- import functools
- import math
- from numbers import Number
- import textwrap
- import warnings
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib as mpl
- from . import artist, cbook, colors, docstring, lines as mlines, transforms
- from .bezier import (
- NonIntersectingPathException, concatenate_paths, get_cos_sin,
- get_intersection, get_parallels, inside_circle, make_path_regular,
- make_wedged_bezier2, split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath,
- split_path_inout)
- from .path import Path
- @cbook._define_aliases({
- "antialiased": ["aa"],
- "edgecolor": ["ec"],
- "facecolor": ["fc"],
- "linewidth": ["lw"],
- "linestyle": ["ls"],
- })
- class Patch(artist.Artist):
- """
- A patch is a 2D artist with a face color and an edge color.
- If any of *edgecolor*, *facecolor*, *linewidth*, or *antialiased*
- are *None*, they default to their rc params setting.
- """
- zorder = 1
- validCap = ('butt', 'round', 'projecting')
- validJoin = ('miter', 'round', 'bevel')
- # Whether to draw an edge by default. Set on a
- # subclass-by-subclass basis.
- _edge_default = False
- def __init__(self,
- edgecolor=None,
- facecolor=None,
- color=None,
- linewidth=None,
- linestyle=None,
- antialiased=None,
- hatch=None,
- fill=True,
- capstyle=None,
- joinstyle=None,
- **kwargs):
- """
- The following kwarg properties are supported
- %(Patch)s
- """
- artist.Artist.__init__(self)
- if linewidth is None:
- linewidth = mpl.rcParams['patch.linewidth']
- if linestyle is None:
- linestyle = "solid"
- if capstyle is None:
- capstyle = 'butt'
- if joinstyle is None:
- joinstyle = 'miter'
- if antialiased is None:
- antialiased = mpl.rcParams['patch.antialiased']
- self._hatch_color = colors.to_rgba(mpl.rcParams['hatch.color'])
- self._fill = True # needed for set_facecolor call
- if color is not None:
- if edgecolor is not None or facecolor is not None:
- warnings.warn("Setting the 'color' property will override"
- "the edgecolor or facecolor properties.")
- self.set_color(color)
- else:
- self.set_edgecolor(edgecolor)
- self.set_facecolor(facecolor)
- # unscaled dashes. Needed to scale dash patterns by lw
- self._us_dashes = None
- self._linewidth = 0
- self.set_fill(fill)
- self.set_linestyle(linestyle)
- self.set_linewidth(linewidth)
- self.set_antialiased(antialiased)
- self.set_hatch(hatch)
- self.set_capstyle(capstyle)
- self.set_joinstyle(joinstyle)
- self._combined_transform = transforms.IdentityTransform()
- if len(kwargs):
- self.update(kwargs)
- def get_verts(self):
- """
- Return a copy of the vertices used in this patch
- If the patch contains Bezier curves, the curves will be
- interpolated by line segments. To access the curves as
- curves, use :meth:`get_path`.
- """
- trans = self.get_transform()
- path = self.get_path()
- polygons = path.to_polygons(trans)
- if len(polygons):
- return polygons[0]
- return []
- def _process_radius(self, radius):
- if radius is not None:
- return radius
- if isinstance(self._picker, Number):
- _radius = self._picker
- else:
- if self.get_edgecolor()[3] == 0:
- _radius = 0
- else:
- _radius = self.get_linewidth()
- return _radius
- def contains(self, mouseevent, radius=None):
- """Test whether the mouse event occurred in the patch.
- Returns T/F, {}
- """
- if callable(self._contains):
- return self._contains(self, mouseevent)
- radius = self._process_radius(radius)
- inside = self.get_path().contains_point(
- (mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y), self.get_transform(), radius)
- return inside, {}
- def contains_point(self, point, radius=None):
- """
- Returns ``True`` if the given *point* is inside the path
- (transformed with its transform attribute).
- *radius* allows the path to be made slightly larger or smaller.
- """
- radius = self._process_radius(radius)
- return self.get_path().contains_point(point,
- self.get_transform(),
- radius)
- def contains_points(self, points, radius=None):
- """
- Returns a bool array which is ``True`` if the (closed) path
- contains the corresponding point.
- (transformed with its transform attribute).
- *points* must be Nx2 array.
- *radius* allows the path to be made slightly larger or smaller.
- """
- radius = self._process_radius(radius)
- return self.get_path().contains_points(points,
- self.get_transform(),
- radius)
- def update_from(self, other):
- """
- Updates this :class:`Patch` from the properties of *other*.
- """
- artist.Artist.update_from(self, other)
- # For some properties we don't need or don't want to go through the
- # getters/setters, so we just copy them directly.
- self._edgecolor = other._edgecolor
- self._facecolor = other._facecolor
- self._original_edgecolor = other._original_edgecolor
- self._original_facecolor = other._original_facecolor
- self._fill = other._fill
- self._hatch = other._hatch
- self._hatch_color = other._hatch_color
- # copy the unscaled dash pattern
- self._us_dashes = other._us_dashes
- self.set_linewidth(other._linewidth) # also sets dash properties
- self.set_transform(other.get_data_transform())
- # If the transform of other needs further initialization, then it will
- # be the case for this artist too.
- self._transformSet = other.is_transform_set()
- def get_extents(self):
- """
- Return a :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` object defining
- the axis-aligned extents of the :class:`Patch`.
- """
- return self.get_path().get_extents(self.get_transform())
- def get_transform(self):
- """
- Return the :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` applied
- to the :class:`Patch`.
- """
- return self.get_patch_transform() + artist.Artist.get_transform(self)
- def get_data_transform(self):
- """
- Return the :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance which
- maps data coordinates to physical coordinates.
- """
- return artist.Artist.get_transform(self)
- def get_patch_transform(self):
- """
- Return the :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` instance which
- takes patch coordinates to data coordinates.
- For example, one may define a patch of a circle which represents a
- radius of 5 by providing coordinates for a unit circle, and a
- transform which scales the coordinates (the patch coordinate) by 5.
- """
- return transforms.IdentityTransform()
- def get_antialiased(self):
- """
- Returns True if the :class:`Patch` is to be drawn with antialiasing.
- """
- return self._antialiased
- def get_edgecolor(self):
- """
- Return the edge color of the :class:`Patch`.
- """
- return self._edgecolor
- def get_facecolor(self):
- """
- Return the face color of the :class:`Patch`.
- """
- return self._facecolor
- def get_linewidth(self):
- """
- Return the line width in points.
- """
- return self._linewidth
- def get_linestyle(self):
- """
- Return the linestyle.
- """
- return self._linestyle
- def set_antialiased(self, aa):
- """
- Set whether to use antialiased rendering.
- Parameters
- ----------
- b : bool or None
- """
- if aa is None:
- aa = mpl.rcParams['patch.antialiased']
- self._antialiased = aa
- self.stale = True
- def _set_edgecolor(self, color):
- set_hatch_color = True
- if color is None:
- if (mpl.rcParams['patch.force_edgecolor'] or
- not self._fill or self._edge_default):
- color = mpl.rcParams['patch.edgecolor']
- else:
- color = 'none'
- set_hatch_color = False
- self._edgecolor = colors.to_rgba(color, self._alpha)
- if set_hatch_color:
- self._hatch_color = self._edgecolor
- self.stale = True
- def set_edgecolor(self, color):
- """
- Set the patch edge color.
- Parameters
- ----------
- color : color or None or 'auto'
- """
- self._original_edgecolor = color
- self._set_edgecolor(color)
- def _set_facecolor(self, color):
- if color is None:
- color = mpl.rcParams['patch.facecolor']
- alpha = self._alpha if self._fill else 0
- self._facecolor = colors.to_rgba(color, alpha)
- self.stale = True
- def set_facecolor(self, color):
- """
- Set the patch face color.
- Parameters
- ----------
- color : color or None
- """
- self._original_facecolor = color
- self._set_facecolor(color)
- def set_color(self, c):
- """
- Set both the edgecolor and the facecolor.
- .. seealso::
- :meth:`set_facecolor`, :meth:`set_edgecolor`
- For setting the edge or face color individually.
- Parameters
- ----------
- c : color
- """
- self.set_facecolor(c)
- self.set_edgecolor(c)
- def set_alpha(self, alpha):
- """
- Set the alpha transparency of the patch.
- Parameters
- ----------
- alpha : float or None
- """
- if alpha is not None:
- try:
- float(alpha)
- except TypeError:
- raise TypeError('alpha must be a float or None')
- artist.Artist.set_alpha(self, alpha)
- self._set_facecolor(self._original_facecolor)
- self._set_edgecolor(self._original_edgecolor)
- # stale is already True
- def set_linewidth(self, w):
- """
- Set the patch linewidth in points
- ACCEPTS: float or None for default
- """
- if w is None:
- w = mpl.rcParams['patch.linewidth']
- if w is None:
- w = mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth']
- self._linewidth = float(w)
- # scale the dash pattern by the linewidth
- offset, ls = self._us_dashes
- self._dashoffset, self._dashes = mlines._scale_dashes(
- offset, ls, self._linewidth)
- self.stale = True
- def set_linestyle(self, ls):
- """
- Set the patch linestyle.
- =========================== =================
- linestyle description
- =========================== =================
- ``'-'`` or ``'solid'`` solid line
- ``'--'`` or ``'dashed'`` dashed line
- ``'-.'`` or ``'dashdot'`` dash-dotted line
- ``':'`` or ``'dotted'`` dotted line
- =========================== =================
- Alternatively a dash tuple of the following form can be provided::
- (offset, onoffseq),
- where ``onoffseq`` is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.
- Parameters
- ----------
- ls : {'-', '--', '-.', ':', '', (offset, on-off-seq), ...}
- The line style.
- """
- if ls is None:
- ls = "solid"
- self._linestyle = ls
- # get the unscaled dash pattern
- offset, ls = self._us_dashes = mlines._get_dash_pattern(ls)
- # scale the dash pattern by the linewidth
- self._dashoffset, self._dashes = mlines._scale_dashes(
- offset, ls, self._linewidth)
- self.stale = True
- def set_fill(self, b):
- """
- Set whether to fill the patch.
- Parameters
- ----------
- b : bool
- """
- self._fill = bool(b)
- self._set_facecolor(self._original_facecolor)
- self._set_edgecolor(self._original_edgecolor)
- self.stale = True
- def get_fill(self):
- 'return whether fill is set'
- return self._fill
- # Make fill a property so as to preserve the long-standing
- # but somewhat inconsistent behavior in which fill was an
- # attribute.
- fill = property(get_fill, set_fill)
- def set_capstyle(self, s):
- """
- Set the patch capstyle
- Parameters
- ----------
- s : {'butt', 'round', 'projecting'}
- """
- s = s.lower()
- if s not in self.validCap:
- raise ValueError('set_capstyle passed "%s";\n' % (s,) +
- 'valid capstyles are %s' % (self.validCap,))
- self._capstyle = s
- self.stale = True
- def get_capstyle(self):
- "Return the current capstyle"
- return self._capstyle
- def set_joinstyle(self, s):
- """
- Set the patch joinstyle
- Parameters
- ----------
- s : {'miter', 'round', 'bevel'}
- """
- s = s.lower()
- if s not in self.validJoin:
- raise ValueError('set_joinstyle passed "%s";\n' % (s,) +
- 'valid joinstyles are %s' % (self.validJoin,))
- self._joinstyle = s
- self.stale = True
- def get_joinstyle(self):
- "Return the current joinstyle"
- return self._joinstyle
- def set_hatch(self, hatch):
- r"""
- Set the hatching pattern
- *hatch* can be one of::
- / - diagonal hatching
- \ - back diagonal
- | - vertical
- - - horizontal
- + - crossed
- x - crossed diagonal
- o - small circle
- O - large circle
- . - dots
- * - stars
- Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified
- hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the
- density of hatching of that pattern.
- Hatching is supported in the PostScript, PDF, SVG and Agg
- backends only.
- Parameters
- ----------
- hatch : {'/', '\\', '|', '-', '+', 'x', 'o', 'O', '.', '*'}
- """
- self._hatch = hatch
- self.stale = True
- def get_hatch(self):
- 'Return the current hatching pattern'
- return self._hatch
- @artist.allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer):
- 'Draw the :class:`Patch` to the given *renderer*.'
- if not self.get_visible():
- return
- renderer.open_group('patch', self.get_gid())
- gc = renderer.new_gc()
- gc.set_foreground(self._edgecolor, isRGBA=True)
- lw = self._linewidth
- if self._edgecolor[3] == 0:
- lw = 0
- gc.set_linewidth(lw)
- gc.set_dashes(0, self._dashes)
- gc.set_capstyle(self._capstyle)
- gc.set_joinstyle(self._joinstyle)
- gc.set_antialiased(self._antialiased)
- self._set_gc_clip(gc)
- gc.set_url(self._url)
- gc.set_snap(self.get_snap())
- rgbFace = self._facecolor
- if rgbFace[3] == 0:
- rgbFace = None # (some?) renderers expect this as no-fill signal
- gc.set_alpha(self._alpha)
- if self._hatch:
- gc.set_hatch(self._hatch)
- try:
- gc.set_hatch_color(self._hatch_color)
- except AttributeError:
- # if we end up with a GC that does not have this method
- warnings.warn(
- "Your backend does not support setting the hatch color.")
- if self.get_sketch_params() is not None:
- gc.set_sketch_params(*self.get_sketch_params())
- path = self.get_path()
- transform = self.get_transform()
- tpath = transform.transform_path_non_affine(path)
- affine = transform.get_affine()
- if self.get_path_effects():
- from matplotlib.patheffects import PathEffectRenderer
- renderer = PathEffectRenderer(self.get_path_effects(), renderer)
- renderer.draw_path(gc, tpath, affine, rgbFace)
- gc.restore()
- renderer.close_group('patch')
- self.stale = False
- def get_path(self):
- """
- Return the path of this patch
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def get_window_extent(self, renderer=None):
- return self.get_path().get_extents(self.get_transform())
- patchdoc = artist.kwdoc(Patch)
- for k in ('Rectangle', 'Circle', 'RegularPolygon', 'Polygon', 'Wedge', 'Arrow',
- 'FancyArrow', 'YAArrow', 'CirclePolygon', 'Ellipse', 'Arc',
- 'FancyBboxPatch', 'Patch'):
- docstring.interpd.update({k: patchdoc})
- # define Patch.__init__ docstring after the class has been added to interpd
- docstring.dedent_interpd(Patch.__init__)
- class Shadow(Patch):
- def __str__(self):
- return "Shadow(%s)" % (str(self.patch))
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, patch, ox, oy, props=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Create a shadow of the given *patch* offset by *ox*, *oy*.
- *props*, if not *None*, is a patch property update dictionary.
- If *None*, the shadow will have have the same color as the face,
- but darkened.
- kwargs are
- %(Patch)s
- """
- Patch.__init__(self)
- self.patch = patch
- self.props = props
- self._ox, self._oy = ox, oy
- self._shadow_transform = transforms.Affine2D()
- self._update()
- def _update(self):
- self.update_from(self.patch)
- # Place the shadow patch directly behind the inherited patch.
