- """
- The figure module provides the top-level
- :class:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist`, the :class:`Figure`, which
- contains all the plot elements. The following classes are defined
- :class:`SubplotParams`
- control the default spacing of the subplots
- :class:`Figure`
- Top level container for all plot elements.
- """
- import logging
- from numbers import Integral
- import warnings
- import numpy as np
- from matplotlib import rcParams
- from matplotlib import backends, docstring
- from matplotlib import __version__ as _mpl_version
- from matplotlib import get_backend
- import matplotlib.artist as martist
- from matplotlib.artist import Artist, allow_rasterization
- import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
- from matplotlib.cbook import Stack, iterable
- from matplotlib import image as mimage
- from matplotlib.image import FigureImage
- import matplotlib.colorbar as cbar
- from matplotlib.axes import Axes, SubplotBase, subplot_class_factory
- from matplotlib.blocking_input import BlockingMouseInput, BlockingKeyMouseInput
- from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
- import matplotlib.legend as mlegend
- from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
- from matplotlib.projections import (get_projection_names,
- process_projection_requirements)
- from matplotlib.text import Text, TextWithDash
- from matplotlib.transforms import (Affine2D, Bbox, BboxTransformTo,
- TransformedBbox)
- import matplotlib._layoutbox as layoutbox
- from matplotlib.backend_bases import NonGuiException
- _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- docstring.interpd.update(projection_names=get_projection_names())
- def _stale_figure_callback(self, val):
- if self.figure:
- self.figure.stale = val
- class AxesStack(Stack):
- """
- Specialization of the `.Stack` to handle all tracking of
- `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` in a `.Figure`.
- This stack stores ``key, (ind, axes)`` pairs, where:
- * **key** should be a hash of the args and kwargs
- used in generating the Axes.
- * **ind** is a serial number for tracking the order
- in which axes were added.
- The AxesStack is a callable, where ``ax_stack()`` returns
- the current axes. Alternatively the :meth:`current_key_axes` will
- return the current key and associated axes.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- Stack.__init__(self)
- self._ind = 0
- def as_list(self):
- """
- Return a list of the Axes instances that have been added to the figure.
- """
- ia_list = [a for k, a in self._elements]
- ia_list.sort()
- return [a for i, a in ia_list]
- def get(self, key):
- """
- Return the Axes instance that was added with *key*.
- If it is not present, return *None*.
- """
- item = dict(self._elements).get(key)
- if item is None:
- return None
- cbook.warn_deprecated(
- "2.1",
- "Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes "
- "currently reuses the earlier instance. In a future version, "
- "a new instance will always be created and returned. Meanwhile, "
- "this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, "
- "by passing a unique label to each axes instance.")
- return item[1]
- def _entry_from_axes(self, e):
- ind, k = {a: (ind, k) for k, (ind, a) in self._elements}[e]
- return (k, (ind, e))
- def remove(self, a):
- """Remove the axes from the stack."""
- Stack.remove(self, self._entry_from_axes(a))
- def bubble(self, a):
- """
- Move the given axes, which must already exist in the
- stack, to the top.
- """
- return Stack.bubble(self, self._entry_from_axes(a))
- def add(self, key, a):
- """
- Add Axes *a*, with key *key*, to the stack, and return the stack.
- If *key* is unhashable, replace it by a unique, arbitrary object.
- If *a* is already on the stack, don't add it again, but
- return *None*.
- """
- # All the error checking may be unnecessary; but this method
- # is called so seldom that the overhead is negligible.
- if not isinstance(a, Axes):
- raise ValueError("second argument, {!r}, is not an Axes".format(a))
- try:
- hash(key)
- except TypeError:
- key = object()
- a_existing = self.get(key)
- if a_existing is not None:
- Stack.remove(self, (key, a_existing))
- warnings.warn(
- "key {!r} already existed; Axes is being replaced".format(key))
- # I don't think the above should ever happen.
- if a in self:
- return None
- self._ind += 1
- return Stack.push(self, (key, (self._ind, a)))
- def current_key_axes(self):
- """
- Return a tuple of ``(key, axes)`` for the active axes.
- If no axes exists on the stack, then returns ``(None, None)``.
- """
- if not len(self._elements):
- return self._default, self._default
- else:
- key, (index, axes) = self._elements[self._pos]
- return key, axes
- def __call__(self):
- return self.current_key_axes()[1]
- def __contains__(self, a):
- return a in self.as_list()
- class SubplotParams(object):
- """
- A class to hold the parameters for a subplot.
- """
- def __init__(self, left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None,
- wspace=None, hspace=None):
- """
- All dimensions are fractions of the figure width or height.
- Defaults are given by :rc:`figure.subplot.[name]`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- left : float
- The left side of the subplots of the figure.
- right : float
- The right side of the subplots of the figure.
- bottom : float
- The bottom of the subplots of the figure.
- top : float
- The top of the subplots of the figure.
- wspace : float
- The amount of width reserved for space between subplots,
- expressed as a fraction of the average axis width.
- hspace : float
- The amount of height reserved for space between subplots,
- expressed as a fraction of the average axis height.
- """
- self.validate = True
- self.update(left, bottom, right, top, wspace, hspace)
- def update(self, left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None,
- wspace=None, hspace=None):
- """
- Update the dimensions of the passed parameters. *None* means unchanged.
- """
- thisleft = getattr(self, 'left', None)
- thisright = getattr(self, 'right', None)
- thistop = getattr(self, 'top', None)
- thisbottom = getattr(self, 'bottom', None)
- thiswspace = getattr(self, 'wspace', None)
- thishspace = getattr(self, 'hspace', None)
- self._update_this('left', left)
- self._update_this('right', right)
- self._update_this('bottom', bottom)
- self._update_this('top', top)
- self._update_this('wspace', wspace)
- self._update_this('hspace', hspace)
- def reset():
- self.left = thisleft
- self.right = thisright
- self.top = thistop
- self.bottom = thisbottom
- self.wspace = thiswspace
- self.hspace = thishspace
- if self.validate:
- if self.left >= self.right:
- reset()
- raise ValueError('left cannot be >= right')
- if self.bottom >= self.top:
- reset()
- raise ValueError('bottom cannot be >= top')
- def _update_this(self, s, val):
- if val is None:
- val = getattr(self, s, None)
- if val is None:
- key = 'figure.subplot.' + s
- val = rcParams[key]
- setattr(self, s, val)
- class Figure(Artist):
- """
- The top level container for all the plot elements.
- The Figure instance supports callbacks through a *callbacks* attribute
- which is a `.CallbackRegistry` instance. The events you can connect to
- are 'dpi_changed', and the callback will be called with ``func(fig)`` where
- fig is the `Figure` instance.
- Attributes
- ----------
- patch
- The `.Rectangle` instance representing the figure patch.
- suppressComposite
- For multiple figure images, the figure will make composite images
- depending on the renderer option_image_nocomposite function. If
- *suppressComposite* is a boolean, this will override the renderer.
- """
- def __str__(self):
- return "Figure(%gx%g)" % tuple(self.bbox.size)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<{clsname} size {h:g}x{w:g} with {naxes} Axes>".format(
- clsname=self.__class__.__name__,
- h=self.bbox.size[0], w=self.bbox.size[1],
- naxes=len(self.axes),
- )
- def __init__(self,
- figsize=None,
- dpi=None,
- facecolor=None,
- edgecolor=None,
- linewidth=0.0,
- frameon=None,
- subplotpars=None, # default to rc
- tight_layout=None, # default to rc figure.autolayout
- constrained_layout=None, # default to rc
- #figure.constrained_layout.use
- ):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- figsize : 2-tuple of floats, default: :rc:`figure.figsize`
- Figure dimension ``(width, height)`` in inches.
- dpi : float, default: :rc:`figure.dpi`
- Dots per inch.
- facecolor : default: :rc:`figure.facecolor`
- The figure patch facecolor.
- edgecolor : default: :rc:`figure.edgecolor`
- The figure patch edge color.
- linewidth : float
- The linewidth of the frame (i.e. the edge linewidth of the figure
- patch).
- frameon : bool, default: :rc:`figure.frameon`
- If ``False``, suppress drawing the figure frame.
- subplotpars : :class:`SubplotParams`
- Subplot parameters. If not given, the default subplot
- parameters :rc:`figure.subplot.*` are used.
- tight_layout : bool or dict, default: :rc:`figure.autolayout`
- If ``False`` use *subplotpars*. If ``True`` adjust subplot
- parameters using `.tight_layout` with default padding.
- When providing a dict containing the keys ``pad``, ``w_pad``,
- ``h_pad``, and ``rect``, the default `.tight_layout` paddings
- will be overridden.
- constrained_layout : bool
- If ``True`` use constrained layout to adjust positioning of plot
- elements. Like ``tight_layout``, but designed to be more
- flexible. See
- :doc:`/tutorials/intermediate/constrainedlayout_guide`
- for examples. (Note: does not work with :meth:`.subplot` or
- :meth:`.subplot2grid`.)
- Defaults to :rc:`figure.constrained_layout.use`.
