feature value that is a tuple of other base feature values.
- FeatureValueTuple implements ``SubstituteBindingsI``, so it any
- variable substitutions will be propagated to the elements
- contained by the set. A ``FeatureValueTuple`` is immutable.
- """
- def __repr__(self): # [xx] really use %s here?
- if len(self) == 0:
- return '()'
- return '(%s)' % ', '.join('%s' % (b,) for b in self)
- @python_2_unicode_compatible
- class FeatureValueSet(SubstituteBindingsSequence, frozenset):
- """
- A base feature value that is a set of other base feature values.
- FeatureValueSet implements ``SubstituteBindingsI``, so it any
- variable substitutions will be propagated to the elements
- contained by the set. A ``FeatureValueSet`` is immutable.
- """
- def __repr__(self): # [xx] really use %s here?
- if len(self) == 0:
- return '{/}' # distinguish from dict.
- # n.b., we sort the string reprs of our elements, to ensure
- # that our own repr is deterministic.
- return '{%s}' % ', '.join(sorted('%s' % (b,) for b in self))
- __str__ = __repr__
- @python_2_unicode_compatible
- class FeatureValueUnion(SubstituteBindingsSequence, frozenset):
- """
- A base feature value that represents the union of two or more
- ``FeatureValueSet`` or ``Variable``.
- """
- def __new__(cls, values):
- # If values contains FeatureValueUnions, then collapse them.
- values = _flatten(values, FeatureValueUnion)
- # If the resulting list contains no variables, then
- # use a simple FeatureValueSet instead.
- if sum(isinstance(v, Variable) for v in values) == 0:
- values = _flatten(values, FeatureValueSet)
- return FeatureValueSet(values)
- # If we contain a single variable, return that variable.
- if len(values) == 1:
- return list(values)[0]
- # Otherwise, build the FeatureValueUnion.
- return frozenset.__new__(cls, values)
- def __repr__(self):
- # n.b., we sort the string reprs of our elements, to ensure
- # that our own repr is deterministic. also, note that len(self)
- # is guaranteed to be 2 or more.
- return '{%s}' % '+'.join(sorted('%s' % (b,) for b in self))
- @python_2_unicode_compatible
- class FeatureValueConcat(SubstituteBindingsSequence, tuple):
- """
- A base feature value that represents the concatenation of two or
- more ``FeatureValueTuple`` or ``Variable``.
- """
- def __new__(cls, values):
- # If values contains FeatureValueConcats, then collapse them.
- values = _flatten(values, FeatureValueConcat)
- # If the resulting list contains no variables, then
- # use a simple FeatureValueTuple instead.
- if sum(isinstance(v, Variable) for v in values) == 0:
- values = _flatten(values, FeatureValueTuple)
- return FeatureValueTuple(values)
- # If we contain a single variable, return that variable.
- if len(values) == 1:
- return list(values)[0]
- # Otherwise, build the FeatureValueConcat.
- return tuple.__new__(cls, values)
- def __repr__(self):
- # n.b.: len(self) is guaranteed to be 2 or more.
- return '(%s)' % '+'.join('%s' % (b,) for b in self)
- def _flatten(lst, cls):
- """
- Helper function -- return a copy of list, with all elements of
- type ``cls`` spliced in rather than appended in.
- """
- result = []
- for elt in lst:
- if isinstance(elt, cls):
- result.extend(elt)
- else:
- result.append(elt)
- return result
- ######################################################################
- # Specialized Features
- ######################################################################
- @total_ordering
- @python_2_unicode_compatible
- class Feature(object):
- """
- A feature identifier that's specialized to put additional
- constraints, default values, etc.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, default=None, display=None):
- assert display in (None, 'prefix', 'slash')
- self._name = name # [xx] rename to .identifier?
- self._default = default # [xx] not implemented yet.
