- """The IPython kernel implementation"""
- import getpass
- import sys
- from IPython.core import release
- from ipython_genutils.py3compat import builtin_mod, PY3, unicode_type, safe_unicode
- from IPython.utils.tokenutil import token_at_cursor, line_at_cursor
- from traitlets import Instance, Type, Any, List, Bool
- from .comm import CommManager
- from .kernelbase import Kernel as KernelBase
- from .zmqshell import ZMQInteractiveShell
- try:
- from IPython.core.completer import rectify_completions as _rectify_completions, provisionalcompleter as _provisionalcompleter
- _use_experimental_60_completion = True
- except ImportError:
- _use_experimental_60_completion = False
- _EXPERIMENTAL_KEY_NAME = '_jupyter_types_experimental'
- class IPythonKernel(KernelBase):
- shell = Instance('IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShellABC',
- allow_none=True)
- shell_class = Type(ZMQInteractiveShell)
- use_experimental_completions = Bool(True,
- help="Set this flag to False to deactivate the use of experimental IPython completion APIs.",
- ).tag(config=True)
- user_module = Any()
- def _user_module_changed(self, name, old, new):
- if self.shell is not None:
- self.shell.user_module = new
- user_ns = Instance(dict, args=None, allow_none=True)
- def _user_ns_changed(self, name, old, new):
- if self.shell is not None:
- self.shell.user_ns = new
- self.shell.init_user_ns()
- # A reference to the Python builtin 'raw_input' function.
- # (i.e., __builtin__.raw_input for Python 2.7, builtins.input for Python 3)
- _sys_raw_input = Any()
- _sys_eval_input = Any()
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(IPythonKernel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- # Initialize the InteractiveShell subclass
- self.shell = self.shell_class.instance(parent=self,
- profile_dir = self.profile_dir,
- user_module = self.user_module,
- user_ns = self.user_ns,
- kernel = self,
- )
- self.shell.displayhook.session = self.session
- self.shell.displayhook.pub_socket = self.iopub_socket
- self.shell.displayhook.topic = self._topic('execute_result')
- self.shell.display_pub.session = self.session
- self.shell.display_pub.pub_socket = self.iopub_socket
- self.comm_manager = CommManager(parent=self, kernel=self)
- self.shell.configurables.append(self.comm_manager)
- comm_msg_types = [ 'comm_open', 'comm_msg', 'comm_close' ]
- for msg_type in comm_msg_types:
- self.shell_handlers[msg_type] = getattr(self.comm_manager, msg_type)
- help_links = List([
- {
- 'text': "Python Reference",
- 'url': "https://docs.python.org/%i.%i" % sys.version_info[:2],
- },
- {
- 'text': "IPython Reference",
- 'url': "https://ipython.org/documentation.html",
- },
- {
- 'text': "NumPy Reference",
- 'url': "https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/",
- },
- {
- 'text': "SciPy Reference",
- 'url': "https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/",
- },
- {
- 'text': "Matplotlib Reference",
- 'url': "https://matplotlib.org/contents.html",
- },
- {
- 'text': "SymPy Reference",
- 'url': "http://docs.sympy.org/latest/index.html",
- },
- {
- 'text': "pandas Reference",
- 'url': "https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/",
- },
- ]).tag(config=True)
- # Kernel info fields
- implementation = 'ipython'
- implementation_version = release.version
- language_info = {
- 'name': 'python',
- 'version': sys.version.split()[0],
- 'mimetype': 'text/x-python',
- 'codemirror_mode': {
- 'name': 'ipython',
- 'version': sys.version_info[0]
- },
- 'pygments_lexer': 'ipython%d' % (3 if PY3 else 2),
- 'nbconvert_exporter': 'python',
- 'file_extension': '.py'
- }
- @property
- def banner(self):
- return self.shell.banner
- def start(self):
- self.shell.exit_now = False
- super(IPythonKernel, self).start()
- def set_parent(self, ident, parent):
- """Overridden from parent to tell the display hook and output streams
- about the parent message.
- """
- super(IPythonKernel, self).set_parent(ident, parent)
- self.shell.set_parent(parent)
- def init_metadata(self, parent):
- """Initialize metadata.
- Run at the beginning of each execution request.
- """
- md = super(IPythonKernel, self).init_metadata(parent)
- # FIXME: remove deprecated ipyparallel-specific code
- # This is required for ipyparallel < 5.0
- md.update({
- 'dependencies_met' : True,
- 'engine' : self.ident,
- })
- return md
- def finish_metadata(self, parent, metadata, reply_content):
- """Finish populating metadata.
