- # coding: utf-8
- """A tornado based Jupyter notebook server."""
- # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
- # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
- import notebook
- import binascii
- import datetime
- import errno
- import gettext
- import hashlib
- import hmac
- import importlib
- import io
- import ipaddress
- import json
- import logging
- import mimetypes
- import os
- import random
- import re
- import select
- import signal
- import socket
- import sys
- import threading
- import time
- import warnings
- import webbrowser
- try: #PY3
- from base64 import encodebytes
- except ImportError: #PY2
- from base64 import encodestring as encodebytes
- from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
- from notebook.transutils import trans, _
- # Install the pyzmq ioloop. This has to be done before anything else from
- # tornado is imported.
- from zmq.eventloop import ioloop
- ioloop.install()
- # check for tornado 3.1.0
- try:
- import tornado
- except ImportError:
- raise ImportError(_("The Jupyter Notebook requires tornado >= 4.0"))
- try:
- version_info = tornado.version_info
- except AttributeError:
- raise ImportError(_("The Jupyter Notebook requires tornado >= 4.0, but you have < 1.1.0"))
- if version_info < (4,0):
- raise ImportError(_("The Jupyter Notebook requires tornado >= 4.0, but you have %s") % tornado.version)
- from tornado import httpserver
- from tornado import web
- from tornado.httputil import url_concat
- from tornado.log import LogFormatter, app_log, access_log, gen_log
- from notebook import (
- __version__,
- )
- # py23 compatibility
- try:
- raw_input = raw_input
- except NameError:
- raw_input = input
- from .base.handlers import Template404, RedirectWithParams
- from .log import log_request
- from .services.kernels.kernelmanager import MappingKernelManager
- from .services.config import ConfigManager
- from .services.contents.manager import ContentsManager
- from .services.contents.filemanager import FileContentsManager
- from .services.contents.largefilemanager import LargeFileManager
- from .services.sessions.sessionmanager import SessionManager
- from .auth.login import LoginHandler
- from .auth.logout import LogoutHandler
- from .base.handlers import FileFindHandler
- from traitlets.config import Config
- from traitlets.config.application import catch_config_error, boolean_flag
- from jupyter_core.application import (
- JupyterApp, base_flags, base_aliases,
- )
- from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_path
- from jupyter_client import KernelManager
- from jupyter_client.kernelspec import KernelSpecManager, NoSuchKernel, NATIVE_KERNEL_NAME
- from jupyter_client.session import Session
- from nbformat.sign import NotebookNotary
- from traitlets import (
- Any, Dict, Unicode, Integer, List, Bool, Bytes, Instance,
- TraitError, Type, Float, observe, default, validate
- )
- from ipython_genutils import py3compat
- from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_runtime_dir, jupyter_path
- from notebook._sysinfo import get_sys_info
- from ._tz import utcnow, utcfromtimestamp
- from .utils import url_path_join, check_pid, url_escape
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Module globals
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _examples = """
- jupyter notebook # start the notebook
- jupyter notebook --certfile=mycert.pem # use SSL/TLS certificate
- jupyter notebook password # enter a password to protect the server
- """
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Helper functions
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def random_ports(port, n):
- """Generate a list of n random ports near the given port.
- The first 5 ports will be sequential, and the remaining n-5 will be
- randomly selected in the range [port-2*n, port+2*n].
- """
- for i in range(min(5, n)):
- yield port + i
- for i in range(n-5):
- yield max(1, port + random.randint(-2*n, 2*n))
- def load_handlers(name):
- """Load the (URL pattern, handler) tuples for each component."""
- mod = __import__(name, fromlist=['default_handlers'])
- return mod.default_handlers
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # The Tornado web application
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class NotebookWebApplication(web.Application):
- def __init__(self, jupyter_app, kernel_manager, contents_manager,
- session_manager, kernel_spec_manager,
- config_manager, extra_services, log,
- base_url, default_url, settings_overrides, jinja_env_options):
- settings = self.init_settings(
- jupyter_app, kernel_manager, contents_manager,
- session_manager, kernel_spec_manager, config_manager,
- extra_services, log, base_url,
- default_url, settings_overrides, jinja_env_options)
- handlers = self.init_handlers(settings)
- super(NotebookWebApplication, self).__init__(handlers, **settings)
- def init_settings(self, jupyter_app, kernel_manager, contents_manager,
- session_manager, kernel_spec_manager,
- config_manager, extra_services,
- log, base_url, default_url, settings_overrides,
- jinja_env_options=None):
- _template_path = settings_overrides.get(
- "template_path",
- jupyter_app.template_file_path,
- )
- if isinstance(_template_path, py3compat.string_types):
- _template_path = (_template_path,)
- template_path = [os.path.expanduser(path) for path in _template_path]
- jenv_opt = {"autoescape": True}
- jenv_opt.update(jinja_env_options if jinja_env_options else {})
- env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_path), extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n'], **jenv_opt)
- sys_info = get_sys_info()
- # If the user is running the notebook in a git directory, make the assumption
- # that this is a dev install and suggest to the developer `npm run build:watch`.
- base_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..'))
- dev_mode = os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_dir, '.git'))
- nbui = gettext.translation('nbui', localedir=os.path.join(base_dir, 'notebook/i18n'), fallback=True)
- env.install_gettext_translations(nbui, newstyle=False)
- if dev_mode:
- DEV_NOTE_NPM = """It looks like you're running the notebook from source.
- If you're working on the Javascript of the notebook, try running
- %s
- in another terminal window to have the system incrementally
- watch and build the notebook's JavaScript for you, as you make changes.""" % 'npm run build:watch'
- log.info(DEV_NOTE_NPM)
- if sys_info['commit_source'] == 'repository':
- # don't cache (rely on 304) when working from master
- version_hash = ''
- else:
- # reset the cache on server restart
- version_hash = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- if jupyter_app.ignore_minified_js:
- log.warning(_("""The `ignore_minified_js` flag is deprecated and no longer works."""))
