- Metadata-Version: 2.1
- Name: thinc
- Version: 6.12.1
- Summary: Practical Machine Learning for NLP
- Home-page: https://github.com/explosion/thinc
- Author: Matthew Honnibal
- Author-email: matt@explosion.ai
- License: MIT
- Platform: UNKNOWN
- Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
- Classifier: Environment :: Console
- Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
- Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
- Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
- Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
- Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X
- Classifier: Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Cython
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
- Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering
- Requires-Dist: numpy (>=1.7.0)
- Requires-Dist: msgpack (<0.6.0,>=0.5.6)
- Requires-Dist: msgpack-numpy (<0.4.4)
- Requires-Dist: murmurhash (<1.1.0,>=0.28.0)
- Requires-Dist: cymem (<3.0.0,>=2.0.2)
- Requires-Dist: preshed (<3.0.0,>=2.0.1)
- Requires-Dist: cytoolz (<0.10,>=0.9.0)
- Requires-Dist: wrapt (<1.11.0,>=1.10.0)
- Requires-Dist: plac (<1.0.0,>=0.9.6)
- Requires-Dist: tqdm (<5.0.0,>=4.10.0)
- Requires-Dist: six (<2.0.0,>=1.10.0)
- Requires-Dist: dill (<0.3.0,>=0.2.7)
- Requires-Dist: pathlib (==1.0.1) ; python_version < "3.4"
- Provides-Extra: cuda
- Requires-Dist: thinc-gpu-ops (<0.1.0,>=0.0.3) ; extra == 'cuda'
- Requires-Dist: cupy (>=5.0.0b4) ; extra == 'cuda'
- Provides-Extra: cuda100
- Requires-Dist: thinc-gpu-ops (<0.1.0,>=0.0.3) ; extra == 'cuda100'
- Requires-Dist: cupy-cuda100 (>=5.0.0b4) ; extra == 'cuda100'
- Provides-Extra: cuda80
- Requires-Dist: thinc-gpu-ops (<0.1.0,>=0.0.3) ; extra == 'cuda80'
- Requires-Dist: cupy-cuda80 (>=5.0.0b4) ; extra == 'cuda80'
- Provides-Extra: cuda90
- Requires-Dist: thinc-gpu-ops (<0.1.0,>=0.0.3) ; extra == 'cuda90'
- Requires-Dist: cupy-cuda90 (>=5.0.0b4) ; extra == 'cuda90'
- Provides-Extra: cuda91
- Requires-Dist: thinc-gpu-ops (<0.1.0,>=0.0.3) ; extra == 'cuda91'
- Requires-Dist: cupy-cuda91 (>=5.0.0b4) ; extra == 'cuda91'
- Provides-Extra: cuda92
- Requires-Dist: thinc-gpu-ops (<0.1.0,>=0.0.3) ; extra == 'cuda92'
- Requires-Dist: cupy-cuda92 (>=5.0.0b4) ; extra == 'cuda92'
- Thinc: Practical Machine Learning for NLP in Python
- ***************************************************
- **Thinc** is the machine learning library powering `spaCy <https://spacy.io>`_.
- It features a battle-tested linear model designed for large sparse learning
- problems, and a flexible neural network model under development for
- `spaCy v2.0 <https://alpha.spacy.io/usage/v2>`_.
- Thinc is a practical toolkit for implementing models that follow the
- `"Embed, encode, attend, predict" <https://explosion.ai/blog/deep-learning-formula-nlp>`_
- architecture. It's designed to be easy to install, efficient for CPU usage and
- optimised for NLP and deep learning with text – in particular, hierarchically
- structured input and variable-length sequences.
- 🔮 **Version 6.10 out now!** `Read the release notes here. <https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/>`_
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- What's where (as of v6.9.0)
- ===========================
- ======================== ===
- ``thinc.v2v.Model`` Base class.
- ``thinc.v2v`` Layers transforming vectors to vectors.
- ``thinc.i2v`` Layers embedding IDs to vectors.
- ``thinc.t2v`` Layers pooling tensors to vectors.
- ``thinc.t2t`` Layers transforming tensors to tensors (e.g. CNN, LSTM).
- ``thinc.api`` Higher-order functions, for building networks. Will be renamed.
- ``thinc.extra`` Datasets and utilities.
- ``thinc.neural.ops`` Container classes for mathematical operations. Will be reorganized.
