- # coding: utf-8
- """
- ASN.1 type classes for the online certificate status protocol (OCSP). Exports
- the following items:
- - OCSPRequest()
- - OCSPResponse()
- Other type classes are defined that help compose the types listed above.
- """
- from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function
- from .algos import DigestAlgorithm, SignedDigestAlgorithm
- from .core import (
- Boolean,
- Choice,
- Enumerated,
- GeneralizedTime,
- IA5String,
- Integer,
- Null,
- ObjectIdentifier,
- OctetBitString,
- OctetString,
- ParsableOctetString,
- Sequence,
- SequenceOf,
- )
- from .crl import AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax, CRLReason
- from .keys import PublicKeyAlgorithm
- from .x509 import Certificate, GeneralName, GeneralNames, Name
- # The structures in this file are taken from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960
- class Version(Integer):
- _map = {
- 0: 'v1'
- }
- class CertId(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('hash_algorithm', DigestAlgorithm),
- ('issuer_name_hash', OctetString),
- ('issuer_key_hash', OctetString),
- ('serial_number', Integer),
- ]
- class ServiceLocator(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('issuer', Name),
- ('locator', AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax),
- ]
- class RequestExtensionId(ObjectIdentifier):
- _map = {
- '': 'service_locator',
- }
- class RequestExtension(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('extn_id', RequestExtensionId),
- ('critical', Boolean, {'default': False}),
- ('extn_value', ParsableOctetString),
- ]
- _oid_pair = ('extn_id', 'extn_value')
- _oid_specs = {
- 'service_locator': ServiceLocator,
- }
- class RequestExtensions(SequenceOf):
- _child_spec = RequestExtension
- class Request(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('req_cert', CertId),
- ('single_request_extensions', RequestExtensions, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- _processed_extensions = False
- _critical_extensions = None
- _service_locator_value = None
- def _set_extensions(self):
- """
- Sets common named extensions to private attributes and creates a list
- of critical extensions
- """
- self._critical_extensions = set()
- for extension in self['single_request_extensions']:
- name = extension['extn_id'].native
- attribute_name = '_%s_value' % name
- if hasattr(self, attribute_name):
- setattr(self, attribute_name, extension['extn_value'].parsed)
- if extension['critical'].native:
- self._critical_extensions.add(name)
- self._processed_extensions = True
- @property
- def critical_extensions(self):
- """
- Returns a set of the names (or OID if not a known extension) of the
- extensions marked as critical
- :return:
- A set of unicode strings
- """
- if not self._processed_extensions:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._critical_extensions
- @property
- def service_locator_value(self):
- """
- This extension is used when communicating with an OCSP responder that
- acts as a proxy for OCSP requests
- :return:
- None or a ServiceLocator object
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._service_locator_value
- class Requests(SequenceOf):
- _child_spec = Request
- class ResponseType(ObjectIdentifier):
- _map = {
- '': 'basic_ocsp_response',
- }
- class AcceptableResponses(SequenceOf):
- _child_spec = ResponseType
- class PreferredSignatureAlgorithm(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('sig_identifier', SignedDigestAlgorithm),
- ('cert_identifier', PublicKeyAlgorithm, {'optional': True}),
- ]
- class PreferredSignatureAlgorithms(SequenceOf):
- _child_spec = PreferredSignatureAlgorithm
- class TBSRequestExtensionId(ObjectIdentifier):
- _map = {
- '': 'nonce',
- '': 'acceptable_responses',
- '': 'preferred_signature_algorithms',
- }
- class TBSRequestExtension(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('extn_id', TBSRequestExtensionId),
- ('critical', Boolean, {'default': False}),
- ('extn_value', ParsableOctetString),
- ]
- _oid_pair = ('extn_id', 'extn_value')
- _oid_specs = {
- 'nonce': OctetString,
- 'acceptable_responses': AcceptableResponses,
- 'preferred_signature_algorithms': PreferredSignatureAlgorithms,
- }
- class TBSRequestExtensions(SequenceOf):
- _child_spec = TBSRequestExtension
- class TBSRequest(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('version', Version, {'explicit': 0, 'default': 'v1'}),
- ('requestor_name', GeneralName, {'explicit': 1, 'optional': True}),
- ('request_list', Requests),
- ('request_extensions', TBSRequestExtensions, {'explicit': 2, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- class Certificates(SequenceOf):
- _child_spec = Certificate
- class Signature(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('signature_algorithm', SignedDigestAlgorithm),
- ('signature', OctetBitString),
- ('certs', Certificates, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- class OCSPRequest(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('tbs_request', TBSRequest),
- ('optional_signature', Signature, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- _processed_extensions = False
- _critical_extensions = None
- _nonce_value = None
- _acceptable_responses_value = None
- _preferred_signature_algorithms_value = None
- def _set_extensions(self):
- """
- Sets common named extensions to private attributes and creates a list
- of critical extensions
- """
- self._critical_extensions = set()
- for extension in self['tbs_request']['request_extensions']:
- name = extension['extn_id'].native
- attribute_name = '_%s_value' % name
- if hasattr(self, attribute_name):
- setattr(self, attribute_name, extension['extn_value'].parsed)
- if extension['critical'].native:
- self._critical_extensions.add(name)
- self._processed_extensions = True
- @property
- def critical_extensions(self):
- """
- Returns a set of the names (or OID if not a known extension) of the
- extensions marked as critical
- :return:
- A set of unicode strings
- """
- if not self._processed_extensions:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._critical_extensions
- @property
- def nonce_value(self):
- """
- This extension is used to prevent replay attacks by including a unique,
- random value with each request/response pair
- :return:
- None or an OctetString object
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._nonce_value
- @property
- def acceptable_responses_value(self):
- """
- This extension is used to allow the client and server to communicate
- with alternative response formats other than just basic_ocsp_response,
- although no other formats are defined in the standard.