- """
- Artist.__init__(self)
- # remove the non-figure artist _axes property
- # as it makes no sense for a figure to be _in_ an axes
- # this is used by the property methods in the artist base class
- # which are over-ridden in this class
- del self._axes
- self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry()
- if figsize is None:
- figsize = rcParams['figure.figsize']
- if dpi is None:
- dpi = rcParams['figure.dpi']
- if facecolor is None:
- facecolor = rcParams['figure.facecolor']
- if edgecolor is None:
- edgecolor = rcParams['figure.edgecolor']
- if frameon is None:
- frameon = rcParams['figure.frameon']
- if not np.isfinite(figsize).all():
- raise ValueError('figure size must be finite not '
- '{}'.format(figsize))
- self.bbox_inches = Bbox.from_bounds(0, 0, *figsize)
- self.dpi_scale_trans = Affine2D().scale(dpi, dpi)
- # do not use property as it will trigger
- self._dpi = dpi
- self.bbox = TransformedBbox(self.bbox_inches, self.dpi_scale_trans)
- self.frameon = frameon
- self.transFigure = BboxTransformTo(self.bbox)
- self.patch = Rectangle(
- xy=(0, 0), width=1, height=1,
- facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidth=linewidth)
- self._set_artist_props(self.patch)
- self.patch.set_aa(False)
- self.canvas = None
- self._suptitle = None
- if subplotpars is None:
- subplotpars = SubplotParams()
- self.subplotpars = subplotpars
- # constrained_layout:
- self._layoutbox = None
- # set in set_constrained_layout_pads()
- self.set_constrained_layout(constrained_layout)
- self.set_tight_layout(tight_layout)
- self._axstack = AxesStack() # track all figure axes and current axes
- self.clf()
- self._cachedRenderer = None
- # groupers to keep track of x and y labels we want to align.
- # see self.align_xlabels and self.align_ylabels and
- # axis._get_tick_boxes_siblings
- self._align_xlabel_grp = cbook.Grouper()
- self._align_ylabel_grp = cbook.Grouper()
- # list of child gridspecs for this figure
- self._gridspecs = []
- # TODO: I'd like to dynamically add the _repr_html_ method
- # to the figure in the right context, but then IPython doesn't
- # use it, for some reason.
- def _repr_html_(self):
- # We can't use "isinstance" here, because then we'd end up importing
- # webagg unconditiionally.
- if (self.canvas is not None and
- 'WebAgg' in self.canvas.__class__.__name__):
- from matplotlib.backends import backend_webagg
- return backend_webagg.ipython_inline_display(self)
- def show(self, warn=True):
- """
- If using a GUI backend with pyplot, display the figure window.
- If the figure was not created using
- :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.figure`, it will lack a
- :class:`~matplotlib.backend_bases.FigureManagerBase`, and
- will raise an AttributeError.
- Parameters
- ----------
- warn : bool
- If ``True`` and we are not running headless (i.e. on Linux with an
- unset DISPLAY), issue warning when called on a non-GUI backend.
- """
- try:
- manager = getattr(self.canvas, 'manager')
- except AttributeError as err:
- raise AttributeError("%s\n"
- "Figure.show works only "
- "for figures managed by pyplot, normally "
- "created by pyplot.figure()." % err)
- if manager is not None:
- try:
- manager.show()
- return
- except NonGuiException:
- pass
- if (backends._get_running_interactive_framework() != "headless"
- and warn):
- warnings.warn('Matplotlib is currently using %s, which is a '
- 'non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.'
- % get_backend())
- def _get_axes(self):
- return self._axstack.as_list()
- axes = property(fget=_get_axes,
- doc="List of axes in the Figure. You can access the "
- "axes in the Figure through this list. "
- "Do not modify the list itself. Instead, use "
- "`~Figure.add_axes`, `~.Figure.subplot` or "
- "`~.Figure.delaxes` to add or remove an axes.")
- def _get_dpi(self):
- return self._dpi
- def _set_dpi(self, dpi, forward=True):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- dpi : float
- forward : bool
- Passed on to `~.Figure.set_size_inches`
- """
- self._dpi = dpi
- self.dpi_scale_trans.clear().scale(dpi, dpi)
- w, h = self.get_size_inches()
- self.set_size_inches(w, h, forward=forward)
- self.callbacks.process('dpi_changed', self)
- dpi = property(_get_dpi, _set_dpi, doc="The resolution in dots per inch.")
- def get_tight_layout(self):
- """Return whether `.tight_layout` is called when drawing."""
- return self._tight
- def set_tight_layout(self, tight):
- """
- Set whether and how `.tight_layout` is called when drawing.
- Parameters
- ----------
- tight : bool or dict with keys "pad", "w_pad", "h_pad", "rect" or None
- If a bool, sets whether to call `.tight_layout` upon drawing.
- If ``None``, use the ``figure.autolayout`` rcparam instead.
- If a dict, pass it as kwargs to `.tight_layout`, overriding the
- default paddings.
- """
- if tight is None:
- tight = rcParams['figure.autolayout']
- self._tight = bool(tight)
- self._tight_parameters = tight if isinstance(tight, dict) else {}
- self.stale = True
- def get_constrained_layout(self):
- """
- Return a boolean: True means constrained layout is being used.
- See :doc:`/tutorials/intermediate/constrainedlayout_guide`.
- """
- return self._constrained
- def set_constrained_layout(self, constrained):
- """
- Set whether ``constrained_layout`` is used upon drawing. If None,
- the rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] value will be used.
- When providing a dict containing the keys `w_pad`, `h_pad`
- the default ``constrained_layout`` paddings will be
- overridden. These pads are in inches and default to 3.0/72.0.
- ``w_pad`` is the width padding and ``h_pad`` is the height padding.
- See :doc:`/tutorials/intermediate/constrainedlayout_guide`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- constrained : bool or dict or None
- """
- self._constrained_layout_pads = dict()
- self._constrained_layout_pads['w_pad'] = None
- self._constrained_layout_pads['h_pad'] = None
- self._constrained_layout_pads['wspace'] = None
- self._constrained_layout_pads['hspace'] = None
- if constrained is None:
- constrained = rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use']
- self._constrained = bool(constrained)
- if isinstance(constrained, dict):
- self.set_constrained_layout_pads(**constrained)
- else:
- self.set_constrained_layout_pads()
- self.stale = True
- def set_constrained_layout_pads(self, **kwargs):
- """
- Set padding for ``constrained_layout``. Note the kwargs can be passed
- as a dictionary ``fig.set_constrained_layout(**paddict)``.
- See :doc:`/tutorials/intermediate/constrainedlayout_guide`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- w_pad : scalar
- Width padding in inches. This is the pad around axes
- and is meant to make sure there is enough room for fonts to
- look good. Defaults to 3 pts = 0.04167 inches
- h_pad : scalar
- Height padding in inches. Defaults to 3 pts.
- wspace: scalar
- Width padding between subplots, expressed as a fraction of the
- subplot width. The total padding ends up being w_pad + wspace.
- hspace: scalar
- Height padding between subplots, expressed as a fraction of the
- subplot width. The total padding ends up being h_pad + hspace.
- """
- todo = ['w_pad', 'h_pad', 'wspace', 'hspace']
- for td in todo:
- if td in kwargs and kwargs[td] is not None:
- self._constrained_layout_pads[td] = kwargs[td]
- else:
- self._constrained_layout_pads[td] = (
- rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.' + td])
- def get_constrained_layout_pads(self, relative=False):
- """
- Get padding for ``constrained_layout``.
- Returns a list of `w_pad, h_pad` in inches and
- `wspace` and `hspace` as fractions of the subplot.
- See :doc:`/tutorials/intermediate/constrainedlayout_guide`.
- Parameters
- ----------
- relative : boolean
- If `True`, then convert from inches to figure relative.
- """
- w_pad = self._constrained_layout_pads['w_pad']
- h_pad = self._constrained_layout_pads['h_pad']
- wspace = self._constrained_layout_pads['wspace']
- hspace = self._constrained_layout_pads['hspace']
- if relative and ((w_pad is not None) or (h_pad is not None)):
- renderer0 = layoutbox.get_renderer(self)
- dpi = renderer0.dpi
- w_pad = w_pad * dpi / renderer0.width
- h_pad = h_pad * dpi / renderer0.height
- return w_pad, h_pad, wspace, hspace
- def autofmt_xdate(self, bottom=0.2, rotation=30, ha='right', which=None):
- """
- Date ticklabels often overlap, so it is useful to rotate them
- and right align them. Also, a common use case is a number of
- subplots with shared xaxes where the x-axis is date data. The
- ticklabels are often long, and it helps to rotate them on the
- bottom subplot and turn them off on other subplots, as well as
- turn off xlabels.
- Parameters
- ----------
- bottom : scalar
- The bottom of the subplots for :meth:`subplots_adjust`.
- rotation : angle in degrees
- The rotation of the xtick labels.
- ha : string
- The horizontal alignment of the xticklabels.
- which : {None, 'major', 'minor', 'both'}
- Selects which ticklabels to rotate. Default is None which works
- the same as major.
- """
- allsubplots = all(hasattr(ax, 'is_last_row') for ax in self.axes)
- if len(self.axes) == 1:
- for label in self.axes[0].get_xticklabels(which=which):
- label.set_ha(ha)
- label.set_rotation(rotation)
- else:
- if allsubplots:
- for ax in self.get_axes():
- if ax.is_last_row():
- for label in ax.get_xticklabels(which=which):
- label.set_ha(ha)
- label.set_rotation(rotation)
- else:
- for label in ax.get_xticklabels(which=which):
- label.set_visible(False)
- ax.set_xlabel('')
- if allsubplots:
- self.subplots_adjust(bottom=bottom)
- self.stale = True
- def get_children(self):
- """Get a list of artists contained in the figure."""
- children = [self.patch]
- children.extend(self.artists)
- children.extend(self.axes)
- children.extend(self.lines)
- children.extend(self.patches)
- children.extend(self.texts)
- children.extend(self.images)
- children.extend(self.legends)
- return children
- def contains(self, mouseevent):
- """
- Test whether the mouse event occurred on the figure.
