- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2010 Radim Rehurek <radimrehurek@seznam.cz>
- # Licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1 - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
- """Basic interfaces used across the whole Gensim package.
- These interfaces are used for building corpora, model transformation and similarity queries.
- The interfaces are realized as abstract base classes. This means some functionality is already
- provided in the interface itself, and subclasses should inherit from these interfaces
- and implement the missing methods.
- """
- from __future__ import with_statement
- import logging
- from gensim import utils, matutils
- from six.moves import xrange
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class CorpusABC(utils.SaveLoad):
- """Interface for corpus classes from :mod:`gensim.corpora`.
- Corpus is simply an iterable object, where each iteration step yields one document:
- >>> from gensim.corpora import MmCorpus # this is inheritor of CorpusABC class
- >>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath
- >>>
- >>> corpus = MmCorpus(datapath("testcorpus.mm"))
- >>> for doc in corpus:
- ... pass # do something with the doc...
- A document represented in bag-of-word (BoW) format, i.e. list of (attr_id, attr_value),
- like ``[(1, 0.2), (4, 0.6), ...]``.
- >>> from gensim.corpora import MmCorpus # this is inheritor of CorpusABC class
- >>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath
- >>>
- >>> corpus = MmCorpus(datapath("testcorpus.mm"))
- >>> doc = next(iter(corpus))
- >>> print(doc)
- [(0, 1.0), (1, 1.0), (2, 1.0)]
- Remember, that save/load methods save only corpus class (not corpus as data itself),
- for save/load functionality, please use this pattern :
- >>> from gensim.corpora import MmCorpus # this is inheritor of CorpusABC class
- >>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath, get_tmpfile
- >>>
- >>> corpus = MmCorpus(datapath("testcorpus.mm"))
- >>> tmp_path = get_tmpfile("temp_corpus.mm")
- >>>
- >>> MmCorpus.serialize(tmp_path, corpus) # serialize corpus to disk in MmCorpus format
- >>> # MmCorpus.save_corpus(tmp_path, corpus) # this variant also possible, but if serialize availbe - call it.
- >>> loaded_corpus = MmCorpus(tmp_path) # load corpus through constructor
- >>> for (doc_1, doc_2) in zip(corpus, loaded_corpus):
- ... assert doc_1 == doc_2 # check that corpuses exactly same
- See Also
- --------
- :mod:`gensim.corpora`
- Corpuses in different formats
- """
- def __iter__(self):
- """Iterate all over corpus."""
- raise NotImplementedError('cannot instantiate abstract base class')
- def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Saves corpus in-memory state.
- Warnings
- --------
- This save only the "state" of a corpus class, not the corpus data!
- For saving data use the `serialize` method of the output format you'd like to use
- (e.g. :meth:`gensim.corpora.mmcorpus.MmCorpus.serialize`).
- """
- import warnings
- warnings.warn(
- "corpus.save() stores only the (tiny) iteration object in memory; "
- "to serialize the actual corpus content, use e.g. MmCorpus.serialize(corpus)"
- )
- super(CorpusABC, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
- def __len__(self):
- """Get the corpus size = the total number of documents in it."""
- raise NotImplementedError("must override __len__() before calling len(corpus)")
- @staticmethod
- def save_corpus(fname, corpus, id2word=None, metadata=False):
- """Save `corpus` to disk.
- Some formats support saving the dictionary (`feature_id -> word` mapping),
- which can be provided by the optional `id2word` parameter.
- Notes
- -----
- Some corpora also support random access via document indexing, so that the documents on disk
- can be accessed in O(1) time (see the :class:`gensim.corpora.indexedcorpus.IndexedCorpus` base class).
- In this case, :meth:`~gensim.interfaces.CorpusABC.save_corpus` is automatically called internally by
- :func:`serialize`, which does :meth:`~gensim.interfaces.CorpusABC.save_corpus` plus saves the index
- at the same time.
- Calling :func:`serialize() is preferred to calling :meth:`gensim.interfaces.CorpusABC.save_corpus`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fname : str
- Path to output file.
- corpus : iterable of list of (int, number)
- Corpus in BoW format.
