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  1. Metadata-Version: 2.1
  2. Name: oauthlib
  3. Version: 3.1.0
  4. Summary: A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
  5. Home-page:
  6. Author: The OAuthlib Community
  7. Author-email:
  8. Maintainer: Ib Lundgren
  9. Maintainer-email:
  10. License: BSD
  11. Platform: any
  12. Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  13. Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment
  14. Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
  15. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved
  16. Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
  17. Classifier: Operating System :: MacOS
  18. Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX
  19. Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
  20. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
  21. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
  22. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
  23. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  24. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
  25. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
  26. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
  27. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
  28. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation
  29. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
  30. Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
  31. Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
  32. Requires-Python: >=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*
  33. Provides-Extra: rsa
  34. Requires-Dist: cryptography ; extra == 'rsa'
  35. Provides-Extra: signals
  36. Requires-Dist: blinker ; extra == 'signals'
  37. Provides-Extra: signedtoken
  38. Requires-Dist: cryptography ; extra == 'signedtoken'
  39. Requires-Dist: pyjwt (>=1.0.0) ; extra == 'signedtoken'
  40. OAuthLib - Python Framework for OAuth1 & OAuth2
  41. ===============================================
  42. *A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing
  43. logic for Python 2.7 and 3.4+.*
  44. .. image::
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  46. :alt: Travis
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  48. :target:
  49. :alt: Coveralls
  50. .. image::
  51. :target:
  52. :alt: Download from PyPI
  53. .. image::
  54. :target:
  55. :alt: License
  56. .. image::
  57. :target:
  58. :alt: FOSSA Status
  59. .. image::
  60. :target:
  61. :alt: Read the Docs
  62. .. image::
  63. :target:
  64. :alt: Chat on Gitter
  65. OAuth often seems complicated and difficult-to-implement. There are several
  66. prominent libraries for handling OAuth requests, but they all suffer from one or
  67. both of the following:
  68. 1. They predate the `OAuth 1.0 spec`_, AKA RFC 5849.
  69. 2. They predate the `OAuth 2.0 spec`_, AKA RFC 6749.
  70. 3. They assume the usage of a specific HTTP request library.
  71. .. _`OAuth 1.0 spec`:
  72. .. _`OAuth 2.0 spec`:
  73. OAuthLib is a framework which implements the logic of OAuth1 or OAuth2 without
  74. assuming a specific HTTP request object or web framework. Use it to graft OAuth
  75. client support onto your favorite HTTP library, or provide support onto your
  76. favourite web framework. If you're a maintainer of such a library, write a thin
  77. veneer on top of OAuthLib and get OAuth support for very little effort.
  78. Documentation
  79. --------------
  80. Full documentation is available on `Read the Docs`_. All contributions are very
  81. welcome! The documentation is still quite sparse, please open an issue for what
  82. you'd like to know, or discuss it in our `Gitter community`_, or even better, send a
  83. pull request!
  84. .. _`Gitter community`:
  85. .. _`Read the Docs`:
  86. Interested in making OAuth requests?
  87. ------------------------------------
  88. Then you might be more interested in using `requests`_ which has OAuthLib
  89. powered OAuth support provided by the `requests-oauthlib`_ library.
  90. .. _`requests`:
  91. .. _`requests-oauthlib`:
  92. Which web frameworks are supported?
  93. -----------------------------------
  94. The following packages provide OAuth support using OAuthLib.
  95. - For Django there is `django-oauth-toolkit`_, which includes `Django REST framework`_ support.
  96. - For Flask there is `flask-oauthlib`_ and `Flask-Dance`_.
  97. - For Pyramid there is `pyramid-oauthlib`_.
  98. - For Bottle there is `bottle-oauthlib`_.
  99. If you have written an OAuthLib package that supports your favorite framework,
  100. please open a Pull Request, updating the documentation.
  101. .. _`django-oauth-toolkit`:
  102. .. _`flask-oauthlib`:
  103. .. _`Django REST framework`:
  104. .. _`Flask-Dance`:
  105. .. _`pyramid-oauthlib`:
  106. .. _`bottle-oauthlib`:
  107. Using OAuthLib? Please get in touch!
  108. ------------------------------------
  109. Patching OAuth support onto an http request framework? Creating an OAuth
  110. provider extension for a web framework? Simply using OAuthLib to Get Things Done
  111. or to learn?
  112. No matter which we'd love to hear from you in our `Gitter community`_ or if you have
  113. anything in particular you would like to have, change or comment on don't
  114. hesitate for a second to send a pull request or open an issue. We might be quite
  115. busy and therefore slow to reply but we love feedback!
  116. Chances are you have run into something annoying that you wish there was
  117. documentation for, if you wish to gain eternal fame and glory, and a drink if we
  118. have the pleasure to run into eachother, please send a docs pull request =)
  119. .. _`Gitter community`:
  120. License
  121. -------
  122. OAuthLib is yours to use and abuse according to the terms of the BSD license.
  123. Check the LICENSE file for full details.
  124. Credits
  125. -------
  126. OAuthLib has been started and maintained several years by Idan Gazit and other
  127. amazing `AUTHORS`_. Thanks to their wonderful work, the open-source `community`_
  128. creation has been possible and the project can stay active and reactive to users
  129. requests.
  130. .. _`AUTHORS`:
  131. .. _`community`:
  132. Changelog
  133. ---------
  134. *OAuthLib is in active development, with the core of both OAuth1 and OAuth2
  135. completed, for providers as well as clients.* See `supported features`_ for
  136. details.
  137. .. _`supported features`:
  138. For a full changelog see ``CHANGELOG.rst``.