- import asyncio
- import collections
- import warnings
- from typing import List # noqa
- from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Generic, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar
- from .base_protocol import BaseProtocol
- from .helpers import BaseTimerContext, set_exception, set_result
- from .log import internal_logger
- try: # pragma: no cover
- from typing import Deque # noqa
- except ImportError:
- from typing_extensions import Deque # noqa
- __all__ = (
- 'EMPTY_PAYLOAD', 'EofStream', 'StreamReader', 'DataQueue',
- 'FlowControlDataQueue')
- DEFAULT_LIMIT = 2 ** 16
- _T = TypeVar('_T')
- class EofStream(Exception):
- """eof stream indication."""
- class AsyncStreamIterator(Generic[_T]):
- def __init__(self, read_func: Callable[[], Awaitable[_T]]) -> None:
- self.read_func = read_func
- def __aiter__(self) -> 'AsyncStreamIterator[_T]':
- return self
- async def __anext__(self) -> _T:
- try:
- rv = await self.read_func()
- except EofStream:
- raise StopAsyncIteration # NOQA
- if rv == b'':
- raise StopAsyncIteration # NOQA
- return rv
- class ChunkTupleAsyncStreamIterator:
- def __init__(self, stream: 'StreamReader') -> None:
- self._stream = stream
- def __aiter__(self) -> 'ChunkTupleAsyncStreamIterator':
- return self
- async def __anext__(self) -> Tuple[bytes, bool]:
- rv = await self._stream.readchunk()
- if rv == (b'', False):
- raise StopAsyncIteration # NOQA
- return rv
- class AsyncStreamReaderMixin:
- def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncStreamIterator[bytes]:
- return AsyncStreamIterator(self.readline) # type: ignore
- def iter_chunked(self, n: int) -> AsyncStreamIterator[bytes]:
- """Returns an asynchronous iterator that yields chunks of size n.
- Python-3.5 available for Python 3.5+ only
- """
- return AsyncStreamIterator(lambda: self.read(n)) # type: ignore
- def iter_any(self) -> AsyncStreamIterator[bytes]:
- """Returns an asynchronous iterator that yields all the available
- data as soon as it is received
- Python-3.5 available for Python 3.5+ only
- """
- return AsyncStreamIterator(self.readany) # type: ignore
- def iter_chunks(self) -> ChunkTupleAsyncStreamIterator:
- """Returns an asynchronous iterator that yields chunks of data
- as they are received by the server. The yielded objects are tuples
- of (bytes, bool) as returned by the StreamReader.readchunk method.
- Python-3.5 available for Python 3.5+ only
- """
- return ChunkTupleAsyncStreamIterator(self) # type: ignore
- class StreamReader(AsyncStreamReaderMixin):
- """An enhancement of asyncio.StreamReader.
- Supports asynchronous iteration by line, chunk or as available::
- async for line in reader:
- ...
- async for chunk in reader.iter_chunked(1024):
- ...
- async for slice in reader.iter_any():
- ...
- """
- total_bytes = 0
- def __init__(self, protocol: BaseProtocol,
- *, limit: int=DEFAULT_LIMIT,
- timer: Optional[BaseTimerContext]=None,
- loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]=None) -> None:
- self._protocol = protocol
- self._low_water = limit
- self._high_water = limit * 2
- if loop is None:
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- self._loop = loop
- self._size = 0
- self._cursor = 0
- self._http_chunk_splits = None # type: Optional[List[int]]
- self._buffer = collections.deque() # type: Deque[bytes]
- self._buffer_offset = 0
- self._eof = False
- self._waiter = None # type: Optional[asyncio.Future[bool]]
- self._eof_waiter = None # type: Optional[asyncio.Future[bool]]
- self._exception = None # type: Optional[BaseException]
- self._timer = timer
- self._eof_callbacks = [] # type: List[Callable[[], None]]
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- info = [self.__class__.__name__]
- if self._size:
- info.append('%d bytes' % self._size)
- if self._eof:
- info.append('eof')
- if self._low_water != DEFAULT_LIMIT:
- info.append('low=%d high=%d' % (self._low_water, self._high_water))
- if self._waiter:
- info.append('w=%r' % self._waiter)
- if self._exception:
- info.append('e=%r' % self._exception)
- return '<%s>' % ' '.join(info)
- def exception(self) -> Optional[BaseException]:
- return self._exception
- def set_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
- self._exception = exc
- self._eof_callbacks.clear()
- waiter = self._waiter
- if waiter is not None:
- self._waiter = None
- set_exception(waiter, exc)
- waiter = self._eof_waiter
- if waiter is not None:
- set_exception(waiter, exc)
- self._eof_waiter = None
- def on_eof(self, callback: Callable[[], None]) -> None:
- if self._eof:
- try:
- callback()
- except Exception:
- internal_logger.exception('Exception in eof callback')
- else:
- self._eof_callbacks.append(callback)
- def feed_eof(self) -> None:
- self._eof = True
- waiter = self._waiter
- if waiter is not None:
- self._waiter = None
- set_result(waiter, True)
- waiter = self._eof_waiter
- if waiter is not None:
- self._eof_waiter = None
- set_result(waiter, True)
- for cb in self._eof_callbacks:
- try:
- cb()
- except Exception:
- internal_logger.exception('Exception in eof callback')
- self._eof_callbacks.clear()
- def is_eof(self) -> bool:
- """Return True if 'feed_eof' was called."""
