- """
- Classes for the ticks and x and y axis
- """
- import datetime
- import logging
- import warnings
- import numpy as np
- from matplotlib import rcParams
- import matplotlib.artist as artist
- from matplotlib.artist import allow_rasterization
- import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
- from matplotlib.cbook import _string_to_bool
- import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
- import matplotlib.lines as mlines
- import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
- import matplotlib.scale as mscale
- import matplotlib.text as mtext
- import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
- import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
- import matplotlib.units as munits
- _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- # This list is being used for compatibility with Axes.grid, which
- # allows all Line2D kwargs.
- _line_AI = artist.ArtistInspector(mlines.Line2D)
- _line_param_names = _line_AI.get_setters()
- _line_param_aliases = [list(d)[0] for d in _line_AI.aliasd.values()]
- _gridline_param_names = ['grid_' + name
- for name in _line_param_names + _line_param_aliases]
- class Tick(artist.Artist):
- """
- Abstract base class for the axis ticks, grid lines and labels
- 1 refers to the bottom of the plot for xticks and the left for yticks
- 2 refers to the top of the plot for xticks and the right for yticks
- Attributes
- ----------
- tick1line : Line2D
- tick2line : Line2D
- gridline : Line2D
- label1 : Text
- label2 : Text
- gridOn : bool
- Determines whether to draw the tickline.
- tick1On : bool
- Determines whether to draw the first tickline.
- tick2On : bool
- Determines whether to draw the second tickline.
- label1On : bool
- Determines whether to draw the first tick label.
- label2On : bool
- Determines whether to draw the second tick label.
- """
- def __init__(self, axes, loc, label,
- size=None, # points
- width=None,
- color=None,
- tickdir=None,
- pad=None,
- labelsize=None,
- labelcolor=None,
- zorder=None,
- gridOn=None, # defaults to axes.grid depending on
- # axes.grid.which
- tick1On=True,
- tick2On=True,
- label1On=True,
- label2On=False,
- major=True,
- labelrotation=0,
- grid_color=None,
- grid_linestyle=None,
- grid_linewidth=None,
- grid_alpha=None,
- **kw # Other Line2D kwargs applied to gridlines.
- ):
- """
- bbox is the Bound2D bounding box in display coords of the Axes
- loc is the tick location in data coords
- size is the tick size in points
- """
- artist.Artist.__init__(self)
- if gridOn is None:
- if major and (rcParams['axes.grid.which'] in ('both', 'major')):
- gridOn = rcParams['axes.grid']
- elif (not major) and (rcParams['axes.grid.which']
- in ('both', 'minor')):
- gridOn = rcParams['axes.grid']
- else:
- gridOn = False
- self.set_figure(axes.figure)
- self.axes = axes
- name = self.__name__.lower()
- self._name = name
- self._loc = loc
- if size is None:
- if major:
- size = rcParams['%s.major.size' % name]
- else:
- size = rcParams['%s.minor.size' % name]
- self._size = size
- if width is None:
- if major:
- width = rcParams['%s.major.width' % name]
- else:
- width = rcParams['%s.minor.width' % name]
- self._width = width
- if color is None:
- color = rcParams['%s.color' % name]
- self._color = color
- if pad is None:
- if major:
- pad = rcParams['%s.major.pad' % name]
- else:
- pad = rcParams['%s.minor.pad' % name]
- self._base_pad = pad
- if labelcolor is None:
- labelcolor = rcParams['%s.color' % name]
- self._labelcolor = labelcolor
- if labelsize is None:
- labelsize = rcParams['%s.labelsize' % name]
- self._labelsize = labelsize
- self._set_labelrotation(labelrotation)
- if zorder is None:
- if major:
- zorder = mlines.Line2D.zorder + 0.01
- else:
- zorder = mlines.Line2D.zorder
- self._zorder = zorder
- self._grid_color = (rcParams['grid.color']
- if grid_color is None else grid_color)
- self._grid_linestyle = (rcParams['grid.linestyle']
- if grid_linestyle is None else grid_linestyle)
- self._grid_linewidth = (rcParams['grid.linewidth']
- if grid_linewidth is None else grid_linewidth)
- self._grid_alpha = (rcParams['grid.alpha']
- if grid_alpha is None else grid_alpha)
- self._grid_kw = {k[5:]: v for k, v in kw.items()}
- self.apply_tickdir(tickdir)
- self.tick1line = self._get_tick1line()
- self.tick2line = self._get_tick2line()
- self.gridline = self._get_gridline()
- self.label1 = self._get_text1()
- self.label = self.label1 # legacy name
- self.label2 = self._get_text2()
- self.gridOn = gridOn
- self.tick1On = tick1On
- self.tick2On = tick2On
- self.label1On = label1On
- self.label2On = label2On
- self.update_position(loc)
- def _set_labelrotation(self, labelrotation):
- if isinstance(labelrotation, str):
- mode = labelrotation
- angle = 0
- elif isinstance(labelrotation, (tuple, list)):
- mode, angle = labelrotation
- else:
- mode = 'default'
- angle = labelrotation
- if mode not in ('auto', 'default'):
- raise ValueError("Label rotation mode must be 'default' or "
- "'auto', not '{}'.".format(mode))
- self._labelrotation = (mode, angle)
- def apply_tickdir(self, tickdir):
- """
- Calculate self._pad and self._tickmarkers
- """
- pass
- def get_tickdir(self):
- return self._tickdir
- def get_tick_padding(self):
- """
- Get the length of the tick outside of the axes.
- """
- padding = {
- 'in': 0.0,
- 'inout': 0.5,
- 'out': 1.0
- }
- return self._size * padding[self._tickdir]
- def get_children(self):
- children = [self.tick1line, self.tick2line,
- self.gridline, self.label1, self.label2]
- return children
- def set_clip_path(self, clippath, transform=None):
- artist.Artist.set_clip_path(self, clippath, transform)
- self.gridline.set_clip_path(clippath, transform)
- self.stale = True
- set_clip_path.__doc__ = artist.Artist.set_clip_path.__doc__
- def get_pad_pixels(self):
- return self.figure.dpi * self._base_pad / 72
- def contains(self, mouseevent):
- """
- Test whether the mouse event occurred in the Tick marks.
- This function always returns false. It is more useful to test if the
- axis as a whole contains the mouse rather than the set of tick marks.
- """
- if callable(self._contains):
- return self._contains(self, mouseevent)
- return False, {}
- def set_pad(self, val):
- """
- Set the tick label pad in points
- Parameters
- ----------
- val : float
- """
- self._apply_params(pad=val)
- self.stale = True
- def get_pad(self):
- 'Get the value of the tick label pad in points'
- return self._base_pad
- def _get_text1(self):
- 'Get the default Text 1 instance'
- pass
- def _get_text2(self):
- 'Get the default Text 2 instance'
- pass
- def _get_tick1line(self):
- 'Get the default line2D instance for tick1'
- pass
- def _get_tick2line(self):
- 'Get the default line2D instance for tick2'
- pass
- def _get_gridline(self):
- 'Get the default grid Line2d instance for this tick'
- pass
- def get_loc(self):
- 'Return the tick location (data coords) as a scalar'
- return self._loc
- @allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer):
- if not self.get_visible():
- self.stale = False
- return
- renderer.open_group(self.__name__)
- if self.gridOn:
- self.gridline.draw(renderer)
- if self.tick1On:
- self.tick1line.draw(renderer)
- if self.tick2On:
- self.tick2line.draw(renderer)
- if self.label1On:
- self.label1.draw(renderer)
- if self.label2On:
- self.label2.draw(renderer)
- renderer.close_group(self.__name__)
- self.stale = False
- def set_label1(self, s):
- """
- Set the label1 text.
- Parameters
- ----------
- s : str
- """
- self.label1.set_text(s)
- self.stale = True
- set_label = set_label1
- def set_label2(self, s):
- """
- Set the label2 text.
- Parameters
- ----------
- s : str
- """
- self.label2.set_text(s)
- self.stale = True
- def _set_artist_props(self, a):
- a.set_figure(self.figure)
- def get_view_interval(self):
- 'return the view Interval instance for the axis this tick is ticking'
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def _apply_params(self, **kw):
- for name in ['gridOn', 'tick1On', 'tick2On', 'label1On', 'label2On']:
- if name in kw:
- setattr(self, name, kw.pop(name))
- if any(k in kw for k in ['size', 'width', 'pad', 'tickdir']):
- self._size = kw.pop('size', self._size)
- # Width could be handled outside this block, but it is
- # convenient to leave it here.
- self._width = kw.pop('width', self._width)
- self._base_pad = kw.pop('pad', self._base_pad)
- # apply_tickdir uses _size and _base_pad to make _pad,
- # and also makes _tickmarkers.
- self.apply_tickdir(kw.pop('tickdir', self._tickdir))
- self.tick1line.set_marker(self._tickmarkers[0])
- self.tick2line.set_marker(self._tickmarkers[1])
- for line in (self.tick1line, self.tick2line):
- line.set_markersize(self._size)
- line.set_markeredgewidth(self._width)
- # _get_text1_transform uses _pad from apply_tickdir.
