- """
- A module for reading dvi files output by TeX. Several limitations make
- this not (currently) useful as a general-purpose dvi preprocessor, but
- it is currently used by the pdf backend for processing usetex text.
- Interface::
- with Dvi(filename, 72) as dvi:
- # iterate over pages:
- for page in dvi:
- w, h, d = page.width, page.height, page.descent
- for x, y, font, glyph, width in page.text:
- fontname = font.texname
- pointsize = font.size
- ...
- for x, y, height, width in page.boxes:
- ...
- """
- from collections import namedtuple
- import enum
- from functools import lru_cache, partial, wraps
- import logging
- import os
- import re
- import struct
- import subprocess
- import textwrap
- import numpy as np
- from matplotlib import cbook, rcParams
- _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- # Many dvi related files are looked for by external processes, require
- # additional parsing, and are used many times per rendering, which is why they
- # are cached using lru_cache().
- # Dvi is a bytecode format documented in
- # http://mirrors.ctan.org/systems/knuth/dist/texware/dvitype.web
- # http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/generic/knuth/texware/dvitype.pdf
- #
- # The file consists of a preamble, some number of pages, a postamble,
- # and a finale. Different opcodes are allowed in different contexts,
- # so the Dvi object has a parser state:
- #
- # pre: expecting the preamble
- # outer: between pages (followed by a page or the postamble,
- # also e.g. font definitions are allowed)
- # page: processing a page
- # post_post: state after the postamble (our current implementation
- # just stops reading)
- # finale: the finale (unimplemented in our current implementation)
- _dvistate = enum.Enum('DviState', 'pre outer inpage post_post finale')
- # The marks on a page consist of text and boxes. A page also has dimensions.
- Page = namedtuple('Page', 'text boxes height width descent')
- Text = namedtuple('Text', 'x y font glyph width')
- Box = namedtuple('Box', 'x y height width')
- # Opcode argument parsing
- #
- # Each of the following functions takes a Dvi object and delta,
- # which is the difference between the opcode and the minimum opcode
- # with the same meaning. Dvi opcodes often encode the number of
- # argument bytes in this delta.
- def _arg_raw(dvi, delta):
- """Return *delta* without reading anything more from the dvi file"""
- return delta
- def _arg(bytes, signed, dvi, _):
- """Read *bytes* bytes, returning the bytes interpreted as a
- signed integer if *signed* is true, unsigned otherwise."""
- return dvi._arg(bytes, signed)
- def _arg_slen(dvi, delta):
- """Signed, length *delta*
- Read *delta* bytes, returning None if *delta* is zero, and
- the bytes interpreted as a signed integer otherwise."""
- if delta == 0:
- return None
- return dvi._arg(delta, True)
- def _arg_slen1(dvi, delta):
- """Signed, length *delta*+1
- Read *delta*+1 bytes, returning the bytes interpreted as signed."""
- return dvi._arg(delta+1, True)
- def _arg_ulen1(dvi, delta):
- """Unsigned length *delta*+1
- Read *delta*+1 bytes, returning the bytes interpreted as unsigned."""
- return dvi._arg(delta+1, False)
- def _arg_olen1(dvi, delta):
- """Optionally signed, length *delta*+1
- Read *delta*+1 bytes, returning the bytes interpreted as
- unsigned integer for 0<=*delta*<3 and signed if *delta*==3."""
- return dvi._arg(delta + 1, delta == 3)
- _arg_mapping = dict(raw=_arg_raw,
- u1=partial(_arg, 1, False),
- u4=partial(_arg, 4, False),
- s4=partial(_arg, 4, True),
- slen=_arg_slen,
- olen1=_arg_olen1,
- slen1=_arg_slen1,
- ulen1=_arg_ulen1)
- def _dispatch(table, min, max=None, state=None, args=('raw',)):
- """Decorator for dispatch by opcode. Sets the values in *table*
- from *min* to *max* to this method, adds a check that the Dvi state
- matches *state* if not None, reads arguments from the file according
- to *args*.
