- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """NbConvert is a utility for conversion of .ipynb files.
- Command-line interface for the NbConvert conversion utility.
- """
- # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
- # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
- from __future__ import print_function
- import logging
- import sys
- import os
- import glob
- from textwrap import fill, dedent
- from ipython_genutils.text import indent
- from jupyter_core.application import JupyterApp, base_aliases, base_flags
- from traitlets.config import catch_config_error, Configurable
- from traitlets import (
- Unicode, List, Instance, DottedObjectName, Type, Bool,
- default, observe,
- )
- from traitlets.utils.importstring import import_item
- from .exporters.base import get_export_names, get_exporter
- from nbconvert import exporters, preprocessors, writers, postprocessors, __version__
- from .utils.base import NbConvertBase
- from .utils.exceptions import ConversionException
- from .utils.io import unicode_stdin_stream
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Classes and functions
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class DottedOrNone(DottedObjectName):
- """A string holding a valid dotted object name in Python, such as A.b3._c
- Also allows for None type.
- """
- default_value = u''
- def validate(self, obj, value):
- if value is not None and len(value) > 0:
- return super(DottedOrNone, self).validate(obj, value)
- else:
- return value
- nbconvert_aliases = {}
- nbconvert_aliases.update(base_aliases)
- nbconvert_aliases.update({
- 'to' : 'NbConvertApp.export_format',
- 'template' : 'TemplateExporter.template_file',
- 'writer' : 'NbConvertApp.writer_class',
- 'post': 'NbConvertApp.postprocessor_class',
- 'output': 'NbConvertApp.output_base',
- 'output-dir': 'FilesWriter.build_directory',
- 'reveal-prefix': 'SlidesExporter.reveal_url_prefix',
- 'nbformat': 'NotebookExporter.nbformat_version',
- })
- nbconvert_flags = {}
- nbconvert_flags.update(base_flags)
- nbconvert_flags.update({
- 'execute' : (
- {'ExecutePreprocessor' : {'enabled' : True}},
- "Execute the notebook prior to export."
- ),
- 'allow-errors' : (
- {'ExecutePreprocessor' : {'allow_errors' : True}},
- ("Continue notebook execution even if one of the cells throws "
- "an error and include the error message in the cell output "
- "(the default behaviour is to abort conversion). This flag "
- "is only relevant if '--execute' was specified, too.")
- ),
- 'stdin' : (
- {'NbConvertApp' : {
- 'from_stdin' : True,
- }
- },
- "read a single notebook file from stdin. Write the resulting notebook with default basename 'notebook.*'"
- ),
- 'stdout' : (
- {'NbConvertApp' : {'writer_class' : "StdoutWriter"}},
- "Write notebook output to stdout instead of files."
- ),
- 'inplace' : (
- {
- 'NbConvertApp' : {
- 'use_output_suffix' : False,
- 'export_format' : 'notebook',
- },
- 'FilesWriter' : {'build_directory': ''},
- },
- """Run nbconvert in place, overwriting the existing notebook (only
- relevant when converting to notebook format)"""
- ),
- 'clear-output' : (
- {
- 'NbConvertApp' : {
- 'use_output_suffix' : False,
- 'export_format' : 'notebook',
- },
- 'FilesWriter' : {'build_directory': ''},
- 'ClearOutputPreprocessor' : {'enabled' : True},
- },
- """Clear output of current file and save in place,
- overwriting the existing notebook. """
- ),
- 'no-prompt' : (
- {'TemplateExporter' : {
- 'exclude_input_prompt' : True,
- 'exclude_output_prompt' : True,
- }
- },
- "Exclude input and output prompts from converted document."
- ),
- 'no-input' : (
- {'TemplateExporter' : {
- 'exclude_output_prompt' : True,
- 'exclude_input': True,
- }
- },
- """Exclude input cells and output prompts from converted document.
- This mode is ideal for generating code-free reports."""
- ),
- })
- class NbConvertApp(JupyterApp):
- """Application used to convert from notebook file type (``*.ipynb``)"""
- version = __version__
- name = 'jupyter-nbconvert'
- aliases = nbconvert_aliases
- flags = nbconvert_flags
- @default('log_level')
- def _log_level_default(self):
- return logging.INFO
- classes = List()
- @default('classes')
- def _classes_default(self):
- classes = [NbConvertBase]
- for pkg in (exporters, preprocessors, writers, postprocessors):
- for name in dir(pkg):
- cls = getattr(pkg, name)
- if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, Configurable):
- classes.append(cls)
- return classes
- description = Unicode(
- u"""This application is used to convert notebook files (*.ipynb)
- to various other formats.