- self.set_zorder(np.nextafter(self.patch.zorder, -np.inf))
- if self.props is not None:
- self.update(self.props)
- else:
- color = .3 * np.asarray(colors.to_rgb(self.patch.get_facecolor()))
- self.set_facecolor(color)
- self.set_edgecolor(color)
- self.set_alpha(0.5)
- def _update_transform(self, renderer):
- ox = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._ox)
- oy = renderer.points_to_pixels(self._oy)
- self._shadow_transform.clear().translate(ox, oy)
- def _get_ox(self):
- return self._ox
- def _set_ox(self, ox):
- self._ox = ox
- def _get_oy(self):
- return self._oy
- def _set_oy(self, oy):
- self._oy = oy
- def get_path(self):
- return self.patch.get_path()
- def get_patch_transform(self):
- return self.patch.get_patch_transform() + self._shadow_transform
- def draw(self, renderer):
- self._update_transform(renderer)
- Patch.draw(self, renderer)
- class Rectangle(Patch):
- """
- Draw a rectangle with lower left at *xy* = (*x*, *y*) with
- specified *width*, *height* and rotation *angle*.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- pars = self._x0, self._y0, self._width, self._height, self.angle
- fmt = "Rectangle(xy=(%g, %g), width=%g, height=%g, angle=%g)"
- return fmt % pars
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, xy, width, height, angle=0.0, **kwargs):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- xy : (float, float)
- The bottom and left rectangle coordinates
- width : float
- Rectangle width
- height : float
- Rectangle height
- angle : float, optional
- rotation in degrees anti-clockwise about *xy* (default is 0.0)
- fill : bool, optional
- Whether to fill the rectangle (default is ``True``)
- Notes
- -----
- Valid kwargs are:
- %(Patch)s
- """
- Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self._x0 = xy[0]
- self._y0 = xy[1]
- self._width = width
- self._height = height
- self._x1 = self._x0 + self._width
- self._y1 = self._y0 + self._height
- self.angle = float(angle)
- # Note: This cannot be calculated until this is added to an Axes
- self._rect_transform = transforms.IdentityTransform()
- def get_path(self):
- """
- Return the vertices of the rectangle.
- """
- return Path.unit_rectangle()
- def _update_patch_transform(self):
- """NOTE: This cannot be called until after this has been added
- to an Axes, otherwise unit conversion will fail. This
- makes it very important to call the accessor method and
- not directly access the transformation member variable.
- """
- x0, y0, x1, y1 = self._convert_units()
- bbox = transforms.Bbox.from_extents(x0, y0, x1, y1)
- rot_trans = transforms.Affine2D()
- rot_trans.rotate_deg_around(x0, y0, self.angle)
- self._rect_transform = transforms.BboxTransformTo(bbox)
- self._rect_transform += rot_trans
- def _update_x1(self):
- self._x1 = self._x0 + self._width
- def _update_y1(self):
- self._y1 = self._y0 + self._height
- def _convert_units(self):
- """
- Convert bounds of the rectangle.
- """
- x0 = self.convert_xunits(self._x0)
- y0 = self.convert_yunits(self._y0)
- x1 = self.convert_xunits(self._x1)
- y1 = self.convert_yunits(self._y1)
- return x0, y0, x1, y1
- def get_patch_transform(self):
- self._update_patch_transform()
- return self._rect_transform
- def get_x(self):
- "Return the left coord of the rectangle."
- return self._x0
- def get_y(self):
- "Return the bottom coord of the rectangle."
- return self._y0
- def get_xy(self):
- "Return the left and bottom coords of the rectangle."
- return self._x0, self._y0
- def get_width(self):
- "Return the width of the rectangle."
- return self._width
- def get_height(self):
- "Return the height of the rectangle."
- return self._height
- def set_x(self, x):
- "Set the left coord of the rectangle."
- self._x0 = x
- self._update_x1()
- self.stale = True
- def set_y(self, y):
- "Set the bottom coord of the rectangle."
- self._y0 = y
- self._update_y1()
- self.stale = True
- def set_xy(self, xy):
- """
- Set the left and bottom coords of the rectangle.
- Parameters
- ----------
- xy : (float, float)
- """
- self._x0, self._y0 = xy
- self._update_x1()
- self._update_y1()
- self.stale = True
- def set_width(self, w):
- "Set the width of the rectangle."
- self._width = w
- self._update_x1()
- self.stale = True
- def set_height(self, h):
- "Set the height of the rectangle."
- self._height = h
- self._update_y1()
- self.stale = True
- def set_bounds(self, *args):
- """
- Set the bounds of the rectangle: l,b,w,h
- ACCEPTS: (left, bottom, width, height)
- """
- if len(args) == 1:
- l, b, w, h = args[0]
- else:
- l, b, w, h = args
- self._x0 = l
- self._y0 = b
- self._width = w
- self._height = h
- self._update_x1()
- self._update_y1()
- self.stale = True
- def get_bbox(self):
- x0, y0, x1, y1 = self._convert_units()
- return transforms.Bbox.from_extents(x0, y0, x1, y1)
- xy = property(get_xy, set_xy)
- class RegularPolygon(Patch):
- """
- A regular polygon patch.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- s = "RegularPolygon((%g, %g), %d, radius=%g, orientation=%g)"
- return s % (self._xy[0], self._xy[1], self._numVertices, self._radius,
- self._orientation)
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, xy, numVertices, radius=5, orientation=0,
- **kwargs):
- """
- Constructor arguments:
- *xy*
- A length 2 tuple (*x*, *y*) of the center.
- *numVertices*
- the number of vertices.
- *radius*
- The distance from the center to each of the vertices.
- *orientation*
- rotates the polygon (in radians).
- Valid kwargs are:
- %(Patch)s
- """
- self._xy = xy
- self._numVertices = numVertices
- self._orientation = orientation
- self._radius = radius
- self._path = Path.unit_regular_polygon(numVertices)
- self._poly_transform = transforms.Affine2D()
- self._update_transform()
- Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- def _update_transform(self):
- self._poly_transform.clear() \
- .scale(self.radius) \
- .rotate(self.orientation) \
- .translate(*self.xy)
- def _get_xy(self):
- return self._xy
- def _set_xy(self, xy):
- self._xy = xy
- self._update_transform()
- xy = property(_get_xy, _set_xy)
- def _get_orientation(self):
- return self._orientation
- def _set_orientation(self, orientation):
- self._orientation = orientation
- self._update_transform()
- orientation = property(_get_orientation, _set_orientation)
- def _get_radius(self):
- return self._radius
- def _set_radius(self, radius):
- self._radius = radius
- self._update_transform()
- radius = property(_get_radius, _set_radius)
- def _get_numvertices(self):
- return self._numVertices
- def _set_numvertices(self, numVertices):
- self._numVertices = numVertices
- numvertices = property(_get_numvertices, _set_numvertices)
- def get_path(self):
- return self._path
- def get_patch_transform(self):
- self._update_transform()
- return self._poly_transform
- class PathPatch(Patch):
- """
- A general polycurve path patch.
- """
- _edge_default = True
- def __str__(self):
- s = "PathPatch%d((%g, %g) ...)"
- return s % (len(self._path.vertices), *tuple(self._path.vertices[0]))
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, path, **kwargs):
- """
- *path* is a :class:`matplotlib.path.Path` object.
- Valid kwargs are:
- %(Patch)s
- .. seealso::
- :class:`Patch`
- For additional kwargs
- """
- Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self._path = path
- def get_path(self):
- return self._path
- class Polygon(Patch):
- """
- A general polygon patch.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- s = "Polygon%d((%g, %g) ...)"
- return s % (len(self._path.vertices), *tuple(self._path.vertices[0]))
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, xy, closed=True, **kwargs):
- """
- *xy* is a numpy array with shape Nx2.
- If *closed* is *True*, the polygon will be closed so the
- starting and ending points are the same.
- Valid kwargs are:
- %(Patch)s
- .. seealso::
- :class:`Patch`
- For additional kwargs
- """
- Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self._closed = closed
- self.set_xy(xy)
- def get_path(self):
- """
- Get the path of the polygon
- Returns
- -------
- path : Path
- The :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` object for
- the polygon
- """
- return self._path
- def get_closed(self):
- """
- Returns if the polygon is closed
- Returns
- -------
- closed : bool
- If the path is closed
- """
- return self._closed
- def set_closed(self, closed):
- """
- Set if the polygon is closed
- Parameters
- ----------
- closed : bool
- True if the polygon is closed
- """
- if self._closed == bool(closed):
- return
- self._closed = bool(closed)
- self.set_xy(self.get_xy())
- self.stale = True
- def get_xy(self):
- """
- Get the vertices of the path.
- Returns
- -------
- vertices : (N, 2) numpy array
- The coordinates of the vertices.
- """
- return self._path.vertices
- def set_xy(self, xy):
- """
- Set the vertices of the polygon.
- Parameters
- ----------
- xy : (N, 2) array-like
- The coordinates of the vertices.
- """
- xy = np.asarray(xy)
- if self._closed:
- if len(xy) and (xy[0] != xy[-1]).any():
- xy = np.concatenate([xy, [xy[0]]])
- else:
- if len(xy) > 2 and (xy[0] == xy[-1]).all():
- xy = xy[:-1]
- self._path = Path(xy, closed=self._closed)
- self.stale = True
- _get_xy = get_xy
- _set_xy = set_xy
- xy = property(get_xy, set_xy,
- doc='The vertices of the path as (N, 2) numpy array.')
- class Wedge(Patch):
- """
- Wedge shaped patch.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- pars = (self.center[0], self.center[1], self.r,
- self.theta1, self.theta2, self.width)
- fmt = "Wedge(center=(%g, %g), r=%g, theta1=%g, theta2=%g, width=%s)"
- return fmt % pars
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, center, r, theta1, theta2, width=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Draw a wedge centered at *x*, *y* center with radius *r* that
- sweeps *theta1* to *theta2* (in degrees). If *width* is given,
- then a partial wedge is drawn from inner radius *r* - *width*
- to outer radius *r*.
- Valid kwargs are:
- %(Patch)s
- """
- Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self.center = center
- self.r, self.width = r, width
- self.theta1, self.theta2 = theta1, theta2
- self._patch_transform = transforms.IdentityTransform()
- self._recompute_path()
- def _recompute_path(self):
- # Inner and outer rings are connected unless the annulus is complete
- if abs((self.theta2 - self.theta1) - 360) <= 1e-12:
- theta1, theta2 = 0, 360
- connector = Path.MOVETO
- else:
- theta1, theta2 = self.theta1, self.theta2
- connector = Path.LINETO
- # Form the outer ring
- arc = Path.arc(theta1, theta2)
- if self.width is not None:
- # Partial annulus needs to draw the outer ring
- # followed by a reversed and scaled inner ring
- v1 = arc.vertices
- v2 = arc.vertices[::-1] * (self.r - self.width) / self.r
- v = np.vstack([v1, v2, v1[0, :], (0, 0)])
- c = np.hstack([arc.codes, arc.codes, connector, Path.CLOSEPOLY])
- c[len(arc.codes)] = connector
- else:
- # Wedge doesn't need an inner ring
- v = np.vstack([arc.vertices, [(0, 0), arc.vertices[0, :], (0, 0)]])
- c = np.hstack([arc.codes, [connector, connector, Path.CLOSEPOLY]])
- # Shift and scale the wedge to the final location.
- v *= self.r
- v += np.asarray(self.center)
- self._path = Path(v, c)
- def set_center(self, center):
- self._path = None
- self.center = center
- self.stale = True
- def set_radius(self, radius):
- self._path = None
- self.r = radius
- self.stale = True
- def set_theta1(self, theta1):
- self._path = None
- self.theta1 = theta1
- self.stale = True
- def set_theta2(self, theta2):
- self._path = None
- self.theta2 = theta2
- self.stale = True
- def set_width(self, width):
- self._path = None
- self.width = width
- self.stale = True
- def get_path(self):
- if self._path is None:
- self._recompute_path()
- return self._path
- # COVERAGE NOTE: Not used internally or from examples
- class Arrow(Patch):
- """
- An arrow patch.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- return "Arrow()"
- _path = Path([[0.0, 0.1], [0.0, -0.1],
- [0.8, -0.1], [0.8, -0.3],
- [1.0, 0.0], [0.8, 0.3],
- [0.8, 0.1], [0.0, 0.1]],
- closed=True)
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, x, y, dx, dy, width=1.0, **kwargs):
- """
- Draws an arrow from (*x*, *y*) to (*x* + *dx*, *y* + *dy*).
- The width of the arrow is scaled by *width*.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x : scalar
- x coordinate of the arrow tail
- y : scalar
- y coordinate of the arrow tail
- dx : scalar
- Arrow length in the x direction
- dy : scalar
- Arrow length in the y direction
- width : scalar, optional (default: 1)
- Scale factor for the width of the arrow. With a default value of
- 1, the tail width is 0.2 and head width is 0.6.
- **kwargs :
- Keyword arguments control the :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch`
- properties:
- %(Patch)s
- See Also
- --------
- :class:`FancyArrow` :
- Patch that allows independent control of the head and tail
- properties
- """
- Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- L = np.hypot(dx, dy)
- if L != 0:
- cx = dx / L
- sx = dy / L
- else:
- # Account for division by zero
- cx, sx = 0, 1
- trans1 = transforms.Affine2D().scale(L, width)
- trans2 = transforms.Affine2D.from_values(cx, sx, -sx, cx, 0.0, 0.0)
- trans3 = transforms.Affine2D().translate(x, y)
- trans = trans1 + trans2 + trans3
- self._patch_transform = trans.frozen()
- def get_path(self):
- return self._path
- def get_patch_transform(self):
- return self._patch_transform
- class FancyArrow(Polygon):
- """
- Like Arrow, but lets you set head width and head height independently.
- """
- _edge_default = True
- def __str__(self):
- return "FancyArrow()"
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, x, y, dx, dy, width=0.001, length_includes_head=False,
- head_width=None, head_length=None, shape='full', overhang=0,
- head_starts_at_zero=False, **kwargs):
- """
- Constructor arguments
- *width*: float (default: 0.001)
- width of full arrow tail
- *length_includes_head*: bool (default: False)
- True if head is to be counted in calculating the length.
- *head_width*: float or None (default: 3*width)
- total width of the full arrow head
- *head_length*: float or None (default: 1.5 * head_width)
- length of arrow head
- *shape*: ['full', 'left', 'right'] (default: 'full')
- draw the left-half, right-half, or full arrow
- *overhang*: float (default: 0)
- fraction that the arrow is swept back (0 overhang means
- triangular shape). Can be negative or greater than one.
- *head_starts_at_zero*: bool (default: False)
- if True, the head starts being drawn at coordinate 0
- instead of ending at coordinate 0.
