- # Natural Language Toolkit: Utility functions
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
- # Author: Edward Loper <edloper@gmail.com>
- # URL: <http://nltk.org/>
- # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
- """
- Functions to find and load NLTK resource files, such as corpora,
- grammars, and saved processing objects. Resource files are identified
- using URLs, such as ``nltk:corpora/abc/rural.txt`` or
- ``http://nltk.org/sample/toy.cfg``. The following URL protocols are
- supported:
- - ``file:path``: Specifies the file whose path is *path*.
- Both relative and absolute paths may be used.
- - ``http://host/path``: Specifies the file stored on the web
- server *host* at path *path*.
- - ``nltk:path``: Specifies the file stored in the NLTK data
- package at *path*. NLTK will search for these files in the
- directories specified by ``nltk.data.path``.
- If no protocol is specified, then the default protocol ``nltk:`` will
- be used.
- This module provides to functions that can be used to access a
- resource file, given its URL: ``load()`` loads a given resource, and
- adds it to a resource cache; and ``retrieve()`` copies a given resource
- to a local file.
- """
- from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division
- import functools
- import textwrap
- import io
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- import zipfile
- import codecs
- from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
- from gzip import GzipFile, WRITE as GZ_WRITE
- from six import add_metaclass
- from six import string_types, text_type
- from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen, url2pathname
- try:
- import cPickle as pickle
- except ImportError:
- import pickle
- try: # Python 3.
- textwrap_indent = functools.partial(textwrap.indent, prefix=' ')
- except AttributeError: # Python 2; indent() not available for Python2.
- textwrap_fill = functools.partial(
- textwrap.fill,
- initial_indent=' ',
- subsequent_indent=' ',
- replace_whitespace=False,
- )
- def textwrap_indent(text):
- return '\n'.join(textwrap_fill(line) for line in text.splitlines())
- try:
- from zlib import Z_SYNC_FLUSH as FLUSH
- except ImportError:
- from zlib import Z_FINISH as FLUSH
- # this import should be more specific:
- import nltk
- from nltk.compat import py3_data, add_py3_data, BytesIO
- ######################################################################
- # Search Path
- ######################################################################
- path = []
- """A list of directories where the NLTK data package might reside.
- These directories will be checked in order when looking for a
- resource in the data package. Note that this allows users to
- substitute in their own versions of resources, if they have them
- (e.g., in their home directory under ~/nltk_data)."""
- # User-specified locations:
- _paths_from_env = os.environ.get('NLTK_DATA', str('')).split(os.pathsep)
- path += [d for d in _paths_from_env if d]
- if 'APPENGINE_RUNTIME' not in os.environ and os.path.expanduser('~/') != '~/':
- path.append(os.path.expanduser(str('~/nltk_data')))
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- # Common locations on Windows:
- path += [
- os.path.join(sys.prefix, str('nltk_data')),
- os.path.join(sys.prefix, str('share'), str('nltk_data')),
- os.path.join(sys.prefix, str('lib'), str('nltk_data')),
- os.path.join(os.environ.get(str('APPDATA'), str('C:\\')), str('nltk_data')),
- str(r'C:\nltk_data'),
- str(r'D:\nltk_data'),
- str(r'E:\nltk_data'),
- ]
- else:
- # Common locations on UNIX & OS X:
- path += [
- os.path.join(sys.prefix, str('nltk_data')),
- os.path.join(sys.prefix, str('share'), str('nltk_data')),
- os.path.join(sys.prefix, str('lib'), str('nltk_data')),
- str('/usr/share/nltk_data'),
- str('/usr/local/share/nltk_data'),
- str('/usr/lib/nltk_data'),
- str('/usr/local/lib/nltk_data'),
- ]
- ######################################################################
- # Util Functions
- ######################################################################
- def gzip_open_unicode(
- filename,
- mode="rb",
- compresslevel=9,
- encoding='utf-8',
- fileobj=None,
- errors=None,
- newline=None,
- ):
- if fileobj is None:
- fileobj = GzipFile(filename, mode, compresslevel, fileobj)
- return io.TextIOWrapper(fileobj, encoding, errors, newline)
- def split_resource_url(resource_url):
- """
- Splits a resource url into "<protocol>:<path>".
- >>> windows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
- >>> split_resource_url('nltk:home/nltk')
- ('nltk', 'home/nltk')
- >>> split_resource_url('nltk:/home/nltk')
- ('nltk', '/home/nltk')
- >>> split_resource_url('file:/home/nltk')
- ('file', '/home/nltk')
- >>> split_resource_url('file:///home/nltk')
- ('file', '/home/nltk')
- >>> split_resource_url('file:///C:/home/nltk')
- ('file', '/C:/home/nltk')
- """
- protocol, path_ = resource_url.split(':', 1)
- if protocol == 'nltk':
- pass
- elif protocol == 'file':
- if path_.startswith('/'):
- path_ = '/' + path_.lstrip('/')
- else:
- path_ = re.sub(r'^/{0,2}', '', path_)
- return protocol, path_
- def normalize_resource_url(resource_url):
- r"""
- Normalizes a resource url
- >>> windows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
- >>> os.path.normpath(split_resource_url(normalize_resource_url('file:grammar.fcfg'))[1]) == \
- ... ('\\' if windows else '') + os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, 'grammar.fcfg'))
- True
- >>> not windows or normalize_resource_url('file:C:/dir/file') == 'file:///C:/dir/file'
- True
- >>> not windows or normalize_resource_url('file:C:\\dir\\file') == 'file:///C:/dir/file'
- True
- >>> not windows or normalize_resource_url('file:C:\\dir/file') == 'file:///C:/dir/file'
- True
- >>> not windows or normalize_resource_url('file://C:/dir/file') == 'file:///C:/dir/file'
- True
- >>> not windows or normalize_resource_url('file:////C:/dir/file') == 'file:///C:/dir/file'
- True
- >>> not windows or normalize_resource_url('nltk:C:/dir/file') == 'file:///C:/dir/file'
- True
- >>> not windows or normalize_resource_url('nltk:C:\\dir\\file') == 'file:///C:/dir/file'
- True
- >>> windows or normalize_resource_url('file:/dir/file/toy.cfg') == 'file:///dir/file/toy.cfg'
- True
- >>> normalize_resource_url('nltk:home/nltk')
- 'nltk:home/nltk'
- >>> windows or normalize_resource_url('nltk:/home/nltk') == 'file:///home/nltk'
- True
- >>> normalize_resource_url('http://example.com/dir/file')
- 'http://example.com/dir/file'
- >>> normalize_resource_url('dir/file')
- 'nltk:dir/file'
- """
- try:
- protocol, name = split_resource_url(resource_url)
- except ValueError:
- # the resource url has no protocol, use the nltk protocol by default
- protocol = 'nltk'
- name = resource_url
- # use file protocol if the path is an absolute path
- if protocol == 'nltk' and os.path.isabs(name):
- protocol = 'file://'
- name = normalize_resource_name(name, False, None)
- elif protocol == 'file':
- protocol = 'file://'
- # name is absolute
- name = normalize_resource_name(name, False, None)
- elif protocol == 'nltk':
- protocol = 'nltk:'
- name = normalize_resource_name(name, True)
- else:
- # handled by urllib
- protocol += '://'
- return ''.join([protocol, name])
- def normalize_resource_name(resource_name, allow_relative=True, relative_path=None):
- """
- :type resource_name: str or unicode
- :param resource_name: The name of the resource to search for.