- trans = self._get_text1_transform()[0]
- self.label1.set_transform(trans)
- trans = self._get_text2_transform()[0]
- self.label2.set_transform(trans)
- tick_kw = {k: v for k, v in kw.items() if k in ['color', 'zorder']}
- self.tick1line.set(**tick_kw)
- self.tick2line.set(**tick_kw)
- for k, v in tick_kw.items():
- setattr(self, '_' + k, v)
- if 'labelrotation' in kw:
- self._set_labelrotation(kw.pop('labelrotation'))
- self.label1.set(rotation=self._labelrotation[1])
- self.label2.set(rotation=self._labelrotation[1])
- label_kw = {k[5:]: v for k, v in kw.items()
- if k in ['labelsize', 'labelcolor']}
- self.label1.set(**label_kw)
- self.label2.set(**label_kw)
- for k, v in label_kw.items():
- # for labelsize the text objects covert str ('small')
- # -> points. grab the integer from the `Text` object
- # instead of saving the string representation
- v = getattr(self.label1, 'get_' + k)()
- setattr(self, '_label' + k, v)
- grid_kw = {k[5:]: v for k, v in kw.items()
- if k in _gridline_param_names}
- self.gridline.set(**grid_kw)
- for k, v in grid_kw.items():
- setattr(self, '_grid_' + k, v)
- def update_position(self, loc):
- 'Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar *loc*'
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def _get_text1_transform(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def _get_text2_transform(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- class XTick(Tick):
- """
- Contains all the Artists needed to make an x tick - the tick line,
- the label text and the grid line
- """
- __name__ = 'xtick'
- def _get_text1_transform(self):
- return self.axes.get_xaxis_text1_transform(self._pad)
- def _get_text2_transform(self):
- return self.axes.get_xaxis_text2_transform(self._pad)
- def apply_tickdir(self, tickdir):
- if tickdir is None:
- tickdir = rcParams['%s.direction' % self._name]
- self._tickdir = tickdir
- if self._tickdir == 'in':
- self._tickmarkers = (mlines.TICKUP, mlines.TICKDOWN)
- elif self._tickdir == 'inout':
- self._tickmarkers = ('|', '|')
- else:
- self._tickmarkers = (mlines.TICKDOWN, mlines.TICKUP)
- self._pad = self._base_pad + self.get_tick_padding()
- self.stale = True
- def _get_text1(self):
- 'Get the default Text instance'
- # the y loc is 3 points below the min of y axis
- # get the affine as an a,b,c,d,tx,ty list
- # x in data coords, y in axes coords
- trans, vert, horiz = self._get_text1_transform()
- t = mtext.Text(
- x=0, y=0,
- fontproperties=font_manager.FontProperties(size=self._labelsize),
- color=self._labelcolor,
- verticalalignment=vert,
- horizontalalignment=horiz,
- )
- t.set_transform(trans)
- self._set_artist_props(t)
- return t
- def _get_text2(self):
- 'Get the default Text 2 instance'
- # x in data coords, y in axes coords
- trans, vert, horiz = self._get_text2_transform()
- t = mtext.Text(
- x=0, y=1,
- fontproperties=font_manager.FontProperties(size=self._labelsize),
- color=self._labelcolor,
- verticalalignment=vert,
- horizontalalignment=horiz,
- )
- t.set_transform(trans)
- self._set_artist_props(t)
- return t
- def _get_tick1line(self):
- 'Get the default line2D instance'
- # x in data coords, y in axes coords
- l = mlines.Line2D(xdata=(0,), ydata=(0,), color=self._color,
- linestyle='None', marker=self._tickmarkers[0],
- markersize=self._size,
- markeredgewidth=self._width, zorder=self._zorder)
- l.set_transform(self.axes.get_xaxis_transform(which='tick1'))
- self._set_artist_props(l)
- return l
- def _get_tick2line(self):
- 'Get the default line2D instance'
- # x in data coords, y in axes coords
- l = mlines.Line2D(xdata=(0,), ydata=(1,),
- color=self._color,
- linestyle='None',
- marker=self._tickmarkers[1],
- markersize=self._size,
- markeredgewidth=self._width,
- zorder=self._zorder)
- l.set_transform(self.axes.get_xaxis_transform(which='tick2'))
- self._set_artist_props(l)
- return l
- def _get_gridline(self):
- 'Get the default line2D instance'
- # x in data coords, y in axes coords
- l = mlines.Line2D(xdata=(0.0, 0.0), ydata=(0, 1.0),
- color=self._grid_color,
- linestyle=self._grid_linestyle,
- linewidth=self._grid_linewidth,
- alpha=self._grid_alpha,
- markersize=0,
- **self._grid_kw)
- l.set_transform(self.axes.get_xaxis_transform(which='grid'))
- l.get_path()._interpolation_steps = GRIDLINE_INTERPOLATION_STEPS
- self._set_artist_props(l)
- return l
- def update_position(self, loc):
- 'Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar *loc*'
- if self.tick1On:
- self.tick1line.set_xdata((loc,))
- if self.tick2On:
- self.tick2line.set_xdata((loc,))
- if self.gridOn:
- self.gridline.set_xdata((loc,))
- if self.label1On:
- self.label1.set_x(loc)
- if self.label2On:
- self.label2.set_x(loc)
- self._loc = loc
- self.stale = True
- def get_view_interval(self):
- 'return the Interval instance for this axis view limits'
- return self.axes.viewLim.intervalx
- class YTick(Tick):
- """
- Contains all the Artists needed to make a Y tick - the tick line,
- the label text and the grid line
- """
- __name__ = 'ytick'
- def _get_text1_transform(self):
- return self.axes.get_yaxis_text1_transform(self._pad)
- def _get_text2_transform(self):
- return self.axes.get_yaxis_text2_transform(self._pad)
- def apply_tickdir(self, tickdir):
- if tickdir is None:
- tickdir = rcParams['%s.direction' % self._name]
- self._tickdir = tickdir
- if self._tickdir == 'in':
- self._tickmarkers = (mlines.TICKRIGHT, mlines.TICKLEFT)
- elif self._tickdir == 'inout':
- self._tickmarkers = ('_', '_')
- else:
- self._tickmarkers = (mlines.TICKLEFT, mlines.TICKRIGHT)
- self._pad = self._base_pad + self.get_tick_padding()
- self.stale = True
- # how far from the y axis line the right of the ticklabel are
- def _get_text1(self):
- 'Get the default Text instance'
- # x in axes coords, y in data coords
- trans, vert, horiz = self._get_text1_transform()
- t = mtext.Text(
- x=0, y=0,
- fontproperties=font_manager.FontProperties(size=self._labelsize),
- color=self._labelcolor,
- verticalalignment=vert,
- horizontalalignment=horiz,
- )
- t.set_transform(trans)
- self._set_artist_props(t)
- return t
- def _get_text2(self):
- 'Get the default Text instance'
- # x in axes coords, y in data coords
- trans, vert, horiz = self._get_text2_transform()
- t = mtext.Text(
- x=1, y=0,
- fontproperties=font_manager.FontProperties(size=self._labelsize),
- color=self._labelcolor,
- verticalalignment=vert,
- horizontalalignment=horiz,
- )
- t.set_transform(trans)
- self._set_artist_props(t)
- return t
- def _get_tick1line(self):
- 'Get the default line2D instance'
- # x in axes coords, y in data coords
- l = mlines.Line2D((0,), (0,),
- color=self._color,
- marker=self._tickmarkers[0],
- linestyle='None',
- markersize=self._size,
- markeredgewidth=self._width,
- zorder=self._zorder)
- l.set_transform(self.axes.get_yaxis_transform(which='tick1'))
- self._set_artist_props(l)
- return l
- def _get_tick2line(self):
- 'Get the default line2D instance'
- # x in axes coords, y in data coords
- l = mlines.Line2D((1,), (0,),
- color=self._color,
- marker=self._tickmarkers[1],
- linestyle='None',
- markersize=self._size,
- markeredgewidth=self._width,
- zorder=self._zorder)
- l.set_transform(self.axes.get_yaxis_transform(which='tick2'))
- self._set_artist_props(l)
- return l
- def _get_gridline(self):
- 'Get the default line2D instance'
- # x in axes coords, y in data coords
- l = mlines.Line2D(xdata=(0, 1), ydata=(0, 0),
- color=self._grid_color,
- linestyle=self._grid_linestyle,
- linewidth=self._grid_linewidth,
- alpha=self._grid_alpha,
- markersize=0,
- **self._grid_kw)
- l.set_transform(self.axes.get_yaxis_transform(which='grid'))
- l.get_path()._interpolation_steps = GRIDLINE_INTERPOLATION_STEPS
- self._set_artist_props(l)
- return l
- def update_position(self, loc):
- 'Set the location of tick in data coords with scalar *loc*'
- if self.tick1On:
- self.tick1line.set_ydata((loc,))
- if self.tick2On:
- self.tick2line.set_ydata((loc,))
- if self.gridOn:
- self.gridline.set_ydata((loc,))
- if self.label1On:
- self.label1.set_y(loc)
- if self.label2On:
- self.label2.set_y(loc)
- self._loc = loc
- self.stale = True
- def get_view_interval(self):
- 'return the Interval instance for this axis view limits'
- return self.axes.viewLim.intervaly
- class Ticker(object):
- locator = None
- formatter = None
- class _LazyTickList(object):
- """
- A descriptor for lazy instantiation of tick lists.
- See comment above definition of the ``majorTicks`` and ``minorTicks``
- attributes.
- """
- def __init__(self, major):
- self._major = major
- def __get__(self, instance, cls):
- if instance is None:
- return self
- else:
- # instance._get_tick() can itself try to access the majorTicks
- # attribute (e.g. in certain projection classes which override
- # e.g. get_xaxis_text1_transform). In order to avoid infinite
- # recursion, first set the majorTicks on the instance to an empty
- # list, then create the tick and append it.