- ``thinc.linear.avgtron`` Legacy efficient Averaged Perceptron implementation.
- ======================== ===
- Development status
- ==================
- Thinc's deep learning functionality is still under active development: APIs are
- unstable, and we're not yet ready to provide usage support. However, if you're
- already quite familiar with neural networks, there's a lot here you might find
- interesting. Thinc's conceptual model is quite different from TensorFlow's.
- Thinc also implements some novel features, such as a small DSL for concisely
- wiring up models, embedding tables that support pre-computation and the
- hashing trick, dynamic batch sizes, a concatenation-based approach to
- variable-length sequences, and support for model averaging for the
- Adam solver (which performs very well).
- No computational graph – just higher order functions
- ======================================================
- The central problem for a neural network implementation is this: during the
- forward pass, you compute results that will later be useful during the backward
- pass. How do you keep track of this arbitrary state, while making sure that
- layers can be cleanly composed?
- Most libraries solve this problem by having you declare the forward
- computations, which are then compiled into a graph somewhere behind the scenes.
- Thinc doesn't have a "computational graph". Instead, we just use the stack,
- because we put the state from the forward pass into callbacks.
- All nodes in the network have a simple signature:
- .. code:: none
- f(inputs) -> {outputs, f(d_outputs)->d_inputs}
- To make this less abstract, here's a ReLu activation, following this signature:
- .. code:: python
- def relu(inputs):
- mask = inputs > 0
- def backprop_relu(d_outputs, optimizer):
- return d_outputs * mask
- return inputs * mask, backprop_relu
- When you call the ``relu`` function, you get back an output variable, and a
- callback. This lets you calculate a gradient using the output, and then pass it
- into the callback to perform the backward pass.
- This signature makes it easy to build a complex network out of smaller pieces,
- using arbitrary higher-order functions you can write yourself. To make this
- clearer, we need a function for a weights layer. Usually this will be
- implemented as a class — but let's continue using closures, to keep things
- concise, and to keep the simplicity of the interface explicit:
- .. code:: python
- import numpy
- def create_linear_layer(n_out, n_in):
- W = numpy.zeros((n_out, n_in))
- b = numpy.zeros((n_out, 1))
- def forward(X):
- Y = W @ X + b
- def backward(dY, optimizer):
- dX = W.T @ dY
- dW = numpy.einsum('ik,jk->ij', dY, X)
- db = dY.sum(axis=0)
- optimizer(W, dW)
- optimizer(b, db)
- return dX
- return Y, backward
- return forward
- If we call ``Wb = create_linear_layer(5, 4)``, the variable ``Wb`` will be the
- ``forward()`` function, implemented inside the body of ``create_linear_layer()``.
- The `Wb` instance will have access to the ``W`` and ``b`` variable defined in its
- outer scope. If we invoke ``create_linear_layer()`` again, we get a new instance,
- with its own internal state.
- The ``Wb`` instance and the ``relu`` function have exactly the same signature. This
- makes it easy to write higher order functions to compose them. The most obvious
- thing to do is chain them together:
- .. code:: python
- def chain(*layers):
- def forward(X):
- backprops = []
- Y = X
- for layer in layers:
- Y, backprop = layer(Y)
- backprops.append(backprop)
- def backward(dY, optimizer):
- for backprop in reversed(backprops):
- dY = backprop(dY, optimizer)
- return dY
- return Y, backward
- return forward
- We could now chain our linear layer together with the ``relu`` activation, to
- create a simple feed-forward network:
- .. code:: python
- Wb1 = create_linear_layer(10, 5)
- Wb2 = create_linear_layer(3, 10)
- model = chain(Wb1, relu, Wb2)
- X = numpy.random.uniform(size=(5, 4))
- y, bp_y = model(X)
- dY = y - truth
- dX = bp_y(dY, optimizer)
- This conceptual model makes Thinc very flexible. The trade-off is that Thinc is
- less convenient and efficient at workloads that fit exactly into what
- `Tensorflow <https://www.tensorflow.org/>`_ etc. are designed for. If your graph
- really is static, and your inputs are homogenous in size and shape,
- `Keras <https://keras.io/>`_ will likely be faster and simpler. But if you want
- to pass normal Python objects through your network, or handle sequences and recursions
- of arbitrary length or complexity, you might find Thinc's design a better fit for
- your problem.
