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4 years ago
  1. Metadata-Version: 2.1
  2. Name: Glances
  3. Version: 3.0.2
  4. Summary: A cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool
  5. Home-page:
  6. Author: Nicolas Hennion
  7. Author-email:
  8. License: LGPLv3
  9. Keywords: cli curses monitoring system
  10. Platform: UNKNOWN
  11. Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  12. Classifier: Environment :: Console :: Curses
  13. Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment
  14. Classifier: Framework :: Bottle
  15. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
  16. Classifier: Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop
  17. Classifier: Intended Audience :: System Administrators
  18. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)
  19. Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
  20. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
  21. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
  22. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  23. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
  24. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
  25. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
  26. Classifier: Topic :: System :: Monitoring
  27. Requires-Python: >=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*
  28. Requires-Dist: psutil (>=5.3.0)
  29. Provides-Extra: action
  30. Requires-Dist: pystache ; extra == 'action'
  31. Provides-Extra: browser
  32. Requires-Dist: zeroconf (>=0.19.1) ; extra == 'browser'
  33. Provides-Extra: cloud
  34. Requires-Dist: requests ; extra == 'cloud'
  35. Provides-Extra: cpuinfo
  36. Requires-Dist: py-cpuinfo ; extra == 'cpuinfo'
  37. Provides-Extra: docker
  38. Requires-Dist: docker (>=2.0.0) ; extra == 'docker'
  39. Provides-Extra: export
  40. Requires-Dist: bernhard ; extra == 'export'
  41. Requires-Dist: cassandra-driver ; extra == 'export'
  42. Requires-Dist: couchdb ; extra == 'export'
  43. Requires-Dist: elasticsearch ; extra == 'export'
  44. Requires-Dist: influxdb (>=1.0.0) ; extra == 'export'
  45. Requires-Dist: kafka-python ; extra == 'export'
  46. Requires-Dist: pika ; extra == 'export'
  47. Requires-Dist: paho-mqtt ; extra == 'export'
  48. Requires-Dist: potsdb ; extra == 'export'
  49. Requires-Dist: prometheus-client ; extra == 'export'
  50. Requires-Dist: pyzmq ; extra == 'export'
  51. Requires-Dist: statsd ; extra == 'export'
  52. Provides-Extra: folders
  53. Requires-Dist: scandir ; extra == 'folders'
  54. Provides-Extra: gpu
  55. Requires-Dist: nvidia-ml-py3 ; extra == 'gpu'
  56. Provides-Extra: graph
  57. Requires-Dist: pygal ; extra == 'graph'
  58. Provides-Extra: ip
  59. Requires-Dist: netifaces ; extra == 'ip'
  60. Provides-Extra: raid
  61. Requires-Dist: pymdstat ; extra == 'raid'
  62. Provides-Extra: snmp
  63. Requires-Dist: pysnmp ; extra == 'snmp'
  64. Provides-Extra: web
  65. Requires-Dist: bottle ; extra == 'web'
  66. Requires-Dist: requests ; extra == 'web'
  67. Provides-Extra: wifi
  68. Requires-Dist: wifi ; extra == 'wifi'
  69. ===============================
  70. Glances - An eye on your system
  71. ===============================
  72. .. image::
  73. :target:
  74. .. image::
  75. :target:
  76. :alt: Github stars
  77. .. image::
  78. :target:
  79. :alt: Linux tests (Travis)
  80. .. image::
  81. :target:
  82. :alt: Windows tests (Appveyor)
  83. .. image::
  84. :target:
  85. .. image::
  86. :target:
  87. .. image::
  88. :target:
  89. Follow Glances on Twitter: `@nicolargo`_
  90. Summary
  91. =======
  92. **Glances** is a cross-platform monitoring tool which aims to present a
  93. large amount of monitoring information through a curses or Web
  94. based interface. The information dynamically adapts depending on the
  95. size of the user interface.
  96. .. image::
  97. It can also work in client/server mode. Remote monitoring could be done
  98. via terminal, Web interface or API (XML-RPC and RESTful). Stats can also
  99. be exported to files or external time/value databases.
  100. .. image::
  101. Glances is written in Python and uses libraries to grab information from
  102. your system. It is based on an open architecture where developers can
  103. add new plugins or exports modules.
