- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """Notebook Javascript Test Controller
- This module runs one or more subprocesses which will actually run the Javascript
- test suite.
- """
- # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
- # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
- import argparse
- import json
- import multiprocessing.pool
- import os
- import re
- import requests
- import signal
- import sys
- import subprocess
- import time
- from io import BytesIO
- from threading import Thread, Lock, Event
- try:
- from unittest.mock import patch
- except ImportError:
- from mock import patch # py3
- from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_runtime_dir
- from ipython_genutils.py3compat import bytes_to_str, which
- from notebook._sysinfo import get_sys_info
- from ipython_genutils.tempdir import TemporaryDirectory
- try:
- # Python >= 3.3
- from subprocess import TimeoutExpired
- def popen_wait(p, timeout):
- return p.wait(timeout)
- except ImportError:
- class TimeoutExpired(Exception):
- pass
- def popen_wait(p, timeout):
- """backport of Popen.wait from Python 3"""
- for i in range(int(10 * timeout)):
- if p.poll() is not None:
- return
- time.sleep(0.1)
- if p.poll() is None:
- raise TimeoutExpired
- have = {}
- have['casperjs'] = bool(which('casperjs'))
- have['phantomjs'] = bool(which('phantomjs'))
- have['slimerjs'] = bool(which('slimerjs'))
- class StreamCapturer(Thread):
- daemon = True # Don't hang if main thread crashes
- started = False
- def __init__(self, echo=False):
- super(StreamCapturer, self).__init__()
- self.echo = echo
- self.streams = []
- self.buffer = BytesIO()
- self.readfd, self.writefd = os.pipe()
- self.buffer_lock = Lock()
- self.stop = Event()
- def run(self):
- self.started = True
- while not self.stop.is_set():
- chunk = os.read(self.readfd, 1024)
- with self.buffer_lock:
- self.buffer.write(chunk)
- if self.echo:
- sys.stdout.write(bytes_to_str(chunk))
- os.close(self.readfd)
- os.close(self.writefd)
- def reset_buffer(self):
- with self.buffer_lock:
- self.buffer.truncate(0)
- self.buffer.seek(0)
- def get_buffer(self):
- with self.buffer_lock:
- return self.buffer.getvalue()
- def ensure_started(self):
- if not self.started:
- self.start()
- def halt(self):
- """Safely stop the thread."""
- if not self.started:
- return
- self.stop.set()
- os.write(self.writefd, b'\0') # Ensure we're not locked in a read()
- self.join()
- class TestController(object):
- """Run tests in a subprocess
- """
- #: str, test group to be executed.
- section = None
- #: list, command line arguments to be executed
- cmd = None
- #: dict, extra environment variables to set for the subprocess
- env = None
- #: list, TemporaryDirectory instances to clear up when the process finishes
- dirs = None
- #: subprocess.Popen instance
- process = None
- #: str, process stdout+stderr
- stdout = None
- def __init__(self):
- self.cmd = []
- self.env = {}
- self.dirs = []
- def setup(self):
- """Create temporary directories etc.
- This is only called when we know the test group will be run. Things
- created here may be cleaned up by self.cleanup().
- """
- pass
- def launch(self, buffer_output=False, capture_output=False):
- # print('*** ENV:', self.env) # dbg
- # print('*** CMD:', self.cmd) # dbg
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env.update(self.env)
- if buffer_output:
- capture_output = True
- self.stdout_capturer = c = StreamCapturer(echo=not buffer_output)
- c.start()
- stdout = c.writefd if capture_output else None
- stderr = subprocess.STDOUT if capture_output else None
- self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=stdout,
- stderr=stderr, env=env)
- def wait(self):
- self.process.wait()
- self.stdout_capturer.halt()
- self.stdout = self.stdout_capturer.get_buffer()
- return self.process.returncode
- def print_extra_info(self):
- """Print extra information about this test run.
- If we're running in parallel and showing the concise view, this is only
- called if the test group fails. Otherwise, it's called before the test
- group is started.
- The base implementation does nothing, but it can be overridden by
- subclasses.
- """
- return
- def cleanup_process(self):
- """Cleanup on exit by killing any leftover processes."""
- subp = self.process
- if subp is None or (subp.poll() is not None):
- return # Process doesn't exist, or is already dead.
- try:
- print('Cleaning up stale PID: %d' % subp.pid)
- subp.kill()
- except: # (OSError, WindowsError) ?
- # This is just a best effort, if we fail or the process was
- # really gone, ignore it.
