- # Copyright 2016 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
- # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
- # the License is located at
- #
- # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
- #
- # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
- # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
- # language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- import logging
- import os
- import socket
- import math
- import threading
- import heapq
- from botocore.compat import six
- from botocore.exceptions import IncompleteReadError
- from botocore.vendored.requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import \
- ReadTimeoutError
- from s3transfer.compat import SOCKET_ERROR
- from s3transfer.compat import seekable
- from s3transfer.exceptions import RetriesExceededError
- from s3transfer.futures import IN_MEMORY_DOWNLOAD_TAG
- from s3transfer.utils import random_file_extension
- from s3transfer.utils import get_callbacks
- from s3transfer.utils import invoke_progress_callbacks
- from s3transfer.utils import calculate_range_parameter
- from s3transfer.utils import FunctionContainer
- from s3transfer.utils import CountCallbackInvoker
- from s3transfer.utils import StreamReaderProgress
- from s3transfer.utils import DeferredOpenFile
- from s3transfer.tasks import Task
- from s3transfer.tasks import SubmissionTask
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- socket.timeout, SOCKET_ERROR, ReadTimeoutError, IncompleteReadError
- )
- class DownloadOutputManager(object):
- """Base manager class for handling various types of files for downloads
- This class is typically used for the DownloadSubmissionTask class to help
- determine the following:
- * Provides the fileobj to write to downloads to
- * Get a task to complete once everything downloaded has been written
- The answers/implementations differ for the various types of file outputs
- that may be accepted. All implementations must subclass and override
- public methods from this class.
- """
- def __init__(self, osutil, transfer_coordinator, io_executor):
- self._osutil = osutil
- self._transfer_coordinator = transfer_coordinator
- self._io_executor = io_executor
- @classmethod
- def is_compatible(cls, download_target, osutil):
- """Determines if the target for the download is compatible with manager
- :param download_target: The target for which the upload will write
- data to.
- :param osutil: The os utility to be used for the transfer
- :returns: True if the manager can handle the type of target specified
- otherwise returns False.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('must implement is_compatible()')
- def get_download_task_tag(self):
- """Get the tag (if any) to associate all GetObjectTasks
- :rtype: s3transfer.futures.TaskTag
- :returns: The tag to associate all GetObjectTasks with
- """
- return None
- def get_fileobj_for_io_writes(self, transfer_future):
- """Get file-like object to use for io writes in the io executor
- :type transfer_future: s3transfer.futures.TransferFuture
- :param transfer_future: The future associated with upload request
- returns: A file-like object to write to
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('must implement get_fileobj_for_io_writes()')
- def queue_file_io_task(self, fileobj, data, offset):
- """Queue IO write for submission to the IO executor.
- This method accepts an IO executor and information about the
- downloaded data, and handles submitting this to the IO executor.
- This method may defer submission to the IO executor if necessary.
- """
- self._transfer_coordinator.submit(
- self._io_executor,
- self.get_io_write_task(fileobj, data, offset)
- )
- def get_io_write_task(self, fileobj, data, offset):
- """Get an IO write task for the requested set of data
- This task can be ran immediately or be submitted to the IO executor
- for it to run.
- :type fileobj: file-like object
- :param fileobj: The file-like object to write to
- :type data: bytes
- :param data: The data to write out
- :type offset: integer
- :param offset: The offset to write the data to in the file-like object
- :returns: An IO task to be used to write data to a file-like object
- """
- return IOWriteTask(
- self._transfer_coordinator,
- main_kwargs={
- 'fileobj': fileobj,
- 'data': data,
- 'offset': offset,
- }
- )
- def get_final_io_task(self):
- """Get the final io task to complete the download
- This is needed because based on the architecture of the TransferManager
- the final tasks will be sent to the IO executor, but the executor
- needs a final task for it to signal that the transfer is done and
- all done callbacks can be run.
- :rtype: s3transfer.tasks.Task
- :returns: A final task to completed in the io executor
- """
- raise NotImplementedError(
- 'must implement get_final_io_task()')
- def _get_fileobj_from_filename(self, filename):
- f = DeferredOpenFile(
- filename, mode='wb', open_function=self._osutil.open)
- # Make sure the file gets closed and we remove the temporary file
- # if anything goes wrong during the process.