- Returns
- -------
- bool, {}
- """
- if callable(self._contains):
- return self._contains(self, mouseevent)
- inside = self.bbox.contains(mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y)
- return inside, {}
- def get_window_extent(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Return the figure bounding box in display space. Arguments are ignored.
- """
- return self.bbox
- def suptitle(self, t, **kwargs):
- """
- Add a centered title to the figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- t : str
- The title text.
- x : float, default 0.5
- The x location of the text in figure coordinates.
- y : float, default 0.98
- The y location of the text in figure coordinates.
- horizontalalignment, ha : {'center', 'left', right'}, default: 'center'
- The horizontal alignment of the text relative to (*x*, *y*).
- verticalalignment, va : {'top', 'center', 'bottom', 'baseline'}, \
- default: 'top'
- The vertical alignment of the text relative to (*x*, *y*).
- fontsize, size : default: :rc:`figure.titlesize`
- The font size of the text. See `.Text.set_size` for possible
- values.
- fontweight, weight : default: :rc:`figure.titleweight`
- The font weight of the text. See `.Text.set_weight` for possible
- values.
- Returns
- -------
- text
- The `.Text` instance of the title.
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- fontproperties : None or dict, optional
- A dict of font properties. If *fontproperties* is given the
- default values for font size and weight are taken from the
- `FontProperties` defaults. :rc:`figure.titlesize` and
- :rc:`figure.titleweight` are ignored in this case.
- **kwargs
- Additional kwargs are :class:`matplotlib.text.Text` properties.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> fig.suptitle('This is the figure title', fontsize=12)
- """
- manual_position = ('x' in kwargs or 'y' in kwargs)
- x = kwargs.pop('x', 0.5)
- y = kwargs.pop('y', 0.98)
- if 'horizontalalignment' not in kwargs and 'ha' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['horizontalalignment'] = 'center'
- if 'verticalalignment' not in kwargs and 'va' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['verticalalignment'] = 'top'
- if 'fontproperties' not in kwargs:
- if 'fontsize' not in kwargs and 'size' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['size'] = rcParams['figure.titlesize']
- if 'fontweight' not in kwargs and 'weight' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['weight'] = rcParams['figure.titleweight']
- sup = self.text(x, y, t, **kwargs)
- if self._suptitle is not None:
- self._suptitle.set_text(t)
- self._suptitle.set_position((x, y))
- self._suptitle.update_from(sup)
- sup.remove()
- else:
- self._suptitle = sup
- self._suptitle._layoutbox = None
- if self._layoutbox is not None and not manual_position:
- w_pad, h_pad, wspace, hspace = \
- self.get_constrained_layout_pads(relative=True)
- figlb = self._layoutbox
- self._suptitle._layoutbox = layoutbox.LayoutBox(
- parent=figlb, artist=self._suptitle,
- name=figlb.name+'.suptitle')
- # stack the suptitle on top of all the children.
- # Some day this should be on top of all the children in the
- # gridspec only.
- for child in figlb.children:
- if child is not self._suptitle._layoutbox:
- layoutbox.vstack([self._suptitle._layoutbox,
- child],
- padding=h_pad*2., strength='required')
- self.stale = True
- return self._suptitle
- def set_canvas(self, canvas):
- """
- Set the canvas that contains the figure
- Parameters
- ----------
- canvas : FigureCanvas
- """
- self.canvas = canvas
- def figimage(self, X, xo=0, yo=0, alpha=None, norm=None, cmap=None,
- vmin=None, vmax=None, origin=None, resize=False, **kwargs):
- """
- Add a non-resampled image to the figure.
- The image is attached to the lower or upper left corner depending on
- *origin*.
- Parameters
- ----------
- X
- The image data. This is an array of one of the following shapes:
- - MxN: luminance (grayscale) values
- - MxNx3: RGB values
- - MxNx4: RGBA values
- xo, yo : int
- The *x*/*y* image offset in pixels.
- alpha : None or float
- The alpha blending value.
- norm : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize`
- A :class:`.Normalize` instance to map the luminance to the
- interval [0, 1].
- cmap : str or :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`
- The colormap to use. Default: :rc:`image.cmap`.
- vmin, vmax : scalar
- If *norm* is not given, these values set the data limits for the
- colormap.
- origin : {'upper', 'lower'}
- Indicates where the [0, 0] index of the array is in the upper left
- or lower left corner of the axes. Defaults to :rc:`image.origin`.
- resize : bool
- If *True*, resize the figure to match the given image size.
- Returns
- -------
- :class:`matplotlib.image.FigureImage`
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- **kwargs
- Additional kwargs are `.Artist` kwargs passed on to `.FigureImage`.
- Notes
- -----
- figimage complements the axes image
- (:meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`) which will be resampled
- to fit the current axes. If you want a resampled image to
- fill the entire figure, you can define an
- :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` with extent [0,0,1,1].
- Examples::
- f = plt.figure()
- nx = int(f.get_figwidth() * f.dpi)
- ny = int(f.get_figheight() * f.dpi)
- data = np.random.random((ny, nx))
- f.figimage(data)
- plt.show()
- """
- if resize:
- dpi = self.get_dpi()
- figsize = [x / dpi for x in (X.shape[1], X.shape[0])]
- self.set_size_inches(figsize, forward=True)
- im = FigureImage(self, cmap, norm, xo, yo, origin, **kwargs)
- im.stale_callback = _stale_figure_callback
- im.set_array(X)
- im.set_alpha(alpha)
- if norm is None:
- im.set_clim(vmin, vmax)
- self.images.append(im)
- im._remove_method = self.images.remove
- self.stale = True
- return im
- def set_size_inches(self, w, h=None, forward=True):
- """Set the figure size in inches.
- Call signatures::
- fig.set_size_inches(w, h) # OR
- fig.set_size_inches((w, h))
- optional kwarg *forward=True* will cause the canvas size to be
- automatically updated; e.g., you can resize the figure window
- from the shell
- ACCEPTS: a (w, h) tuple with w, h in inches
- See Also
- --------
- matplotlib.Figure.get_size_inches
- """
- # the width and height have been passed in as a tuple to the first
- # argument, so unpack them
- if h is None:
- w, h = w
- if not all(np.isfinite(_) for _ in (w, h)):
- raise ValueError('figure size must be finite not '
- '({}, {})'.format(w, h))
- self.bbox_inches.p1 = w, h
- if forward:
- canvas = getattr(self, 'canvas')
- if canvas is not None:
- ratio = getattr(self.canvas, '_dpi_ratio', 1)
- dpival = self.dpi / ratio
- canvasw = w * dpival
- canvash = h * dpival
- manager = getattr(self.canvas, 'manager', None)
- if manager is not None:
- manager.resize(int(canvasw), int(canvash))
- self.stale = True
- def get_size_inches(self):
- """
- Returns the current size of the figure in inches.
- Returns
- -------
- size : ndarray
- The size (width, height) of the figure in inches.
- See Also
- --------
- matplotlib.Figure.set_size_inches
- """
- return np.array(self.bbox_inches.p1)
- def get_edgecolor(self):
- """Get the edge color of the Figure rectangle."""
- return self.patch.get_edgecolor()
- def get_facecolor(self):
- """Get the face color of the Figure rectangle."""
- return self.patch.get_facecolor()
- def get_figwidth(self):
- """Return the figure width as a float."""
- return self.bbox_inches.width
- def get_figheight(self):
- """Return the figure height as a float."""
- return self.bbox_inches.height
- def get_dpi(self):
- """Return the resolution in dots per inch as a float."""
- return self.dpi
- def get_frameon(self):
- """Return whether the figure frame will be drawn."""
- return self.frameon
- def set_edgecolor(self, color):
- """
- Set the edge color of the Figure rectangle.
- Parameters
- ----------
- color : color
- """
- self.patch.set_edgecolor(color)
- def set_facecolor(self, color):
- """
- Set the face color of the Figure rectangle.
- Parameters
- ----------
- color : color
- """
- self.patch.set_facecolor(color)
- def set_dpi(self, val):
- """
- Set the resolution of the figure in dots-per-inch.
- Parameters
- ----------
- val : float
- """
- self.dpi = val
- self.stale = True
- def set_figwidth(self, val, forward=True):
- """
- Set the width of the figure in inches.
- .. ACCEPTS: float
- """
- self.set_size_inches(val, self.get_figheight(), forward=forward)
- def set_figheight(self, val, forward=True):
- """
- Set the height of the figure in inches.
- .. ACCEPTS: float
- """
- self.set_size_inches(self.get_figwidth(), val, forward=forward)
- def set_frameon(self, b):
- """
- Set whether the figure frame (background) is displayed or invisible.
- Parameters
- ----------
- b : bool
- """
- self.frameon = b
- self.stale = True
- def delaxes(self, ax):
- """
- Remove the `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` *ax* from the figure and update the
- current axes.
- """
- self._axstack.remove(ax)
- for func in self._axobservers:
- func(self)
- self.stale = True
- def _make_key(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Make a hashable key out of args and kwargs."""
- def fixitems(items):
- # items may have arrays and lists in them, so convert them
- # to tuples for the key
- ret = []
- for k, v in items:
- # some objects can define __getitem__ without being
- # iterable and in those cases the conversion to tuples
- # will fail. So instead of using the iterable(v) function
- # we simply try and convert to a tuple, and proceed if not.
- try:
- v = tuple(v)
- except Exception:
- pass
- ret.append((k, v))
- return tuple(ret)
- def fixlist(args):
- ret = []
- for a in args:
- if iterable(a):
- a = tuple(a)
- ret.append(a)
- return tuple(ret)
- key = fixlist(args), fixitems(kwargs.items())
- return key
- def add_artist(self, artist, clip=False):
- """
- Add any :class:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist` to the figure.
