- # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
- # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository
- # for complete details.
- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
- import abc
- import binascii
- import inspect
- import sys
- import warnings
- # We use a UserWarning subclass, instead of DeprecationWarning, because CPython
- # decided deprecation warnings should be invisble by default.
- class CryptographyDeprecationWarning(UserWarning):
- pass
- # Several APIs were deprecated with no specific end-of-life date because of the
- # ubiquity of their use. They should not be removed until we agree on when that
- # cycle ends.
- PersistentlyDeprecated = CryptographyDeprecationWarning
- DeprecatedIn21 = CryptographyDeprecationWarning
- DeprecatedIn23 = CryptographyDeprecationWarning
- def _check_bytes(name, value):
- if not isinstance(value, bytes):
- raise TypeError("{0} must be bytes".format(name))
- def read_only_property(name):
- return property(lambda self: getattr(self, name))
- def register_interface(iface):
- def register_decorator(klass):
- verify_interface(iface, klass)
- iface.register(klass)
- return klass
- return register_decorator
- def register_interface_if(predicate, iface):
- def register_decorator(klass):
- if predicate:
- verify_interface(iface, klass)
- iface.register(klass)
- return klass
- return register_decorator
- if hasattr(int, "from_bytes"):
- int_from_bytes = int.from_bytes
- else:
- def int_from_bytes(data, byteorder, signed=False):
- assert byteorder == 'big'
- assert not signed
- return int(binascii.hexlify(data), 16)
- if hasattr(int, "to_bytes"):
- def int_to_bytes(integer, length=None):
- return integer.to_bytes(
- length or (integer.bit_length() + 7) // 8 or 1, 'big'
- )
- else:
- def int_to_bytes(integer, length=None):
- hex_string = '%x' % integer
- if length is None:
- n = len(hex_string)
- else:
- n = length * 2
- return binascii.unhexlify(hex_string.zfill(n + (n & 1)))
- class InterfaceNotImplemented(Exception):
- pass
- if hasattr(inspect, "signature"):
- signature = inspect.signature
- else:
- signature = inspect.getargspec
- def verify_interface(iface, klass):
- for method in iface.__abstractmethods__:
- if not hasattr(klass, method):
- raise InterfaceNotImplemented(
- "{0} is missing a {1!r} method".format(klass, method)
- )
- if isinstance(getattr(iface, method), abc.abstractproperty):
- # Can't properly verify these yet.
- continue
- sig = signature(getattr(iface, method))
- actual = signature(getattr(klass, method))
- if sig != actual:
- raise InterfaceNotImplemented(
- "{0}.{1}'s signature differs from the expected. Expected: "
- "{2!r}. Received: {3!r}".format(
- klass, method, sig, actual
- )
- )
- # No longer needed as of 2.2, but retained because we have external consumers
- # who use it.
- def bit_length(x):
- return x.bit_length()
- class _DeprecatedValue(object):
- def __init__(self, value, message, warning_class):
- self.value = value
- self.message = message
- self.warning_class = warning_class
- class _ModuleWithDeprecations(object):
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.__dict__["_module"] = module
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- obj = getattr(self._module, attr)
- if isinstance(obj, _DeprecatedValue):
- warnings.warn(obj.message, obj.warning_class, stacklevel=2)
- obj = obj.value
- return obj
- def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
- setattr(self._module, attr, value)
- def __delattr__(self, attr):
- obj = getattr(self._module, attr)
- if isinstance(obj, _DeprecatedValue):
- warnings.warn(obj.message, obj.warning_class, stacklevel=2)
- delattr(self._module, attr)
- def __dir__(self):
- return ["_module"] + dir(self._module)
- def deprecated(value, module_name, message, warning_class):
- module = sys.modules[module_name]
- if not isinstance(module, _ModuleWithDeprecations):
- sys.modules[module_name] = _ModuleWithDeprecations(module)
- return _DeprecatedValue(value, message, warning_class)
- def cached_property(func):
- cached_name = "_cached_{0}".format(func)
- sentinel = object()
- def inner(instance):
- cache = getattr(instance, cached_name, sentinel)
- if cache is not sentinel:
- return cache
- result = func(instance)
- setattr(instance, cached_name, result)
- return result
- return property(inner)