- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -- Content-Encoding: UTF-8 --
- """
- The serialization module
- :authors: Josh Marshall, Thomas Calmant
- :copyright: Copyright 2018, Thomas Calmant
- :license: Apache License 2.0
- :version: 0.3.2
- ..
- Copyright 2018 Thomas Calmant
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- """
- # Standard library
- import inspect
- import re
- # Local package
- import jsonrpclib.config
- import jsonrpclib.utils as utils
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Module version
- __version_info__ = (0, 3, 2)
- __version__ = ".".join(str(x) for x in __version_info__)
- # Documentation strings format
- __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Supported transmitted code
- SUPPORTED_TYPES = (utils.DictType,) + utils.ITERABLE_TYPES \
- # Regex of invalid module characters
- INVALID_MODULE_CHARS = r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\.]'
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class TranslationError(Exception):
- """
- Unmarshalling exception
- """
- pass
- def _slots_finder(clazz, fields_set):
- """
- Recursively visits the class hierarchy to find all slots
- :param clazz: Class to analyze
- :param fields_set: Set where to store __slots___ content
- """
- # ... class level
- try:
- fields_set.update(clazz.__slots__)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- # ... parent classes level
- for base_class in clazz.__bases__:
- _slots_finder(base_class, fields_set)
- def _find_fields(obj):
- """
- Returns the names of the fields of the given object
- :param obj: An object to analyze
- :return: A set of field names
- """
- # Find fields...
- fields = set()
- # ... using __dict__
- try:
- fields.update(obj.__dict__)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- # ... using __slots__
- _slots_finder(obj.__class__, fields)
- return fields
- def dump(obj, serialize_method=None, ignore_attribute=None, ignore=None,
- config=jsonrpclib.config.DEFAULT):
- """
- Transforms the given object into a JSON-RPC compliant form.
- Converts beans into dictionaries with a __jsonclass__ entry.
- Doesn't change primitive types.
- :param obj: An object to convert
- :param serialize_method: Custom serialization method
- :param ignore_attribute: Name of the object attribute containing the names
- of members to ignore
- :param ignore: A list of members to ignore
- :param config: A JSONRPClib Config instance
- :return: A JSON-RPC compliant object
- """
- # Normalize arguments
- serialize_method = serialize_method or config.serialize_method
- ignore_attribute = ignore_attribute or config.ignore_attribute
- ignore = ignore or []
- # Parse / return default "types"...
- # Apply additional types, override built-in types
- # (reminder: config.serialize_handlers is a dict)
- try:
- serializer = config.serialize_handlers[type(obj)]
- except KeyError:
- # Not a serializer
- pass
- else:
- if serializer is not None:
- return serializer(obj, serialize_method, ignore_attribute,
- ignore, config)
- # Primitive
- if isinstance(obj, utils.PRIMITIVE_TYPES):
- return obj
- # Iterative
- elif isinstance(obj, utils.ITERABLE_TYPES):
- # List, set or tuple
- return [dump(item, serialize_method, ignore_attribute, ignore, config)
- for item in obj]
- elif isinstance(obj, utils.DictType):
- # Dictionary
- return {key: dump(value, serialize_method, ignore_attribute,
- ignore, config)
- for key, value in obj.items()}
- # It's not a standard type, so it needs __jsonclass__
- module_name = inspect.getmodule(type(obj)).__name__
- json_class = obj.__class__.__name__
- if module_name not in ('', '__main__'):
- json_class = '{0}.{1}'.format(module_name, json_class)
- # Keep the class name in the returned object
- return_obj = {"__jsonclass__": [json_class]}
- # If a serialization method is defined..
- if hasattr(obj, serialize_method):
- # Params can be a dict (keyword) or list (positional)
- # Attrs MUST be a dict.
