- import os, sys
- import lesscpy
- from shutil import copyfile, rmtree
- from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_dir, jupyter_data_dir
- from glob import glob
- from tempfile import mkstemp
- # path to local site-packages/jupyterthemes
- package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- # path to user jupyter-themes dir
- user_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.jupyter-themes')
- # path to save tempfile with style_less before reading/compiling
- _, tempfile = mkstemp('.less')
- _, vimtemp = mkstemp('.less')
- # path to install custom.css file (~/.jupyter/custom/)
- jupyter_home = jupyter_config_dir()
- jupyter_data = jupyter_data_dir()
- jupyter_custom = os.path.join(jupyter_home, 'custom')
- jupyter_custom_fonts = os.path.join(jupyter_custom, 'fonts')
- jupyter_customcss = os.path.join(jupyter_custom, 'custom.css')
- jupyter_customjs = os.path.join(jupyter_custom, 'custom.js')
- jupyter_nbext = os.path.join(jupyter_data, 'nbextensions')
- # theme colors, layout, and font directories
- layouts_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'layout')
- styles_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'styles')
- styles_dir_user = os.path.join(user_dir, 'styles')
- fonts_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'fonts')
- defaults_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'defaults')
- # default custom.css/js files to override JT on reset
- defaultCSS = os.path.join(defaults_dir, 'custom.css')
- defaultJS = os.path.join(defaults_dir, 'custom.js')
- # layout files for notebook, codemirror, cells, mathjax, & vim ext
- nb_style = os.path.join(layouts_dir, 'notebook.less')
- cm_style = os.path.join(layouts_dir, 'codemirror.less')
- cl_style = os.path.join(layouts_dir, 'cells.less')
- ex_style = os.path.join(layouts_dir, 'extras.less')
- vim_style = os.path.join(layouts_dir, 'vim.less')
- comp_style = os.path.join(layouts_dir, 'completer.less')
- theme_name_file = os.path.join(jupyter_custom, 'current_theme.txt')
- def fileOpen(filename, mode):
- if sys.version_info[0]==3:
- return open(filename, mode, encoding='utf8', errors='ignore')
- else:
- return open(filename, mode)
- def check_directories():
- # Ensure all install dirs exist
- if not os.path.isdir(jupyter_home):
- os.makedirs(jupyter_home)
- if not os.path.isdir(jupyter_custom):
- os.makedirs(jupyter_custom)
- if not os.path.isdir(jupyter_custom_fonts):
- os.makedirs(jupyter_custom_fonts)
- if not os.path.isdir(jupyter_data):
- os.makedirs(jupyter_data)
- if not os.path.isdir(jupyter_nbext):
- os.makedirs(jupyter_nbext)
- def less_to_css(style_less):
- """ write less-compiled css file to jupyter_customcss in jupyter_dir
- """
- with fileOpen(tempfile, 'w') as f:
- f.write(style_less)
- os.chdir(package_dir)
- style_css = lesscpy.compile(tempfile)
- style_css += '\n\n'
- return style_css
- def write_final_css(style_css):
- # install style_css to .jupyter/custom/custom.css
- with fileOpen(jupyter_customcss, 'w') as custom_css:
- custom_css.write(style_css)
- def install_precompiled_theme(theme):
- # for Python 3.5, install selected theme from precompiled defaults
- compiled_dir = os.path.join(styles_dir, 'compiled')
- compiled_dir_user = os.path.join(styles_dir_user, 'compiled')
