- # coding: utf8
- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
- import random
- import ujson
- import itertools
- import weakref
- import functools
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from contextlib import contextmanager
- from copy import copy
- from thinc.neural import Model
- from thinc.neural.optimizers import Adam
- from .tokenizer import Tokenizer
- from .vocab import Vocab
- from .lemmatizer import Lemmatizer
- from .pipeline import DependencyParser, Tensorizer, Tagger, EntityRecognizer
- from .pipeline import SimilarityHook, TextCategorizer, SentenceSegmenter
- from .pipeline import merge_noun_chunks, merge_entities
- from .compat import json_dumps, izip, basestring_
- from .gold import GoldParse
- from .scorer import Scorer
- from ._ml import link_vectors_to_models, create_default_optimizer
- from .attrs import IS_STOP
- from .lang.punctuation import TOKENIZER_PREFIXES, TOKENIZER_SUFFIXES
- from .lang.punctuation import TOKENIZER_INFIXES
- from .lang.tokenizer_exceptions import TOKEN_MATCH
- from .lang.tag_map import TAG_MAP
- from .lang.lex_attrs import LEX_ATTRS, is_stop
- from .errors import Errors
- from . import util
- from . import about
- class BaseDefaults(object):
- @classmethod
- def create_lemmatizer(cls, nlp=None):
- return Lemmatizer(cls.lemma_index, cls.lemma_exc, cls.lemma_rules,
- cls.lemma_lookup)
- @classmethod
- def create_vocab(cls, nlp=None):
- lemmatizer = cls.create_lemmatizer(nlp)
- lex_attr_getters = dict(cls.lex_attr_getters)
- # This is messy, but it's the minimal working fix to Issue #639.
- lex_attr_getters[IS_STOP] = functools.partial(is_stop,
- stops=cls.stop_words)
- vocab = Vocab(lex_attr_getters=lex_attr_getters, tag_map=cls.tag_map,
- lemmatizer=lemmatizer)
- for tag_str, exc in cls.morph_rules.items():
- for orth_str, attrs in exc.items():
- vocab.morphology.add_special_case(tag_str, orth_str, attrs)
- return vocab
- @classmethod
- def create_tokenizer(cls, nlp=None):
- rules = cls.tokenizer_exceptions
- token_match = cls.token_match
- prefix_search = (util.compile_prefix_regex(cls.prefixes).search
- if cls.prefixes else None)
- suffix_search = (util.compile_suffix_regex(cls.suffixes).search
- if cls.suffixes else None)
- infix_finditer = (util.compile_infix_regex(cls.infixes).finditer
- if cls.infixes else None)
- vocab = nlp.vocab if nlp is not None else cls.create_vocab(nlp)
- return Tokenizer(vocab, rules=rules,
- prefix_search=prefix_search,
- suffix_search=suffix_search,
- infix_finditer=infix_finditer,
- token_match=token_match)
- pipe_names = ['tagger', 'parser', 'ner']
- token_match = TOKEN_MATCH
- prefixes = tuple(TOKENIZER_PREFIXES)
- suffixes = tuple(TOKENIZER_SUFFIXES)
- infixes = tuple(TOKENIZER_INFIXES)
- tag_map = dict(TAG_MAP)
- tokenizer_exceptions = {}
- stop_words = set()
- lemma_rules = {}
- lemma_exc = {}
- lemma_index = {}
- lemma_lookup = {}
- morph_rules = {}
- lex_attr_getters = LEX_ATTRS
- syntax_iterators = {}
- class Language(object):
- """A text-processing pipeline. Usually you'll load this once per process,
- and pass the instance around your application.
- Defaults (class): Settings, data and factory methods for creating the `nlp`
- object and processing pipeline.
- lang (unicode): Two-letter language ID, i.e. ISO code.