- log.warning(_("""Alternatively use `%s` when working on the notebook's Javascript and LESS""") % 'npm run build:watch')
- warnings.warn(_("The `ignore_minified_js` flag is deprecated and will be removed in Notebook 6.0"), DeprecationWarning)
- now = utcnow()
- root_dir = contents_manager.root_dir
- home = os.path.expanduser('~')
- if root_dir.startswith(home + os.path.sep):
- # collapse $HOME to ~
- root_dir = '~' + root_dir[len(home):]
- settings = dict(
- # basics
- log_function=log_request,
- base_url=base_url,
- default_url=default_url,
- template_path=template_path,
- static_path=jupyter_app.static_file_path,
- static_custom_path=jupyter_app.static_custom_path,
- static_handler_class = FileFindHandler,
- static_url_prefix = url_path_join(base_url,'/static/'),
- static_handler_args = {
- # don't cache custom.js
- 'no_cache_paths': [url_path_join(base_url, 'static', 'custom')],
- },
- version_hash=version_hash,
- ignore_minified_js=jupyter_app.ignore_minified_js,
- # rate limits
- iopub_msg_rate_limit=jupyter_app.iopub_msg_rate_limit,
- iopub_data_rate_limit=jupyter_app.iopub_data_rate_limit,
- rate_limit_window=jupyter_app.rate_limit_window,
- # authentication
- cookie_secret=jupyter_app.cookie_secret,
- login_url=url_path_join(base_url,'/login'),
- login_handler_class=jupyter_app.login_handler_class,
- logout_handler_class=jupyter_app.logout_handler_class,
- password=jupyter_app.password,
- xsrf_cookies=True,
- disable_check_xsrf=jupyter_app.disable_check_xsrf,
- allow_remote_access=jupyter_app.allow_remote_access,
- local_hostnames=jupyter_app.local_hostnames,
- # managers
- kernel_manager=kernel_manager,
- contents_manager=contents_manager,
- session_manager=session_manager,
- kernel_spec_manager=kernel_spec_manager,
- config_manager=config_manager,
- # handlers
- extra_services=extra_services,
- # Jupyter stuff
- started=now,
- # place for extensions to register activity
- # so that they can prevent idle-shutdown
- last_activity_times={},
- jinja_template_vars=jupyter_app.jinja_template_vars,
- nbextensions_path=jupyter_app.nbextensions_path,
- websocket_url=jupyter_app.websocket_url,
- mathjax_url=jupyter_app.mathjax_url,
- mathjax_config=jupyter_app.mathjax_config,
- shutdown_button=jupyter_app.quit_button,
- config=jupyter_app.config,
- config_dir=jupyter_app.config_dir,
- allow_password_change=jupyter_app.allow_password_change,
- server_root_dir=root_dir,
- jinja2_env=env,
- terminals_available=False, # Set later if terminals are available
- )
- # allow custom overrides for the tornado web app.
- settings.update(settings_overrides)
- return settings
- def init_handlers(self, settings):
- """Load the (URL pattern, handler) tuples for each component."""
- # Order matters. The first handler to match the URL will handle the request.
- handlers = []
- # load extra services specified by users before default handlers
- for service in settings['extra_services']:
- handlers.extend(load_handlers(service))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.tree.handlers'))
- handlers.extend([(r"/login", settings['login_handler_class'])])
- handlers.extend([(r"/logout", settings['logout_handler_class'])])
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.files.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.view.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.notebook.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.nbconvert.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.bundler.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.kernelspecs.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.edit.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.services.api.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.services.config.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.services.kernels.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.services.contents.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.services.sessions.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.services.nbconvert.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.services.kernelspecs.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.services.security.handlers'))
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.services.shutdown'))
- handlers.extend(settings['contents_manager'].get_extra_handlers())
- handlers.append(
- (r"/nbextensions/(.*)", FileFindHandler, {
- 'path': settings['nbextensions_path'],
- 'no_cache_paths': ['/'], # don't cache anything in nbextensions
- }),
- )
- handlers.append(
- (r"/custom/(.*)", FileFindHandler, {
- 'path': settings['static_custom_path'],
- 'no_cache_paths': ['/'], # don't cache anything in custom
- })
- )
- # register base handlers last
- handlers.extend(load_handlers('notebook.base.handlers'))
- # set the URL that will be redirected from `/`
- handlers.append(
- (r'/?', RedirectWithParams, {
- 'url' : settings['default_url'],
- 'permanent': False, # want 302, not 301
- })
- )
- # prepend base_url onto the patterns that we match
- new_handlers = []
- for handler in handlers:
- pattern = url_path_join(settings['base_url'], handler[0])
- new_handler = tuple([pattern] + list(handler[1:]))
- new_handlers.append(new_handler)
- # add 404 on the end, which will catch everything that falls through
- new_handlers.append((r'(.*)', Template404))
- return new_handlers
- def last_activity(self):
- """Get a UTC timestamp for when the server last did something.
- Includes: API activity, kernel activity, kernel shutdown, and terminal
- activity.
- """
- sources = [
- self.settings['started'],
- self.settings['kernel_manager'].last_kernel_activity,
- ]
- try:
- sources.append(self.settings['api_last_activity'])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- try:
- sources.append(self.settings['terminal_last_activity'])
- except KeyError:
- pass
- sources.extend(self.settings['last_activity_times'].values())
- return max(sources)
- class NotebookPasswordApp(JupyterApp):
- """Set a password for the notebook server.
- Setting a password secures the notebook server
- and removes the need for token-based authentication.
- """
- description = __doc__
- def _config_file_default(self):
- return os.path.join(self.config_dir, 'jupyter_notebook_config.json')
- def start(self):
- from .auth.security import set_password
- set_password(config_file=self.config_file)
- self.log.info("Wrote hashed password to %s" % self.config_file)
- def shutdown_server(server_info, timeout=5, log=None):
- """Shutdown a notebook server in a separate process.
- *server_info* should be a dictionary as produced by list_running_servers().
- Will first try to request shutdown using /api/shutdown .
- On Unix, if the server is still running after *timeout* seconds, it will
- send SIGTERM. After another timeout, it escalates to SIGKILL.
- Returns True if the server was stopped by any means, False if stopping it
- failed (on Windows).
- """
- from tornado.httpclient import HTTPClient, HTTPRequest
- url = server_info['url']
- pid = server_info['pid']
- req = HTTPRequest(url + 'api/shutdown', method='POST', body=b'', headers={
- 'Authorization': 'token ' + server_info['token']
- })
- if log: log.debug("POST request to %sapi/shutdown", url)
- HTTPClient().fetch(req)
- # Poll to see if it shut down.
- for _ in range(timeout*10):
- if check_pid(pid):
- if log: log.debug("Server PID %s is gone", pid)
- return True
- time.sleep(0.1)
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- return False
- if log: log.debug("SIGTERM to PID %s", pid)
- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
- # Poll to see if it shut down.
- for _ in range(timeout * 10):
- if check_pid(pid):
- if log: log.debug("Server PID %s is gone", pid)
- return True
- time.sleep(0.1)
- if log: log.debug("SIGKILL to PID %s", pid)
- os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
- return True # SIGKILL cannot be caught
- class NbserverStopApp(JupyterApp):
- version = __version__
- description="Stop currently running notebook server for a given port"
- port = Integer(8888, config=True,
- help="Port of the server to be killed. Default 8888")
- def parse_command_line(self, argv=None):
- super(NbserverStopApp, self).parse_command_line(argv)
- if self.extra_args:
- self.port=int(self.extra_args[0])
- def shutdown_server(self, server):
- return shutdown_server(server, log=self.log)
- def start(self):
- servers = list(list_running_servers(self.runtime_dir))
- if not servers:
- self.exit("There are no running servers")
- for server in servers:
- if server['port'] == self.port:
- print("Shutting down server on port", self.port, "...")
- if not self.shutdown_server(server):
- sys.exit("Could not stop server")
- return
- else:
- print("There is currently no server running on port {}".format(self.port), file=sys.stderr)
- print("Ports currently in use:", file=sys.stderr)
- for server in servers:
- print(" - {}".format(server['port']), file=sys.stderr)
- self.exit(1)
- class NbserverListApp(JupyterApp):
- version = __version__
- description=_("List currently running notebook servers.")