- if (os.path.isdir(compiled_dir_user) and
- '{}.css'.format(theme) in os.listdir(compiled_dir_user)):
- theme_src = os.path.join(compiled_dir_user, '{}.css'.format(theme))
- else:
- theme_src = os.path.join(compiled_dir, '{}.css'.format(theme))
- theme_dst = os.path.join(jupyter_custom, 'custom.css')
- copyfile(theme_src, theme_dst)
- def send_fonts_to_jupyter(font_file_path):
- fname = font_file_path.split(os.sep)[-1]
- copyfile(font_file_path, os.path.join(jupyter_custom_fonts, fname))
- def delete_font_files():
- for fontfile in os.listdir(jupyter_custom_fonts):
- abspath = os.path.join(jupyter_custom_fonts, fontfile)
- os.remove(abspath)
- def convert_fontsizes(fontsizes):
- # if triple digits, move decimal (105 --> 10.5)
- fontsizes = [str(fs) for fs in fontsizes]
- for i, fs in enumerate(fontsizes):
- if len(fs) >= 3:
- fontsizes[i] = '.'.join([fs[:-1], fs[-1]])
- elif int(fs) > 25:
- fontsizes[i] = '.'.join([fs[0], fs[-1]])
- return fontsizes
- def set_font_properties(style_less,
- nbfont=None,
- tcfont=None,
- monofont=None,
- monosize=11,
- tcfontsize=13,
- nbfontsize=13,
- prfontsize=95,
- dffontsize=93,
- outfontsize=85,
- mathfontsize=100,
- dfonts=False):
- """Parent function for setting notebook, text/md, and
- codecell font-properties
- """
- fontsizes = [monosize, nbfontsize, tcfontsize, prfontsize, dffontsize, outfontsize]
- monosize, nbfontsize, tcfontsize, prfontsize, dffontsize, outfontsize = convert_fontsizes(fontsizes)
- if dfonts==True:
- monofont, tcfont, nbfont = ['monospace', 'sans-serif', 'sans-serif']
- else:
- if monofont is not None:
- monofont, monofpath = stored_font_dicts(monofont)
- style_less = import_fonts(style_less, monofont, monofpath)
- else:
- monofont='monospace'
- if tcfont is not None:
- tcfont, tcfontpath = stored_font_dicts(tcfont)
- style_less = import_fonts(style_less, tcfont, tcfontpath)
- else:
- tcfont='sans-serif'
- if nbfont is not None:
- if nbfont == 'proxima':
- nbfont, tcfont = ["'Proxima Nova'"]*2
- style_less = proxima_nova_imports(style_less)
- else:
- nbfont, nbfontpath = stored_font_dicts(nbfont)
- style_less = import_fonts(style_less, nbfont, nbfontpath)
- else:
- nbfont='sans-serif'
- style_less += '/* Set Font-Type and Font-Size Variables */\n'
- # font names and fontfamily info for codecells, notebook & textcells
- style_less += '@monofont: {}; \n'.format(monofont)
- style_less += '@notebook-fontfamily: {}; \n'.format(nbfont)
- style_less += '@text-cell-fontfamily: {}; \n'.format(tcfont)
- # font size for codecells, main notebook, notebook-sub, & textcells
- style_less += '@monofontsize: {}pt; \n'.format(monosize)
- style_less += '@monofontsize-sub: {}pt; \n'.format(float(monosize) - 1)
- style_less += '@nb-fontsize: {}pt; \n'.format(nbfontsize)
- style_less += '@nb-fontsize-sub: {}pt; \n'.format(float(nbfontsize) - 1)
- style_less += '@text-cell-fontsize: {}pt; \n'.format(tcfontsize)
- style_less += '@df-header-fontsize: {}pt; \n'.format(float(dffontsize) + 1)
- style_less += '@df-fontsize: {}pt; \n'.format(dffontsize)
- style_less += '@output-font-size: {}pt; \n'.format(outfontsize)
- style_less += '@prompt-fontsize: {}pt; \n'.format(prfontsize)
- style_less += '@mathfontsize: {}%; \n'.format(mathfontsize)
- style_less += '\n\n'
- style_less += '/* Import Theme Colors and Define Layout Variables */\n'