- *table*
- the dispatch table to be filled in
- *min*
- minimum opcode for calling this function
- *max*
- maximum opcode for calling this function, None if only *min* is allowed
- *state*
- state of the Dvi object in which these opcodes are allowed
- *args*
- sequence of argument specifications:
- ``'raw'``: opcode minus minimum
- ``'u1'``: read one unsigned byte
- ``'u4'``: read four bytes, treat as an unsigned number
- ``'s4'``: read four bytes, treat as a signed number
- ``'slen'``: read (opcode - minimum) bytes, treat as signed
- ``'slen1'``: read (opcode - minimum + 1) bytes, treat as signed
- ``'ulen1'``: read (opcode - minimum + 1) bytes, treat as unsigned
- ``'olen1'``: read (opcode - minimum + 1) bytes, treat as unsigned
- if under four bytes, signed if four bytes
- """
- def decorate(method):
- get_args = [_arg_mapping[x] for x in args]
- @wraps(method)
- def wrapper(self, byte):
- if state is not None and self.state != state:
- raise ValueError("state precondition failed")
- return method(self, *[f(self, byte-min) for f in get_args])
- if max is None:
- table[min] = wrapper
- else:
- for i in range(min, max+1):
- assert table[i] is None
- table[i] = wrapper
- return wrapper
- return decorate
- class Dvi(object):
- """
- A reader for a dvi ("device-independent") file, as produced by TeX.
- The current implementation can only iterate through pages in order,
- and does not even attempt to verify the postamble.
- This class can be used as a context manager to close the underlying
- file upon exit. Pages can be read via iteration. Here is an overly
- simple way to extract text without trying to detect whitespace::
- >>> with matplotlib.dviread.Dvi('input.dvi', 72) as dvi:
- ... for page in dvi:
- ... print(''.join(chr(t.glyph) for t in page.text))
- """
- # dispatch table
- _dtable = [None] * 256
- _dispatch = partial(_dispatch, _dtable)
- def __init__(self, filename, dpi):
- """
- Read the data from the file named *filename* and convert
- TeX's internal units to units of *dpi* per inch.
- *dpi* only sets the units and does not limit the resolution.
- Use None to return TeX's internal units.
- """
- _log.debug('Dvi: %s', filename)
- self.file = open(filename, 'rb')
- self.dpi = dpi
- self.fonts = {}
- self.state = _dvistate.pre
- self.baseline = self._get_baseline(filename)
- def _get_baseline(self, filename):
- if rcParams['text.latex.preview']:
- base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
- baseline_filename = base + ".baseline"
- if os.path.exists(baseline_filename):
- with open(baseline_filename, 'rb') as fd:
- l = fd.read().split()
- height, depth, width = l
- return float(depth)
- return None
- def __enter__(self):
- """
- Context manager enter method, does nothing.
- """
- return self
- def __exit__(self, etype, evalue, etrace):
- """
- Context manager exit method, closes the underlying file if it is open.
- """
- self.close()
- def __iter__(self):
- """
- Iterate through the pages of the file.
- Yields
- ------
- Page
- Details of all the text and box objects on the page.
- The Page tuple contains lists of Text and Box tuples and
- the page dimensions, and the Text and Box tuples contain
- coordinates transformed into a standard Cartesian
- coordinate system at the dpi value given when initializing.
- The coordinates are floating point numbers, but otherwise
- precision is not lost and coordinate values are not clipped to
- integers.
- """
- while self._read():
- yield self._output()
- def close(self):
- """
- Close the underlying file if it is open.
- """
- if not self.file.closed:
- self.file.close()
- def _output(self):
- """
- Output the text and boxes belonging to the most recent page.
- page = dvi._output()
- """
- minx, miny, maxx, maxy = np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf
- maxy_pure = -np.inf
- for elt in self.text + self.boxes:
- if isinstance(elt, Box):
- x, y, h, w = elt
- e = 0 # zero depth
- else: # glyph
- x, y, font, g, w = elt
- h, e = font._height_depth_of(g)
- minx = min(minx, x)
- miny = min(miny, y - h)
- maxx = max(maxx, x + w)
- maxy = max(maxy, y + e)
- maxy_pure = max(maxy_pure, y)
- if self.dpi is None:
- # special case for ease of debugging: output raw dvi coordinates
- return Page(text=self.text, boxes=self.boxes,
- width=maxx-minx, height=maxy_pure-miny,
- descent=maxy-maxy_pure)
- # convert from TeX's "scaled points" to dpi units
- d = self.dpi / (72.27 * 2**16)
- if self.baseline is None:
- descent = (maxy - maxy_pure) * d
- else:
- descent = self.baseline
- text = [Text((x-minx)*d, (maxy-y)*d - descent, f, g, w*d)
- for (x, y, f, g, w) in self.text]
- boxes = [Box((x-minx)*d, (maxy-y)*d - descent, h*d, w*d)
- for (x, y, h, w) in self.boxes]
- return Page(text=text, boxes=boxes, width=(maxx-minx)*d,
- height=(maxy_pure-miny)*d, descent=descent)
- def _read(self):
- """
- Read one page from the file. Return True if successful,
- False if there were no more pages.