- flags = dict(
- jsonlist=({'NbserverListApp': {'jsonlist': True}},
- _("Produce machine-readable JSON list output.")),
- json=({'NbserverListApp': {'json': True}},
- _("Produce machine-readable JSON object on each line of output.")),
- )
- jsonlist = Bool(False, config=True,
- help=_("If True, the output will be a JSON list of objects, one per "
- "active notebook server, each with the details from the "
- "relevant server info file."))
- json = Bool(False, config=True,
- help=_("If True, each line of output will be a JSON object with the "
- "details from the server info file. For a JSON list output, "
- "see the NbserverListApp.jsonlist configuration value"))
- def start(self):
- serverinfo_list = list(list_running_servers(self.runtime_dir))
- if self.jsonlist:
- print(json.dumps(serverinfo_list, indent=2))
- elif self.json:
- for serverinfo in serverinfo_list:
- print(json.dumps(serverinfo))
- else:
- print("Currently running servers:")
- for serverinfo in serverinfo_list:
- url = serverinfo['url']
- if serverinfo.get('token'):
- url = url + '?token=%s' % serverinfo['token']
- print(url, "::", serverinfo['notebook_dir'])
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Aliases and Flags
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- flags = dict(base_flags)
- flags['no-browser']=(
- {'NotebookApp' : {'open_browser' : False}},
- _("Don't open the notebook in a browser after startup.")
- )
- flags['pylab']=(
- {'NotebookApp' : {'pylab' : 'warn'}},
- _("DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.")
- )
- flags['no-mathjax']=(
- {'NotebookApp' : {'enable_mathjax' : False}},
- """Disable MathJax
- MathJax is the javascript library Jupyter uses to render math/LaTeX. It is
- very large, so you may want to disable it if you have a slow internet
- connection, or for offline use of the notebook.
- When disabled, equations etc. will appear as their untransformed TeX source.
- """
- )
- flags['allow-root']=(
- {'NotebookApp' : {'allow_root' : True}},
- _("Allow the notebook to be run from root user.")
- )
- # Add notebook manager flags
- flags.update(boolean_flag('script', 'FileContentsManager.save_script',
- aliases = dict(base_aliases)
- aliases.update({
- 'ip': 'NotebookApp.ip',
- 'port': 'NotebookApp.port',
- 'port-retries': 'NotebookApp.port_retries',
- 'transport': 'KernelManager.transport',
- 'keyfile': 'NotebookApp.keyfile',
- 'certfile': 'NotebookApp.certfile',
- 'client-ca': 'NotebookApp.client_ca',
- 'notebook-dir': 'NotebookApp.notebook_dir',
- 'browser': 'NotebookApp.browser',
- 'pylab': 'NotebookApp.pylab',
- })
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # NotebookApp
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class NotebookApp(JupyterApp):
- name = 'jupyter-notebook'
- version = __version__
- description = _("""The Jupyter HTML Notebook.
- This launches a Tornado based HTML Notebook Server that serves up an HTML5/Javascript Notebook client.""")
- examples = _examples
- aliases = aliases
- flags = flags
- classes = [
- KernelManager, Session, MappingKernelManager,
- ContentsManager, FileContentsManager, NotebookNotary,
- KernelSpecManager,
- ]
- flags = Dict(flags)
- aliases = Dict(aliases)
- subcommands = dict(
- list=(NbserverListApp, NbserverListApp.description.splitlines()[0]),
- stop=(NbserverStopApp, NbserverStopApp.description.splitlines()[0]),
- password=(NotebookPasswordApp, NotebookPasswordApp.description.splitlines()[0]),
- )
- _log_formatter_cls = LogFormatter
- @default('log_level')
- def _default_log_level(self):
- return logging.INFO
- @default('log_datefmt')
- def _default_log_datefmt(self):
- """Exclude date from default date format"""
- return "%H:%M:%S"
- @default('log_format')
- def _default_log_format(self):
- """override default log format to include time"""
- return u"%(color)s[%(levelname)1.1s %(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d %(name)s]%(end_color)s %(message)s"
- ignore_minified_js = Bool(False,
- config=True,
- help=_('Deprecated: Use minified JS file or not, mainly use during dev to avoid JS recompilation'),
- )
- # file to be opened in the notebook server
- file_to_run = Unicode('', config=True)
- # Network related information
- allow_origin = Unicode('', config=True,
- help="""Set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
- Use '*' to allow any origin to access your server.
- Takes precedence over allow_origin_pat.
- """
- )
- allow_origin_pat = Unicode('', config=True,
- help="""Use a regular expression for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
- Requests from an origin matching the expression will get replies with:
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin: origin
- where `origin` is the origin of the request.
- Ignored if allow_origin is set.
- """
- )
- allow_credentials = Bool(False, config=True,
- help=_("Set the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true header")
- )
- allow_root = Bool(False, config=True,
- help=_("Whether to allow the user to run the notebook as root.")
- )
- default_url = Unicode('/tree', config=True,
- help=_("The default URL to redirect to from `/`")
- )
- ip = Unicode('localhost', config=True,
- help=_("The IP address the notebook server will listen on.")
- )
- @default('ip')
- def _default_ip(self):
- """Return localhost if available, otherwise.
- On some (horribly broken) systems, localhost cannot be bound.
- """
- s = socket.socket()
- try:
- s.bind(('localhost', 0))
- except socket.error as e:
- self.log.warning(_("Cannot bind to localhost, using as default ip\n%s"), e)
- return ''
- else:
- s.close()
- return 'localhost'
- @validate('ip')
- def _valdate_ip(self, proposal):
- value = proposal['value']
- if value == u'*':
- value = u''
- return value
- custom_display_url = Unicode(u'', config=True,
- help=_("""Override URL shown to users.
- Replace actual URL, including protocol, address, port and base URL,
- with the given value when displaying URL to the users. Do not change
- the actual connection URL. If authentication token is enabled, the
- token is added to the custom URL automatically.
- This option is intended to be used when the URL to display to the user
- cannot be determined reliably by the Jupyter notebook server (proxified
- or containerized setups for example).""")
- )
- port = Integer(8888, config=True,
- help=_("The port the notebook server will listen on.")
- )
- port_retries = Integer(50, config=True,
- help=_("The number of additional ports to try if the specified port is not available.")
- )
- certfile = Unicode(u'', config=True,
- help=_("""The full path to an SSL/TLS certificate file.""")
- )
- keyfile = Unicode(u'', config=True,
- help=_("""The full path to a private key file for usage with SSL/TLS.""")
- )
- client_ca = Unicode(u'', config=True,
- help=_("""The full path to a certificate authority certificate for SSL/TLS client authentication.""")
- )
- cookie_secret_file = Unicode(config=True,
- help=_("""The file where the cookie secret is stored.""")