- Usually artists are added to axes objects using
- :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.add_artist`, but use this method in the
- rare cases that adding directly to the figure is necessary.
- Parameters
- ----------
- artist : `~matplotlib.artist.Artist`
- The artist to add to the figure. If the added artist has no
- transform previously set, its transform will be set to
- ``figure.transFigure``.
- clip : bool, optional, default ``False``
- An optional parameter ``clip`` determines whether the added artist
- should be clipped by the figure patch. Default is *False*,
- i.e. no clipping.
- Returns
- -------
- artist : The added `~matplotlib.artist.Artist`
- """
- artist.set_figure(self)
- self.artists.append(artist)
- artist._remove_method = self.artists.remove
- if not artist.is_transform_set():
- artist.set_transform(self.transFigure)
- if clip:
- artist.set_clip_path(self.patch)
- self.stale = True
- return artist
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def add_axes(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Add an axes to the figure.
- Call signatures::
- add_axes(rect, projection=None, polar=False, **kwargs)
- add_axes(ax)
- Parameters
- ----------
- rect : sequence of float
- The dimensions [left, bottom, width, height] of the new axes. All
- quantities are in fractions of figure width and height.
- projection : {None, 'aitoff', 'hammer', 'lambert', 'mollweide', \
- 'polar', 'rectilinear', str}, optional
- The projection type of the `~.axes.Axes`. *str* is the name of
- a custom projection, see `~matplotlib.projections`. The default
- None results in a 'rectilinear' projection.
- polar : boolean, optional
- If True, equivalent to projection='polar'.
- sharex, sharey : `~.axes.Axes`, optional
- Share the x or y `~matplotlib.axis` with sharex and/or sharey.
- The axis will have the same limits, ticks, and scale as the axis
- of the shared axes.
- label : str
- A label for the returned axes.
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- **kwargs
- This method also takes the keyword arguments for
- the returned axes class. The keyword arguments for the
- rectilinear axes class `~.axes.Axes` can be found in
- the following table but there might also be other keyword
- arguments if another projection is used, see the actual axes
- class.
- %(Axes)s
- Returns
- -------
- axes : `~.axes.Axes` (or a subclass of `~.axes.Axes`)
- The returned axes class depends on the projection used. It is
- `~.axes.Axes` if rectilinear projection are used and
- `.projections.polar.PolarAxes` if polar projection
- are used.
- Notes
- -----
- If the figure already has an axes with key (*args*,
- *kwargs*) then it will simply make that axes current and
- return it. This behavior is deprecated. Meanwhile, if you do
- not want this behavior (i.e., you want to force the creation of a
- new axes), you must use a unique set of args and kwargs. The axes
- *label* attribute has been exposed for this purpose: if you want
- two axes that are otherwise identical to be added to the figure,
- make sure you give them unique labels.
- In rare circumstances, `.add_axes` may be called with a single
- argument, a axes instance already created in the present figure but
- not in the figure's list of axes.
- See Also
- --------
- .Figure.add_subplot
- .pyplot.subplot
- .pyplot.axes
- .Figure.subplots
- .pyplot.subplots
- Examples
- --------
- Some simple examples::
- rect = l, b, w, h
- fig = plt.figure(1)
- fig.add_axes(rect,label=label1)
- fig.add_axes(rect,label=label2)
- fig.add_axes(rect, frameon=False, facecolor='g')
- fig.add_axes(rect, polar=True)
- ax=fig.add_axes(rect, projection='polar')
- fig.delaxes(ax)
- fig.add_axes(ax)
- """
- if not len(args):
- return
- # shortcut the projection "key" modifications later on, if an axes
- # with the exact args/kwargs exists, return it immediately.
- key = self._make_key(*args, **kwargs)
- ax = self._axstack.get(key)
- if ax is not None:
- self.sca(ax)
- return ax
- if isinstance(args[0], Axes):
- a = args[0]
- if a.get_figure() is not self:
- raise ValueError(
- "The Axes must have been created in the present figure")
- else:
- rect = args[0]
- if not np.isfinite(rect).all():
- raise ValueError('all entries in rect must be finite '
- 'not {}'.format(rect))
- projection_class, kwargs, key = process_projection_requirements(
- self, *args, **kwargs)
- # check that an axes of this type doesn't already exist, if it
- # does, set it as active and return it
- ax = self._axstack.get(key)
- if isinstance(ax, projection_class):
- self.sca(ax)
- return ax
- # create the new axes using the axes class given
- a = projection_class(self, rect, **kwargs)
- self._axstack.add(key, a)
- self.sca(a)
- a._remove_method = self._remove_ax
- self.stale = True
- a.stale_callback = _stale_figure_callback
- return a
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def add_subplot(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Add an `~.axes.Axes` to the figure as part of a subplot arrangement.
- Call signatures::
- add_subplot(nrows, ncols, index, **kwargs)
- add_subplot(pos, **kwargs)
- add_subplot(ax)
- Parameters
- ----------
- *args
- Either a 3-digit integer or three separate integers
- describing the position of the subplot. If the three
- integers are *nrows*, *ncols*, and *index* in order, the
- subplot will take the *index* position on a grid with *nrows*
- rows and *ncols* columns. *index* starts at 1 in the upper left
- corner and increases to the right.
- *pos* is a three digit integer, where the first digit is the
- number of rows, the second the number of columns, and the third
- the index of the subplot. i.e. fig.add_subplot(235) is the same as
- fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 5). Note that all integers must be less than
- 10 for this form to work.
- projection : {None, 'aitoff', 'hammer', 'lambert', 'mollweide', \
- 'polar', 'rectilinear', str}, optional
- The projection type of the subplot (`~.axes.Axes`). *str* is the
- name of a custom projection, see `~matplotlib.projections`. The
- default None results in a 'rectilinear' projection.
- polar : boolean, optional
- If True, equivalent to projection='polar'.
- sharex, sharey : `~.axes.Axes`, optional
- Share the x or y `~matplotlib.axis` with sharex and/or sharey.
- The axis will have the same limits, ticks, and scale as the axis
- of the shared axes.
- label : str
- A label for the returned axes.
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- **kwargs
- This method also takes the keyword arguments for
- the returned axes base class. The keyword arguments for the
- rectilinear base class `~.axes.Axes` can be found in
- the following table but there might also be other keyword
- arguments if another projection is used.
- %(Axes)s
- Returns
- -------
- axes : an `.axes.SubplotBase` subclass of `~.axes.Axes` (or a \
- subclass of `~.axes.Axes`)
- The axes of the subplot. The returned axes base class depends on
- the projection used. It is `~.axes.Axes` if rectilinear projection
- are used and `.projections.polar.PolarAxes` if polar projection
- are used. The returned axes is then a subplot subclass of the
- base class.
- Notes
- -----
- If the figure already has a subplot with key (*args*,
- *kwargs*) then it will simply make that subplot current and
- return it. This behavior is deprecated. Meanwhile, if you do
- not want this behavior (i.e., you want to force the creation of a
- new suplot), you must use a unique set of args and kwargs. The axes
- *label* attribute has been exposed for this purpose: if you want
- two subplots that are otherwise identical to be added to the figure,
- make sure you give them unique labels.
- In rare circumstances, `.add_subplot` may be called with a single
- argument, a subplot axes instance already created in the
- present figure but not in the figure's list of axes.
- See Also
- --------
- .Figure.add_axes
- .pyplot.subplot
- .pyplot.axes
- .Figure.subplots
- .pyplot.subplots
- Examples
- --------
- ::
- fig=plt.figure(1)
- fig.add_subplot(221)
- # equivalent but more general
- ax1=fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1)
- # add a subplot with no frame
- ax2=fig.add_subplot(222, frameon=False)
- # add a polar subplot
- fig.add_subplot(223, projection='polar')
- # add a red subplot that share the x-axis with ax1
- fig.add_subplot(224, sharex=ax1, facecolor='red')
- #delete x2 from the figure
- fig.delaxes(ax2)
- #add x2 to the figure again
- fig.add_subplot(ax2)
- """
- if not len(args):
- return
- if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Integral):
- if not 100 <= args[0] <= 999:
- raise ValueError("Integer subplot specification must be a "
- "three-digit number, not {}".format(args[0]))
- args = tuple(map(int, str(args[0])))
- if isinstance(args[0], SubplotBase):
- a = args[0]
- if a.get_figure() is not self:
- raise ValueError(
- "The Subplot must have been created in the present figure")
- # make a key for the subplot (which includes the axes object id
- # in the hash)
- key = self._make_key(*args, **kwargs)
- else:
- projection_class, kwargs, key = process_projection_requirements(
- self, *args, **kwargs)
- # try to find the axes with this key in the stack
- ax = self._axstack.get(key)
- if ax is not None:
- if isinstance(ax, projection_class):
- # the axes already existed, so set it as active & return
- self.sca(ax)
- return ax
- else:
- # Undocumented convenience behavior:
- # subplot(111); subplot(111, projection='polar')
- # will replace the first with the second.
- # Without this, add_subplot would be simpler and
- # more similar to add_axes.
- self._axstack.remove(ax)
- a = subplot_class_factory(projection_class)(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self._axstack.add(key, a)
- self.sca(a)
- a._remove_method = self._remove_ax
- self.stale = True
- a.stale_callback = _stale_figure_callback
- return a
- def subplots(self, nrows=1, ncols=1, sharex=False, sharey=False,
- squeeze=True, subplot_kw=None, gridspec_kw=None):
- """
- Add a set of subplots to this figure.