- if self._major:
- instance.majorTicks = []
- tick = instance._get_tick(major=True)
- instance.majorTicks.append(tick)
- return instance.majorTicks
- else:
- instance.minorTicks = []
- tick = instance._get_tick(major=False)
- instance.minorTicks.append(tick)
- return instance.minorTicks
- class Axis(artist.Artist):
- """
- Public attributes
- * :attr:`axes.transData` - transform data coords to display coords
- * :attr:`axes.transAxes` - transform axis coords to display coords
- * :attr:`labelpad` - number of points between the axis and its label
- """
- def __str__(self):
- return self.__class__.__name__ \
- + "(%f,%f)" % tuple(self.axes.transAxes.transform_point((0, 0)))
- def __init__(self, axes, pickradius=15):
- """
- Init the axis with the parent Axes instance
- """
- artist.Artist.__init__(self)
- self.set_figure(axes.figure)
- self.isDefault_label = True
- self.axes = axes
- self.major = Ticker()
- self.minor = Ticker()
- self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry()
- self._autolabelpos = True
- self._smart_bounds = False
- self.label = self._get_label()
- self.labelpad = rcParams['axes.labelpad']
- self.offsetText = self._get_offset_text()
- self.pickradius = pickradius
- # Initialize here for testing; later add API
- self._major_tick_kw = dict()
- self._minor_tick_kw = dict()
- self.cla()
- self._set_scale('linear')
- # During initialization, Axis objects often create ticks that are later
- # unused; this turns out to be a very slow step. Instead, use a custom
- # descriptor to make the tick lists lazy and instantiate them as needed.
- majorTicks = _LazyTickList(major=True)
- minorTicks = _LazyTickList(major=False)
- def set_label_coords(self, x, y, transform=None):
- """
- Set the coordinates of the label. By default, the x
- coordinate of the y label is determined by the tick label
- bounding boxes, but this can lead to poor alignment of
- multiple ylabels if there are multiple axes. Ditto for the y
- coordinate of the x label.
- You can also specify the coordinate system of the label with
- the transform. If None, the default coordinate system will be
- the axes coordinate system (0,0) is (left,bottom), (0.5, 0.5)
- is middle, etc
- """
- self._autolabelpos = False
- if transform is None:
- transform = self.axes.transAxes
- self.label.set_transform(transform)
- self.label.set_position((x, y))
- self.stale = True
- def get_transform(self):
- return self._scale.get_transform()
- def get_scale(self):
- return self._scale.name
- def _set_scale(self, value, **kwargs):
- self._scale = mscale.scale_factory(value, self, **kwargs)
- self._scale.set_default_locators_and_formatters(self)
- self.isDefault_majloc = True
- self.isDefault_minloc = True
- self.isDefault_majfmt = True
- self.isDefault_minfmt = True
- def limit_range_for_scale(self, vmin, vmax):
- return self._scale.limit_range_for_scale(vmin, vmax, self.get_minpos())
- @property
- @cbook.deprecated("2.2.0")
- def unit_data(self):
- return self.units
- @unit_data.setter
- @cbook.deprecated("2.2.0")
- def unit_data(self, unit_data):
- self.set_units(unit_data)
- def get_children(self):
- children = [self.label, self.offsetText]
- majorticks = self.get_major_ticks()
- minorticks = self.get_minor_ticks()
- children.extend(majorticks)
- children.extend(minorticks)
- return children
- def cla(self):
- 'clear the current axis'
- self.label.set_text('') # self.set_label_text would change isDefault_
- self._set_scale('linear')
- # Clear the callback registry for this axis, or it may "leak"
- self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry()
- # whether the grids are on
- self._gridOnMajor = (rcParams['axes.grid'] and
- rcParams['axes.grid.which'] in ('both', 'major'))
- self._gridOnMinor = (rcParams['axes.grid'] and
- rcParams['axes.grid.which'] in ('both', 'minor'))
- self.reset_ticks()
- self.converter = None
- self.units = None
- self.set_units(None)
- self.stale = True
- def reset_ticks(self):
- """
- Re-initialize the major and minor Tick lists.
- Each list starts with a single fresh Tick.
- """
- # Restore the lazy tick lists.
- try:
- del self.majorTicks
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- try:
- del self.minorTicks
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- try:
- self.set_clip_path(self.axes.patch)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- def set_tick_params(self, which='major', reset=False, **kw):
- """
- Set appearance parameters for ticks, ticklabels, and gridlines.
- For documentation of keyword arguments, see
- :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.tick_params`.
- """
- dicts = []
- if which == 'major' or which == 'both':
- dicts.append(self._major_tick_kw)
- if which == 'minor' or which == 'both':
- dicts.append(self._minor_tick_kw)
- kwtrans = self._translate_tick_kw(kw, to_init_kw=True)
- for d in dicts:
- if reset:
- d.clear()
- d.update(kwtrans)
- if reset:
- self.reset_ticks()
- else:
- if which == 'major' or which == 'both':
- for tick in self.majorTicks:
- tick._apply_params(**self._major_tick_kw)
- if which == 'minor' or which == 'both':
- for tick in self.minorTicks:
- tick._apply_params(**self._minor_tick_kw)
- if 'labelcolor' in kwtrans:
- self.offsetText.set_color(kwtrans['labelcolor'])
- self.stale = True
- @staticmethod
- def _translate_tick_kw(kw, to_init_kw=True):
- # The following lists may be moved to a more
- # accessible location.
- kwkeys0 = ['size', 'width', 'color', 'tickdir', 'pad',
- 'labelsize', 'labelcolor', 'zorder', 'gridOn',
- 'tick1On', 'tick2On', 'label1On', 'label2On']
- kwkeys1 = ['length', 'direction', 'left', 'bottom', 'right', 'top',
- 'labelleft', 'labelbottom', 'labelright', 'labeltop',
- 'labelrotation']
- kwkeys2 = _gridline_param_names
- kwkeys = kwkeys0 + kwkeys1 + kwkeys2
- kwtrans = dict()
- if to_init_kw:
- if 'length' in kw:
- kwtrans['size'] = kw.pop('length')
- if 'direction' in kw:
- kwtrans['tickdir'] = kw.pop('direction')
- if 'rotation' in kw:
- kwtrans['labelrotation'] = kw.pop('rotation')
- if 'left' in kw:
- kwtrans['tick1On'] = _string_to_bool(kw.pop('left'))
- if 'bottom' in kw:
- kwtrans['tick1On'] = _string_to_bool(kw.pop('bottom'))
- if 'right' in kw:
- kwtrans['tick2On'] = _string_to_bool(kw.pop('right'))
- if 'top' in kw:
- kwtrans['tick2On'] = _string_to_bool(kw.pop('top'))
- if 'labelleft' in kw:
- kwtrans['label1On'] = _string_to_bool(kw.pop('labelleft'))
- if 'labelbottom' in kw:
- kwtrans['label1On'] = _string_to_bool(kw.pop('labelbottom'))
- if 'labelright' in kw:
- kwtrans['label2On'] = _string_to_bool(kw.pop('labelright'))
- if 'labeltop' in kw:
- kwtrans['label2On'] = _string_to_bool(kw.pop('labeltop'))
- if 'colors' in kw:
- c = kw.pop('colors')
- kwtrans['color'] = c
- kwtrans['labelcolor'] = c
- # Maybe move the checking up to the caller of this method.
- for key in kw:
- if key not in kwkeys:
- raise ValueError(
- "keyword %s is not recognized; valid keywords are %s"
- % (key, kwkeys))
- kwtrans.update(kw)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError("Inverse translation is deferred")
- return kwtrans
- def set_clip_path(self, clippath, transform=None):
- artist.Artist.set_clip_path(self, clippath, transform)
- for child in self.majorTicks + self.minorTicks:
- child.set_clip_path(clippath, transform)
- self.stale = True
- def get_view_interval(self):
- 'return the Interval instance for this axis view limits'
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def set_view_interval(self, vmin, vmax, ignore=False):
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def get_data_interval(self):
- 'return the Interval instance for this axis data limits'
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def set_data_interval(self):
- '''set the axis data limits'''
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def set_default_intervals(self):
- '''set the default limits for the axis data and view interval if they
- are not mutated'''
- # this is mainly in support of custom object plotting. For
- # example, if someone passes in a datetime object, we do not
- # know automagically how to set the default min/max of the
- # data and view limits. The unit conversion AxisInfo
- # interface provides a hook for custom types to register
- # default limits through the AxisInfo.default_limits
- # attribute, and the derived code below will check for that
- # and use it if is available (else just use 0..1)
- pass
- def _set_artist_props(self, a):
- if a is None:
- return
- a.set_figure(self.figure)
- def iter_ticks(self):
- """
- Iterate through all of the major and minor ticks.
- """
- majorLocs = self.major.locator()
- majorTicks = self.get_major_ticks(len(majorLocs))
- self.major.formatter.set_locs(majorLocs)
- majorLabels = [self.major.formatter(val, i)
- for i, val in enumerate(majorLocs)]
- minorLocs = self.minor.locator()
- minorTicks = self.get_minor_ticks(len(minorLocs))
- self.minor.formatter.set_locs(minorLocs)
- minorLabels = [self.minor.formatter(val, i)
- for i, val in enumerate(minorLocs)]
- major_minor = [
- (majorTicks, majorLocs, majorLabels),
- (minorTicks, minorLocs, minorLabels)]
- for group in major_minor:
- yield from zip(*group)
- def get_ticklabel_extents(self, renderer):
- """
- Get the extents of the tick labels on either side
- of the axes.