  104. Requirements
  105. ============
  106. - ``python 2.7,>=3.4``
  107. - ``psutil>=5.3.0`` (better with latest version)
  108. Optional dependencies:
  109. - ``bernhard`` (for the Riemann export module)
  110. - ``bottle`` (for Web server mode)
  111. - ``cassandra-driver`` (for the Cassandra export module)
  112. - ``couchdb`` (for the CouchDB export module)
  113. - ``docker`` (for the Docker monitoring support) [Linux-only]
  114. - ``elasticsearch`` (for the Elastic Search export module)
  115. - ``hddtemp`` (for HDD temperature monitoring support) [Linux-only]
  116. - ``influxdb`` (for the InfluxDB export module)
  117. - ``kafka-python`` (for the Kafka export module)
  118. - ``netifaces`` (for the IP plugin)
  119. - ``nvidia-ml-py3`` (for the GPU plugin)
  120. - ``pika`` (for the RabbitMQ/ActiveMQ export module)
  121. - ``potsdb`` (for the OpenTSDB export module)
  122. - ``prometheus_client`` (for the Prometheus export module)
  123. - ``py-cpuinfo`` (for the Quicklook CPU info module)
  124. - ``pygal`` (for the graph export module)
  125. - ``pymdstat`` (for RAID support) [Linux-only]
  126. - ``pysnmp`` (for SNMP support)
  127. - ``pystache`` (for the action script feature)
  128. - ``pyzmq`` (for the ZeroMQ export module)
  129. - ``requests`` (for the Ports, Cloud plugins and RESTful export module)
  130. - ``scandir`` (for the Folders plugin) [Only for Python < 3.5]
  131. - ``statsd`` (for the StatsD export module)
  132. - ``wifi`` (for the wifi plugin) [Linux-only]
  133. - ``zeroconf`` (for the autodiscover mode)
  134. *Note for Python 2.6 users*
  135. Glances no longer supports Python 2.6. Please upgrade
  136. to a minimum Python version of 2.7/3.4+ or downgrade to Glances 2.6.2 (last version
  137. with Python 2.6 support).
  138. *Note for CentOS Linux 6 and 7 users*
  139. Python 2.7 and 3.4 are now available via SCL repositories. See:
  141. Installation
  142. ============
  143. There are several methods to test/install Glances on your system. Choose your weapon!
  144. Glances Auto Install script: the total way
  145. ------------------------------------------
  146. To install both dependencies and the latest Glances production ready version
  147. (aka *master* branch), just enter the following command line:
  148. .. code-block:: console
  149. curl -L | /bin/bash
  150. or
  151. .. code-block:: console
  152. wget -O- | /bin/bash
  153. *Note*: This is only supported on some GNU/Linux distributions. If you want to
  154. support other distributions, please contribute to `glancesautoinstall`_.
  155. PyPI: The simple way
  156. --------------------
  157. Glances is on ``PyPI``. By using PyPI, you will be using the latest
  158. stable version.
  159. To install, simply use ``pip``:
  160. .. code-block:: console
  161. pip install glances
  162. *Note*: Python headers are required to install `psutil`_. For example,
  163. on Debian/Ubuntu you need to install first the *python-dev* package.
  164. For Fedora/CentOS/RHEL install first *python-devel* package. For Windows,
  165. just install psutil from the binary installation file.
  166. *Note 2 (for the Wifi plugin)*: If you want to use the Wifi plugin, you need
  167. to install the *wireless-tools* package on your system.
  168. You can also install the following libraries in order to use optional
  169. features (like the Web interface, exports modules...):
  170. .. code-block:: console
  171. pip install 'glances[action,browser,cloud,cpuinfo,chart,docker,export,folders,gpu,ip,raid,snmp,web,wifi]'
  172. To upgrade Glances to the latest version:
  173. .. code-block:: console
  174. pip install --upgrade glances
  175. pip install --upgrade glances[...]
  176. If you need to install Glances in a specific user location, use:
  177. .. code-block:: console
  178. export PYTHONUSERBASE=~/mylocalpath
  179. pip install --user glances
  180. Docker: the funny way
  181. ---------------------
  182. A Glances container is available. It includes the latest development
  183. HEAD version. You can use it to monitor your server and all your other
  184. containers!
  185. Get the Glances container:
  186. .. code-block:: console
  187. docker pull nicolargo/glances
  188. Run the container in *console mode*:
  189. .. code-block:: console
  190. docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro --pid host --network host -it
  191. Additionally, if you want to use your own glances.conf file, you can
  192. create your own Dockerfile:
  193. .. code-block:: console
  194. FROM nicolargo/glances
  195. COPY glances.conf /glances/conf/glances.conf
  196. CMD python -m glances -C /glances/conf/glances.conf $GLANCES_OPT
  197. Alternatively, you can specify something along the same lines with
  198. docker run options:
  199. .. code-block:: console
  200. docker run -v ./glances.conf:/glances/conf/glances.conf -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro --pid host -it
  201. Where ./glances.conf is a local directory containing your glances.conf file.
  202. Run the container in *Web server mode* (notice the `GLANCES_OPT` environment
  203. variable setting parameters for the glances startup command):
  204. .. code-block:: console
  205. docker run -d --restart="always" -p 61208-61209:61208-61209 -e GLANCES_OPT="-w" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro --pid host
  206. GNU/Linux
  207. ---------
  208. `Glances` is available on many Linux distributions, so you should be
  209. able to install it using your favorite package manager. Be aware that
  210. when you use this method the operating system package for `Glances`
  211. may not be the latest version.