- )
- @default('cookie_secret_file')
- def _default_cookie_secret_file(self):
- return os.path.join(self.runtime_dir, 'notebook_cookie_secret')
- cookie_secret = Bytes(b'', config=True,
- help="""The random bytes used to secure cookies.
- By default this is a new random number every time you start the Notebook.
- Set it to a value in a config file to enable logins to persist across server sessions.
- Note: Cookie secrets should be kept private, do not share config files with
- cookie_secret stored in plaintext (you can read the value from a file).
- """
- )
- @default('cookie_secret')
- def _default_cookie_secret(self):
- if os.path.exists(self.cookie_secret_file):
- with io.open(self.cookie_secret_file, 'rb') as f:
- key = f.read()
- else:
- key = encodebytes(os.urandom(32))
- self._write_cookie_secret_file(key)
- h = hmac.new(key, digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
- h.update(self.password.encode())
- return h.digest()
- def _write_cookie_secret_file(self, secret):
- """write my secret to my secret_file"""
- self.log.info(_("Writing notebook server cookie secret to %s"), self.cookie_secret_file)
- try:
- with io.open(self.cookie_secret_file, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(secret)
- except OSError as e:
- self.log.error(_("Failed to write cookie secret to %s: %s"),
- self.cookie_secret_file, e)
- try:
- os.chmod(self.cookie_secret_file, 0o600)
- except OSError:
- self.log.warning(
- _("Could not set permissions on %s"),
- self.cookie_secret_file
- )
- token = Unicode('<generated>',
- help=_("""Token used for authenticating first-time connections to the server.
- When no password is enabled,
- the default is to generate a new, random token.
- Setting to an empty string disables authentication altogether, which is NOT RECOMMENDED.
- """)
- ).tag(config=True)
- one_time_token = Unicode(
- help=_("""One-time token used for opening a browser.
- Once used, this token cannot be used again.
- """)
- )
- _token_generated = True
- @default('token')
- def _token_default(self):
- if os.getenv('JUPYTER_TOKEN'):
- self._token_generated = False
- return os.getenv('JUPYTER_TOKEN')
- if self.password:
- # no token if password is enabled
- self._token_generated = False
- return u''
- else:
- self._token_generated = True
- return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(24)).decode('ascii')
- max_body_size = Integer(512 * 1024 * 1024, config=True,
- help="""
- Sets the maximum allowed size of the client request body, specified in
- the Content-Length request header field. If the size in a request
- exceeds the configured value, a malformed HTTP message is returned to
- the client.
- Note: max_body_size is applied even in streaming mode.
- """
- )
- max_buffer_size = Integer(512 * 1024 * 1024, config=True,
- help="""
- Gets or sets the maximum amount of memory, in bytes, that is allocated
- for use by the buffer manager.
- """
- )
- @observe('token')
- def _token_changed(self, change):
- self._token_generated = False
- password = Unicode(u'', config=True,
- help="""Hashed password to use for web authentication.
- To generate, type in a python/IPython shell:
- from notebook.auth import passwd; passwd()
- The string should be of the form type:salt:hashed-password.
- """
- )
- password_required = Bool(False, config=True,
- help="""Forces users to use a password for the Notebook server.
- This is useful in a multi user environment, for instance when
- everybody in the LAN can access each other's machine through ssh.
- In such a case, server the notebook server on localhost is not secure
- since any user can connect to the notebook server via ssh.
- """
- )
- allow_password_change = Bool(True, config=True,
- help="""Allow password to be changed at login for the notebook server.
- While loggin in with a token, the notebook server UI will give the opportunity to
- the user to enter a new password at the same time that will replace
- the token login mechanism.
- This can be set to false to prevent changing password from the UI/API.
- """
- )
- disable_check_xsrf = Bool(False, config=True,
- help="""Disable cross-site-request-forgery protection
- Jupyter notebook 4.3.1 introduces protection from cross-site request forgeries,
- requiring API requests to either:
- - originate from pages served by this server (validated with XSRF cookie and token), or
- - authenticate with a token
- Some anonymous compute resources still desire the ability to run code,
- completely without authentication.
- These services can disable all authentication and security checks,
- with the full knowledge of what that implies.
- """
- )
- allow_remote_access = Bool(config=True,
- help="""Allow requests where the Host header doesn't point to a local server
- By default, requests get a 403 forbidden response if the 'Host' header
- shows that the browser thinks it's on a non-local domain.
- Setting this option to True disables this check.
- This protects against 'DNS rebinding' attacks, where a remote web server
- serves you a page and then changes its DNS to send later requests to a
- local IP, bypassing same-origin checks.
- Local IP addresses (such as and ::1) are allowed as local,
- along with hostnames configured in local_hostnames.
- """)
- @default('allow_remote_access')
- def _default_allow_remote(self):
- """Disallow remote access if we're listening only on loopback addresses"""
- try:
- addr = ipaddress.ip_address(self.ip)
- except ValueError:
- # Address is a hostname
- for info in socket.getaddrinfo(self.ip, self.port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
- addr = info[4][0]
- if not py3compat.PY3:
- addr = addr.decode('ascii')
- try:
- parsed = ipaddress.ip_address(addr.split('%')[0])
- except ValueError:
- self.log.warning("Unrecognised IP address: %r", addr)
- continue
- # Macs map localhost to 'fe80::1%lo0', a link local address
- # scoped to the loopback interface. For now, we'll assume that
- # any scoped link-local address is effectively local.
- if not (parsed.is_loopback
- or (('%' in addr) and parsed.is_link_local)):
- return True
- return False
- else:
- return not addr.is_loopback
- local_hostnames = List(Unicode(), ['localhost'], config=True,
- help="""Hostnames to allow as local when allow_remote_access is False.
- Local IP addresses (such as and ::1) are automatically accepted
- as local as well.
- """
- )
- open_browser = Bool(True, config=True,
- help="""Whether to open in a browser after starting.
- The specific browser used is platform dependent and
- determined by the python standard library `webbrowser`
- module, unless it is overridden using the --browser
- (NotebookApp.browser) configuration option.
- """)
- browser = Unicode(u'', config=True,
- help="""Specify what command to use to invoke a web
- browser when opening the notebook. If not specified, the
- default browser will be determined by the `webbrowser`
- standard library module, which allows setting of the
- BROWSER environment variable to override it.
- """)
- webbrowser_open_new = Integer(2, config=True,
- help=_("""Specify Where to open the notebook on startup. This is the
- `new` argument passed to the standard library method `webbrowser.open`.
- The behaviour is not guaranteed, but depends on browser support. Valid
- values are:
- - 2 opens a new tab,
- - 1 opens a new window,
- - 0 opens in an existing window.
- See the `webbrowser.open` documentation for details.
- """))
- webapp_settings = Dict(config=True,
- help=_("DEPRECATED, use tornado_settings")
- )
- @observe('webapp_settings')
- def _update_webapp_settings(self, change):
- self.log.warning(_("\n webapp_settings is deprecated, use tornado_settings.\n"))
- self.tornado_settings = change['new']
- tornado_settings = Dict(config=True,
- help=_("Supply overrides for the tornado.web.Application that the "
- "Jupyter notebook uses."))
