- """Count occurrences of uint64-valued keys."""
- from __future__ import division
- cimport cython
- from libc.math cimport log, exp, sqrt
- cdef class PreshCounter:
- def __init__(self, initial_size=8):
- assert initial_size != 0
- assert initial_size & (initial_size - 1) == 0
- self.mem = Pool()
- self.c_map = <MapStruct*>self.mem.alloc(1, sizeof(MapStruct))
- map_init(self.mem, self.c_map, initial_size)
- self.smoother = None
- self.total = 0
- property length:
- def __get__(self):
- return self.c_map.length
- def __len__(self):
- return self.c_map.length
- def __iter__(self):
- cdef int i
- for i in range(self.c_map.length):
- if self.c_map.cells[i].key != 0:
- yield (self.c_map.cells[i].key, <count_t>self.c_map.cells[i].value)
- def __getitem__(self, key_t key):
- return <count_t>map_get(self.c_map, key)
- cpdef int inc(self, key_t key, count_t inc) except -1:
- cdef count_t c = <count_t>map_get(self.c_map, key)
- c += inc
- map_set(self.mem, self.c_map, key, <void*>c)
- self.total += inc
- return c
- def prob(self, key_t key):
- cdef GaleSmoother smoother
- cdef void* value = map_get(self.c_map, key)
- if self.smoother is not None:
- smoother = self.smoother
- r_star = self.smoother(<count_t>value)
- return r_star / self.smoother.total
- elif value == NULL:
- return 0
- else:
- return <count_t>value / self.total
- def smooth(self):
- self.smoother = GaleSmoother(self)
- cdef class GaleSmoother:
- cdef Pool mem
- cdef count_t* Nr
- cdef double gradient
- cdef double intercept
- cdef readonly count_t cutoff
- cdef count_t Nr0
- cdef readonly double total
- def __init__(self, PreshCounter counts):
- count_counts = PreshCounter()
- cdef double total = 0
- for _, count in counts:
- count_counts.inc(count, 1)
- total += count
- # If we have no items seen 1 or 2 times, this doesn't work. But, this
- # won't be true in real data...
- assert count_counts[1] != 0 and count_counts[2] != 0, "Cannot smooth your weird data"
- # Extrapolate Nr0 from Nr1 and Nr2.
- self.Nr0 = count_counts[1] + (count_counts[1] - count_counts[2])
- self.mem = Pool()
- cdef double[2] mb
- cdef int n_counts = 0
- for _ in count_counts:
- n_counts += 1
- sorted_r = <count_t*>count_counts.mem.alloc(n_counts, sizeof(count_t))
- self.Nr = <count_t*>self.mem.alloc(n_counts, sizeof(count_t))
- for i, (count, count_count) in enumerate(sorted(count_counts)):
- sorted_r[i] = count
- self.Nr[i] = count_count
- _fit_loglinear_model(mb, sorted_r, self.Nr, n_counts)
- self.cutoff = _find_when_to_switch(sorted_r, self.Nr, mb[0], mb[1],
- n_counts)
- self.gradient = mb[0]
- self.intercept = mb[1]
- self.total = self(0) * self.Nr0
- for count, count_count in count_counts:
- self.total += self(count) * count_count
- def __call__(self, count_t r):
- if r == 0:
- return self.Nr[1] / self.Nr0
- elif r < self.cutoff:
- return turing_estimate_of_r(<double>r, <double>self.Nr[r-1], <double>self.Nr[r])
- else:
- return gale_estimate_of_r(<double>r, self.gradient, self.intercept)
- def count_count(self, count_t r):
- if r == 0:
- return self.Nr0
- else:
- return self.Nr[r-1]
- @cython.cdivision(True)
- cdef double turing_estimate_of_r(double r, double Nr, double Nr1) except -1:
- return ((r + 1) * Nr1) / Nr
- @cython.cdivision(True)
- cdef double gale_estimate_of_r(double r, double gradient, double intercept) except -1:
- cdef double e_nr = exp(gradient * log(r) + intercept)
- cdef double e_nr1 = exp(gradient * log(r+1) + intercept)
- return (r + 1) * (e_nr1 / e_nr)
- @cython.cdivision(True)
- cdef void _fit_loglinear_model(double* output, count_t* sorted_r, count_t* Nr,
- int length) except *:
- cdef double x_mean = 0.0
- cdef double y_mean = 0.0
- cdef Pool mem = Pool()
- x = <double*>mem.alloc(length, sizeof(double))
- y = <double*>mem.alloc(length, sizeof(double))
- cdef int i
- for i in range(length):
- r = sorted_r[i]
- x[i] = log(<double>r)
- y[i] = log(<double>_get_zr(i, sorted_r, Nr[i], length))
- x_mean += x[i]
- y_mean += y[i]
- x_mean /= length
- y_mean /= length
- cdef double ss_xy = 0.0
- cdef double ss_xx = 0.0
- for i in range(length):
- x_dist = x[i] - x_mean
- y_dist = y[i] - y_mean
- # SS_xy = sum the product of the distances from the mean
- ss_xy += x_dist * y_dist
- # SS_xx = sum the squares of the x distance
- ss_xx += x_dist * x_dist
- # Gradient
- output[0] = ss_xy / ss_xx
- # Intercept
- output[1] = y_mean - output[0] * x_mean
- @cython.cdivision(True)
- cdef double _get_zr(int j, count_t* sorted_r, count_t Nr_j, int n_counts) except -1:
- cdef double r_i = sorted_r[j-1] if j >= 1 else 0
- cdef double r_j = sorted_r[j]
- cdef double r_k = sorted_r[j+1] if (j+1) < n_counts else (2 * r_i - 1)
- return 2 * Nr_j / (r_k - r_i)
- @cython.cdivision(True)
- cdef double _variance(double r, double Nr, double Nr1) nogil:
- return 1.96 * sqrt((r+1)**2 * (Nr1 / Nr**2) * (1.0 + (Nr1 / Nr)))
- @cython.cdivision(True)
- cdef count_t _find_when_to_switch(count_t* sorted_r, count_t* Nr, double m, double b,
- int length) except -1:
- cdef int i
- cdef count_t r
- for i in range(length-1):
- r = sorted_r[i]
- if sorted_r[i+1] != r+1:
- return r
- g_r = gale_estimate_of_r(r, m, b)
- t_r = turing_estimate_of_r(<double>r, <double>Nr[i], <double>Nr[i+1])
- if abs(t_r - g_r) <= _variance(<double>r, <double>Nr[i], <double>Nr[i+1]):
- return r
- else:
- return length - 1