- Other valid kwargs (inherited from :class:`Patch`) are:
- %(Patch)s
- """
- if head_width is None:
- head_width = 3 * width
- if head_length is None:
- head_length = 1.5 * head_width
- distance = np.hypot(dx, dy)
- if length_includes_head:
- length = distance
- else:
- length = distance + head_length
- if not length:
- verts = [] # display nothing if empty
- else:
- # start by drawing horizontal arrow, point at (0,0)
- hw, hl, hs, lw = head_width, head_length, overhang, width
- left_half_arrow = np.array([
- [0.0, 0.0], # tip
- [-hl, -hw / 2], # leftmost
- [-hl * (1 - hs), -lw / 2], # meets stem
- [-length, -lw / 2], # bottom left
- [-length, 0],
- ])
- # if we're not including the head, shift up by head length
- if not length_includes_head:
- left_half_arrow += [head_length, 0]
- # if the head starts at 0, shift up by another head length
- if head_starts_at_zero:
- left_half_arrow += [head_length / 2, 0]
- # figure out the shape, and complete accordingly
- if shape == 'left':
- coords = left_half_arrow
- else:
- right_half_arrow = left_half_arrow * [1, -1]
- if shape == 'right':
- coords = right_half_arrow
- elif shape == 'full':
- # The half-arrows contain the midpoint of the stem,
- # which we can omit from the full arrow. Including it
- # twice caused a problem with xpdf.
- coords = np.concatenate([left_half_arrow[:-1],
- right_half_arrow[-2::-1]])
- else:
- raise ValueError("Got unknown shape: %s" % shape)
- if distance != 0:
- cx = dx / distance
- sx = dy / distance
- else:
- # Account for division by zero
- cx, sx = 0, 1
- M = [[cx, sx], [-sx, cx]]
- verts = np.dot(coords, M) + (x + dx, y + dy)
- super().__init__(verts, closed=True, **kwargs)
- docstring.interpd.update({"FancyArrow": FancyArrow.__init__.__doc__})
- @cbook.deprecated("3.0", alternative="FancyArrowPatch")
- class YAArrow(Patch):
- """
- Yet another arrow class.
- This is an arrow that is defined in display space and has a tip at
- *x1*, *y1* and a base at *x2*, *y2*.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- return "YAArrow()"
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, figure, xytip, xybase,
- width=4, frac=0.1, headwidth=12, **kwargs):
- """
- Constructor arguments:
- *xytip*
- (*x*, *y*) location of arrow tip
- *xybase*
- (*x*, *y*) location the arrow base mid point
- *figure*
- The `Figure` instance (used to get the dpi setting).
- *width*
- The width of the arrow in points
- *frac*
- The fraction of the arrow length occupied by the head
- *headwidth*
- The width of the base of the arrow head in points
- Valid kwargs are:
- %(Patch)s
- """
- self.xytip = xytip
- self.xybase = xybase
- self.width = width
- self.frac = frac
- self.headwidth = headwidth
- Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- # Set self.figure after Patch.__init__, since it sets self.figure to
- # None
- self.figure = figure
- def get_path(self):
- # Since this is dpi dependent, we need to recompute the path
- # every time.
- # the base vertices
- x1, y1 = self.xytip
- x2, y2 = self.xybase
- k1 = self.width * self.figure.dpi / 72. / 2.
- k2 = self.headwidth * self.figure.dpi / 72. / 2.
- xb1, yb1, xb2, yb2 = self.getpoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, k1)
- # a point on the segment 20% of the distance from the tip to the base
- theta = math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
- r = math.sqrt((y2 - y1) ** 2. + (x2 - x1) ** 2.)
- xm = x1 + self.frac * r * math.cos(theta)
- ym = y1 + self.frac * r * math.sin(theta)
- xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2 = self.getpoints(x1, y1, xm, ym, k1)
- xd1, yd1, xd2, yd2 = self.getpoints(x1, y1, xm, ym, k2)
- xs = self.convert_xunits([xb1, xb2, xc2, xd2, x1, xd1, xc1, xb1])
- ys = self.convert_yunits([yb1, yb2, yc2, yd2, y1, yd1, yc1, yb1])
- return Path(np.column_stack([xs, ys]), closed=True)
- def get_patch_transform(self):
- return transforms.IdentityTransform()
- def getpoints(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, k):
- """
- For line segment defined by (*x1*, *y1*) and (*x2*, *y2*)
- return the points on the line that is perpendicular to the
- line and intersects (*x2*, *y2*) and the distance from (*x2*,
- *y2*) of the returned points is *k*.
- """
- x1, y1, x2, y2, k = map(float, (x1, y1, x2, y2, k))
- if y2 - y1 == 0:
- return x2, y2 + k, x2, y2 - k
- elif x2 - x1 == 0:
- return x2 + k, y2, x2 - k, y2
- m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
- pm = -1. / m
- a = 1
- b = -2 * y2
- c = y2 ** 2. - k ** 2. * pm ** 2. / (1. + pm ** 2.)
- y3a = (-b + math.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)
- x3a = (y3a - y2) / pm + x2
- y3b = (-b - math.sqrt(b ** 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a)
- x3b = (y3b - y2) / pm + x2
- return x3a, y3a, x3b, y3b
- class CirclePolygon(RegularPolygon):
- """
- A polygon-approximation of a circle patch.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- s = "CirclePolygon((%g, %g), radius=%g, resolution=%d)"
- return s % (self._xy[0], self._xy[1], self._radius, self._numVertices)
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, xy, radius=5,
- resolution=20, # the number of vertices
- ** kwargs):
- """
- Create a circle at *xy* = (*x*, *y*) with given *radius*.
- This circle is approximated by a regular polygon with
- *resolution* sides. For a smoother circle drawn with splines,
- see :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Circle`.
- Valid kwargs are:
- %(Patch)s
- """
- RegularPolygon.__init__(self, xy,
- resolution,
- radius,
- orientation=0,
- **kwargs)
- class Ellipse(Patch):
- """
- A scale-free ellipse.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- pars = (self._center[0], self._center[1],
- self.width, self.height, self.angle)
- fmt = "Ellipse(xy=(%s, %s), width=%s, height=%s, angle=%s)"
- return fmt % pars
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, xy, width, height, angle=0, **kwargs):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- xy : (float, float)
- xy coordinates of ellipse centre.
- width : float
- Total length (diameter) of horizontal axis.
- height : float
- Total length (diameter) of vertical axis.
- angle : scalar, optional
- Rotation in degrees anti-clockwise.
- Notes
- -----
- Valid keyword arguments are
- %(Patch)s
- """
- Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self._center = xy
- self.width, self.height = width, height
- self.angle = angle
- self._path = Path.unit_circle()
- # Note: This cannot be calculated until this is added to an Axes
- self._patch_transform = transforms.IdentityTransform()
- def _recompute_transform(self):
- """NOTE: This cannot be called until after this has been added
- to an Axes, otherwise unit conversion will fail. This
- makes it very important to call the accessor method and
- not directly access the transformation member variable.
- """
- center = (self.convert_xunits(self._center[0]),
- self.convert_yunits(self._center[1]))
- width = self.convert_xunits(self.width)
- height = self.convert_yunits(self.height)
- self._patch_transform = transforms.Affine2D() \
- .scale(width * 0.5, height * 0.5) \
- .rotate_deg(self.angle) \
- .translate(*center)
- def get_path(self):
- """
- Return the vertices of the rectangle
- """
- return self._path
- def get_patch_transform(self):
- self._recompute_transform()
- return self._patch_transform
- def set_center(self, xy):
- """
- Set the center of the ellipse.
- Parameters
- ----------
- xy : (float, float)
- """
- self._center = xy
- self.stale = True
- def get_center(self):
- """
- Return the center of the ellipse
- """
- return self._center
- center = property(get_center, set_center)
- class Circle(Ellipse):
- """
- A circle patch.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- pars = self.center[0], self.center[1], self.radius
- fmt = "Circle(xy=(%g, %g), radius=%g)"
- return fmt % pars
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, xy, radius=5, **kwargs):
- """
- Create true circle at center *xy* = (*x*, *y*) with given
- *radius*. Unlike :class:`~matplotlib.patches.CirclePolygon`
- which is a polygonal approximation, this uses Bezier splines
- and is much closer to a scale-free circle.
- Valid kwargs are:
- %(Patch)s
- """
- Ellipse.__init__(self, xy, radius * 2, radius * 2, **kwargs)
- self.radius = radius
- def set_radius(self, radius):
- """
- Set the radius of the circle
- Parameters
- ----------
- radius : float
- """
- self.width = self.height = 2 * radius
- self.stale = True
- def get_radius(self):
- """
- Return the radius of the circle
- """
- return self.width / 2.
- radius = property(get_radius, set_radius)
- class Arc(Ellipse):
- """
- An elliptical arc, i.e. a segment of an ellipse.
- Due to internal optimizations, there are certain restrictions on using Arc:
- - The arc cannot be filled.
- - The arc must be used in an :class:`~.axes.Axes` instance---it can not be
- added directly to a `.Figure`---because it is optimized to only render
- the segments that are inside the axes bounding box with high resolution.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- pars = (self.center[0], self.center[1], self.width,
- self.height, self.angle, self.theta1, self.theta2)
- fmt = ("Arc(xy=(%g, %g), width=%g, "
- "height=%g, angle=%g, theta1=%g, theta2=%g)")
- return fmt % pars
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, xy, width, height, angle=0.0,
- theta1=0.0, theta2=360.0, **kwargs):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- xy : (float, float)
- The center of the ellipse.
- width : float
- The length of the horizontal axis.
- height : float
- The length of the vertical axis.
- angle : float
- Rotation of the ellipse in degrees (anti-clockwise).
- theta1, theta2 : float, optional
- Starting and ending angles of the arc in degrees. These values
- are relative to *angle*, .e.g. if *angle* = 45 and *theta1* = 90
- the absolute starting angle is 135.
- Default *theta1* = 0, *theta2* = 360, i.e. a complete ellipse.
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- **kwargs : `.Patch` properties
- Most `.Patch` properties are supported as keyword arguments,
- with the exception of *fill* and *facecolor* because filling is
- not supported.
- %(Patch)s
- """
- fill = kwargs.setdefault('fill', False)
- if fill:
- raise ValueError("Arc objects can not be filled")
- Ellipse.__init__(self, xy, width, height, angle, **kwargs)
- self.theta1 = theta1
- self.theta2 = theta2
- @artist.allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer):
- """
- Draw the arc to the given *renderer*.
- Notes
- -----
- Ellipses are normally drawn using an approximation that uses
- eight cubic Bezier splines. The error of this approximation
- is 1.89818e-6, according to this unverified source:
- Lancaster, Don. *Approximating a Circle or an Ellipse Using
- Four Bezier Cubic Splines.*
- http://www.tinaja.com/glib/ellipse4.pdf
- There is a use case where very large ellipses must be drawn
- with very high accuracy, and it is too expensive to render the
- entire ellipse with enough segments (either splines or line
- segments). Therefore, in the case where either radius of the
- ellipse is large enough that the error of the spline
- approximation will be visible (greater than one pixel offset
- from the ideal), a different technique is used.
- In that case, only the visible parts of the ellipse are drawn,
- with each visible arc using a fixed number of spline segments
- (8). The algorithm proceeds as follows:
- 1. The points where the ellipse intersects the axes bounding
- box are located. (This is done be performing an inverse
- transformation on the axes bbox such that it is relative
- to the unit circle -- this makes the intersection
- calculation much easier than doing rotated ellipse
- intersection directly).
- This uses the "line intersecting a circle" algorithm
- from:
- Vince, John. *Geometry for Computer Graphics: Formulae,
- Examples & Proofs.* London: Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- 2. The angles of each of the intersection points are
- calculated.
- 3. Proceeding counterclockwise starting in the positive
- x-direction, each of the visible arc-segments between the
- pairs of vertices are drawn using the Bezier arc
- approximation technique implemented in
- :meth:`matplotlib.path.Path.arc`.
- """
- if not hasattr(self, 'axes'):
- raise RuntimeError('Arcs can only be used in Axes instances')
- self._recompute_transform()
- width = self.convert_xunits(self.width)
- height = self.convert_yunits(self.height)
- # If the width and height of ellipse are not equal, take into account
- # stretching when calculating angles to draw between
- def theta_stretch(theta, scale):
- theta = np.deg2rad(theta)
- x = np.cos(theta)
- y = np.sin(theta)
- return np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(scale * y, x))
- theta1 = theta_stretch(self.theta1, width / height)
- theta2 = theta_stretch(self.theta2, width / height)
- # Get width and height in pixels
- width, height = self.get_transform().transform_point((width, height))
- inv_error = (1.0 / 1.89818e-6) * 0.5
- if width < inv_error and height < inv_error:
- self._path = Path.arc(theta1, theta2)
- return Patch.draw(self, renderer)
- def iter_circle_intersect_on_line(x0, y0, x1, y1):
- dx = x1 - x0
- dy = y1 - y0
- dr2 = dx * dx + dy * dy
- D = x0 * y1 - x1 * y0
- D2 = D * D
- discrim = dr2 - D2
- # Single (tangential) intersection
- if discrim == 0.0:
- x = (D * dy) / dr2
- y = (-D * dx) / dr2
- yield x, y
- elif discrim > 0.0:
- # The definition of "sign" here is different from
- # np.sign: we never want to get 0.0
- if dy < 0.0:
- sign_dy = -1.0
- else:
- sign_dy = 1.0
- sqrt_discrim = np.sqrt(discrim)
- for sign in (1., -1.):
- x = (D * dy + sign * sign_dy * dx * sqrt_discrim) / dr2
- y = (-D * dx + sign * np.abs(dy) * sqrt_discrim) / dr2
- yield x, y
- def iter_circle_intersect_on_line_seg(x0, y0, x1, y1):
- epsilon = 1e-9
- if x1 < x0:
- x0e, x1e = x1, x0
- else:
- x0e, x1e = x0, x1
- if y1 < y0:
- y0e, y1e = y1, y0
- else:
- y0e, y1e = y0, y1
- x0e -= epsilon
- y0e -= epsilon
- x1e += epsilon
- y1e += epsilon
- for x, y in iter_circle_intersect_on_line(x0, y0, x1, y1):
- if x0e <= x <= x1e and y0e <= y <= y1e:
- yield x, y
- # Transforms the axes box_path so that it is relative to the unit
- # circle in the same way that it is relative to the desired
- # ellipse.