- Resource names are posix-style relative path names, such as
- ``corpora/brown``. Directory names will automatically
- be converted to a platform-appropriate path separator.
- Directory trailing slashes are preserved
- >>> windows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
- >>> normalize_resource_name('.', True)
- './'
- >>> normalize_resource_name('./', True)
- './'
- >>> windows or normalize_resource_name('dir/file', False, '/') == '/dir/file'
- True
- >>> not windows or normalize_resource_name('C:/file', False, '/') == '/C:/file'
- True
- >>> windows or normalize_resource_name('/dir/file', False, '/') == '/dir/file'
- True
- >>> windows or normalize_resource_name('../dir/file', False, '/') == '/dir/file'
- True
- >>> not windows or normalize_resource_name('/dir/file', True, '/') == 'dir/file'
- True
- >>> windows or normalize_resource_name('/dir/file', True, '/') == '/dir/file'
- True
- """
- is_dir = bool(re.search(r'[\\/.]$', resource_name)) or resource_name.endswith(
- os.path.sep
- )
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- resource_name = resource_name.lstrip('/')
- else:
- resource_name = re.sub(r'^/+', '/', resource_name)
- if allow_relative:
- resource_name = os.path.normpath(resource_name)
- else:
- if relative_path is None:
- relative_path = os.curdir
- resource_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(relative_path, resource_name))
- resource_name = resource_name.replace('\\', '/').replace(os.path.sep, '/')
- if sys.platform.startswith('win') and os.path.isabs(resource_name):
- resource_name = '/' + resource_name
- if is_dir and not resource_name.endswith('/'):
- resource_name += '/'
- return resource_name
- ######################################################################
- # Path Pointers
- ######################################################################
- @add_metaclass(ABCMeta)
- class PathPointer(object):
- """
- An abstract base class for 'path pointers,' used by NLTK's data
- package to identify specific paths. Two subclasses exist:
- ``FileSystemPathPointer`` identifies a file that can be accessed
- directly via a given absolute path. ``ZipFilePathPointer``
- identifies a file contained within a zipfile, that can be accessed
- by reading that zipfile.
- """
- @abstractmethod
- def open(self, encoding=None):
- """
- Return a seekable read-only stream that can be used to read
- the contents of the file identified by this path pointer.
- :raise IOError: If the path specified by this pointer does
- not contain a readable file.
- """
- @abstractmethod
- def file_size(self):
- """
- Return the size of the file pointed to by this path pointer,
- in bytes.
- :raise IOError: If the path specified by this pointer does
- not contain a readable file.
- """
- @abstractmethod
- def join(self, fileid):
- """
- Return a new path pointer formed by starting at the path
- identified by this pointer, and then following the relative
- path given by ``fileid``. The path components of ``fileid``
- should be separated by forward slashes, regardless of
- the underlying file system's path seperator character.
- """
- class FileSystemPathPointer(PathPointer, text_type):
- """
- A path pointer that identifies a file which can be accessed
- directly via a given absolute path.
- """
- @py3_data
- def __init__(self, _path):
- """
- Create a new path pointer for the given absolute path.
- :raise IOError: If the given path does not exist.
- """
- _path = os.path.abspath(_path)
- if not os.path.exists(_path):
- raise IOError('No such file or directory: %r' % _path)
- self._path = _path
- # There's no need to call str.__init__(), since it's a no-op;
- # str does all of its setup work in __new__.
- @property
- def path(self):
- """The absolute path identified by this path pointer."""
- return self._path
- def open(self, encoding=None):
- stream = open(self._path, 'rb')
- if encoding is not None:
- stream = SeekableUnicodeStreamReader(stream, encoding)
- return stream
- def file_size(self):
- return os.stat(self._path).st_size
- def join(self, fileid):
- _path = os.path.join(self._path, fileid)
- return FileSystemPathPointer(_path)
- def __repr__(self):
- # This should be a byte string under Python 2.x;
- # we don't want transliteration here so
- # @python_2_unicode_compatible is not used.
- return str('FileSystemPathPointer(%r)' % self._path)
- def __str__(self):
- return self._path
- class BufferedGzipFile(GzipFile):
- """
- A ``GzipFile`` subclass that buffers calls to ``read()`` and ``write()``.
- This allows faster reads and writes of data to and from gzip-compressed
- files at the cost of using more memory.
- The default buffer size is 2MB.
- ``BufferedGzipFile`` is useful for loading large gzipped pickle objects
- as well as writing large encoded feature files for classifier training.