- """
- Defaults = BaseDefaults
- lang = None
- factories = {
- 'tokenizer': lambda nlp: nlp.Defaults.create_tokenizer(nlp),
- 'tensorizer': lambda nlp, **cfg: Tensorizer(nlp.vocab, **cfg),
- 'tagger': lambda nlp, **cfg: Tagger(nlp.vocab, **cfg),
- 'parser': lambda nlp, **cfg: DependencyParser(nlp.vocab, **cfg),
- 'ner': lambda nlp, **cfg: EntityRecognizer(nlp.vocab, **cfg),
- 'similarity': lambda nlp, **cfg: SimilarityHook(nlp.vocab, **cfg),
- 'textcat': lambda nlp, **cfg: TextCategorizer(nlp.vocab, **cfg),
- 'sbd': lambda nlp, **cfg: SentenceSegmenter(nlp.vocab, **cfg),
- 'sentencizer': lambda nlp, **cfg: SentenceSegmenter(nlp.vocab, **cfg),
- 'merge_noun_chunks': lambda nlp, **cfg: merge_noun_chunks,
- 'merge_entities': lambda nlp, **cfg: merge_entities
- }
- def __init__(self, vocab=True, make_doc=True, max_length=10**6, meta={}, **kwargs):
- """Initialise a Language object.
- vocab (Vocab): A `Vocab` object. If `True`, a vocab is created via
- `Language.Defaults.create_vocab`.
- make_doc (callable): A function that takes text and returns a `Doc`
- object. Usually a `Tokenizer`.
- meta (dict): Custom meta data for the Language class. Is written to by
- models to add model meta data.
- max_length (int) :
- Maximum number of characters in a single text. The current v2 models
- may run out memory on extremely long texts, due to large internal
- allocations. You should segment these texts into meaningful units,
- e.g. paragraphs, subsections etc, before passing them to spaCy.
- Default maximum length is 1,000,000 characters (1mb). As a rule of
- thumb, if all pipeline components are enabled, spaCy's default
- models currently requires roughly 1GB of temporary memory per
- 100,000 characters in one text.
- RETURNS (Language): The newly constructed object.
- """
- self._meta = dict(meta)
- self._path = None
- if vocab is True:
- factory = self.Defaults.create_vocab
- vocab = factory(self, **meta.get('vocab', {}))
- if vocab.vectors.name is None:
- vocab.vectors.name = meta.get('vectors', {}).get('name')
- self.vocab = vocab
- if make_doc is True:
- factory = self.Defaults.create_tokenizer
- make_doc = factory(self, **meta.get('tokenizer', {}))
- self.tokenizer = make_doc
- self.pipeline = []
- self.max_length = max_length
- self._optimizer = None
- @property
- def path(self):
- return self._path
- @property
- def meta(self):
- self._meta.setdefault('lang', self.vocab.lang)
- self._meta.setdefault('name', 'model')
- self._meta.setdefault('version', '0.0.0')
- self._meta.setdefault('spacy_version', '>={}'.format(about.__version__))
- self._meta.setdefault('description', '')
- self._meta.setdefault('author', '')
- self._meta.setdefault('email', '')
- self._meta.setdefault('url', '')
- self._meta.setdefault('license', '')
- self._meta['vectors'] = {'width': self.vocab.vectors_length,
- 'vectors': len(self.vocab.vectors),
- 'keys': self.vocab.vectors.n_keys,
- 'name': self.vocab.vectors.name}
- self._meta['pipeline'] = self.pipe_names
- return self._meta
- @meta.setter
- def meta(self, value):
- self._meta = value
- # Conveniences to access pipeline components
- @property
- def tensorizer(self):
- return self.get_pipe('tensorizer')
- @property
- def tagger(self):
- return self.get_pipe('tagger')
- @property
- def parser(self):
- return self.get_pipe('parser')
- @property
- def entity(self):
- return self.get_pipe('ner')
- @property
- def matcher(self):
- return self.get_pipe('matcher')
- @property
- def pipe_names(self):
- """Get names of available pipeline components.
- RETURNS (list): List of component name strings, in order.