- box_path = Path.unit_rectangle()
- box_path_transform = transforms.BboxTransformTo(self.axes.bbox) + \
- self.get_transform().inverted()
- box_path = box_path.transformed(box_path_transform)
- thetas = set()
- # For each of the point pairs, there is a line segment
- for p0, p1 in zip(box_path.vertices[:-1], box_path.vertices[1:]):
- x0, y0 = p0
- x1, y1 = p1
- for x, y in iter_circle_intersect_on_line_seg(x0, y0, x1, y1):
- theta = np.arccos(x)
- if y < 0:
- theta = 2 * np.pi - theta
- # Convert radians to angles
- theta = np.rad2deg(theta)
- if theta1 < theta < theta2:
- thetas.add(theta)
- thetas = sorted(thetas) + [theta2]
- last_theta = theta1
- theta1_rad = np.deg2rad(theta1)
- inside = box_path.contains_point((np.cos(theta1_rad),
- np.sin(theta1_rad)))
- # save original path
- path_original = self._path
- for theta in thetas:
- if inside:
- self._path = Path.arc(last_theta, theta, 8)
- Patch.draw(self, renderer)
- inside = False
- else:
- inside = True
- last_theta = theta
- # restore original path
- self._path = path_original
- def bbox_artist(artist, renderer, props=None, fill=True):
- """
- This is a debug function to draw a rectangle around the bounding
- box returned by
- :meth:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist.get_window_extent` of an artist,
- to test whether the artist is returning the correct bbox.
- *props* is a dict of rectangle props with the additional property
- 'pad' that sets the padding around the bbox in points.
- """
- if props is None:
- props = {}
- props = props.copy() # don't want to alter the pad externally
- pad = props.pop('pad', 4)
- pad = renderer.points_to_pixels(pad)
- bbox = artist.get_window_extent(renderer)
- l, b, w, h = bbox.bounds
- l -= pad / 2.
- b -= pad / 2.
- w += pad
- h += pad
- r = Rectangle(xy=(l, b),
- width=w,
- height=h,
- fill=fill,
- )
- r.set_transform(transforms.IdentityTransform())
- r.set_clip_on(False)
- r.update(props)
- r.draw(renderer)
- def draw_bbox(bbox, renderer, color='k', trans=None):
- """
- This is a debug function to draw a rectangle around the bounding
- box returned by
- :meth:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist.get_window_extent` of an artist,
- to test whether the artist is returning the correct bbox.
- """
- l, b, w, h = bbox.bounds
- r = Rectangle(xy=(l, b),
- width=w,
- height=h,
- edgecolor=color,
- fill=False,
- )
- if trans is not None:
- r.set_transform(trans)
- r.set_clip_on(False)
- r.draw(renderer)
- def _pprint_table(table, leadingspace=2):
- """
- Given the list of list of strings, return a string of REST table format.
- """
- col_len = [max(len(cell) for cell in column) for column in zip(*table)]
- table_formatstr = ' '.join('=' * cl for cl in col_len)
- lines = [
- '',
- table_formatstr,
- ' '.join(cell.ljust(cl) for cell, cl in zip(table[0], col_len)),
- table_formatstr,
- *[' '.join(cell.ljust(cl) for cell, cl in zip(row, col_len))
- for row in table[1:]],
- table_formatstr,
- '',
- ]
- return textwrap.indent('\n'.join(lines), ' ' * leadingspace)
- def _pprint_styles(_styles):
- """
- A helper function for the _Style class. Given the dictionary of
- {stylename: styleclass}, return a formatted string listing all the
- styles. Used to update the documentation.
- """
- import inspect
- _table = [["Class", "Name", "Attrs"]]
- for name, cls in sorted(_styles.items()):
- spec = inspect.getfullargspec(cls.__init__)
- if spec.defaults:
- argstr = ", ".join(map(
- "{}={}".format, spec.args[-len(spec.defaults):], spec.defaults
- ))
- else:
- argstr = 'None'
- # adding ``quotes`` since - and | have special meaning in reST
- _table.append([cls.__name__, "``%s``" % name, argstr])
- return _pprint_table(_table)
- def _simpleprint_styles(_styles):
- """
- A helper function for the _Style class. Given the dictionary of
- {stylename: styleclass}, return a string rep of the list of keys.
- Used to update the documentation.
- """
- return "[{}]".format("|".join(map(" '{}' ".format, sorted(_styles))))
- class _Style(object):
- """
- A base class for the Styles. It is meant to be a container class,
- where actual styles are declared as subclass of it, and it
- provides some helper functions.
- """
- def __new__(cls, stylename, **kw):
- """
- return the instance of the subclass with the given style name.
- """
- # The "class" should have the _style_list attribute, which is a mapping
- # of style names to style classes.
- _list = stylename.replace(" ", "").split(",")
- _name = _list[0].lower()
- try:
- _cls = cls._style_list[_name]
- except KeyError:
- raise ValueError("Unknown style : %s" % stylename)
- try:
- _args_pair = [cs.split("=") for cs in _list[1:]]
- _args = {k: float(v) for k, v in _args_pair}
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError("Incorrect style argument : %s" % stylename)
- _args.update(kw)
- return _cls(**_args)
- @classmethod
- def get_styles(cls):
- """
- A class method which returns a dictionary of available styles.
- """
- return cls._style_list
- @classmethod
- def pprint_styles(cls):
- """
- A class method which returns a string of the available styles.
- """
- return _pprint_styles(cls._style_list)
- @classmethod
- def register(cls, name, style):
- """
- Register a new style.
- """
- if not issubclass(style, cls._Base):
- raise ValueError("%s must be a subclass of %s" % (style,
- cls._Base))
- cls._style_list[name] = style
- def _register_style(style_list, cls=None, *, name=None):
- """Class decorator that stashes a class in a (style) dictionary."""
- if cls is None:
- return functools.partial(_register_style, style_list, name=name)
- style_list[name or cls.__name__.lower()] = cls
- return cls
- class BoxStyle(_Style):
- """
- :class:`BoxStyle` is a container class which defines several
- boxstyle classes, which are used for :class:`FancyBboxPatch`.
- A style object can be created as::
- BoxStyle.Round(pad=0.2)
- or::
- BoxStyle("Round", pad=0.2)
- or::
- BoxStyle("Round, pad=0.2")
- Following boxstyle classes are defined.
- %(AvailableBoxstyles)s
- An instance of any boxstyle class is an callable object,
- whose call signature is::
- __call__(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size, aspect_ratio=1.)
- and returns a :class:`Path` instance. *x0*, *y0*, *width* and
- *height* specify the location and size of the box to be
- drawn. *mutation_scale* determines the overall size of the
- mutation (by which I mean the transformation of the rectangle to
- the fancy box). *mutation_aspect* determines the aspect-ratio of
- the mutation.
- """
- _style_list = {}
- class _Base(object):
- """
- :class:`BBoxTransmuterBase` and its derivatives are used to make a
- fancy box around a given rectangle. The :meth:`__call__` method
- returns the :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` of the fancy box. This
- class is not an artist and actual drawing of the fancy box is done
- by the :class:`FancyBboxPatch` class.
- """
- # The derived classes are required to be able to be initialized
- # w/o arguments, i.e., all its argument (except self) must have
- # the default values.
- def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- """
- The transmute method is a very core of the
- :class:`BboxTransmuter` class and must be overridden in the
- subclasses. It receives the location and size of the
- rectangle, and the mutation_size, with which the amount of
- padding and etc. will be scaled. It returns a
- :class:`~matplotlib.path.Path` instance.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def __call__(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size,
- aspect_ratio=1.):
- """
- Given the location and size of the box, return the path of
- the box around it.
- - *x0*, *y0*, *width*, *height* : location and size of the box
- - *mutation_size* : a reference scale for the mutation.
- - *aspect_ratio* : aspect-ration for the mutation.
- """
- # The __call__ method is a thin wrapper around the transmute method
- # and takes care of the aspect.
- if aspect_ratio is not None:
- # Squeeze the given height by the aspect_ratio
- y0, height = y0 / aspect_ratio, height / aspect_ratio
- # call transmute method with squeezed height.
- path = self.transmute(x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size)
- vertices, codes = path.vertices, path.codes
- # Restore the height
- vertices[:, 1] = vertices[:, 1] * aspect_ratio
- return Path(vertices, codes)
- else:
- return self.transmute(x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size)
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Square(_Base):
- """
- A simple square box.
- """
- def __init__(self, pad=0.3):
- """
- *pad*
- amount of padding
- """
- self.pad = pad
- super().__init__()
- def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- pad = mutation_size * self.pad
- # width and height with padding added.
- width, height = width + 2*pad, height + 2*pad
- # boundary of the padded box
- x0, y0 = x0 - pad, y0 - pad,
- x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height
- vertices = [(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1), (x0, y0)]
- codes = [Path.MOVETO] + [Path.LINETO] * 3 + [Path.CLOSEPOLY]
- return Path(vertices, codes)
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Circle(_Base):
- """A simple circle box."""
- def __init__(self, pad=0.3):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- pad : float
- The amount of padding around the original box.
- """
- self.pad = pad
- super().__init__()
- def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- pad = mutation_size * self.pad
- width, height = width + 2 * pad, height + 2 * pad
- # boundary of the padded box
- x0, y0 = x0 - pad, y0 - pad,
- return Path.circle((x0 + width / 2, y0 + height / 2),
- max(width, height) / 2)
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class LArrow(_Base):
- """
- (left) Arrow Box
- """
- def __init__(self, pad=0.3):
- self.pad = pad
- super().__init__()
- def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- # padding
- pad = mutation_size * self.pad
- # width and height with padding added.
- width, height = width + 2. * pad, height + 2. * pad
- # boundary of the padded box
- x0, y0 = x0 - pad, y0 - pad,
- x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height
- dx = (y1 - y0) / 2.
- dxx = dx * .5
- # adjust x0. 1.4 <- sqrt(2)
- x0 = x0 + pad / 1.4
- cp = [(x0 + dxx, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0 + dxx, y1),
- (x0 + dxx, y1 + dxx), (x0 - dx, y0 + dx),
- (x0 + dxx, y0 - dxx), # arrow
- (x0 + dxx, y0), (x0 + dxx, y0)]
- com = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO,
- path = Path(cp, com)
- return path
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class RArrow(LArrow):
- """
- (right) Arrow Box
- """
- def __init__(self, pad=0.3):
- super().__init__(pad)
- def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- p = BoxStyle.LArrow.transmute(self, x0, y0,
- width, height, mutation_size)
- p.vertices[:, 0] = 2 * x0 + width - p.vertices[:, 0]
- return p
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class DArrow(_Base):
- """
- (Double) Arrow Box
- """
- # This source is copied from LArrow,
- # modified to add a right arrow to the bbox.
- def __init__(self, pad=0.3):
- self.pad = pad
- super().__init__()
- def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- # padding
- pad = mutation_size * self.pad
- # width and height with padding added.
- # The width is padded by the arrows, so we don't need to pad it.
- height = height + 2. * pad
- # boundary of the padded box
- x0, y0 = x0 - pad, y0 - pad
- x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height
- dx = (y1 - y0) / 2
- dxx = dx * .5
- # adjust x0. 1.4 <- sqrt(2)
- x0 = x0 + pad / 1.4
- cp = [(x0 + dxx, y0), (x1, y0), # bot-segment
- (x1, y0 - dxx), (x1 + dx + dxx, y0 + dx),
- (x1, y1 + dxx), # right-arrow
- (x1, y1), (x0 + dxx, y1), # top-segment
- (x0 + dxx, y1 + dxx), (x0 - dx, y0 + dx),
- (x0 + dxx, y0 - dxx), # left-arrow
- (x0 + dxx, y0), (x0 + dxx, y0)] # close-poly
- com = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- path = Path(cp, com)
- return path
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Round(_Base):
- """
- A box with round corners.
- """
- def __init__(self, pad=0.3, rounding_size=None):
- """
- *pad*
- amount of padding
- *rounding_size*
- rounding radius of corners. *pad* if None
- """
- self.pad = pad
- self.rounding_size = rounding_size
- super().__init__()
- def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- # padding
- pad = mutation_size * self.pad
- # size of the rounding corner
- if self.rounding_size:
- dr = mutation_size * self.rounding_size
- else:
- dr = pad
- width, height = width + 2. * pad, height + 2. * pad
- x0, y0 = x0 - pad, y0 - pad,
- x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height
- # Round corners are implemented as quadratic Bezier, e.g.,
- # [(x0, y0-dr), (x0, y0), (x0+dr, y0)] for lower left corner.
- cp = [(x0 + dr, y0),
- (x1 - dr, y0),
- (x1, y0), (x1, y0 + dr),
- (x1, y1 - dr),
- (x1, y1), (x1 - dr, y1),
- (x0 + dr, y1),
- (x0, y1), (x0, y1 - dr),
- (x0, y0 + dr),
- (x0, y0), (x0 + dr, y0),
- (x0 + dr, y0)]
- com = [Path.MOVETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3,
- path = Path(cp, com)
- return path
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Round4(_Base):
- """
- Another box with round edges.
- """
- def __init__(self, pad=0.3, rounding_size=None):
- """
- *pad*
- amount of padding
- *rounding_size*
- rounding size of edges. *pad* if None
- """
- self.pad = pad
- self.rounding_size = rounding_size
- super().__init__()
- def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- # padding
- pad = mutation_size * self.pad
- # Rounding size; defaults to half of the padding.
- if self.rounding_size:
- dr = mutation_size * self.rounding_size
- else:
- dr = pad / 2.
- width, height = (width + 2. * pad - 2 * dr,
- height + 2. * pad - 2 * dr)
- x0, y0 = x0 - pad + dr, y0 - pad + dr,
- x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height
- cp = [(x0, y0),
- (x0 + dr, y0 - dr), (x1 - dr, y0 - dr), (x1, y0),
- (x1 + dr, y0 + dr), (x1 + dr, y1 - dr), (x1, y1),
- (x1 - dr, y1 + dr), (x0 + dr, y1 + dr), (x0, y1),
- (x0 - dr, y1 - dr), (x0 - dr, y0 + dr), (x0, y0),
- (x0, y0)]
- com = [Path.MOVETO,
- Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4,
- Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4,
- Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4,
- Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4,
- path = Path(cp, com)
- return path
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Sawtooth(_Base):
- """
- A sawtooth box.
- """
- def __init__(self, pad=0.3, tooth_size=None):
- """
- *pad*
- amount of padding
- *tooth_size*
- size of the sawtooth. pad* if None
- """
- self.pad = pad
- self.tooth_size = tooth_size
- super().__init__()
- def _get_sawtooth_vertices(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- # padding
- pad = mutation_size * self.pad
- # size of sawtooth
- if self.tooth_size is None:
- tooth_size = self.pad * .5 * mutation_size
- else:
- tooth_size = self.tooth_size * mutation_size
- tooth_size2 = tooth_size / 2.
- width, height = (width + 2. * pad - tooth_size,
- height + 2. * pad - tooth_size)
- # the sizes of the vertical and horizontal sawtooth are
- # separately adjusted to fit the given box size.