- websocket_compression_options = Any(None, config=True,
- help=_("""
- Set the tornado compression options for websocket connections.
- This value will be returned from :meth:`WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options`.
- None (default) will disable compression.
- A dict (even an empty one) will enable compression.
- See the tornado docs for WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options for details.
- """)
- )
- terminado_settings = Dict(config=True,
- help=_('Supply overrides for terminado. Currently only supports "shell_command".'))
- cookie_options = Dict(config=True,
- help=_("Extra keyword arguments to pass to `set_secure_cookie`."
- " See tornado's set_secure_cookie docs for details.")
- )
- get_secure_cookie_kwargs = Dict(config=True,
- help=_("Extra keyword arguments to pass to `get_secure_cookie`."
- " See tornado's get_secure_cookie docs for details.")
- )
- ssl_options = Dict(config=True,
- help=_("""Supply SSL options for the tornado HTTPServer.
- See the tornado docs for details."""))
- jinja_environment_options = Dict(config=True,
- help=_("Supply extra arguments that will be passed to Jinja environment."))
- jinja_template_vars = Dict(
- config=True,
- help=_("Extra variables to supply to jinja templates when rendering."),
- )
- enable_mathjax = Bool(True, config=True,
- help="""Whether to enable MathJax for typesetting math/TeX
- MathJax is the javascript library Jupyter uses to render math/LaTeX. It is
- very large, so you may want to disable it if you have a slow internet
- connection, or for offline use of the notebook.
- When disabled, equations etc. will appear as their untransformed TeX source.
- """
- )
- @observe('enable_mathjax')
- def _update_enable_mathjax(self, change):
- """set mathjax url to empty if mathjax is disabled"""
- if not change['new']:
- self.mathjax_url = u''
- base_url = Unicode('/', config=True,
- help='''The base URL for the notebook server.
- Leading and trailing slashes can be omitted,
- and will automatically be added.
- ''')
- @validate('base_url')
- def _update_base_url(self, proposal):
- value = proposal['value']
- if not value.startswith('/'):
- value = '/' + value
- if not value.endswith('/'):
- value = value + '/'
- return value
- base_project_url = Unicode('/', config=True, help=_("""DEPRECATED use base_url"""))
- @observe('base_project_url')
- def _update_base_project_url(self, change):
- self.log.warning(_("base_project_url is deprecated, use base_url"))
- self.base_url = change['new']
- extra_static_paths = List(Unicode(), config=True,
- help="""Extra paths to search for serving static files.
- This allows adding javascript/css to be available from the notebook server machine,
- or overriding individual files in the IPython"""
- )
- @property
- def static_file_path(self):
- """return extra paths + the default location"""
- return self.extra_static_paths + [DEFAULT_STATIC_FILES_PATH]
- static_custom_path = List(Unicode(),
- help=_("""Path to search for custom.js, css""")
- )
- @default('static_custom_path')
- def _default_static_custom_path(self):
- return [
- os.path.join(d, 'custom') for d in (
- self.config_dir,
- ]
- extra_template_paths = List(Unicode(), config=True,
- help=_("""Extra paths to search for serving jinja templates.
- Can be used to override templates from notebook.templates.""")
- )
- @property
- def template_file_path(self):
- """return extra paths + the default locations"""
- return self.extra_template_paths + DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_PATH_LIST
- extra_nbextensions_path = List(Unicode(), config=True,
- help=_("""extra paths to look for Javascript notebook extensions""")
- )
- extra_services = List(Unicode(), config=True,
- help=_("""handlers that should be loaded at higher priority than the default services""")
- )
- @property
- def nbextensions_path(self):
- """The path to look for Javascript notebook extensions"""
- path = self.extra_nbextensions_path + jupyter_path('nbextensions')
- # FIXME: remove IPython nbextensions path after a migration period
- try:
- from IPython.paths import get_ipython_dir
- except ImportError:
- pass
- else:
- path.append(os.path.join(get_ipython_dir(), 'nbextensions'))
- return path
- websocket_url = Unicode("", config=True,
- help="""The base URL for websockets,
- if it differs from the HTTP server (hint: it almost certainly doesn't).
- Should be in the form of an HTTP origin: ws[s]://hostname[:port]
- """
- )
- mathjax_url = Unicode("", config=True,
- help="""A custom url for MathJax.js.
- Should be in the form of a case-sensitive url to MathJax,
- for example: /static/components/MathJax/MathJax.js
- """
- )
- @default('mathjax_url')
- def _default_mathjax_url(self):
- if not self.enable_mathjax:
- return u''
- static_url_prefix = self.tornado_settings.get("static_url_prefix", "static")
- return url_path_join(static_url_prefix, 'components', 'MathJax', 'MathJax.js')
- @observe('mathjax_url')
- def _update_mathjax_url(self, change):
- new = change['new']
- if new and not self.enable_mathjax:
- # enable_mathjax=False overrides mathjax_url
- self.mathjax_url = u''
- else:
- self.log.info(_("Using MathJax: %s"), new)
- mathjax_config = Unicode("TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML-full,Safe", config=True,
- help=_("""The MathJax.js configuration file that is to be used.""")
- )
- @observe('mathjax_config')
- def _update_mathjax_config(self, change):
- self.log.info(_("Using MathJax configuration file: %s"), change['new'])
- quit_button = Bool(True, config=True,
- help="""If True, display a button in the dashboard to quit
- (shutdown the notebook server)."""
- )
- contents_manager_class = Type(
- default_value=LargeFileManager,
- klass=ContentsManager,
- config=True,
- help=_('The notebook manager class to use.')
- )
- kernel_manager_class = Type(
- default_value=MappingKernelManager,
- config=True,
- help=_('The kernel manager class to use.')
- )
- session_manager_class = Type(
- default_value=SessionManager,
- config=True,
- help=_('The session manager class to use.')
- )
- config_manager_class = Type(
- default_value=ConfigManager,
- config = True,
- help=_('The config manager class to use')
- )
- kernel_spec_manager = Instance(KernelSpecManager, allow_none=True)
- kernel_spec_manager_class = Type(
- default_value=KernelSpecManager,
- config=True,
- help="""
- The kernel spec manager class to use. Should be a subclass
- of `jupyter_client.kernelspec.KernelSpecManager`.
- The Api of KernelSpecManager is provisional and might change
- without warning between this version of Jupyter and the next stable one.
- """
- )
- login_handler_class = Type(
- default_value=LoginHandler,
- klass=web.RequestHandler,
- config=True,
- help=_('The login handler class to use.'),
- )
- logout_handler_class = Type(
- default_value=LogoutHandler,
- klass=web.RequestHandler,
- config=True,
- help=_('The logout handler class to use.'),
- )
- trust_xheaders = Bool(False, config=True,
- help=(_("Whether to trust or not X-Scheme/X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Real-Ip/X-Forwarded-For headers"
- "sent by the upstream reverse proxy. Necessary if the proxy handles SSL"))
- )
- info_file = Unicode()
- @default('info_file')
- def _default_info_file(self):
- info_file = "nbserver-%s.json" % os.getpid()
- return os.path.join(self.runtime_dir, info_file)
- pylab = Unicode('disabled', config=True,
- help=_("""
- DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.
