- # coding: utf-8
- """
- ASN.1 type classes for PKCS#12 files. Exports the following items:
- - CertBag()
- - CrlBag()
- - Pfx()
- - SafeBag()
- - SecretBag()
- Other type classes are defined that help compose the types listed above.
- """
- from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function
- from .algos import DigestInfo
- from .cms import ContentInfo, SignedData
- from .core import (
- Any,
- BMPString,
- Integer,
- ObjectIdentifier,
- OctetString,
- ParsableOctetString,
- Sequence,
- SequenceOf,
- SetOf,
- )
- from .keys import PrivateKeyInfo, EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
- from .x509 import Certificate, KeyPurposeId
- # The structures in this file are taken from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7292
- class MacData(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('mac', DigestInfo),
- ('mac_salt', OctetString),
- ('iterations', Integer, {'default': 1}),
- ]
- class Version(Integer):
- _map = {
- 3: 'v3'
- }
- class AttributeType(ObjectIdentifier):
- _map = {
- # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2985#page-18
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.20': 'friendly_name',
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.21': 'local_key_id',
- # https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/287547
- '': 'microsoft_local_machine_keyset',
- # https://github.com/frohoff/jdk8u-dev-jdk/blob/master/src/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs12/PKCS12KeyStore.java
- # this is a set of OIDs, representing key usage, the usual value is a SET of one element OID
- '2.16.840.1.113894.746875.1.1': 'trusted_key_usage',
- }
- class SetOfAny(SetOf):
- _child_spec = Any
- class SetOfBMPString(SetOf):
- _child_spec = BMPString
- class SetOfOctetString(SetOf):
- _child_spec = OctetString
- class SetOfKeyPurposeId(SetOf):
- _child_spec = KeyPurposeId
- class Attribute(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('type', AttributeType),
- ('values', None),
- ]
- _oid_specs = {
- 'friendly_name': SetOfBMPString,
- 'local_key_id': SetOfOctetString,
- 'microsoft_csp_name': SetOfBMPString,
- 'trusted_key_usage': SetOfKeyPurposeId,
- }
- def _values_spec(self):
- return self._oid_specs.get(self['type'].native, SetOfAny)
- _spec_callbacks = {
- 'values': _values_spec
- }
- class Attributes(SetOf):
- _child_spec = Attribute
- class Pfx(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('version', Version),
- ('auth_safe', ContentInfo),
- ('mac_data', MacData, {'optional': True})
- ]
- _authenticated_safe = None
- @property
- def authenticated_safe(self):
- if self._authenticated_safe is None:
- content = self['auth_safe']['content']
- if isinstance(content, SignedData):
- content = content['content_info']['content']
- self._authenticated_safe = AuthenticatedSafe.load(content.native)
- return self._authenticated_safe
- class AuthenticatedSafe(SequenceOf):
- _child_spec = ContentInfo
- class BagId(ObjectIdentifier):
- _map = {
- '1.2.840.113549.': 'key_bag',
- '1.2.840.113549.': 'pkcs8_shrouded_key_bag',
- '1.2.840.113549.': 'cert_bag',
- '1.2.840.113549.': 'crl_bag',
- '1.2.840.113549.': 'secret_bag',
- '1.2.840.113549.': 'safe_contents',
- }
- class CertId(ObjectIdentifier):
- _map = {
- '1.2.840.113549.': 'x509',
- '1.2.840.113549.': 'sdsi',
- }
- class CertBag(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('cert_id', CertId),
- ('cert_value', ParsableOctetString, {'explicit': 0}),
- ]
- _oid_pair = ('cert_id', 'cert_value')
- _oid_specs = {
- 'x509': Certificate,
- }
- class CrlBag(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('crl_id', ObjectIdentifier),
- ('crl_value', OctetString, {'explicit': 0}),
- ]
- class SecretBag(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('secret_type_id', ObjectIdentifier),
- ('secret_value', OctetString, {'explicit': 0}),
- ]
- class SafeContents(SequenceOf):
- pass
- class SafeBag(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('bag_id', BagId),
- ('bag_value', Any, {'explicit': 0}),
- ('bag_attributes', Attributes, {'optional': True}),
- ]
- _oid_pair = ('bag_id', 'bag_value')
- _oid_specs = {
- 'key_bag': PrivateKeyInfo,
- 'pkcs8_shrouded_key_bag': EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo,
- 'cert_bag': CertBag,
- 'crl_bag': CrlBag,
- 'secret_bag': SecretBag,
- 'safe_contents': SafeContents
- }
- SafeContents._child_spec = SafeBag