- dsx_n = int(np.round((width - tooth_size) / (tooth_size * 2))) * 2
- dsx = (width - tooth_size) / dsx_n
- dsy_n = int(np.round((height - tooth_size) / (tooth_size * 2))) * 2
- dsy = (height - tooth_size) / dsy_n
- x0, y0 = x0 - pad + tooth_size2, y0 - pad + tooth_size2
- x1, y1 = x0 + width, y0 + height
- bottom_saw_x = [
- x0,
- *(x0 + tooth_size2 + dsx * .5 * np.arange(dsx_n * 2)),
- x1 - tooth_size2,
- ]
- bottom_saw_y = [
- y0,
- *([y0 - tooth_size2, y0, y0 + tooth_size2, y0] * dsx_n),
- y0 - tooth_size2,
- ]
- right_saw_x = [
- x1,
- *([x1 + tooth_size2, x1, x1 - tooth_size2, x1] * dsx_n),
- x1 + tooth_size2,
- ]
- right_saw_y = [
- y0,
- *(y0 + tooth_size2 + dsy * .5 * np.arange(dsy_n * 2)),
- y1 - tooth_size2,
- ]
- top_saw_x = [
- x1,
- *(x1 - tooth_size2 - dsx * .5 * np.arange(dsx_n * 2)),
- x0 + tooth_size2,
- ]
- top_saw_y = [
- y1,
- *([y1 + tooth_size2, y1, y1 - tooth_size2, y1] * dsx_n),
- y1 + tooth_size2,
- ]
- left_saw_x = [
- x0,
- *([x0 - tooth_size2, x0, x0 + tooth_size2, x0] * dsy_n),
- x0 - tooth_size2,
- ]
- left_saw_y = [
- y1,
- *(y1 - tooth_size2 - dsy * .5 * np.arange(dsy_n * 2)),
- y0 + tooth_size2,
- ]
- saw_vertices = [*zip(bottom_saw_x, bottom_saw_y),
- *zip(right_saw_x, right_saw_y),
- *zip(top_saw_x, top_saw_y),
- *zip(left_saw_x, left_saw_y),
- (bottom_saw_x[0], bottom_saw_y[0])]
- return saw_vertices
- def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- saw_vertices = self._get_sawtooth_vertices(x0, y0, width,
- height, mutation_size)
- path = Path(saw_vertices, closed=True)
- return path
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Roundtooth(Sawtooth):
- """A rounded tooth box."""
- def __init__(self, pad=0.3, tooth_size=None):
- """
- *pad*
- amount of padding
- *tooth_size*
- size of the sawtooth. pad* if None
- """
- super().__init__(pad, tooth_size)
- def transmute(self, x0, y0, width, height, mutation_size):
- saw_vertices = self._get_sawtooth_vertices(x0, y0,
- width, height,
- mutation_size)
- # Add a trailing vertex to allow us to close the polygon correctly
- saw_vertices = np.concatenate([np.array(saw_vertices),
- [saw_vertices[0]]], axis=0)
- codes = ([Path.MOVETO] +
- [Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3] * ((len(saw_vertices)-1)//2) +
- return Path(saw_vertices, codes)
- if __doc__: # __doc__ could be None if -OO optimization is enabled
- __doc__ = cbook.dedent(__doc__) % \
- {"AvailableBoxstyles": _pprint_styles(_style_list)}
- docstring.interpd.update(
- AvailableBoxstyles=_pprint_styles(BoxStyle._style_list),
- ListBoxstyles=_simpleprint_styles(BoxStyle._style_list))
- class FancyBboxPatch(Patch):
- """
- Draw a fancy box around a rectangle with lower left at *xy*=(*x*,
- *y*) with specified width and height.
- :class:`FancyBboxPatch` class is similar to :class:`Rectangle`
- class, but it draws a fancy box around the rectangle. The
- transformation of the rectangle box to the fancy box is delegated
- to the :class:`BoxTransmuterBase` and its derived classes.
- """
- _edge_default = True
- def __str__(self):
- s = self.__class__.__name__ + "((%g, %g), width=%g, height=%g)"
- return s % (self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height)
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, xy, width, height,
- boxstyle="round",
- bbox_transmuter=None,
- mutation_scale=1.,
- mutation_aspect=None,
- **kwargs):
- """
- *xy* = lower left corner
- *width*, *height*
- *boxstyle* determines what kind of fancy box will be drawn. It
- can be a string of the style name with a comma separated
- attribute, or an instance of :class:`BoxStyle`. Following box
- styles are available.
- %(AvailableBoxstyles)s
- *mutation_scale* : a value with which attributes of boxstyle
- (e.g., pad) will be scaled. default=1.
- *mutation_aspect* : The height of the rectangle will be
- squeezed by this value before the mutation and the mutated
- box will be stretched by the inverse of it. default=None.
- Valid kwargs are:
- %(Patch)s
- """
- Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- self._x = xy[0]
- self._y = xy[1]
- self._width = width
- self._height = height
- if boxstyle == "custom":
- if bbox_transmuter is None:
- raise ValueError("bbox_transmuter argument is needed with "
- "custom boxstyle")
- self._bbox_transmuter = bbox_transmuter
- else:
- self.set_boxstyle(boxstyle)
- self._mutation_scale = mutation_scale
- self._mutation_aspect = mutation_aspect
- self.stale = True
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def set_boxstyle(self, boxstyle=None, **kw):
- """
- Set the box style.
- *boxstyle* can be a string with boxstyle name with optional
- comma-separated attributes. Alternatively, the attrs can
- be provided as keywords::
- set_boxstyle("round,pad=0.2")
- set_boxstyle("round", pad=0.2)
- Old attrs simply are forgotten.
- Without argument (or with *boxstyle* = None), it returns
- available box styles.
- The following boxstyles are available:
- %(AvailableBoxstyles)s
- ACCEPTS: %(ListBoxstyles)s
- """
- if boxstyle is None:
- return BoxStyle.pprint_styles()
- if isinstance(boxstyle, BoxStyle._Base) or callable(boxstyle):
- self._bbox_transmuter = boxstyle
- else:
- self._bbox_transmuter = BoxStyle(boxstyle, **kw)
- self.stale = True
- def set_mutation_scale(self, scale):
- """
- Set the mutation scale.
- Parameters
- ----------
- scale : float
- """
- self._mutation_scale = scale
- self.stale = True
- def get_mutation_scale(self):
- """
- Return the mutation scale.
- """
- return self._mutation_scale
- def set_mutation_aspect(self, aspect):
- """
- Set the aspect ratio of the bbox mutation.
- Parameters
- ----------
- aspect : float
- """
- self._mutation_aspect = aspect
- self.stale = True
- def get_mutation_aspect(self):
- """
- Return the aspect ratio of the bbox mutation.
- """
- return self._mutation_aspect
- def get_boxstyle(self):
- "Return the boxstyle object"
- return self._bbox_transmuter
- def get_path(self):
- """
- Return the mutated path of the rectangle
- """
- _path = self.get_boxstyle()(self._x, self._y,
- self._width, self._height,
- self.get_mutation_scale(),
- self.get_mutation_aspect())
- return _path
- # Following methods are borrowed from the Rectangle class.
- def get_x(self):
- "Return the left coord of the rectangle"
- return self._x
- def get_y(self):
- "Return the bottom coord of the rectangle"
- return self._y
- def get_width(self):
- "Return the width of the rectangle"
- return self._width
- def get_height(self):
- "Return the height of the rectangle"
- return self._height
- def set_x(self, x):
- """
- Set the left coord of the rectangle.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x : float
- """
- self._x = x
- self.stale = True
- def set_y(self, y):
- """
- Set the bottom coord of the rectangle.
- Parameters
- ----------
- y : float
- """
- self._y = y
- self.stale = True
- def set_width(self, w):
- """
- Set the rectangle width.
- Parameters
- ----------
- w : float
- """
- self._width = w
- self.stale = True
- def set_height(self, h):
- """
- Set the rectangle height.
- Parameters
- ----------
- h : float
- """
- self._height = h
- self.stale = True
- def set_bounds(self, *args):
- """
- Set the bounds of the rectangle: l,b,w,h
- ACCEPTS: (left, bottom, width, height)
- """
- if len(args) == 1:
- l, b, w, h = args[0]
- else:
- l, b, w, h = args
- self._x = l
- self._y = b
- self._width = w
- self._height = h
- self.stale = True
- def get_bbox(self):
- return transforms.Bbox.from_bounds(self._x, self._y,
- self._width, self._height)
- class ConnectionStyle(_Style):
- """
- :class:`ConnectionStyle` is a container class which defines
- several connectionstyle classes, which is used to create a path
- between two points. These are mainly used with
- :class:`FancyArrowPatch`.
- A connectionstyle object can be either created as::
- ConnectionStyle.Arc3(rad=0.2)
- or::
- ConnectionStyle("Arc3", rad=0.2)
- or::
- ConnectionStyle("Arc3, rad=0.2")
- The following classes are defined
- %(AvailableConnectorstyles)s
- An instance of any connection style class is an callable object,
- whose call signature is::
- __call__(self, posA, posB,
- patchA=None, patchB=None,
- shrinkA=2., shrinkB=2.)
- and it returns a :class:`Path` instance. *posA* and *posB* are
- tuples of x,y coordinates of the two points to be
- connected. *patchA* (or *patchB*) is given, the returned path is
- clipped so that it start (or end) from the boundary of the
- patch. The path is further shrunk by *shrinkA* (or *shrinkB*)
- which is given in points.
- """
- _style_list = {}
- class _Base(object):
- """
- A base class for connectionstyle classes. The subclass needs
- to implement a *connect* method whose call signature is::
- connect(posA, posB)
- where posA and posB are tuples of x, y coordinates to be
- connected. The method needs to return a path connecting two
- points. This base class defines a __call__ method, and a few
- helper methods.
- """
- class SimpleEvent:
- def __init__(self, xy):
- self.x, self.y = xy
- def _clip(self, path, patchA, patchB):
- """
- Clip the path to the boundary of the patchA and patchB.
- The starting point of the path needed to be inside of the
- patchA and the end point inside the patch B. The *contains*
- methods of each patch object is utilized to test if the point
- is inside the path.
- """
- if patchA:
- def insideA(xy_display):
- xy_event = ConnectionStyle._Base.SimpleEvent(xy_display)
- return patchA.contains(xy_event)[0]
- try:
- left, right = split_path_inout(path, insideA)
- except ValueError:
- right = path
- path = right
- if patchB:
- def insideB(xy_display):
- xy_event = ConnectionStyle._Base.SimpleEvent(xy_display)
- return patchB.contains(xy_event)[0]
- try:
- left, right = split_path_inout(path, insideB)
- except ValueError:
- left = path
- path = left
- return path
- def _shrink(self, path, shrinkA, shrinkB):
- """
- Shrink the path by fixed size (in points) with shrinkA and shrinkB
- """
- if shrinkA:
- x, y = path.vertices[0]
- insideA = inside_circle(x, y, shrinkA)
- try:
- left, right = split_path_inout(path, insideA)
- path = right
- except ValueError:
- pass
- if shrinkB:
- x, y = path.vertices[-1]
- insideB = inside_circle(x, y, shrinkB)
- try:
- left, right = split_path_inout(path, insideB)
- path = left
- except ValueError:
- pass
- return path
- def __call__(self, posA, posB,
- shrinkA=2., shrinkB=2., patchA=None, patchB=None):
- """
- Calls the *connect* method to create a path between *posA*
- and *posB*. The path is clipped and shrunken.
- """
- path = self.connect(posA, posB)
- clipped_path = self._clip(path, patchA, patchB)
- shrunk_path = self._shrink(clipped_path, shrinkA, shrinkB)
- return shrunk_path
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Arc3(_Base):
- """
- Creates a simple quadratic Bezier curve between two
- points. The curve is created so that the middle control point
- (C1) is located at the same distance from the start (C0) and
- end points(C2) and the distance of the C1 to the line
- connecting C0-C2 is *rad* times the distance of C0-C2.
- """
- def __init__(self, rad=0.):
- """
- *rad*
- curvature of the curve.
- """
- self.rad = rad
- def connect(self, posA, posB):
- x1, y1 = posA
- x2, y2 = posB
- x12, y12 = (x1 + x2) / 2., (y1 + y2) / 2.
- dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
- f = self.rad
- cx, cy = x12 + f * dy, y12 - f * dx
- vertices = [(x1, y1),
- (cx, cy),
- (x2, y2)]
- codes = [Path.MOVETO,
- Path.CURVE3,
- Path.CURVE3]
- return Path(vertices, codes)
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Angle3(_Base):
- """
- Creates a simple quadratic Bezier curve between two
- points. The middle control points is placed at the
- intersecting point of two lines which cross the start and
- end point, and have a slope of angleA and angleB, respectively.
- """
- def __init__(self, angleA=90, angleB=0):
- """
- *angleA*
- starting angle of the path
- *angleB*
- ending angle of the path
- """
- self.angleA = angleA
- self.angleB = angleB
- def connect(self, posA, posB):
- x1, y1 = posA
- x2, y2 = posB
- cosA = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleA))
- sinA = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleA))
- cosB = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleB))
- sinB = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleB))
- cx, cy = get_intersection(x1, y1, cosA, sinA,
- x2, y2, cosB, sinB)
- vertices = [(x1, y1), (cx, cy), (x2, y2)]
- codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3]
- return Path(vertices, codes)
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Angle(_Base):
- """
- Creates a piecewise continuous quadratic Bezier path between
- two points. The path has a one passing-through point placed at
- the intersecting point of two lines which cross the start
- and end point, and have a slope of angleA and angleB, respectively.
- The connecting edges are rounded with *rad*.
- """
- def __init__(self, angleA=90, angleB=0, rad=0.):
- """
- *angleA*
- starting angle of the path
- *angleB*
- ending angle of the path
- *rad*
- rounding radius of the edge
- """
- self.angleA = angleA
- self.angleB = angleB
- self.rad = rad
- def connect(self, posA, posB):
- x1, y1 = posA
- x2, y2 = posB
- cosA = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleA))
- sinA = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleA))
- cosB = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleB))
- sinB = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleB))
- cx, cy = get_intersection(x1, y1, cosA, sinA,
- x2, y2, cosB, sinB)
- vertices = [(x1, y1)]
- codes = [Path.MOVETO]
- if self.rad == 0.:
- vertices.append((cx, cy))
- codes.append(Path.LINETO)
- else:
- dx1, dy1 = x1 - cx, y1 - cy
- d1 = (dx1 ** 2 + dy1 ** 2) ** .5
- f1 = self.rad / d1
- dx2, dy2 = x2 - cx, y2 - cy
- d2 = (dx2 ** 2 + dy2 ** 2) ** .5
- f2 = self.rad / d2
- vertices.extend([(cx + dx1 * f1, cy + dy1 * f1),
- (cx, cy),
- (cx + dx2 * f2, cy + dy2 * f2)])
- codes.extend([Path.LINETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3])
- vertices.append((x2, y2))
- codes.append(Path.LINETO)
- return Path(vertices, codes)
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Arc(_Base):
- """
- Creates a piecewise continuous quadratic Bezier path between
- two points. The path can have two passing-through points, a
- point placed at the distance of armA and angle of angleA from
- point A, another point with respect to point B. The edges are
- rounded with *rad*.