- Run after completing an execution request.
- """
- # FIXME: remove deprecated ipyparallel-specific code
- # This is required by ipyparallel < 5.0
- metadata['status'] = reply_content['status']
- if reply_content['status'] == 'error' and reply_content['ename'] == 'UnmetDependency':
- metadata['dependencies_met'] = False
- return metadata
- def _forward_input(self, allow_stdin=False):
- """Forward raw_input and getpass to the current frontend.
- via input_request
- """
- self._allow_stdin = allow_stdin
- if PY3:
- self._sys_raw_input = builtin_mod.input
- builtin_mod.input = self.raw_input
- else:
- self._sys_raw_input = builtin_mod.raw_input
- self._sys_eval_input = builtin_mod.input
- builtin_mod.raw_input = self.raw_input
- builtin_mod.input = lambda prompt='': eval(self.raw_input(prompt))
- self._save_getpass = getpass.getpass
- getpass.getpass = self.getpass
- def _restore_input(self):
- """Restore raw_input, getpass"""
- if PY3:
- builtin_mod.input = self._sys_raw_input
- else:
- builtin_mod.raw_input = self._sys_raw_input
- builtin_mod.input = self._sys_eval_input
- getpass.getpass = self._save_getpass
- @property
- def execution_count(self):
- return self.shell.execution_count
- @execution_count.setter
- def execution_count(self, value):
- # Ignore the incrememnting done by KernelBase, in favour of our shell's
- # execution counter.
- pass
- def do_execute(self, code, silent, store_history=True,
- user_expressions=None, allow_stdin=False):
- shell = self.shell # we'll need this a lot here
- self._forward_input(allow_stdin)
- reply_content = {}
- try:
- res = shell.run_cell(code, store_history=store_history, silent=silent)
- finally:
- self._restore_input()
- if res.error_before_exec is not None:
- err = res.error_before_exec
- else:
- err = res.error_in_exec
- if res.success:
- reply_content[u'status'] = u'ok'
- else:
- reply_content[u'status'] = u'error'
- reply_content.update({
- u'traceback': shell._last_traceback or [],
- u'ename': unicode_type(type(err).__name__),
- u'evalue': safe_unicode(err),
- })
- # FIXME: deprecated piece for ipyparallel (remove in 5.0):
- e_info = dict(engine_uuid=self.ident, engine_id=self.int_id,
- method='execute')
- reply_content['engine_info'] = e_info
- # Return the execution counter so clients can display prompts
- reply_content['execution_count'] = shell.execution_count - 1
- if 'traceback' in reply_content:
- self.log.info("Exception in execute request:\n%s", '\n'.join(reply_content['traceback']))
- # At this point, we can tell whether the main code execution succeeded
- # or not. If it did, we proceed to evaluate user_expressions
- if reply_content['status'] == 'ok':
- reply_content[u'user_expressions'] = \
- shell.user_expressions(user_expressions or {})
- else:
- # If there was an error, don't even try to compute expressions
- reply_content[u'user_expressions'] = {}
- # Payloads should be retrieved regardless of outcome, so we can both
- # recover partial output (that could have been generated early in a
- # block, before an error) and always clear the payload system.
- reply_content[u'payload'] = shell.payload_manager.read_payload()
- # Be aggressive about clearing the payload because we don't want
- # it to sit in memory until the next execute_request comes in.
- shell.payload_manager.clear_payload()
- return reply_content
- def do_complete(self, code, cursor_pos):
- if _use_experimental_60_completion and self.use_experimental_completions:
- return self._experimental_do_complete(code, cursor_pos)
- # FIXME: IPython completers currently assume single line,
- # but completion messages give multi-line context
- # For now, extract line from cell, based on cursor_pos:
- if cursor_pos is None:
- cursor_pos = len(code)
- line, offset = line_at_cursor(code, cursor_pos)
- line_cursor = cursor_pos - offset
- txt, matches = self.shell.complete('', line, line_cursor)
- return {'matches' : matches,
- 'cursor_end' : cursor_pos,
- 'cursor_start' : cursor_pos - len(txt),
- 'metadata' : {},
- 'status' : 'ok'}
- def _experimental_do_complete(self, code, cursor_pos):
- """
- Experimental completions from IPython, using Jedi.