- return style_less
- def import_fonts(style_less, fontname, font_subdir):
- """Copy all custom fonts to ~/.jupyter/custom/fonts/ and
- write import statements to style_less
- """
- ftype_dict = {'woff2': 'woff2',
- 'woff': 'woff',
- 'ttf': 'truetype',
- 'otf': 'opentype',
- 'svg': 'svg'}
- define_font = (
- "@font-face {{font-family: {fontname};\n\tfont-weight:"
- "{weight};\n\tfont-style: {style};\n\tsrc: local('{fontname}'),"
- "\n\turl('fonts{sepp}{fontfile}') format('{ftype}');}}\n")
- fontname = fontname.split(',')[0]
- fontpath = os.path.join(fonts_dir, font_subdir)
- for fontfile in os.listdir(fontpath):
- if '.txt' in fontfile or 'DS_' in fontfile:
- continue
- weight = 'normal'
- style = 'normal'
- if 'medium' in fontfile:
- weight = 'medium'
- elif 'ital' in fontfile:
- style = 'italic'
- ft = ftype_dict[fontfile.split('.')[-1]]
- style_less += define_font.format(
- fontname=fontname,
- weight=weight,
- style=style,
- sepp='/',
- fontfile=fontfile,
- ftype=ft)
- send_fonts_to_jupyter(os.path.join(fontpath, fontfile))
- return style_less
- def style_layout(style_less,
- theme='grade3',
- cursorwidth=2,
- cursorcolor='default',
- cellwidth='980',
- lineheight=170,
- margins='auto',
- vimext=False,
- toolbar=False,
- nbname=False,
- kernellogo=False,
- altprompt=False,
- altmd=False,
- altout=False,
- hideprompt=False):
- """Set general layout and style properties of text and code cells"""
- # write theme name to ~/.jupyter/custom/ (referenced by jtplot.py)
- with fileOpen(theme_name_file, 'w') as f:
- f.write(theme)
- if (os.path.isdir(styles_dir_user) and
- '{}.less'.format(theme) in os.listdir(styles_dir_user)):
- theme_relpath = os.path.relpath(
- os.path.join(styles_dir_user, theme), package_dir)
- else:
- theme_relpath = os.path.relpath(
- os.path.join(styles_dir, theme), package_dir)
- style_less += '@import "{}";\n'.format(theme_relpath)
- textcell_bg = '@cc-input-bg'
- promptText = '@input-prompt'
- promptBG = '@cc-input-bg'
- promptPadding = '.25em'
- promptBorder = '2px solid @prompt-line'
- tcPromptBorder = '2px solid @tc-prompt-std'
- promptMinWidth = 11.5
- outpromptMinWidth = promptMinWidth # remove + 3 since it will overlay output print() text
- tcPromptWidth = promptMinWidth + 3
- tcPromptFontsize = "@prompt-fontsize"
- ccOutputBG = '@cc-output-bg-default'
- if theme == 'grade3':
- textcell_bg = '@notebook-bg'
- if altprompt:
- promptPadding = '.1em'
- promptMinWidth = 8
- outpromptMinWidth = promptMinWidth + 3
- tcPromptWidth = promptMinWidth + 3
- promptText = 'transparent'
- tcPromptBorder = '2px solid transparent'
- if altmd:
- textcell_bg = '@notebook-bg'
- tcPromptBorder = '2px dotted @tc-border-selected'
- if altout:
- ccOutputBG = '@notebook-bg'
- if margins != 'auto':
- margins = '{}px'.format(margins)
- if '%' not in cellwidth:
- cellwidth = str(cellwidth) + 'px'
- style_less += '@container-margins: {};\n'.format(margins)
- style_less += '@cell-width: {}; \n'.format(cellwidth)
- style_less += '@cc-line-height: {}%; \n'.format(lineheight)
- style_less += '@text-cell-bg: {}; \n'.format(textcell_bg)
- style_less += '@cc-prompt-width: {}ex; \n'.format(promptMinWidth)
- style_less += '@cc-prompt-bg: {}; \n'.format(promptBG)
- style_less += '@cc-output-bg: {}; \n'.format(ccOutputBG)