- """
- MB = 2 ** 20
- SIZE = 2 * MB
- @py3_data
- def __init__(
- self, filename=None, mode=None, compresslevel=9, fileobj=None, **kwargs
- ):
- """
- Return a buffered gzip file object.
- :param filename: a filesystem path
- :type filename: str
- :param mode: a file mode which can be any of 'r', 'rb', 'a', 'ab',
- 'w', or 'wb'
- :type mode: str
- :param compresslevel: The compresslevel argument is an integer from 1
- to 9 controlling the level of compression; 1 is fastest and
- produces the least compression, and 9 is slowest and produces the
- most compression. The default is 9.
- :type compresslevel: int
- :param fileobj: a BytesIO stream to read from instead of a file.
- :type fileobj: BytesIO
- :param size: number of bytes to buffer during calls to read() and write()
- :type size: int
- :rtype: BufferedGzipFile
- """
- GzipFile.__init__(self, filename, mode, compresslevel, fileobj)
- self._size = kwargs.get('size', self.SIZE)
- self._nltk_buffer = BytesIO()
- # cStringIO does not support len.
- self._len = 0
- def _reset_buffer(self):
- # For some reason calling BytesIO.truncate() here will lead to
- # inconsistent writes so just set _buffer to a new BytesIO object.
- self._nltk_buffer = BytesIO()
- self._len = 0
- def _write_buffer(self, data):
- # Simply write to the buffer and increment the buffer size.
- if data is not None:
- self._nltk_buffer.write(data)
- self._len += len(data)
- def _write_gzip(self, data):
- # Write the current buffer to the GzipFile.
- GzipFile.write(self, self._nltk_buffer.getvalue())
- # Then reset the buffer and write the new data to the buffer.
- self._reset_buffer()
- self._write_buffer(data)
- def close(self):
- # GzipFile.close() doesn't actuallly close anything.
- if self.mode == GZ_WRITE:
- self._write_gzip(None)
- self._reset_buffer()
- return GzipFile.close(self)
- def flush(self, lib_mode=FLUSH):
- self._nltk_buffer.flush()
- GzipFile.flush(self, lib_mode)
- def read(self, size=None):
- if not size:
- size = self._size
- contents = BytesIO()
- while True:
- blocks = GzipFile.read(self, size)
- if not blocks:
- contents.flush()
- break
- contents.write(blocks)
- return contents.getvalue()
- else:
- return GzipFile.read(self, size)
- def write(self, data, size=-1):
- """
- :param data: bytes to write to file or buffer
- :type data: bytes
- :param size: buffer at least size bytes before writing to file
- :type size: int
- """
- if not size:
- size = self._size
- if self._len + len(data) <= size:
- self._write_buffer(data)
- else:
- self._write_gzip(data)
- class GzipFileSystemPathPointer(FileSystemPathPointer):
- """
- A subclass of ``FileSystemPathPointer`` that identifies a gzip-compressed
- file located at a given absolute path. ``GzipFileSystemPathPointer`` is
- appropriate for loading large gzip-compressed pickle objects efficiently.
- """
- def open(self, encoding=None):
- # Note: In >= Python3.5, GzipFile is already using a
- # buffered reader in the backend which has a variable self._buffer
- # See https://github.com/nltk/nltk/issues/1308
- if sys.version.startswith('2.7') or sys.version.startswith('3.4'):
- stream = BufferedGzipFile(self._path, 'rb')
- else:
- stream = GzipFile(self._path, 'rb')
- if encoding:
- stream = SeekableUnicodeStreamReader(stream, encoding)
- return stream
- class ZipFilePathPointer(PathPointer):
- """
- A path pointer that identifies a file contained within a zipfile,
- which can be accessed by reading that zipfile.
- """
- @py3_data
- def __init__(self, zipfile, entry=''):
- """
- Create a new path pointer pointing at the specified entry
- in the given zipfile.
- :raise IOError: If the given zipfile does not exist, or if it
- does not contain the specified entry.
- """
- if isinstance(zipfile, string_types):
- zipfile = OpenOnDemandZipFile(os.path.abspath(zipfile))
- # Check that the entry exists:
- if entry:
- # Normalize the entry string, it should be relative:
- entry = normalize_resource_name(entry, True, '/').lstrip('/')
- try:
- zipfile.getinfo(entry)
- except Exception:
- # Sometimes directories aren't explicitly listed in
- # the zip file. So if `entry` is a directory name,
- # then check if the zipfile contains any files that
- # are under the given directory.
- if entry.endswith('/') and [
- n for n in zipfile.namelist() if n.startswith(entry)
- ]:
- pass # zipfile contains a file in that directory.
- else:
- # Otherwise, complain.
- raise IOError(
- 'Zipfile %r does not contain %r' % (zipfile.filename, entry)
- )
- self._zipfile = zipfile
- self._entry = entry
- @property
- def zipfile(self):
- """
- The zipfile.ZipFile object used to access the zip file
- containing the entry identified by this path pointer.
- """
- return self._zipfile
- @property
- def entry(self):
- """
- The name of the file within zipfile that this path
- pointer points to.
- """
- return self._entry
- def open(self, encoding=None):
- data = self._zipfile.read(self._entry)
- stream = BytesIO(data)
- if self._entry.endswith('.gz'):
- # Note: In >= Python3.5, GzipFile is already using a
- # buffered reader in the backend which has a variable self._buffer
- # See https://github.com/nltk/nltk/issues/1308
- if sys.version.startswith('2.7') or sys.version.startswith('3.4'):
- stream = BufferedGzipFile(self._entry, fileobj=stream)
- else:
- stream = GzipFile(self._entry, fileobj=stream)
- elif encoding is not None:
- stream = SeekableUnicodeStreamReader(stream, encoding)
- return stream
- def file_size(self):
- return self._zipfile.getinfo(self._entry).file_size
- def join(self, fileid):
- entry = '%s/%s' % (self._entry, fileid)
- return ZipFilePathPointer(self._zipfile, entry)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str('ZipFilePathPointer(%r, %r)') % (self._zipfile.filename, self._entry)
- def __str__(self):
- return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self._zipfile.filename, self._entry))
- ######################################################################
- # Access Functions
- ######################################################################
- # Don't use a weak dictionary, because in the common case this
- # causes a lot more reloading that necessary.