- :return:
- None or an AcceptableResponses object
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._acceptable_responses_value
- @property
- def preferred_signature_algorithms_value(self):
- """
- This extension is used by the client to define what signature algorithms
- are preferred, including both the hash algorithm and the public key
- algorithm, with a level of detail down to even the public key algorithm
- parameters, such as curve name.
- :return:
- None or a PreferredSignatureAlgorithms object
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._preferred_signature_algorithms_value
- class OCSPResponseStatus(Enumerated):
- _map = {
- 0: 'successful',
- 1: 'malformed_request',
- 2: 'internal_error',
- 3: 'try_later',
- 5: 'sign_required',
- 6: 'unauthorized',
- }
- class ResponderId(Choice):
- _alternatives = [
- ('by_name', Name, {'explicit': 1}),
- ('by_key', OctetString, {'explicit': 2}),
- ]
- class RevokedInfo(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('revocation_time', GeneralizedTime),
- ('revocation_reason', CRLReason, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- class CertStatus(Choice):
- _alternatives = [
- ('good', Null, {'implicit': 0}),
- ('revoked', RevokedInfo, {'implicit': 1}),
- ('unknown', Null, {'implicit': 2}),
- ]
- class CrlId(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('crl_url', IA5String, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
- ('crl_num', Integer, {'explicit': 1, 'optional': True}),
- ('crl_time', GeneralizedTime, {'explicit': 2, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- class SingleResponseExtensionId(ObjectIdentifier):
- _map = {
- '': 'crl',
- '': 'archive_cutoff',
- # These are CRLEntryExtension values from
- # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280
- '': 'crl_reason',
- '': 'invalidity_date',
- '': 'certificate_issuer',
- # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962.html#page-13
- '': 'signed_certificate_timestamp_list',
- }
- class SingleResponseExtension(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('extn_id', SingleResponseExtensionId),
- ('critical', Boolean, {'default': False}),
- ('extn_value', ParsableOctetString),
- ]
- _oid_pair = ('extn_id', 'extn_value')
- _oid_specs = {
- 'crl': CrlId,
- 'archive_cutoff': GeneralizedTime,
- 'crl_reason': CRLReason,
- 'invalidity_date': GeneralizedTime,
- 'certificate_issuer': GeneralNames,
- 'signed_certificate_timestamp_list': OctetString,
- }
- class SingleResponseExtensions(SequenceOf):
- _child_spec = SingleResponseExtension
- class SingleResponse(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('cert_id', CertId),
- ('cert_status', CertStatus),
- ('this_update', GeneralizedTime),
- ('next_update', GeneralizedTime, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
- ('single_extensions', SingleResponseExtensions, {'explicit': 1, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- _processed_extensions = False
- _critical_extensions = None
- _crl_value = None
- _archive_cutoff_value = None
- _crl_reason_value = None
- _invalidity_date_value = None
- _certificate_issuer_value = None
- def _set_extensions(self):
- """
- Sets common named extensions to private attributes and creates a list
- of critical extensions
- """
- self._critical_extensions = set()
- for extension in self['single_extensions']:
- name = extension['extn_id'].native
- attribute_name = '_%s_value' % name
- if hasattr(self, attribute_name):
- setattr(self, attribute_name, extension['extn_value'].parsed)
- if extension['critical'].native:
- self._critical_extensions.add(name)
- self._processed_extensions = True
- @property
- def critical_extensions(self):
- """
- Returns a set of the names (or OID if not a known extension) of the
- extensions marked as critical
- :return:
- A set of unicode strings
- """
- if not self._processed_extensions:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._critical_extensions
- @property
- def crl_value(self):
- """
- This extension is used to locate the CRL that a certificate's revocation
- is contained within.
