- ==================================================
- Send2Trash -- Send files to trash on all platforms
- ==================================================
- Send2Trash is a small package that sends files to the Trash (or Recycle Bin) *natively* and on
- *all platforms*. On OS X, it uses native ``FSMoveObjectToTrashSync`` Cocoa calls, on Windows, it
- uses native (and ugly) ``SHFileOperation`` win32 calls. On other platforms, if `PyGObject`_ and
- `GIO`_ are available, it will use this. Otherwise, it will fallback to its own implementation
- of the `trash specifications from freedesktop.org`_.
- ``ctypes`` is used to access native libraries, so no compilation is necessary.
- Send2Trash supports Python 2.7 and up (Python 3 is supported).
- Installation
- ------------
- You can download it with pip::
- pip install Send2Trash
- or you can download the source from http://github.com/hsoft/send2trash and install it with::
- >>> python setup.py install
- Usage
- -----
- >>> from send2trash import send2trash
- >>> send2trash('some_file')
- On Freedesktop platforms (Linux, BSD, etc.), you may not be able to efficiently
- trash some files. In these cases, an exception ``send2trash.TrashPermissionError``
- is raised, so that the application can handle this case. This inherits from
- ``PermissionError`` (``OSError`` on Python 2). Specifically, this affects
- files on a different device to the user's home directory, where the root of the
- device does not have a ``.Trash`` directory, and we don't have permission to
- create a ``.Trash-$UID`` directory.
- For any other problem, ``OSError`` is raised.
- .. _PyGObject: https://wiki.gnome.org/PyGObject
- .. _GIO: https://developer.gnome.org/gio/
- .. _trash specifications from freedesktop.org: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/trash-spec/
- Changes
- =======
- Version 1.5.0 -- 2018/02/16
- ---------------------------
- * More specific error when failing to create XDG fallback trash directory (#20)
- * Windows: Workaround for long paths (#23)
- Version 1.4.2 -- 2017/11/17
- ---------------------------
- * Fix incompatibility with Python 3.6 on Windows. (#18)
- Version 1.4.1 -- 2017/08/07
- ---------------------------
- * Fix crash on Windows introduced in v1.4.0. Oops... (#14)
- Version 1.4.0 -- 2017/08/07
- ---------------------------
- * Use ``bytes`` instead of ``str`` for internal path handling in ``plat_other``. (#13)
- Version 1.3.1 -- 2017/07/31
- ---------------------------
- * Throw ``WindowsError`` instead of ``OSError`` in ``plat_win``. (#7)
- * Fix ``TypeError`` on python 2 in ``plat_other``. (#12)
- Version 1.3.0 -- 2013/07/19
- ---------------------------
- * Added support for Gnome's GIO.
- * Merged Python 3 and Python 2 versions in a single codebase.
- Version 1.2.0 -- 2011/03/16
- ---------------------------
- * Improved ``plat_other`` to follow freedesktop.org trash specification.
- Version 1.1.0 -- 2010/10/18
- ---------------------------
- * Converted compiled modules to ctypes so that cross-platform compilation isn't necessary anymore.
- Version 1.0.2 -- 2010/07/10
- ---------------------------
- * Fixed bugs with external volumes in plat_other.
- Version 1.0.1 -- 2010/04/19
- ---------------------------
- * Fixed memory leak in OS X module.
- Version 1.0.0 -- 2010/04/07
- ---------------------------
- * Initial Release