- return self._eof
- def at_eof(self) -> bool:
- """Return True if the buffer is empty and 'feed_eof' was called."""
- return self._eof and not self._buffer
- async def wait_eof(self) -> None:
- if self._eof:
- return
- assert self._eof_waiter is None
- self._eof_waiter = self._loop.create_future()
- try:
- await self._eof_waiter
- finally:
- self._eof_waiter = None
- def unread_data(self, data: bytes) -> None:
- """ rollback reading some data from stream, inserting it to buffer head.
- """
- warnings.warn("unread_data() is deprecated "
- "and will be removed in future releases (#3260)",
- DeprecationWarning,
- stacklevel=2)
- if not data:
- return
- if self._buffer_offset:
- self._buffer[0] = self._buffer[0][self._buffer_offset:]
- self._buffer_offset = 0
- self._size += len(data)
- self._cursor -= len(data)
- self._buffer.appendleft(data)
- self._eof_counter = 0
- # TODO: size is ignored, remove the param later
- def feed_data(self, data: bytes, size: int=0) -> None:
- assert not self._eof, 'feed_data after feed_eof'
- if not data:
- return
- self._size += len(data)
- self._buffer.append(data)
- self.total_bytes += len(data)
- waiter = self._waiter
- if waiter is not None:
- self._waiter = None
- set_result(waiter, False)
- if (self._size > self._high_water and
- not self._protocol._reading_paused):
- self._protocol.pause_reading()
- def begin_http_chunk_receiving(self) -> None:
- if self._http_chunk_splits is None:
- if self.total_bytes:
- raise RuntimeError("Called begin_http_chunk_receiving when"
- "some data was already fed")
- self._http_chunk_splits = []
- def end_http_chunk_receiving(self) -> None:
- if self._http_chunk_splits is None:
- raise RuntimeError("Called end_chunk_receiving without calling "
- "begin_chunk_receiving first")
- # self._http_chunk_splits contains logical byte offsets from start of
- # the body transfer. Each offset is the offset of the end of a chunk.
- # "Logical" means bytes, accessible for a user.
- # If no chunks containig logical data were received, current position
- # is difinitely zero.
- pos = self._http_chunk_splits[-1] if self._http_chunk_splits else 0
- if self.total_bytes == pos:
- # We should not add empty chunks here. So we check for that.
- # Note, when chunked + gzip is used, we can receive a chunk
- # of compressed data, but that data may not be enough for gzip FSM
- # to yield any uncompressed data. That's why current position may
- # not change after receiving a chunk.
- return
- self._http_chunk_splits.append(self.total_bytes)
- # wake up readchunk when end of http chunk received
- waiter = self._waiter
- if waiter is not None:
- self._waiter = None
- set_result(waiter, False)
- async def _wait(self, func_name: str) -> None:
- # StreamReader uses a future to link the protocol feed_data() method
- # to a read coroutine. Running two read coroutines at the same time
- # would have an unexpected behaviour. It would not possible to know
- # which coroutine would get the next data.