- This utility wrapper makes it convenient to create common layouts of
- subplots in a single call.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nrows, ncols : int, optional, default: 1
- Number of rows/columns of the subplot grid.
- sharex, sharey : bool or {'none', 'all', 'row', 'col'}, default: False
- Controls sharing of properties among x (`sharex`) or y (`sharey`)
- axes:
- - True or 'all': x- or y-axis will be shared among all
- subplots.
- - False or 'none': each subplot x- or y-axis will be
- independent.
- - 'row': each subplot row will share an x- or y-axis.
- - 'col': each subplot column will share an x- or y-axis.
- When subplots have a shared x-axis along a column, only the x tick
- labels of the bottom subplot are created. Similarly, when subplots
- have a shared y-axis along a row, only the y tick labels of the
- first column subplot are created. To later turn other subplots'
- ticklabels on, use `~matplotlib.axes.Axes.tick_params`.
- squeeze : bool, optional, default: True
- - If True, extra dimensions are squeezed out from the returned
- array of Axes:
- - if only one subplot is constructed (nrows=ncols=1), the
- resulting single Axes object is returned as a scalar.
- - for Nx1 or 1xM subplots, the returned object is a 1D numpy
- object array of Axes objects.
- - for NxM, subplots with N>1 and M>1 are returned
- as a 2D array.
- - If False, no squeezing at all is done: the returned Axes object
- is always a 2D array containing Axes instances, even if it ends
- up being 1x1.
- subplot_kw : dict, optional
- Dict with keywords passed to the
- :meth:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure.add_subplot` call used to create
- each subplot.
- gridspec_kw : dict, optional
- Dict with keywords passed to the
- `~matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec` constructor used to create
- the grid the subplots are placed on.
- Returns
- -------
- ax : `~.axes.Axes` object or array of Axes objects.
- *ax* can be either a single `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object or
- an array of Axes objects if more than one subplot was created. The
- dimensions of the resulting array can be controlled with the
- squeeze keyword, see above.
- Examples
- --------
- ::
- # First create some toy data:
- x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 400)
- y = np.sin(x**2)
- # Create a figure
- plt.figure(1, clear=True)
- # Creates a subplot
- ax = fig.subplots()
- ax.plot(x, y)
- ax.set_title('Simple plot')
- # Creates two subplots and unpacks the output array immediately
- ax1, ax2 = fig.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True)
- ax1.plot(x, y)
- ax1.set_title('Sharing Y axis')
- ax2.scatter(x, y)
- # Creates four polar axes, and accesses them through the
- # returned array
- axes = fig.subplots(2, 2, subplot_kw=dict(polar=True))
- axes[0, 0].plot(x, y)
- axes[1, 1].scatter(x, y)
- # Share a X axis with each column of subplots
- fig.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col')
- # Share a Y axis with each row of subplots
- fig.subplots(2, 2, sharey='row')
- # Share both X and Y axes with all subplots
- fig.subplots(2, 2, sharex='all', sharey='all')
- # Note that this is the same as
- fig.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)
- See Also
- --------
- .pyplot.subplots
- .Figure.add_subplot
- .pyplot.subplot
- """
- if isinstance(sharex, bool):
- sharex = "all" if sharex else "none"
- if isinstance(sharey, bool):
- sharey = "all" if sharey else "none"
- share_values = ["all", "row", "col", "none"]
- if sharex not in share_values:
- # This check was added because it is very easy to type
- # `subplots(1, 2, 1)` when `subplot(1, 2, 1)` was intended.
- # In most cases, no error will ever occur, but mysterious behavior
- # will result because what was intended to be the subplot index is
- # instead treated as a bool for sharex.
- if isinstance(sharex, Integral):
- warnings.warn(
- "sharex argument to subplots() was an integer. "
- "Did you intend to use subplot() (without 's')?")
- raise ValueError("sharex [%s] must be one of %s" %
- (sharex, share_values))
- if sharey not in share_values:
- raise ValueError("sharey [%s] must be one of %s" %
- (sharey, share_values))
- if subplot_kw is None:
- subplot_kw = {}
- if gridspec_kw is None:
- gridspec_kw = {}
- # don't mutate kwargs passed by user...
- subplot_kw = subplot_kw.copy()
- gridspec_kw = gridspec_kw.copy()
- if self.get_constrained_layout():
- gs = GridSpec(nrows, ncols, figure=self, **gridspec_kw)
- else:
- # this should turn constrained_layout off if we don't want it
- gs = GridSpec(nrows, ncols, figure=None, **gridspec_kw)
- self._gridspecs.append(gs)
- # Create array to hold all axes.
- axarr = np.empty((nrows, ncols), dtype=object)
- for row in range(nrows):
- for col in range(ncols):
- shared_with = {"none": None, "all": axarr[0, 0],
- "row": axarr[row, 0], "col": axarr[0, col]}
- subplot_kw["sharex"] = shared_with[sharex]
- subplot_kw["sharey"] = shared_with[sharey]
- axarr[row, col] = self.add_subplot(gs[row, col], **subplot_kw)
- # turn off redundant tick labeling
- if sharex in ["col", "all"]:
- # turn off all but the bottom row
- for ax in axarr[:-1, :].flat:
- ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both',
- labelbottom=False, labeltop=False)
- ax.xaxis.offsetText.set_visible(False)
- if sharey in ["row", "all"]:
- # turn off all but the first column
- for ax in axarr[:, 1:].flat:
- ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='both',
- labelleft=False, labelright=False)
- ax.yaxis.offsetText.set_visible(False)
- if squeeze:
- # Discarding unneeded dimensions that equal 1. If we only have one
- # subplot, just return it instead of a 1-element array.
- return axarr.item() if axarr.size == 1 else axarr.squeeze()
- else:
- # Returned axis array will be always 2-d, even if nrows=ncols=1.
- return axarr
- def _remove_ax(self, ax):
- def _reset_loc_form(axis):
- axis.set_major_formatter(axis.get_major_formatter())
- axis.set_major_locator(axis.get_major_locator())
- axis.set_minor_formatter(axis.get_minor_formatter())
- axis.set_minor_locator(axis.get_minor_locator())
- def _break_share_link(ax, grouper):
- siblings = grouper.get_siblings(ax)
- if len(siblings) > 1:
- grouper.remove(ax)
- for last_ax in siblings:
- if ax is not last_ax:
- return last_ax
- return None
- self.delaxes(ax)
- last_ax = _break_share_link(ax, ax._shared_y_axes)
- if last_ax is not None:
- _reset_loc_form(last_ax.yaxis)
- last_ax = _break_share_link(ax, ax._shared_x_axes)
- if last_ax is not None:
- _reset_loc_form(last_ax.xaxis)
- def clf(self, keep_observers=False):
- """
- Clear the figure.
- Set *keep_observers* to True if, for example,
- a gui widget is tracking the axes in the figure.
- """
- self.suppressComposite = None
- self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry()
- for ax in tuple(self.axes): # Iterate over the copy.
- ax.cla()
- self.delaxes(ax) # removes ax from self._axstack
- toolbar = getattr(self.canvas, 'toolbar', None)
- if toolbar is not None:
- toolbar.update()
- self._axstack.clear()
- self.artists = []
- self.lines = []
- self.patches = []
- self.texts = []
- self.images = []
- self.legends = []
- if not keep_observers:
- self._axobservers = []
- self._suptitle = None
- if self.get_constrained_layout():
- layoutbox.nonetree(self._layoutbox)
- self.stale = True
- def clear(self, keep_observers=False):
- """
- Clear the figure -- synonym for :meth:`clf`.
- """
- self.clf(keep_observers=keep_observers)
- @allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer):
- """
- Render the figure using :class:`matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase`
- instance *renderer*.
- """
- # draw the figure bounding box, perhaps none for white figure
- if not self.get_visible():
- return
- artists = sorted(
- (artist for artist in (self.patches + self.lines + self.artists
- + self.images + self.axes + self.texts
- + self.legends)
- if not artist.get_animated()),
- key=lambda artist: artist.get_zorder())
- try:
- renderer.open_group('figure')
- if self.get_constrained_layout() and self.axes:
- self.execute_constrained_layout(renderer)
- if self.get_tight_layout() and self.axes:
- try:
- self.tight_layout(renderer,
- **self._tight_parameters)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- # ValueError can occur when resizing a window.
- if self.frameon:
- self.patch.draw(renderer)
- mimage._draw_list_compositing_images(
- renderer, self, artists, self.suppressComposite)
- renderer.close_group('figure')
- finally:
- self.stale = False
- self._cachedRenderer = renderer
- self.canvas.draw_event(renderer)
- def draw_artist(self, a):
- """
- Draw :class:`matplotlib.artist.Artist` instance *a* only.
- This is available only after the figure is drawn.
- """
- if self._cachedRenderer is None:
- raise AttributeError("draw_artist can only be used after an "
- "initial draw which caches the renderer")
- a.draw(self._cachedRenderer)
- def get_axes(self):
- """
- Return a list of axes in the Figure. You can access and modify the
- axes in the Figure through this list.
- Do not modify the list itself. Instead, use `~Figure.add_axes`,
- `~.Figure.subplot` or `~.Figure.delaxes` to add or remove an axes.
- Note: This is equivalent to the property `~.Figure.axes`.
- """
- return self.axes
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def legend(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Place a legend on the figure.
- To make a legend from existing artists on every axes::
- legend()
- To make a legend for a list of lines and labels::
- legend( (line1, line2, line3),
- ('label1', 'label2', 'label3'),
- loc='upper right')
- These can also be specified by keyword::
- legend(handles=(line1, line2, line3),
- labels=('label1', 'label2', 'label3'),
- loc='upper right')
- Parameters
- ----------
- handles : sequence of `.Artist`, optional
- A list of Artists (lines, patches) to be added to the legend.