- _resource_cache = {}
- """A dictionary used to cache resources so that they won't
- need to be loaded more than once."""
- def find(resource_name, paths=None):
- """
- Find the given resource by searching through the directories and
- zip files in paths, where a None or empty string specifies an absolute path.
- Returns a corresponding path name. If the given resource is not
- found, raise a ``LookupError``, whose message gives a pointer to
- the installation instructions for the NLTK downloader.
- Zip File Handling:
- - If ``resource_name`` contains a component with a ``.zip``
- extension, then it is assumed to be a zipfile; and the
- remaining path components are used to look inside the zipfile.
- - If any element of ``nltk.data.path`` has a ``.zip`` extension,
- then it is assumed to be a zipfile.
- - If a given resource name that does not contain any zipfile
- component is not found initially, then ``find()`` will make a
- second attempt to find that resource, by replacing each
- component *p* in the path with *p.zip/p*. For example, this
- allows ``find()`` to map the resource name
- ``corpora/chat80/cities.pl`` to a zip file path pointer to
- ``corpora/chat80.zip/chat80/cities.pl``.
- - When using ``find()`` to locate a directory contained in a
- zipfile, the resource name must end with the forward slash
- character. Otherwise, ``find()`` will not locate the
- directory.
- :type resource_name: str or unicode
- :param resource_name: The name of the resource to search for.
- Resource names are posix-style relative path names, such as
- ``corpora/brown``. Directory names will be
- automatically converted to a platform-appropriate path separator.
- :rtype: str
- """
- resource_name = normalize_resource_name(resource_name, True)
- # Resolve default paths at runtime in-case the user overrides
- # nltk.data.path
- if paths is None:
- paths = path
- # Check if the resource name includes a zipfile name
- m = re.match(r'(.*\.zip)/?(.*)$|', resource_name)
- zipfile, zipentry = m.groups()
- # Check each item in our path
- for path_ in paths:
- # Is the path item a zipfile?
- if path_ and (os.path.isfile(path_) and path_.endswith('.zip')):
- try:
- return ZipFilePathPointer(path_, resource_name)
- except IOError:
- # resource not in zipfile
- continue
- # Is the path item a directory or is resource_name an absolute path?
- elif not path_ or os.path.isdir(path_):
- if zipfile is None:
- p = os.path.join(path_, url2pathname(resource_name))
- if os.path.exists(p):
- if p.endswith('.gz'):
- return GzipFileSystemPathPointer(p)
- else:
- return FileSystemPathPointer(p)
- else:
- p = os.path.join(path_, url2pathname(zipfile))
- if os.path.exists(p):
- try:
- return ZipFilePathPointer(p, zipentry)
- except IOError:
- # resource not in zipfile
- continue
- # Fallback: if the path doesn't include a zip file, then try
- # again, assuming that one of the path components is inside a
- # zipfile of the same name.
- if zipfile is None:
- pieces = resource_name.split('/')
- for i in range(len(pieces)):
- modified_name = '/'.join(pieces[:i] + [pieces[i] + '.zip'] + pieces[i:])
- try:
- return find(modified_name, paths)
- except LookupError:
- pass
- # Identify the package (i.e. the .zip file) to download.
- resource_zipname = resource_name.split('/')[1]
- if resource_zipname.endswith('.zip'):
- resource_zipname = resource_zipname.rpartition('.')[0]
- # Display a friendly error message if the resource wasn't found:
- msg = str(
- "Resource \33[93m{resource}\033[0m not found.\n"
- "Please use the NLTK Downloader to obtain the resource:\n\n"
- "\33[31m" # To display red text in terminal.
- ">>> import nltk\n"
- ">>> nltk.download(\'{resource}\')\n"
- "\033[0m"
- ).format(resource=resource_zipname)
- msg = textwrap_indent(msg)
- msg += '\n For more information see: https://www.nltk.org/data.html\n'
- msg += '\n Attempted to load \33[93m{resource_name}\033[0m\n'.format(
- resource_name=resource_name
- )
- msg += '\n Searched in:' + ''.join('\n - %r' % d for d in paths)
- sep = '*' * 70
- resource_not_found = '\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (sep, msg, sep)
- raise LookupError(resource_not_found)
- def retrieve(resource_url, filename=None, verbose=True):
- """
- Copy the given resource to a local file. If no filename is
- specified, then use the URL's filename. If there is already a
- file named ``filename``, then raise a ``ValueError``.
- :type resource_url: str
- :param resource_url: A URL specifying where the resource should be
- loaded from. The default protocol is "nltk:", which searches
- for the file in the the NLTK data package.
- """
- resource_url = normalize_resource_url(resource_url)
- if filename is None:
- if resource_url.startswith('file:'):
- filename = os.path.split(resource_url)[-1]
- else:
- filename = re.sub(r'(^\w+:)?.*/', '', resource_url)
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
- raise ValueError("File %r already exists!" % filename)
- if verbose:
- print('Retrieving %r, saving to %r' % (resource_url, filename))
- # Open the input & output streams.
- infile = _open(resource_url)
- # Copy infile -> outfile, using 64k blocks.
- with open(filename, "wb") as outfile:
- while True:
- s = infile.read(1024 * 64) # 64k blocks.
- outfile.write(s)
- if not s:
- break
- infile.close()
- #: A dictionary describing the formats that are supported by NLTK's
- #: load() method. Keys are format names, and values are format
- #: descriptions.
