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4 years ago
  1. cdef enum symbol_t:
  2. NIL
  10. IS_UPPER
  11. LIKE_URL
  12. LIKE_NUM
  14. IS_STOP
  15. IS_OOV
  17. IS_QUOTE
  21. FLAG19 = 19
  22. FLAG20
  23. FLAG21
  24. FLAG22
  25. FLAG23
  26. FLAG24
  27. FLAG25
  28. FLAG26
  29. FLAG27
  30. FLAG28
  31. FLAG29
  32. FLAG30
  33. FLAG31
  34. FLAG32
  35. FLAG33
  36. FLAG34
  37. FLAG35
  38. FLAG36
  39. FLAG37
  40. FLAG38
  41. FLAG39
  42. FLAG40
  43. FLAG41
  44. FLAG42
  45. FLAG43
  46. FLAG44
  47. FLAG45
  48. FLAG46
  49. FLAG47
  50. FLAG48
  51. FLAG49
  52. FLAG50
  53. FLAG51
  54. FLAG52
  55. FLAG53
  56. FLAG54
  57. FLAG55
  58. FLAG56
  59. FLAG57
  60. FLAG58
  61. FLAG59
  62. FLAG60
  63. FLAG61
  64. FLAG62
  65. FLAG63
  66. ID
  67. ORTH
  68. LOWER
  69. NORM
  70. SHAPE
  71. PREFIX
  72. SUFFIX
  73. LENGTH
  75. LEMMA
  76. POS
  77. TAG
  78. DEP
  79. ENT_IOB
  80. ENT_TYPE
  81. HEAD
  83. SPACY
  84. PROB
  85. ADJ
  86. ADP
  87. ADV
  88. AUX
  89. CONJ
  90. CCONJ # U20
  91. DET
  92. INTJ
  93. NOUN
  94. NUM
  95. PART
  96. PRON
  97. PROPN
  98. PUNCT
  99. SCONJ
  100. SYM
  101. VERB
  102. X
  103. EOL
  104. SPACE
  105. Animacy_anim
  106. Animacy_inam
  107. Animacy_hum # U20
  108. Aspect_freq
  109. Aspect_imp
  110. Aspect_mod
  111. Aspect_none
  112. Aspect_perf
  113. Aspect_iter # U20
  114. Aspect_hab # U20
  115. Case_abe
  116. Case_abl
  117. Case_abs
  118. Case_acc
  119. Case_ade
  120. Case_all
  121. Case_cau
  122. Case_com
  123. Case_cmp # U20
  124. Case_dat
  125. Case_del
  126. Case_dis
  127. Case_ela
  128. Case_equ # U20
  129. Case_ess
  130. Case_gen
  131. Case_ill
  132. Case_ine
  133. Case_ins
  134. Case_loc
  135. Case_lat
  136. Case_nom
  137. Case_par
  138. Case_sub
  139. Case_sup
  140. Case_tem
  141. Case_ter
  142. Case_tra
  143. Case_voc
  144. Definite_two
  145. Definite_def
  146. Definite_red
  147. Definite_cons # U20
  148. Definite_ind
  149. Definite_spec # U20
  150. Degree_cmp
  151. Degree_comp
  152. Degree_none
  153. Degree_pos
  154. Degree_sup
  155. Degree_abs
  156. Degree_com
  157. Degree_dim # du
  158. Degree_equ # U20
  159. Evident_nfh # U20
  160. Gender_com
  161. Gender_fem
  162. Gender_masc
  163. Gender_neut
  164. Mood_cnd
  165. Mood_imp
  166. Mood_ind
  167. Mood_n
  168. Mood_pot
  169. Mood_sub
  170. Mood_opt
  171. Mood_prp # U20
  172. Mood_adm # U20
  173. Negative_neg
  174. Negative_pos
  175. Negative_yes
  176. Polarity_neg # U20
  177. Polarity_pos # U20
  178. Number_com
  179. Number_dual
  180. Number_none
  181. Number_plur
  182. Number_sing
  183. Number_ptan # bg
  184. Number_count # bg, U20
  185. Number_tri # U20
  186. NumType_card
  187. NumType_dist
  188. NumType_frac
  189. NumType_gen
  190. NumType_mult
  191. NumType_none
  192. NumType_ord