- """
- return [pipe_name for pipe_name, _ in self.pipeline]
- def get_pipe(self, name):
- """Get a pipeline component for a given component name.
- name (unicode): Name of pipeline component to get.
- RETURNS (callable): The pipeline component.
- """
- for pipe_name, component in self.pipeline:
- if pipe_name == name:
- return component
- raise KeyError(Errors.E001.format(name=name, opts=self.pipe_names))
- def create_pipe(self, name, config=dict()):
- """Create a pipeline component from a factory.
- name (unicode): Factory name to look up in `Language.factories`.
- config (dict): Configuration parameters to initialise component.
- RETURNS (callable): Pipeline component.
- """
- if name not in self.factories:
- raise KeyError(Errors.E002.format(name=name))
- factory = self.factories[name]
- return factory(self, **config)
- def add_pipe(self, component, name=None, before=None, after=None,
- first=None, last=None):
- """Add a component to the processing pipeline. Valid components are
- callables that take a `Doc` object, modify it and return it. Only one
- of before/after/first/last can be set. Default behaviour is "last".
- component (callable): The pipeline component.
- name (unicode): Name of pipeline component. Overwrites existing
- component.name attribute if available. If no name is set and
- the component exposes no name attribute, component.__name__ is
- used. An error is raised if a name already exists in the pipeline.
- before (unicode): Component name to insert component directly before.
- after (unicode): Component name to insert component directly after.
- first (bool): Insert component first / not first in the pipeline.
- last (bool): Insert component last / not last in the pipeline.
- >>> nlp.add_pipe(component, before='ner')
- >>> nlp.add_pipe(component, name='custom_name', last=True)
- """
- if not hasattr(component, '__call__'):
- msg = Errors.E003.format(component=repr(component), name=name)
- if isinstance(component, basestring_) and component in self.factories:
- msg += Errors.E004.format(component=component)
- raise ValueError(msg)
- if name is None:
- if hasattr(component, 'name'):
- name = component.name
- elif hasattr(component, '__name__'):
- name = component.__name__
- elif (hasattr(component, '__class__') and
- hasattr(component.__class__, '__name__')):
- name = component.__class__.__name__
- else:
- name = repr(component)
- if name in self.pipe_names:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E007.format(name=name, opts=self.pipe_names))
- if sum([bool(before), bool(after), bool(first), bool(last)]) >= 2:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E006)
- pipe = (name, component)
- if last or not any([first, before, after]):
- self.pipeline.append(pipe)
- elif first:
- self.pipeline.insert(0, pipe)
- elif before and before in self.pipe_names:
- self.pipeline.insert(self.pipe_names.index(before), pipe)
- elif after and after in self.pipe_names:
- self.pipeline.insert(self.pipe_names.index(after) + 1, pipe)
- else:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E001.format(name=before or after,
- opts=self.pipe_names))
- def has_pipe(self, name):
- """Check if a component name is present in the pipeline. Equivalent to
- `name in nlp.pipe_names`.
- name (unicode): Name of the component.
- RETURNS (bool): Whether a component of the name exists in the pipeline.
- """
- return name in self.pipe_names
- def replace_pipe(self, name, component):
- """Replace a component in the pipeline.
- name (unicode): Name of the component to replace.
- component (callable): Pipeline component.
- """
- if name not in self.pipe_names:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E001.format(name=name, opts=self.pipe_names))
- self.pipeline[self.pipe_names.index(name)] = (name, component)
- def rename_pipe(self, old_name, new_name):
- """Rename a pipeline component.
- old_name (unicode): Name of the component to rename.
- new_name (unicode): New name of the component.
- """
- if old_name not in self.pipe_names:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E001.format(name=old_name, opts=self.pipe_names))
- if new_name in self.pipe_names:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E007.format(name=new_name, opts=self.pipe_names))
- i = self.pipe_names.index(old_name)
- self.pipeline[i] = (new_name, self.pipeline[i][1])
- def remove_pipe(self, name):
- """Remove a component from the pipeline.