- """
- if cursor_pos is None:
- cursor_pos = len(code)
- with _provisionalcompleter():
- raw_completions = self.shell.Completer.completions(code, cursor_pos)
- completions = list(_rectify_completions(code, raw_completions))
- comps = []
- for comp in completions:
- comps.append(dict(
- start=comp.start,
- end=comp.end,
- text=comp.text,
- type=comp.type,
- ))
- if completions:
- s = completions[0].start
- e = completions[0].end
- matches = [c.text for c in completions]
- else:
- s = cursor_pos
- e = cursor_pos
- matches = []
- return {'matches': matches,
- 'cursor_end': e,
- 'cursor_start': s,
- 'metadata': {_EXPERIMENTAL_KEY_NAME: comps},
- 'status': 'ok'}
- def do_inspect(self, code, cursor_pos, detail_level=0):
- name = token_at_cursor(code, cursor_pos)
- info = self.shell.object_inspect(name)
- reply_content = {'status' : 'ok'}
- reply_content['data'] = data = {}
- reply_content['metadata'] = {}
- reply_content['found'] = info['found']
- if info['found']:
- info_text = self.shell.object_inspect_text(
- name,
- detail_level=detail_level,
- )
- data['text/plain'] = info_text
- return reply_content
- def do_history(self, hist_access_type, output, raw, session=0, start=0,
- stop=None, n=None, pattern=None, unique=False):
- if hist_access_type == 'tail':
- hist = self.shell.history_manager.get_tail(n, raw=raw, output=output,
- include_latest=True)
- elif hist_access_type == 'range':
- hist = self.shell.history_manager.get_range(session, start, stop,
- raw=raw, output=output)
- elif hist_access_type == 'search':
- hist = self.shell.history_manager.search(
- pattern, raw=raw, output=output, n=n, unique=unique)
- else:
- hist = []
- return {
- 'status': 'ok',
- 'history' : list(hist),
- }
- def do_shutdown(self, restart):
- self.shell.exit_now = True
- return dict(status='ok', restart=restart)
- def do_is_complete(self, code):
- status, indent_spaces = self.shell.input_splitter.check_complete(code)
- r = {'status': status}
- if status == 'incomplete':
- r['indent'] = ' ' * indent_spaces
- return r
- def do_apply(self, content, bufs, msg_id, reply_metadata):
- from .serialize import serialize_object, unpack_apply_message
- shell = self.shell
- try:
- working = shell.user_ns
- prefix = "_"+str(msg_id).replace("-","")+"_"
- f,args,kwargs = unpack_apply_message(bufs, working, copy=False)
- fname = getattr(f, '__name__', 'f')
- fname = prefix+"f"
- argname = prefix+"args"
- kwargname = prefix+"kwargs"
- resultname = prefix+"result"
- ns = { fname : f, argname : args, kwargname : kwargs , resultname : None }
- # print ns
- working.update(ns)
- code = "%s = %s(*%s,**%s)" % (resultname, fname, argname, kwargname)
- try:
- exec(code, shell.user_global_ns, shell.user_ns)
- result = working.get(resultname)
- finally:
- for key in ns:
- working.pop(key)
- result_buf = serialize_object(result,
- buffer_threshold=self.session.buffer_threshold,
- item_threshold=self.session.item_threshold,
- )
- except BaseException as e:
- # invoke IPython traceback formatting
- shell.showtraceback()
- reply_content = {
- u'traceback': shell._last_traceback or [],
- u'ename': unicode_type(type(e).__name__),
- u'evalue': safe_unicode(e),
- }
- # FIXME: deprecated piece for ipyparallel (remove in 5.0):
- e_info = dict(engine_uuid=self.ident, engine_id=self.int_id, method='apply')
- reply_content['engine_info'] = e_info
- self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, u'error', reply_content,
- ident=self._topic('error'))
- self.log.info("Exception in apply request:\n%s", '\n'.join(reply_content['traceback']))
- result_buf = []
- reply_content['status'] = 'error'
- else:
- reply_content = {'status' : 'ok'}
- return reply_content, result_buf
- def do_clear(self):
- self.shell.reset(False)
- return dict(status='ok')
- # This exists only for backwards compatibility - use IPythonKernel instead
- class Kernel(IPythonKernel):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- import warnings
- warnings.warn('Kernel is a deprecated alias of ipykernel.ipkernel.IPythonKernel',
- DeprecationWarning)
- super(Kernel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)