- 'pickle': "A serialized python object, stored using the pickle module.",
- 'json': "A serialized python object, stored using the json module.",
- 'yaml': "A serialized python object, stored using the yaml module.",
- 'cfg': "A context free grammar.",
- 'pcfg': "A probabilistic CFG.",
- 'fcfg': "A feature CFG.",
- 'fol': "A list of first order logic expressions, parsed with "
- "nltk.sem.logic.Expression.fromstring.",
- 'logic': "A list of first order logic expressions, parsed with "
- "nltk.sem.logic.LogicParser. Requires an additional logic_parser "
- "parameter",
- 'val': "A semantic valuation, parsed by nltk.sem.Valuation.fromstring.",
- 'raw': "The raw (byte string) contents of a file.",
- 'text': "The raw (unicode string) contents of a file. ",
- }
- #: A dictionary mapping from file extensions to format names, used
- #: by load() when format="auto" to decide the format for a
- #: given resource url.
- 'pickle': 'pickle',
- 'json': 'json',
- 'yaml': 'yaml',
- 'cfg': 'cfg',
- 'pcfg': 'pcfg',
- 'fcfg': 'fcfg',
- 'fol': 'fol',
- 'logic': 'logic',
- 'val': 'val',
- 'txt': 'text',
- 'text': 'text',
- }
- def load(
- resource_url,
- format='auto',
- cache=True,
- verbose=False,
- logic_parser=None,
- fstruct_reader=None,
- encoding=None,
- ):
- """
- Load a given resource from the NLTK data package. The following
- resource formats are currently supported:
- - ``pickle``
- - ``json``
- - ``yaml``
- - ``cfg`` (context free grammars)
- - ``pcfg`` (probabilistic CFGs)
- - ``fcfg`` (feature-based CFGs)
- - ``fol`` (formulas of First Order Logic)
- - ``logic`` (Logical formulas to be parsed by the given logic_parser)
- - ``val`` (valuation of First Order Logic model)
- - ``text`` (the file contents as a unicode string)
- - ``raw`` (the raw file contents as a byte string)
- If no format is specified, ``load()`` will attempt to determine a
- format based on the resource name's file extension. If that
- fails, ``load()`` will raise a ``ValueError`` exception.
- For all text formats (everything except ``pickle``, ``json``, ``yaml`` and ``raw``),
- it tries to decode the raw contents using UTF-8, and if that doesn't
- work, it tries with ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1), unless the ``encoding``
- is specified.
- :type resource_url: str
- :param resource_url: A URL specifying where the resource should be
- loaded from. The default protocol is "nltk:", which searches
- for the file in the the NLTK data package.
- :type cache: bool
- :param cache: If true, add this resource to a cache. If load()
- finds a resource in its cache, then it will return it from the
- cache rather than loading it. The cache uses weak references,
- so a resource wil automatically be expunged from the cache
- when no more objects are using it.
- :type verbose: bool
- :param verbose: If true, print a message when loading a resource.
- Messages are not displayed when a resource is retrieved from
- the cache.
- :type logic_parser: LogicParser
- :param logic_parser: The parser that will be used to parse logical
- expressions.
- :type fstruct_reader: FeatStructReader
- :param fstruct_reader: The parser that will be used to parse the
- feature structure of an fcfg.
- :type encoding: str
- :param encoding: the encoding of the input; only used for text formats.
- """
- resource_url = normalize_resource_url(resource_url)
- resource_url = add_py3_data(resource_url)
- # Determine the format of the resource.
- if format == 'auto':
- resource_url_parts = resource_url.split('.')
- ext = resource_url_parts[-1]
- if ext == 'gz':
- ext = resource_url_parts[-2]
- format = AUTO_FORMATS.get(ext)
- if format is None:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Could not determine format for %s based '
- 'on its file\nextension; use the "format" '
- 'argument to specify the format explicitly.' % resource_url
- )
- if format not in FORMATS:
- raise ValueError('Unknown format type: %s!' % (format,))
- # If we've cached the resource, then just return it.
- if cache:
- resource_val = _resource_cache.get((resource_url, format))
- if resource_val is not None:
- if verbose:
- print('<<Using cached copy of %s>>' % (resource_url,))
- return resource_val
- # Let the user know what's going on.
- if verbose:
- print('<<Loading %s>>' % (resource_url,))
- # Load the resource.
- opened_resource = _open(resource_url)
- if format == 'raw':
- resource_val = opened_resource.read()
- elif format == 'pickle':
- resource_val = pickle.load(opened_resource)
- elif format == 'json':
- import json
- from nltk.jsontags import json_tags
- resource_val = json.load(opened_resource)
- tag = None
- if len(resource_val) != 1:
- tag = next(resource_val.keys())
- if tag not in json_tags:
- raise ValueError('Unknown json tag.')
- elif format == 'yaml':
- import yaml
- resource_val = yaml.load(opened_resource)
- else:
- # The resource is a text format.
- binary_data = opened_resource.read()
- if encoding is not None:
- string_data = binary_data.decode(encoding)
- else:
- try:
- string_data = binary_data.decode('utf-8')
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- string_data = binary_data.decode('latin-1')
- if format == 'text':
- resource_val = string_data
- elif format == 'cfg':
- resource_val = nltk.grammar.CFG.fromstring(string_data, encoding=encoding)
- elif format == 'pcfg':
- resource_val = nltk.grammar.PCFG.fromstring(string_data, encoding=encoding)
- elif format == 'fcfg':
- resource_val = nltk.grammar.FeatureGrammar.fromstring(
- string_data,
- logic_parser=logic_parser,
- fstruct_reader=fstruct_reader,
- encoding=encoding,
- )
- elif format == 'fol':
- resource_val = nltk.sem.read_logic(
- string_data,
- logic_parser=nltk.sem.logic.LogicParser(),
- encoding=encoding,
- )
- elif format == 'logic':
- resource_val = nltk.sem.read_logic(
- string_data, logic_parser=logic_parser, encoding=encoding
- )
- elif format == 'val':
- resource_val = nltk.sem.read_valuation(string_data, encoding=encoding)
- else:
- raise AssertionError(
- "Internal NLTK error: Format %s isn't "
- "handled by nltk.data.load()" % (format,)
- )
- opened_resource.close()
- # If requested, add it to the cache.
