- # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
- # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
- #
- #
- # Parts of this code is from IPyVolume (24.05.2017), used here under
- # this copyright and license with permission from the author
- # (see https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/pull/1387)
- """
- Functions for generating embeddable HTML/javascript of a widget.
- """
- import json
- import re
- from .widgets import Widget, DOMWidget
- from .widgets.widget_link import Link
- from .widgets.docutils import doc_subst
- from ._version import __html_manager_version__
- snippet_template = u"""
- {load}
- <script type="application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json">
- {json_data}
- </script>
- {widget_views}
- """
- load_template = u"""<script src="{embed_url}"{use_cors}></script>"""
- load_requirejs_template = u"""
- <!-- Load require.js. Delete this if your page already loads require.js -->
- <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/require.js/2.3.4/require.min.js" integrity="sha256-Ae2Vz/4ePdIu6ZyI/5ZGsYnb+m0JlOmKPjt6XZ9JJkA=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
- <script src="{embed_url}"{use_cors}></script>
- """
- requirejs_snippet_template = u"""
- <script type="application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json">
- {json_data}
- </script>
- {widget_views}
- """
- html_template = u"""<!DOCTYPE html>
- <html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="UTF-8">
- <title>{title}</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- {snippet}
- </body>
- </html>
- """
- widget_view_template = u"""<script type="application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json">
- {view_spec}
- </script>"""
- DEFAULT_EMBED_SCRIPT_URL = u'https://unpkg.com/@jupyter-widgets/html-manager@%s/dist/embed.js'%__html_manager_version__
- DEFAULT_EMBED_REQUIREJS_URL = u'https://unpkg.com/@jupyter-widgets/html-manager@%s/dist/embed-amd.js'%__html_manager_version__
- _doc_snippets = {}
- _doc_snippets['views_attribute'] = """
- views: widget or collection of widgets or None
- The widgets to include views for. If None, all DOMWidgets are
- included (not just the displayed ones).
- """
- _doc_snippets['embed_kwargs'] = """
- drop_defaults: boolean
- Whether to drop default values from the widget states.
- state: dict or None (default)
- The state to include. When set to None, the state of all widgets
- know to the widget manager is included. Otherwise it uses the
- passed state directly. This allows for end users to include a
- smaller state, under the responsibility that this state is
- sufficient to reconstruct the embedded views.
- indent: integer, string or None
- The indent to use for the JSON state dump. See `json.dumps` for
- full description.
- embed_url: string or None
- Allows for overriding the URL used to fetch the widget manager
- for the embedded code. This defaults (None) to an `unpkg` CDN url.
- requirejs: boolean (True)
- Enables the requirejs-based embedding, which allows for custom widgets.
- If True, the embed_url should point to an AMD module.
- cors: boolean (True)
- If True avoids sending user credentials while requesting the scripts.
- When opening an HTML file from disk, some browsers may refuse to load
- the scripts.
- """
- def _find_widget_refs_by_state(widget, state):
- """Find references to other widgets in a widget's state"""
- # Copy keys to allow changes to state during iteration:
- keys = tuple(state.keys())
- for key in keys:
- value = getattr(widget, key)
- # Trivial case: Direct references to other widgets:
- if isinstance(value, Widget):
- yield value
- # Also check for buried references in known, JSON-able structures
- # Note: This might miss references buried in more esoteric structures
- elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
- for item in value:
- if isinstance(item, Widget):
- yield item
- elif isinstance(value, dict):
- for item in value.values():
- if isinstance(item, Widget):
- yield item
- def _get_recursive_state(widget, store=None, drop_defaults=False):
- """Gets the embed state of a widget, and all other widgets it refers to as well"""
- if store is None:
- store = dict()
- state = widget._get_embed_state(drop_defaults=drop_defaults)
- store[widget.model_id] = state
- # Loop over all values included in state (i.e. don't consider excluded values):
- for ref in _find_widget_refs_by_state(widget, state['state']):
- if ref.model_id not in store:
- _get_recursive_state(ref, store, drop_defaults=drop_defaults)
- return store
- def add_resolved_links(store, drop_defaults):
- """Adds the state of any link models between two models in store"""
- for widget_id, widget in Widget.widgets.items(): # go over all widgets
- if isinstance(widget, Link) and widget_id not in store:
- if widget.source[0].model_id in store and widget.target[0].model_id in store:
- store[widget.model_id] = widget._get_embed_state(drop_defaults=drop_defaults)
- def dependency_state(widgets, drop_defaults=True):
- """Get the state of all widgets specified, and their dependencies.
- This uses a simple dependency finder, including:
- - any widget directly referenced in the state of an included widget
- - any widget in a list/tuple attribute in the state of an included widget
- - any widget in a dict attribute in the state of an included widget
- - any jslink/jsdlink between two included widgets
- What this alogrithm does not do:
- - Find widget references in nested list/dict structures
- - Find widget references in other types of attributes
- Note that this searches the state of the widgets for references, so if
- a widget reference is not included in the serialized state, it won't
- be considered as a dependency.
