- # cython: embedsignature=True
- # cython: profile=True
- # coding: utf8
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from cython.operator cimport dereference as deref
- from cython.operator cimport preincrement as preinc
- from cymem.cymem cimport Pool
- from preshed.maps cimport PreshMap
- import regex as re
- cimport cython
- from .tokens.doc cimport Doc
- from .strings cimport hash_string
- from .errors import Errors, Warnings, deprecation_warning
- from . import util
- cdef class Tokenizer:
- """Segment text, and create Doc objects with the discovered segment
- boundaries.
- """
- def __init__(self, Vocab vocab, rules=None, prefix_search=None,
- suffix_search=None, infix_finditer=None, token_match=None):
- """Create a `Tokenizer`, to create `Doc` objects given unicode text.
- vocab (Vocab): A storage container for lexical types.
- rules (dict): Exceptions and special-cases for the tokenizer.
- prefix_search (callable): A function matching the signature of
- `re.compile(string).search` to match prefixes.
- suffix_search (callable): A function matching the signature of
- `re.compile(string).search` to match suffixes.
- `infix_finditer` (callable): A function matching the signature of
- `re.compile(string).finditer` to find infixes.
- token_match (callable): A boolean function matching strings to be
- recognised as tokens.
- RETURNS (Tokenizer): The newly constructed object.
- >>> tokenizer = Tokenizer(nlp.vocab)
- >>> tokenizer = English().Defaults.create_tokenizer(nlp)
- """
- self.mem = Pool()
- self._cache = PreshMap()
- self._specials = PreshMap()
- self.token_match = token_match
- self.prefix_search = prefix_search
- self.suffix_search = suffix_search
- self.infix_finditer = infix_finditer
- self.vocab = vocab
- self._rules = {}
- if rules is not None:
- for chunk, substrings in sorted(rules.items()):
- self.add_special_case(chunk, substrings)
- def __reduce__(self):
- args = (self.vocab,
- self._rules,
- self.prefix_search,
- self.suffix_search,
- self.infix_finditer,
- self.token_match)
- return (self.__class__, args, None, None)
- cpdef Doc tokens_from_list(self, list strings):
- deprecation_warning(Warnings.W002)
- return Doc(self.vocab, words=strings)
- @cython.boundscheck(False)
- def __call__(self, unicode string):
- """Tokenize a string.
- string (unicode): The string to tokenize.
- RETURNS (Doc): A container for linguistic annotations.
- """
- if len(string) >= (2 ** 30):
- raise ValueError(Errors.E025.format(length=len(string)))
- cdef int length = len(string)
- cdef Doc doc = Doc(self.vocab)
- if length == 0:
- return doc
- cdef int i = 0
- cdef int start = 0
- cdef bint cache_hit
- cdef bint in_ws = string[0].isspace()
- cdef unicode span
- # The task here is much like string.split, but not quite
- # We find spans of whitespace and non-space characters, and ignore
- # spans that are exactly ' '. So, our sequences will all be separated
- # by either ' ' or nothing.
- for uc in string:
- if uc.isspace() != in_ws:
- if start < i:
- # When we want to make this fast, get the data buffer once
- # with PyUnicode_AS_DATA, and then maintain a start_byte
- # and end_byte, so we can call hash64 directly. That way
- # we don't have to create the slice when we hit the cache.
- span = string[start:i]
- key = hash_string(span)
- cache_hit = self._try_cache(key, doc)
- if not cache_hit:
- self._tokenize(doc, span, key)
- if uc == ' ':
- doc.c[doc.length - 1].spacy = True
- start = i + 1
- else:
- start = i
- in_ws = not in_ws
- i += 1
- if start < i:
- span = string[start:]
- key = hash_string(span)
- cache_hit = self._try_cache(key, doc)
- if not cache_hit:
- self._tokenize(doc, span, key)
- doc.c[doc.length - 1].spacy = string[-1] == ' ' and not in_ws
- return doc
- def pipe(self, texts, batch_size=1000, n_threads=2):
- """Tokenize a stream of texts.
- texts: A sequence of unicode texts.
- batch_size (int): Number of texts to accumulate in an internal buffer.
- n_threads (int): Number of threads to use, if the implementation
- supports multi-threading. The default tokenizer is single-threaded.
- YIELDS (Doc): A sequence of Doc objects, in order.