- name (unicode): Name of the component to remove.
- RETURNS (tuple): A `(name, component)` tuple of the removed component.
- """
- if name not in self.pipe_names:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E001.format(name=name, opts=self.pipe_names))
- return self.pipeline.pop(self.pipe_names.index(name))
- def __call__(self, text, disable=[]):
- """Apply the pipeline to some text. The text can span multiple sentences,
- and can contain arbtrary whitespace. Alignment into the original string
- is preserved.
- text (unicode): The text to be processed.
- disable (list): Names of the pipeline components to disable.
- RETURNS (Doc): A container for accessing the annotations.
- >>> tokens = nlp('An example sentence. Another example sentence.')
- >>> tokens[0].text, tokens[0].head.tag_
- ('An', 'NN')
- """
- if len(text) > self.max_length:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E088.format(length=len(text),
- max_length=self.max_length))
- doc = self.make_doc(text)
- for name, proc in self.pipeline:
- if name in disable:
- continue
- if not hasattr(proc, '__call__'):
- raise ValueError(Errors.E003.format(component=type(proc), name=name))
- doc = proc(doc)
- if doc is None:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E005.format(name=name))
- return doc
- def disable_pipes(self, *names):
- """Disable one or more pipeline components. If used as a context
- manager, the pipeline will be restored to the initial state at the end
- of the block. Otherwise, a DisabledPipes object is returned, that has
- a `.restore()` method you can use to undo your changes.
- >>> nlp.add_pipe('parser')
- >>> nlp.add_pipe('tagger')
- >>> with nlp.disable_pipes('parser', 'tagger'):
- >>> assert not nlp.has_pipe('parser')
- >>> assert nlp.has_pipe('parser')
- >>> disabled = nlp.disable_pipes('parser')
- >>> assert len(disabled) == 1
- >>> assert not nlp.has_pipe('parser')
- >>> disabled.restore()
- >>> assert nlp.has_pipe('parser')
- """
- return DisabledPipes(self, *names)
- def make_doc(self, text):
- return self.tokenizer(text)
- def update(self, docs, golds, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None):
- """Update the models in the pipeline.
- docs (iterable): A batch of `Doc` objects.
- golds (iterable): A batch of `GoldParse` objects.
- drop (float): The droput rate.
- sgd (callable): An optimizer.
- RETURNS (dict): Results from the update.
- >>> with nlp.begin_training(gold) as (trainer, optimizer):
- >>> for epoch in trainer.epochs(gold):
- >>> for docs, golds in epoch:
- >>> state = nlp.update(docs, golds, sgd=optimizer)
- """
- if len(docs) != len(golds):
- raise IndexError(Errors.E009.format(n_docs=len(docs), n_golds=len(golds)))
- if len(docs) == 0:
- return
- if sgd is None:
- if self._optimizer is None:
- self._optimizer = create_default_optimizer(Model.ops)
- sgd = self._optimizer
- # Allow dict of args to GoldParse, instead of GoldParse objects.
- gold_objs = []
- doc_objs = []
- for doc, gold in zip(docs, golds):
- if isinstance(doc, basestring_):
- doc = self.make_doc(doc)
- if not isinstance(gold, GoldParse):
- gold = GoldParse(doc, **gold)
- doc_objs.append(doc)
- gold_objs.append(gold)
- golds = gold_objs
- docs = doc_objs
- grads = {}
- def get_grads(W, dW, key=None):
- grads[key] = (W, dW)
- pipes = list(self.pipeline)
- random.shuffle(pipes)
- for name, proc in pipes:
- if not hasattr(proc, 'update'):
- continue
- grads = {}
- proc.update(docs, golds, drop=drop, sgd=get_grads, losses=losses)
- for key, (W, dW) in grads.items():
- sgd(W, dW, key=key)
- def preprocess_gold(self, docs_golds):
- """Can be called before training to pre-process gold data. By default,
- it handles nonprojectivity and adds missing tags to the tag map.