- pass
- else:
- for i in range(10):
- if subp.poll() is None:
- time.sleep(0.1)
- else:
- break
- if subp.poll() is None:
- # The process did not die...
- print('... failed. Manual cleanup may be required.')
- def cleanup(self):
- "Kill process if it's still alive, and clean up temporary directories"
- self.cleanup_process()
- for td in self.dirs:
- td.cleanup()
- __del__ = cleanup
- def get_js_test_dir():
- import notebook.tests as t
- return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(t.__file__), '')
- def all_js_groups():
- import glob
- test_dir = get_js_test_dir()
- all_subdirs = glob.glob(test_dir + '[!_]*/')
- return [os.path.relpath(x, test_dir) for x in all_subdirs]
- class JSController(TestController):
- """Run CasperJS tests """
- requirements = ['casperjs']
- def __init__(self, section, xunit=True, engine='phantomjs', url=None):
- """Create new test runner."""
- TestController.__init__(self)
- self.engine = engine
- self.section = section
- self.xunit = xunit
- self.url = url
- # run with a base URL that would be escaped,
- # to test that we don't double-escape URLs
- self.base_url = '/a@b/'
- self.slimer_failure = re.compile('^FAIL.*', flags=re.MULTILINE)
- js_test_dir = get_js_test_dir()
- includes = '--includes=' + os.path.join(js_test_dir,'util.js')
- test_cases = os.path.join(js_test_dir, self.section)
- self.cmd = ['casperjs', 'test', includes, test_cases, '--engine=%s' % self.engine]
- def setup(self):
- self.ipydir = TemporaryDirectory()
- self.config_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
- self.nbdir = TemporaryDirectory()
- self.home = TemporaryDirectory()
- self.env = {
- 'HOME': self.home.name,
- 'JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR': self.config_dir.name,
- 'IPYTHONDIR': self.ipydir.name,
- }
- self.dirs.append(self.ipydir)
- self.dirs.append(self.home)
- self.dirs.append(self.config_dir)
- self.dirs.append(self.nbdir)
- os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.nbdir.name, os.path.join(u'sub ∂ir1', u'sub ∂ir 1a')))
- os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.nbdir.name, os.path.join(u'sub ∂ir2', u'sub ∂ir 1b')))
- if self.xunit:
- self.add_xunit()
- # If a url was specified, use that for the testing.
- if self.url:
- try:
- alive = requests.get(self.url).status_code == 200
- except:
- alive = False
- if alive:
- self.cmd.append("--url=%s" % self.url)
- else:
- raise Exception('Could not reach "%s".' % self.url)
- else:
- # start the ipython notebook, so we get the port number
- self.server_port = 0
- self._init_server()
- if self.server_port:
- self.cmd.append('--url=http://localhost:%i%s' % (self.server_port, self.base_url))
- else:
- # don't launch tests if the server didn't start
- self.cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', 'raise SystemExit(1)']
- def add_xunit(self):
- xunit_file = os.path.abspath(self.section.replace('/','.') + '.xunit.xml')
- self.cmd.append('--xunit=%s' % xunit_file)
- def launch(self, buffer_output):
- # If the engine is SlimerJS, we need to buffer the output because
- # SlimerJS does not support exit codes, so CasperJS always returns 0.
- if self.engine == 'slimerjs' and not buffer_output:
- return super(JSController, self).launch(capture_output=True)
- else:
- return super(JSController, self).launch(buffer_output=buffer_output)
- def wait(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
- """Wait for the JSController to finish"""
- ret = super(JSController, self).wait(*pargs, **kwargs)
- # If this is a SlimerJS controller, check the captured stdout for
- # errors. Otherwise, just return the return code.
- if self.engine == 'slimerjs':
- stdout = bytes_to_str(self.stdout)
- if ret != 0:
- # This could still happen e.g. if it's stopped by SIGINT
- return ret
- return bool(self.slimer_failure.search(stdout))
- else:
- return ret
- def print_extra_info(self):
- print("Running tests with notebook directory %r" % self.nbdir.name)
- @property
- def will_run(self):
- should_run = all(have[a] for a in self.requirements + [self.engine])
- return should_run
- def _init_server(self):
- "Start the notebook server in a separate process"
- self.server_command = command = [sys.executable,
- '-m', 'notebook',
- '--no-browser',
- '--notebook-dir', self.nbdir.name,
- '--NotebookApp.token=',
- '--NotebookApp.base_url=%s' % self.base_url,
- ]
- # ipc doesn't work on Windows, and darwin has crazy-long temp paths,
- # which run afoul of ipc's maximum path length.