- self._transfer_coordinator.add_failure_cleanup(f.close)
- return f
- class DownloadFilenameOutputManager(DownloadOutputManager):
- def __init__(self, osutil, transfer_coordinator, io_executor):
- super(DownloadFilenameOutputManager, self).__init__(
- osutil, transfer_coordinator, io_executor)
- self._final_filename = None
- self._temp_filename = None
- self._temp_fileobj = None
- @classmethod
- def is_compatible(cls, download_target, osutil):
- return isinstance(download_target, six.string_types)
- def get_fileobj_for_io_writes(self, transfer_future):
- fileobj = transfer_future.meta.call_args.fileobj
- self._final_filename = fileobj
- self._temp_filename = fileobj + os.extsep + random_file_extension()
- self._temp_fileobj = self._get_temp_fileobj()
- return self._temp_fileobj
- def get_final_io_task(self):
- # A task to rename the file from the temporary file to its final
- # location is needed. This should be the last task needed to complete
- # the download.
- return IORenameFileTask(
- transfer_coordinator=self._transfer_coordinator,
- main_kwargs={
- 'fileobj': self._temp_fileobj,
- 'final_filename': self._final_filename,
- 'osutil': self._osutil
- },
- is_final=True
- )
- def _get_temp_fileobj(self):
- f = self._get_fileobj_from_filename(self._temp_filename)
- self._transfer_coordinator.add_failure_cleanup(
- self._osutil.remove_file, self._temp_filename)
- return f
- class DownloadSeekableOutputManager(DownloadOutputManager):
- @classmethod
- def is_compatible(cls, download_target, osutil):
- return seekable(download_target)
- def get_fileobj_for_io_writes(self, transfer_future):
- # Return the fileobj provided to the future.
- return transfer_future.meta.call_args.fileobj
- def get_final_io_task(self):
- # This task will serve the purpose of signaling when all of the io
- # writes have finished so done callbacks can be called.
- return CompleteDownloadNOOPTask(
- transfer_coordinator=self._transfer_coordinator)
- class DownloadNonSeekableOutputManager(DownloadOutputManager):
- def __init__(self, osutil, transfer_coordinator, io_executor,
- defer_queue=None):
- super(DownloadNonSeekableOutputManager, self).__init__(
- osutil, transfer_coordinator, io_executor)
- if defer_queue is None:
- defer_queue = DeferQueue()
- self._defer_queue = defer_queue
- self._io_submit_lock = threading.Lock()
- @classmethod
- def is_compatible(cls, download_target, osutil):
- return hasattr(download_target, 'write')
- def get_download_task_tag(self):
- def get_fileobj_for_io_writes(self, transfer_future):
- return transfer_future.meta.call_args.fileobj
- def get_final_io_task(self):
- return CompleteDownloadNOOPTask(
- transfer_coordinator=self._transfer_coordinator)
- def queue_file_io_task(self, fileobj, data, offset):
- with self._io_submit_lock:
- writes = self._defer_queue.request_writes(offset, data)
- for write in writes:
- data = write['data']
- logger.debug("Queueing IO offset %s for fileobj: %s",
- write['offset'], fileobj)
- super(
- DownloadNonSeekableOutputManager, self).queue_file_io_task(
- fileobj, data, offset)
- def get_io_write_task(self, fileobj, data, offset):
- return IOStreamingWriteTask(
- self._transfer_coordinator,
- main_kwargs={
- 'fileobj': fileobj,
- 'data': data,
- }
- )
- class DownloadSpecialFilenameOutputManager(DownloadNonSeekableOutputManager):
- def __init__(self, osutil, transfer_coordinator, io_executor,
- defer_queue=None):
- super(DownloadSpecialFilenameOutputManager, self).__init__(
- osutil, transfer_coordinator, io_executor, defer_queue)
- self._fileobj = None
- @classmethod
- def is_compatible(cls, download_target, osutil):
- return isinstance(download_target, six.string_types) and \
- osutil.is_special_file(download_target)
- def get_fileobj_for_io_writes(self, transfer_future):
- filename = transfer_future.meta.call_args.fileobj
- self._fileobj = self._get_fileobj_from_filename(filename)
- return self._fileobj
- def get_final_io_task(self):
- # Make sure the file gets closed once the transfer is done.
- return IOCloseTask(
- transfer_coordinator=self._transfer_coordinator,
- is_final=True,
- main_kwargs={'fileobj': self._fileobj})
- class DownloadSubmissionTask(SubmissionTask):
- """Task for submitting tasks to execute a download"""
- def _get_download_output_manager_cls(self, transfer_future, osutil):
- """Retrieves a class for managing output for a download
- :type transfer_future: s3transfer.futures.TransferFuture
- :param transfer_future: The transfer future for the request
- :type osutil: s3transfer.utils.OSUtils
- :param osutil: The os utility associated to the transfer
- :rtype: class of DownloadOutputManager
- :returns: The appropriate class to use for managing a specific type of
- input for downloads.