- self._display = display
- if self._display == 'prefix':
- self._sortkey = (-1, self._name)
- elif self._display == 'slash':
- self._sortkey = (1, self._name)
- else:
- self._sortkey = (0, self._name)
- @property
- def name(self):
- """The name of this feature."""
- return self._name
- @property
- def default(self):
- """Default value for this feature."""
- return self._default
- @property
- def display(self):
- """Custom display location: can be prefix, or slash."""
- return self._display
- def __repr__(self):
- return '*%s*' % self.name
- def __lt__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, string_types):
- return True
- if not isinstance(other, Feature):
- raise_unorderable_types("<", self, other)
- return self._sortkey < other._sortkey
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return type(self) == type(other) and self._name == other._name
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self == other
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self._name)
- # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # These can be overridden by subclasses:
- # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def read_value(self, s, position, reentrances, parser):
- return parser.read_value(s, position, reentrances)
- def unify_base_values(self, fval1, fval2, bindings):
- """
- If possible, return a single value.. If not, return
- the value ``UnificationFailure``.
- """
- if fval1 == fval2:
- return fval1
- else:
- return UnificationFailure
- class SlashFeature(Feature):
- def read_value(self, s, position, reentrances, parser):
- return parser.read_partial(s, position, reentrances)
- class RangeFeature(Feature):
- RANGE_RE = re.compile('(-?\d+):(-?\d+)')
- def read_value(self, s, position, reentrances, parser):
- m = self.RANGE_RE.match(s, position)
- if not m:
- raise ValueError('range', position)
- return (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))), m.end()
- def unify_base_values(self, fval1, fval2, bindings):
- if fval1 is None:
- return fval2
- if fval2 is None:
- return fval1
- rng = max(fval1[0], fval2[0]), min(fval1[1], fval2[1])
- if rng[1] < rng[0]:
- return UnificationFailure
- return rng
- SLASH = SlashFeature('slash', default=False, display='slash')
- TYPE = Feature('type', display='prefix')
- ######################################################################
- # Specialized Feature Values
- ######################################################################
- @total_ordering
- class CustomFeatureValue(object):
- """
- An abstract base class for base values that define a custom
- unification method. The custom unification method of
- ``CustomFeatureValue`` will be used during unification if:
- - The ``CustomFeatureValue`` is unified with another base value.
- - The ``CustomFeatureValue`` is not the value of a customized
- ``Feature`` (which defines its own unification method).
- If two ``CustomFeatureValue`` objects are unified with one another
- during feature structure unification, then the unified base values
- they return *must* be equal; otherwise, an ``AssertionError`` will
- be raised.
- Subclasses must define ``unify()``, ``__eq__()`` and ``__lt__()``.
- Subclasses may also wish to define ``__hash__()``.
- """
- def unify(self, other):
- """
- If this base value unifies with ``other``, then return the
- unified value. Otherwise, return ``UnificationFailure``.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('abstract base class')
- def __eq__(self, other):
- raise NotImplementedError('abstract base class')
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self == other
- def __lt__(self, other):
- raise NotImplementedError('abstract base class')
- def __hash__(self):
- raise TypeError('%s objects or unhashable' % self.__class__.__name__)
- ######################################################################
- # Feature Structure Reader
- ######################################################################
- class FeatStructReader(object):
- def __init__(
- self,
- features=(SLASH, TYPE),
- fdict_class=FeatStruct,
- flist_class=FeatList,
- logic_parser=None,
- ):
- self._features = dict((f.name, f) for f in features)
- self._fdict_class = fdict_class
- self._flist_class = flist_class
- self._prefix_feature = None
- self._slash_feature = None
- for feature in features:
- if feature.display == 'slash':
- if self._slash_feature:
- raise ValueError('Multiple features w/ display=slash')
- self._slash_feature = feature
- if feature.display == 'prefix':
- if self._prefix_feature:
- raise ValueError('Multiple features w/ display=prefix')
- self._prefix_feature = feature
- self._features_with_defaults = [
- feature for feature in features if feature.default is not None
- ]
- if logic_parser is None:
- logic_parser = LogicParser()
- self._logic_parser = logic_parser
- def fromstring(self, s, fstruct=None):
- """
- Convert a string representation of a feature structure (as
- displayed by repr) into a ``FeatStruct``. This process
- imposes the following restrictions on the string
- representation:
- - Feature names cannot contain any of the following:
- whitespace, parentheses, quote marks, equals signs,
- dashes, commas, and square brackets. Feature names may
- not begin with plus signs or minus signs.