- :return:
- None or a CrlId object
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._crl_value
- @property
- def archive_cutoff_value(self):
- """
- This extension is used to indicate the date at which an archived
- (historical) certificate status entry will no longer be available.
- :return:
- None or a GeneralizedTime object
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._archive_cutoff_value
- @property
- def crl_reason_value(self):
- """
- This extension indicates the reason that a certificate was revoked.
- :return:
- None or a CRLReason object
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._crl_reason_value
- @property
- def invalidity_date_value(self):
- """
- This extension indicates the suspected date/time the private key was
- compromised or the certificate became invalid. This would usually be
- before the revocation date, which is when the CA processed the
- revocation.
- :return:
- None or a GeneralizedTime object
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._invalidity_date_value
- @property
- def certificate_issuer_value(self):
- """
- This extension indicates the issuer of the certificate in question.
- :return:
- None or an x509.GeneralNames object
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._certificate_issuer_value
- class Responses(SequenceOf):
- _child_spec = SingleResponse
- class ResponseDataExtensionId(ObjectIdentifier):
- _map = {
- '': 'nonce',
- '': 'extended_revoke',
- }
- class ResponseDataExtension(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('extn_id', ResponseDataExtensionId),
- ('critical', Boolean, {'default': False}),
- ('extn_value', ParsableOctetString),
- ]
- _oid_pair = ('extn_id', 'extn_value')
- _oid_specs = {
- 'nonce': OctetString,
- 'extended_revoke': Null,
- }
- class ResponseDataExtensions(SequenceOf):
- _child_spec = ResponseDataExtension
- class ResponseData(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('version', Version, {'explicit': 0, 'default': 'v1'}),
- ('responder_id', ResponderId),
- ('produced_at', GeneralizedTime),
- ('responses', Responses),
- ('response_extensions', ResponseDataExtensions, {'explicit': 1, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- class BasicOCSPResponse(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('tbs_response_data', ResponseData),
- ('signature_algorithm', SignedDigestAlgorithm),
- ('signature', OctetBitString),
- ('certs', Certificates, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- class ResponseBytes(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('response_type', ResponseType),
- ('response', ParsableOctetString),
- ]
- _oid_pair = ('response_type', 'response')
- _oid_specs = {
- 'basic_ocsp_response': BasicOCSPResponse,
- }
- class OCSPResponse(Sequence):
- _fields = [
- ('response_status', OCSPResponseStatus),
- ('response_bytes', ResponseBytes, {'explicit': 0, 'optional': True}),
- ]
- _processed_extensions = False
- _critical_extensions = None
- _nonce_value = None
- _extended_revoke_value = None
- def _set_extensions(self):
- """
- Sets common named extensions to private attributes and creates a list
- of critical extensions
- """
- self._critical_extensions = set()
- for extension in self['response_bytes']['response'].parsed['tbs_response_data']['response_extensions']:
- name = extension['extn_id'].native
- attribute_name = '_%s_value' % name
- if hasattr(self, attribute_name):
- setattr(self, attribute_name, extension['extn_value'].parsed)
- if extension['critical'].native:
- self._critical_extensions.add(name)
- self._processed_extensions = True
- @property
- def critical_extensions(self):
- """
- Returns a set of the names (or OID if not a known extension) of the
- extensions marked as critical
- :return:
- A set of unicode strings
- """
- if not self._processed_extensions:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._critical_extensions
- @property
- def nonce_value(self):
- """
- This extension is used to prevent replay attacks on the request/response
- exchange
- :return:
- None or an OctetString object
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._nonce_value
- @property
- def extended_revoke_value(self):
- """
- This extension is used to signal that the responder will return a
- "revoked" status for non-issued certificates.
- :return:
- None or a Null object (if present)
- """
- if self._processed_extensions is False:
- self._set_extensions()
- return self._extended_revoke_value
- @property
- def basic_ocsp_response(self):
- """
- A shortcut into the BasicOCSPResponse sequence
- :return:
- None or an asn1crypto.ocsp.BasicOCSPResponse object
- """
- return self['response_bytes']['response'].parsed
- @property
- def response_data(self):
- """
- A shortcut into the parsed, ResponseData sequence
- :return:
- None or an asn1crypto.ocsp.ResponseData object
- """
- return self['response_bytes']['response'].parsed['tbs_response_data']