  212. FreeBSD
  213. -------
  214. To install the binary package:
  215. .. code-block:: console
  216. # pkg install py27-glances
  217. To install Glances from ports:
  218. .. code-block:: console
  219. # cd /usr/ports/sysutils/py-glances/
  220. # make install clean
  221. macOS
  222. -----
  223. macOS users can install Glances using ``Homebrew`` or ``MacPorts``.
  224. Homebrew
  225. ````````
  226. .. code-block:: console
  227. $ brew install glances
  228. MacPorts
  229. ````````
  230. .. code-block:: console
  231. $ sudo port install glances
  232. Windows
  233. -------
  234. Install `Python`_ for Windows (Python 2.7.9+ and 3.4+ ship with pip) and
  235. then run the following command:
  236. .. code-block:: console
  237. $ pip install glances
  238. Alternatively, you could clone the repository and install with the following command.
  239. .. code-block:: console
  240. $ git clone
  241. $ cd glances
  242. $ python install
  243. Android
  244. -------
  245. You need a rooted device and the `Termux`_ application (available on the
  246. Google Play Store).
  247. Start Termux on your device and enter:
  248. .. code-block:: console
  249. $ apt update
  250. $ apt upgrade
  251. $ apt install clang python python-dev
  252. $ pip install bottle
  253. $ pip install glances
  254. And start Glances:
  255. .. code-block:: console
  256. $ glances
  257. You can also run Glances in server mode (-s or -w) in order to remotely
  258. monitor your Android device.
  259. Source
  260. ------
  261. To install Glances from source:
  262. .. code-block:: console
  263. $ wget -O - | tar xz
  264. $ cd glances-*
  265. # python install
  266. *Note*: Python headers are required to install psutil.
  267. Chef
  268. ----
  269. An awesome ``Chef`` cookbook is available to monitor your infrastructure:
  270. (thanks to Antoine Rouyer)
  271. Puppet
  272. ------
  273. You can install Glances using ``Puppet``:
  274. Ansible
  275. -------
  276. A Glances ``Ansible`` role is available:
  277. Usage
  278. =====
  279. For the standalone mode, just run:
  280. .. code-block:: console
  281. $ glances
  282. For the Web server mode, run:
  283. .. code-block:: console
  284. $ glances -w
  285. and enter the URL ``http://<ip>:61208`` in your favorite web browser.
  286. For the client/server mode, run:
  287. .. code-block:: console
  288. $ glances -s
  289. on the server side and run:
  290. .. code-block:: console
  291. $ glances -c <ip>
  292. on the client one.
  293. You can also detect and display all Glances servers available on your
  294. network or defined in the configuration file:
  295. .. code-block:: console
  296. $ glances --browser
  297. and RTFM, always.
  298. Documentation
  299. =============
  300. For complete documentation have a look at the readthedocs_ website.
  301. If you have any question (after RTFM!), please post it on the official Q&A `forum`_.
  302. Gateway to other services
  303. =========================
  304. Glances can export stats to: ``CSV`` file, ``JSON`` file, ``InfluxDB``, ``Cassandra``, ``CouchDB``,
  305. ``OpenTSDB``, ``Prometheus``, ``StatsD``, ``ElasticSearch``, ``RabbitMQ/ActiveMQ``,
  306. ``ZeroMQ``, ``Kafka``, ``Riemann`` and ``RESTful`` server.
  307. How to contribute ?
  308. ===================
  309. If you want to contribute to the Glances project, read this `wiki`_ page.
  310. There is also a chat dedicated to the Glances developers:
  311. .. image::
  312. :target:
  313. Author
  314. ======
  315. Nicolas Hennion (@nicolargo) <>
  316. License
  317. =======
  318. LGPLv3. See ``COPYING`` for more details.
  319. .. _psutil:
  320. .. _glancesautoinstall:
  321. .. _@nicolargo:
  322. .. _Python:
  323. .. _Termux:
  324. .. _readthedocs:
  325. .. _forum:!forum/glances-users
  326. .. _wiki: