- """
- Builtin colormaps, colormap handling utilities, and the `ScalarMappable` mixin.
- .. seealso::
- :doc:`/gallery/color/colormap_reference` for a list of builtin
- colormaps.
- :doc:`/tutorials/colors/colormap-manipulation` for examples of how to
- make colormaps and
- :doc:`/tutorials/colors/colormaps` an in-depth discussion of
- choosing colormaps.
- :doc:`/tutorials/colors/colormapnorms` for more details about data
- normalization
- """
- import functools
- import numpy as np
- from numpy import ma
- import matplotlib as mpl
- import matplotlib.colors as colors
- import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
- from matplotlib._cm import datad
- from matplotlib._cm_listed import cmaps as cmaps_listed
- cmap_d = {}
- # reverse all the colormaps.
- # reversed colormaps have '_r' appended to the name.
- def _reverser(f, x=None):
- """Helper such that ``_reverser(f)(x) == f(1 - x)``."""
- if x is None:
- # Returning a partial object keeps it picklable.
- return functools.partial(_reverser, f)
- return f(1 - x)
- def revcmap(data):
- """Can only handle specification *data* in dictionary format."""
- data_r = {}
- for key, val in data.items():
- if callable(val):
- valnew = _reverser(val)
- # This doesn't work: lambda x: val(1-x)
- # The same "val" (the first one) is used
- # each time, so the colors are identical
- # and the result is shades of gray.
- else:
- # Flip x and exchange the y values facing x = 0 and x = 1.
- valnew = [(1.0 - x, y1, y0) for x, y0, y1 in reversed(val)]
- data_r[key] = valnew
- return data_r
- def _reverse_cmap_spec(spec):
- """Reverses cmap specification *spec*, can handle both dict and tuple
- type specs."""
- if 'listed' in spec:
- return {'listed': spec['listed'][::-1]}
- if 'red' in spec:
- return revcmap(spec)
- else:
- revspec = list(reversed(spec))
- if len(revspec[0]) == 2: # e.g., (1, (1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- revspec = [(1.0 - a, b) for a, b in revspec]
- return revspec
- def _generate_cmap(name, lutsize):
- """Generates the requested cmap from its *name*. The lut size is
- *lutsize*."""
- spec = datad[name]
- # Generate the colormap object.
- if 'red' in spec:
- return colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, spec, lutsize)
- elif 'listed' in spec:
- return colors.ListedColormap(spec['listed'], name)
- else:
- return colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(name, spec, lutsize)
- LUTSIZE = mpl.rcParams['image.lut']
- # Generate the reversed specifications (all at once, to avoid
- # modify-when-iterating).
- datad.update({cmapname + '_r': _reverse_cmap_spec(spec)
- for cmapname, spec in datad.items()})
- # Precache the cmaps with ``lutsize = LUTSIZE``.
- # Also add the reversed ones added in the section above:
- for cmapname in datad:
- cmap_d[cmapname] = _generate_cmap(cmapname, LUTSIZE)
- cmap_d.update(cmaps_listed)
- locals().update(cmap_d)
- # Continue with definitions ...
- def register_cmap(name=None, cmap=None, data=None, lut=None):
- """
- Add a colormap to the set recognized by :func:`get_cmap`.
- It can be used in two ways::
- register_cmap(name='swirly', cmap=swirly_cmap)
- register_cmap(name='choppy', data=choppydata, lut=128)
- In the first case, *cmap* must be a :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`
- instance. The *name* is optional; if absent, the name will
- be the :attr:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap.name` attribute of the *cmap*.
- In the second case, the three arguments are passed to
- the :class:`~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` initializer,
- and the resulting colormap is registered.
- """
- if name is None:
- try:
- name = cmap.name
- except AttributeError:
- raise ValueError("Arguments must include a name or a Colormap")
- if not isinstance(name, str):
- raise ValueError("Colormap name must be a string")
- if isinstance(cmap, colors.Colormap):
- cmap_d[name] = cmap
- return
- # For the remainder, let exceptions propagate.
- if lut is None:
- lut = mpl.rcParams['image.lut']
- cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, data, lut)
- cmap_d[name] = cmap
- def get_cmap(name=None, lut=None):
- """
- Get a colormap instance, defaulting to rc values if *name* is None.
- Colormaps added with :func:`register_cmap` take precedence over
- built-in colormaps.
- If *name* is a :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance, it will be
- returned.
- If *lut* is not None it must be an integer giving the number of
- entries desired in the lookup table, and *name* must be a standard
- mpl colormap name.
- """
- if name is None:
- name = mpl.rcParams['image.cmap']
- if isinstance(name, colors.Colormap):
- return name
- if name in cmap_d:
- if lut is None:
- return cmap_d[name]
- else:
- return cmap_d[name]._resample(lut)
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- "Colormap %s is not recognized. Possible values are: %s"
- % (name, ', '.join(sorted(cmap_d))))
- class ScalarMappable(object):
- """
- This is a mixin class to support scalar data to RGBA mapping.
- The ScalarMappable makes use of data normalization before returning
- RGBA colors from the given colormap.
- """
- def __init__(self, norm=None, cmap=None):
- r"""
- Parameters
- ----------
- norm : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance
- The normalizing object which scales data, typically into the
- interval ``[0, 1]``.
- If *None*, *norm* defaults to a *colors.Normalize* object which
- initializes its scaling based on the first data processed.
- cmap : str or :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance
- The colormap used to map normalized data values to RGBA colors.
- """
- self.callbacksSM = cbook.CallbackRegistry()
- if cmap is None:
- cmap = get_cmap()
- if norm is None:
- norm = colors.Normalize()
- self._A = None
- #: The Normalization instance of this ScalarMappable.