- output_base = Unicode('', help='''overwrite base name use for output files.
- can only be used when converting one notebook at a time.
- ''').tag(config=True)
- use_output_suffix = Bool(
- True,
- help="""Whether to apply a suffix prior to the extension (only relevant
- when converting to notebook format). The suffix is determined by
- the exporter, and is usually '.nbconvert'."""
- ).tag(config=True)
- output_files_dir = Unicode('{notebook_name}_files',
- help='''Directory to copy extra files (figures) to.
- '{notebook_name}' in the string will be converted to notebook
- basename.'''
- ).tag(config=True)
- examples = Unicode(u"""
- The simplest way to use nbconvert is
- > jupyter nbconvert mynotebook.ipynb
- which will convert mynotebook.ipynb to the default format (probably HTML).
- You can specify the export format with `--to`.
- Options include {formats}.
- > jupyter nbconvert --to latex mynotebook.ipynb
- Both HTML and LaTeX support multiple output templates. LaTeX includes
- 'base', 'article' and 'report'. HTML includes 'basic' and 'full'. You
- can specify the flavor of the format used.
- > jupyter nbconvert --to html --template basic mynotebook.ipynb
- You can also pipe the output to stdout, rather than a file
- > jupyter nbconvert mynotebook.ipynb --stdout
- PDF is generated via latex
- > jupyter nbconvert mynotebook.ipynb --to pdf
- You can get (and serve) a Reveal.js-powered slideshow
- > jupyter nbconvert myslides.ipynb --to slides --post serve
- Multiple notebooks can be given at the command line in a couple of
- different ways:
- > jupyter nbconvert notebook*.ipynb
- > jupyter nbconvert notebook1.ipynb notebook2.ipynb
- or you can specify the notebooks list in a config file, containing::
- c.NbConvertApp.notebooks = ["my_notebook.ipynb"]
- > jupyter nbconvert --config mycfg.py
- """.format(formats=get_export_names()))
- # Writer specific variables
- writer = Instance('nbconvert.writers.base.WriterBase',
- help="""Instance of the writer class used to write the
- results of the conversion.""", allow_none=True)
- writer_class = DottedObjectName('FilesWriter',
- help="""Writer class used to write the
- results of the conversion""").tag(config=True)
- writer_aliases = {'fileswriter': 'nbconvert.writers.files.FilesWriter',
- 'debugwriter': 'nbconvert.writers.debug.DebugWriter',
- 'stdoutwriter': 'nbconvert.writers.stdout.StdoutWriter'}
- writer_factory = Type(allow_none=True)
- @observe('writer_class')
- def _writer_class_changed(self, change):
- new = change['new']
- if new.lower() in self.writer_aliases:
- new = self.writer_aliases[new.lower()]
- self.writer_factory = import_item(new)
- # Post-processor specific variables
- postprocessor = Instance('nbconvert.postprocessors.base.PostProcessorBase',
- help="""Instance of the PostProcessor class used to write the
- results of the conversion.""", allow_none=True)
- postprocessor_class = DottedOrNone(
- help="""PostProcessor class used to write the
- results of the conversion"""
- ).tag(config=True)
- postprocessor_aliases = {'serve': 'nbconvert.postprocessors.serve.ServePostProcessor'}
- postprocessor_factory = Type(None, allow_none=True)
- @observe('postprocessor_class')
- def _postprocessor_class_changed(self, change):
- new = change['new']
- if new.lower() in self.postprocessor_aliases:
- new = self.postprocessor_aliases[new.lower()]
- if new:
- self.postprocessor_factory = import_item(new)
- ipywidgets_base_url = Unicode("https://unpkg.com/",
- help="URL base for ipywidgets package").tag(config=True)
- export_format = Unicode(
- 'html',
- allow_none=False,
- help="""The export format to be used, either one of the built-in formats
- {formats}
- or a dotted object name that represents the import path for an
- `Exporter` class""".format(formats=get_export_names())
- ).tag(config=True)
- notebooks = List([], help="""List of notebooks to convert.
- Wildcards are supported.
- Filenames passed positionally will be added to the list.