- if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
- command.append('--KernelManager.transport=ipc')
- self.stream_capturer = c = StreamCapturer()
- c.start()
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env.update(self.env)
- self.server = subprocess.Popen(command,
- stdout = c.writefd,
- stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,
- cwd=self.nbdir.name,
- env=env,
- )
- with patch.dict('os.environ', {'HOME': self.home.name}):
- runtime_dir = jupyter_runtime_dir()
- self.server_info_file = os.path.join(runtime_dir,
- 'nbserver-%i.json' % self.server.pid
- )
- self._wait_for_server()
- def _wait_for_server(self):
- """Wait 30 seconds for the notebook server to start"""
- for i in range(300):
- if self.server.poll() is not None:
- return self._failed_to_start()
- if os.path.exists(self.server_info_file):
- try:
- self._load_server_info()
- except ValueError:
- # If the server is halfway through writing the file, we may
- # get invalid JSON; it should be ready next iteration.
- pass
- else:
- return
- time.sleep(0.1)
- print("Notebook server-info file never arrived: %s" % self.server_info_file,
- file=sys.stderr
- )
- def _failed_to_start(self):
- """Notebook server exited prematurely"""
- captured = self.stream_capturer.get_buffer().decode('utf-8', 'replace')
- print("Notebook failed to start: ", file=sys.stderr)
- print(self.server_command)
- print(captured, file=sys.stderr)
- def _load_server_info(self):
- """Notebook server started, load connection info from JSON"""
- with open(self.server_info_file) as f:
- info = json.load(f)
- self.server_port = info['port']
- def cleanup(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'server'):
- try:
- self.server.terminate()
- except OSError:
- # already dead
- pass
- # wait 10s for the server to shutdown
- try:
- popen_wait(self.server, NOTEBOOK_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT)
- except TimeoutExpired:
- # server didn't terminate, kill it
- try:
- print("Failed to terminate notebook server, killing it.",
- file=sys.stderr
- )
- self.server.kill()
- except OSError:
- # already dead
- pass
- # wait another 10s
- try:
- popen_wait(self.server, NOTEBOOK_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT)
- except TimeoutExpired:
- print("Notebook server still running (%s)" % self.server_info_file,
- file=sys.stderr
- )
- self.stream_capturer.halt()
- TestController.cleanup(self)
- def prepare_controllers(options):
- """Returns two lists of TestController instances, those to run, and those
- not to run."""
- testgroups = options.testgroups
- if not testgroups:
- testgroups = all_js_groups()
- engine = 'slimerjs' if options.slimerjs else 'phantomjs'
- c_js = [JSController(name, xunit=options.xunit, engine=engine, url=options.url) for name in testgroups]
- controllers = c_js
- to_run = [c for c in controllers if c.will_run]
- not_run = [c for c in controllers if not c.will_run]
- return to_run, not_run
- def do_run(controller, buffer_output=True):
- """Setup and run a test controller.
- If buffer_output is True, no output is displayed, to avoid it appearing
- interleaved. In this case, the caller is responsible for displaying test
- output on failure.
- Returns
- -------
- controller : TestController
- The same controller as passed in, as a convenience for using map() type
- APIs.
- exitcode : int
- The exit code of the test subprocess. Non-zero indicates failure.
- """
- try:
- try:
- controller.setup()
- if not buffer_output:
- controller.print_extra_info()
- controller.launch(buffer_output=buffer_output)
- except Exception:
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- return controller, 1 # signal failure
- exitcode = controller.wait()
- return controller, exitcode
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- return controller, -signal.SIGINT
- finally:
- controller.cleanup()
- def report():
- """Return a string with a summary report of test-related variables."""
- inf = get_sys_info()
- out = []
- def _add(name, value):
- out.append((name, value))
- _add('Python version', inf['sys_version'].replace('\n',''))
- _add('sys.executable', inf['sys_executable'])
- _add('Platform', inf['platform'])
- width = max(len(n) for (n,v) in out)
- out = ["{:<{width}}: {}\n".format(n, v, width=width) for (n,v) in out]
- avail = []
- not_avail = []
- for k, is_avail in have.items():
- if is_avail:
- avail.append(k)
- else:
- not_avail.append(k)
- if avail:
- out.append('\nTools and libraries available at test time:\n')
- avail.sort()
- out.append(' ' + ' '.join(avail)+'\n')
- if not_avail:
- out.append('\nTools and libraries NOT available at test time:\n')
- not_avail.sort()
- out.append(' ' + ' '.join(not_avail)+'\n')
- return ''.join(out)
- def run_jstestall(options):
- """Run the entire Javascript test suite.