- Use this together with *labels*, if you need full control on what
- is shown in the legend and the automatic mechanism described above
- is not sufficient.
- The length of handles and labels should be the same in this
- case. If they are not, they are truncated to the smaller length.
- labels : sequence of strings, optional
- A list of labels to show next to the artists.
- Use this together with *handles*, if you need full control on what
- is shown in the legend and the automatic mechanism described above
- is not sufficient.
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- %(_legend_kw_doc)s
- Returns
- -------
- :class:`matplotlib.legend.Legend` instance
- Notes
- -----
- Not all kinds of artist are supported by the legend command. See
- :doc:`/tutorials/intermediate/legend_guide` for details.
- """
- handles, labels, extra_args, kwargs = mlegend._parse_legend_args(
- self.axes,
- *args,
- **kwargs)
- # check for third arg
- if len(extra_args):
- # cbook.warn_deprecated(
- # "2.1",
- # "Figure.legend will accept no more than two "
- # "positional arguments in the future. Use "
- # "'fig.legend(handles, labels, loc=location)' "
- # "instead.")
- # kwargs['loc'] = extra_args[0]
- # extra_args = extra_args[1:]
- pass
- l = mlegend.Legend(self, handles, labels, *extra_args, **kwargs)
- self.legends.append(l)
- l._remove_method = self.legends.remove
- self.stale = True
- return l
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def text(self, x, y, s, fontdict=None, withdash=False, **kwargs):
- """
- Add text to figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- x, y : float
- The position to place the text. By default, this is in figure
- coordinates, floats in [0, 1]. The coordinate system can be changed
- using the *transform* keyword.
- s : str
- The text string.
- fontdict : dictionary, optional, default: None
- A dictionary to override the default text properties. If fontdict
- is None, the defaults are determined by your rc parameters. A
- property in *kwargs* override the same property in fontdict.
- withdash : boolean, optional, default: False
- Creates a `~matplotlib.text.TextWithDash` instance instead of a
- `~matplotlib.text.Text` instance.
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- **kwargs : `~matplotlib.text.Text` properties
- Other miscellaneous text parameters.
- %(Text)s
- Returns
- -------
- text : `~.text.Text`
- See Also
- --------
- .Axes.text
- .pyplot.text
- """
- default = dict(transform=self.transFigure)
- if withdash:
- text = TextWithDash(x=x, y=y, text=s)
- else:
- text = Text(x=x, y=y, text=s)
- text.update(default)
- if fontdict is not None:
- text.update(fontdict)
- text.update(kwargs)
- text.set_figure(self)
- text.stale_callback = _stale_figure_callback
- self.texts.append(text)
- text._remove_method = self.texts.remove
- self.stale = True
- return text
- def _set_artist_props(self, a):
- if a != self:
- a.set_figure(self)
- a.stale_callback = _stale_figure_callback
- a.set_transform(self.transFigure)
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def gca(self, **kwargs):
- """
- Get the current axes, creating one if necessary.
- The following kwargs are supported for ensuring the returned axes
- adheres to the given projection etc., and for axes creation if
- the active axes does not exist:
- %(Axes)s
- """
- ckey, cax = self._axstack.current_key_axes()
- # if there exists an axes on the stack see if it maches
- # the desired axes configuration
- if cax is not None:
- # if no kwargs are given just return the current axes
- # this is a convenience for gca() on axes such as polar etc.
- if not kwargs:
- return cax
- # if the user has specified particular projection detail
- # then build up a key which can represent this
- else:
- projection_class, _, key = process_projection_requirements(
- self, **kwargs)
- # let the returned axes have any gridspec by removing it from
- # the key
- ckey = ckey[1:]
- key = key[1:]
- # if the cax matches this key then return the axes, otherwise
- # continue and a new axes will be created
- if key == ckey and isinstance(cax, projection_class):
- return cax
- else:
- warnings.warn('Requested projection is different from '
- 'current axis projection, creating new axis '
- 'with requested projection.', stacklevel=2)
- # no axes found, so create one which spans the figure
- return self.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, **kwargs)
- def sca(self, a):
- """Set the current axes to be a and return a."""
- self._axstack.bubble(a)
- for func in self._axobservers:
- func(self)
- return a
- def _gci(self):
- """
- Helper for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.gci`. Do not use elsewhere.
- """
- # Look first for an image in the current Axes:
- cax = self._axstack.current_key_axes()[1]
- if cax is None:
- return None
- im = cax._gci()
- if im is not None:
- return im
- # If there is no image in the current Axes, search for
- # one in a previously created Axes. Whether this makes
- # sense is debatable, but it is the documented behavior.
- for ax in reversed(self.axes):
- im = ax._gci()
- if im is not None:
- return im
- return None
- def __getstate__(self):
- state = super().__getstate__()
- # the axobservers cannot currently be pickled.
- # Additionally, the canvas cannot currently be pickled, but this has
- # the benefit of meaning that a figure can be detached from one canvas,
- # and re-attached to another.
- for attr_to_pop in ('_axobservers', 'show',
- 'canvas', '_cachedRenderer'):
- state.pop(attr_to_pop, None)
- # add version information to the state
- state['__mpl_version__'] = _mpl_version
- # check whether the figure manager (if any) is registered with pyplot
- from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers
- if getattr(self.canvas, 'manager', None) \
- in _pylab_helpers.Gcf.figs.values():
- state['_restore_to_pylab'] = True
- # set all the layoutbox information to None. kiwisolver objects can't
- # be pickled, so we lose the layout options at this point.
- state.pop('_layoutbox', None)
- # suptitle:
- if self._suptitle is not None:
- self._suptitle._layoutbox = None
- return state
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- version = state.pop('__mpl_version__')
- restore_to_pylab = state.pop('_restore_to_pylab', False)
- if version != _mpl_version:
- import warnings
- warnings.warn("This figure was saved with matplotlib version %s "
- "and is unlikely to function correctly." %
- (version, ))
- self.__dict__ = state
- # re-initialise some of the unstored state information
- self._axobservers = []
- self.canvas = None
- self._layoutbox = None
- if restore_to_pylab:
- # lazy import to avoid circularity
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib._pylab_helpers as pylab_helpers
- allnums = plt.get_fignums()
- num = max(allnums) + 1 if allnums else 1
- mgr = plt._backend_mod.new_figure_manager_given_figure(num, self)
- # XXX The following is a copy and paste from pyplot. Consider
- # factoring to pylab_helpers
- if self.get_label():
- mgr.set_window_title(self.get_label())
- # make this figure current on button press event
- def make_active(event):
- pylab_helpers.Gcf.set_active(mgr)
- mgr._cidgcf = mgr.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',
- make_active)
- pylab_helpers.Gcf.set_active(mgr)
- self.number = num
- plt.draw_if_interactive()
- self.stale = True
- def add_axobserver(self, func):
- """Whenever the axes state change, ``func(self)`` will be called."""
- self._axobservers.append(func)
- def savefig(self, fname, *, frameon=None, transparent=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Save the current figure.
- Call signature::
- savefig(fname, dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',
- orientation='portrait', papertype=None, format=None,
- transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1,
- frameon=None, metadata=None)
- The output formats available depend on the backend being used.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fname : str or file-like object
- A string containing a path to a filename, or a Python
- file-like object, or possibly some backend-dependent object
- such as :class:`~matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfPages`.
- If *format* is *None* and *fname* is a string, the output
- format is deduced from the extension of the filename. If
- the filename has no extension, :rc:`savefig.format` is used.
- If *fname* is not a string, remember to specify *format* to
- ensure that the correct backend is used.
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- dpi : [ *None* | scalar > 0 | 'figure' ]
- The resolution in dots per inch. If *None*, defaults to
- :rc:`savefig.dpi`. If 'figure', uses the figure's dpi value.
- quality : [ *None* | 1 <= scalar <= 100 ]
- The image quality, on a scale from 1 (worst) to 95 (best).
- Applicable only if *format* is jpg or jpeg, ignored otherwise.
- If *None*, defaults to :rc:`savefig.jpeg_quality` (95 by default).
- Values above 95 should be avoided; 100 completely disables the
- JPEG quantization stage.
- facecolor : color spec or None, optional
- The facecolor of the figure; if *None*, defaults to
- :rc:`savefig.facecolor`.
- edgecolor : color spec or None, optional
- The edgecolor of the figure; if *None*, defaults to
- :rc:`savefig.edgecolor`
- orientation : {'landscape', 'portrait'}
- Currently only supported by the postscript backend.
- papertype : str
- One of 'letter', 'legal', 'executive', 'ledger', 'a0' through
- 'a10', 'b0' through 'b10'. Only supported for postscript
- output.
- format : str
- One of the file extensions supported by the active
- backend. Most backends support png, pdf, ps, eps and svg.
- transparent : bool
- If *True*, the axes patches will all be transparent; the
- figure patch will also be transparent unless facecolor
- and/or edgecolor are specified via kwargs.
- This is useful, for example, for displaying
- a plot on top of a colored background on a web page. The
- transparency of these patches will be restored to their
- original values upon exit of this function.
- frameon : bool
- If *True*, the figure patch will be colored, if *False*, the
- figure background will be transparent. If not provided, the
- rcParam 'savefig.frameon' will be used.