- if self._waiter is not None:
- raise RuntimeError('%s() called while another coroutine is '
- 'already waiting for incoming data' % func_name)
- waiter = self._waiter = self._loop.create_future()
- try:
- if self._timer:
- with self._timer:
- await waiter
- else:
- await waiter
- finally:
- self._waiter = None
- async def readline(self) -> bytes:
- if self._exception is not None:
- raise self._exception
- line = []
- line_size = 0
- not_enough = True
- while not_enough:
- while self._buffer and not_enough:
- offset = self._buffer_offset
- ichar = self._buffer[0].find(b'\n', offset) + 1
- # Read from current offset to found b'\n' or to the end.
- data = self._read_nowait_chunk(ichar - offset if ichar else -1)
- line.append(data)
- line_size += len(data)
- if ichar:
- not_enough = False
- if line_size > self._high_water:
- raise ValueError('Line is too long')
- if self._eof:
- break
- if not_enough:
- await self._wait('readline')
- return b''.join(line)
- async def read(self, n: int=-1) -> bytes:
- if self._exception is not None:
- raise self._exception
- # migration problem; with DataQueue you have to catch
- # EofStream exception, so common way is to run payload.read() inside
- # infinite loop. what can cause real infinite loop with StreamReader
- # lets keep this code one major release.
- if __debug__:
- if self._eof and not self._buffer:
- self._eof_counter = getattr(self, '_eof_counter', 0) + 1
- if self._eof_counter > 5:
- internal_logger.warning(
- 'Multiple access to StreamReader in eof state, '
- 'might be infinite loop.', stack_info=True)
- if not n:
- return b''
- if n < 0:
- # This used to just loop creating a new waiter hoping to
- # collect everything in self._buffer, but that would
- # deadlock if the subprocess sends more than self.limit
- # bytes. So just call self.readany() until EOF.
- blocks = []
- while True:
- block = await self.readany()
- if not block:
- break
- blocks.append(block)
- return b''.join(blocks)
- # TODO: should be `if` instead of `while`
- # because waiter maybe triggered on chunk end,
- # without feeding any data
- while not self._buffer and not self._eof:
- await self._wait('read')
- return self._read_nowait(n)
- async def readany(self) -> bytes:
- if self._exception is not None:
- raise self._exception
- # TODO: should be `if` instead of `while`
- # because waiter maybe triggered on chunk end,
- # without feeding any data
- while not self._buffer and not self._eof:
- await self._wait('readany')
- return self._read_nowait(-1)
- async def readchunk(self) -> Tuple[bytes, bool]:
- """Returns a tuple of (data, end_of_http_chunk). When chunked transfer
- encoding is used, end_of_http_chunk is a boolean indicating if the end
- of the data corresponds to the end of a HTTP chunk , otherwise it is
- always False.
- """
- if self._exception is not None:
- raise self._exception
- if not self._buffer and not self._eof:
- if (self._http_chunk_splits and
- self._cursor == self._http_chunk_splits[0]):
- # end of http chunk without available data
- self._http_chunk_splits = self._http_chunk_splits[1:]
- return (b"", True)
- await self._wait('readchunk')
- if not self._buffer and not self._http_chunk_splits:
- # end of file
- return (b"", False)
- elif self._http_chunk_splits is not None:
- while self._http_chunk_splits:
- pos = self._http_chunk_splits[0]
- self._http_chunk_splits = self._http_chunk_splits[1:]
- if pos == self._cursor:
- return (b"", True)
- if pos > self._cursor:
- return (self._read_nowait(pos-self._cursor), True)
- return (self._read_nowait(-1), False)
- else:
- return (self._read_nowait_chunk(-1), False)
- async def readexactly(self, n: int) -> bytes:
- if self._exception is not None:
- raise self._exception
- blocks = [] # type: List[bytes]
- while n > 0:
- block = await self.read(n)
- if not block:
- partial = b''.join(blocks)
- raise asyncio.streams.IncompleteReadError(
- partial, len(partial) + n)
- blocks.append(block)
- n -= len(block)
- return b''.join(blocks)
- def read_nowait(self, n: int=-1) -> bytes:
- # default was changed to be consistent with .read(-1)
- #
- # I believe the most users don't know about the method and
- # they are not affected.
- if self._exception is not None:
- raise self._exception
- if self._waiter and not self._waiter.done():
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'Called while some coroutine is waiting for incoming data.')