- docs_golds (iterable): Tuples of `Doc` and `GoldParse` objects.
- YIELDS (tuple): Tuples of preprocessed `Doc` and `GoldParse` objects.
- """
- for name, proc in self.pipeline:
- if hasattr(proc, 'preprocess_gold'):
- docs_golds = proc.preprocess_gold(docs_golds)
- for doc, gold in docs_golds:
- yield doc, gold
- def begin_training(self, get_gold_tuples=None, sgd=None, **cfg):
- """Allocate models, pre-process training data and acquire a trainer and
- optimizer. Used as a contextmanager.
- get_gold_tuples (function): Function returning gold data
- **cfg: Config parameters.
- RETURNS: An optimizer
- """
- if get_gold_tuples is None:
- get_gold_tuples = lambda: []
- # Populate vocab
- else:
- for _, annots_brackets in get_gold_tuples():
- for annots, _ in annots_brackets:
- for word in annots[1]:
- _ = self.vocab[word]
- contexts = []
- if cfg.get('device', -1) >= 0:
- device = util.use_gpu(cfg['device'])
- if self.vocab.vectors.data.shape[1] >= 1:
- self.vocab.vectors.data = Model.ops.asarray(
- self.vocab.vectors.data)
- else:
- device = None
- link_vectors_to_models(self.vocab)
- if self.vocab.vectors.data.shape[1]:
- cfg['pretrained_vectors'] = self.vocab.vectors.name
- if sgd is None:
- sgd = create_default_optimizer(Model.ops)
- self._optimizer = sgd
- for name, proc in self.pipeline:
- if hasattr(proc, 'begin_training'):
- proc.begin_training(get_gold_tuples(),
- pipeline=self.pipeline,
- sgd=self._optimizer,
- **cfg)
- return self._optimizer
- def evaluate(self, docs_golds, verbose=False):
- scorer = Scorer()
- docs, golds = zip(*docs_golds)
- docs = list(docs)
- golds = list(golds)
- for name, pipe in self.pipeline:
- if not hasattr(pipe, 'pipe'):
- docs = (pipe(doc) for doc in docs)
- else:
- docs = pipe.pipe(docs, batch_size=256)
- for doc, gold in zip(docs, golds):
- if verbose:
- print(doc)
- scorer.score(doc, gold, verbose=verbose)
- return scorer
- @contextmanager
- def use_params(self, params, **cfg):
- """Replace weights of models in the pipeline with those provided in the
- params dictionary. Can be used as a contextmanager, in which case,
- models go back to their original weights after the block.
- params (dict): A dictionary of parameters keyed by model ID.
- **cfg: Config parameters.
- >>> with nlp.use_params(optimizer.averages):
- >>> nlp.to_disk('/tmp/checkpoint')
- """
- contexts = [pipe.use_params(params) for name, pipe
- in self.pipeline if hasattr(pipe, 'use_params')]
- # TODO: Having trouble with contextlib
- # Workaround: these aren't actually context managers atm.
- for context in contexts:
- try:
- next(context)
- except StopIteration:
- pass
- yield
- for context in contexts:
- try:
- next(context)
- except StopIteration:
- pass
- def pipe(self, texts, as_tuples=False, n_threads=2, batch_size=1000,
- disable=[], cleanup=False):
- """Process texts as a stream, and yield `Doc` objects in order.
- texts (iterator): A sequence of texts to process.
- as_tuples (bool):
- If set to True, inputs should be a sequence of
- (text, context) tuples. Output will then be a sequence of
- (doc, context) tuples. Defaults to False.
- n_threads (int): Currently inactive.
- batch_size (int): The number of texts to buffer.
- disable (list): Names of the pipeline components to disable.
- cleanup (bool): If True, unneeded strings are freed,
- to control memory use. Experimental.
- YIELDS (Doc): Documents in the order of the original text.