- """
- download_manager_resolver_chain = [
- DownloadSpecialFilenameOutputManager,
- DownloadFilenameOutputManager,
- DownloadSeekableOutputManager,
- DownloadNonSeekableOutputManager,
- ]
- fileobj = transfer_future.meta.call_args.fileobj
- for download_manager_cls in download_manager_resolver_chain:
- if download_manager_cls.is_compatible(fileobj, osutil):
- return download_manager_cls
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'Output %s of type: %s is not supported.' % (
- fileobj, type(fileobj)))
- def _submit(self, client, config, osutil, request_executor, io_executor,
- transfer_future, bandwidth_limiter=None):
- """
- :param client: The client associated with the transfer manager
- :type config: s3transfer.manager.TransferConfig
- :param config: The transfer config associated with the transfer
- manager
- :type osutil: s3transfer.utils.OSUtil
- :param osutil: The os utility associated to the transfer manager
- :type request_executor: s3transfer.futures.BoundedExecutor
- :param request_executor: The request executor associated with the
- transfer manager
- :type io_executor: s3transfer.futures.BoundedExecutor
- :param io_executor: The io executor associated with the
- transfer manager
- :type transfer_future: s3transfer.futures.TransferFuture
- :param transfer_future: The transfer future associated with the
- transfer request that tasks are being submitted for
- :type bandwidth_limiter: s3transfer.bandwidth.BandwidthLimiter
- :param bandwidth_limiter: The bandwidth limiter to use when
- downloading streams
- """
- if transfer_future.meta.size is None:
- # If a size was not provided figure out the size for the
- # user.
- response = client.head_object(
- Bucket=transfer_future.meta.call_args.bucket,
- Key=transfer_future.meta.call_args.key,
- **transfer_future.meta.call_args.extra_args
- )
- transfer_future.meta.provide_transfer_size(
- response['ContentLength'])
- download_output_manager = self._get_download_output_manager_cls(
- transfer_future, osutil)(osutil, self._transfer_coordinator,
- io_executor)
- # If it is greater than threshold do a ranged download, otherwise
- # do a regular GetObject download.
- if transfer_future.meta.size < config.multipart_threshold:
- self._submit_download_request(
- client, config, osutil, request_executor, io_executor,
- download_output_manager, transfer_future, bandwidth_limiter)
- else:
- self._submit_ranged_download_request(
- client, config, osutil, request_executor, io_executor,
- download_output_manager, transfer_future, bandwidth_limiter)
- def _submit_download_request(self, client, config, osutil,
- request_executor, io_executor,
- download_output_manager, transfer_future,
- bandwidth_limiter):
- call_args = transfer_future.meta.call_args
- # Get a handle to the file that will be used for writing downloaded
- # contents
- fileobj = download_output_manager.get_fileobj_for_io_writes(
- transfer_future)
- # Get the needed callbacks for the task
- progress_callbacks = get_callbacks(transfer_future, 'progress')
- # Get any associated tags for the get object task.
- get_object_tag = download_output_manager.get_download_task_tag()
- # Get the final io task to run once the download is complete.
- final_task = download_output_manager.get_final_io_task()
- # Submit the task to download the object.
- self._transfer_coordinator.submit(
- request_executor,
- ImmediatelyWriteIOGetObjectTask(
- transfer_coordinator=self._transfer_coordinator,
- main_kwargs={
- 'client': client,
- 'bucket': call_args.bucket,
- 'key': call_args.key,
- 'fileobj': fileobj,
- 'extra_args': call_args.extra_args,
- 'callbacks': progress_callbacks,
- 'max_attempts': config.num_download_attempts,
- 'download_output_manager': download_output_manager,
- 'io_chunksize': config.io_chunksize,
- 'bandwidth_limiter': bandwidth_limiter
- },
- done_callbacks=[final_task]
- ),
- tag=get_object_tag
- )
- def _submit_ranged_download_request(self, client, config, osutil,
- request_executor, io_executor,
- download_output_manager,
- transfer_future,
- bandwidth_limiter):
- call_args = transfer_future.meta.call_args
- # Get the needed progress callbacks for the task
- progress_callbacks = get_callbacks(transfer_future, 'progress')
- # Get a handle to the file that will be used for writing downloaded
- # contents
- fileobj = download_output_manager.get_fileobj_for_io_writes(
- transfer_future)
- # Determine the number of parts
- part_size = config.multipart_chunksize
- num_parts = int(
- math.ceil(transfer_future.meta.size / float(part_size)))
- # Get any associated tags for the get object task.