- if cache:
- try:
- _resource_cache[(resource_url, format)] = resource_val
- # TODO: add this line
- # print('<<Caching a copy of %s>>' % (resource_url,))
- except TypeError:
- # We can't create weak references to some object types, like
- # strings and tuples. For now, just don't cache them.
- pass
- return resource_val
- def show_cfg(resource_url, escape='##'):
- """
- Write out a grammar file, ignoring escaped and empty lines.
- :type resource_url: str
- :param resource_url: A URL specifying where the resource should be
- loaded from. The default protocol is "nltk:", which searches
- for the file in the the NLTK data package.
- :type escape: str
- :param escape: Prepended string that signals lines to be ignored
- """
- resource_url = normalize_resource_url(resource_url)
- resource_val = load(resource_url, format='text', cache=False)
- lines = resource_val.splitlines()
- for l in lines:
- if l.startswith(escape):
- continue
- if re.match('^$', l):
- continue
- print(l)
- def clear_cache():
- """
- Remove all objects from the resource cache.
- :see: load()
- """
- _resource_cache.clear()
- def _open(resource_url):
- """
- Helper function that returns an open file object for a resource,
- given its resource URL. If the given resource URL uses the "nltk:"
- protocol, or uses no protocol, then use ``nltk.data.find`` to find
- its path, and open it with the given mode; if the resource URL
- uses the 'file' protocol, then open the file with the given mode;
- otherwise, delegate to ``urllib2.urlopen``.
- :type resource_url: str
- :param resource_url: A URL specifying where the resource should be
- loaded from. The default protocol is "nltk:", which searches
- for the file in the the NLTK data package.
- """
- resource_url = normalize_resource_url(resource_url)
- protocol, path_ = split_resource_url(resource_url)
- if protocol is None or protocol.lower() == 'nltk':
- return find(path_, path + ['']).open()
- elif protocol.lower() == 'file':
- # urllib might not use mode='rb', so handle this one ourselves:
- return find(path_, ['']).open()
- else:
- return urlopen(resource_url)
- ######################################################################
- # Lazy Resource Loader
- ######################################################################
- # We shouldn't apply @python_2_unicode_compatible
- # decorator to LazyLoader, this is resource.__class__ responsibility.
- class LazyLoader(object):
- @py3_data
- def __init__(self, _path):
- self._path = _path
- def __load(self):
- resource = load(self._path)
- # This is where the magic happens! Transform ourselves into
- # the object by modifying our own __dict__ and __class__ to
- # match that of `resource`.
- self.__dict__ = resource.__dict__
- self.__class__ = resource.__class__
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- self.__load()
- # This looks circular, but its not, since __load() changes our
- # __class__ to something new:
- return getattr(self, attr)
- def __repr__(self):
- self.__load()
- # This looks circular, but its not, since __load() changes our
- # __class__ to something new:
- return repr(self)
- ######################################################################
- # Open-On-Demand ZipFile
- ######################################################################
- class OpenOnDemandZipFile(zipfile.ZipFile):
- """
- A subclass of ``zipfile.ZipFile`` that closes its file pointer
- whenever it is not using it; and re-opens it when it needs to read
- data from the zipfile. This is useful for reducing the number of
- open file handles when many zip files are being accessed at once.
- ``OpenOnDemandZipFile`` must be constructed from a filename, not a
- file-like object (to allow re-opening). ``OpenOnDemandZipFile`` is
- read-only (i.e. ``write()`` and ``writestr()`` are disabled.
- """
- @py3_data
- def __init__(self, filename):
- if not isinstance(filename, string_types):
- raise TypeError('ReopenableZipFile filename must be a string')
- zipfile.ZipFile.__init__(self, filename)
- assert self.filename == filename
- self.close()
- # After closing a ZipFile object, the _fileRefCnt needs to be cleared
- # for Python2and3 compatible code.
- self._fileRefCnt = 0
- def read(self, name):
- assert self.fp is None
- self.fp = open(self.filename, 'rb')
- value = zipfile.ZipFile.read(self, name)
- # Ensure that _fileRefCnt needs to be set for Python2and3 compatible code.
- # Since we only opened one file here, we add 1.
- self._fileRefCnt += 1
- self.close()
- return value
- def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """:raise NotImplementedError: OpenOnDemandZipfile is read-only"""
- raise NotImplementedError('OpenOnDemandZipfile is read-only')
- def writestr(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """:raise NotImplementedError: OpenOnDemandZipfile is read-only"""
- raise NotImplementedError('OpenOnDemandZipfile is read-only')
- def __repr__(self):
- return repr(str('OpenOnDemandZipFile(%r)') % self.filename)
- ######################################################################
- # { Seekable Unicode Stream Reader
- ######################################################################
- class SeekableUnicodeStreamReader(object):
- """
- A stream reader that automatically encodes the source byte stream
- into unicode (like ``codecs.StreamReader``); but still supports the
- ``seek()`` and ``tell()`` operations correctly. This is in contrast
- to ``codecs.StreamReader``, which provide *broken* ``seek()`` and
- ``tell()`` methods.
- This class was motivated by ``StreamBackedCorpusView``, which
- makes extensive use of ``seek()`` and ``tell()``, and needs to be
- able to handle unicode-encoded files.
- Note: this class requires stateless decoders. To my knowledge,
- this shouldn't cause a problem with any of python's builtin
- unicode encodings.
- """
- DEBUG = True # : If true, then perform extra sanity checks.
- @py3_data
- def __init__(self, stream, encoding, errors='strict'):
- # Rewind the stream to its beginning.
- stream.seek(0)
- self.stream = stream
- """The underlying stream."""
- self.encoding = encoding
- """The name of the encoding that should be used to encode the
- underlying stream."""
- self.errors = errors
- """The error mode that should be used when decoding data from
- the underlying stream. Can be 'strict', 'ignore', or
- 'replace'."""
- self.decode = codecs.getdecoder(encoding)
- """The function that is used to decode byte strings into
- unicode strings."""
- self.bytebuffer = b''
- """A buffer to use bytes that have been read but have not yet
- been decoded. This is only used when the final bytes from
- a read do not form a complete encoding for a character."""
