- #
- # The Python Imaging Library.
- # $Id$
- #
- # Windows Icon support for PIL
- #
- # History:
- # 96-05-27 fl Created
- #
- # Copyright (c) Secret Labs AB 1997.
- # Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1996.
- #
- # See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
- #
- # This plugin is a refactored version of Win32IconImagePlugin by Bryan Davis
- # <casadebender@gmail.com>.
- # https://code.google.com/archive/p/casadebender/wikis/Win32IconImagePlugin.wiki
- #
- # Icon format references:
- # * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICO_(file_format)
- # * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms997538.aspx
- import struct
- from io import BytesIO
- from . import Image, ImageFile, BmpImagePlugin, PngImagePlugin
- from ._binary import i8, i16le as i16, i32le as i32
- from math import log, ceil
- __version__ = "0.1"
- #
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------
- _MAGIC = b"\0\0\1\0"
- def _save(im, fp, filename):
- fp.write(_MAGIC) # (2+2)
- sizes = im.encoderinfo.get("sizes",
- [(16, 16), (24, 24), (32, 32), (48, 48),
- (64, 64), (128, 128), (256, 256)])
- width, height = im.size
- sizes = filter(lambda x: False if (x[0] > width or x[1] > height or
- x[0] > 256 or x[1] > 256) else True,
- sizes)
- sizes = list(sizes)
- fp.write(struct.pack("<H", len(sizes))) # idCount(2)
- offset = fp.tell() + len(sizes)*16
- for size in sizes:
- width, height = size
- # 0 means 256
- fp.write(struct.pack("B", width if width < 256 else 0)) # bWidth(1)
- fp.write(struct.pack("B", height if height < 256 else 0)) # bHeight(1)
- fp.write(b"\0") # bColorCount(1)
- fp.write(b"\0") # bReserved(1)
- fp.write(b"\0\0") # wPlanes(2)
- fp.write(struct.pack("<H", 32)) # wBitCount(2)
- image_io = BytesIO()
- tmp = im.copy()
- tmp.thumbnail(size, Image.LANCZOS)
- tmp.save(image_io, "png")
- image_io.seek(0)
- image_bytes = image_io.read()
- bytes_len = len(image_bytes)
- fp.write(struct.pack("<I", bytes_len)) # dwBytesInRes(4)
- fp.write(struct.pack("<I", offset)) # dwImageOffset(4)
- current = fp.tell()
- fp.seek(offset)
- fp.write(image_bytes)
- offset = offset + bytes_len
- fp.seek(current)
- def _accept(prefix):
- return prefix[:4] == _MAGIC
- class IcoFile(object):
- def __init__(self, buf):
- """
- Parse image from file-like object containing ico file data
- """
- # check magic
- s = buf.read(6)
- if not _accept(s):
- raise SyntaxError("not an ICO file")
- self.buf = buf
- self.entry = []
- # Number of items in file
- self.nb_items = i16(s[4:])
- # Get headers for each item
- for i in range(self.nb_items):
- s = buf.read(16)
- icon_header = {
- 'width': i8(s[0]),
- 'height': i8(s[1]),
- 'nb_color': i8(s[2]), # No. of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)
- 'reserved': i8(s[3]),
- 'planes': i16(s[4:]),
- 'bpp': i16(s[6:]),
- 'size': i32(s[8:]),
- 'offset': i32(s[12:])
- }
- # See Wikipedia
- for j in ('width', 'height'):
- if not icon_header[j]:
- icon_header[j] = 256
- # See Wikipedia notes about color depth.
- # We need this just to differ images with equal sizes
- icon_header['color_depth'] = (icon_header['bpp'] or
- (icon_header['nb_color'] != 0 and
- ceil(log(icon_header['nb_color'],
- 2))) or 256)
- icon_header['dim'] = (icon_header['width'], icon_header['height'])
- icon_header['square'] = (icon_header['width'] *
- icon_header['height'])
- self.entry.append(icon_header)
- self.entry = sorted(self.entry, key=lambda x: x['color_depth'])
- # ICO images are usually squares
- # self.entry = sorted(self.entry, key=lambda x: x['width'])
- self.entry = sorted(self.entry, key=lambda x: x['square'])
- self.entry.reverse()
- def sizes(self):
- """
- Get a list of all available icon sizes and color depths.