- get_object_tag = download_output_manager.get_download_task_tag()
- # Callback invoker to submit the final io task once all downloads
- # are complete.
- finalize_download_invoker = CountCallbackInvoker(
- self._get_final_io_task_submission_callback(
- download_output_manager, io_executor
- )
- )
- for i in range(num_parts):
- # Calculate the range parameter
- range_parameter = calculate_range_parameter(
- part_size, i, num_parts)
- # Inject the Range parameter to the parameters to be passed in
- # as extra args
- extra_args = {'Range': range_parameter}
- extra_args.update(call_args.extra_args)
- finalize_download_invoker.increment()
- # Submit the ranged downloads
- self._transfer_coordinator.submit(
- request_executor,
- GetObjectTask(
- transfer_coordinator=self._transfer_coordinator,
- main_kwargs={
- 'client': client,
- 'bucket': call_args.bucket,
- 'key': call_args.key,
- 'fileobj': fileobj,
- 'extra_args': extra_args,
- 'callbacks': progress_callbacks,
- 'max_attempts': config.num_download_attempts,
- 'start_index': i * part_size,
- 'download_output_manager': download_output_manager,
- 'io_chunksize': config.io_chunksize,
- 'bandwidth_limiter': bandwidth_limiter
- },
- done_callbacks=[finalize_download_invoker.decrement]
- ),
- tag=get_object_tag
- )
- finalize_download_invoker.finalize()
- def _get_final_io_task_submission_callback(self, download_manager,
- io_executor):
- final_task = download_manager.get_final_io_task()
- return FunctionContainer(
- self._transfer_coordinator.submit, io_executor, final_task)
- def _calculate_range_param(self, part_size, part_index, num_parts):
- # Used to calculate the Range parameter
- start_range = part_index * part_size
- if part_index == num_parts - 1:
- end_range = ''
- else:
- end_range = start_range + part_size - 1
- range_param = 'bytes=%s-%s' % (start_range, end_range)
- return range_param
- class GetObjectTask(Task):
- def _main(self, client, bucket, key, fileobj, extra_args, callbacks,
- max_attempts, download_output_manager, io_chunksize,
- start_index=0, bandwidth_limiter=None):
- """Downloads an object and places content into io queue
- :param client: The client to use when calling GetObject
- :param bucket: The bucket to download from
- :param key: The key to download from
- :param fileobj: The file handle to write content to
- :param exta_args: Any extra arguements to include in GetObject request
- :param callbacks: List of progress callbacks to invoke on download
- :param max_attempts: The number of retries to do when downloading
- :param download_output_manager: The download output manager associated
- with the current download.
- :param io_chunksize: The size of each io chunk to read from the
- download stream and queue in the io queue.
- :param start_index: The location in the file to start writing the
- content of the key to.
- :param bandwidth_limiter: The bandwidth limiter to use when throttling
- the downloading of data in streams.
- """
- last_exception = None
- for i in range(max_attempts):
- try:
- response = client.get_object(
- Bucket=bucket, Key=key, **extra_args)
- streaming_body = StreamReaderProgress(
- response['Body'], callbacks)
- if bandwidth_limiter:
- streaming_body = \
- bandwidth_limiter.get_bandwith_limited_stream(
- streaming_body, self._transfer_coordinator)
- current_index = start_index
- chunks = DownloadChunkIterator(streaming_body, io_chunksize)
- for chunk in chunks:
- # If the transfer is done because of a cancellation
- # or error somewhere else, stop trying to submit more
- # data to be written and break out of the download.
- if not self._transfer_coordinator.done():
- self._handle_io(
- download_output_manager, fileobj, chunk,
- current_index
- )
- current_index += len(chunk)
- else:
- return
- return
- except S3_RETRYABLE_ERRORS as e:
- logger.debug("Retrying exception caught (%s), "
- "retrying request, (attempt %s / %s)", e, i,
- max_attempts, exc_info=True)
- last_exception = e
- # Also invoke the progress callbacks to indicate that we
- # are trying to download the stream again and all progress
- # for this GetObject has been lost.