- """
- def __init__(self, angleA=0, angleB=0, armA=None, armB=None, rad=0.):
- """
- *angleA* :
- starting angle of the path
- *angleB* :
- ending angle of the path
- *armA* :
- length of the starting arm
- *armB* :
- length of the ending arm
- *rad* :
- rounding radius of the edges
- """
- self.angleA = angleA
- self.angleB = angleB
- self.armA = armA
- self.armB = armB
- self.rad = rad
- def connect(self, posA, posB):
- x1, y1 = posA
- x2, y2 = posB
- vertices = [(x1, y1)]
- rounded = []
- codes = [Path.MOVETO]
- if self.armA:
- cosA = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleA))
- sinA = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleA))
- # x_armA, y_armB
- d = self.armA - self.rad
- rounded.append((x1 + d * cosA, y1 + d * sinA))
- d = self.armA
- rounded.append((x1 + d * cosA, y1 + d * sinA))
- if self.armB:
- cosB = math.cos(math.radians(self.angleB))
- sinB = math.sin(math.radians(self.angleB))
- x_armB, y_armB = x2 + self.armB * cosB, y2 + self.armB * sinB
- if rounded:
- xp, yp = rounded[-1]
- dx, dy = x_armB - xp, y_armB - yp
- dd = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5
- rounded.append((xp + self.rad * dx / dd,
- yp + self.rad * dy / dd))
- vertices.extend(rounded)
- codes.extend([Path.LINETO,
- Path.CURVE3,
- Path.CURVE3])
- else:
- xp, yp = vertices[-1]
- dx, dy = x_armB - xp, y_armB - yp
- dd = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5
- d = dd - self.rad
- rounded = [(xp + d * dx / dd, yp + d * dy / dd),
- (x_armB, y_armB)]
- if rounded:
- xp, yp = rounded[-1]
- dx, dy = x2 - xp, y2 - yp
- dd = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5
- rounded.append((xp + self.rad * dx / dd,
- yp + self.rad * dy / dd))
- vertices.extend(rounded)
- codes.extend([Path.LINETO,
- Path.CURVE3,
- Path.CURVE3])
- vertices.append((x2, y2))
- codes.append(Path.LINETO)
- return Path(vertices, codes)
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Bar(_Base):
- """
- A line with *angle* between A and B with *armA* and
- *armB*. One of the arms is extended so that they are connected in
- a right angle. The length of armA is determined by (*armA*
- + *fraction* x AB distance). Same for armB.
- """
- def __init__(self, armA=0., armB=0., fraction=0.3, angle=None):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- armA : float
- minimum length of armA
- armB : float
- minimum length of armB
- fraction : float
- a fraction of the distance between two points that
- will be added to armA and armB.
- angle : float or None
- angle of the connecting line (if None, parallel
- to A and B)
- """
- self.armA = armA
- self.armB = armB
- self.fraction = fraction
- self.angle = angle
- def connect(self, posA, posB):
- x1, y1 = posA
- x20, y20 = x2, y2 = posB
- theta1 = math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
- dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
- dd = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5
- ddx, ddy = dx / dd, dy / dd
- armA, armB = self.armA, self.armB
- if self.angle is not None:
- theta0 = np.deg2rad(self.angle)
- dtheta = theta1 - theta0
- dl = dd * math.sin(dtheta)
- dL = dd * math.cos(dtheta)
- x2, y2 = x1 + dL * math.cos(theta0), y1 + dL * math.sin(theta0)
- armB = armB - dl
- # update
- dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
- dd2 = (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5
- ddx, ddy = dx / dd2, dy / dd2
- else:
- dl = 0.
- arm = max(armA, armB)
- f = self.fraction * dd + arm
- cx1, cy1 = x1 + f * ddy, y1 - f * ddx
- cx2, cy2 = x2 + f * ddy, y2 - f * ddx
- vertices = [(x1, y1),
- (cx1, cy1),
- (cx2, cy2),
- (x20, y20)]
- codes = [Path.MOVETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO]
- return Path(vertices, codes)
- if __doc__:
- __doc__ = cbook.dedent(__doc__) % \
- {"AvailableConnectorstyles": _pprint_styles(_style_list)}
- def _point_along_a_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, d):
- """
- find a point along a line connecting (x0, y0) -- (x1, y1) whose
- distance from (x0, y0) is d.
- """
- dx, dy = x0 - x1, y0 - y1
- ff = d / (dx * dx + dy * dy) ** .5
- x2, y2 = x0 - ff * dx, y0 - ff * dy
- return x2, y2
- class ArrowStyle(_Style):
- """
- :class:`ArrowStyle` is a container class which defines several
- arrowstyle classes, which is used to create an arrow path along a
- given path. These are mainly used with :class:`FancyArrowPatch`.
- A arrowstyle object can be either created as::
- ArrowStyle.Fancy(head_length=.4, head_width=.4, tail_width=.4)
- or::
- ArrowStyle("Fancy", head_length=.4, head_width=.4, tail_width=.4)
- or::
- ArrowStyle("Fancy, head_length=.4, head_width=.4, tail_width=.4")
- The following classes are defined
- %(AvailableArrowstyles)s
- An instance of any arrow style class is a callable object,
- whose call signature is::
- __call__(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth, aspect_ratio=1.)
- and it returns a tuple of a :class:`Path` instance and a boolean
- value. *path* is a :class:`Path` instance along which the arrow
- will be drawn. *mutation_size* and *aspect_ratio* have the same
- meaning as in :class:`BoxStyle`. *linewidth* is a line width to be
- stroked. This is meant to be used to correct the location of the
- head so that it does not overshoot the destination point, but not all
- classes support it.
- """
- _style_list = {}
- class _Base(object):
- """
- Arrow Transmuter Base class
- ArrowTransmuterBase and its derivatives are used to make a fancy
- arrow around a given path. The __call__ method returns a path
- (which will be used to create a PathPatch instance) and a boolean
- value indicating the path is open therefore is not fillable. This
- class is not an artist and actual drawing of the fancy arrow is
- done by the FancyArrowPatch class.
- """
- # The derived classes are required to be able to be initialized
- # w/o arguments, i.e., all its argument (except self) must have
- # the default values.
- @staticmethod
- def ensure_quadratic_bezier(path):
- """
- Some ArrowStyle class only works with a simple quadratic Bezier
- curve (created with Arc3Connetion or Angle3Connector). This static
- method is to check if the provided path is a simple quadratic
- Bezier curve and returns its control points if true.
- """
- segments = list(path.iter_segments())
- if (len(segments) != 2 or segments[0][1] != Path.MOVETO or
- segments[1][1] != Path.CURVE3):
- raise ValueError(
- "'path' is not a valid quadratic Bezier curve")
- return [*segments[0][0], *segments[1][0]]
- def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth):
- """
- The transmute method is the very core of the ArrowStyle class and
- must be overridden in the subclasses. It receives the path object
- along which the arrow will be drawn, and the mutation_size, with
- which the arrow head etc. will be scaled. The linewidth may be
- used to adjust the path so that it does not pass beyond the given
- points. It returns a tuple of a Path instance and a boolean. The
- boolean value indicate whether the path can be filled or not. The
- return value can also be a list of paths and list of booleans of a
- same length.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def __call__(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth,
- aspect_ratio=1.):
- """
- The __call__ method is a thin wrapper around the transmute method
- and takes care of the aspect ratio.
- """
- path = make_path_regular(path)
- if aspect_ratio is not None:
- # Squeeze the given height by the aspect_ratio
- vertices, codes = path.vertices[:], path.codes[:]
- # Squeeze the height
- vertices[:, 1] = vertices[:, 1] / aspect_ratio
- path_shrunk = Path(vertices, codes)
- # call transmute method with squeezed height.
- path_mutated, fillable = self.transmute(path_shrunk,
- linewidth,
- mutation_size)
- if cbook.iterable(fillable):
- path_list = []
- for p in zip(path_mutated):
- v, c = p.vertices, p.codes
- # Restore the height
- v[:, 1] = v[:, 1] * aspect_ratio
- path_list.append(Path(v, c))
- return path_list, fillable
- else:
- return path_mutated, fillable
- else:
- return self.transmute(path, mutation_size, linewidth)
- class _Curve(_Base):
- """
- A simple arrow which will work with any path instance. The
- returned path is simply concatenation of the original path + at
- most two paths representing the arrow head at the begin point and the
- at the end point. The arrow heads can be either open or closed.
- """
- def __init__(self, beginarrow=None, endarrow=None,
- fillbegin=False, fillend=False,
- head_length=.2, head_width=.1):
- """
- The arrows are drawn if *beginarrow* and/or *endarrow* are
- true. *head_length* and *head_width* determines the size
- of the arrow relative to the *mutation scale*. The
- arrowhead at the begin (or end) is closed if fillbegin (or
- fillend) is True.
- """
- self.beginarrow, self.endarrow = beginarrow, endarrow
- self.head_length, self.head_width = head_length, head_width
- self.fillbegin, self.fillend = fillbegin, fillend
- super().__init__()
- def _get_arrow_wedge(self, x0, y0, x1, y1,
- head_dist, cos_t, sin_t, linewidth
- ):
- """
- Return the paths for arrow heads. Since arrow lines are
- drawn with capstyle=projected, The arrow goes beyond the
- desired point. This method also returns the amount of the path
- to be shrunken so that it does not overshoot.
- """
- # arrow from x0, y0 to x1, y1
- dx, dy = x0 - x1, y0 - y1
- cp_distance = np.hypot(dx, dy)
- # pad_projected : amount of pad to account the
- # overshooting of the projection of the wedge
- pad_projected = (.5 * linewidth / sin_t)
- # Account for division by zero
- if cp_distance == 0:
- cp_distance = 1
- # apply pad for projected edge
- ddx = pad_projected * dx / cp_distance
- ddy = pad_projected * dy / cp_distance
- # offset for arrow wedge
- dx = dx / cp_distance * head_dist
- dy = dy / cp_distance * head_dist
- dx1, dy1 = cos_t * dx + sin_t * dy, -sin_t * dx + cos_t * dy
- dx2, dy2 = cos_t * dx - sin_t * dy, sin_t * dx + cos_t * dy
- vertices_arrow = [(x1 + ddx + dx1, y1 + ddy + dy1),
- (x1 + ddx, y1 + ddy),
- (x1 + ddx + dx2, y1 + ddy + dy2)]
- codes_arrow = [Path.MOVETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO]
- return vertices_arrow, codes_arrow, ddx, ddy
- def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth):
- head_length = self.head_length * mutation_size
- head_width = self.head_width * mutation_size
- head_dist = math.sqrt(head_length ** 2 + head_width ** 2)
- cos_t, sin_t = head_length / head_dist, head_width / head_dist
- # begin arrow
- x0, y0 = path.vertices[0]
- x1, y1 = path.vertices[1]
- # If there is no room for an arrow and a line, then skip the arrow
- has_begin_arrow = self.beginarrow and not (x0 == x1 and y0 == y1)
- if has_begin_arrow:
- verticesA, codesA, ddxA, ddyA = \
- self._get_arrow_wedge(x1, y1, x0, y0,
- head_dist, cos_t, sin_t,
- linewidth)
- else:
- verticesA, codesA = [], []
- ddxA, ddyA = 0., 0.
- # end arrow
- x2, y2 = path.vertices[-2]
- x3, y3 = path.vertices[-1]
- # If there is no room for an arrow and a line, then skip the arrow
- has_end_arrow = (self.endarrow and not (x2 == x3 and y2 == y3))
- if has_end_arrow:
- verticesB, codesB, ddxB, ddyB = \
- self._get_arrow_wedge(x2, y2, x3, y3,
- head_dist, cos_t, sin_t,
- linewidth)
- else:
- verticesB, codesB = [], []
- ddxB, ddyB = 0., 0.
- # This simple code will not work if ddx, ddy is greater than the
- # separation between vertices.
- _path = [Path(np.concatenate([[(x0 + ddxA, y0 + ddyA)],
- path.vertices[1:-1],
- [(x3 + ddxB, y3 + ddyB)]]),
- path.codes)]
- _fillable = [False]
- if has_begin_arrow:
- if self.fillbegin:
- p = np.concatenate([verticesA, [verticesA[0],
- verticesA[0]], ])
- c = np.concatenate([codesA, [Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY]])
- _path.append(Path(p, c))
- _fillable.append(True)
- else:
- _path.append(Path(verticesA, codesA))
- _fillable.append(False)
- if has_end_arrow:
- if self.fillend:
- _fillable.append(True)
- p = np.concatenate([verticesB, [verticesB[0],
- verticesB[0]], ])
- c = np.concatenate([codesB, [Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY]])
- _path.append(Path(p, c))
- else:
- _fillable.append(False)
- _path.append(Path(verticesB, codesB))
- return _path, _fillable
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="-")
- class Curve(_Curve):
- """
- A simple curve without any arrow head.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__(beginarrow=False, endarrow=False)
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="<-")
- class CurveA(_Curve):
- """
- An arrow with a head at its begin point.
- """
- def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4
- Length of the arrow head
- head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Width of the arrow head
- """
- super().__init__(beginarrow=True, endarrow=False,
- head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width)
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="->")
- class CurveB(_Curve):
- """
- An arrow with a head at its end point.
- """
- def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4
- Length of the arrow head
- head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Width of the arrow head
- """
- super().__init__(beginarrow=False, endarrow=True,
- head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width)
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="<->")
- class CurveAB(_Curve):
- """
- An arrow with heads both at the begin and the end point.
- """
- def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4
- Length of the arrow head
- head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Width of the arrow head
- """
- super().__init__(beginarrow=True, endarrow=True,
- head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width)
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="<|-")
- class CurveFilledA(_Curve):
- """
- An arrow with filled triangle head at the begin.
- """
- def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4
- Length of the arrow head
- head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Width of the arrow head
- """
- super().__init__(beginarrow=True, endarrow=False,
- fillbegin=True, fillend=False,
- head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width)
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="-|>")
- class CurveFilledB(_Curve):
- """
- An arrow with filled triangle head at the end.
- """
- def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4
- Length of the arrow head
- head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Width of the arrow head
- """
- super().__init__(beginarrow=False, endarrow=True,
- fillbegin=False, fillend=True,
- head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width)
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="<|-|>")
- class CurveFilledAB(_Curve):
- """
- An arrow with filled triangle heads at both ends.