- - Only the following basic feature value are supported:
- strings, integers, variables, None, and unquoted
- alphanumeric strings.
- - For reentrant values, the first mention must specify
- a reentrance identifier and a value; and any subsequent
- mentions must use arrows (``'->'``) to reference the
- reentrance identifier.
- """
- s = s.strip()
- value, position = self.read_partial(s, 0, {}, fstruct)
- if position != len(s):
- self._error(s, 'end of string', position)
- return value
- _START_FSTRUCT_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(?:\((\d+)\)\s*)?(\??[\w-]+)?(\[)')
- _END_FSTRUCT_RE = re.compile(r'\s*]\s*')
- _SLASH_RE = re.compile(r'/')
- _FEATURE_NAME_RE = re.compile(r'\s*([+-]?)([^\s\(\)<>"\'\-=\[\],]+)\s*')
- _REENTRANCE_RE = re.compile(r'\s*->\s*')
- _TARGET_RE = re.compile(r'\s*\((\d+)\)\s*')
- _ASSIGN_RE = re.compile(r'\s*=\s*')
- _COMMA_RE = re.compile(r'\s*,\s*')
- _BARE_PREFIX_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(?:\((\d+)\)\s*)?(\??[\w-]+\s*)()')
- # This one is used to distinguish fdicts from flists:
- _START_FDICT_RE = re.compile(
- r'(%s)|(%s\s*(%s\s*(=|->)|[+-]%s|\]))'
- % (
- _BARE_PREFIX_RE.pattern,
- _START_FSTRUCT_RE.pattern,
- _FEATURE_NAME_RE.pattern,
- _FEATURE_NAME_RE.pattern,
- )
- )
- def read_partial(self, s, position=0, reentrances=None, fstruct=None):
- """
- Helper function that reads in a feature structure.
- :param s: The string to read.
- :param position: The position in the string to start parsing.
- :param reentrances: A dictionary from reentrance ids to values.
- Defaults to an empty dictionary.
- :return: A tuple (val, pos) of the feature structure created by
- parsing and the position where the parsed feature structure ends.
- :rtype: bool
- """
- if reentrances is None:
- reentrances = {}
- try:
- return self._read_partial(s, position, reentrances, fstruct)
- except ValueError as e:
- if len(e.args) != 2:
- raise
- self._error(s, *e.args)
- def _read_partial(self, s, position, reentrances, fstruct=None):
- # Create the new feature structure
- if fstruct is None:
- if self._START_FDICT_RE.match(s, position):
- fstruct = self._fdict_class()
- else:
- fstruct = self._flist_class()
- # Read up to the open bracket.
- match = self._START_FSTRUCT_RE.match(s, position)
- if not match:
- match = self._BARE_PREFIX_RE.match(s, position)
- if not match:
- raise ValueError('open bracket or identifier', position)
- position = match.end()
- # If there as an identifier, record it.
- if match.group(1):
- identifier = match.group(1)
- if identifier in reentrances:
- raise ValueError('new identifier', match.start(1))
- reentrances[identifier] = fstruct
- if isinstance(fstruct, FeatDict):
- fstruct.clear()
- return self._read_partial_featdict(s, position, match, reentrances, fstruct)
- else:
- del fstruct[:]
- return self._read_partial_featlist(s, position, match, reentrances, fstruct)
- def _read_partial_featlist(self, s, position, match, reentrances, fstruct):
- # Prefix features are not allowed:
- if match.group(2):
- raise ValueError('open bracket')
- # Bare prefixes are not allowed:
- if not match.group(3):
- raise ValueError('open bracket')
- # Build a list of the features defined by the structure.