- """
- ticks_to_draw = self._update_ticks(renderer)
- ticklabelBoxes, ticklabelBoxes2 = self._get_tick_bboxes(ticks_to_draw,
- renderer)
- if len(ticklabelBoxes):
- bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(ticklabelBoxes)
- else:
- bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.from_extents(0, 0, 0, 0)
- if len(ticklabelBoxes2):
- bbox2 = mtransforms.Bbox.union(ticklabelBoxes2)
- else:
- bbox2 = mtransforms.Bbox.from_extents(0, 0, 0, 0)
- return bbox, bbox2
- def set_smart_bounds(self, value):
- """set the axis to have smart bounds"""
- self._smart_bounds = value
- self.stale = True
- def get_smart_bounds(self):
- """get whether the axis has smart bounds"""
- return self._smart_bounds
- def _update_ticks(self, renderer):
- """
- Update ticks (position and labels) using the current data
- interval of the axes. Returns a list of ticks that will be
- drawn.
- """
- interval = self.get_view_interval()
- tick_tups = list(self.iter_ticks()) # iter_ticks calls the locator
- if self._smart_bounds and tick_tups:
- # handle inverted limits
- view_low, view_high = sorted(interval)
- data_low, data_high = sorted(self.get_data_interval())
- locs = np.sort([ti[1] for ti in tick_tups])
- if data_low <= view_low:
- # data extends beyond view, take view as limit
- ilow = view_low
- else:
- # data stops within view, take best tick
- good_locs = locs[locs <= data_low]
- if len(good_locs):
- # last tick prior or equal to first data point
- ilow = good_locs[-1]
- else:
- # No ticks (why not?), take first tick
- ilow = locs[0]
- if data_high >= view_high:
- # data extends beyond view, take view as limit
- ihigh = view_high
- else:
- # data stops within view, take best tick
- good_locs = locs[locs >= data_high]
- if len(good_locs):
- # first tick after or equal to last data point
- ihigh = good_locs[0]
- else:
- # No ticks (why not?), take last tick
- ihigh = locs[-1]
- tick_tups = [ti for ti in tick_tups if ilow <= ti[1] <= ihigh]
- # so that we don't lose ticks on the end, expand out the interval ever
- # so slightly. The "ever so slightly" is defined to be the width of a
- # half of a pixel. We don't want to draw a tick that even one pixel
- # outside of the defined axis interval.
- if interval[0] <= interval[1]:
- interval_expanded = interval
- else:
- interval_expanded = interval[1], interval[0]
- if hasattr(self, '_get_pixel_distance_along_axis'):
- # normally, one does not want to catch all exceptions that
- # could possibly happen, but it is not clear exactly what
- # exceptions might arise from a user's projection (their
- # rendition of the Axis object). So, we catch all, with
- # the idea that one would rather potentially lose a tick
- # from one side of the axis or another, rather than see a
- # stack trace.
- # We also catch users warnings here. These are the result of
- # invalid numpy calculations that may be the result of out of
- # bounds on axis with finite allowed intervals such as geo
- # projections i.e. Mollweide.
- with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
- try:
- ds1 = self._get_pixel_distance_along_axis(
- interval_expanded[0], -0.5)
- except:
- warnings.warn("Unable to find pixel distance along axis "
- "for interval padding of ticks; assuming no "
- "interval padding needed.")
- ds1 = 0.0
- if np.isnan(ds1):
- ds1 = 0.0
- try:
- ds2 = self._get_pixel_distance_along_axis(
- interval_expanded[1], +0.5)
- except:
- warnings.warn("Unable to find pixel distance along axis "
- "for interval padding of ticks; assuming no "
- "interval padding needed.")
- ds2 = 0.0
- if np.isnan(ds2):
- ds2 = 0.0
- interval_expanded = (interval_expanded[0] - ds1,
- interval_expanded[1] + ds2)
- ticks_to_draw = []
- for tick, loc, label in tick_tups:
- if tick is None:
- continue
- # NB: always update labels and position to avoid issues like #9397
- tick.update_position(loc)
- tick.set_label1(label)
- tick.set_label2(label)
- if not mtransforms.interval_contains(interval_expanded, loc):
- continue
- ticks_to_draw.append(tick)
- return ticks_to_draw
- def _get_tick_bboxes(self, ticks, renderer):
- """
- Given the list of ticks, return two lists of bboxes. One for
- tick lable1's and another for tick label2's.
- """
- ticklabelBoxes = []
- ticklabelBoxes2 = []
- for tick in ticks:
- if tick.label1On and tick.label1.get_visible():
- extent = tick.label1.get_window_extent(renderer)
- ticklabelBoxes.append(extent)
- if tick.label2On and tick.label2.get_visible():
- extent = tick.label2.get_window_extent(renderer)
- ticklabelBoxes2.append(extent)
- return ticklabelBoxes, ticklabelBoxes2
- def get_tightbbox(self, renderer):
- """
- Return a bounding box that encloses the axis. It only accounts
- tick labels, axis label, and offsetText.
- """
- if not self.get_visible():
- return
- ticks_to_draw = self._update_ticks(renderer)
- self._update_label_position(renderer)
- # go back to just this axis's tick labels
- ticklabelBoxes, ticklabelBoxes2 = self._get_tick_bboxes(
- ticks_to_draw, renderer)
- self._update_offset_text_position(ticklabelBoxes, ticklabelBoxes2)
- self.offsetText.set_text(self.major.formatter.get_offset())
- bb = []
- for a in [self.label, self.offsetText]:
- bbox = a.get_window_extent(renderer)
- if (np.isfinite(bbox.width) and np.isfinite(bbox.height) and
- a.get_visible()):
- bb.append(bbox)
- bb.extend(ticklabelBoxes)
- bb.extend(ticklabelBoxes2)
- bb = [b for b in bb if b.width != 0 or b.height != 0]
- if bb:
- _bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bb)
- return _bbox
- else:
- return None
- def get_tick_padding(self):
- values = []
- if len(self.majorTicks):
- values.append(self.majorTicks[0].get_tick_padding())
- if len(self.minorTicks):
- values.append(self.minorTicks[0].get_tick_padding())
- return max(values, default=0)
- @allow_rasterization
- def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
- 'Draw the axis lines, grid lines, tick lines and labels'
- if not self.get_visible():
- return
- renderer.open_group(__name__)
- ticks_to_draw = self._update_ticks(renderer)
- ticklabelBoxes, ticklabelBoxes2 = self._get_tick_bboxes(ticks_to_draw,
- renderer)
- for tick in ticks_to_draw:
- tick.draw(renderer)
- # scale up the axis label box to also find the neighbors, not
- # just the tick labels that actually overlap note we need a
- # *copy* of the axis label box because we don't wan't to scale
- # the actual bbox
- self._update_label_position(renderer)
- self.label.draw(renderer)
- self._update_offset_text_position(ticklabelBoxes, ticklabelBoxes2)
- self.offsetText.set_text(self.major.formatter.get_offset())
- self.offsetText.draw(renderer)
- if 0: # draw the bounding boxes around the text for debug
- for tick in self.majorTicks:
- label = tick.label1
- mpatches.bbox_artist(label, renderer)
- mpatches.bbox_artist(self.label, renderer)
- renderer.close_group(__name__)
- self.stale = False
- def _get_label(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def _get_offset_text(self):
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def get_gridlines(self):
- 'Return the grid lines as a list of Line2D instance'
- ticks = self.get_major_ticks()
- return cbook.silent_list('Line2D gridline',
- [tick.gridline for tick in ticks])
- def get_label(self):
- 'Return the axis label as a Text instance'
- return self.label
- def get_offset_text(self):
- 'Return the axis offsetText as a Text instance'
- return self.offsetText
- def get_pickradius(self):
- 'Return the depth of the axis used by the picker'
- return self.pickradius
- def get_majorticklabels(self):
- 'Return a list of Text instances for the major ticklabels'
- ticks = self.get_major_ticks()
- labels1 = [tick.label1 for tick in ticks if tick.label1On]
- labels2 = [tick.label2 for tick in ticks if tick.label2On]
- return cbook.silent_list('Text major ticklabel', labels1 + labels2)
- def get_minorticklabels(self):
- 'Return a list of Text instances for the minor ticklabels'
- ticks = self.get_minor_ticks()
- labels1 = [tick.label1 for tick in ticks if tick.label1On]
- labels2 = [tick.label2 for tick in ticks if tick.label2On]
- return cbook.silent_list('Text minor ticklabel', labels1 + labels2)
- def get_ticklabels(self, minor=False, which=None):
- """
- Get the tick labels as a list of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text`
- instances.
- Parameters
- ----------
- minor : bool
- If True return the minor ticklabels,
- else return the major ticklabels
- which : None, ('minor', 'major', 'both')
- Overrides `minor`.
- Selects which ticklabels to return
- Returns
- -------
- ret : list
- List of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances.