- >>> texts = [u'One document.', u'...', u'Lots of documents']
- >>> for doc in nlp.pipe(texts, batch_size=50, n_threads=4):
- >>> assert doc.is_parsed
- """
- if as_tuples:
- text_context1, text_context2 = itertools.tee(texts)
- texts = (tc[0] for tc in text_context1)
- contexts = (tc[1] for tc in text_context2)
- docs = self.pipe(texts, n_threads=n_threads, batch_size=batch_size,
- disable=disable)
- for doc, context in izip(docs, contexts):
- yield (doc, context)
- return
- docs = (self.make_doc(text) for text in texts)
- for name, proc in self.pipeline:
- if name in disable:
- continue
- if hasattr(proc, 'pipe'):
- docs = proc.pipe(docs, n_threads=n_threads,
- batch_size=batch_size)
- else:
- # Apply the function, but yield the doc
- docs = _pipe(proc, docs)
- # Track weakrefs of "recent" documents, so that we can see when they
- # expire from memory. When they do, we know we don't need old strings.
- # This way, we avoid maintaining an unbounded growth in string entries
- # in the string store.
- recent_refs = weakref.WeakSet()
- old_refs = weakref.WeakSet()
- # Keep track of the original string data, so that if we flush old strings,
- # we can recover the original ones. However, we only want to do this if we're
- # really adding strings, to save up-front costs.
- original_strings_data = None
- nr_seen = 0
- for doc in docs:
- yield doc
- if cleanup:
- recent_refs.add(doc)
- if nr_seen < 10000:
- old_refs.add(doc)
- nr_seen += 1
- elif len(old_refs) == 0:
- old_refs, recent_refs = recent_refs, old_refs
- if original_strings_data is None:
- original_strings_data = list(self.vocab.strings)
- else:
- keys, strings = self.vocab.strings._cleanup_stale_strings(original_strings_data)
- self.vocab._reset_cache(keys, strings)
- self.tokenizer._reset_cache(keys)
- nr_seen = 0
- def to_disk(self, path, disable=tuple()):
- """Save the current state to a directory. If a model is loaded, this
- will include the model.
- path (unicode or Path): A path to a directory, which will be created if
- it doesn't exist. Paths may be strings or `Path`-like objects.
- disable (list): Names of pipeline components to disable and prevent
- from being saved.
- >>> nlp.to_disk('/path/to/models')
- """
- path = util.ensure_path(path)
- serializers = OrderedDict((
- ('tokenizer', lambda p: self.tokenizer.to_disk(p, vocab=False)),
- ('meta.json', lambda p: p.open('w').write(json_dumps(self.meta)))
- ))
- for name, proc in self.pipeline:
- if not hasattr(proc, 'name'):
- continue
- if name in disable:
- continue
- if not hasattr(proc, 'to_disk'):
- continue
- serializers[name] = lambda p, proc=proc: proc.to_disk(p, vocab=False)
- serializers['vocab'] = lambda p: self.vocab.to_disk(p)
- util.to_disk(path, serializers, {p: False for p in disable})
- def from_disk(self, path, disable=tuple()):
- """Loads state from a directory. Modifies the object in place and
- returns it. If the saved `Language` object contains a model, the
- model will be loaded.
- path (unicode or Path): A path to a directory. Paths may be either
- strings or `Path`-like objects.
- disable (list): Names of the pipeline components to disable.
- RETURNS (Language): The modified `Language` object.
- >>> from spacy.language import Language
- >>> nlp = Language().from_disk('/path/to/models')
- """
- path = util.ensure_path(path)
- deserializers = OrderedDict((
- ('meta.json', lambda p: self.meta.update(util.read_json(p))),
- ('vocab', lambda p: (
- self.vocab.from_disk(p) and _fix_pretrained_vectors_name(self))),
- ('tokenizer', lambda p: self.tokenizer.from_disk(p, vocab=False)),
- ))
- for name, proc in self.pipeline:
- if name in disable:
- continue
- if not hasattr(proc, 'to_disk'):
- continue
- deserializers[name] = lambda p, proc=proc: proc.from_disk(p, vocab=False)
- exclude = {p: False for p in disable}
- if not (path / 'vocab').exists():
- exclude['vocab'] = True
- util.from_disk(path, deserializers, exclude)
- self._path = path
- return self
- def to_bytes(self, disable=[], **exclude):
- """Serialize the current state to a binary string.