- bbox_inches : str or `~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox`, optional
- Bbox in inches. Only the given portion of the figure is
- saved. If 'tight', try to figure out the tight bbox of
- the figure. If None, use savefig.bbox
- pad_inches : scalar, optional
- Amount of padding around the figure when bbox_inches is
- 'tight'. If None, use savefig.pad_inches
- bbox_extra_artists : list of `~matplotlib.artist.Artist`, optional
- A list of extra artists that will be considered when the
- tight bbox is calculated.
- metadata : dict, optional
- Key/value pairs to store in the image metadata. The supported keys
- and defaults depend on the image format and backend:
- - 'png' with Agg backend: See the parameter ``metadata`` of
- `~.FigureCanvasAgg.print_png`.
- - 'pdf' with pdf backend: See the parameter ``metadata`` of
- `~.backend_pdf.PdfPages`.
- - 'eps' and 'ps' with PS backend: Only 'Creator' is supported.
- """
- kwargs.setdefault('dpi', rcParams['savefig.dpi'])
- if frameon is None:
- frameon = rcParams['savefig.frameon']
- if transparent is None:
- transparent = rcParams['savefig.transparent']
- if transparent:
- kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'none')
- kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', 'none')
- original_axes_colors = []
- for ax in self.axes:
- patch = ax.patch
- original_axes_colors.append((patch.get_facecolor(),
- patch.get_edgecolor()))
- patch.set_facecolor('none')
- patch.set_edgecolor('none')
- else:
- kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', rcParams['savefig.facecolor'])
- kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', rcParams['savefig.edgecolor'])
- if frameon:
- original_frameon = self.get_frameon()
- self.set_frameon(frameon)
- self.canvas.print_figure(fname, **kwargs)
- if frameon:
- self.set_frameon(original_frameon)
- if transparent:
- for ax, cc in zip(self.axes, original_axes_colors):
- ax.patch.set_facecolor(cc[0])
- ax.patch.set_edgecolor(cc[1])
- @docstring.dedent_interpd
- def colorbar(self, mappable, cax=None, ax=None, use_gridspec=True, **kw):
- """
- Create a colorbar for a ScalarMappable instance, *mappable*.
- Documentation for the pyplot thin wrapper:
- %(colorbar_doc)s
- """
- if ax is None:
- ax = self.gca()
- # Store the value of gca so that we can set it back later on.
- current_ax = self.gca()
- if cax is None:
- if use_gridspec and isinstance(ax, SubplotBase) \
- and (not self.get_constrained_layout()):
- cax, kw = cbar.make_axes_gridspec(ax, **kw)
- else:
- cax, kw = cbar.make_axes(ax, **kw)
- # need to remove kws that cannot be passed to Colorbar
- NON_COLORBAR_KEYS = ['fraction', 'pad', 'shrink', 'aspect', 'anchor',
- 'panchor']
- cb_kw = {k: v for k, v in kw.items() if k not in NON_COLORBAR_KEYS}
- cb = cbar.colorbar_factory(cax, mappable, **cb_kw)
- self.sca(current_ax)
- self.stale = True
- return cb
- def subplots_adjust(self, left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None,
- wspace=None, hspace=None):
- """
- Update the :class:`SubplotParams` with *kwargs* (defaulting to rc when
- *None*) and update the subplot locations.
- """
- if self.get_constrained_layout():
- self.set_constrained_layout(False)
- warnings.warn("This figure was using constrained_layout==True, "
- "but that is incompatible with subplots_adjust and "
- "or tight_layout: setting "
- "constrained_layout==False. ")
- self.subplotpars.update(left, bottom, right, top, wspace, hspace)
- for ax in self.axes:
- if not isinstance(ax, SubplotBase):
- # Check if sharing a subplots axis
- if isinstance(ax._sharex, SubplotBase):
- ax._sharex.update_params()
- ax.set_position(ax._sharex.figbox)
- elif isinstance(ax._sharey, SubplotBase):
- ax._sharey.update_params()
- ax.set_position(ax._sharey.figbox)
- else:
- ax.update_params()
- ax.set_position(ax.figbox)
- self.stale = True
- def ginput(self, n=1, timeout=30, show_clicks=True, mouse_add=1,
- mouse_pop=3, mouse_stop=2):
- """
- Blocking call to interact with a figure.
- Wait until the user clicks *n* times on the figure, and return the
- coordinates of each click in a list.
- The buttons used for the various actions (adding points, removing
- points, terminating the inputs) can be overridden via the
- arguments *mouse_add*, *mouse_pop* and *mouse_stop*, that give
- the associated mouse button: 1 for left, 2 for middle, 3 for
- right.
- Parameters
- ----------
- n : int, optional, default: 1
- Number of mouse clicks to accumulate. If negative, accumulate
- clicks until the input is terminated manually.
- timeout : scalar, optional, default: 30
- Number of seconds to wait before timing out. If zero or negative
- will never timeout.
- show_clicks : bool, optional, default: False
- If True, show a red cross at the location of each click.
- mouse_add : int, one of (1, 2, 3), optional, default: 1 (left click)
- Mouse button used to add points.
- mouse_pop : int, one of (1, 2, 3), optional, default: 3 (right click)
- Mouse button used to remove the most recently added point.
- mouse_stop : int, one of (1, 2, 3), optional, default: 2 (middle click)
- Mouse button used to stop input.
- Returns
- -------
- points : list of tuples
- A list of the clicked (x, y) coordinates.
- Notes
- -----
- The keyboard can also be used to select points in case your mouse
- does not have one or more of the buttons. The delete and backspace
- keys act like right clicking (i.e., remove last point), the enter key
- terminates input and any other key (not already used by the window
- manager) selects a point.
- """
- blocking_mouse_input = BlockingMouseInput(self,
- mouse_add=mouse_add,
- mouse_pop=mouse_pop,
- mouse_stop=mouse_stop)
- return blocking_mouse_input(n=n, timeout=timeout,
- show_clicks=show_clicks)
- def waitforbuttonpress(self, timeout=-1):
- """
- Blocking call to interact with the figure.
- This will return True is a key was pressed, False if a mouse
- button was pressed and None if *timeout* was reached without
- either being pressed.
- If *timeout* is negative, does not timeout.
- """
- blocking_input = BlockingKeyMouseInput(self)
- return blocking_input(timeout=timeout)
- def get_default_bbox_extra_artists(self):
- bbox_artists = [artist for artist in self.get_children()
- if (artist.get_visible() and artist.get_in_layout())]
- for ax in self.axes:
- if ax.get_visible():
- bbox_artists.extend(ax.get_default_bbox_extra_artists())
- # we don't want the figure's patch to influence the bbox calculation
- bbox_artists.remove(self.patch)
- return bbox_artists
- def get_tightbbox(self, renderer, bbox_extra_artists=None):
- """
- Return a (tight) bounding box of the figure in inches.
- Artists that have ``artist.set_in_layout(False)`` are not included
- in the bbox.
- Parameters
- ----------
- renderer : `.RendererBase` instance
- renderer that will be used to draw the figures (i.e.
- ``fig.canvas.get_renderer()``)
- bbox_extra_artists : list of `.Artist` or ``None``
- List of artists to include in the tight bounding box. If
- ``None`` (default), then all artist children of each axes are
- included in the tight bounding box.
- Returns
- -------
- bbox : `.BboxBase`
- containing the bounding box (in figure inches).
- """
- bb = []
- if bbox_extra_artists is None:
- artists = self.get_default_bbox_extra_artists()
- else:
- artists = bbox_extra_artists
- for a in artists:
- bbox = a.get_tightbbox(renderer)
- if bbox is not None and (bbox.width != 0 or bbox.height != 0):
- bb.append(bbox)
- for ax in self.axes:
- if ax.get_visible():
- # some axes don't take the bbox_extra_artists kwarg so we
- # need this conditional....
- try:
- bbox = ax.get_tightbbox(renderer,
- bbox_extra_artists=bbox_extra_artists)
- except TypeError:
- bbox = ax.get_tightbbox(renderer)
- bb.append(bbox)
- if len(bb) == 0:
- return self.bbox_inches
- _bbox = Bbox.union([b for b in bb if b.width != 0 or b.height != 0])
- bbox_inches = TransformedBbox(_bbox,
- Affine2D().scale(1. / self.dpi))
- return bbox_inches
- def init_layoutbox(self):
- """Initialize the layoutbox for use in constrained_layout."""
- if self._layoutbox is None:
- self._layoutbox = layoutbox.LayoutBox(parent=None,
- name='figlb',
- artist=self)
- self._layoutbox.constrain_geometry(0., 0., 1., 1.)
- def execute_constrained_layout(self, renderer=None):
- """
- Use ``layoutbox`` to determine pos positions within axes.
- See also `.set_constrained_layout_pads`.
- """
- from matplotlib._constrained_layout import do_constrained_layout
- _log.debug('Executing constrainedlayout')
- if self._layoutbox is None:
- warnings.warn("Calling figure.constrained_layout, but figure not "
- "setup to do constrained layout. You either called "
- "GridSpec without the fig keyword, you are using "
- "plt.subplot, or you need to call figure or "
- "subplots with the constrained_layout=True kwarg.")
- return
- w_pad, h_pad, wspace, hspace = self.get_constrained_layout_pads()
- # convert to unit-relative lengths
- fig = self
- width, height = fig.get_size_inches()
- w_pad = w_pad / width
- h_pad = h_pad / height
- if renderer is None:
- renderer = layoutbox.get_renderer(fig)
- do_constrained_layout(fig, renderer, h_pad, w_pad, hspace, wspace)
- def tight_layout(self, renderer=None, pad=1.08, h_pad=None, w_pad=None,
- rect=None):
- """
- Automatically adjust subplot parameters to give specified padding.