- """
- if which is not None:
- if which == 'minor':
- return self.get_minorticklabels()
- elif which == 'major':
- return self.get_majorticklabels()
- elif which == 'both':
- return self.get_majorticklabels() + self.get_minorticklabels()
- else:
- raise ValueError("`which` must be one of ('minor', 'major', "
- "'both') not " + str(which))
- if minor:
- return self.get_minorticklabels()
- return self.get_majorticklabels()
- def get_majorticklines(self):
- 'Return the major tick lines as a list of Line2D instances'
- lines = []
- ticks = self.get_major_ticks()
- for tick in ticks:
- lines.append(tick.tick1line)
- lines.append(tick.tick2line)
- return cbook.silent_list('Line2D ticklines', lines)
- def get_minorticklines(self):
- 'Return the minor tick lines as a list of Line2D instances'
- lines = []
- ticks = self.get_minor_ticks()
- for tick in ticks:
- lines.append(tick.tick1line)
- lines.append(tick.tick2line)
- return cbook.silent_list('Line2D ticklines', lines)
- def get_ticklines(self, minor=False):
- 'Return the tick lines as a list of Line2D instances'
- if minor:
- return self.get_minorticklines()
- return self.get_majorticklines()
- def get_majorticklocs(self):
- "Get the major tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array"
- return self.major.locator()
- def get_minorticklocs(self):
- "Get the minor tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array"
- return self.minor.locator()
- def get_ticklocs(self, minor=False):
- "Get the tick locations in data coordinates as a numpy array"
- if minor:
- return self.minor.locator()
- return self.major.locator()
- def get_ticks_direction(self, minor=False):
- """
- Get the tick directions as a numpy array
- Parameters
- ----------
- minor : boolean
- True to return the minor tick directions,
- False to return the major tick directions,
- Default is False
- Returns
- -------
- numpy array of tick directions
- """
- if minor:
- return np.array(
- [tick._tickdir for tick in self.get_minor_ticks()])
- else:
- return np.array(
- [tick._tickdir for tick in self.get_major_ticks()])
- def _get_tick(self, major):
- 'return the default tick instance'
- raise NotImplementedError('derived must override')
- def _copy_tick_props(self, src, dest):
- 'Copy the props from src tick to dest tick'
- if src is None or dest is None:
- return
- dest.label1.update_from(src.label1)
- dest.label2.update_from(src.label2)
- dest.tick1line.update_from(src.tick1line)
- dest.tick2line.update_from(src.tick2line)
- dest.gridline.update_from(src.gridline)
- dest.tick1On = src.tick1On
- dest.tick2On = src.tick2On
- dest.label1On = src.label1On
- dest.label2On = src.label2On
- def get_label_text(self):
- 'Get the text of the label'
- return self.label.get_text()
- def get_major_locator(self):
- 'Get the locator of the major ticker'
- return self.major.locator
- def get_minor_locator(self):
- 'Get the locator of the minor ticker'
- return self.minor.locator
- def get_major_formatter(self):
- 'Get the formatter of the major ticker'
- return self.major.formatter
- def get_minor_formatter(self):
- 'Get the formatter of the minor ticker'
- return self.minor.formatter
- def get_major_ticks(self, numticks=None):
- 'get the tick instances; grow as necessary'
- if numticks is None:
- numticks = len(self.get_major_locator()())
- while len(self.majorTicks) < numticks:
- # update the new tick label properties from the old
- tick = self._get_tick(major=True)
- self.majorTicks.append(tick)
- if self._gridOnMajor:
- tick.gridOn = True
- self._copy_tick_props(self.majorTicks[0], tick)
- return self.majorTicks[:numticks]
- def get_minor_ticks(self, numticks=None):
- 'get the minor tick instances; grow as necessary'
- if numticks is None:
- numticks = len(self.get_minor_locator()())
- while len(self.minorTicks) < numticks:
- # update the new tick label properties from the old
- tick = self._get_tick(major=False)
- self.minorTicks.append(tick)
- if self._gridOnMinor:
- tick.gridOn = True
- self._copy_tick_props(self.minorTicks[0], tick)
- return self.minorTicks[:numticks]
- def grid(self, b=None, which='major', **kwargs):
- """
- Configure the grid lines.
- Parameters
- ----------
- b : bool or None
- Whether to show the grid lines. If any *kwargs* are supplied,
- it is assumed you want the grid on and *b* will be set to True.
- If *b* is *None* and there are no *kwargs*, this toggles the
- visibility of the lines.
- which : {'major', 'minor', 'both'}
- The grid lines to apply the changes on.
- **kwargs : `.Line2D` properties
- Define the line properties of the grid, e.g.::
- grid(color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)
- """
- if len(kwargs):
- b = True
- which = which.lower()
- gridkw = {'grid_' + item[0]: item[1] for item in kwargs.items()}
- if which in ['minor', 'both']:
- if b is None:
- self._gridOnMinor = not self._gridOnMinor
- else:
- self._gridOnMinor = b
- self.set_tick_params(which='minor', gridOn=self._gridOnMinor,
- **gridkw)
- if which in ['major', 'both']:
- if b is None:
- self._gridOnMajor = not self._gridOnMajor
- else:
- self._gridOnMajor = b
- self.set_tick_params(which='major', gridOn=self._gridOnMajor,
- **gridkw)
- self.stale = True
- def update_units(self, data):
- """
- introspect *data* for units converter and update the
- axis.converter instance if necessary. Return *True*
- if *data* is registered for unit conversion.
- """
- converter = munits.registry.get_converter(data)
- if converter is None:
- return False
- neednew = self.converter != converter
- self.converter = converter
- default = self.converter.default_units(data, self)
- if default is not None and self.units is None:
- self.set_units(default)
- if neednew:
- self._update_axisinfo()
- self.stale = True
- return True
- def _update_axisinfo(self):
- """
- check the axis converter for the stored units to see if the
- axis info needs to be updated
- """
- if self.converter is None:
- return
- info = self.converter.axisinfo(self.units, self)
- if info is None:
- return
- if info.majloc is not None and \
- self.major.locator != info.majloc and self.isDefault_majloc:
- self.set_major_locator(info.majloc)
- self.isDefault_majloc = True
- if info.minloc is not None and \
- self.minor.locator != info.minloc and self.isDefault_minloc:
- self.set_minor_locator(info.minloc)
- self.isDefault_minloc = True
- if info.majfmt is not None and \
- self.major.formatter != info.majfmt and self.isDefault_majfmt:
- self.set_major_formatter(info.majfmt)
- self.isDefault_majfmt = True
- if info.minfmt is not None and \
- self.minor.formatter != info.minfmt and self.isDefault_minfmt:
- self.set_minor_formatter(info.minfmt)
- self.isDefault_minfmt = True
- if info.label is not None and self.isDefault_label:
- self.set_label_text(info.label)
- self.isDefault_label = True
- self.set_default_intervals()
- def have_units(self):
- return self.converter is not None or self.units is not None
- def convert_units(self, x):
- # If x is already a number, doesn't need converting
- if munits.ConversionInterface.is_numlike(x):
- return x
- if self.converter is None:
- self.converter = munits.registry.get_converter(x)
- if self.converter is None:
- return x
- ret = self.converter.convert(x, self.units, self)
- return ret
- def set_units(self, u):
- """
- set the units for axis
- ACCEPTS: a units tag
- """
- pchanged = False
- if u is None:
- self.units = None
- pchanged = True
- else:
- if u != self.units:
- self.units = u
- pchanged = True
- if pchanged:
- self._update_axisinfo()
- self.callbacks.process('units')
- self.callbacks.process('units finalize')
- self.stale = True
- def get_units(self):
- 'return the units for axis'
- return self.units
- def set_label_text(self, label, fontdict=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Set the text value of the axis label.
- ACCEPTS: A string value for the label
- """
- self.isDefault_label = False
- self.label.set_text(label)
- if fontdict is not None:
- self.label.update(fontdict)
- self.label.update(kwargs)
- self.stale = True
- return self.label
- def set_major_formatter(self, formatter):
- """
- Set the formatter of the major ticker.
- Parameters
- ----------
- formatter : ~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter
- """
- if not isinstance(formatter, mticker.Formatter):
- raise TypeError("formatter argument should be instance of "
- "matplotlib.ticker.Formatter")
- self.isDefault_majfmt = False
- self.major.formatter = formatter
- formatter.set_axis(self)
- self.stale = True
- def set_minor_formatter(self, formatter):
- """
- Set the formatter of the minor ticker.
- Parameters
- ----------
- formatter : ~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter
- """
- if not isinstance(formatter, mticker.Formatter):
- raise TypeError("formatter argument should be instance of "
- "matplotlib.ticker.Formatter")
- self.isDefault_minfmt = False
- self.minor.formatter = formatter
- formatter.set_axis(self)
- self.stale = True
- def set_major_locator(self, locator):
- """
- Set the locator of the major ticker.
- Parameters
- ----------
- locator : ~matplotlib.ticker.Locator
- """
- if not isinstance(locator, mticker.Locator):
- raise TypeError("formatter argument should be instance of "
- "matplotlib.ticker.Locator")
- self.isDefault_majloc = False
- self.major.locator = locator
- locator.set_axis(self)
- self.stale = True
- def set_minor_locator(self, locator):
- """
- Set the locator of the minor ticker.
- Parameters
- ----------
- locator : ~matplotlib.ticker.Locator
- """
- if not isinstance(locator, mticker.Locator):
- raise TypeError("formatter argument should be instance of "
- "matplotlib.ticker.Locator")
- self.isDefault_minloc = False
- self.minor.locator = locator
- locator.set_axis(self)
- self.stale = True
- def set_pickradius(self, pickradius):
- """
- Set the depth of the axis used by the picker.
- Parameters
- ----------
- pickradius : float
- """
- self.pickradius = pickradius
- def set_ticklabels(self, ticklabels, *args, minor=False, **kwargs):
- """
- Set the text values of the tick labels. Return a list of Text
- instances. Use *kwarg* *minor=True* to select minor ticks.