- self.linebuffer = None
- """A buffer used by ``readline()`` to hold characters that have
- been read, but have not yet been returned by ``read()`` or
- ``readline()``. This buffer consists of a list of unicode
- strings, where each string corresponds to a single line.
- The final element of the list may or may not be a complete
- line. Note that the existence of a linebuffer makes the
- ``tell()`` operation more complex, because it must backtrack
- to the beginning of the buffer to determine the correct
- file position in the underlying byte stream."""
- self._rewind_checkpoint = 0
- """The file position at which the most recent read on the
- underlying stream began. This is used, together with
- ``_rewind_numchars``, to backtrack to the beginning of
- ``linebuffer`` (which is required by ``tell()``)."""
- self._rewind_numchars = None
- """The number of characters that have been returned since the
- read that started at ``_rewind_checkpoint``. This is used,
- together with ``_rewind_checkpoint``, to backtrack to the
- beginning of ``linebuffer`` (which is required by ``tell()``)."""
- self._bom = self._check_bom()
- """The length of the byte order marker at the beginning of
- the stream (or None for no byte order marker)."""
- # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # Read methods
- # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def read(self, size=None):
- """
- Read up to ``size`` bytes, decode them using this reader's
- encoding, and return the resulting unicode string.
- :param size: The maximum number of bytes to read. If not
- specified, then read as many bytes as possible.
- :type size: int
- :rtype: unicode
- """
- chars = self._read(size)
- # If linebuffer is not empty, then include it in the result
- if self.linebuffer:
- chars = ''.join(self.linebuffer) + chars
- self.linebuffer = None
- self._rewind_numchars = None
- return chars
- def discard_line(self):
- if self.linebuffer and len(self.linebuffer) > 1:
- line = self.linebuffer.pop(0)
- self._rewind_numchars += len(line)
- else:
- self.stream.readline()
- def readline(self, size=None):
- """
- Read a line of text, decode it using this reader's encoding,
- and return the resulting unicode string.
- :param size: The maximum number of bytes to read. If no
- newline is encountered before ``size`` bytes have been read,
- then the returned value may not be a complete line of text.
- :type size: int
- """
- # If we have a non-empty linebuffer, then return the first
- # line from it. (Note that the last element of linebuffer may
- # not be a complete line; so let _read() deal with it.)
- if self.linebuffer and len(self.linebuffer) > 1:
- line = self.linebuffer.pop(0)
- self._rewind_numchars += len(line)
- return line
- readsize = size or 72
- chars = ''
- # If there's a remaining incomplete line in the buffer, add it.
- if self.linebuffer:
- chars += self.linebuffer.pop()
- self.linebuffer = None
- while True:
- startpos = self.stream.tell() - len(self.bytebuffer)
- new_chars = self._read(readsize)
- # If we're at a '\r', then read one extra character, since
- # it might be a '\n', to get the proper line ending.
- if new_chars and new_chars.endswith('\r'):
- new_chars += self._read(1)
- chars += new_chars
- lines = chars.splitlines(True)
- if len(lines) > 1:
- line = lines[0]
- self.linebuffer = lines[1:]
- self._rewind_numchars = len(new_chars) - (len(chars) - len(line))
- self._rewind_checkpoint = startpos
- break
- elif len(lines) == 1:
- line0withend = lines[0]
- line0withoutend = lines[0].splitlines(False)[0]
- if line0withend != line0withoutend: # complete line
- line = line0withend
- break
- if not new_chars or size is not None:
- line = chars
- break
- # Read successively larger blocks of text.
- if readsize < 8000:
- readsize *= 2
- return line
- def readlines(self, sizehint=None, keepends=True):
- """
- Read this file's contents, decode them using this reader's
- encoding, and return it as a list of unicode lines.
- :rtype: list(unicode)
- :param sizehint: Ignored.
- :param keepends: If false, then strip newlines.
- """
- return self.read().splitlines(keepends)
- def next(self):
- """Return the next decoded line from the underlying stream."""
- line = self.readline()
- if line:
- return line
- else:
- raise StopIteration
- def __next__(self):
- return self.next()
- def __iter__(self):
- """Return self"""
- return self
- def __del__(self):
- # let garbage collector deal with still opened streams
- if not self.closed:
- self.close()
- def xreadlines(self):
- """Return self"""
- return self
- # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # Pass-through methods & properties
- # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- @property
- def closed(self):
- """True if the underlying stream is closed."""
- return self.stream.closed
- @property
- def name(self):
- """The name of the underlying stream."""
- return self.stream.name
- @property
- def mode(self):
- """The mode of the underlying stream."""
- return self.stream.mode
- def close(self):
- """
- Close the underlying stream.
- """
- self.stream.close()
- # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # Seek and tell
- # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
- """
- Move the stream to a new file position. If the reader is
- maintaining any buffers, then they will be cleared.
- :param offset: A byte count offset.
- :param whence: If 0, then the offset is from the start of the file
- (offset should be positive), if 1, then the offset is from the
- current position (offset may be positive or negative); and if 2,
- then the offset is from the end of the file (offset should
- typically be negative).
- """
- if whence == 1:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Relative seek is not supported for '
- 'SeekableUnicodeStreamReader -- consider '
- 'using char_seek_forward() instead.'
- )
- self.stream.seek(offset, whence)
- self.linebuffer = None
- self.bytebuffer = b''
- self._rewind_numchars = None
- self._rewind_checkpoint = self.stream.tell()
- def char_seek_forward(self, offset):
- """
- Move the read pointer forward by ``offset`` characters.
- """
- if offset < 0:
- raise ValueError('Negative offsets are not supported')
- # Clear all buffers.
- self.seek(self.tell())
- # Perform the seek operation.
- self._char_seek_forward(offset)
- def _char_seek_forward(self, offset, est_bytes=None):
- """
- Move the file position forward by ``offset`` characters,
- ignoring all buffers.
- :param est_bytes: A hint, giving an estimate of the number of
- bytes that will be needed to move forward by ``offset`` chars.
- Defaults to ``offset``.