- """
- return {(h['width'], h['height']) for h in self.entry}
- def getimage(self, size, bpp=False):
- """
- Get an image from the icon
- """
- for (i, h) in enumerate(self.entry):
- if size == h['dim'] and (bpp is False or bpp == h['color_depth']):
- return self.frame(i)
- return self.frame(0)
- def frame(self, idx):
- """
- Get an image from frame idx
- """
- header = self.entry[idx]
- self.buf.seek(header['offset'])
- data = self.buf.read(8)
- self.buf.seek(header['offset'])
- if data[:8] == PngImagePlugin._MAGIC:
- # png frame
- im = PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile(self.buf)
- else:
- # XOR + AND mask bmp frame
- im = BmpImagePlugin.DibImageFile(self.buf)
- # change tile dimension to only encompass XOR image
- im._size = (im.size[0], int(im.size[1] / 2))
- d, e, o, a = im.tile[0]
- im.tile[0] = d, (0, 0) + im.size, o, a
- # figure out where AND mask image starts
- mode = a[0]
- bpp = 8
- for k, v in BmpImagePlugin.BIT2MODE.items():
- if mode == v[1]:
- bpp = k
- break
- if 32 == bpp:
- # 32-bit color depth icon image allows semitransparent areas
- # PIL's DIB format ignores transparency bits, recover them.
- # The DIB is packed in BGRX byte order where X is the alpha
- # channel.
- # Back up to start of bmp data
- self.buf.seek(o)
- # extract every 4th byte (eg. 3,7,11,15,...)
- alpha_bytes = self.buf.read(im.size[0] * im.size[1] * 4)[3::4]
- # convert to an 8bpp grayscale image
- mask = Image.frombuffer(
- 'L', # 8bpp
- im.size, # (w, h)
- alpha_bytes, # source chars
- 'raw', # raw decoder
- ('L', 0, -1) # 8bpp inverted, unpadded, reversed
- )
- else:
- # get AND image from end of bitmap
- w = im.size[0]
- if (w % 32) > 0:
- # bitmap row data is aligned to word boundaries
- w += 32 - (im.size[0] % 32)
- # the total mask data is
- # padded row size * height / bits per char
- and_mask_offset = o + int(im.size[0] * im.size[1] *
- (bpp / 8.0))
- total_bytes = int((w * im.size[1]) / 8)
- self.buf.seek(and_mask_offset)
- mask_data = self.buf.read(total_bytes)
- # convert raw data to image
- mask = Image.frombuffer(
- '1', # 1 bpp
- im.size, # (w, h)
- mask_data, # source chars
- 'raw', # raw decoder
- ('1;I', int(w/8), -1) # 1bpp inverted, padded, reversed
- )
- # now we have two images, im is XOR image and mask is AND image
- # apply mask image as alpha channel
- im = im.convert('RGBA')
- im.putalpha(mask)
- return im
- ##
- # Image plugin for Windows Icon files.
- class IcoImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
- """
- PIL read-only image support for Microsoft Windows .ico files.
- By default the largest resolution image in the file will be loaded. This
- can be changed by altering the 'size' attribute before calling 'load'.
- The info dictionary has a key 'sizes' that is a list of the sizes available
- in the icon file.
- Handles classic, XP and Vista icon formats.
- This plugin is a refactored version of Win32IconImagePlugin by Bryan Davis
- <casadebender@gmail.com>.
- https://code.google.com/archive/p/casadebender/wikis/Win32IconImagePlugin.wiki
- """
- format = "ICO"
- format_description = "Windows Icon"
- def _open(self):
- self.ico = IcoFile(self.fp)
- self.info['sizes'] = self.ico.sizes()
- self.size = self.ico.entry[0]['dim']
- self.load()
- @property
- def size(self):
- return self._size
- @size.setter
- def size(self, value):
- if value not in self.info['sizes']:
- raise ValueError(
- "This is not one of the allowed sizes of this image")
- self._size = value
- def load(self):
- im = self.ico.getimage(self.size)
- # if tile is PNG, it won't really be loaded yet
- im.load()
- self.im = im.im
- self.mode = im.mode
- self.size = im.size
- def load_seek(self):
- # Flag the ImageFile.Parser so that it
- # just does all the decode at the end.
- pass
- #
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Image.register_open(IcoImageFile.format, IcoImageFile, _accept)
- Image.register_save(IcoImageFile.format, _save)
- Image.register_extension(IcoImageFile.format, ".ico")