- serialize = getattr(obj, serialize_method)
- params, attrs = serialize()
- return_obj['__jsonclass__'].append(params)
- return_obj.update(attrs)
- elif utils.is_enum(obj):
- # Add parameters for enumerations
- return_obj['__jsonclass__'].append([obj.value])
- else:
- # Otherwise, try to figure it out
- # Obviously, we can't assume to know anything about the
- # parameters passed to __init__
- return_obj['__jsonclass__'].append([])
- # Prepare filtering lists
- known_types = SUPPORTED_TYPES + tuple(config.serialize_handlers)
- ignore_list = getattr(obj, ignore_attribute, []) + ignore
- # Find fields and filter them by name
- fields = _find_fields(obj)
- fields.difference_update(ignore_list)
- # Dump field values
- attrs = {}
- for attr_name in fields:
- attr_value = getattr(obj, attr_name)
- if isinstance(attr_value, known_types) and \
- attr_value not in ignore_list:
- attrs[attr_name] = dump(attr_value, serialize_method,
- ignore_attribute, ignore, config)
- return_obj.update(attrs)
- return return_obj
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def load(obj, classes=None):
- """
- If 'obj' is a dictionary containing a __jsonclass__ entry, converts the
- dictionary item into a bean of this class.
- :param obj: An object from a JSON-RPC dictionary
- :param classes: A custom {name: class} dictionary
- :return: The loaded object
- """
- # Primitive
- if isinstance(obj, utils.PRIMITIVE_TYPES):
- return obj
- # List, set or tuple
- elif isinstance(obj, utils.ITERABLE_TYPES):
- # This comes from a JSON parser, so it can only be a list...
- return [load(entry) for entry in obj]
- # Otherwise, it's a dict type
- elif '__jsonclass__' not in obj:
- return {key: load(value) for key, value in obj.items()}
- # It's a dictionary, and it has a __jsonclass__
- orig_module_name = obj['__jsonclass__'][0]
- params = obj['__jsonclass__'][1]
- # Validate the module name
- if not orig_module_name:
- raise TranslationError('Module name empty.')
- json_module_clean = re.sub(INVALID_MODULE_CHARS, '', orig_module_name)
- if json_module_clean != orig_module_name:
- raise TranslationError('Module name {0} has invalid characters.'
- .format(orig_module_name))
- # Load the class
- json_module_parts = json_module_clean.split('.')
- if classes and len(json_module_parts) == 1:
- # Local class name -- probably means it won't work
- try:
- json_class = classes[json_module_parts[0]]
- except KeyError:
- raise TranslationError('Unknown class or module {0}.'
- .format(json_module_parts[0]))
- else:
- # Module + class
- json_class_name = json_module_parts.pop()
- json_module_tree = '.'.join(json_module_parts)
- try:
- # Use fromlist to load the module itself, not the package
- temp_module = __import__(json_module_tree,
- fromlist=[json_class_name])
- except ImportError:
- raise TranslationError('Could not import {0} from module {1}.'
- .format(json_class_name, json_module_tree))
- try:
- json_class = getattr(temp_module, json_class_name)
- except AttributeError:
- raise TranslationError("Unknown class {0}.{1}."
- .format(json_module_tree, json_class_name))
- # Create the object
- if isinstance(params, utils.ListType):
- try:
- new_obj = json_class(*params)
- except TypeError as ex:
- raise TranslationError("Error instantiating {0}: {1}"
- .format(json_class.__name__, ex))
- elif isinstance(params, utils.DictType):
- try:
- new_obj = json_class(**params)
- except TypeError as ex:
- raise TranslationError("Error instantiating {0}: {1}"
- .format(json_class.__name__, ex))
- else:
- raise TranslationError("Constructor args must be a dict or a list, "
- "not {0}".format(type(params).__name__))
- # Remove the class information, as it must be ignored during the
- # reconstruction of the object
- raw_jsonclass = obj.pop('__jsonclass__')
- for key, value in obj.items():
- # Recursive loading
- setattr(new_obj, key, load(value, classes))
- # Restore the class information for further usage
- obj['__jsonclass__'] = raw_jsonclass
- return new_obj