- To exclude an artist on the axes from the bounding box calculation
- that determines the subplot parameters (i.e. legend, or annotation),
- then set `a.set_in_layout(False)` for that artist.
- Parameters
- ----------
- renderer : subclass of `~.backend_bases.RendererBase`, optional
- Defaults to the renderer for the figure.
- pad : float, optional
- Padding between the figure edge and the edges of subplots,
- as a fraction of the font size.
- h_pad, w_pad : float, optional
- Padding (height/width) between edges of adjacent subplots,
- as a fraction of the font size. Defaults to *pad*.
- rect : tuple (left, bottom, right, top), optional
- A rectangle (left, bottom, right, top) in the normalized
- figure coordinate that the whole subplots area (including
- labels) will fit into. Default is (0, 0, 1, 1).
- See Also
- --------
- .Figure.set_tight_layout
- .pyplot.tight_layout
- """
- from .tight_layout import (
- get_renderer, get_subplotspec_list, get_tight_layout_figure)
- subplotspec_list = get_subplotspec_list(self.axes)
- if None in subplotspec_list:
- warnings.warn("This figure includes Axes that are not compatible "
- "with tight_layout, so results might be incorrect.")
- if renderer is None:
- renderer = get_renderer(self)
- kwargs = get_tight_layout_figure(
- self, self.axes, subplotspec_list, renderer,
- pad=pad, h_pad=h_pad, w_pad=w_pad, rect=rect)
- if kwargs:
- self.subplots_adjust(**kwargs)
- def align_xlabels(self, axs=None):
- """
- Align the ylabels of subplots in the same subplot column if label
- alignment is being done automatically (i.e. the label position is
- not manually set).
- Alignment persists for draw events after this is called.
- If a label is on the bottom, it is aligned with labels on axes that
- also have their label on the bottom and that have the same
- bottom-most subplot row. If the label is on the top,
- it is aligned with labels on axes with the same top-most row.
- Parameters
- ----------
- axs : list of `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- Optional list of (or ndarray) `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- to align the xlabels.
- Default is to align all axes on the figure.
- See Also
- --------
- matplotlib.figure.Figure.align_ylabels
- matplotlib.figure.Figure.align_labels
- Notes
- -----
- This assumes that ``axs`` are from the same `.GridSpec`, so that
- their `.SubplotSpec` positions correspond to figure positions.
- Examples
- --------
- Example with rotated xtick labels::
- fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
- for tick in axs[0].get_xticklabels():
- tick.set_rotation(55)
- axs[0].set_xlabel('XLabel 0')
- axs[1].set_xlabel('XLabel 1')
- fig.align_xlabels()
- """
- if axs is None:
- axs = self.axes
- axs = np.asarray(axs).ravel()
- for ax in axs:
- _log.debug(' Working on: %s', ax.get_xlabel())
- ss = ax.get_subplotspec()
- nrows, ncols, row0, row1, col0, col1 = ss.get_rows_columns()
- labpo = ax.xaxis.get_label_position() # top or bottom
- # loop through other axes, and search for label positions
- # that are same as this one, and that share the appropriate
- # row number.
- # Add to a grouper associated with each axes of sibblings.
- # This list is inspected in `axis.draw` by
- # `axis._update_label_position`.
- for axc in axs:
- if axc.xaxis.get_label_position() == labpo:
- ss = axc.get_subplotspec()
- nrows, ncols, rowc0, rowc1, colc, col1 = \
- ss.get_rows_columns()
- if (labpo == 'bottom' and rowc1 == row1 or
- labpo == 'top' and rowc0 == row0):
- # grouper for groups of xlabels to align
- self._align_xlabel_grp.join(ax, axc)
- def align_ylabels(self, axs=None):
- """
- Align the ylabels of subplots in the same subplot column if label
- alignment is being done automatically (i.e. the label position is
- not manually set).
- Alignment persists for draw events after this is called.
- If a label is on the left, it is aligned with labels on axes that
- also have their label on the left and that have the same
- left-most subplot column. If the label is on the right,
- it is aligned with labels on axes with the same right-most column.
- Parameters
- ----------
- axs : list of `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- Optional list (or ndarray) of `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- to align the ylabels.
- Default is to align all axes on the figure.
- See Also
- --------
- matplotlib.figure.Figure.align_xlabels
- matplotlib.figure.Figure.align_labels
- Notes
- -----
- This assumes that ``axs`` are from the same `.GridSpec`, so that
- their `.SubplotSpec` positions correspond to figure positions.
- Examples
- --------
- Example with large yticks labels::
- fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1)
- axs[0].plot(np.arange(0, 1000, 50))
- axs[0].set_ylabel('YLabel 0')
- axs[1].set_ylabel('YLabel 1')
- fig.align_ylabels()
- """
- if axs is None:
- axs = self.axes
- axs = np.asarray(axs).ravel()
- for ax in axs:
- _log.debug(' Working on: %s', ax.get_ylabel())
- ss = ax.get_subplotspec()
- nrows, ncols, row0, row1, col0, col1 = ss.get_rows_columns()
- same = [ax]
- labpo = ax.yaxis.get_label_position() # left or right
- # loop through other axes, and search for label positions
- # that are same as this one, and that share the appropriate
- # column number.
- # Add to a list associated with each axes of sibblings.
- # This list is inspected in `axis.draw` by
- # `axis._update_label_position`.
- for axc in axs:
- if axc != ax:
- if axc.yaxis.get_label_position() == labpo:
- ss = axc.get_subplotspec()
- nrows, ncols, row0, row1, colc0, colc1 = \
- ss.get_rows_columns()
- if (labpo == 'left' and colc0 == col0 or
- labpo == 'right' and colc1 == col1):
- # grouper for groups of ylabels to align
- self._align_ylabel_grp.join(ax, axc)
- def align_labels(self, axs=None):
- """
- Align the xlabels and ylabels of subplots with the same subplots
- row or column (respectively) if label alignment is being
- done automatically (i.e. the label position is not manually set).
- Alignment persists for draw events after this is called.
- Parameters
- ----------
- axs : list of `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- Optional list (or ndarray) of `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`
- to align the labels.
- Default is to align all axes on the figure.
- See Also
- --------
- matplotlib.figure.Figure.align_xlabels
- matplotlib.figure.Figure.align_ylabels
- """
- self.align_xlabels(axs=axs)
- self.align_ylabels(axs=axs)
- def add_gridspec(self, nrows, ncols, **kwargs):
- """
- Return a `.GridSpec` that has this figure as a parent. This allows
- complex layout of axes in the figure.
- Parameters
- ----------
- nrows : int
- Number of rows in grid.
- ncols : int
- Number or columns in grid.
- Returns
- -------
- gridspec : `.GridSpec`
- Other Parameters
- ----------------
- *kwargs* are passed to `.GridSpec`.
- See Also
- --------
- matplotlib.pyplot.subplots
- Examples
- --------
- Adding a subplot that spans two rows::
- fig = plt.figure()
- gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 2)
- ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
- ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
- # spans two rows:
- ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 1])
- """
- _ = kwargs.pop('figure', None) # pop in case user has added this...
- gs = GridSpec(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figure=self, **kwargs)
- self._gridspecs.append(gs)
- return gs
- def figaspect(arg):
- """
- Calculate the width and height for a figure with a specified aspect ratio.
- While the height is taken from :rc:`figure.figsize`, the width is
- adjusted to match the desired aspect ratio. Additionally, it is ensured
- that the width is in the range [4., 16.] and the height is in the range
- [2., 16.]. If necessary, the default height is adjusted to ensure this.
- Parameters
- ----------
- arg : scalar or 2d array
- If a scalar, this defines the aspect ratio (i.e. the ratio height /
- width).
- In case of an array the aspect ratio is number of rows / number of
- columns, so that the array could be fitted in the figure undistorted.
- Returns
- -------
- width, height
- The figure size in inches.
- Notes
- -----
- If you want to create an axes within the figure, that still preserves the
- aspect ratio, be sure to create it with equal width and height. See
- examples below.
- Thanks to Fernando Perez for this function.
- Examples
- --------
- Make a figure twice as tall as it is wide::
- w, h = figaspect(2.)
- fig = Figure(figsize=(w, h))
- ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
- ax.imshow(A, **kwargs)
- Make a figure with the proper aspect for an array::
- A = rand(5,3)
- w, h = figaspect(A)
- fig = Figure(figsize=(w, h))
- ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
- ax.imshow(A, **kwargs)
- """
- isarray = hasattr(arg, 'shape') and not np.isscalar(arg)
- # min/max sizes to respect when autoscaling. If John likes the idea, they
- # could become rc parameters, for now they're hardwired.
- figsize_min = np.array((4.0, 2.0)) # min length for width/height
- figsize_max = np.array((16.0, 16.0)) # max length for width/height
- # Extract the aspect ratio of the array
- if isarray:
- nr, nc = arg.shape[:2]
- arr_ratio = nr / nc
- else:
- arr_ratio = arg
- # Height of user figure defaults
- fig_height = rcParams['figure.figsize'][1]
- # New size for the figure, keeping the aspect ratio of the caller
- newsize = np.array((fig_height / arr_ratio, fig_height))
- # Sanity checks, don't drop either dimension below figsize_min
- newsize /= min(1.0, *(newsize / figsize_min))
- # Avoid humongous windows as well
- newsize /= max(1.0, *(newsize / figsize_max))
- # Finally, if we have a really funky aspect ratio, break it but respect
- # the min/max dimensions (we don't want figures 10 feet tall!)
- newsize = np.clip(newsize, figsize_min, figsize_max)
- return newsize
- docstring.interpd.update(Figure=martist.kwdoc(Figure))