- """
- while True:
- byte = self.file.read(1)[0]
- self._dtable[byte](self, byte)
- if byte == 140: # end of page
- return True
- if self.state is _dvistate.post_post: # end of file
- self.close()
- return False
- def _arg(self, nbytes, signed=False):
- """
- Read and return an integer argument *nbytes* long.
- Signedness is determined by the *signed* keyword.
- """
- str = self.file.read(nbytes)
- value = str[0]
- if signed and value >= 0x80:
- value = value - 0x100
- for i in range(1, nbytes):
- value = 0x100*value + str[i]
- return value
- @_dispatch(min=0, max=127, state=_dvistate.inpage)
- def _set_char_immediate(self, char):
- self._put_char_real(char)
- self.h += self.fonts[self.f]._width_of(char)
- @_dispatch(min=128, max=131, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('olen1',))
- def _set_char(self, char):
- self._put_char_real(char)
- self.h += self.fonts[self.f]._width_of(char)
- @_dispatch(132, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('s4', 's4'))
- def _set_rule(self, a, b):
- self._put_rule_real(a, b)
- self.h += b
- @_dispatch(min=133, max=136, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('olen1',))
- def _put_char(self, char):
- self._put_char_real(char)
- def _put_char_real(self, char):
- font = self.fonts[self.f]
- if font._vf is None:
- self.text.append(Text(self.h, self.v, font, char,
- font._width_of(char)))
- else:
- scale = font._scale
- for x, y, f, g, w in font._vf[char].text:
- newf = DviFont(scale=_mul2012(scale, f._scale),
- tfm=f._tfm, texname=f.texname, vf=f._vf)
- self.text.append(Text(self.h + _mul2012(x, scale),
- self.v + _mul2012(y, scale),
- newf, g, newf._width_of(g)))
- self.boxes.extend([Box(self.h + _mul2012(x, scale),
- self.v + _mul2012(y, scale),
- _mul2012(a, scale), _mul2012(b, scale))
- for x, y, a, b in font._vf[char].boxes])
- @_dispatch(137, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('s4', 's4'))
- def _put_rule(self, a, b):
- self._put_rule_real(a, b)
- def _put_rule_real(self, a, b):
- if a > 0 and b > 0:
- self.boxes.append(Box(self.h, self.v, a, b))
- @_dispatch(138)
- def _nop(self, _):
- pass
- @_dispatch(139, state=_dvistate.outer, args=('s4',)*11)
- def _bop(self, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, p):
- self.state = _dvistate.inpage
- self.h, self.v, self.w, self.x, self.y, self.z = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- self.stack = []
- self.text = [] # list of Text objects
- self.boxes = [] # list of Box objects
- @_dispatch(140, state=_dvistate.inpage)
- def _eop(self, _):
- self.state = _dvistate.outer
- del self.h, self.v, self.w, self.x, self.y, self.z, self.stack
- @_dispatch(141, state=_dvistate.inpage)
- def _push(self, _):
- self.stack.append((self.h, self.v, self.w, self.x, self.y, self.z))
- @_dispatch(142, state=_dvistate.inpage)
- def _pop(self, _):
- self.h, self.v, self.w, self.x, self.y, self.z = self.stack.pop()
- @_dispatch(min=143, max=146, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('slen1',))
- def _right(self, b):
- self.h += b
- @_dispatch(min=147, max=151, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('slen',))
- def _right_w(self, new_w):
- if new_w is not None:
- self.w = new_w
- self.h += self.w
- @_dispatch(min=152, max=156, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('slen',))
- def _right_x(self, new_x):
- if new_x is not None:
- self.x = new_x
- self.h += self.x
- @_dispatch(min=157, max=160, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('slen1',))
- def _down(self, a):
- self.v += a