- Parameters
- ----------
- widgets: single widget or list of widgets.
- This function will return the state of every widget mentioned
- and of all their dependencies.
- drop_defaults: boolean
- Whether to drop default values from the widget states.
- Returns
- -------
- A dictionary with the state of the widgets and any widget they
- depend on.
- """
- # collect the state of all relevant widgets
- if widgets is None:
- # Get state of all widgets, no smart resolution needed.
- state = Widget.get_manager_state(drop_defaults=drop_defaults, widgets=None)['state']
- else:
- try:
- widgets[0]
- except (IndexError, TypeError):
- widgets = [widgets]
- state = {}
- for widget in widgets:
- _get_recursive_state(widget, state, drop_defaults)
- # Add any links between included widgets:
- add_resolved_links(state, drop_defaults)
- return state
- @doc_subst(_doc_snippets)
- def embed_data(views, drop_defaults=True, state=None):
- """Gets data for embedding.
- Use this to get the raw data for embedding if you have special
- formatting needs.
- Parameters
- ----------
- {views_attribute}
- drop_defaults: boolean
- Whether to drop default values from the widget states.
- state: dict or None (default)
- The state to include. When set to None, the state of all widgets
- know to the widget manager is included. Otherwise it uses the
- passed state directly. This allows for end users to include a
- smaller state, under the responsibility that this state is
- sufficient to reconstruct the embedded views.
- Returns
- -------
- A dictionary with the following entries:
- manager_state: dict of the widget manager state data
- view_specs: a list of widget view specs
- """
- if views is None:
- views = [w for w in Widget.widgets.values() if isinstance(w, DOMWidget)]
- else:
- try:
- views[0]
- except (IndexError, TypeError):
- views = [views]
- if state is None:
- # Get state of all known widgets
- state = Widget.get_manager_state(drop_defaults=drop_defaults, widgets=None)['state']
- # Rely on ipywidget to get the default values
- json_data = Widget.get_manager_state(widgets=[])
- # but plug in our own state
- json_data['state'] = state
- view_specs = [w.get_view_spec() for w in views]
- return dict(manager_state=json_data, view_specs=view_specs)
- script_escape_re = re.compile(r'<(script|/script|!--)', re.IGNORECASE)
- def escape_script(s):
- """Escape a string that will be the content of an HTML script tag.
- We replace the opening bracket of <script, </script, and <!-- with the unicode
- equivalent. This is inspired by the documentation for the script tag at
- https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#restrictions-for-contents-of-script-elements
- We only replace these three cases so that most html or other content
- involving `<` is readable.
- """
- return script_escape_re.sub(r'\\u003c\1', s)
- @doc_subst(_doc_snippets)
- def embed_snippet(views,
- drop_defaults=True,
- state=None,
- indent=2,
- embed_url=None,
- requirejs=True,
- cors=True
- ):
- """Return a snippet that can be embedded in an HTML file.
- Parameters
- ----------
- {views_attribute}
- {embed_kwargs}
- Returns
- -------
- A unicode string with an HTML snippet containing several `<script>` tags.
- """
- data = embed_data(views, drop_defaults=drop_defaults, state=state)
- widget_views = u'\n'.join(
- widget_view_template.format(view_spec=escape_script(json.dumps(view_spec)))
- for view_spec in data['view_specs']
- )
- if embed_url is None:
- load = load_requirejs_template if requirejs else load_template
- use_cors = ' crossorigin="anonymous"' if cors else ''
- values = {
- 'load': load.format(embed_url=embed_url, use_cors=use_cors),
- 'json_data': escape_script(json.dumps(data['manager_state'], indent=indent)),
- 'widget_views': widget_views,
- }
- return snippet_template.format(**values)
- @doc_subst(_doc_snippets)
- def embed_minimal_html(fp, views, title=u'IPyWidget export', template=None, **kwargs):
- """Write a minimal HTML file with widget views embedded.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fp: filename or file-like object
- The file to write the HTML output to.
- {views_attribute}
- title: title of the html page.
- template: Template in which to embed the widget state.
- This should be a Python string with placeholders
- `{{title}}` and `{{snippet}}`. The `{{snippet}}` placeholder
- will be replaced by all the widgets.
- {embed_kwargs}
- """
- snippet = embed_snippet(views, **kwargs)
- values = {
- 'title': title,
- 'snippet': snippet,
- }
- if template is None:
- template = html_template
- html_code = template.format(**values)
- # Check if fp is writable:
- if hasattr(fp, 'write'):
- fp.write(html_code)
- else:
- # Assume fp is a filename:
- with open(fp, "w") as f:
- f.write(html_code)