- while position < len(s):
- # Check for the close bracket.
- match = self._END_FSTRUCT_RE.match(s, position)
- if match is not None:
- return fstruct, match.end()
- # Reentances have the form "-> (target)"
- match = self._REENTRANCE_RE.match(s, position)
- if match:
- position = match.end()
- match = self._TARGET_RE.match(s, position)
- if not match:
- raise ValueError('identifier', position)
- target = match.group(1)
- if target not in reentrances:
- raise ValueError('bound identifier', position)
- position = match.end()
- fstruct.append(reentrances[target])
- # Anything else is a value.
- else:
- value, position = self._read_value(0, s, position, reentrances)
- fstruct.append(value)
- # If there's a close bracket, handle it at the top of the loop.
- if self._END_FSTRUCT_RE.match(s, position):
- continue
- # Otherwise, there should be a comma
- match = self._COMMA_RE.match(s, position)
- if match is None:
- raise ValueError('comma', position)
- position = match.end()
- # We never saw a close bracket.
- raise ValueError('close bracket', position)
- def _read_partial_featdict(self, s, position, match, reentrances, fstruct):
- # If there was a prefix feature, record it.
- if match.group(2):
- if self._prefix_feature is None:
- raise ValueError('open bracket or identifier', match.start(2))
- prefixval = match.group(2).strip()
- if prefixval.startswith('?'):
- prefixval = Variable(prefixval)
- fstruct[self._prefix_feature] = prefixval
- # If group 3 is empty, then we just have a bare prefix, so
- # we're done.
- if not match.group(3):
- return self._finalize(s, match.end(), reentrances, fstruct)
- # Build a list of the features defined by the structure.
- # Each feature has one of the three following forms:
- # name = value
- # name -> (target)
- # +name
- # -name
- while position < len(s):
- # Use these variables to hold info about each feature:
- name = value = None
- # Check for the close bracket.
- match = self._END_FSTRUCT_RE.match(s, position)
- if match is not None:
- return self._finalize(s, match.end(), reentrances, fstruct)
- # Get the feature name's name
- match = self._FEATURE_NAME_RE.match(s, position)
- if match is None:
- raise ValueError('feature name', position)
- name = match.group(2)
- position = match.end()
- # Check if it's a special feature.
- if name[0] == '*' and name[-1] == '*':
- name = self._features.get(name[1:-1])
- if name is None:
- raise ValueError('known special feature', match.start(2))
- # Check if this feature has a value already.
- if name in fstruct:
- raise ValueError('new name', match.start(2))
- # Boolean value ("+name" or "-name")
- if match.group(1) == '+':
- value = True
- if match.group(1) == '-':
- value = False
- # Reentrance link ("-> (target)")
- if value is None:
- match = self._REENTRANCE_RE.match(s, position)
- if match is not None:
- position = match.end()
- match = self._TARGET_RE.match(s, position)
- if not match:
- raise ValueError('identifier', position)
- target = match.group(1)
- if target not in reentrances:
- raise ValueError('bound identifier', position)
- position = match.end()
- value = reentrances[target]
- # Assignment ("= value").
- if value is None:
- match = self._ASSIGN_RE.match(s, position)
- if match:
- position = match.end()
- value, position = self._read_value(name, s, position, reentrances)
- # None of the above: error.
- else:
- raise ValueError('equals sign', position)
- # Store the value.
- fstruct[name] = value
- # If there's a close bracket, handle it at the top of the loop.
- if self._END_FSTRUCT_RE.match(s, position):
- continue
- # Otherwise, there should be a comma
- match = self._COMMA_RE.match(s, position)
- if match is None:
- raise ValueError('comma', position)
- position = match.end()
- # We never saw a close bracket.