- @_dispatch(min=161, max=165, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('slen',))
- def _down_y(self, new_y):
- if new_y is not None:
- self.y = new_y
- self.v += self.y
- @_dispatch(min=166, max=170, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('slen',))
- def _down_z(self, new_z):
- if new_z is not None:
- self.z = new_z
- self.v += self.z
- @_dispatch(min=171, max=234, state=_dvistate.inpage)
- def _fnt_num_immediate(self, k):
- self.f = k
- @_dispatch(min=235, max=238, state=_dvistate.inpage, args=('olen1',))
- def _fnt_num(self, new_f):
- self.f = new_f
- @_dispatch(min=239, max=242, args=('ulen1',))
- def _xxx(self, datalen):
- special = self.file.read(datalen)
- _log.debug(
- 'Dvi._xxx: encountered special: %s',
- ''.join([chr(ch) if 32 <= ch < 127 else '<%02x>' % ch
- for ch in special]))
- @_dispatch(min=243, max=246, args=('olen1', 'u4', 'u4', 'u4', 'u1', 'u1'))
- def _fnt_def(self, k, c, s, d, a, l):
- self._fnt_def_real(k, c, s, d, a, l)
- def _fnt_def_real(self, k, c, s, d, a, l):
- n = self.file.read(a + l)
- fontname = n[-l:].decode('ascii')
- tfm = _tfmfile(fontname)
- if tfm is None:
- raise FileNotFoundError("missing font metrics file: %s" % fontname)
- if c != 0 and tfm.checksum != 0 and c != tfm.checksum:
- raise ValueError('tfm checksum mismatch: %s' % n)
- vf = _vffile(fontname)
- self.fonts[k] = DviFont(scale=s, tfm=tfm, texname=n, vf=vf)
- @_dispatch(247, state=_dvistate.pre, args=('u1', 'u4', 'u4', 'u4', 'u1'))
- def _pre(self, i, num, den, mag, k):
- comment = self.file.read(k)
- if i != 2:
- raise ValueError("Unknown dvi format %d" % i)
- if num != 25400000 or den != 7227 * 2**16:
- raise ValueError("nonstandard units in dvi file")
- # meaning: TeX always uses those exact values, so it
- # should be enough for us to support those
- # (There are 72.27 pt to an inch so 7227 pt =
- # 7227 * 2**16 sp to 100 in. The numerator is multiplied
- # by 10^5 to get units of 10**-7 meters.)
- if mag != 1000:
- raise ValueError("nonstandard magnification in dvi file")
- # meaning: LaTeX seems to frown on setting \mag, so
- # I think we can assume this is constant
- self.state = _dvistate.outer
- @_dispatch(248, state=_dvistate.outer)
- def _post(self, _):
- self.state = _dvistate.post_post
- # TODO: actually read the postamble and finale?
- # currently post_post just triggers closing the file
- @_dispatch(249)
- def _post_post(self, _):
- raise NotImplementedError
- @_dispatch(min=250, max=255)
- def _malformed(self, offset):
- raise ValueError("unknown command: byte %d", 250 + offset)
- class DviFont(object):
- """
- Encapsulation of a font that a DVI file can refer to.
- This class holds a font's texname and size, supports comparison,
- and knows the widths of glyphs in the same units as the AFM file.
- There are also internal attributes (for use by dviread.py) that
- are *not* used for comparison.
- The size is in Adobe points (converted from TeX points).
- Parameters
- ----------
- scale : float
- Factor by which the font is scaled from its natural size.
- tfm : Tfm
- TeX font metrics for this font
- texname : bytes
- Name of the font as used internally by TeX and friends, as an
- ASCII bytestring. This is usually very different from any external
- font names, and :class:`dviread.PsfontsMap` can be used to find
- the external name of the font.
- vf : Vf
- A TeX "virtual font" file, or None if this font is not virtual.
- Attributes
- ----------
- texname : bytes
- size : float
- Size of the font in Adobe points, converted from the slightly
- smaller TeX points.