- """
- ).tag(config=True)
- from_stdin = Bool(False, help="read a single notebook from stdin.").tag(config=True)
- @catch_config_error
- def initialize(self, argv=None):
- """Initialize application, notebooks, writer, and postprocessor"""
- self.init_syspath()
- super(NbConvertApp, self).initialize(argv)
- self.init_notebooks()
- self.init_writer()
- self.init_postprocessor()
- def init_syspath(self):
- """Add the cwd to the sys.path ($PYTHONPATH)"""
- sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
- def init_notebooks(self):
- """Construct the list of notebooks.
- If notebooks are passed on the command-line,
- they override (rather than add) notebooks specified in config files.
- Glob each notebook to replace notebook patterns with filenames.
- """
- # Specifying notebooks on the command-line overrides (rather than
- # adds) the notebook list
- if self.extra_args:
- patterns = self.extra_args
- else:
- patterns = self.notebooks
- # Use glob to replace all the notebook patterns with filenames.
- filenames = []
- for pattern in patterns:
- # Use glob to find matching filenames. Allow the user to convert
- # notebooks without having to type the extension.
- globbed_files = glob.glob(pattern)
- globbed_files.extend(glob.glob(pattern + '.ipynb'))
- if not globbed_files:
- self.log.warning("pattern %r matched no files", pattern)
- for filename in globbed_files:
- if not filename in filenames:
- filenames.append(filename)
- self.notebooks = filenames
- def init_writer(self):
- """Initialize the writer (which is stateless)"""
- self._writer_class_changed({ 'new': self.writer_class })
- self.writer = self.writer_factory(parent=self)
- if hasattr(self.writer, 'build_directory') and self.writer.build_directory != '':
- self.use_output_suffix = False
- def init_postprocessor(self):
- """Initialize the postprocessor (which is stateless)"""
- self._postprocessor_class_changed({'new': self.postprocessor_class})
- if self.postprocessor_factory:
- self.postprocessor = self.postprocessor_factory(parent=self)
- def start(self):
- """Run start after initialization process has completed"""
- super(NbConvertApp, self).start()
- self.convert_notebooks()
- def init_single_notebook_resources(self, notebook_filename):
- """Step 1: Initialize resources
- This initializes the resources dictionary for a single notebook.
- Returns
- -------
- dict
- resources dictionary for a single notebook that MUST include the following keys:
- - config_dir: the location of the Jupyter config directory
- - unique_key: the notebook name
- - output_files_dir: a directory where output files (not
- including the notebook itself) should be saved
- """
- basename = os.path.basename(notebook_filename)
- notebook_name = basename[:basename.rfind('.')]
- if self.output_base:
- # strip duplicate extension from output_base, to avoid Basename.ext.ext
- if getattr(self.exporter, 'file_extension', False):
- base, ext = os.path.splitext(self.output_base)
- if ext == self.exporter.file_extension:
- self.output_base = base
- notebook_name = self.output_base
- self.log.debug("Notebook name is '%s'", notebook_name)
- # first initialize the resources we want to use
- resources = {}
- resources['config_dir'] = self.config_dir
- resources['unique_key'] = notebook_name
- output_files_dir = (self.output_files_dir
- .format(notebook_name=notebook_name))
- resources['output_files_dir'] = output_files_dir
- resources['ipywidgets_base_url'] = self.ipywidgets_base_url
- return resources
- def export_single_notebook(self, notebook_filename, resources, input_buffer=None):
- """Step 2: Export the notebook
- Exports the notebook to a particular format according to the specified
- exporter. This function returns the output and (possibly modified)
- resources from the exporter.
- Parameters
- ----------
- notebook_filename : str
- name of notebook file.
- resources : dict
- input_buffer :
- readable file-like object returning unicode.
- if not None, notebook_filename is ignored
- Returns
- -------
- output
- dict
- resources (possibly modified)
- """
- try:
- if input_buffer is not None:
- output, resources = self.exporter.from_file(input_buffer, resources=resources)
- else:
- output, resources = self.exporter.from_filename(notebook_filename, resources=resources)
- except ConversionException:
- self.log.error("Error while converting '%s'", notebook_filename, exc_info=True)
- self.exit(1)
- return output, resources
- def write_single_notebook(self, output, resources):
- """Step 3: Write the notebook to file
- This writes output from the exporter to file using the specified writer.
- It returns the results from the writer.