- disable (list): Nameds of pipeline components to disable and prevent
- from being serialized.
- RETURNS (bytes): The serialized form of the `Language` object.
- """
- serializers = OrderedDict((
- ('vocab', lambda: self.vocab.to_bytes()),
- ('tokenizer', lambda: self.tokenizer.to_bytes(vocab=False)),
- ('meta', lambda: json_dumps(self.meta))
- ))
- for i, (name, proc) in enumerate(self.pipeline):
- if name in disable:
- continue
- if not hasattr(proc, 'to_bytes'):
- continue
- serializers[i] = lambda proc=proc: proc.to_bytes(vocab=False)
- return util.to_bytes(serializers, exclude)
- def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, disable=[]):
- """Load state from a binary string.
- bytes_data (bytes): The data to load from.
- disable (list): Names of the pipeline components to disable.
- RETURNS (Language): The `Language` object.
- """
- deserializers = OrderedDict((
- ('meta', lambda b: self.meta.update(ujson.loads(b))),
- ('vocab', lambda b: (
- self.vocab.from_bytes(b) and _fix_pretrained_vectors_name(self))),
- ('tokenizer', lambda b: self.tokenizer.from_bytes(b, vocab=False)),
- ))
- for i, (name, proc) in enumerate(self.pipeline):
- if name in disable:
- continue
- if not hasattr(proc, 'from_bytes'):
- continue
- deserializers[i] = lambda b, proc=proc: proc.from_bytes(b, vocab=False)
- msg = util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserializers, {})
- return self
- def _fix_pretrained_vectors_name(nlp):
- # TODO: Replace this once we handle vectors consistently as static
- # data
- if 'vectors' in nlp.meta and nlp.meta['vectors'].get('name'):
- nlp.vocab.vectors.name = nlp.meta['vectors']['name']
- elif not nlp.vocab.vectors.size:
- nlp.vocab.vectors.name = None
- elif 'name' in nlp.meta and 'lang' in nlp.meta:
- vectors_name = '%s_%s.vectors' % (nlp.meta['lang'], nlp.meta['name'])
- nlp.vocab.vectors.name = vectors_name
- else:
- raise ValueError(Errors.E092)
- if nlp.vocab.vectors.size != 0:
- link_vectors_to_models(nlp.vocab)
- for name, proc in nlp.pipeline:
- if not hasattr(proc, 'cfg'):
- continue
- proc.cfg.setdefault('deprecation_fixes', {})
- proc.cfg['deprecation_fixes']['vectors_name'] = nlp.vocab.vectors.name
- class DisabledPipes(list):
- """Manager for temporary pipeline disabling."""
- def __init__(self, nlp, *names):
- self.nlp = nlp
- self.names = names
- # Important! Not deep copy -- we just want the container (but we also
- # want to support people providing arbitrarily typed nlp.pipeline
- # objects.)
- self.original_pipeline = copy(nlp.pipeline)
- list.__init__(self)
- self.extend(nlp.remove_pipe(name) for name in names)
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, *args):
- self.restore()
- def restore(self):
- '''Restore the pipeline to its state when DisabledPipes was created.'''
- current, self.nlp.pipeline = self.nlp.pipeline, self.original_pipeline
- unexpected = [name for name, pipe in current
- if not self.nlp.has_pipe(name)]
- if unexpected:
- # Don't change the pipeline if we're raising an error.
- self.nlp.pipeline = current
- raise ValueError(Errors.E008.format(names=unexpected))
- self[:] = []
- def _pipe(func, docs):
- for doc in docs:
- doc = func(doc)
- yield doc