- All other kwargs are used to update the text object properties.
- As for get_ticklabels, label1 (left or bottom) is
- affected for a given tick only if its label1On attribute
- is True, and similarly for label2. The list of returned
- label text objects consists of all such label1 objects followed
- by all such label2 objects.
- The input *ticklabels* is assumed to match the set of
- tick locations, regardless of the state of label1On and
- label2On.
- ACCEPTS: sequence of strings or Text objects
- """
- get_labels = []
- for t in ticklabels:
- # try calling get_text() to check whether it is Text object
- # if it is Text, get label content
- try:
- get_labels.append(t.get_text())
- # otherwise add the label to the list directly
- except AttributeError:
- get_labels.append(t)
- # replace the ticklabels list with the processed one
- ticklabels = get_labels
- if minor:
- self.set_minor_formatter(mticker.FixedFormatter(ticklabels))
- ticks = self.get_minor_ticks()
- else:
- self.set_major_formatter(mticker.FixedFormatter(ticklabels))
- ticks = self.get_major_ticks()
- ret = []
- for tick_label, tick in zip(ticklabels, ticks):
- # deal with label1
- tick.label1.set_text(tick_label)
- tick.label1.update(kwargs)
- # deal with label2
- tick.label2.set_text(tick_label)
- tick.label2.update(kwargs)
- # only return visible tick labels
- if tick.label1On:
- ret.append(tick.label1)
- if tick.label2On:
- ret.append(tick.label2)
- self.stale = True
- return ret
- def set_ticks(self, ticks, minor=False):
- """
- Set the locations of the tick marks from sequence ticks
- ACCEPTS: sequence of floats
- """
- # XXX if the user changes units, the information will be lost here
- ticks = self.convert_units(ticks)
- if len(ticks) > 1:
- xleft, xright = self.get_view_interval()
- if xright > xleft:
- self.set_view_interval(min(ticks), max(ticks))
- else:
- self.set_view_interval(max(ticks), min(ticks))
- if minor:
- self.set_minor_locator(mticker.FixedLocator(ticks))
- return self.get_minor_ticks(len(ticks))
- else:
- self.set_major_locator(mticker.FixedLocator(ticks))
- return self.get_major_ticks(len(ticks))
- def _get_tick_boxes_siblings(self, xdir, renderer):
- """
- Get the bounding boxes for this `.axis` and its siblings
- as set by `.Figure.align_xlabels` or `.Figure.align_ylablels`.
- By default it just gets bboxes for self.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def _update_label_position(self, renderer):
- """
- Update the label position based on the bounding box enclosing
- all the ticklabels and axis spine
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def _update_offset_text_position(self, bboxes, bboxes2):
- """
- Update the label position based on the sequence of bounding
- boxes of all the ticklabels
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('Derived must override')
- def pan(self, numsteps):
- 'Pan *numsteps* (can be positive or negative)'
- self.major.locator.pan(numsteps)
- def zoom(self, direction):
- "Zoom in/out on axis; if *direction* is >0 zoom in, else zoom out"
- self.major.locator.zoom(direction)
- def axis_date(self, tz=None):
- """
- Sets up x-axis ticks and labels that treat the x data as dates.
- *tz* is a :class:`tzinfo` instance or a timezone string.
- This timezone is used to create date labels.
- """
- # By providing a sample datetime instance with the desired timezone,
- # the registered converter can be selected, and the "units" attribute,
- # which is the timezone, can be set.
- if isinstance(tz, str):
- import dateutil.tz
- tz = dateutil.tz.gettz(tz)
- self.update_units(datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, tz))
- def get_tick_space(self):
- """
- Return the estimated number of ticks that can fit on the axis.
- """
- # Must be overridden in the subclass
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def get_label_position(self):
- """
- Return the label position (top or bottom)
- """
- return self.label_position
- def set_label_position(self, position):
- """
- Set the label position (top or bottom)
- Parameters
- ----------
- position : {'top', 'bottom'}
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def get_minpos(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- class XAxis(Axis):
- __name__ = 'xaxis'
- axis_name = 'x'
- def contains(self, mouseevent):
- """Test whether the mouse event occurred in the x axis.
- """
- if callable(self._contains):
- return self._contains(self, mouseevent)
- x, y = mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y
- try:
- trans = self.axes.transAxes.inverted()
- xaxes, yaxes = trans.transform_point((x, y))
- except ValueError:
- return False, {}
- l, b = self.axes.transAxes.transform_point((0, 0))
- r, t = self.axes.transAxes.transform_point((1, 1))
- inaxis = 0 <= xaxes <= 1 and (
- b - self.pickradius < y < b or
- t < y < t + self.pickradius)
- return inaxis, {}
- def _get_tick(self, major):
- if major:
- tick_kw = self._major_tick_kw
- else:
- tick_kw = self._minor_tick_kw
- return XTick(self.axes, 0, '', major=major, **tick_kw)
- def _get_label(self):
- # x in axes coords, y in display coords (to be updated at draw
- # time by _update_label_positions)
- label = mtext.Text(x=0.5, y=0,
- fontproperties=font_manager.FontProperties(
- size=rcParams['axes.labelsize'],
- weight=rcParams['axes.labelweight']),
- color=rcParams['axes.labelcolor'],
- verticalalignment='top',
- horizontalalignment='center')
- label.set_transform(mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(
- self.axes.transAxes, mtransforms.IdentityTransform()))
- self._set_artist_props(label)
- self.label_position = 'bottom'
- return label
- def _get_offset_text(self):
- # x in axes coords, y in display coords (to be updated at draw time)
- offsetText = mtext.Text(x=1, y=0,
- fontproperties=font_manager.FontProperties(
- size=rcParams['xtick.labelsize']),
- color=rcParams['xtick.color'],
- verticalalignment='top',
- horizontalalignment='right')
- offsetText.set_transform(mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(
- self.axes.transAxes, mtransforms.IdentityTransform())
- )
- self._set_artist_props(offsetText)
- self.offset_text_position = 'bottom'
- return offsetText
- def _get_pixel_distance_along_axis(self, where, perturb):
- """
- Returns the amount, in data coordinates, that a single pixel
- corresponds to in the locality given by "where", which is also given
- in data coordinates, and is an x coordinate. "perturb" is the amount
- to perturb the pixel. Usually +0.5 or -0.5.
- Implementing this routine for an axis is optional; if present, it will
- ensure that no ticks are lost due to round-off at the extreme ends of
- an axis.
- """
- # Note that this routine does not work for a polar axis, because of
- # the 1e-10 below. To do things correctly, we need to use rmax
- # instead of 1e-10 for a polar axis. But since we do not have that
- # kind of information at this point, we just don't try to pad anything
- # for the theta axis of a polar plot.
- if self.axes.name == 'polar':
- return 0.0
- #
- # first figure out the pixel location of the "where" point. We use
- # 1e-10 for the y point, so that we remain compatible with log axes.
- # transformation from data coords to display coords
- trans = self.axes.transData
- # transformation from display coords to data coords
- transinv = trans.inverted()
- pix = trans.transform_point((where, 1e-10))
- # perturb the pixel
- ptp = transinv.transform_point((pix[0] + perturb, pix[1]))
- dx = abs(ptp[0] - where)
- return dx
- def set_label_position(self, position):
- """
- Set the label position (top or bottom)
- Parameters
- ----------
- position : {'top', 'bottom'}
- """
- if position == 'top':
- self.label.set_verticalalignment('baseline')
- elif position == 'bottom':
- self.label.set_verticalalignment('top')
- else:
- raise ValueError("Position accepts only 'top' or 'bottom'")
- self.label_position = position
- self.stale = True
- def _get_tick_boxes_siblings(self, renderer):
- """
- Get the bounding boxes for this `.axis` and its siblings
- as set by `.Figure.align_xlabels` or `.Figure.align_ylablels`.
- By default it just gets bboxes for self.