- Quickstart
- ==========
- Thinc should install cleanly with both `pip <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/thinc>`_ and
- `conda <https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/thinc>`_, for **Pythons 2.7+ and 3.5+**, on
- **Linux**, **macOS / OSX** and **Windows**. Its only system dependency is a compiler
- tool-chain (e.g. ``build-essential``) and the Python development headers (e.g.
- ``python-dev``).
- .. code:: bash
- pip install thinc
- For GPU support, we're grateful to use the work of Chainer's cupy module, which provides a numpy-compatible interface for GPU arrays. However, installing Chainer when no GPU is available currently causes an error. We therefore do not list Chainer as an explicit dependency --- so building ``Thinc`` for GPU requires some extra steps:
- .. code:: bash
- export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-8.0 # Or wherever your CUDA is
- export PATH=$PATH:$CUDA_HOME/bin
- pip install chainer
- python -c "import cupy; assert cupy" # Check it installed
- pip install thinc
- python -c "import thinc.neural.gpu_ops" # Check the GPU ops were built
- The rest of this section describes how to build Thinc from source. If you have
- `Fabric <http://www.fabfile.org>`_ installed, you can use the shortcut:
- .. code:: bash
- git clone https://github.com/explosion/thinc
- cd thinc
- fab clean env make test
- You can then run the examples as follows:
- .. code:: bash
- fab eg.mnist
- fab eg.basic_tagger
- fab eg.cnn_tagger
- Otherwise, you can build and test explicitly with:
- .. code:: bash
- git clone https://github.com/explosion/thinc
- cd thinc
- virtualenv .env
- source .env/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python setup.py build_ext --inplace
- py.test thinc/
- And then run the examples as follows:
- .. code:: bash
- python examples/mnist.py
- python examples/basic_tagger.py
- python examples/cnn_tagger.py
- Usage
- =====
- The Neural Network API is still subject to change, even within minor versions.
- You can get a feel for the current API by checking out the examples. Here are
- a few quick highlights.
- 1. Shape inference
- ------------------
- Models can be created with some dimensions unspecified. Missing dimensions are
- inferred when pre-trained weights are loaded or when training begins. This
- eliminates a common source of programmer error:
- .. code:: python
- # Invalid network — shape mismatch
- model = chain(ReLu(512, 748), ReLu(512, 784), Softmax(10))
- # Leave the dimensions unspecified, and you can't be wrong.
- model = chain(ReLu(512), ReLu(512), Softmax())
- 2. Operator overloading
- -----------------------
- The ``Model.define_operators()`` classmethod allows you to bind arbitrary
- binary functions to Python operators, for use in any ``Model`` instance. The
- method can (and should) be used as a context-manager, so that the overloading
- is limited to the immediate block. This allows concise and expressive model
- definition:
- .. code:: python
- with Model.define_operators({'>>': chain}):
- model = ReLu(512) >> ReLu(512) >> Softmax()
- The overloading is cleaned up at the end of the block. A fairly arbitrary zoo
- of functions are currently implemented. Some of the most useful:
- * ``chain(model1, model2)``: Compose two models ``f(x)`` and ``g(x)`` into a single model computing ``g(f(x))``.
- * ``clone(model1, int)``: Create ``n`` copies of a model, each with distinct weights, and chain them together.
- * ``concatenate(model1, model2)``: Given two models with output dimensions ``(n,)`` and ``(m,)``, construct a model with output dimensions ``(m+n,)``.
- * ``add(model1, model2)``: ``add(f(x), g(x)) = f(x)+g(x)``
- * ``make_tuple(model1, model2)``: Construct tuples of the outputs of two models, at the batch level. The backward pass expects to receive a tuple of gradients, which are routed through the appropriate model, and summed.
- Putting these things together, here's the sort of tagging model that Thinc is
- designed to make easy.
- .. code:: python
- with Model.define_operators({'>>': chain, '**': clone, '|': concatenate}):
- model = (
- add_eol_markers('EOL')
- >> flatten
- >> memoize(
- CharLSTM(char_width)
- | (normalize >> str2int >> Embed(word_width)))
- >> ExtractWindow(nW=2)
- >> BatchNorm(ReLu(hidden_width)) ** 3
- >> Softmax()
- )
- Not all of these pieces are implemented yet, but hopefully this shows where
- we're going. The ``memoize`` function will be particularly important: in any
- batch of text, the common words will be very common. It's therefore important
- to evaluate models such as the ``CharLSTM`` once per word type per minibatch,
- rather than once per token.