- widths : list
- Widths of glyphs in glyph-space units, typically 1/1000ths of
- the point size.
- """
- __slots__ = ('texname', 'size', 'widths', '_scale', '_vf', '_tfm')
- def __init__(self, scale, tfm, texname, vf):
- if not isinstance(texname, bytes):
- raise ValueError("texname must be a bytestring, got %s"
- % type(texname))
- self._scale, self._tfm, self.texname, self._vf = \
- scale, tfm, texname, vf
- self.size = scale * (72.0 / (72.27 * 2**16))
- try:
- nchars = max(tfm.width) + 1
- except ValueError:
- nchars = 0
- self.widths = [(1000*tfm.width.get(char, 0)) >> 20
- for char in range(nchars)]
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and \
- self.texname == other.texname and self.size == other.size
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self.__eq__(other)
- def _width_of(self, char):
- """
- Width of char in dvi units. For internal use by dviread.py.
- """
- width = self._tfm.width.get(char, None)
- if width is not None:
- return _mul2012(width, self._scale)
- _log.debug('No width for char %d in font %s.', char, self.texname)
- return 0
- def _height_depth_of(self, char):
- """
- Height and depth of char in dvi units. For internal use by dviread.py.
- """
- result = []
- for metric, name in ((self._tfm.height, "height"),
- (self._tfm.depth, "depth")):
- value = metric.get(char, None)
- if value is None:
- _log.debug('No %s for char %d in font %s',
- name, char, self.texname)
- result.append(0)
- else:
- result.append(_mul2012(value, self._scale))
- return result
- class Vf(Dvi):
- """
- A virtual font (\\*.vf file) containing subroutines for dvi files.
- Usage::
- vf = Vf(filename)
- glyph = vf[code]
- glyph.text, glyph.boxes, glyph.width
- Parameters
- ----------
- filename : string or bytestring
- Notes
- -----
- The virtual font format is a derivative of dvi:
- http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/knuth/virtual-fonts
- This class reuses some of the machinery of `Dvi`
- but replaces the `_read` loop and dispatch mechanism.
- """
- def __init__(self, filename):
- Dvi.__init__(self, filename, 0)
- try:
- self._first_font = None
- self._chars = {}
- self._read()
- finally:
- self.close()
- def __getitem__(self, code):
- return self._chars[code]
- def _read(self):
- """
- Read one page from the file. Return True if successful,
- False if there were no more pages.
- """
- packet_char, packet_ends = None, None
- packet_len, packet_width = None, None
- while True:
- byte = self.file.read(1)[0]
- # If we are in a packet, execute the dvi instructions
- if self.state is _dvistate.inpage:
- byte_at = self.file.tell()-1
- if byte_at == packet_ends:
- self._finalize_packet(packet_char, packet_width)
- packet_len, packet_char, packet_width = None, None, None
- # fall through to out-of-packet code
- elif byte_at > packet_ends:
- raise ValueError("Packet length mismatch in vf file")
- else:
- if byte in (139, 140) or byte >= 243:
- raise ValueError(
- "Inappropriate opcode %d in vf file" % byte)
- Dvi._dtable[byte](self, byte)
- continue
- # We are outside a packet
- if byte < 242: # a short packet (length given by byte)
- packet_len = byte
- packet_char, packet_width = self._arg(1), self._arg(3)
- packet_ends = self._init_packet(byte)
- self.state = _dvistate.inpage
- elif byte == 242: # a long packet
- packet_len, packet_char, packet_width = \
- [self._arg(x) for x in (4, 4, 4)]
- self._init_packet(packet_len)
- elif 243 <= byte <= 246:
- k = self._arg(byte - 242, byte == 246)
- c, s, d, a, l = [self._arg(x) for x in (4, 4, 4, 1, 1)]
- self._fnt_def_real(k, c, s, d, a, l)
- if self._first_font is None:
- self._first_font = k
- elif byte == 247: # preamble
- i, k = self._arg(1), self._arg(1)
- x = self.file.read(k)
- cs, ds = self._arg(4), self._arg(4)
- self._pre(i, x, cs, ds)
- elif byte == 248: # postamble (just some number of 248s)
- break
- else:
- raise ValueError("unknown vf opcode %d" % byte)
- def _init_packet(self, pl):
- if self.state != _dvistate.outer:
- raise ValueError("Misplaced packet in vf file")
- self.h, self.v, self.w, self.x, self.y, self.z = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- self.stack, self.text, self.boxes = [], [], []
- self.f = self._first_font
- return self.file.tell() + pl
- def _finalize_packet(self, packet_char, packet_width):
- self._chars[packet_char] = Page(
- text=self.text, boxes=self.boxes, width=packet_width,
- height=None, descent=None)
- self.state = _dvistate.outer
- def _pre(self, i, x, cs, ds):
- if self.state is not _dvistate.pre:
- raise ValueError("pre command in middle of vf file")
- if i != 202:
- raise ValueError("Unknown vf format %d" % i)
- if len(x):
- _log.debug('vf file comment: %s', x)
- self.state = _dvistate.outer
- # cs = checksum, ds = design size
- def _fix2comp(num):
- """
- Convert from two's complement to negative.