- return self._read_nowait(n)
- def _read_nowait_chunk(self, n: int) -> bytes:
- first_buffer = self._buffer[0]
- offset = self._buffer_offset
- if n != -1 and len(first_buffer) - offset > n:
- data = first_buffer[offset:offset + n]
- self._buffer_offset += n
- elif offset:
- self._buffer.popleft()
- data = first_buffer[offset:]
- self._buffer_offset = 0
- else:
- data = self._buffer.popleft()
- self._size -= len(data)
- self._cursor += len(data)
- if self._size < self._low_water and self._protocol._reading_paused:
- self._protocol.resume_reading()
- return data
- def _read_nowait(self, n: int) -> bytes:
- chunks = []
- while self._buffer:
- chunk = self._read_nowait_chunk(n)
- chunks.append(chunk)
- if n != -1:
- n -= len(chunk)
- if n == 0:
- break
- return b''.join(chunks) if chunks else b''
- class EmptyStreamReader(AsyncStreamReaderMixin):
- def exception(self) -> Optional[BaseException]:
- return None
- def set_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
- pass
- def on_eof(self, callback: Callable[[], None]) -> None:
- try:
- callback()
- except Exception:
- internal_logger.exception('Exception in eof callback')
- def feed_eof(self) -> None:
- pass
- def is_eof(self) -> bool:
- return True
- def at_eof(self) -> bool:
- return True
- async def wait_eof(self) -> None:
- return
- def feed_data(self, data: bytes, n: int=0) -> None:
- pass
- async def readline(self) -> bytes:
- return b''
- async def read(self, n: int=-1) -> bytes:
- return b''
- async def readany(self) -> bytes:
- return b''
- async def readchunk(self) -> Tuple[bytes, bool]:
- return (b'', True)
- async def readexactly(self, n: int) -> bytes:
- raise asyncio.streams.IncompleteReadError(b'', n)
- def read_nowait(self) -> bytes:
- return b''
- EMPTY_PAYLOAD = EmptyStreamReader()
- class DataQueue(Generic[_T]):
- """DataQueue is a general-purpose blocking queue with one reader."""
- def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None:
- self._loop = loop
- self._eof = False
- self._waiter = None # type: Optional[asyncio.Future[bool]]
- self._exception = None # type: Optional[BaseException]
- self._size = 0
- self._buffer = collections.deque() # type: Deque[Tuple[_T, int]]
- def __len__(self) -> int:
- return len(self._buffer)
- def is_eof(self) -> bool:
- return self._eof
- def at_eof(self) -> bool:
- return self._eof and not self._buffer
- def exception(self) -> Optional[BaseException]:
- return self._exception
- def set_exception(self, exc: BaseException) -> None:
- self._eof = True
- self._exception = exc
- waiter = self._waiter
- if waiter is not None:
- set_exception(waiter, exc)
- self._waiter = None
- def feed_data(self, data: _T, size: int=0) -> None:
- self._size += size
- self._buffer.append((data, size))
- waiter = self._waiter
- if waiter is not None:
- self._waiter = None
- set_result(waiter, True)
- def feed_eof(self) -> None:
- self._eof = True
- waiter = self._waiter
- if waiter is not None:
- self._waiter = None
- set_result(waiter, False)
- async def read(self) -> _T:
- if not self._buffer and not self._eof:
- assert not self._waiter
- self._waiter = self._loop.create_future()
- try:
- await self._waiter
- except (asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.TimeoutError):
- self._waiter = None
- raise
- if self._buffer:
- data, size = self._buffer.popleft()
- self._size -= size
- return data
- else:
- if self._exception is not None:
- raise self._exception
- else:
- raise EofStream
- def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncStreamIterator[_T]:
- return AsyncStreamIterator(self.read)
- class FlowControlDataQueue(DataQueue[_T]):
- """FlowControlDataQueue resumes and pauses an underlying stream.
- It is a destination for parsed data."""
- def __init__(self, protocol: BaseProtocol, *,
- limit: int=DEFAULT_LIMIT,
- loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None:
- super().__init__(loop=loop)
- self._protocol = protocol
- self._limit = limit * 2
- def feed_data(self, data: _T, size: int=0) -> None:
- super().feed_data(data, size)
- if self._size > self._limit and not self._protocol._reading_paused:
- self._protocol.pause_reading()
- async def read(self) -> _T:
- try:
- return await super().read()
- finally:
- if self._size < self._limit and self._protocol._reading_paused:
- self._protocol.resume_reading()