  193. NumType_sets
  194. Person_one
  195. Person_two
  196. Person_three
  197. Person_none
  198. Poss_yes
  199. PronType_advPart
  200. PronType_art
  201. PronType_default
  202. PronType_dem
  203. PronType_ind
  204. PronType_int
  205. PronType_neg
  206. PronType_prs
  207. PronType_rcp
  208. PronType_rel
  209. PronType_tot
  210. PronType_clit
  211. PronType_exc # es, ca, it, fa, U20
  212. PronType_emp # U20
  213. Reflex_yes
  214. Tense_fut
  215. Tense_imp
  216. Tense_past
  217. Tense_pres
  218. VerbForm_fin
  219. VerbForm_ger
  220. VerbForm_inf
  221. VerbForm_none
  222. VerbForm_part
  223. VerbForm_partFut
  224. VerbForm_partPast
  225. VerbForm_partPres
  226. VerbForm_sup
  227. VerbForm_trans
  228. VerbForm_conv # U20
  229. VerbForm_gdv # la
  230. VerbForm_vnoun # U20
  231. Voice_act
  232. Voice_cau
  233. Voice_pass
  234. Voice_mid # gkc, U20
  235. Voice_int # hb
  236. Voice_antip # U20
  237. Voice_dir # U20
  238. Voice_inv # U20
  239. Abbr_yes # cz, fi, sl, U
  240. AdpType_prep # cz, U
  241. AdpType_post # U
  242. AdpType_voc # cz
  243. AdpType_comprep # cz
  244. AdpType_circ # U
  245. AdvType_man
  246. AdvType_loc
  247. AdvType_tim
  248. AdvType_deg
  249. AdvType_cau
  250. AdvType_mod
  251. AdvType_sta
  252. AdvType_ex
  253. AdvType_adadj
  254. ConjType_oper # cz, U
  255. ConjType_comp # cz, U
  256. Connegative_yes # fi
  257. Derivation_minen # fi
  258. Derivation_sti # fi
  259. Derivation_inen # fi
  260. Derivation_lainen # fi
  261. Derivation_ja # fi
  262. Derivation_ton # fi
  263. Derivation_vs # fi
  264. Derivation_ttain # fi
  265. Derivation_ttaa # fi
  266. Echo_rdp # U
  267. Echo_ech # U
  268. Foreign_foreign # cz, fi, U
  269. Foreign_fscript # cz, fi, U
  270. Foreign_tscript # cz, U
  271. Foreign_yes # sl
  272. Gender_dat_masc # bq, U
  273. Gender_dat_fem # bq, U
  274. Gender_erg_masc # bq
  275. Gender_erg_fem # bq
  276. Gender_psor_masc # cz, sl, U
  277. Gender_psor_fem # cz, sl, U
  278. Gender_psor_neut # sl
  279. Hyph_yes # cz, U
  280. InfForm_one # fi
  281. InfForm_two # fi
  282. InfForm_three # fi
  283. NameType_geo # U, cz
  284. NameType_prs # U, cz
  285. NameType_giv # U, cz
  286. NameType_sur # U, cz
  287. NameType_nat # U, cz
  288. NameType_com # U, cz
  289. NameType_pro # U, cz
  290. NameType_oth # U, cz
  291. NounType_com # U
  292. NounType_prop # U
  293. NounType_class # U
  294. Number_abs_sing # bq, U
  295. Number_abs_plur # bq, U
  296. Number_dat_sing # bq, U
  297. Number_dat_plur # bq, U
  298. Number_erg_sing # bq, U
  299. Number_erg_plur # bq, U
  300. Number_psee_sing # U
  301. Number_psee_plur # U
  302. Number_psor_sing # cz, fi, sl, U
  303. Number_psor_plur # cz, fi, sl, U
  304. Number_pauc # U20
  305. Number_grpa # U20
  306. Number_grpl # U20
  307. Number_inv # U20