- """
- bboxes = []
- bboxes2 = []
- # get the Grouper that keeps track of x-label groups for this figure
- grp = self.figure._align_xlabel_grp
- # if we want to align labels from other axes:
- for nn, axx in enumerate(grp.get_siblings(self.axes)):
- ticks_to_draw = axx.xaxis._update_ticks(renderer)
- tlb, tlb2 = axx.xaxis._get_tick_bboxes(ticks_to_draw, renderer)
- bboxes.extend(tlb)
- bboxes2.extend(tlb2)
- return bboxes, bboxes2
- def _update_label_position(self, renderer):
- """
- Update the label position based on the bounding box enclosing
- all the ticklabels and axis spine
- """
- if not self._autolabelpos:
- return
- # get bounding boxes for this axis and any siblings
- # that have been set by `fig.align_xlabels()`
- bboxes, bboxes2 = self._get_tick_boxes_siblings(renderer=renderer)
- x, y = self.label.get_position()
- if self.label_position == 'bottom':
- try:
- spine = self.axes.spines['bottom']
- spinebbox = spine.get_transform().transform_path(
- spine.get_path()).get_extents()
- except KeyError:
- # use axes if spine doesn't exist
- spinebbox = self.axes.bbox
- bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes + [spinebbox])
- bottom = bbox.y0
- self.label.set_position(
- (x, bottom - self.labelpad * self.figure.dpi / 72)
- )
- else:
- try:
- spine = self.axes.spines['top']
- spinebbox = spine.get_transform().transform_path(
- spine.get_path()).get_extents()
- except KeyError:
- # use axes if spine doesn't exist
- spinebbox = self.axes.bbox
- bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes2 + [spinebbox])
- top = bbox.y1
- self.label.set_position(
- (x, top + self.labelpad * self.figure.dpi / 72)
- )
- def _update_offset_text_position(self, bboxes, bboxes2):
- """
- Update the offset_text position based on the sequence of bounding
- boxes of all the ticklabels
- """
- x, y = self.offsetText.get_position()
- if not len(bboxes):
- bottom = self.axes.bbox.ymin
- else:
- bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes)
- bottom = bbox.y0
- self.offsetText.set_position(
- (x, bottom - self.OFFSETTEXTPAD * self.figure.dpi / 72)
- )
- def get_text_heights(self, renderer):
- """
- Returns the amount of space one should reserve for text
- above and below the axes. Returns a tuple (above, below)
- """
- bbox, bbox2 = self.get_ticklabel_extents(renderer)
- # MGDTODO: Need a better way to get the pad
- padPixels = self.majorTicks[0].get_pad_pixels()
- above = 0.0
- if bbox2.height:
- above += bbox2.height + padPixels
- below = 0.0
- if bbox.height:
- below += bbox.height + padPixels
- if self.get_label_position() == 'top':
- above += self.label.get_window_extent(renderer).height + padPixels
- else:
- below += self.label.get_window_extent(renderer).height + padPixels
- return above, below
- def set_ticks_position(self, position):
- """
- Set the ticks position (top, bottom, both, default or none)
- both sets the ticks to appear on both positions, but does not
- change the tick labels. 'default' resets the tick positions to
- the default: ticks on both positions, labels at bottom. 'none'
- can be used if you don't want any ticks. 'none' and 'both'
- affect only the ticks, not the labels.
- Parameters
- ----------
- position : {'top', 'bottom', 'both', 'default', 'none'}
- """
- if position == 'top':
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', top=True, labeltop=True,
- bottom=False, labelbottom=False)
- elif position == 'bottom':
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', top=False, labeltop=False,
- bottom=True, labelbottom=True)
- elif position == 'both':
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', top=True,
- bottom=True)
- elif position == 'none':
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', top=False,
- bottom=False)
- elif position == 'default':
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', top=True, labeltop=False,
- bottom=True, labelbottom=True)
- else:
- raise ValueError("invalid position: %s" % position)
- self.stale = True
- def tick_top(self):
- """
- Move ticks and ticklabels (if present) to the top of the axes.
- """
- label = True
- if 'label1On' in self._major_tick_kw:
- label = (self._major_tick_kw['label1On']
- or self._major_tick_kw['label2On'])
- self.set_ticks_position('top')
- # if labels were turned off before this was called
- # leave them off
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', labeltop=label)
- def tick_bottom(self):
- """
- Move ticks and ticklabels (if present) to the bottom of the axes.
- """
- label = True
- if 'label1On' in self._major_tick_kw:
- label = (self._major_tick_kw['label1On']
- or self._major_tick_kw['label2On'])
- self.set_ticks_position('bottom')
- # if labels were turned off before this was called
- # leave them off
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=label)
- def get_ticks_position(self):
- """
- Return the ticks position (top, bottom, default or unknown)
- """
- majt = self.majorTicks[0]
- mT = self.minorTicks[0]
- majorTop = ((not majt.tick1On) and majt.tick2On and
- (not majt.label1On) and majt.label2On)
- minorTop = ((not mT.tick1On) and mT.tick2On and
- (not mT.label1On) and mT.label2On)
- if majorTop and minorTop:
- return 'top'
- MajorBottom = (majt.tick1On and (not majt.tick2On) and
- majt.label1On and (not majt.label2On))
- MinorBottom = (mT.tick1On and (not mT.tick2On) and
- mT.label1On and (not mT.label2On))
- if MajorBottom and MinorBottom:
- return 'bottom'
- majorDefault = (majt.tick1On and majt.tick2On and
- majt.label1On and (not majt.label2On))
- minorDefault = (mT.tick1On and mT.tick2On and
- mT.label1On and (not mT.label2On))
- if majorDefault and minorDefault:
- return 'default'
- return 'unknown'
- def get_view_interval(self):
- 'return the Interval instance for this axis view limits'
- return self.axes.viewLim.intervalx
- def set_view_interval(self, vmin, vmax, ignore=False):
- """
- If *ignore* is *False*, the order of vmin, vmax
- does not matter; the original axis orientation will
- be preserved. In addition, the view limits can be
- expanded, but will not be reduced. This method is
- for mpl internal use; for normal use, see
- :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xlim`.
- """
- if ignore:
- self.axes.viewLim.intervalx = vmin, vmax
- else:
- Vmin, Vmax = self.get_view_interval()
- if Vmin < Vmax:
- self.axes.viewLim.intervalx = (min(vmin, vmax, Vmin),
- max(vmin, vmax, Vmax))
- else:
- self.axes.viewLim.intervalx = (max(vmin, vmax, Vmin),
- min(vmin, vmax, Vmax))
- def get_minpos(self):
- return self.axes.dataLim.minposx
- def get_data_interval(self):
- 'return the Interval instance for this axis data limits'
- return self.axes.dataLim.intervalx
- def set_data_interval(self, vmin, vmax, ignore=False):
- 'set the axis data limits'
- if ignore:
- self.axes.dataLim.intervalx = vmin, vmax
- else:
- Vmin, Vmax = self.get_data_interval()
- self.axes.dataLim.intervalx = min(vmin, Vmin), max(vmax, Vmax)
- self.stale = True
- def set_default_intervals(self):
- 'set the default limits for the axis interval if they are not mutated'
- xmin, xmax = 0., 1.
- dataMutated = self.axes.dataLim.mutatedx()
- viewMutated = self.axes.viewLim.mutatedx()
- if not dataMutated or not viewMutated:
- if self.converter is not None:
- info = self.converter.axisinfo(self.units, self)
- if info.default_limits is not None:
- valmin, valmax = info.default_limits
- xmin = self.converter.convert(valmin, self.units, self)
- xmax = self.converter.convert(valmax, self.units, self)
- if not dataMutated:
- self.axes.dataLim.intervalx = xmin, xmax
- if not viewMutated:
- self.axes.viewLim.intervalx = xmin, xmax
- self.stale = True
- def get_tick_space(self):
- ends = self.axes.transAxes.transform([[0, 0], [1, 0]])
- length = ((ends[1][0] - ends[0][0]) / self.axes.figure.dpi) * 72
- tick = self._get_tick(True)
- # There is a heuristic here that the aspect ratio of tick text
- # is no more than 3:1
- size = tick.label1.get_size() * 3
- if size > 0:
- return int(np.floor(length / size))
- else:
- return 2**31 - 1
- class YAxis(Axis):
- __name__ = 'yaxis'
- axis_name = 'y'
- def contains(self, mouseevent):
- """Test whether the mouse event occurred in the y axis.
- Returns *True* | *False*
- """
- if callable(self._contains):
- return self._contains(self, mouseevent)
- x, y = mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y
- try:
- trans = self.axes.transAxes.inverted()
- xaxes, yaxes = trans.transform_point((x, y))
- except ValueError:
- return False, {}
- l, b = self.axes.transAxes.transform_point((0, 0))
- r, t = self.axes.transAxes.transform_point((1, 1))
- inaxis = 0 <= yaxes <= 1 and (
- l - self.pickradius < x < l or
- r < x < r + self.pickradius)
- return inaxis, {}
- def _get_tick(self, major):
- if major:
- tick_kw = self._major_tick_kw
- else:
- tick_kw = self._minor_tick_kw
- return YTick(self.axes, 0, '', major=major, **tick_kw)
- def _get_label(self):
- # x in display coords (updated by _update_label_position)
- # y in axes coords
- label = mtext.Text(x=0, y=0.5,
- # todo: get the label position
- fontproperties=font_manager.FontProperties(
- size=rcParams['axes.labelsize'],
- weight=rcParams['axes.labelweight']),
- color=rcParams['axes.labelcolor'],
- verticalalignment='bottom',
- horizontalalignment='center',
- rotation='vertical',
- rotation_mode='anchor')
- label.set_transform(mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(
- mtransforms.IdentityTransform(), self.axes.transAxes))
- self._set_artist_props(label)
- self.label_position = 'left'
- return label
- def _get_offset_text(self):
- # x in display coords, y in axes coords (to be updated at draw time)
- offsetText = mtext.Text(x=0, y=0.5,
- fontproperties=font_manager.FontProperties(
- size=rcParams['ytick.labelsize']
- ),
- color=rcParams['ytick.color'],
- verticalalignment='baseline',
- horizontalalignment='left')
- offsetText.set_transform(mtransforms.blended_transform_factory(
- self.axes.transAxes, mtransforms.IdentityTransform())
- )
- self._set_artist_props(offsetText)
- self.offset_text_position = 'left'
- return offsetText
- def _get_pixel_distance_along_axis(self, where, perturb):
- """
- Returns the amount, in data coordinates, that a single pixel
- corresponds to in the locality given by *where*, which is also given
- in data coordinates, and is a y coordinate.
- *perturb* is the amount to perturb the pixel. Usually +0.5 or -0.5.
- Implementing this routine for an axis is optional; if present, it will
- ensure that no ticks are lost due to round-off at the extreme ends of
- an axis.
- """
- #
- # first figure out the pixel location of the "where" point. We use
- # 1e-10 for the x point, so that we remain compatible with log axes.
