- from types import SimpleNamespace
- from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Awaitable, Callable, Type
- import attr
- from multidict import CIMultiDict # noqa
- from yarl import URL
- from .client_reqrep import ClientResponse
- from .signals import Signal
- if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
- from .client import ClientSession # noqa
- _Signal = Signal[Callable[['TraceConfig'], Awaitable[None]]]
- else:
- _Signal = Signal
- __all__ = (
- 'TraceConfig', 'TraceRequestStartParams', 'TraceRequestEndParams',
- 'TraceRequestExceptionParams', 'TraceConnectionQueuedStartParams',
- 'TraceConnectionQueuedEndParams', 'TraceConnectionCreateStartParams',
- 'TraceConnectionCreateEndParams', 'TraceConnectionReuseconnParams',
- 'TraceDnsResolveHostStartParams', 'TraceDnsResolveHostEndParams',
- 'TraceDnsCacheHitParams', 'TraceDnsCacheMissParams',
- 'TraceRequestRedirectParams',
- 'TraceRequestChunkSentParams', 'TraceResponseChunkReceivedParams',
- )
- class TraceConfig:
- """First-class used to trace requests launched via ClientSession
- objects."""
- def __init__(
- self,
- trace_config_ctx_factory: Type[SimpleNamespace]=SimpleNamespace
- ) -> None:
- self._on_request_start = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_request_chunk_sent = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_response_chunk_received = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_request_end = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_request_exception = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_request_redirect = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_connection_queued_start = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_connection_queued_end = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_connection_create_start = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_connection_create_end = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_connection_reuseconn = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_dns_resolvehost_start = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_dns_resolvehost_end = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_dns_cache_hit = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._on_dns_cache_miss = Signal(self) # type: _Signal
- self._trace_config_ctx_factory = trace_config_ctx_factory # type: Type[SimpleNamespace] # noqa
- def trace_config_ctx(
- self,
- trace_request_ctx: SimpleNamespace=None
- ) -> SimpleNamespace: # noqa
- """ Return a new trace_config_ctx instance """
- return self._trace_config_ctx_factory(
- trace_request_ctx=trace_request_ctx)
- def freeze(self) -> None:
- self._on_request_start.freeze()
- self._on_request_chunk_sent.freeze()
- self._on_response_chunk_received.freeze()
- self._on_request_end.freeze()
- self._on_request_exception.freeze()
- self._on_request_redirect.freeze()
- self._on_connection_queued_start.freeze()
- self._on_connection_queued_end.freeze()
- self._on_connection_create_start.freeze()
- self._on_connection_create_end.freeze()
- self._on_connection_reuseconn.freeze()
- self._on_dns_resolvehost_start.freeze()
- self._on_dns_resolvehost_end.freeze()
- self._on_dns_cache_hit.freeze()
- self._on_dns_cache_miss.freeze()
- @property
- def on_request_start(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_request_start
- @property
- def on_request_chunk_sent(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_request_chunk_sent
- @property
- def on_response_chunk_received(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_response_chunk_received
- @property
- def on_request_end(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_request_end
- @property
- def on_request_exception(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_request_exception
- @property
- def on_request_redirect(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_request_redirect
- @property
- def on_connection_queued_start(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_connection_queued_start
- @property
- def on_connection_queued_end(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_connection_queued_end
- @property
- def on_connection_create_start(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_connection_create_start
- @property
- def on_connection_create_end(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_connection_create_end
- @property
- def on_connection_reuseconn(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_connection_reuseconn
- @property
- def on_dns_resolvehost_start(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_dns_resolvehost_start
- @property
- def on_dns_resolvehost_end(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_dns_resolvehost_end
- @property
- def on_dns_cache_hit(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_dns_cache_hit
- @property
- def on_dns_cache_miss(self) -> _Signal:
- return self._on_dns_cache_miss
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceRequestStartParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_request_start` signal"""
- method = attr.ib(type=str)
- url = attr.ib(type=URL)
- headers = attr.ib(type='CIMultiDict[str]')
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceRequestChunkSentParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_request_chunk_sent` signal"""
- chunk = attr.ib(type=bytes)
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceResponseChunkReceivedParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_response_chunk_received` signal"""
- chunk = attr.ib(type=bytes)
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceRequestEndParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_request_end` signal"""
- method = attr.ib(type=str)
- url = attr.ib(type=URL)
- headers = attr.ib(type='CIMultiDict[str]')
- response = attr.ib(type=ClientResponse)
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceRequestExceptionParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_request_exception` signal"""