- Parameters
- ----------
- output :
- resources : dict
- resources for a single notebook including name, config directory
- and directory to save output
- Returns
- -------
- file
- results from the specified writer output of exporter
- """
- if 'unique_key' not in resources:
- raise KeyError("unique_key MUST be specified in the resources, but it is not")
- notebook_name = resources['unique_key']
- if self.use_output_suffix and not self.output_base:
- notebook_name += resources.get('output_suffix', '')
- write_results = self.writer.write(
- output, resources, notebook_name=notebook_name)
- return write_results
- def postprocess_single_notebook(self, write_results):
- """Step 4: Post-process the written file
- Only used if a postprocessor has been specified. After the
- converted notebook is written to a file in Step 3, this post-processes
- the notebook.
- """
- # Post-process if post processor has been defined.
- if hasattr(self, 'postprocessor') and self.postprocessor:
- self.postprocessor(write_results)
- def convert_single_notebook(self, notebook_filename, input_buffer=None):
- """Convert a single notebook.
- Performs the following steps:
- 1. Initialize notebook resources
- 2. Export the notebook to a particular format
- 3. Write the exported notebook to file
- 4. (Maybe) postprocess the written file
- Parameters
- ----------
- notebook_filename : str
- input_buffer :
- If input_buffer is not None, conversion is done and the buffer is
- used as source into a file basenamed by the notebook_filename
- argument.
- """
- if input_buffer is None:
- self.log.info("Converting notebook %s to %s", notebook_filename, self.export_format)
- else:
- self.log.info("Converting notebook into %s", self.export_format)
- resources = self.init_single_notebook_resources(notebook_filename)
- output, resources = self.export_single_notebook(notebook_filename, resources, input_buffer=input_buffer)
- write_results = self.write_single_notebook(output, resources)
- self.postprocess_single_notebook(write_results)
- def convert_notebooks(self):
- """Convert the notebooks in the self.notebook traitlet """
- # check that the output base isn't specified if there is more than
- # one notebook to convert
- if self.output_base != '' and len(self.notebooks) > 1:
- self.log.error(
- """
- UsageError: --output flag or `NbConvertApp.output_base` config option
- cannot be used when converting multiple notebooks.
- """
- )
- self.exit(1)
- # initialize the exporter
- cls = get_exporter(self.export_format)
- self.exporter = cls(config=self.config)
- # no notebooks to convert!
- if len(self.notebooks) == 0 and not self.from_stdin:
- self.print_help()
- sys.exit(-1)
- # convert each notebook
- if not self.from_stdin:
- for notebook_filename in self.notebooks:
- self.convert_single_notebook(notebook_filename)
- else:
- input_buffer = unicode_stdin_stream()
- # default name when conversion from stdin
- self.convert_single_notebook("notebook.ipynb", input_buffer=input_buffer)
- def document_flag_help(self):
- """
- Return a string containing descriptions of all the flags.
- """
- flags = "The following flags are defined:\n\n"
- for flag, (cfg, fhelp) in self.flags.items():
- flags += "{}\n".format(flag)
- flags += indent(fill(fhelp, 80)) + '\n\n'
- flags += indent(fill("Long Form: "+str(cfg), 80)) + '\n\n'
- return flags
- def document_alias_help(self):
- """Return a string containing all of the aliases"""
- aliases = "The folowing aliases are defined:\n\n"
- for alias, longname in self.aliases.items():
- aliases += "\t**{}** ({})\n\n".format(alias, longname)
- return aliases
- def document_config_options(self):
- """
- Provides a much improves version of the configuration documentation by
- breaking the configuration options into app, exporter, writer,
- preprocessor, postprocessor, and other sections.
- """
- categories = {category: [c for c in self._classes_inc_parents() if category in c.__name__.lower()]
- for category in ['app', 'exporter', 'writer', 'preprocessor', 'postprocessor']}
- accounted_for = {c for category in categories.values() for c in category}
- categories['other']= [c for c in self._classes_inc_parents() if c not in accounted_for]
- header = dedent("""
- {section} Options
- -----------------------
- """)
- sections = ""
- for category in categories:
- sections += header.format(section=category.title())
- if category in ['exporter','preprocessor','writer']:
- sections += ".. image:: _static/{image}_inheritance.png\n\n".format(image=category)
- sections += '\n'.join(c.class_config_rst_doc() for c in categories[category])
- return sections.replace(' : ',r' \: ')
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Main entry point
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- main = launch_new_instance = NbConvertApp.launch_instance