- """)
- )
- @observe('pylab')
- def _update_pylab(self, change):
- """when --pylab is specified, display a warning and exit"""
- if change['new'] != 'warn':
- backend = ' %s' % change['new']
- else:
- backend = ''
- self.log.error(_("Support for specifying --pylab on the command line has been removed."))
- self.log.error(
- _("Please use `%pylab{0}` or `%matplotlib{0}` in the notebook itself.").format(backend)
- )
- self.exit(1)
- notebook_dir = Unicode(config=True,
- help=_("The directory to use for notebooks and kernels.")
- )
- @default('notebook_dir')
- def _default_notebook_dir(self):
- if self.file_to_run:
- return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.file_to_run))
- else:
- return py3compat.getcwd()
- @validate('notebook_dir')
- def _notebook_dir_validate(self, proposal):
- value = proposal['value']
- # Strip any trailing slashes
- # *except* if it's root
- _, path = os.path.splitdrive(value)
- if path == os.sep:
- return value
- value = value.rstrip(os.sep)
- if not os.path.isabs(value):
- # If we receive a non-absolute path, make it absolute.
- value = os.path.abspath(value)
- if not os.path.isdir(value):
- raise TraitError(trans.gettext("No such notebook dir: '%r'") % value)
- return value
- @observe('notebook_dir')
- def _update_notebook_dir(self, change):
- """Do a bit of validation of the notebook dir."""
- # setting App.notebook_dir implies setting notebook and kernel dirs as well
- new = change['new']
- self.config.FileContentsManager.root_dir = new
- self.config.MappingKernelManager.root_dir = new
- # TODO: Remove me in notebook 5.0
- server_extensions = List(Unicode(), config=True,
- help=(_("DEPRECATED use the nbserver_extensions dict instead"))
- )
- @observe('server_extensions')
- def _update_server_extensions(self, change):
- self.log.warning(_("server_extensions is deprecated, use nbserver_extensions"))
- self.server_extensions = change['new']
- nbserver_extensions = Dict({}, config=True,
- help=(_("Dict of Python modules to load as notebook server extensions."
- "Entry values can be used to enable and disable the loading of"
- "the extensions. The extensions will be loaded in alphabetical "
- "order."))
- )
- reraise_server_extension_failures = Bool(
- False,
- config=True,
- help=_("Reraise exceptions encountered loading server extensions?"),
- )
- iopub_msg_rate_limit = Float(1000, config=True, help=_("""(msgs/sec)
- Maximum rate at which messages can be sent on iopub before they are
- limited."""))
- iopub_data_rate_limit = Float(1000000, config=True, help=_("""(bytes/sec)
- Maximum rate at which stream output can be sent on iopub before they are
- limited."""))
- rate_limit_window = Float(3, config=True, help=_("""(sec) Time window used to
- check the message and data rate limits."""))
- shutdown_no_activity_timeout = Integer(0, config=True,
- help=("Shut down the server after N seconds with no kernels or "
- "terminals running and no activity. "
- "This can be used together with culling idle kernels "
- "(MappingKernelManager.cull_idle_timeout) to "
- "shutdown the notebook server when it's not in use. This is not "
- "precisely timed: it may shut down up to a minute later. "
- "0 (the default) disables this automatic shutdown.")
- )
- terminals_enabled = Bool(True, config=True,
- help=_("""Set to False to disable terminals.
- This does *not* make the notebook server more secure by itself.
- Anything the user can in a terminal, they can also do in a notebook.
- Terminals may also be automatically disabled if the terminado package
- is not available.
- """))
- def parse_command_line(self, argv=None):
- super(NotebookApp, self).parse_command_line(argv)
- if self.extra_args:
- arg0 = self.extra_args[0]
- f = os.path.abspath(arg0)
- self.argv.remove(arg0)
- if not os.path.exists(f):
- self.log.critical(_("No such file or directory: %s"), f)
- self.exit(1)
- # Use config here, to ensure that it takes higher priority than
- # anything that comes from the config dirs.
- c = Config()
- if os.path.isdir(f):
- c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = f
- elif os.path.isfile(f):
- c.NotebookApp.file_to_run = f
- self.update_config(c)
- def init_configurables(self):
- self.kernel_spec_manager = self.kernel_spec_manager_class(
- parent=self,
- )
- self.kernel_manager = self.kernel_manager_class(
- parent=self,
- log=self.log,
- connection_dir=self.runtime_dir,
- kernel_spec_manager=self.kernel_spec_manager,
- )
- self.contents_manager = self.contents_manager_class(
- parent=self,
- log=self.log,
- )
- self.session_manager = self.session_manager_class(
- parent=self,
- log=self.log,
- kernel_manager=self.kernel_manager,
- contents_manager=self.contents_manager,
- )
- self.config_manager = self.config_manager_class(
- parent=self,
- log=self.log,
- )
- def init_logging(self):
- # This prevents double log messages because tornado use a root logger that
- # self.log is a child of. The logging module dipatches log messages to a log
- # and all of its ancenstors until propagate is set to False.
- self.log.propagate = False
- for log in app_log, access_log, gen_log:
- # consistent log output name (NotebookApp instead of tornado.access, etc.)
- log.name = self.log.name
- # hook up tornado 3's loggers to our app handlers
- logger = logging.getLogger('tornado')
- logger.propagate = True
- logger.parent = self.log
- logger.setLevel(self.log.level)
- def init_webapp(self):
- """initialize tornado webapp and httpserver"""
- self.tornado_settings['allow_origin'] = self.allow_origin
- self.tornado_settings['websocket_compression_options'] = self.websocket_compression_options
- if self.allow_origin_pat:
- self.tornado_settings['allow_origin_pat'] = re.compile(self.allow_origin_pat)
- self.tornado_settings['allow_credentials'] = self.allow_credentials
- self.tornado_settings['cookie_options'] = self.cookie_options
- self.tornado_settings['get_secure_cookie_kwargs'] = self.get_secure_cookie_kwargs
- self.tornado_settings['token'] = self.token
- if (self.open_browser or self.file_to_run) and not self.password:
- self.one_time_token = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(24)).decode('ascii')
- self.tornado_settings['one_time_token'] = self.one_time_token
- # ensure default_url starts with base_url
- if not self.default_url.startswith(self.base_url):
- self.default_url = url_path_join(self.base_url, self.default_url)
- if self.password_required and (not self.password):
- self.log.critical(_("Notebook servers are configured to only be run with a password."))