- """
- for text in texts:
- yield self(text)
- def _reset_cache(self, keys):
- for k in keys:
- del self._cache[k]
- cdef int _try_cache(self, hash_t key, Doc tokens) except -1:
- cached = <_Cached*>self._cache.get(key)
- if cached == NULL:
- return False
- cdef int i
- if cached.is_lex:
- for i in range(cached.length):
- tokens.push_back(cached.data.lexemes[i], False)
- else:
- for i in range(cached.length):
- tokens.push_back(&cached.data.tokens[i], False)
- return True
- cdef int _tokenize(self, Doc tokens, unicode span, hash_t orig_key) except -1:
- cdef vector[LexemeC*] prefixes
- cdef vector[LexemeC*] suffixes
- cdef int orig_size
- cdef int has_special
- orig_size = tokens.length
- span = self._split_affixes(tokens.mem, span, &prefixes, &suffixes,
- &has_special)
- self._attach_tokens(tokens, span, &prefixes, &suffixes)
- self._save_cached(&tokens.c[orig_size], orig_key, has_special,
- tokens.length - orig_size)
- cdef unicode _split_affixes(self, Pool mem, unicode string,
- vector[const LexemeC*] *prefixes,
- vector[const LexemeC*] *suffixes,
- int* has_special):
- cdef size_t i
- cdef unicode prefix
- cdef unicode suffix
- cdef unicode minus_pre
- cdef unicode minus_suf
- cdef size_t last_size = 0
- while string and len(string) != last_size:
- if self.token_match and self.token_match(string):
- break
- last_size = len(string)
- pre_len = self.find_prefix(string)
- if pre_len != 0:
- prefix = string[:pre_len]
- minus_pre = string[pre_len:]
- # Check whether we've hit a special-case
- if minus_pre and self._specials.get(hash_string(minus_pre)) != NULL:
- string = minus_pre
- prefixes.push_back(self.vocab.get(mem, prefix))
- has_special[0] = 1
- break
- if self.token_match and self.token_match(string):
- break
- suf_len = self.find_suffix(string)
- if suf_len != 0:
- suffix = string[-suf_len:]
- minus_suf = string[:-suf_len]
- # Check whether we've hit a special-case
- if minus_suf and (self._specials.get(hash_string(minus_suf)) != NULL):
- string = minus_suf
- suffixes.push_back(self.vocab.get(mem, suffix))
- has_special[0] = 1
- break
- if pre_len and suf_len and (pre_len + suf_len) <= len(string):
- string = string[pre_len:-suf_len]
- prefixes.push_back(self.vocab.get(mem, prefix))
- suffixes.push_back(self.vocab.get(mem, suffix))
- elif pre_len:
- string = minus_pre
- prefixes.push_back(self.vocab.get(mem, prefix))
- elif suf_len:
- string = minus_suf
- suffixes.push_back(self.vocab.get(mem, suffix))
- if string and (self._specials.get(hash_string(string)) != NULL):
- has_special[0] = 1
- break
- return string
- cdef int _attach_tokens(self, Doc tokens, unicode string,
- vector[const LexemeC*] *prefixes,
- vector[const LexemeC*] *suffixes) except -1:
- cdef bint cache_hit
- cdef int split, end
- cdef const LexemeC* const* lexemes
- cdef const LexemeC* lexeme
- cdef unicode span
- cdef int i
- if prefixes.size():
- for i in range(prefixes.size()):
- tokens.push_back(prefixes[0][i], False)
- if string:
- cache_hit = self._try_cache(hash_string(string), tokens)
- if cache_hit:
- pass
- elif self.token_match and self.token_match(string):
- # We're always saying 'no' to spaces here -- the caller will
- # fix up the outermost one, with reference to the original.
- # See Issue #859
- tokens.push_back(self.vocab.get(tokens.mem, string), False)
- else:
- matches = self.find_infix(string)
- if not matches:
- tokens.push_back(self.vocab.get(tokens.mem, string), False)
- else:
- # let's say we have dyn-o-mite-dave - the regex finds the
- # start and end positions of the hyphens
- start = 0
- start_before_infixes = start
- for match in matches:
- infix_start = match.start()
- infix_end = match.end()
- if infix_start == start_before_infixes:
- continue
- if infix_start != start:
- span = string[start:infix_start]
- tokens.push_back(self.vocab.get(tokens.mem, span), False)
- if infix_start != infix_end:
- # If infix_start != infix_end, it means the infix
- # token is non-empty. Empty infix tokens are useful
- # for tokenization in some languages (see
- # https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/768)
- infix_span = string[infix_start:infix_end]
- tokens.push_back(self.vocab.get(tokens.mem, infix_span), False)
- start = infix_end
- span = string[start:]
- if span:
- tokens.push_back(self.vocab.get(tokens.mem, span), False)
- cdef vector[const LexemeC*].reverse_iterator it = suffixes.rbegin()
- while it != suffixes.rend():
- lexeme = deref(it)
- preinc(it)
- tokens.push_back(lexeme, False)
- cdef int _save_cached(self, const TokenC* tokens, hash_t key,
- int has_special, int n) except -1:
- cdef int i
- for i in range(n):
- if self.vocab._by_hash.get(tokens[i].lex.orth) == NULL:
- return 0
- # See https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/issues/1250
- if has_special:
- return 0
- cached = <_Cached*>self.mem.alloc(1, sizeof(_Cached))
- cached.length = n
- cached.is_lex = True
- lexemes = <const LexemeC**>self.mem.alloc(n, sizeof(LexemeC**))
- for i in range(n):
- lexemes[i] = tokens[i].lex
- cached.data.lexemes = <const LexemeC* const*>lexemes
- self._cache.set(key, cached)
- def find_infix(self, unicode string):
- """Find internal split points of the string, such as hyphens.