- # transformation from data coords to display coords
- trans = self.axes.transData
- # transformation from display coords to data coords
- transinv = trans.inverted()
- pix = trans.transform_point((1e-10, where))
- # perturb the pixel
- ptp = transinv.transform_point((pix[0], pix[1] + perturb))
- dy = abs(ptp[1] - where)
- return dy
- def set_label_position(self, position):
- """
- Set the label position (left or right)
- Parameters
- ----------
- position : {'left', 'right'}
- """
- self.label.set_rotation_mode('anchor')
- self.label.set_horizontalalignment('center')
- if position == 'left':
- self.label.set_verticalalignment('bottom')
- elif position == 'right':
- self.label.set_verticalalignment('top')
- else:
- raise ValueError("Position accepts only 'left' or 'right'")
- self.label_position = position
- self.stale = True
- def _get_tick_boxes_siblings(self, renderer):
- """
- Get the bounding boxes for this `.axis` and its siblings
- as set by `.Figure.align_xlabels` or `.Figure.align_ylablels`.
- By default it just gets bboxes for self.
- """
- bboxes = []
- bboxes2 = []
- # get the Grouper that keeps track of y-label groups for this figure
- grp = self.figure._align_ylabel_grp
- # if we want to align labels from other axes:
- for axx in grp.get_siblings(self.axes):
- ticks_to_draw = axx.yaxis._update_ticks(renderer)
- tlb, tlb2 = axx.yaxis._get_tick_bboxes(ticks_to_draw, renderer)
- bboxes.extend(tlb)
- bboxes2.extend(tlb2)
- return bboxes, bboxes2
- def _update_label_position(self, renderer):
- """
- Update the label position based on the bounding box enclosing
- all the ticklabels and axis spine
- """
- if not self._autolabelpos:
- return
- # get bounding boxes for this axis and any siblings
- # that have been set by `fig.align_ylabels()`
- bboxes, bboxes2 = self._get_tick_boxes_siblings(renderer=renderer)
- x, y = self.label.get_position()
- if self.label_position == 'left':
- try:
- spine = self.axes.spines['left']
- spinebbox = spine.get_transform().transform_path(
- spine.get_path()).get_extents()
- except KeyError:
- # use axes if spine doesn't exist
- spinebbox = self.axes.bbox
- bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes + [spinebbox])
- left = bbox.x0
- self.label.set_position(
- (left - self.labelpad * self.figure.dpi / 72, y)
- )
- else:
- try:
- spine = self.axes.spines['right']
- spinebbox = spine.get_transform().transform_path(
- spine.get_path()).get_extents()
- except KeyError:
- # use axes if spine doesn't exist
- spinebbox = self.axes.bbox
- bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes2 + [spinebbox])
- right = bbox.x1
- self.label.set_position(
- (right + self.labelpad * self.figure.dpi / 72, y)
- )
- def _update_offset_text_position(self, bboxes, bboxes2):
- """
- Update the offset_text position based on the sequence of bounding
- boxes of all the ticklabels
- """
- x, y = self.offsetText.get_position()
- top = self.axes.bbox.ymax
- self.offsetText.set_position(
- (x, top + self.OFFSETTEXTPAD * self.figure.dpi / 72)
- )
- def set_offset_position(self, position):
- """
- Parameters
- ----------
- position : {'left', 'right'}
- """
- x, y = self.offsetText.get_position()
- if position == 'left':
- x = 0
- elif position == 'right':
- x = 1
- else:
- raise ValueError("Position accepts only [ 'left' | 'right' ]")
- self.offsetText.set_ha(position)
- self.offsetText.set_position((x, y))
- self.stale = True
- def get_text_widths(self, renderer):
- bbox, bbox2 = self.get_ticklabel_extents(renderer)
- # MGDTODO: Need a better way to get the pad
- padPixels = self.majorTicks[0].get_pad_pixels()
- left = 0.0
- if bbox.width:
- left += bbox.width + padPixels
- right = 0.0
- if bbox2.width:
- right += bbox2.width + padPixels
- if self.get_label_position() == 'left':
- left += self.label.get_window_extent(renderer).width + padPixels
- else:
- right += self.label.get_window_extent(renderer).width + padPixels
- return left, right
- def set_ticks_position(self, position):
- """
- Set the ticks position (left, right, both, default or none)
- 'both' sets the ticks to appear on both positions, but does not
- change the tick labels. 'default' resets the tick positions to
- the default: ticks on both positions, labels at left. 'none'
- can be used if you don't want any ticks. 'none' and 'both'
- affect only the ticks, not the labels.
- Parameters
- ----------
- position : {'left', 'right', 'both', 'default', 'none'}
- """
- if position == 'right':
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', right=True, labelright=True,
- left=False, labelleft=False)
- self.set_offset_position(position)
- elif position == 'left':
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', right=False, labelright=False,
- left=True, labelleft=True)
- self.set_offset_position(position)
- elif position == 'both':
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', right=True,
- left=True)
- elif position == 'none':
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', right=False,
- left=False)
- elif position == 'default':
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', right=True, labelright=False,
- left=True, labelleft=True)
- else:
- raise ValueError("invalid position: %s" % position)
- self.stale = True
- def tick_right(self):
- """
- Move ticks and ticklabels (if present) to the right of the axes.
- """
- label = True
- if 'label1On' in self._major_tick_kw:
- label = (self._major_tick_kw['label1On']
- or self._major_tick_kw['label2On'])
- self.set_ticks_position('right')
- # if labels were turned off before this was called
- # leave them off
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', labelright=label)
- def tick_left(self):
- """
- Move ticks and ticklabels (if present) to the left of the axes.
- """
- label = True
- if 'label1On' in self._major_tick_kw:
- label = (self._major_tick_kw['label1On']
- or self._major_tick_kw['label2On'])
- self.set_ticks_position('left')
- # if labels were turned off before this was called
- # leave them off
- self.set_tick_params(which='both', labelleft=label)
- def get_ticks_position(self):
- """
- Return the ticks position (left, right, both or unknown)
- """
- majt = self.majorTicks[0]
- mT = self.minorTicks[0]
- majorRight = ((not majt.tick1On) and majt.tick2On and
- (not majt.label1On) and majt.label2On)
- minorRight = ((not mT.tick1On) and mT.tick2On and
- (not mT.label1On) and mT.label2On)
- if majorRight and minorRight:
- return 'right'
- majorLeft = (majt.tick1On and (not majt.tick2On) and
- majt.label1On and (not majt.label2On))
- minorLeft = (mT.tick1On and (not mT.tick2On) and
- mT.label1On and (not mT.label2On))
- if majorLeft and minorLeft:
- return 'left'
- majorDefault = (majt.tick1On and majt.tick2On and
- majt.label1On and (not majt.label2On))
- minorDefault = (mT.tick1On and mT.tick2On and
- mT.label1On and (not mT.label2On))
- if majorDefault and minorDefault:
- return 'default'
- return 'unknown'
- def get_view_interval(self):
- 'return the Interval instance for this axis view limits'
- return self.axes.viewLim.intervaly
- def set_view_interval(self, vmin, vmax, ignore=False):
- """
- If *ignore* is *False*, the order of vmin, vmax
- does not matter; the original axis orientation will
- be preserved. In addition, the view limits can be
- expanded, but will not be reduced. This method is
- for mpl internal use; for normal use, see
- :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_ylim`.
- """
- if ignore:
- self.axes.viewLim.intervaly = vmin, vmax
- else:
- Vmin, Vmax = self.get_view_interval()
- if Vmin < Vmax:
- self.axes.viewLim.intervaly = (min(vmin, vmax, Vmin),
- max(vmin, vmax, Vmax))
- else:
- self.axes.viewLim.intervaly = (max(vmin, vmax, Vmin),
- min(vmin, vmax, Vmax))
- self.stale = True
- def get_minpos(self):
- return self.axes.dataLim.minposy
- def get_data_interval(self):
- 'return the Interval instance for this axis data limits'
- return self.axes.dataLim.intervaly
- def set_data_interval(self, vmin, vmax, ignore=False):
- 'set the axis data limits'
- if ignore:
- self.axes.dataLim.intervaly = vmin, vmax
- else:
- Vmin, Vmax = self.get_data_interval()
- self.axes.dataLim.intervaly = min(vmin, Vmin), max(vmax, Vmax)
- self.stale = True
- def set_default_intervals(self):
- 'set the default limits for the axis interval if they are not mutated'
- ymin, ymax = 0., 1.
- dataMutated = self.axes.dataLim.mutatedy()
- viewMutated = self.axes.viewLim.mutatedy()
- if not dataMutated or not viewMutated:
- if self.converter is not None:
- info = self.converter.axisinfo(self.units, self)
- if info.default_limits is not None:
- valmin, valmax = info.default_limits
- ymin = self.converter.convert(valmin, self.units, self)
- ymax = self.converter.convert(valmax, self.units, self)
- if not dataMutated:
- self.axes.dataLim.intervaly = ymin, ymax
- if not viewMutated:
- self.axes.viewLim.intervaly = ymin, ymax
- self.stale = True
- def get_tick_space(self):
- ends = self.axes.transAxes.transform([[0, 0], [0, 1]])
- length = ((ends[1][1] - ends[0][1]) / self.axes.figure.dpi) * 72
- tick = self._get_tick(True)
- # Having a spacing of at least 2 just looks good.
- size = tick.label1.get_size() * 2.0
- if size > 0:
- return int(np.floor(length / size))
- else:
- return 2**31 - 1