- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- oauthlib.common
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This module provides data structures and utilities common
- to all implementations of OAuth.
- """
- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
- import collections
- import datetime
- import logging
- import re
- import sys
- import time
- from . import get_debug
- try:
- from secrets import randbits
- from secrets import SystemRandom
- except ImportError:
- from random import getrandbits as randbits
- from random import SystemRandom
- try:
- from urllib import quote as _quote
- from urllib import unquote as _unquote
- from urllib import urlencode as _urlencode
- except ImportError:
- from urllib.parse import quote as _quote
- from urllib.parse import unquote as _unquote
- from urllib.parse import urlencode as _urlencode
- try:
- import urlparse
- except ImportError:
- import urllib.parse as urlparse
- UNICODE_ASCII_CHARACTER_SET = ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
- '0123456789')
- CLIENT_ID_CHARACTER_SET = (r' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN'
- 'OPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}')
- SANITIZE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'([^&;]*(?:password|token)[^=]*=)[^&;]+', re.IGNORECASE)
- INVALID_HEX_PATTERN = re.compile(r'%[^0-9A-Fa-f]|%[0-9A-Fa-f][^0-9A-Fa-f]')
- 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
- '0123456789' '_.-')
- log = logging.getLogger('oauthlib')
- PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
- if PY3:
- unicode_type = str
- else:
- unicode_type = unicode
- # 'safe' must be bytes (Python 2.6 requires bytes, other versions allow either)
- def quote(s, safe=b'/'):
- s = s.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(s, unicode_type) else s
- s = _quote(s, safe)
- # PY3 always returns unicode. PY2 may return either, depending on whether
- # it had to modify the string.
- if isinstance(s, bytes):
- s = s.decode('utf-8')
- return s
- def unquote(s):
- s = _unquote(s)
- # PY3 always returns unicode. PY2 seems to always return what you give it,
- # which differs from quote's behavior. Just to be safe, make sure it is
- # unicode before we return.
- if isinstance(s, bytes):
- s = s.decode('utf-8')
- return s
- def urlencode(params):
- utf8_params = encode_params_utf8(params)
- urlencoded = _urlencode(utf8_params)
- if isinstance(urlencoded, unicode_type): # PY3 returns unicode
- return urlencoded
- else:
- return urlencoded.decode("utf-8")
- def encode_params_utf8(params):
- """Ensures that all parameters in a list of 2-element tuples are encoded to
- bytestrings using UTF-8
- """
- encoded = []
- for k, v in params:
- encoded.append((
- k.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(k, unicode_type) else k,
- v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, unicode_type) else v))
- return encoded
- def decode_params_utf8(params):
- """Ensures that all parameters in a list of 2-element tuples are decoded to
- unicode using UTF-8.
- """
- decoded = []
- for k, v in params:
- decoded.append((
- k.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(k, bytes) else k,
- v.decode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, bytes) else v))
- return decoded
- urlencoded = set(always_safe) | set('=&;:%+~,*@!()/?\'$')
- def urldecode(query):
- """Decode a query string in x-www-form-urlencoded format into a sequence
- of two-element tuples.
- Unlike urlparse.parse_qsl(..., strict_parsing=True) urldecode will enforce
- correct formatting of the query string by validation. If validation fails
- a ValueError will be raised. urllib.parse_qsl will only raise errors if
- any of name-value pairs omits the equals sign.
- """
- # Check if query contains invalid characters
- if query and not set(query) <= urlencoded:
- error = ("Error trying to decode a non urlencoded string. "
- "Found invalid characters: %s "
- "in the string: '%s'. "
- "Please ensure the request/response body is "
- "x-www-form-urlencoded.")
- raise ValueError(error % (set(query) - urlencoded, query))
- # Check for correctly hex encoded values using a regular expression
- # All encoded values begin with % followed by two hex characters
- # correct = %00, %A0, %0A, %FF
- # invalid = %G0, %5H, %PO
- if INVALID_HEX_PATTERN.search(query):
- raise ValueError('Invalid hex encoding in query string.')
- # We encode to utf-8 prior to parsing because parse_qsl behaves
- # differently on unicode input in python 2 and 3.