- style_less += '@prompt-text: {}; \n'.format(promptText)
- style_less += '@prompt-padding: {}; \n'.format(promptPadding)
- style_less += '@prompt-border: {}; \n'.format(promptBorder)
- style_less += '@prompt-min-width: {}ex; \n'.format(promptMinWidth)
- style_less += '@out-prompt-min-width: {}ex; \n'.format(outpromptMinWidth)
- style_less += '@tc-prompt-width: {}ex; \n'.format(tcPromptWidth)
- style_less += '@tc-prompt-border: {}; \n'.format(tcPromptBorder)
- style_less += '@cursor-width: {}px; \n'.format(cursorwidth)
- style_less += '@cursor-info: @cursor-width solid {}; \n'.format(
- cursorcolor)
- style_less += '@tc-prompt-fontsize: {}; \n'.format(tcPromptFontsize)
- style_less += '\n\n'
- # read-in notebook.less (general nb style)
- with fileOpen(nb_style, 'r') as notebook:
- style_less += notebook.read() + '\n'
- # read-in cells.less (cell layout)
- with fileOpen(cl_style, 'r') as cells:
- style_less += cells.read() + '\n'
- # read-in extras.less (misc layout)
- with fileOpen(ex_style, 'r') as extras:
- style_less += extras.read() + '\n'
- # read-in codemirror.less (syntax-highlighting)
- with fileOpen(cm_style, 'r') as codemirror:
- style_less += codemirror.read() + '\n'
- with fileOpen(comp_style, 'r') as codemirror:
- style_less += codemirror.read() + '\n'
- style_less += toggle_settings(
- toolbar, nbname, hideprompt, kernellogo) + '\n'
- if vimext:
- set_vim_style(theme)
- return style_less
- def toggle_settings(
- toolbar=False, nbname=False, hideprompt=False, kernellogo=False):
- """Toggle main notebook toolbar (e.g., buttons), filename,
- and kernel logo."""
- toggle = ''
- if toolbar:
- toggle += 'div#maintoolbar {margin-left: 8px !important;}\n'
- toggle += '.toolbar.container {width: 100% !important;}\n'
- else:
- toggle += 'div#maintoolbar {display: none !important;}\n'
- if nbname:
- toggle += ('span.save_widget span.filename {margin-left: 8px; height: initial;'
- 'font-size: 100%; color: @nb-name-fg; background-color:'
- '@cc-input-bg;}\n')
- toggle += ('span.save_widget span.filename:hover {color:'
- '@nb-name-hover; background-color: @cc-input-bg;}\n')
- toggle += ('#menubar {padding-top: 4px; background-color:'
- '@notebook-bg;}\n')
- else:
- toggle += '#header-container {display: none !important;}\n'
- if hideprompt:
- toggle += 'div.prompt.input_prompt {display: none !important;}\n'
- toggle += 'div.prompt.output_prompt {width: 5ex !important;}\n'
- toggle += 'div.out_prompt_overlay.prompt:hover {width: 5ex !important; min-width: 5ex !important;}\n'
- toggle += (
- '.CodeMirror-gutters, .cm-s-ipython .CodeMirror-gutters'
- '{ position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: 3; width: 2em; '
- 'display: inline-block !important; }\n')
- toggle += ('div.cell.code_cell .input { border-left: 5px solid @cm-gutters !important; border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; border-top-left-radius: 5px; }\n')
- if kernellogo:
- toggle += '@kernel-logo-display: block;'
- else:
- toggle += '@kernel-logo-display: none;'
- return toggle
- def proxima_nova_imports(style_less):
- style_less += """@font-face {
- font-family: 'Proxima Nova Bold';
- src: url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Bold-webfont.eot');
- src: url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Bold-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