- raise ValueError('close bracket', position)
- def _finalize(self, s, pos, reentrances, fstruct):
- """
- Called when we see the close brace -- checks for a slash feature,
- and adds in default values.
- """
- # Add the slash feature (if any)
- match = self._SLASH_RE.match(s, pos)
- if match:
- name = self._slash_feature
- v, pos = self._read_value(name, s, match.end(), reentrances)
- fstruct[name] = v
- ## Add any default features. -- handle in unficiation instead?
- # for feature in self._features_with_defaults:
- # fstruct.setdefault(feature, feature.default)
- # Return the value.
- return fstruct, pos
- def _read_value(self, name, s, position, reentrances):
- if isinstance(name, Feature):
- return name.read_value(s, position, reentrances, self)
- else:
- return self.read_value(s, position, reentrances)
- def read_value(self, s, position, reentrances):
- for (handler, regexp) in self.VALUE_HANDLERS:
- match = regexp.match(s, position)
- if match:
- handler_func = getattr(self, handler)
- return handler_func(s, position, reentrances, match)
- raise ValueError('value', position)
- def _error(self, s, expected, position):
- lines = s.split('\n')
- while position > len(lines[0]):
- position -= len(lines.pop(0)) + 1 # +1 for the newline.
- estr = (
- 'Error parsing feature structure\n '
- + lines[0]
- + '\n '
- + ' ' * position
- + '^ '
- + 'Expected %s' % expected
- )
- raise ValueError(estr)
- # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # { Value Readers
- # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #: A table indicating how feature values should be processed. Each
- #: entry in the table is a pair (handler, regexp). The first entry
- #: with a matching regexp will have its handler called. Handlers
- #: should have the following signature::
- #:
- #: def handler(s, position, reentrances, match): ...
- #:
- #: and should return a tuple (value, position), where position is
- #: the string position where the value ended. (n.b.: order is
- #: important here!)
- ('read_fstruct_value', _START_FSTRUCT_RE),
- ('read_var_value', re.compile(r'\?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*')),
- ('read_str_value', re.compile("[uU]?[rR]?(['\"])")),
- ('read_int_value', re.compile(r'-?\d+')),
- ('read_sym_value', re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*')),
- (
- 'read_app_value',
- re.compile(r'<(app)\((\?[a-z][a-z]*)\s*,' r'\s*(\?[a-z][a-z]*)\)>'),
- ),
- # ('read_logic_value', re.compile(r'<([^>]*)>')),
- # lazily match any character after '<' until we hit a '>' not preceded by '-'
- ('read_logic_value', re.compile(r'<(.*?)(?<!-)>')),
- ('read_set_value', re.compile(r'{')),
- ('read_tuple_value', re.compile(r'\(')),
- ]
- def read_fstruct_value(self, s, position, reentrances, match):
- return self.read_partial(s, position, reentrances)
- def read_str_value(self, s, position, reentrances, match):
- return read_str(s, position)
- def read_int_value(self, s, position, reentrances, match):
- return int(match.group()), match.end()
- # Note: the '?' is included in the variable name.
- def read_var_value(self, s, position, reentrances, match):
- return Variable(match.group()), match.end()
- _SYM_CONSTS = {'None': None, 'True': True, 'False': False}
- def read_sym_value(self, s, position, reentrances, match):
- val, end = match.group(), match.end()
- return self._SYM_CONSTS.get(val, val), end
- def read_app_value(self, s, position, reentrances, match):
- """Mainly included for backwards compat."""
- return self._logic_parser.parse('%s(%s)' % match.group(2, 3)), match.end()
- def read_logic_value(self, s, position, reentrances, match):
- try:
- try:
- expr = self._logic_parser.parse(match.group(1))
- except LogicalExpressionException:
- raise ValueError()
- return expr, match.end()
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError('logic expression', match.start(1))
- def read_tuple_value(self, s, position, reentrances, match):
- return self._read_seq_value(
- s, position, reentrances, match, ')', FeatureValueTuple, FeatureValueConcat
- )
- def read_set_value(self, s, position, reentrances, match):
- return self._read_seq_value(
- s, position, reentrances, match, '}', FeatureValueSet, FeatureValueUnion
- )
- def _read_seq_value(
- self, s, position, reentrances, match, close_paren, seq_class, plus_class
- ):
- """
- Helper function used by read_tuple_value and read_set_value.