- self.norm = norm
- #: The Colormap instance of this ScalarMappable.
- self.cmap = get_cmap(cmap)
- #: The last colorbar associated with this ScalarMappable. May be None.
- self.colorbar = None
- self.update_dict = {'array': False}
- def to_rgba(self, x, alpha=None, bytes=False, norm=True):
- """
- Return a normalized rgba array corresponding to *x*.
- In the normal case, *x* is a 1-D or 2-D sequence of scalars, and
- the corresponding ndarray of rgba values will be returned,
- based on the norm and colormap set for this ScalarMappable.
- There is one special case, for handling images that are already
- rgb or rgba, such as might have been read from an image file.
- If *x* is an ndarray with 3 dimensions,
- and the last dimension is either 3 or 4, then it will be
- treated as an rgb or rgba array, and no mapping will be done.
- The array can be uint8, or it can be floating point with
- values in the 0-1 range; otherwise a ValueError will be raised.
- If it is a masked array, the mask will be ignored.
- If the last dimension is 3, the *alpha* kwarg (defaulting to 1)
- will be used to fill in the transparency. If the last dimension
- is 4, the *alpha* kwarg is ignored; it does not
- replace the pre-existing alpha. A ValueError will be raised
- if the third dimension is other than 3 or 4.
- In either case, if *bytes* is *False* (default), the rgba
- array will be floats in the 0-1 range; if it is *True*,
- the returned rgba array will be uint8 in the 0 to 255 range.
- If norm is False, no normalization of the input data is
- performed, and it is assumed to be in the range (0-1).
- """
- # First check for special case, image input:
- try:
- if x.ndim == 3:
- if x.shape[2] == 3:
- if alpha is None:
- alpha = 1
- if x.dtype == np.uint8:
- alpha = np.uint8(alpha * 255)
- m, n = x.shape[:2]
- xx = np.empty(shape=(m, n, 4), dtype=x.dtype)
- xx[:, :, :3] = x
- xx[:, :, 3] = alpha
- elif x.shape[2] == 4:
- xx = x
- else:
- raise ValueError("third dimension must be 3 or 4")
- if xx.dtype.kind == 'f':
- if norm and (xx.max() > 1 or xx.min() < 0):
- raise ValueError("Floating point image RGB values "
- "must be in the 0..1 range.")
- if bytes:
- xx = (xx * 255).astype(np.uint8)
- elif xx.dtype == np.uint8:
- if not bytes:
- xx = xx.astype(np.float32) / 255
- else:
- raise ValueError("Image RGB array must be uint8 or "
- "floating point; found %s" % xx.dtype)
- return xx
- except AttributeError:
- # e.g., x is not an ndarray; so try mapping it
- pass
- # This is the normal case, mapping a scalar array:
- x = ma.asarray(x)
- if norm:
- x = self.norm(x)
- rgba = self.cmap(x, alpha=alpha, bytes=bytes)
- return rgba
- def set_array(self, A):
- """Set the image array from numpy array *A*.
- Parameters
- ----------
- A : ndarray
- """
- self._A = A
- self.update_dict['array'] = True
- def get_array(self):
- 'Return the array'
- return self._A
- def get_cmap(self):
- 'return the colormap'
- return self.cmap
- def get_clim(self):
- 'return the min, max of the color limits for image scaling'
- return self.norm.vmin, self.norm.vmax
- def set_clim(self, vmin=None, vmax=None):
- """
- set the norm limits for image scaling; if *vmin* is a length2
- sequence, interpret it as ``(vmin, vmax)`` which is used to
- support setp
- ACCEPTS: a length 2 sequence of floats; may be overridden in methods
- that have ``vmin`` and ``vmax`` kwargs.
- """
- if vmax is None:
- try:
- vmin, vmax = vmin
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- pass
- if vmin is not None:
- self.norm.vmin = colors._sanitize_extrema(vmin)
- if vmax is not None:
- self.norm.vmax = colors._sanitize_extrema(vmax)
- self.changed()
- def set_cmap(self, cmap):
- """
- set the colormap for luminance data
- Parameters
- ----------
- cmap : colormap or registered colormap name
- """
- cmap = get_cmap(cmap)
- self.cmap = cmap
- self.changed()
- def set_norm(self, norm):
- """Set the normalization instance.
- Parameters
- ----------
- norm : `.Normalize`
- """
- if norm is None:
- norm = colors.Normalize()
- self.norm = norm
- self.changed()
- def autoscale(self):
- """
- Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the
- current array
- """
- if self._A is None:
- raise TypeError('You must first set_array for mappable')
- self.norm.autoscale(self._A)
- self.changed()
- def autoscale_None(self):
- """
- Autoscale the scalar limits on the norm instance using the
- current array, changing only limits that are None
- """
- if self._A is None:
- raise TypeError('You must first set_array for mappable')
- self.norm.autoscale_None(self._A)
- self.changed()
- def add_checker(self, checker):
- """
- Add an entry to a dictionary of boolean flags
- that are set to True when the mappable is changed.
- """
- self.update_dict[checker] = False
- def check_update(self, checker):
- """
- If mappable has changed since the last check,
- return True; else return False
- """
- if self.update_dict[checker]:
- self.update_dict[checker] = False
- return True
- return False
- def changed(self):
- """
- Call this whenever the mappable is changed to notify all the
- callbackSM listeners to the 'changed' signal
- """
- self.callbacksSM.process('changed', self)
- for key in self.update_dict:
- self.update_dict[key] = True
- self.stale = True