- """
- def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.2):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4
- Length of the arrow head
- head_width : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Width of the arrow head
- """
- super().__init__(beginarrow=True, endarrow=True,
- fillbegin=True, fillend=True,
- head_length=head_length, head_width=head_width)
- class _Bracket(_Base):
- def __init__(self, bracketA=None, bracketB=None,
- widthA=1., widthB=1.,
- lengthA=0.2, lengthB=0.2,
- angleA=None, angleB=None,
- scaleA=None, scaleB=None):
- self.bracketA, self.bracketB = bracketA, bracketB
- self.widthA, self.widthB = widthA, widthB
- self.lengthA, self.lengthB = lengthA, lengthB
- self.angleA, self.angleB = angleA, angleB
- self.scaleA, self.scaleB = scaleA, scaleB
- def _get_bracket(self, x0, y0,
- cos_t, sin_t, width, length):
- # arrow from x0, y0 to x1, y1
- from matplotlib.bezier import get_normal_points
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = get_normal_points(x0, y0, cos_t, sin_t, width)
- dx, dy = length * cos_t, length * sin_t
- vertices_arrow = [(x1 + dx, y1 + dy),
- (x1, y1),
- (x2, y2),
- (x2 + dx, y2 + dy)]
- codes_arrow = [Path.MOVETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO,
- Path.LINETO]
- return vertices_arrow, codes_arrow
- def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth):
- if self.scaleA is None:
- scaleA = mutation_size
- else:
- scaleA = self.scaleA
- if self.scaleB is None:
- scaleB = mutation_size
- else:
- scaleB = self.scaleB
- vertices_list, codes_list = [], []
- if self.bracketA:
- x0, y0 = path.vertices[0]
- x1, y1 = path.vertices[1]
- cos_t, sin_t = get_cos_sin(x1, y1, x0, y0)
- verticesA, codesA = self._get_bracket(x0, y0, cos_t, sin_t,
- self.widthA * scaleA,
- self.lengthA * scaleA)
- vertices_list.append(verticesA)
- codes_list.append(codesA)
- vertices_list.append(path.vertices)
- codes_list.append(path.codes)
- if self.bracketB:
- x0, y0 = path.vertices[-1]
- x1, y1 = path.vertices[-2]
- cos_t, sin_t = get_cos_sin(x1, y1, x0, y0)
- verticesB, codesB = self._get_bracket(x0, y0, cos_t, sin_t,
- self.widthB * scaleB,
- self.lengthB * scaleB)
- vertices_list.append(verticesB)
- codes_list.append(codesB)
- vertices = np.concatenate(vertices_list)
- codes = np.concatenate(codes_list)
- p = Path(vertices, codes)
- return p, False
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="]-[")
- class BracketAB(_Bracket):
- """
- An arrow with a bracket(]) at both ends.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- widthA=1., lengthA=0.2, angleA=None,
- widthB=1., lengthB=0.2, angleB=None):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- widthA : float, optional, default : 1.0
- Width of the bracket
- lengthA : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Length of the bracket
- angleA : float, optional, default : None
- Angle between the bracket and the line
- widthB : float, optional, default : 1.0
- Width of the bracket
- lengthB : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Length of the bracket
- angleB : float, optional, default : None
- Angle between the bracket and the line
- """
- super().__init__(True, True,
- widthA=widthA, lengthA=lengthA, angleA=angleA,
- widthB=widthB, lengthB=lengthB, angleB=angleB)
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="]-")
- class BracketA(_Bracket):
- """
- An arrow with a bracket(]) at its end.
- """
- def __init__(self, widthA=1., lengthA=0.2, angleA=None):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- widthA : float, optional, default : 1.0
- Width of the bracket
- lengthA : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Length of the bracket
- angleA : float, optional, default : None
- Angle between the bracket and the line
- """
- super().__init__(True, None,
- widthA=widthA, lengthA=lengthA, angleA=angleA)
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="-[")
- class BracketB(_Bracket):
- """
- An arrow with a bracket([) at its end.
- """
- def __init__(self, widthB=1., lengthB=0.2, angleB=None):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- widthB : float, optional, default : 1.0
- Width of the bracket
- lengthB : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Length of the bracket
- angleB : float, optional, default : None
- Angle between the bracket and the line
- """
- super().__init__(None, True,
- widthB=widthB, lengthB=lengthB, angleB=angleB)
- @_register_style(_style_list, name="|-|")
- class BarAB(_Bracket):
- """
- An arrow with a bar(|) at both ends.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- widthA=1., angleA=None,
- widthB=1., angleB=None):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- widthA : float, optional, default : 1.0
- Width of the bracket
- angleA : float, optional, default : None
- Angle between the bracket and the line
- widthB : float, optional, default : 1.0
- Width of the bracket
- angleB : float, optional, default : None
- Angle between the bracket and the line
- """
- super().__init__(True, True,
- widthA=widthA, lengthA=0, angleA=angleA,
- widthB=widthB, lengthB=0, angleB=angleB)
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Simple(_Base):
- """
- A simple arrow. Only works with a quadratic Bezier curve.
- """
- def __init__(self, head_length=.5, head_width=.5, tail_width=.2):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.5
- Length of the arrow head
- head_width : float, optional, default : 0.5
- Width of the arrow head
- tail_width : float, optional, default : 0.2
- Width of the arrow tail
- """
- self.head_length, self.head_width, self.tail_width = \
- head_length, head_width, tail_width
- super().__init__()
- def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth):
- x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.ensure_quadratic_bezier(path)
- # divide the path into a head and a tail
- head_length = self.head_length * mutation_size
- in_f = inside_circle(x2, y2, head_length)
- arrow_path = [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
- try:
- arrow_out, arrow_in = \
- split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath(arrow_path,
- in_f,
- tolerence=0.01)
- except NonIntersectingPathException:
- # if this happens, make a straight line of the head_length
- # long.
- x0, y0 = _point_along_a_line(x2, y2, x1, y1, head_length)
- x1n, y1n = 0.5 * (x0 + x2), 0.5 * (y0 + y2)
- arrow_in = [(x0, y0), (x1n, y1n), (x2, y2)]
- arrow_out = None
- # head
- head_width = self.head_width * mutation_size
- head_left, head_right = make_wedged_bezier2(arrow_in,
- head_width / 2., wm=.5)
- # tail
- if arrow_out is not None:
- tail_width = self.tail_width * mutation_size
- tail_left, tail_right = get_parallels(arrow_out,
- tail_width / 2.)
- patch_path = [(Path.MOVETO, tail_right[0]),
- (Path.CURVE3, tail_right[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, tail_right[2]),
- (Path.LINETO, head_right[0]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_right[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_right[2]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_left[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_left[0]),
- (Path.LINETO, tail_left[2]),
- (Path.CURVE3, tail_left[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, tail_left[0]),
- (Path.LINETO, tail_right[0]),
- (Path.CLOSEPOLY, tail_right[0]),
- ]
- else:
- patch_path = [(Path.MOVETO, head_right[0]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_right[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_right[2]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_left[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_left[0]),
- (Path.CLOSEPOLY, head_left[0]),
- ]
- path = Path([p for c, p in patch_path], [c for c, p in patch_path])
- return path, True
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Fancy(_Base):
- """
- A fancy arrow. Only works with a quadratic Bezier curve.
- """
- def __init__(self, head_length=.4, head_width=.4, tail_width=.4):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- head_length : float, optional, default : 0.4
- Length of the arrow head
- head_width : float, optional, default : 0.4
- Width of the arrow head
- tail_width : float, optional, default : 0.4
- Width of the arrow tail
- """
- self.head_length, self.head_width, self.tail_width = \
- head_length, head_width, tail_width
- super().__init__()
- def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth):
- x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.ensure_quadratic_bezier(path)
- # divide the path into a head and a tail
- head_length = self.head_length * mutation_size
- arrow_path = [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
- # path for head
- in_f = inside_circle(x2, y2, head_length)
- try:
- path_out, path_in = \
- split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath(
- arrow_path,
- in_f,
- tolerence=0.01)
- except NonIntersectingPathException:
- # if this happens, make a straight line of the head_length
- # long.
- x0, y0 = _point_along_a_line(x2, y2, x1, y1, head_length)
- x1n, y1n = 0.5 * (x0 + x2), 0.5 * (y0 + y2)
- arrow_path = [(x0, y0), (x1n, y1n), (x2, y2)]
- path_head = arrow_path
- else:
- path_head = path_in
- # path for head
- in_f = inside_circle(x2, y2, head_length * .8)
- path_out, path_in = split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath(
- arrow_path,
- in_f,
- tolerence=0.01
- )
- path_tail = path_out
- # head
- head_width = self.head_width * mutation_size
- head_l, head_r = make_wedged_bezier2(path_head,
- head_width / 2.,
- wm=.6)
- # tail
- tail_width = self.tail_width * mutation_size
- tail_left, tail_right = make_wedged_bezier2(path_tail,
- tail_width * .5,
- w1=1., wm=0.6, w2=0.3)
- # path for head
- in_f = inside_circle(x0, y0, tail_width * .3)
- path_in, path_out = split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath(
- arrow_path,
- in_f,
- tolerence=0.01
- )
- tail_start = path_in[-1]
- head_right, head_left = head_r, head_l
- patch_path = [(Path.MOVETO, tail_start),
- (Path.LINETO, tail_right[0]),
- (Path.CURVE3, tail_right[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, tail_right[2]),
- (Path.LINETO, head_right[0]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_right[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_right[2]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_left[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, head_left[0]),
- (Path.LINETO, tail_left[2]),
- (Path.CURVE3, tail_left[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, tail_left[0]),
- (Path.LINETO, tail_start),
- (Path.CLOSEPOLY, tail_start),
- ]
- path = Path([p for c, p in patch_path], [c for c, p in patch_path])
- return path, True
- @_register_style(_style_list)
- class Wedge(_Base):
- """
- Wedge(?) shape. Only works with a quadratic Bezier curve. The
- begin point has a width of the tail_width and the end point has a
- width of 0. At the middle, the width is shrink_factor*tail_width.
- """
- def __init__(self, tail_width=.3, shrink_factor=0.5):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- tail_width : float, optional, default : 0.3
- Width of the tail
- shrink_factor : float, optional, default : 0.5
- Fraction of the arrow width at the middle point
- """
- self.tail_width = tail_width
- self.shrink_factor = shrink_factor
- super().__init__()
- def transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth):
- x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.ensure_quadratic_bezier(path)
- arrow_path = [(x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)]
- b_plus, b_minus = make_wedged_bezier2(
- arrow_path,
- self.tail_width * mutation_size / 2.,
- wm=self.shrink_factor)
- patch_path = [(Path.MOVETO, b_plus[0]),
- (Path.CURVE3, b_plus[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, b_plus[2]),
- (Path.LINETO, b_minus[2]),
- (Path.CURVE3, b_minus[1]),
- (Path.CURVE3, b_minus[0]),
- (Path.CLOSEPOLY, b_minus[0]),
- ]
- path = Path([p for c, p in patch_path], [c for c, p in patch_path])
- return path, True
- if __doc__:
- __doc__ = cbook.dedent(__doc__) % \
- {"AvailableArrowstyles": _pprint_styles(_style_list)}
- docstring.interpd.update(
- AvailableArrowstyles=_pprint_styles(ArrowStyle._style_list),
- AvailableConnectorstyles=_pprint_styles(ConnectionStyle._style_list),
- )
- class FancyArrowPatch(Patch):
- """
- A fancy arrow patch. It draws an arrow using the :class:`ArrowStyle`.
- The head and tail positions are fixed at the specified start and end points
- of the arrow, but the size and shape (in display coordinates) of the arrow
- does not change when the axis is moved or zoomed.
- """
- _edge_default = True
- def __str__(self):
- if self._posA_posB is not None:
- (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = self._posA_posB
- return self.__class__.__name__ \
- + "((%g, %g)->(%g, %g))" % (x1, y1, x2, y2)
- else:
- return self.__class__.__name__ \
- + "(%s)" % (str(self._path_original),)
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, posA=None, posB=None,
- path=None,
- arrowstyle="simple",
- arrow_transmuter=None,
- connectionstyle="arc3",
- connector=None,
- patchA=None,
- patchB=None,
- shrinkA=2,
- shrinkB=2,
- mutation_scale=1,
- mutation_aspect=None,
- dpi_cor=1,
- **kwargs):
- """
- If *posA* and *posB* are given, a path connecting two points is
- created according to *connectionstyle*. The path will be
- clipped with *patchA* and *patchB* and further shrunken by
- *shrinkA* and *shrinkB*. An arrow is drawn along this
- resulting path using the *arrowstyle* parameter.
- Alternatively if *path* is provided, an arrow is drawn along this path
- and *patchA*, *patchB*, *shrinkA*, and *shrinkB* are ignored.
- Parameters
- ----------
- posA, posB : None, tuple, optional (default: None)
- (x,y) coordinates of arrow tail and arrow head respectively.
- path : None, Path (default: None)
- :class:`matplotlib.path.Path` instance. If provided, an arrow is
- drawn along this path and *patchA*, *patchB*, *shrinkA*, and
- *shrinkB* are ignored.
- arrowstyle : str or ArrowStyle, optional (default: 'simple')
- Describes how the fancy arrow will be
- drawn. It can be string of the available arrowstyle names,
- with optional comma-separated attributes, or an
- :class:`ArrowStyle` instance. The optional attributes are meant to
- be scaled with the *mutation_scale*. The following arrow styles are
- available:
- %(AvailableArrowstyles)s
- arrow_transmuter :
- Ignored
- connectionstyle : str, ConnectionStyle, or None, optional
- (default: 'arc3')
- Describes how *posA* and *posB* are connected. It can be an
- instance of the :class:`ConnectionStyle` class or a string of the
- connectionstyle name, with optional comma-separated attributes. The
- following connection styles are available:
- %(AvailableConnectorstyles)s
- connector :
- Ignored
- patchA, patchB : None, Patch, optional (default: None)
- Head and tail patch respectively. :class:`matplotlib.patch.Patch`
- instance.
- shrinkA, shrinkB : scalar, optional (default: 2)
- Shrinking factor of the tail and head of the arrow respectively
- mutation_scale : scalar, optional (default: 1)
- Value with which attributes of *arrowstyle* (e.g., *head_length*)
- will be scaled.
- mutation_aspect : None, scalar, optional (default: None)
- The height of the rectangle will be squeezed by this value before
- the mutation and the mutated box will be stretched by the inverse
- of it.
- dpi_cor : scalar, optional (default: 1)
- dpi_cor is currently used for linewidth-related things and shrink
- factor. Mutation scale is affected by this.
- Notes
- -----
- Valid kwargs are:
- %(Patch)s
- """
- if arrow_transmuter is not None:
- cbook.warn_deprecated(
- 3.0,
- message=('The "arrow_transmuter" keyword argument is not used,'
- ' and will be removed in Matplotlib 3.1'),
- name='arrow_transmuter',
- obj_type='keyword argument')
- if connector is not None:
- cbook.warn_deprecated(
- 3.0,
- message=('The "connector" keyword argument is not used,'
- ' and will be removed in Matplotlib 3.1'),
- name='connector',
- obj_type='keyword argument')
- Patch.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- if posA is not None and posB is not None and path is None:
- self._posA_posB = [posA, posB]
- if connectionstyle is None:
- connectionstyle = "arc3"
- self.set_connectionstyle(connectionstyle)
- elif posA is None and posB is None and path is not None:
- self._posA_posB = None
- self._connetors = None
- else:
- raise ValueError("either posA and posB, or path need to provided")
- self.patchA = patchA
- self.patchB = patchB
- self.shrinkA = shrinkA
- self.shrinkB = shrinkB
- self._path_original = path
- self.set_arrowstyle(arrowstyle)
- self._mutation_scale = mutation_scale
- self._mutation_aspect = mutation_aspect
- self.set_dpi_cor(dpi_cor)
- def set_dpi_cor(self, dpi_cor):
- """
- dpi_cor is currently used for linewidth-related things and
- shrink factor. Mutation scale is affected by this.