- 3. Callback-based backpropagation
- ---------------------------------
- Most neural network libraries use a computational graph abstraction. This takes
- the execution away from you, so that gradients can be computed automatically.
- Thinc follows a style more like the ``autograd`` library, but with larger
- operations. Usage is as follows:
- .. code:: python
- def explicit_sgd_update(X, y):
- sgd = lambda weights, gradient: weights - gradient * 0.001
- yh, finish_update = model.begin_update(X, drop=0.2)
- finish_update(y-yh, sgd)
- Separating the backpropagation into three parts like this has many advantages.
- The interface to all models is completely uniform — there is no distinction
- between the top-level model you use as a predictor and the internal models for
- the layers. We also make concurrency simple, by making the ``begin_update()``
- step a pure function, and separating the accumulation of the gradient from the
- action of the optimizer.
- 4. Class annotations
- --------------------
- To keep the class hierarchy shallow, Thinc uses class decorators to reuse code
- for layer definitions. Specifically, the following decorators are available:
- * ``describe.attributes()``: Allows attributes to be specified by keyword argument. Used especially for dimensions and parameters.
- * ``describe.on_init()``: Allows callbacks to be specified, which will be called at the end of the ``__init__.py``.
- * ``describe.on_data()``: Allows callbacks to be specified, which will be called on ``Model.begin_training()``.
- 🛠 Changelog
- ============
- =========== ============== ===========
- Version Date Description
- =========== ============== ===========
- `v6.10.1`_ ``2017-11-15`` Fix GPU install and minor memory leak
- `v6.10.0`_ ``2017-10-28`` CPU efficiency improvements, refactoring
- `v6.9.0`_ ``2017-10-03`` Reorganize layers, bug fix to Layer Normalization
- `v6.8.2`_ ``2017-09-26`` Fix packaging of `gpu_ops`
- `v6.8.1`_ ``2017-08-23`` Fix Windows support
- `v6.8.0`_ ``2017-07-25`` SELU layer, attention, improved GPU/CPU compatibility
- `v6.7.3`_ ``2017-06-05`` Fix convolution on GPU
- `v6.7.2`_ ``2017-06-02`` Bug fixes to serialization
- `v6.7.1`_ ``2017-06-02`` Improve serialization
- `v6.7.0`_ ``2017-06-01`` Fixes to serialization, hash embeddings and flatten ops
- `v6.6.0`_ ``2017-05-14`` Improved GPU usage and examples
- v6.5.2 ``2017-03-20`` *n/a*
- `v6.5.1`_ ``2017-03-20`` Improved linear class and Windows fix
- `v6.5.0`_ ``2017-03-11`` Supervised similarity, fancier embedding and improvements to linear model
- v6.4.0 ``2017-02-15`` *n/a*
- `v6.3.0`_ ``2017-01-25`` Efficiency improvements, argument checking and error messaging
- `v6.2.0`_ ``2017-01-15`` Improve API and introduce overloaded operators
- `v6.1.3`_ ``2017-01-10`` More neural network functions and training continuation
- v6.1.3 ``2017-01-09`` *n/a*
- v6.1.2 ``2017-01-09`` *n/a*
- v6.1.1 ``2017-01-09`` *n/a*
- v6.1.0 ``2017-01-09`` *n/a*
- `v6.0.0`_ ``2016-12-31`` Add ``thinc.neural`` for NLP-oriented deep learning
- =========== ============== ===========
- .. _v6.10.1: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.10.1
- .. _v6.10.0: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.10.0
- .. _v6.9.0: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.9.0
- .. _v6.8.2: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.8.2
- .. _v6.8.1: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.8.1
- .. _v6.8.0: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.8.0
- .. _v6.7.3: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.7.3
- .. _v6.7.2: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.7.2
- .. _v6.7.1: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.7.1
- .. _v6.7.0: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.7.0
- .. _v6.6.0: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.6.0
- .. _v6.5.1: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.5.1
- .. _v6.5.0: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.5.0
- .. _v6.3.0: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.3.0
- .. _v6.2.0: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.2.0
- .. _v6.1.3: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.1.3
- .. _v6.0.0: https://github.com/explosion/thinc/releases/tag/v6.0.0