- """
- if est_bytes is None:
- est_bytes = offset
- bytes = b''
- while True:
- # Read in a block of bytes.
- newbytes = self.stream.read(est_bytes - len(bytes))
- bytes += newbytes
- # Decode the bytes to characters.
- chars, bytes_decoded = self._incr_decode(bytes)
- # If we got the right number of characters, then seek
- # backwards over any truncated characters, and return.
- if len(chars) == offset:
- self.stream.seek(-len(bytes) + bytes_decoded, 1)
- return
- # If we went too far, then we can back-up until we get it
- # right, using the bytes we've already read.
- if len(chars) > offset:
- while len(chars) > offset:
- # Assume at least one byte/char.
- est_bytes += offset - len(chars)
- chars, bytes_decoded = self._incr_decode(bytes[:est_bytes])
- self.stream.seek(-len(bytes) + bytes_decoded, 1)
- return
- # Otherwise, we haven't read enough bytes yet; loop again.
- est_bytes += offset - len(chars)
- def tell(self):
- """
- Return the current file position on the underlying byte
- stream. If this reader is maintaining any buffers, then the
- returned file position will be the position of the beginning
- of those buffers.
- """
- # If nothing's buffered, then just return our current filepos:
- if self.linebuffer is None:
- return self.stream.tell() - len(self.bytebuffer)
- # Otherwise, we'll need to backtrack the filepos until we
- # reach the beginning of the buffer.
- # Store our original file position, so we can return here.
- orig_filepos = self.stream.tell()
- # Calculate an estimate of where we think the newline is.
- bytes_read = (orig_filepos - len(self.bytebuffer)) - self._rewind_checkpoint
- buf_size = sum(len(line) for line in self.linebuffer)
- est_bytes = int(
- (bytes_read * self._rewind_numchars / (self._rewind_numchars + buf_size))
- )
- self.stream.seek(self._rewind_checkpoint)
- self._char_seek_forward(self._rewind_numchars, est_bytes)
- filepos = self.stream.tell()
- # Sanity check
- if self.DEBUG:
- self.stream.seek(filepos)
- check1 = self._incr_decode(self.stream.read(50))[0]
- check2 = ''.join(self.linebuffer)
- assert check1.startswith(check2) or check2.startswith(check1)
- # Return to our original filepos (so we don't have to throw
- # out our buffer.)
- self.stream.seek(orig_filepos)
- # Return the calculated filepos
- return filepos
- # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- # Helper methods
- # /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- def _read(self, size=None):
- """
- Read up to ``size`` bytes from the underlying stream, decode
- them using this reader's encoding, and return the resulting
- unicode string. ``linebuffer`` is not included in the result.
- """
- if size == 0:
- return ''
- # Skip past the byte order marker, if present.
- if self._bom and self.stream.tell() == 0:
- self.stream.read(self._bom)
- # Read the requested number of bytes.
- if size is None:
- new_bytes = self.stream.read()
- else:
- new_bytes = self.stream.read(size)
- bytes = self.bytebuffer + new_bytes
- # Decode the bytes into unicode characters
- chars, bytes_decoded = self._incr_decode(bytes)
- # If we got bytes but couldn't decode any, then read further.
- if (size is not None) and (not chars) and (len(new_bytes) > 0):
- while not chars:
- new_bytes = self.stream.read(1)
- if not new_bytes:
- break # end of file.
- bytes += new_bytes
- chars, bytes_decoded = self._incr_decode(bytes)
- # Record any bytes we didn't consume.
- self.bytebuffer = bytes[bytes_decoded:]
- # Return the result
- return chars
- def _incr_decode(self, bytes):
- """
- Decode the given byte string into a unicode string, using this
- reader's encoding. If an exception is encountered that
- appears to be caused by a truncation error, then just decode
- the byte string without the bytes that cause the trunctaion
- error.
- Return a tuple ``(chars, num_consumed)``, where ``chars`` is
- the decoded unicode string, and ``num_consumed`` is the
- number of bytes that were consumed.
- """
- while True:
- try:
- return self.decode(bytes, 'strict')
- except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
- # If the exception occurs at the end of the string,
- # then assume that it's a truncation error.
- if exc.end == len(bytes):
- return self.decode(bytes[: exc.start], self.errors)
- # Otherwise, if we're being strict, then raise it.
- elif self.errors == 'strict':
- raise
- # If we're not strict, then re-process it with our
- # errors setting. This *may* raise an exception.
- else:
- return self.decode(bytes, self.errors)
- _BOM_TABLE = {
- 'utf8': [(codecs.BOM_UTF8, None)],
- 'utf16': [(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE, 'utf16-le'), (codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE, 'utf16-be')],
- 'utf16le': [(codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE, None)],
- 'utf16be': [(codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE, None)],
- 'utf32': [(codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE, 'utf32-le'), (codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE, 'utf32-be')],
- 'utf32le': [(codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE, None)],
- 'utf32be': [(codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE, None)],
- }
- def _check_bom(self):
- # Normalize our encoding name
- enc = re.sub('[ -]', '', self.encoding.lower())
- # Look up our encoding in the BOM table.
- bom_info = self._BOM_TABLE.get(enc)
- if bom_info:
- # Read a prefix, to check against the BOM(s)
- bytes = self.stream.read(16)
- self.stream.seek(0)
- # Check for each possible BOM.
- for (bom, new_encoding) in bom_info:
- if bytes.startswith(bom):
- if new_encoding:
- self.encoding = new_encoding
- return len(bom)
- return None
- __all__ = [
- 'path',
- 'PathPointer',
- 'FileSystemPathPointer',
- 'BufferedGzipFile',
- 'GzipFileSystemPathPointer',
- 'GzipFileSystemPathPointer',
- 'find',
- 'retrieve',
- 'load',
- 'show_cfg',
- 'clear_cache',
- 'LazyLoader',
- 'OpenOnDemandZipFile',
- 'GzipFileSystemPathPointer',
- 'SeekableUnicodeStreamReader',
- ]