- Metadata-Version: 2.0
- Name: queuelib
- Version: 1.5.0
- Summary: Collection of persistent (disk-based) queues
- Home-page: https://github.com/scrapy/queuelib
- Author: Scrapy project
- Author-email: info@scrapy.org
- License: BSD
- Description-Content-Type: UNKNOWN
- Platform: Any
- Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
- Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
- Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
- Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
- ========
- queuelib
- ========
- .. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/scrapy/queuelib.png?branch=master
- :target: http://travis-ci.org/scrapy/queuelib
- .. image:: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/scrapy/queuelib/master.svg
- :target: http://codecov.io/github/scrapy/queuelib?branch=master
- :alt: Coverage report
- Queuelib is a collection of persistent (disk-based) queues for Python.
- Queuelib goals are speed and simplicity. It was originally part of the `Scrapy
- framework`_ and stripped out on its own library.
- Note: Queuelib isn't thread-safe.
- Requirements
- ============
- * Python 2.7 or Python 3.3
- * no external library requirements
- Installation
- ============
- You can install Queuelib either via the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from
- source.
- To install using pip::
- $ pip install queuelib
- To install using easy_install::
- $ easy_install queuelib
- If you have downloaded a source tarball you can install it by running the
- following (as root)::
- # python setup.py install
- FIFO/LIFO disk queues
- =====================
- Queuelib provides FIFO and LIFO queue implementations.
- Here is an example usage of the FIFO queue::
- >>> from queuelib import FifoDiskQueue
- >>> q = FifoDiskQueue("queuefile")
- >>> q.push(b'a')
- >>> q.push(b'b')
- >>> q.push(b'c')
- >>> q.pop()
- b'a'
- >>> q.close()
- >>> q = FifoDiskQueue("queuefile")
- >>> q.pop()
- b'b'
- >>> q.pop()
- b'c'
- >>> q.pop()
- >>>
- The LIFO queue is identical (API-wise), but importing ``LifoDiskQueue``
- instead.
- PriorityQueue
- =============
- A discrete-priority queue implemented by combining multiple FIFO/LIFO queues
- (one per priority).
- First, select the type of queue to be used per priority (FIFO or LIFO)::
- >>> from queuelib import FifoDiskQueue
- >>> qfactory = lambda priority: FifoDiskQueue('queue-dir-%s' % priority)
- Then instantiate the Priority Queue with it::
- >>> from queuelib import PriorityQueue
- >>> pq = PriorityQueue(qfactory)
- And use it::
- >>> pq.push(b'a', 3)
- >>> pq.push(b'b', 1)
- >>> pq.push(b'c', 2)
- >>> pq.push(b'd', 2)
- >>> pq.pop()
- b'b'
- >>> pq.pop()
- b'c'
- >>> pq.pop()
- b'd'
- >>> pq.pop()
- b'a'
- RoundRobinQueue
- ===============
- Has nearly the same interface and implementation as a Priority Queue except
- that each element must be pushed with a (mandatory) key. Popping from the
- queue cycles through the keys "round robin".
- Instantiate the Round Robin Queue similarly to the Priority Queue::
- >>> from queuelib import RoundRobinQueue
- >>> rr = RoundRobinQueue(qfactory)
- And use it::
- >>> rr.push(b'a', '1')
- >>> rr.push(b'b', '1')
- >>> rr.push(b'c', '2')
- >>> rr.push(b'd', '2')
- >>> rr.pop()
- b'a'
- >>> rr.pop()
- b'c'
- >>> rr.pop()
- b'b'
- >>> rr.pop()
- b'd'
- Mailing list
- ============
- Use the `scrapy-users`_ mailing list for questions about Queuelib.
- Bug tracker
- ===========
- If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to
- our issue tracker at: http://github.com/scrapy/queuelib/issues/
- Contributing
- ============
- Development of Queuelib happens at GitHub: http://github.com/scrapy/queuelib
- You are highly encouraged to participate in the development. If you don't like
- GitHub (for some reason) you're welcome to send regular patches.
- All changes require tests to be merged.
- Tests
- =====
- Tests are located in `queuelib/tests` directory. They can be run using
- `nosetests`_ with the following command::
- nosetests
- The output should be something like the following::
- $ nosetests
- .............................................................................
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ran 77 tests in 0.145s
- OK
- License
- =======
- This software is licensed under the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the
- top distribution directory for the full license text.
- Versioning
- ==========
- This software follows `Semantic Versioning`_
- .. _Scrapy framework: http://scrapy.org
- .. _scrapy-users: http://groups.google.com/group/scrapy-users
- .. _Semantic Versioning: http://semver.org/
- .. _nosetests: https://nose.readthedocs.org/en/latest/