- """
- cp = re.escape(close_paren)
- position = match.end()
- # Special syntax fo empty tuples:
- m = re.compile(r'\s*/?\s*%s' % cp).match(s, position)
- if m:
- return seq_class(), m.end()
- # Read values:
- values = []
- seen_plus = False
- while True:
- # Close paren: return value.
- m = re.compile(r'\s*%s' % cp).match(s, position)
- if m:
- if seen_plus:
- return plus_class(values), m.end()
- else:
- return seq_class(values), m.end()
- # Read the next value.
- val, position = self.read_value(s, position, reentrances)
- values.append(val)
- # Comma or looking at close paren
- m = re.compile(r'\s*(,|\+|(?=%s))\s*' % cp).match(s, position)
- if not m:
- raise ValueError("',' or '+' or '%s'" % cp, position)
- if m.group(1) == '+':
- seen_plus = True
- position = m.end()
- ######################################################################
- # { Demo
- ######################################################################
- def display_unification(fs1, fs2, indent=' '):
- # Print the two input feature structures, side by side.
- fs1_lines = ("%s" % fs1).split('\n')
- fs2_lines = ("%s" % fs2).split('\n')
- if len(fs1_lines) > len(fs2_lines):
- blankline = '[' + ' ' * (len(fs2_lines[0]) - 2) + ']'
- fs2_lines += [blankline] * len(fs1_lines)
- else:
- blankline = '[' + ' ' * (len(fs1_lines[0]) - 2) + ']'
- fs1_lines += [blankline] * len(fs2_lines)
- for (fs1_line, fs2_line) in zip(fs1_lines, fs2_lines):
- print(indent + fs1_line + ' ' + fs2_line)
- print(indent + '-' * len(fs1_lines[0]) + ' ' + '-' * len(fs2_lines[0]))
- linelen = len(fs1_lines[0]) * 2 + 3
- print(indent + '| |'.center(linelen))
- print(indent + '+-----UNIFY-----+'.center(linelen))
- print(indent + '|'.center(linelen))
- print(indent + 'V'.center(linelen))
- bindings = {}
- result = fs1.unify(fs2, bindings)
- if result is None:
- print(indent + '(FAILED)'.center(linelen))
- else:
- print(
- '\n'.join(indent + l.center(linelen) for l in ("%s" % result).split('\n'))
- )
- if bindings and len(bindings.bound_variables()) > 0:
- print(repr(bindings).center(linelen))
- return result
- def interactive_demo(trace=False):
- import random, sys
- HELP = '''
- 1-%d: Select the corresponding feature structure
- q: Quit
- t: Turn tracing on or off
- l: List all feature structures
- ?: Help
- '''
- print(
- '''
- This demo will repeatedly present you with a list of feature
- structures, and ask you to choose two for unification. Whenever a
- new feature structure is generated, it is added to the list of
- choices that you can pick from. However, since this can be a
- large number of feature structures, the demo will only print out a
- random subset for you to choose between at a given time. If you
- want to see the complete lists, type "l". For a list of valid
- commands, type "?".
- '''
- )
- print('Press "Enter" to continue...')