- # Python 2.7
- # >>> urlparse.parse_qsl(u'%E5%95%A6%E5%95%A6')
- # u'\xe5\x95\xa6\xe5\x95\xa6'
- # Python 2.7, non unicode input gives the same
- # >>> urlparse.parse_qsl('%E5%95%A6%E5%95%A6')
- # '\xe5\x95\xa6\xe5\x95\xa6'
- # but now we can decode it to unicode
- # >>> urlparse.parse_qsl('%E5%95%A6%E5%95%A6').decode('utf-8')
- # u'\u5566\u5566'
- # Python 3.3 however
- # >>> urllib.parse.parse_qsl(u'%E5%95%A6%E5%95%A6')
- # u'\u5566\u5566'
- query = query.encode(
- 'utf-8') if not PY3 and isinstance(query, unicode_type) else query
- # We want to allow queries such as "c2" whereas urlparse.parse_qsl
- # with the strict_parsing flag will not.
- params = urlparse.parse_qsl(query, keep_blank_values=True)
- # unicode all the things
- return decode_params_utf8(params)
- def extract_params(raw):
- """Extract parameters and return them as a list of 2-tuples.
- Will successfully extract parameters from urlencoded query strings,
- dicts, or lists of 2-tuples. Empty strings/dicts/lists will return an
- empty list of parameters. Any other input will result in a return
- value of None.
- """
- if isinstance(raw, (bytes, unicode_type)):
- try:
- params = urldecode(raw)
- except ValueError:
- params = None
- elif hasattr(raw, '__iter__'):
- try:
- dict(raw)
- except ValueError:
- params = None
- except TypeError:
- params = None
- else:
- params = list(raw.items() if isinstance(raw, dict) else raw)
- params = decode_params_utf8(params)
- else:
- params = None
- return params
- def generate_nonce():
- """Generate pseudorandom nonce that is unlikely to repeat.
- Per `section 3.3`_ of the OAuth 1 RFC 5849 spec.
- Per `section 3.2.1`_ of the MAC Access Authentication spec.
- A random 64-bit number is appended to the epoch timestamp for both
- randomness and to decrease the likelihood of collisions.
- .. _`section 3.2.1`: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac-01#section-3.2.1
- .. _`section 3.3`: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849#section-3.3
- """
- return unicode_type(unicode_type(randbits(64)) + generate_timestamp())
- def generate_timestamp():
- """Get seconds since epoch (UTC).
- Per `section 3.3`_ of the OAuth 1 RFC 5849 spec.
- Per `section 3.2.1`_ of the MAC Access Authentication spec.
- .. _`section 3.2.1`: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac-01#section-3.2.1
- .. _`section 3.3`: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849#section-3.3
- """
- return unicode_type(int(time.time()))
- def generate_token(length=30, chars=UNICODE_ASCII_CHARACTER_SET):
- """Generates a non-guessable OAuth token
- OAuth (1 and 2) does not specify the format of tokens except that they
- should be strings of random characters. Tokens should not be guessable
- and entropy when generating the random characters is important. Which is
- why SystemRandom is used instead of the default random.choice method.
- """
- rand = SystemRandom()
- return ''.join(rand.choice(chars) for x in range(length))
- def generate_signed_token(private_pem, request):
- import jwt
- now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- claims = {
- 'scope': request.scope,
- 'exp': now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=request.expires_in)
- }
- claims.update(request.claims)
- token = jwt.encode(claims, private_pem, 'RS256')
- token = to_unicode(token, "UTF-8")
- return token
- def verify_signed_token(public_pem, token):
- import jwt
- return jwt.decode(token, public_pem, algorithms=['RS256'])
- def generate_client_id(length=30, chars=CLIENT_ID_CHARACTER_SET):
- """Generates an OAuth client_id
- OAuth 2 specify the format of client_id in
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#appendix-A.
- """
- return generate_token(length, chars)
- def add_params_to_qs(query, params):
- """Extend a query with a list of two-tuples."""
- if isinstance(params, dict):
- params = params.items()
- queryparams = urlparse.parse_qsl(query, keep_blank_values=True)
- queryparams.extend(params)
- return urlencode(queryparams)
- def add_params_to_uri(uri, params, fragment=False):
- """Add a list of two-tuples to the uri query components."""
- sch, net, path, par, query, fra = urlparse.urlparse(uri)
- if fragment:
- fra = add_params_to_qs(fra, params)
- else:
- query = add_params_to_qs(query, params)
- return urlparse.urlunparse((sch, net, path, par, query, fra))
- def safe_string_equals(a, b):
- """ Near-constant time string comparison.
- Used in order to avoid timing attacks on sensitive information such
- as secret keys during request verification (`rootLabs`_).