- string (unicode): The string to segment.
- RETURNS (list): A list of `re.MatchObject` objects that have `.start()`
- and `.end()` methods, denoting the placement of internal segment
- separators, e.g. hyphens.
- """
- if self.infix_finditer is None:
- return 0
- return list(self.infix_finditer(string))
- def find_prefix(self, unicode string):
- """Find the length of a prefix that should be segmented from the
- string, or None if no prefix rules match.
- string (unicode): The string to segment.
- RETURNS (int): The length of the prefix if present, otherwise `None`.
- """
- if self.prefix_search is None:
- return 0
- match = self.prefix_search(string)
- return (match.end() - match.start()) if match is not None else 0
- def find_suffix(self, unicode string):
- """Find the length of a suffix that should be segmented from the
- string, or None if no suffix rules match.
- string (unicode): The string to segment.
- Returns (int): The length of the suffix if present, otherwise `None`.
- """
- if self.suffix_search is None:
- return 0
- match = self.suffix_search(string)
- return (match.end() - match.start()) if match is not None else 0
- def _load_special_tokenization(self, special_cases):
- """Add special-case tokenization rules."""
- for chunk, substrings in sorted(special_cases.items()):
- self.add_special_case(chunk, substrings)
- def add_special_case(self, unicode string, substrings):
- """Add a special-case tokenization rule.
- string (unicode): The string to specially tokenize.
- token_attrs (iterable): A sequence of dicts, where each dict describes
- a token and its attributes. The `ORTH` fields of the attributes
- must exactly match the string when they are concatenated.
- """
- substrings = list(substrings)
- cached = <_Cached*>self.mem.alloc(1, sizeof(_Cached))
- cached.length = len(substrings)
- cached.is_lex = False
- cached.data.tokens = self.vocab.make_fused_token(substrings)
- key = hash_string(string)
- self._specials.set(key, cached)
- self._cache.set(key, cached)
- self._rules[string] = substrings
- def to_disk(self, path, **exclude):
- """Save the current state to a directory.
- path (unicode or Path): A path to a directory, which will be created if
- it doesn't exist. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects.
- """
- with path.open('wb') as file_:
- file_.write(self.to_bytes(**exclude))
- def from_disk(self, path, **exclude):
- """Loads state from a directory. Modifies the object in place and
- returns it.
- path (unicode or Path): A path to a directory. Paths may be either
- strings or `Path`-like objects.
- RETURNS (Tokenizer): The modified `Tokenizer` object.
- """
- with path.open('rb') as file_:
- bytes_data = file_.read()
- self.from_bytes(bytes_data, **exclude)
- return self
- def to_bytes(self, **exclude):
- """Serialize the current state to a binary string.
- **exclude: Named attributes to prevent from being serialized.
- RETURNS (bytes): The serialized form of the `Tokenizer` object.
- """
- serializers = OrderedDict((
- ('vocab', lambda: self.vocab.to_bytes()),
- ('prefix_search', lambda: self.prefix_search.__self__.pattern),
- ('suffix_search', lambda: self.suffix_search.__self__.pattern),
- ('infix_finditer', lambda: self.infix_finditer.__self__.pattern),
- ('token_match', lambda: self.token_match.__self__.pattern),
- ('exceptions', lambda: OrderedDict(sorted(self._rules.items())))
- ))
- return util.to_bytes(serializers, exclude)
- def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, **exclude):
- """Load state from a binary string.
- bytes_data (bytes): The data to load from.
- **exclude: Named attributes to prevent from being loaded.
- RETURNS (Tokenizer): The `Tokenizer` object.
- """
- data = OrderedDict()
- deserializers = OrderedDict((
- ('vocab', lambda b: self.vocab.from_bytes(b)),
- ('prefix_search', lambda b: data.setdefault('prefix_search', b)),
- ('suffix_search', lambda b: data.setdefault('suffix_search', b)),
- ('infix_finditer', lambda b: data.setdefault('infix_finditer', b)),
- ('token_match', lambda b: data.setdefault('token_match', b)),
- ('exceptions', lambda b: data.setdefault('rules', b))
- ))
- msg = util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserializers, exclude)
- if 'prefix_search' in data:
- self.prefix_search = re.compile(data['prefix_search']).search
- if 'suffix_search' in data:
- self.suffix_search = re.compile(data['suffix_search']).search
- if 'infix_finditer' in data:
- self.infix_finditer = re.compile(data['infix_finditer']).finditer
- if 'token_match' in data:
- self.token_match = re.compile(data['token_match']).search
- for string, substrings in data.get('rules', {}).items():
- self.add_special_case(string, substrings)
- return self