- This function constructs TestControllers and runs them in subprocesses.
- Parameters
- ----------
- All parameters are passed as attributes of the options object.
- testgroups : list of str
- Run only these sections of the test suite. If empty, run all the available
- sections.
- fast : int or None
- Run the test suite in parallel, using n simultaneous processes. If None
- is passed, one process is used per CPU core. Default 1 (i.e. sequential)
- inc_slow : bool
- Include slow tests. By default, these tests aren't run.
- slimerjs : bool
- Use slimerjs if it's installed instead of phantomjs for casperjs tests.
- url : unicode
- Address:port to use when running the JS tests.
- xunit : bool
- Produce Xunit XML output. This is written to multiple foo.xunit.xml files.
- extra_args : list
- Extra arguments to pass to the test subprocesses, e.g. '-v'
- """
- to_run, not_run = prepare_controllers(options)
- def justify(ltext, rtext, width=70, fill='-'):
- ltext += ' '
- rtext = (' ' + rtext).rjust(width - len(ltext), fill)
- return ltext + rtext
- # Run all test runners, tracking execution time
- failed = []
- t_start = time.time()
- print()
- if options.fast == 1:
- # This actually means sequential, i.e. with 1 job
- for controller in to_run:
- print('Test group:', controller.section)
- sys.stdout.flush() # Show in correct order when output is piped
- controller, res = do_run(controller, buffer_output=False)
- if res:
- failed.append(controller)
- if res == -signal.SIGINT:
- print("Interrupted")
- break
- print()
- else:
- # Run tests concurrently
- try:
- pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(options.fast)
- for (controller, res) in pool.imap_unordered(do_run, to_run):
- res_string = 'OK' if res == 0 else 'FAILED'
- print(justify('Test group: ' + controller.section, res_string))
- if res:
- controller.print_extra_info()
- print(bytes_to_str(controller.stdout))
- failed.append(controller)
- if res == -signal.SIGINT:
- print("Interrupted")
- break
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- return
- for controller in not_run:
- print(justify('Test group: ' + controller.section, 'NOT RUN'))
- t_end = time.time()
- t_tests = t_end - t_start
- nrunners = len(to_run)
- nfail = len(failed)
- # summarize results
- print('_'*70)
- print('Test suite completed for system with the following information:')
- print(report())
- took = "Took %.3fs." % t_tests
- print('Status: ', end='')
- if not failed:
- print('OK (%d test groups).' % nrunners, took)
- else:
- # If anything went wrong, point out what command to rerun manually to
- # see the actual errors and individual summary
- failed_sections = [c.section for c in failed]
- print('ERROR - {} out of {} test groups failed ({}).'.format(nfail,
- nrunners, ', '.join(failed_sections)), took)
- print()
- print('You may wish to rerun these, with:')
- print(' python -m notebook.jstest', *failed_sections)
- print()
- if failed:
- # Ensure that our exit code indicates failure
- sys.exit(1)
- argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run Jupyter Notebook Javascript tests')
- argparser.add_argument('testgroups', nargs='*',
- help='Run specified groups of tests. If omitted, run '
- 'all tests.')
- argparser.add_argument('--slimerjs', action='store_true',
- help="Use slimerjs if it's installed instead of phantomjs for casperjs tests.")
- argparser.add_argument('--url', help="URL to use for the JS tests.")
- argparser.add_argument('-j', '--fast', nargs='?', const=None, default=1, type=int,
- help='Run test sections in parallel. This starts as many '
- 'processes as you have cores, or you can specify a number.')
- argparser.add_argument('--xunit', action='store_true',
- help='Produce Xunit XML results')
- argparser.add_argument('--subproc-streams', default='capture',
- help="What to do with stdout/stderr from subprocesses. "
- "'capture' (default), 'show' and 'discard' are the options.")
- def default_options():
- """Get an argparse Namespace object with the default arguments, to pass to
- :func:`run_iptestall`.
- """
- options = argparser.parse_args([])
- options.extra_args = []
- return options
- def main():
- try:
- ix = sys.argv.index('--')
- except ValueError:
- to_parse = sys.argv[1:]
- extra_args = []
- else:
- to_parse = sys.argv[1:ix]
- extra_args = sys.argv[ix+1:]
- options = argparser.parse_args(to_parse)
- options.extra_args = extra_args
- run_jstestall(options)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()