- .. _`rootLabs`: http://rdist.root.org/2010/01/07/timing-independent-array-comparison/
- """
- if len(a) != len(b):
- return False
- result = 0
- for x, y in zip(a, b):
- result |= ord(x) ^ ord(y)
- return result == 0
- def to_unicode(data, encoding='UTF-8'):
- """Convert a number of different types of objects to unicode."""
- if isinstance(data, unicode_type):
- return data
- if isinstance(data, bytes):
- return unicode_type(data, encoding=encoding)
- if hasattr(data, '__iter__'):
- try:
- dict(data)
- except TypeError:
- pass
- except ValueError:
- # Assume it's a one dimensional data structure
- return (to_unicode(i, encoding) for i in data)
- else:
- # We support 2.6 which lacks dict comprehensions
- if hasattr(data, 'items'):
- data = data.items()
- return dict(((to_unicode(k, encoding), to_unicode(v, encoding)) for k, v in data))
- return data
- class CaseInsensitiveDict(dict):
- """Basic case insensitive dict with strings only keys."""
- proxy = {}
- def __init__(self, data):
- self.proxy = dict((k.lower(), k) for k in data)
- for k in data:
- self[k] = data[k]
- def __contains__(self, k):
- return k.lower() in self.proxy
- def __delitem__(self, k):
- key = self.proxy[k.lower()]
- super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__delitem__(key)
- del self.proxy[k.lower()]
- def __getitem__(self, k):
- key = self.proxy[k.lower()]
- return super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__getitem__(key)
- def get(self, k, default=None):
- return self[k] if k in self else default
- def __setitem__(self, k, v):
- super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).__setitem__(k, v)
- self.proxy[k.lower()] = k
- def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(CaseInsensitiveDict, self).update(*args, **kwargs)
- for k in dict(*args, **kwargs):
- self.proxy[k.lower()] = k
- class Request(object):
- """A malleable representation of a signable HTTP request.
- Body argument may contain any data, but parameters will only be decoded if
- they are one of:
- * urlencoded query string
- * dict
- * list of 2-tuples
- Anything else will be treated as raw body data to be passed through
- unmolested.
- """
- def __init__(self, uri, http_method='GET', body=None, headers=None,
- encoding='utf-8'):
- # Convert to unicode using encoding if given, else assume unicode
- encode = lambda x: to_unicode(x, encoding) if encoding else x
- self.uri = encode(uri)
- self.http_method = encode(http_method)
- self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(encode(headers or {}))
- self.body = encode(body)
- self.decoded_body = extract_params(self.body)
- self.oauth_params = []
- self.validator_log = {}
- self._params = {
- "access_token": None,
- "client": None,
- "client_id": None,
- "client_secret": None,
- "code": None,
- "code_challenge": None,
- "code_challenge_method": None,
- "code_verifier": None,
- "extra_credentials": None,
- "grant_type": None,
- "redirect_uri": None,
- "refresh_token": None,
- "request_token": None,
- "response_type": None,
- "scope": None,
- "scopes": None,
- "state": None,
- "token": None,
- "user": None,
- "token_type_hint": None,
- # OpenID Connect
- "response_mode": None,
- "nonce": None,
- "display": None,
- "prompt": None,
- "claims": None,
- "max_age": None,
- "ui_locales": None,
- "id_token_hint": None,
- "login_hint": None,
- "acr_values": None
- }
- self._params.update(dict(urldecode(self.uri_query)))
- self._params.update(dict(self.decoded_body or []))
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- if name in self._params:
- return self._params[name]
- else:
- raise AttributeError(name)
- def __repr__(self):
- if not get_debug():
- return "<oauthlib.Request SANITIZED>"
- body = self.body
- headers = self.headers.copy()
- if body:
- body = SANITIZE_PATTERN.sub('\1<SANITIZED>', str(body))
- if 'Authorization' in headers:
- headers['Authorization'] = '<SANITIZED>'
- return '<oauthlib.Request url="%s", http_method="%s", headers="%s", body="%s">' % (
- self.uri, self.http_method, headers, body)
- @property
- def uri_query(self):
- return urlparse.urlparse(self.uri).query
- @property
- def uri_query_params(self):
- if not self.uri_query:
- return []
- return urlparse.parse_qsl(self.uri_query, keep_blank_values=True,
- strict_parsing=True)
- @property
- def duplicate_params(self):
- seen_keys = collections.defaultdict(int)
- all_keys = (p[0]
- for p in (self.decoded_body or []) + self.uri_query_params)
- for k in all_keys:
- seen_keys[k] += 1
- return [k for k, c in seen_keys.items() if c > 1]