- self.log.critical(_("Hint: run the following command to set a password"))
- self.log.critical(_("\t$ python -m notebook.auth password"))
- sys.exit(1)
- self.web_app = NotebookWebApplication(
- self, self.kernel_manager, self.contents_manager,
- self.session_manager, self.kernel_spec_manager,
- self.config_manager, self.extra_services,
- self.log, self.base_url, self.default_url, self.tornado_settings,
- self.jinja_environment_options,
- )
- ssl_options = self.ssl_options
- if self.certfile:
- ssl_options['certfile'] = self.certfile
- if self.keyfile:
- ssl_options['keyfile'] = self.keyfile
- if self.client_ca:
- ssl_options['ca_certs'] = self.client_ca
- if not ssl_options:
- # None indicates no SSL config
- ssl_options = None
- else:
- # SSL may be missing, so only import it if it's to be used
- import ssl
- # Disable SSLv3 by default, since its use is discouraged.
- ssl_options.setdefault('ssl_version', ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
- if ssl_options.get('ca_certs', False):
- ssl_options.setdefault('cert_reqs', ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)
- self.login_handler_class.validate_security(self, ssl_options=ssl_options)
- self.http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(self.web_app, ssl_options=ssl_options,
- xheaders=self.trust_xheaders,
- max_body_size=self.max_body_size,
- max_buffer_size=self.max_buffer_size)
- success = None
- for port in random_ports(self.port, self.port_retries+1):
- try:
- self.http_server.listen(port, self.ip)
- except socket.error as e:
- if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE:
- self.log.info(_('The port %i is already in use, trying another port.') % port)
- continue
- elif e.errno in (errno.EACCES, getattr(errno, 'WSAEACCES', errno.EACCES)):
- self.log.warning(_("Permission to listen on port %i denied") % port)
- continue
- else:
- raise
- else:
- self.port = port
- success = True
- break
- if not success:
- self.log.critical(_('ERROR: the notebook server could not be started because '
- 'no available port could be found.'))
- self.exit(1)
- @property
- def display_url(self):
- if self.custom_display_url:
- url = self.custom_display_url
- if not url.endswith('/'):
- url += '/'
- else:
- if self.ip in ('', ''):
- ip = "(%s or" % socket.gethostname()
- else:
- ip = self.ip
- url = self._url(ip)
- if self.token:
- # Don't log full token if it came from config
- token = self.token if self._token_generated else '...'
- url = url_concat(url, {'token': token})
- return url
- @property
- def connection_url(self):
- ip = self.ip if self.ip else 'localhost'
- return self._url(ip)
- def _url(self, ip):
- proto = 'https' if self.certfile else 'http'
- return "%s://%s:%i%s" % (proto, ip, self.port, self.base_url)
- def init_terminals(self):
- if not self.terminals_enabled:
- return
- try:
- from .terminal import initialize
- initialize(self.web_app, self.notebook_dir, self.connection_url, self.terminado_settings)
- self.web_app.settings['terminals_available'] = True
- except ImportError as e:
- self.log.warning(_("Terminals not available (error was %s)"), e)
- def init_signal(self):
- if not sys.platform.startswith('win') and sys.stdin and sys.stdin.isatty():
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._handle_sigint)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._signal_stop)
- if hasattr(signal, 'SIGUSR1'):
- # Windows doesn't support SIGUSR1
- signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, self._signal_info)
- if hasattr(signal, 'SIGINFO'):
- # only on BSD-based systems
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINFO, self._signal_info)
- def _handle_sigint(self, sig, frame):
- """SIGINT handler spawns confirmation dialog"""
- # register more forceful signal handler for ^C^C case
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._signal_stop)
- # request confirmation dialog in bg thread, to avoid
- # blocking the App
- thread = threading.Thread(target=self._confirm_exit)
- thread.daemon = True
- thread.start()
- def _restore_sigint_handler(self):
- """callback for restoring original SIGINT handler"""
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._handle_sigint)
- def _confirm_exit(self):
- """confirm shutdown on ^C
- A second ^C, or answering 'y' within 5s will cause shutdown,
- otherwise original SIGINT handler will be restored.
- This doesn't work on Windows.
- """
- info = self.log.info
- info(_('interrupted'))
- print(self.notebook_info())
- yes = _('y')
- no = _('n')
- sys.stdout.write(_("Shutdown this notebook server (%s/[%s])? ") % (yes, no))
- sys.stdout.flush()
- r,w,x = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 5)
- if r:
- line = sys.stdin.readline()
- if line.lower().startswith(yes) and no not in line.lower():
- self.log.critical(_("Shutdown confirmed"))
- # schedule stop on the main thread,
- # since this might be called from a signal handler
- self.io_loop.add_callback_from_signal(self.io_loop.stop)
- return
- else:
- print(_("No answer for 5s:"), end=' ')
- print(_("resuming operation..."))
- # no answer, or answer is no:
- # set it back to original SIGINT handler
- # use IOLoop.add_callback because signal.signal must be called
- # from main thread
- self.io_loop.add_callback_from_signal(self._restore_sigint_handler)
- def _signal_stop(self, sig, frame):
- self.log.critical(_("received signal %s, stopping"), sig)
- self.io_loop.add_callback_from_signal(self.io_loop.stop)
- def _signal_info(self, sig, frame):
- print(self.notebook_info())
- def init_components(self):
- """Check the components submodule, and warn if it's unclean"""
- # TODO: this should still check, but now we use bower, not git submodule
- pass
- def init_server_extensions(self):
- """Load any extensions specified by config.
- Import the module, then call the load_jupyter_server_extension function,
- if one exists.
- The extension API is experimental, and may change in future releases.
- """
- # TODO: Remove me in notebook 5.0
- for modulename in self.server_extensions:
- # Don't override disable state of the extension if it already exist
- # in the new traitlet
- if not modulename in self.nbserver_extensions:
- self.nbserver_extensions[modulename] = True
- # Load server extensions with ConfigManager.
- # This enables merging on keys, which we want for extension enabling.
- # Regular config loading only merges at the class level,
- # so each level (user > env > system) clobbers the previous.
- config_path = jupyter_config_path()
- if self.config_dir not in config_path:
- # add self.config_dir to the front, if set manually
- config_path.insert(0, self.config_dir)
- manager = ConfigManager(read_config_path=config_path)
- section = manager.get(self.config_file_name)
- extensions = section.get('NotebookApp', {}).get('nbserver_extensions', {})
- for modulename, enabled in self.nbserver_extensions.items():
- if modulename not in extensions:
- # not present in `extensions` means it comes from Python config,
- # so we need to add it.
- # Otherwise, trust ConfigManager to have loaded it.
- extensions[modulename] = enabled
- for modulename, enabled in sorted(extensions.items()):
- if enabled:
- try:
- mod = importlib.import_module(modulename)
- func = getattr(mod, 'load_jupyter_server_extension', None)
- if func is not None:
- func(self)
- except Exception:
- if self.reraise_server_extension_failures:
- raise
- self.log.warning(_("Error loading server extension %s"), modulename,
- exc_info=True)
- def init_mime_overrides(self):
- # On some Windows machines, an application has registered an incorrect
- # mimetype for CSS in the registry. Tornado uses this when serving
- # .css files, causing browsers to reject the stylesheet. We know the
- # mimetype always needs to be text/css, so we override it here.