- method = attr.ib(type=str)
- url = attr.ib(type=URL)
- headers = attr.ib(type='CIMultiDict[str]')
- exception = attr.ib(type=BaseException)
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceRequestRedirectParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_request_redirect` signal"""
- method = attr.ib(type=str)
- url = attr.ib(type=URL)
- headers = attr.ib(type='CIMultiDict[str]')
- response = attr.ib(type=ClientResponse)
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceConnectionQueuedStartParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_connection_queued_start` signal"""
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceConnectionQueuedEndParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_connection_queued_end` signal"""
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceConnectionCreateStartParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_connection_create_start` signal"""
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceConnectionCreateEndParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_connection_create_end` signal"""
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceConnectionReuseconnParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_connection_reuseconn` signal"""
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceDnsResolveHostStartParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_dns_resolvehost_start` signal"""
- host = attr.ib(type=str)
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceDnsResolveHostEndParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_dns_resolvehost_end` signal"""
- host = attr.ib(type=str)
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceDnsCacheHitParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_dns_cache_hit` signal"""
- host = attr.ib(type=str)
- @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True)
- class TraceDnsCacheMissParams:
- """ Parameters sent by the `on_dns_cache_miss` signal"""
- host = attr.ib(type=str)
- class Trace:
- """ Internal class used to keep together the main dependencies used
- at the moment of send a signal."""
- def __init__(self,
- session: 'ClientSession',
- trace_config: TraceConfig,
- trace_config_ctx: SimpleNamespace) -> None:
- self._trace_config = trace_config
- self._trace_config_ctx = trace_config_ctx
- self._session = session
- async def send_request_start(self,
- method: str,
- url: URL,
- headers: 'CIMultiDict[str]') -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_request_start.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceRequestStartParams(method, url, headers)
- )
- async def send_request_chunk_sent(self, chunk: bytes) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_request_chunk_sent.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceRequestChunkSentParams(chunk)
- )
- async def send_response_chunk_received(self, chunk: bytes) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_response_chunk_received.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceResponseChunkReceivedParams(chunk)
- )
- async def send_request_end(self,
- method: str,
- url: URL,
- headers: 'CIMultiDict[str]',
- response: ClientResponse) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_request_end.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceRequestEndParams(method, url, headers, response)
- )
- async def send_request_exception(self,
- method: str,
- url: URL,
- headers: 'CIMultiDict[str]',
- exception: BaseException) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_request_exception.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceRequestExceptionParams(method, url, headers, exception)
- )
- async def send_request_redirect(self,
- method: str,
- url: URL,
- headers: 'CIMultiDict[str]',
- response: ClientResponse) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config._on_request_redirect.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceRequestRedirectParams(method, url, headers, response)
- )
- async def send_connection_queued_start(self) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_connection_queued_start.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceConnectionQueuedStartParams()
- )
- async def send_connection_queued_end(self) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_connection_queued_end.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceConnectionQueuedEndParams()
- )
- async def send_connection_create_start(self) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_connection_create_start.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceConnectionCreateStartParams()
- )
- async def send_connection_create_end(self) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_connection_create_end.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceConnectionCreateEndParams()
- )
- async def send_connection_reuseconn(self) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_connection_reuseconn.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceConnectionReuseconnParams()
- )
- async def send_dns_resolvehost_start(self, host: str) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_dns_resolvehost_start.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceDnsResolveHostStartParams(host)
- )
- async def send_dns_resolvehost_end(self, host: str) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_dns_resolvehost_end.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceDnsResolveHostEndParams(host)
- )
- async def send_dns_cache_hit(self, host: str) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_dns_cache_hit.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceDnsCacheHitParams(host)
- )
- async def send_dns_cache_miss(self, host: str) -> None:
- return await self._trace_config.on_dns_cache_miss.send(
- self._session,
- self._trace_config_ctx,
- TraceDnsCacheMissParams(host)
- )