- """
- assert 0 <= num < 2**32
- if num & 2**31:
- return num - 2**32
- else:
- return num
- def _mul2012(num1, num2):
- """
- Multiply two numbers in 20.12 fixed point format.
- """
- # Separated into a function because >> has surprising precedence
- return (num1*num2) >> 20
- class Tfm(object):
- """
- A TeX Font Metric file.
- This implementation covers only the bare minimum needed by the Dvi class.
- Parameters
- ----------
- filename : string or bytestring
- Attributes
- ----------
- checksum : int
- Used for verifying against the dvi file.
- design_size : int
- Design size of the font (unknown units)
- width, height, depth : dict
- Dimensions of each character, need to be scaled by the factor
- specified in the dvi file. These are dicts because indexing may
- not start from 0.
- """
- __slots__ = ('checksum', 'design_size', 'width', 'height', 'depth')
- def __init__(self, filename):
- _log.debug('opening tfm file %s', filename)
- with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
- header1 = file.read(24)
- lh, bc, ec, nw, nh, nd = \
- struct.unpack('!6H', header1[2:14])
- _log.debug('lh=%d, bc=%d, ec=%d, nw=%d, nh=%d, nd=%d',
- lh, bc, ec, nw, nh, nd)
- header2 = file.read(4*lh)
- self.checksum, self.design_size = \
- struct.unpack('!2I', header2[:8])
- # there is also encoding information etc.
- char_info = file.read(4*(ec-bc+1))
- widths = file.read(4*nw)
- heights = file.read(4*nh)
- depths = file.read(4*nd)
- self.width, self.height, self.depth = {}, {}, {}
- widths, heights, depths = \
- [struct.unpack('!%dI' % (len(x)/4), x)
- for x in (widths, heights, depths)]
- for idx, char in enumerate(range(bc, ec+1)):
- byte0 = char_info[4*idx]
- byte1 = char_info[4*idx+1]
- self.width[char] = _fix2comp(widths[byte0])
- self.height[char] = _fix2comp(heights[byte1 >> 4])
- self.depth[char] = _fix2comp(depths[byte1 & 0xf])
- PsFont = namedtuple('Font', 'texname psname effects encoding filename')
- class PsfontsMap(object):
- """
- A psfonts.map formatted file, mapping TeX fonts to PS fonts.
- Usage::
- >>> map = PsfontsMap(find_tex_file('pdftex.map'))
- >>> entry = map[b'ptmbo8r']
- >>> entry.texname
- b'ptmbo8r'
- >>> entry.psname
- b'Times-Bold'
- >>> entry.encoding
- '/usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/base/8r.enc'
- >>> entry.effects
- {'slant': 0.16700000000000001}
- >>> entry.filename
- Parameters
- ----------
- filename : string or bytestring
- Notes
- -----
- For historical reasons, TeX knows many Type-1 fonts by different
- names than the outside world. (For one thing, the names have to
- fit in eight characters.) Also, TeX's native fonts are not Type-1
- but Metafont, which is nontrivial to convert to PostScript except
- as a bitmap. While high-quality conversions to Type-1 format exist
- and are shipped with modern TeX distributions, we need to know
- which Type-1 fonts are the counterparts of which native fonts. For
- these reasons a mapping is needed from internal font names to font
- file names.