- url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Bold-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'),
- url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Bold-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
- url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Bold-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
- url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Bold-webfont.svg#proxima_nova_altbold') format('svg');
- font-weight: 600;
- font-style: normal;
- }
- @font-face {
- font-family: 'Proxima Nova';
- src: url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Regular-webfont.eot');
- src: url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
- url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
- url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
- url('fonts/Proxima Nova Alt Regular-webfont.svg#proxima_nova_altregular') format('svg');
- font-weight: 400;
- font-style: normal;
- }"""
- font_subdir = os.path.join(fonts_dir, "sans-serif/proximasans")
- fontpath = os.path.join(fonts_dir, font_subdir)
- for fontfile in os.listdir(font_subdir):
- send_fonts_to_jupyter(os.path.join(fontpath, fontfile))
- return style_less
- def set_mathjax_style(style_css, mathfontsize):
- """Write mathjax settings, set math fontsize
- """
- jax_style = """<script>
- MathJax.Hub.Config({
- "HTML-CSS": {
- /*preferredFont: "TeX",*/
- /*availableFonts: ["TeX", "STIX"],*/
- styles: {
- scale: %d,
- ".MathJax_Display": {
- "font-size": %s,
- }
- }
- }
- });\n</script>
- """ % (int(mathfontsize), '"{}%"'.format(str(mathfontsize)))
- style_css += jax_style
- return style_css
- def set_vim_style(theme):
- """Add style and compatibility with vim notebook extension"""
- vim_jupyter_nbext = os.path.join(jupyter_nbext, 'vim_binding')
- if not os.path.isdir(vim_jupyter_nbext):
- os.makedirs(vim_jupyter_nbext)
- vim_less = '@import "styles{}";\n'.format(''.join([os.sep, theme]))
- with open(vim_style, 'r') as vimstyle:
- vim_less += vimstyle.read() + '\n'
- with open(vimtemp, 'w') as vtemp:
- vtemp.write(vim_less)
- os.chdir(package_dir)
- vim_css = lesscpy.compile(vimtemp)
- vim_css += '\n\n'
- # install vim_custom_css to ...nbextensions/vim_binding/vim_binding.css
- vim_custom_css = os.path.join(vim_jupyter_nbext, 'vim_binding.css')
- with open(vim_custom_css, 'w') as vim_custom:
- vim_custom.write(vim_css)
- def reset_default(verbose=False):
- """Remove custom.css and custom fonts"""
- paths = [jupyter_custom, jupyter_nbext]
- for fpath in paths:
- custom = '{0}{1}{2}.css'.format(fpath, os.sep, 'custom')
- try:
- os.remove(custom)
- except Exception:
- pass
- try:
- delete_font_files()
- except Exception:
- check_directories()
- delete_font_files()
- copyfile(defaultCSS, jupyter_customcss)
- copyfile(defaultJS, jupyter_customjs)
- if os.path.exists(theme_name_file):
- os.remove(theme_name_file)
- if verbose:
- print("Reset css and font defaults in:\n{} &\n{}".format(*paths))
- def set_nb_theme(name):
- """Set theme from within notebook """
- from IPython.core.display import HTML
- styles_dir = os.path.join(package_dir, 'styles/compiled/')
- css_path = glob('{0}/{1}.css'.format(styles_dir, name))[0]
- customcss = open(css_path, "r").read()