- invoke_progress_callbacks(
- callbacks, start_index - current_index)
- continue
- raise RetriesExceededError(last_exception)
- def _handle_io(self, download_output_manager, fileobj, chunk, index):
- download_output_manager.queue_file_io_task(fileobj, chunk, index)
- class ImmediatelyWriteIOGetObjectTask(GetObjectTask):
- """GetObjectTask that immediately writes to the provided file object
- This is useful for downloads where it is known only one thread is
- downloading the object so there is no reason to go through the
- overhead of using an IO queue and executor.
- """
- def _handle_io(self, download_output_manager, fileobj, chunk, index):
- task = download_output_manager.get_io_write_task(fileobj, chunk, index)
- task()
- class IOWriteTask(Task):
- def _main(self, fileobj, data, offset):
- """Pulls off an io queue to write contents to a file
- :param f: The file handle to write content to
- :param data: The data to write
- :param offset: The offset to write the data to.
- """
- fileobj.seek(offset)
- fileobj.write(data)
- class IOStreamingWriteTask(Task):
- """Task for writing data to a non-seekable stream."""
- def _main(self, fileobj, data):
- """Write data to a fileobj.
- Data will be written directly to the fileboj without
- any prior seeking.
- :param fileobj: The fileobj to write content to
- :param data: The data to write
- """
- fileobj.write(data)
- class IORenameFileTask(Task):
- """A task to rename a temporary file to its final filename
- :param f: The file handle that content was written to.
- :param final_filename: The final name of the file to rename to
- upon completion of writing the contents.
- :param osutil: OS utility
- """
- def _main(self, fileobj, final_filename, osutil):
- fileobj.close()
- osutil.rename_file(fileobj.name, final_filename)
- class IOCloseTask(Task):
- """A task to close out a file once the download is complete.
- :param fileobj: The fileobj to close.
- """
- def _main(self, fileobj):
- fileobj.close()
- class CompleteDownloadNOOPTask(Task):
- """A NOOP task to serve as an indicator that the download is complete
- Note that the default for is_final is set to True because this should
- always be the last task.
- """
- def __init__(self, transfer_coordinator, main_kwargs=None,
- pending_main_kwargs=None, done_callbacks=None,
- is_final=True):
- super(CompleteDownloadNOOPTask, self).__init__(
- transfer_coordinator=transfer_coordinator,
- main_kwargs=main_kwargs,
- pending_main_kwargs=pending_main_kwargs,
- done_callbacks=done_callbacks,
- is_final=is_final
- )
- def _main(self):
- pass
- class DownloadChunkIterator(object):
- def __init__(self, body, chunksize):
- """Iterator to chunk out a downloaded S3 stream
- :param body: A readable file-like object
- :param chunksize: The amount to read each time
- """
- self._body = body
- self._chunksize = chunksize
- self._num_reads = 0
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def __next__(self):
- chunk = self._body.read(self._chunksize)
- self._num_reads += 1
- if chunk:
- return chunk
- elif self._num_reads == 1:
- # Even though the response may have not had any
- # content, we still want to account for an empty object's
- # existance so return the empty chunk for that initial
- # read.
- return chunk
- raise StopIteration()
- next = __next__
- class DeferQueue(object):
- """IO queue that defers write requests until they are queued sequentially.
- This class is used to track IO data for a *single* fileobj.
- You can send data to this queue, and it will defer any IO write requests
- until it has the next contiguous block available (starting at 0).
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self._writes = []
- self._pending_offsets = set()
- self._next_offset = 0
- def request_writes(self, offset, data):
- """Request any available writes given new incoming data.
- You call this method by providing new data along with the
- offset associated with the data. If that new data unlocks
- any contiguous writes that can now be submitted, this
- method will return all applicable writes.
- This is done with 1 method call so you don't have to
- make two method calls (put(), get()) which acquires a lock
- each method call.
- """
- if offset < self._next_offset:
- # This is a request for a write that we've already
- # seen. This can happen in the event of a retry
- # where if we retry at at offset N/2, we'll requeue
- # offsets 0-N/2 again.
- return []
- writes = []
- if offset in self._pending_offsets:
- # We've already queued this offset so this request is
- # a duplicate. In this case we should ignore
- # this request and prefer what's already queued.
- return []
- heapq.heappush(self._writes, (offset, data))
- self._pending_offsets.add(offset)
- while self._writes and self._writes[0][0] == self._next_offset:
- next_write = heapq.heappop(self._writes)
- writes.append({'offset': next_write[0], 'data': next_write[1]})
- self._pending_offsets.remove(next_write[0])
- self._next_offset += len(next_write[1])
- return writes