  308. NumForm_digit # cz, sl, U
  309. NumForm_roman # cz, sl, U
  310. NumForm_word # cz, sl, U
  311. NumValue_one # cz, U
  312. NumValue_two # cz, U
  313. NumValue_three # cz, U
  314. PartForm_pres # fi
  315. PartForm_past # fi
  316. PartForm_agt # fi
  317. PartForm_neg # fi
  318. PartType_mod # U
  319. PartType_emp # U
  320. PartType_res # U
  321. PartType_inf # U
  322. PartType_vbp # U
  323. Person_abs_one # bq, U
  324. Person_abs_two # bq, U
  325. Person_abs_three # bq, U
  326. Person_dat_one # bq, U
  327. Person_dat_two # bq, U
  328. Person_dat_three # bq, U
  329. Person_erg_one # bq, U
  330. Person_erg_two # bq, U
  331. Person_erg_three # bq, U
  332. Person_psor_one # fi, U
  333. Person_psor_two # fi, U
  334. Person_psor_three # fi, U
  335. Person_zero # U20
  336. Person_four # U20
  337. Polite_inf # bq, U
  338. Polite_pol # bq, U
  339. Polite_abs_inf # bq, U
  340. Polite_abs_pol # bq, U
  341. Polite_erg_inf # bq, U
  342. Polite_erg_pol # bq, U
  343. Polite_dat_inf # bq, U
  344. Polite_dat_pol # bq, U
  345. Polite_infm # U20
  346. Polite_form # U20
  347. Polite_form_elev # U20
  348. Polite_form_humb # U20
  349. Prefix_yes # U
  350. PrepCase_npr # cz
  351. PrepCase_pre # U
  352. PunctSide_ini # U
  353. PunctSide_fin # U
  354. PunctType_peri # U
  355. PunctType_qest # U
  356. PunctType_excl # U
  357. PunctType_quot # U
  358. PunctType_brck # U
  359. PunctType_comm # U
  360. PunctType_colo # U
  361. PunctType_semi # U
  362. PunctType_dash # U
  363. Style_arch # cz, fi, U
  364. Style_rare # cz, fi, U
  365. Style_poet # cz, U
  366. Style_norm # cz, U
  367. Style_coll # cz, U
  368. Style_vrnc # cz, U
  369. Style_sing # cz, U
  370. Style_expr # cz, U
  371. Style_derg # cz, U
  372. Style_vulg # cz, U
  373. Style_yes # fi, U
  374. StyleVariant_styleShort # cz
  375. StyleVariant_styleBound # cz, sl
  376. VerbType_aux # U
  377. VerbType_cop # U
  378. VerbType_mod # U
  379. VerbType_light # U
  380. PERSON
  381. NORP
  383. ORG
  384. GPE
  385. LOC
  386. PRODUCT
  387. EVENT
  388. WORK_OF_ART
  390. DATE
  391. TIME
  392. PERCENT
  393. MONEY
  395. ORDINAL
  397. acomp
  398. advcl
  399. advmod
  400. agent
  401. amod
  402. appos
  403. attr
  404. aux
  405. auxpass
  406. cc
  407. ccomp
  408. complm
  409. conj
  410. cop # U20
  411. csubj
  412. csubjpass
  413. dep
  414. det
  415. dobj
  416. expl
  417. hmod
  418. hyph
  419. infmod
  420. intj
  421. iobj
  422. mark
  423. meta
  424. neg
  425. nmod
  426. nn
  427. npadvmod
  428. nsubj
  429. nsubjpass
  430. num
  431. number
  432. oprd
  433. obj # U20
  434. obl # U20
  435. parataxis
  436. partmod
  437. pcomp
  438. pobj
  439. poss
  440. possessive
  441. preconj
  442. prep
  443. prt
  444. punct
  445. quantmod
  446. rcmod
  447. root
  448. xcomp
  449. acl
  450. LAW
  451. LANG