- return HTML(''.join(['<style> ', customcss, ' </style>']))
- def get_colors(theme='grade3', c='default', get_dict=False):
- if theme == 'grade3':
- cdict = {'default': '#ff711a',
- 'b': '#1e70c7',
- 'o': '#ff711a',
- 'r': '#e22978',
- 'p': '#AA22FF',
- 'g': '#2ecc71'}
- else:
- cdict = {'default': '#0095ff',
- 'b': '#0095ff',
- 'o': '#ff914d',
- 'r': '#DB797C',
- 'p': '#c776df',
- 'g': '#94c273'}
- cdict['x'] = '@cc-input-fg'
- if get_dict:
- return cdict
- return cdict[c]
- def get_alt_prompt_text_color(theme):
- altColors = {'grade3': '#FF7823',
- 'oceans16': '#667FB1',
- 'chesterish': '#0b98c8',
- 'onedork': '#94c273',
- 'monokai': '#94c273'}
- return altColors[theme]
- def stored_font_dicts(fontcode, get_all=False):
- fonts = {'mono':
- {'anka': ['Anka/Coder', 'anka-coder'],
- 'anonymous': ['Anonymous Pro', 'anonymous-pro'],
- 'aurulent': ['Aurulent Sans Mono', 'aurulent'],
- 'bitstream': ['Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'bitstream-vera'],
- 'bpmono': ['BPmono', 'bpmono'],
- 'code': ['Code New Roman', 'code-new-roman'],
- 'consolamono': ['Consolamono', 'consolamono'],
- 'cousine': ['Cousine', 'cousine'],
- 'dejavu': ['DejaVu Sans Mono', 'dejavu'],
- 'droidmono': ['Droid Sans Mono', 'droidmono'],
- 'fira': ['Fira Mono', 'fira'],
- 'firacode': ['Fira Code', 'firacode'],
- 'generic': ['Generic Mono', 'generic'],
- 'hack': ['Hack', 'hack'],
- 'hasklig': ['Hasklig', 'hasklig'],
- 'iosevka' : ['Iosevka', 'iosevka'],
- 'inputmono': ['Input Mono', 'inputmono'],
- 'inconsolata': ['Inconsolata-g', 'inconsolata-g'],
- 'liberation': ['Liberation Mono', 'liberation'],
- 'meslo': ['Meslo', 'meslo'],
- 'office': ['Office Code Pro', 'office-code-pro'],
- 'oxygen': ['Oxygen Mono', 'oxygen'],
- 'roboto': ['Roboto Mono', 'roboto'],
- 'saxmono': ['saxMono', 'saxmono'],
- 'source': ['Source Code Pro', 'source-code-pro'],
- 'sourcemed': ['Source Code Pro Medium', 'source-code-medium'],
- 'ptmono': ['PT Mono', 'ptmono'],
- 'ubuntu': ['Ubuntu Mono', 'ubuntu']},
- 'sans':
- {'droidsans': ['Droid Sans', 'droidsans'],
- 'opensans': ['Open Sans', 'opensans'],
- 'ptsans': ['PT Sans', 'ptsans'],
- 'sourcesans': ['Source Sans Pro', 'sourcesans'],
- 'robotosans': ['Roboto', 'robotosans'],
- 'latosans': ['Lato', 'latosans'],
- 'exosans': ['Exo_2', 'exosans'],
- 'proxima': ['Proxima Nova', 'proximasans']},
- 'serif':
- {'ptserif': ['PT Serif', 'ptserif'],
- 'ebserif': ['EB Garamond', 'ebserif'],
- 'loraserif': ['Lora', 'loraserif'],
- 'merriserif': ['Merriweather', 'merriserif'],
- 'crimsonserif': ['Crimson Text', 'crimsonserif'],
- 'georgiaserif': ['Georgia', 'georgiaserif'],
- 'neutonserif': ['Neuton', 'neutonserif'],
- 'cardoserif': ['Cardo Serif', 'cardoserif'],
- 'goudyserif': ['Goudy Serif', 'goudyserif']}}
- if get_all:
- return fonts
- if fontcode in list(fonts['mono']):
- fontname, fontdir = fonts['mono'][fontcode]
- fontfam = 'monospace'
- elif fontcode in list(fonts['sans']):
- fontname, fontdir = fonts['sans'][fontcode]
- fontfam = 'sans-serif'
- elif fontcode in list(fonts['serif']):
- fontname, fontdir = fonts['serif'][fontcode]
- fontfam = 'serif'
- else:
- print("\n\tOne of the fonts you requested is not available\n\tSetting all fonts to default")
- return ''
- fontdir = os.sep.join([fontfam, fontdir])
- return '"{}", {}'.format(fontname, fontfam), fontdir