- A texmf tree typically includes mapping files called e.g.
- :file:`psfonts.map`, :file:`pdftex.map`, or :file:`dvipdfm.map`.
- The file :file:`psfonts.map` is used by :program:`dvips`,
- :file:`pdftex.map` by :program:`pdfTeX`, and :file:`dvipdfm.map`
- by :program:`dvipdfm`. :file:`psfonts.map` might avoid embedding
- the 35 PostScript fonts (i.e., have no filename for them, as in
- the Times-Bold example above), while the pdf-related files perhaps
- only avoid the "Base 14" pdf fonts. But the user may have
- configured these files differently.
- """
- __slots__ = ('_font', '_filename')
- # Create a filename -> PsfontsMap cache, so that calling
- # `PsfontsMap(filename)` with the same filename a second time immediately
- # returns the same object.
- @lru_cache()
- def __new__(cls, filename):
- self = object.__new__(cls)
- self._font = {}
- self._filename = os.fsdecode(filename)
- with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
- self._parse(file)
- return self
- def __getitem__(self, texname):
- assert isinstance(texname, bytes)
- try:
- result = self._font[texname]
- except KeyError:
- fmt = ('A PostScript file for the font whose TeX name is "{0}" '
- 'could not be found in the file "{1}". The dviread module '
- 'can only handle fonts that have an associated PostScript '
- 'font file. '
- 'This problem can often be solved by installing '
- 'a suitable PostScript font package in your (TeX) '
- 'package manager.')
- msg = fmt.format(texname.decode('ascii'), self._filename)
- msg = textwrap.fill(msg, break_on_hyphens=False,
- break_long_words=False)
- _log.info(msg)
- raise
- fn, enc = result.filename, result.encoding
- if fn is not None and not fn.startswith(b'/'):
- fn = find_tex_file(fn)
- if enc is not None and not enc.startswith(b'/'):
- enc = find_tex_file(result.encoding)
- return result._replace(filename=fn, encoding=enc)
- def _parse(self, file):
- """
- Parse the font mapping file.
- The format is, AFAIK: texname fontname [effects and filenames]
- Effects are PostScript snippets like ".177 SlantFont",
- filenames begin with one or two less-than signs. A filename
- ending in enc is an encoding file, other filenames are font
- files. This can be overridden with a left bracket: <[foobar
- indicates an encoding file named foobar.
- There is some difference between <foo.pfb and <<bar.pfb in
- subsetting, but I have no example of << in my TeX installation.
- """
- # If the map file specifies multiple encodings for a font, we
- # follow pdfTeX in choosing the last one specified. Such
- # entries are probably mistakes but they have occurred.
- # http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/10826/
- # http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.tex.pdftex/4914
- empty_re = re.compile(br'%|\s*$')
- word_re = re.compile(
- br'''(?x) (?:
- "<\[ (?P<enc1> [^"]+ )" | # quoted encoding marked by [
- "< (?P<enc2> [^"]+.enc)" | # quoted encoding, ends in .enc
- "<<? (?P<file1> [^"]+ )" | # quoted font file name
- " (?P<eff1> [^"]+ )" | # quoted effects or font name
- <\[ (?P<enc3> \S+ ) | # encoding marked by [
- < (?P<enc4> \S+ .enc) | # encoding, ends in .enc
- <<? (?P<file2> \S+ ) | # font file name
- (?P<eff2> \S+ ) # effects or font name
- )''')
- effects_re = re.compile(
- br'''(?x) (?P<slant> -?[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]+)) \s* SlantFont
- | (?P<extend>-?[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]+)) \s* ExtendFont''')
- lines = (line.strip()
- for line in file
- if not empty_re.match(line))
- for line in lines:
- effects, encoding, filename = b'', None, None
- words = word_re.finditer(line)
- # The named groups are mutually exclusive and are
- # referenced below at an estimated order of probability of
- # occurrence based on looking at my copy of pdftex.map.