- id2word : :class:`~gensim.corpora.Dictionary`, optional
- Dictionary of corpus.
- metadata : bool, optional
- Write additional metadata to a separate too?
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('cannot instantiate abstract base class')
- class TransformedCorpus(CorpusABC):
- """Interface for corpora that are the result of an online (streamed) transformation."""
- def __init__(self, obj, corpus, chunksize=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- obj : object
- A transformation :class:`~gensim.interfaces.TransformationABC` object that will be applied
- to each document from `corpus` during iteration.
- corpus : iterable of list of (int, number)
- Corpus in bag-of-words format.
- chunksize : int, optional
- If provided, a slightly more effective processing will be performed by grouping documents from `corpus`.
- """
- self.obj, self.corpus, self.chunksize = obj, corpus, chunksize
- # add the new parameters like per_word_topics to base class object of LdaModel
- for key, value in kwargs.items():
- setattr(self.obj, key, value)
- self.metadata = False
- def __len__(self):
- """Get corpus size."""
- return len(self.corpus)
- def __iter__(self):
- """Iterate over the corpus, applying the selected transformation.
- If `chunksize` was set in the constructor, works in "batch-manner" (more efficient).
- Yields
- ------
- list of (int, number)
- Documents in the sparse Gensim bag-of-words format.
- """
- if self.chunksize:
- for chunk in utils.grouper(self.corpus, self.chunksize):
- for transformed in self.obj.__getitem__(chunk, chunksize=None):
- yield transformed
- else:
- for doc in self.corpus:
- yield self.obj[doc]
- def __getitem__(self, docno):
- """Transform the document at position `docno` within `corpus` specified in the constructor.
- Parameters
- ----------
- docno : int
- Position of the document to transform. Document offset inside `self.corpus`.
- Notes
- -----
- `self.corpus` must support random indexing.
- Returns
- -------
- list of (int, number)
- Transformed document in the sparse Gensim bag-of-words format.
- Raises
- ------
- RuntimeError
- If corpus doesn't support index slicing (`__getitem__` doesn't exists).
- """
- if hasattr(self.corpus, '__getitem__'):
- return self.obj[self.corpus[docno]]
- else:
- raise RuntimeError('Type {} does not support slicing.'.format(type(self.corpus)))
- class TransformationABC(utils.SaveLoad):
- """Transformation interface.
- A 'transformation' is any object which accepts document in BoW format via the `__getitem__` (notation `[]`)
- and returns another sparse document in its stead:
- >>> from gensim.models import LsiModel
- >>> from gensim.test.utils import common_dictionary, common_corpus
- >>>
- >>> model = LsiModel(common_corpus, id2word=common_dictionary)
- >>> bow_vector = model[common_corpus[0]] # model applied through __getitem__ on one document from corpus.
- >>> bow_corpus = model[common_corpus] # also, we can apply model on the full corpus
- """
- def __getitem__(self, vec):
- """Transform a single document, or a whole corpus, from one vector space into another.
- Parameters
- ----------
- vec : {list of (int, number), iterable of list of (int, number)}
- Document in bag-of-words, or streamed corpus.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('cannot instantiate abstract base class')
- def _apply(self, corpus, chunksize=None, **kwargs):
- """Apply the transformation to a whole corpus and get the result as another corpus.
- Parameters
- ----------
- corpus : iterable of list of (int, number)
- Corpus in sparse Gensim bag-of-words format.
- chunksize : int, optional
- If provided, a more effective processing will performed.
- Returns
- -------
- :class:`~gensim.interfaces.TransformedCorpus`
- Transformed corpus.
- """
- return TransformedCorpus(self, corpus, chunksize, **kwargs)
- class SimilarityABC(utils.SaveLoad):
- """Interface for similarity search over a corpus.
- In all instances, there is a corpus against which we want to perform the similarity search.
- For each similarity search, the input is a document or a corpus, and the output are the similarities
- to individual corpus documents.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> from gensim.similarities import MatrixSimilarity
- >>> from gensim.test.utils import common_dictionary, common_corpus
- >>>
- >>> index = MatrixSimilarity(common_corpus)
- >>> similarities = index.get_similarities(common_corpus[1]) # get similarities between query and corpus
- Notes
- -----
- There is also a convenience wrapper, where iterating over `self` yields similarities of each document in the corpus
- against the whole corpus (i.e. the query is each corpus document in turn).