- mimetypes.add_type('text/css', '.css')
- def shutdown_no_activity(self):
- """Shutdown server on timeout when there are no kernels or terminals."""
- km = self.kernel_manager
- if len(km) != 0:
- return # Kernels still running
- try:
- term_mgr = self.web_app.settings['terminal_manager']
- except KeyError:
- pass # Terminals not enabled
- else:
- if term_mgr.terminals:
- return # Terminals still running
- seconds_since_active = \
- (utcnow() - self.web_app.last_activity()).total_seconds()
- self.log.debug("No activity for %d seconds.",
- seconds_since_active)
- if seconds_since_active > self.shutdown_no_activity_timeout:
- self.log.info("No kernels or terminals for %d seconds; shutting down.",
- seconds_since_active)
- self.stop()
- def init_shutdown_no_activity(self):
- if self.shutdown_no_activity_timeout > 0:
- self.log.info("Will shut down after %d seconds with no kernels or terminals.",
- self.shutdown_no_activity_timeout)
- pc = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self.shutdown_no_activity, 60000)
- pc.start()
- @catch_config_error
- def initialize(self, argv=None):
- super(NotebookApp, self).initialize(argv)
- self.init_logging()
- if self._dispatching:
- return
- self.init_configurables()
- self.init_components()
- self.init_webapp()
- self.init_terminals()
- self.init_signal()
- self.init_server_extensions()
- self.init_mime_overrides()
- self.init_shutdown_no_activity()
- def cleanup_kernels(self):
- """Shutdown all kernels.
- The kernels will shutdown themselves when this process no longer exists,
- but explicit shutdown allows the KernelManagers to cleanup the connection files.
- """
- n_kernels = len(self.kernel_manager.list_kernel_ids())
- kernel_msg = trans.ngettext('Shutting down %d kernel', 'Shutting down %d kernels', n_kernels)
- self.log.info(kernel_msg % n_kernels)
- self.kernel_manager.shutdown_all()
- def notebook_info(self, kernel_count=True):
- "Return the current working directory and the server url information"
- info = self.contents_manager.info_string() + "\n"
- if kernel_count:
- n_kernels = len(self.kernel_manager.list_kernel_ids())
- kernel_msg = trans.ngettext("%d active kernel", "%d active kernels", n_kernels)
- info += kernel_msg % n_kernels
- info += "\n"
- # Format the info so that the URL fits on a single line in 80 char display
- info += _("The Jupyter Notebook is running at:\n%s") % self.display_url
- return info
- def server_info(self):
- """Return a JSONable dict of information about this server."""
- return {'url': self.connection_url,
- 'hostname': self.ip if self.ip else 'localhost',
- 'port': self.port,
- 'secure': bool(self.certfile),
- 'base_url': self.base_url,
- 'token': self.token,
- 'notebook_dir': os.path.abspath(self.notebook_dir),
- 'password': bool(self.password),
- 'pid': os.getpid(),
- }
- def write_server_info_file(self):
- """Write the result of server_info() to the JSON file info_file."""
- try:
- with open(self.info_file, 'w') as f:
- json.dump(self.server_info(), f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
- except OSError as e:
- self.log.error(_("Failed to write server-info to %s: %s"),
- self.info_file, e)
- def remove_server_info_file(self):
- """Remove the nbserver-<pid>.json file created for this server.
- Ignores the error raised when the file has already been removed.
- """
- try:
- os.unlink(self.info_file)
- except OSError as e:
- if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise
- def start(self):
- """ Start the Notebook server app, after initialization
- This method takes no arguments so all configuration and initialization
- must be done prior to calling this method."""
- super(NotebookApp, self).start()
- if not self.allow_root:
- # check if we are running as root, and abort if it's not allowed
- try:
- uid = os.geteuid()
- except AttributeError:
- uid = -1 # anything nonzero here, since we can't check UID assume non-root
- if uid == 0:
- self.log.critical(_("Running as root is not recommended. Use --allow-root to bypass."))
- self.exit(1)
- info = self.log.info
- for line in self.notebook_info(kernel_count=False).split("\n"):
- info(line)
- info(_("Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation)."))
- if 'dev' in notebook.__version__:
- info(_("Welcome to Project Jupyter! Explore the various tools available"
- " and their corresponding documentation. If you are interested"
- " in contributing to the platform, please visit the community"
- "resources section at https://jupyter.org/community.html."))
- self.write_server_info_file()
- if self.open_browser or self.file_to_run:
- try:
- browser = webbrowser.get(self.browser or None)
- except webbrowser.Error as e:
- self.log.warning(_('No web browser found: %s.') % e)
- browser = None
- if self.file_to_run:
- if not os.path.exists(self.file_to_run):
- self.log.critical(_("%s does not exist") % self.file_to_run)
- self.exit(1)
- relpath = os.path.relpath(self.file_to_run, self.notebook_dir)
- uri = url_escape(url_path_join('notebooks', *relpath.split(os.sep)))
- else:
- # default_url contains base_url, but so does connection_url
- uri = self.default_url[len(self.base_url):]
- if self.one_time_token:
- uri = url_concat(uri, {'token': self.one_time_token})
- if browser:
- b = lambda : browser.open(url_path_join(self.connection_url, uri),
- new=self.webbrowser_open_new)
- threading.Thread(target=b).start()
- if self.token and self._token_generated:
- # log full URL with generated token, so there's a copy/pasteable link
- # with auth info.
- self.log.critical('\n'.join([
- '\n',
- 'Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,',
- 'to login with a token:',
- ' %s' % self.display_url,
- ]))
- self.io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- # add no-op to wake every 5s
- # to handle signals that may be ignored by the inner loop
- pc = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(lambda : None, 5000)
- pc.start()
- try:
- self.io_loop.start()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- info(_("Interrupted..."))
- finally:
- self.remove_server_info_file()
- self.cleanup_kernels()
- def stop(self):
- def _stop():
- self.http_server.stop()
- self.io_loop.stop()
- self.io_loop.add_callback(_stop)
- def list_running_servers(runtime_dir=None):
- """Iterate over the server info files of running notebook servers.
- Given a runtime directory, find nbserver-* files in the security directory,
- and yield dicts of their information, each one pertaining to
- a currently running notebook server instance.
- """
- if runtime_dir is None:
- runtime_dir = jupyter_runtime_dir()
- # The runtime dir might not exist
- if not os.path.isdir(runtime_dir):
- return
- for file_name in os.listdir(runtime_dir):
- if file_name.startswith('nbserver-'):
- with io.open(os.path.join(runtime_dir, file_name), encoding='utf-8') as f:
- info = json.load(f)
- # Simple check whether that process is really still running
- # Also remove leftover files from IPython 2.x without a pid field
- if ('pid' in info) and check_pid(info['pid']):
- yield info
- else:
- # If the process has died, try to delete its info file
- try:
- os.unlink(os.path.join(runtime_dir, file_name))
- except OSError:
- pass # TODO: This should warn or log or something
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Main entry point
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- main = launch_new_instance = NotebookApp.launch_instance