- # The font names are probably unquoted:
- w = next(words)
- texname = w.group('eff2') or w.group('eff1')
- w = next(words)
- psname = w.group('eff2') or w.group('eff1')
- for w in words:
- # Any effects are almost always quoted:
- eff = w.group('eff1') or w.group('eff2')
- if eff:
- effects = eff
- continue
- # Encoding files usually have the .enc suffix
- # and almost never need quoting:
- enc = (w.group('enc4') or w.group('enc3') or
- w.group('enc2') or w.group('enc1'))
- if enc:
- if encoding is not None:
- _log.debug('Multiple encodings for %s = %s',
- texname, psname)
- encoding = enc
- continue
- # File names are probably unquoted:
- filename = w.group('file2') or w.group('file1')
- effects_dict = {}
- for match in effects_re.finditer(effects):
- slant = match.group('slant')
- if slant:
- effects_dict['slant'] = float(slant)
- else:
- effects_dict['extend'] = float(match.group('extend'))
- self._font[texname] = PsFont(
- texname=texname, psname=psname, effects=effects_dict,
- encoding=encoding, filename=filename)
- class Encoding(object):
- """
- Parses a \\*.enc file referenced from a psfonts.map style file.
- The format this class understands is a very limited subset of
- PostScript.
- Usage (subject to change)::
- for name in Encoding(filename):
- whatever(name)
- Parameters
- ----------
- filename : string or bytestring
- Attributes
- ----------
- encoding : list
- List of character names
- """
- __slots__ = ('encoding',)
- def __init__(self, filename):
- with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
- _log.debug('Parsing TeX encoding %s', filename)
- self.encoding = self._parse(file)
- _log.debug('Result: %s', self.encoding)
- def __iter__(self):
- yield from self.encoding
- @staticmethod
- def _parse(file):
- result = []
- lines = (line.split(b'%', 1)[0].strip() for line in file)
- data = b''.join(lines)
- beginning = data.find(b'[')
- if beginning < 0:
- raise ValueError("Cannot locate beginning of encoding in {}"
- .format(file))
- data = data[beginning:]
- end = data.find(b']')
- if end < 0:
- raise ValueError("Cannot locate end of encoding in {}"
- .format(file))
- data = data[:end]
- return re.findall(br'/([^][{}<>\s]+)', data)
- @lru_cache()
- def find_tex_file(filename, format=None):
- """
- Find a file in the texmf tree.
- Calls :program:`kpsewhich` which is an interface to the kpathsea
- library [1]_. Most existing TeX distributions on Unix-like systems use
- kpathsea. It is also available as part of MikTeX, a popular
- distribution on Windows.
- Parameters
- ----------
- filename : string or bytestring
- format : string or bytestring
- Used as the value of the `--format` option to :program:`kpsewhich`.
- Could be e.g. 'tfm' or 'vf' to limit the search to that type of files.
- References
- ----------
- .. [1] `Kpathsea documentation <http://www.tug.org/kpathsea/>`_
- The library that :program:`kpsewhich` is part of.
- """
- # we expect these to always be ascii encoded, but use utf-8
- # out of caution
- if isinstance(filename, bytes):
- filename = filename.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
- if isinstance(format, bytes):
- format = format.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')
- cmd = ['kpsewhich']
- if format is not None:
- cmd += ['--format=' + format]
- cmd += [filename]
- _log.debug('find_tex_file(%s): %s', filename, cmd)
- pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- result = pipe.communicate()[0].rstrip()
- _log.debug('find_tex_file result: %s', result)
- return result.decode('ascii')
- @lru_cache()
- def _fontfile(cls, suffix, texname):
- filename = find_tex_file(texname + suffix)
- return cls(filename) if filename else None
- _tfmfile = partial(_fontfile, Tfm, ".tfm")
- _vffile = partial(_fontfile, Vf, ".vf")
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- fname = sys.argv[1]
- try:
- dpi = float(sys.argv[2])
- except IndexError:
- dpi = None
- with Dvi(fname, dpi) as dvi:
- fontmap = PsfontsMap(find_tex_file('pdftex.map'))
- for page in dvi:
- print('=== new page ===')
- fPrev = None
- for x, y, f, c, w in page.text:
- if f != fPrev:
- print('font', f.texname, 'scaled', f._scale/pow(2.0, 20))
- fPrev = f
- print(x, y, c, 32 <= c < 128 and chr(c) or '.', w)
- for x, y, w, h in page.boxes:
- print(x, y, 'BOX', w, h)