- sys.stdin.readline()
- fstruct_strings = [
- '[agr=[number=sing, gender=masc]]',
- '[agr=[gender=masc, person=3]]',
- '[agr=[gender=fem, person=3]]',
- '[subj=[agr=(1)[]], agr->(1)]',
- '[obj=?x]',
- '[subj=?x]',
- '[/=None]',
- '[/=NP]',
- '[cat=NP]',
- '[cat=VP]',
- '[cat=PP]',
- '[subj=[agr=[gender=?y]], obj=[agr=[gender=?y]]]',
- '[gender=masc, agr=?C]',
- '[gender=?S, agr=[gender=?S,person=3]]',
- ]
- all_fstructs = [
- (i, FeatStruct(fstruct_strings[i])) for i in range(len(fstruct_strings))
- ]
- def list_fstructs(fstructs):
- for i, fstruct in fstructs:
- print()
- lines = ("%s" % fstruct).split('\n')
- print('%3d: %s' % (i + 1, lines[0]))
- for line in lines[1:]:
- print(' ' + line)
- print()
- while True:
- # Pick 5 feature structures at random from the master list.
- if len(all_fstructs) > MAX_CHOICES:
- fstructs = sorted(random.sample(all_fstructs, MAX_CHOICES))
- else:
- fstructs = all_fstructs
- print('_' * 75)
- print('Choose two feature structures to unify:')
- list_fstructs(fstructs)
- selected = [None, None]
- for (nth, i) in (('First', 0), ('Second', 1)):
- while selected[i] is None:
- print(
- (
- '%s feature structure (1-%d,q,t,l,?): '
- % (nth, len(all_fstructs))
- ),
- end=' ',
- )
- try:
- input = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
- if input in ('q', 'Q', 'x', 'X'):
- return
- if input in ('t', 'T'):
- trace = not trace
- print(' Trace = %s' % trace)
- continue
- if input in ('h', 'H', '?'):
- print(HELP % len(fstructs))
- continue
- if input in ('l', 'L'):
- list_fstructs(all_fstructs)
- continue
- num = int(input) - 1
- selected[i] = all_fstructs[num][1]
- print()
- except:
- print('Bad sentence number')
- continue
- if trace:
- result = selected[0].unify(selected[1], trace=1)
- else:
- result = display_unification(selected[0], selected[1])
- if result is not None:
- for i, fstruct in all_fstructs:
- if repr(result) == repr(fstruct):
- break
- else:
- all_fstructs.append((len(all_fstructs), result))
- print('\nType "Enter" to continue unifying; or "q" to quit.')
- input = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
- if input in ('q', 'Q', 'x', 'X'):
- return
- def demo(trace=False):
- """
- Just for testing
- """
- # import random
- # processor breaks with values like '3rd'
- fstruct_strings = [
- '[agr=[number=sing, gender=masc]]',
- '[agr=[gender=masc, person=3]]',
- '[agr=[gender=fem, person=3]]',
- '[subj=[agr=(1)[]], agr->(1)]',
- '[obj=?x]',
- '[subj=?x]',
- '[/=None]',
- '[/=NP]',
- '[cat=NP]',
- '[cat=VP]',
- '[cat=PP]',
- '[subj=[agr=[gender=?y]], obj=[agr=[gender=?y]]]',
- '[gender=masc, agr=?C]',
- '[gender=?S, agr=[gender=?S,person=3]]',
- ]
- all_fstructs = [FeatStruct(fss) for fss in fstruct_strings]
- # if len(all_fstructs) > MAX_CHOICES:
- # fstructs = random.sample(all_fstructs, MAX_CHOICES)
- # fstructs.sort()
- # else:
- # fstructs = all_fstructs
- for fs1 in all_fstructs:
- for fs2 in all_fstructs:
- print(
- "\n*******************\nfs1 is:\n%s\n\nfs2 is:\n%s\n\nresult is:\n%s"
- % (fs1, fs2, unify(fs1, fs2))
- )
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- demo()
- __all__ = [
- 'FeatStruct',
- 'FeatDict',
- 'FeatList',
- 'unify',
- 'subsumes',
- 'conflicts',
- 'Feature',
- 'SlashFeature',
- 'RangeFeature',
- 'SLASH',
- 'TYPE',
- 'FeatStructReader',
- ]