- See Also
- --------
- :mod:`gensim.similarities`
- Different index implementations of this interface.
- """
- def __init__(self, corpus):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- corpus : iterable of list of (int, number)
- Corpus in sparse Gensim bag-of-words format.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError("cannot instantiate Abstract Base Class")
- def get_similarities(self, doc):
- """Get similarities of the given document or corpus against this index.
- Parameters
- ----------
- doc : {list of (int, number), iterable of list of (int, number)}
- Document in the sparse Gensim bag-of-words format, or a streamed corpus of such documents.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError("cannot instantiate Abstract Base Class")
- def __getitem__(self, query):
- """Get similarities of the given document or corpus against this index.
- Uses :meth:`~gensim.interfaces.SimilarityABC.get_similarities` internally.
- Notes
- -----
- Passing an entire corpus as `query` can be more efficient than passing its documents one after another,
- because it will issue queries in batches internally.
- Parameters
- ----------
- query : {list of (int, number), iterable of list of (int, number)}
- Document in the sparse Gensim bag-of-words format, or a streamed corpus of such documents.
- Returns
- -------
- {`scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix`, list of (int, float)}
- Similarities given document or corpus and objects corpus, depends on `query`.
- """
- is_corpus, query = utils.is_corpus(query)
- if self.normalize:
- # self.normalize only works if the input is a plain gensim vector/corpus (as
- # advertised in the doc). in fact, input can be a numpy or scipy.sparse matrix
- # as well, but in that case assume tricks are happening and don't normalize
- # anything (self.normalize has no effect).
- if not matutils.ismatrix(query):
- if is_corpus:
- query = [matutils.unitvec(v) for v in query]
- else:
- query = matutils.unitvec(query)
- result = self.get_similarities(query)
- if self.num_best is None:
- return result
- # if maintain_sparsity is True, result is scipy sparse. Sort, clip the
- # topn and return as a scipy sparse matrix.
- if getattr(self, 'maintain_sparsity', False):
- return matutils.scipy2scipy_clipped(result, self.num_best)
- # if the input query was a corpus (=more documents), compute the top-n
- # most similar for each document in turn
- if matutils.ismatrix(result):
- return [matutils.full2sparse_clipped(v, self.num_best) for v in result]
- else:
- # otherwise, return top-n of the single input document
- return matutils.full2sparse_clipped(result, self.num_best)
- def __iter__(self):
- """Iterate over all documents, compute similarity of each document against all other documents in the index.
- Yields
- ------
- {`scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix`, list of (int, float)}
- Similarity of the current document and all documents in the corpus.
- """
- # turn off query normalization (vectors in the index are assumed to be already normalized)
- norm = self.normalize
- self.normalize = False
- # Try to compute similarities in bigger chunks of documents (not
- # one query = a single document after another). The point is, a
- # bigger query of N documents is faster than N small queries of one
- # document.
- #
- # After computing similarities of the bigger query in `self[chunk]`,
- # yield the resulting similarities one after another, so that it looks
- # exactly the same as if they had been computed with many small queries.
- try:
- chunking = self.chunksize > 1
- except AttributeError:
- # chunking not supported; fall back to the (slower) mode of 1 query=1 document
- chunking = False
- if chunking:
- # assumes `self.corpus` holds the index as a 2-d numpy array.
- # this is true for MatrixSimilarity and SparseMatrixSimilarity, but
- # may not be true for other (future) classes..?
- for chunk_start in xrange(0, self.index.shape[0], self.chunksize):
- # scipy.sparse doesn't allow slicing beyond real size of the matrix
- # (unlike numpy). so, clip the end of the chunk explicitly to make
- # scipy.sparse happy
- chunk_end = min(self.index.shape[0], chunk_start + self.chunksize)
- chunk = self.index[chunk_start: chunk_end]
- for sim in self[chunk]:
- yield sim
- else:
- for doc in self.index:
- yield self[doc]
- # restore old normalization value
- self.normalize = norm