- Parameters
- ----------
- dpi_cor : scalar
- """
- self._dpi_cor = dpi_cor
- self.stale = True
- def get_dpi_cor(self):
- """
- dpi_cor is currently used for linewidth-related things and
- shrink factor. Mutation scale is affected by this.
- Returns
- -------
- dpi_cor : scalar
- """
- return self._dpi_cor
- def set_positions(self, posA, posB):
- """
- Set the begin and end positions of the connecting path.
- Parameters
- ----------
- posA, posB : None, tuple
- (x,y) coordinates of arrow tail and arrow head respectively. If
- `None` use current value.
- """
- if posA is not None:
- self._posA_posB[0] = posA
- if posB is not None:
- self._posA_posB[1] = posB
- self.stale = True
- def set_patchA(self, patchA):
- """
- Set the tail patch.
- Parameters
- ----------
- patchA : Patch
- :class:`matplotlib.patch.Patch` instance.
- """
- self.patchA = patchA
- self.stale = True
- def set_patchB(self, patchB):
- """
- Set the head patch.
- Parameters
- ----------
- patchB : Patch
- :class:`matplotlib.patch.Patch` instance.
- """
- self.patchB = patchB
- self.stale = True
- def set_connectionstyle(self, connectionstyle, **kw):
- """
- Set the connection style. Old attributes are forgotten.
- Parameters
- ----------
- connectionstyle : None, ConnectionStyle instance, or string
- Can be a string with connectionstyle name with
- optional comma-separated attributes, e.g.::
- set_connectionstyle("arc,angleA=0,armA=30,rad=10")
- Alternatively, the attributes can be provided as keywords, e.g.::
- set_connectionstyle("arc", angleA=0,armA=30,rad=10)
- Without any arguments (or with ``connectionstyle=None``), return
- available styles as a list of strings.
- """
- if connectionstyle is None:
- return ConnectionStyle.pprint_styles()
- if (isinstance(connectionstyle, ConnectionStyle._Base) or
- callable(connectionstyle)):
- self._connector = connectionstyle
- else:
- self._connector = ConnectionStyle(connectionstyle, **kw)
- self.stale = True
- def get_connectionstyle(self):
- """
- Return the :class:`ConnectionStyle` instance.
- """
- return self._connector
- def set_arrowstyle(self, arrowstyle=None, **kw):
- """
- Set the arrow style. Old attributes are forgotten. Without arguments
- (or with ``arrowstyle=None``) returns available box styles as a list of
- strings.
- Parameters
- ----------
- arrowstyle : None, ArrowStyle, str, optional (default: None)
- Can be a string with arrowstyle name with optional comma-separated
- attributes, e.g.::
- set_arrowstyle("Fancy,head_length=0.2")
- Alternatively attributes can be provided as keywords, e.g.::
- set_arrowstyle("fancy", head_length=0.2)
- """
- if arrowstyle is None:
- return ArrowStyle.pprint_styles()
- if isinstance(arrowstyle, ArrowStyle._Base):
- self._arrow_transmuter = arrowstyle
- else:
- self._arrow_transmuter = ArrowStyle(arrowstyle, **kw)
- self.stale = True
- def get_arrowstyle(self):
- """
- Return the arrowstyle object.
- """
- return self._arrow_transmuter
- def set_mutation_scale(self, scale):
- """
- Set the mutation scale.
- Parameters
- ----------
- scale : scalar
- """
- self._mutation_scale = scale
- self.stale = True
- def get_mutation_scale(self):
- """
- Return the mutation scale.
- Returns
- -------
- scale : scalar
- """
- return self._mutation_scale
- def set_mutation_aspect(self, aspect):
- """
- Set the aspect ratio of the bbox mutation.
- Parameters
- ----------
- aspect : scalar
- """
- self._mutation_aspect = aspect
- self.stale = True
- def get_mutation_aspect(self):
- """
- Return the aspect ratio of the bbox mutation.
- """
- return self._mutation_aspect
- def get_path(self):
- """
- Return the path of the arrow in the data coordinates. Use
- get_path_in_displaycoord() method to retrieve the arrow path
- in display coordinates.
- """
- _path, fillable = self.get_path_in_displaycoord()
- if cbook.iterable(fillable):
- _path = concatenate_paths(_path)
- return self.get_transform().inverted().transform_path(_path)
- def get_path_in_displaycoord(self):
- """
- Return the mutated path of the arrow in display coordinates.
- """
- dpi_cor = self.get_dpi_cor()
- if self._posA_posB is not None:
- posA = self.get_transform().transform_point(self._posA_posB[0])
- posB = self.get_transform().transform_point(self._posA_posB[1])
- _path = self.get_connectionstyle()(posA, posB,
- patchA=self.patchA,
- patchB=self.patchB,
- shrinkA=self.shrinkA * dpi_cor,
- shrinkB=self.shrinkB * dpi_cor
- )
- else:
- _path = self.get_transform().transform_path(self._path_original)
- _path, fillable = self.get_arrowstyle()(
- _path,
- self.get_mutation_scale() * dpi_cor,
- self.get_linewidth() * dpi_cor,
- self.get_mutation_aspect())
- # if not fillable:
- # self._fill = False
- return _path, fillable
- def draw(self, renderer):
- if not self.get_visible():
- return
- renderer.open_group('patch', self.get_gid())
- gc = renderer.new_gc()
- gc.set_foreground(self._edgecolor, isRGBA=True)
- lw = self._linewidth
- if self._edgecolor[3] == 0:
- lw = 0
- gc.set_linewidth(lw)
- gc.set_dashes(self._dashoffset, self._dashes)
- gc.set_antialiased(self._antialiased)
- self._set_gc_clip(gc)
- gc.set_capstyle('round')
- gc.set_snap(self.get_snap())
- rgbFace = self._facecolor
- if rgbFace[3] == 0:
- rgbFace = None # (some?) renderers expect this as no-fill signal
- gc.set_alpha(self._alpha)
- if self._hatch:
- gc.set_hatch(self._hatch)
- if self._hatch_color is not None:
- try:
- gc.set_hatch_color(self._hatch_color)
- except AttributeError:
- # if we end up with a GC that does not have this method
- warnings.warn("Your backend does not support setting the "
- "hatch color.")
- if self.get_sketch_params() is not None:
- gc.set_sketch_params(*self.get_sketch_params())
- # FIXME : dpi_cor is for the dpi-dependecy of the
- # linewidth. There could be room for improvement.
- #
- # dpi_cor = renderer.points_to_pixels(1.)
- self.set_dpi_cor(renderer.points_to_pixels(1.))
- path, fillable = self.get_path_in_displaycoord()
- if not cbook.iterable(fillable):
- path = [path]
- fillable = [fillable]
- affine = transforms.IdentityTransform()
- if self.get_path_effects():
- from matplotlib.patheffects import PathEffectRenderer
- renderer = PathEffectRenderer(self.get_path_effects(), renderer)
- for p, f in zip(path, fillable):
- if f:
- renderer.draw_path(gc, p, affine, rgbFace)
- else:
- renderer.draw_path(gc, p, affine, None)
- gc.restore()
- renderer.close_group('patch')
- self.stale = False
- class ConnectionPatch(FancyArrowPatch):
- """
- A :class:`~matplotlib.patches.ConnectionPatch` class is to make
- connecting lines between two points (possibly in different axes).
- """
- def __str__(self):
- return "ConnectionPatch((%g, %g), (%g, %g))" % \
- (self.xy1[0], self.xy1[1], self.xy2[0], self.xy2[1])
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def __init__(self, xyA, xyB, coordsA, coordsB=None,
- axesA=None, axesB=None,
- arrowstyle="-",
- arrow_transmuter=None,
- connectionstyle="arc3",
- connector=None,
- patchA=None,
- patchB=None,
- shrinkA=0.,
- shrinkB=0.,
- mutation_scale=10.,
- mutation_aspect=None,
- clip_on=False,
- dpi_cor=1.,
- **kwargs):
- """
- Connect point *xyA* in *coordsA* with point *xyB* in *coordsB*
- Valid keys are
- =============== ======================================================
- Key Description
- =============== ======================================================
- arrowstyle the arrow style
- connectionstyle the connection style
- relpos default is (0.5, 0.5)
- patchA default is bounding box of the text
- patchB default is None
- shrinkA default is 2 points
- shrinkB default is 2 points
- mutation_scale default is text size (in points)
- mutation_aspect default is 1.
- ? any key for :class:`matplotlib.patches.PathPatch`
- =============== ======================================================
- *coordsA* and *coordsB* are strings that indicate the
- coordinates of *xyA* and *xyB*.
- ================= ===================================================
- Property Description
- ================= ===================================================
- 'figure points' points from the lower left corner of the figure
- 'figure pixels' pixels from the lower left corner of the figure
- 'figure fraction' 0,0 is lower left of figure and 1,1 is upper, right
- 'axes points' points from lower left corner of axes
- 'axes pixels' pixels from lower left corner of axes
- 'axes fraction' 0,1 is lower left of axes and 1,1 is upper right
- 'data' use the coordinate system of the object being
- annotated (default)
- 'offset points' Specify an offset (in points) from the *xy* value
- 'polar' you can specify *theta*, *r* for the annotation,
- even in cartesian plots. Note that if you
- are using a polar axes, you do not need
- to specify polar for the coordinate
- system since that is the native "data" coordinate
- system.
- ================= ===================================================
- """
- if coordsB is None:
- coordsB = coordsA
- # we'll draw ourself after the artist we annotate by default
- self.xy1 = xyA
- self.xy2 = xyB
- self.coords1 = coordsA
- self.coords2 = coordsB
- self.axesA = axesA
- self.axesB = axesB
- FancyArrowPatch.__init__(self,
- posA=(0, 0), posB=(1, 1),
- arrowstyle=arrowstyle,
- arrow_transmuter=arrow_transmuter,
- connectionstyle=connectionstyle,
- connector=connector,
- patchA=patchA,
- patchB=patchB,
- shrinkA=shrinkA,
- shrinkB=shrinkB,
- mutation_scale=mutation_scale,
- mutation_aspect=mutation_aspect,
- clip_on=clip_on,
- dpi_cor=dpi_cor,
- **kwargs)
- # if True, draw annotation only if self.xy is inside the axes
- self._annotation_clip = None
- def _get_xy(self, x, y, s, axes=None):
- """
- calculate the pixel position of given point
- """
- if axes is None:
- axes = self.axes
- if s == 'data':
- trans = axes.transData
- x = float(self.convert_xunits(x))
- y = float(self.convert_yunits(y))
- return trans.transform_point((x, y))
- elif s == 'offset points':
- # convert the data point
- dx, dy = self.xy
- # prevent recursion
- if self.xycoords == 'offset points':
- return self._get_xy(dx, dy, 'data')
- dx, dy = self._get_xy(dx, dy, self.xycoords)
- # convert the offset
- dpi = self.figure.get_dpi()
- x *= dpi / 72.
- y *= dpi / 72.
- # add the offset to the data point
- x += dx
- y += dy
- return x, y
- elif s == 'polar':
- theta, r = x, y
- x = r * np.cos(theta)
- y = r * np.sin(theta)
- trans = axes.transData
- return trans.transform_point((x, y))
- elif s == 'figure points':
- # points from the lower left corner of the figure
- dpi = self.figure.dpi
- l, b, w, h = self.figure.bbox.bounds
- r = l + w
- t = b + h
- x *= dpi / 72.
- y *= dpi / 72.
- if x < 0:
- x = r + x
- if y < 0:
- y = t + y
- return x, y
- elif s == 'figure pixels':
- # pixels from the lower left corner of the figure
- l, b, w, h = self.figure.bbox.bounds
- r = l + w
- t = b + h
- if x < 0:
- x = r + x
- if y < 0:
- y = t + y
- return x, y
- elif s == 'figure fraction':
- # (0,0) is lower left, (1,1) is upper right of figure
- trans = self.figure.transFigure
- return trans.transform_point((x, y))
- elif s == 'axes points':
- # points from the lower left corner of the axes
- dpi = self.figure.dpi
- l, b, w, h = axes.bbox.bounds
- r = l + w
- t = b + h
- if x < 0:
- x = r + x * dpi / 72.
- else:
- x = l + x * dpi / 72.
- if y < 0:
- y = t + y * dpi / 72.
- else:
- y = b + y * dpi / 72.
- return x, y
- elif s == 'axes pixels':
- #pixels from the lower left corner of the axes
- l, b, w, h = axes.bbox.bounds
- r = l + w
- t = b + h
- if x < 0:
- x = r + x
- else:
- x = l + x
- if y < 0:
- y = t + y
- else:
- y = b + y
- return x, y
- elif s == 'axes fraction':
- #(0,0) is lower left, (1,1) is upper right of axes
- trans = axes.transAxes
- return trans.transform_point((x, y))
- def set_annotation_clip(self, b):
- """
- set *annotation_clip* attribute.
- * True: the annotation will only be drawn when self.xy is inside the
- axes.
- * False: the annotation will always be drawn regardless of its
- position.
- * None: the self.xy will be checked only if *xycoords* is "data"
- """
- self._annotation_clip = b
- self.stale = True
- def get_annotation_clip(self):
- """
- Return *annotation_clip* attribute.
- See :meth:`set_annotation_clip` for the meaning of return values.
- """
- return self._annotation_clip
- def get_path_in_displaycoord(self):
- """
- Return the mutated path of the arrow in the display coord
- """
- dpi_cor = self.get_dpi_cor()
- x, y = self.xy1
- posA = self._get_xy(x, y, self.coords1, self.axesA)
- x, y = self.xy2
- posB = self._get_xy(x, y, self.coords2, self.axesB)
- _path = self.get_connectionstyle()(posA, posB,
- patchA=self.patchA,
- patchB=self.patchB,
- shrinkA=self.shrinkA * dpi_cor,
- shrinkB=self.shrinkB * dpi_cor
- )
- _path, fillable = self.get_arrowstyle()(
- _path,
- self.get_mutation_scale() * dpi_cor,
- self.get_linewidth() * dpi_cor,
- self.get_mutation_aspect()
- )
- return _path, fillable
- def _check_xy(self, renderer):
- """Check whether the annotation needs to be drawn."""
- b = self.get_annotation_clip()
- if b or (b is None and self.coords1 == "data"):
- x, y = self.xy1
- xy_pixel = self._get_xy(x, y, self.coords1, self.axesA)
- if not self.axes.contains_point(xy_pixel):
- return False
- if b or (b is None and self.coords2 == "data"):
- x, y = self.xy2
- xy_pixel = self._get_xy(x, y, self.coords2, self.axesB)
- if self.axesB is None:
- axes = self.axes
- else:
- axes = self.axesB
- if not axes.contains_point(xy_pixel):
- return False
- return True
- def draw(self, renderer):
- if renderer is not None:
- self._renderer = renderer
- if not self.get_visible() or not self._check_xy(renderer):
- return
- FancyArrowPatch.draw(self, renderer)