- # Copyright ExplsionAI GmbH, released under BSD.
- from cython cimport view
- from libc.stdint cimport int64_t
- ctypedef float[::1] float1d_t
- ctypedef double[::1] double1d_t
- ctypedef float[:, ::1] float2d_t
- ctypedef double[:, ::1] double2d_t
- ctypedef float* floats_t
- ctypedef double* doubles_t
- ctypedef const float[::1] const_float1d_t
- ctypedef const double[::1] const_double1d_t
- ctypedef const float[:, ::1] const_float2d_t
- ctypedef const double[:, ::1] const_double2d_t
- ctypedef const float* const_floats_t
- ctypedef const double* const_doubles_t
- cdef fused reals_ft:
- floats_t
- doubles_t
- float1d_t
- double1d_t
- cdef fused const_reals_ft:
- const_floats_t
- const_doubles_t
- const_float1d_t
- const_double1d_t
- cdef fused reals1d_ft:
- float1d_t
- double1d_t
- cdef fused const_reals1d_ft:
- const_float1d_t
- const_double1d_t
- cdef fused reals2d_ft:
- float2d_t
- double2d_t
- cdef fused const_reals2d_ft:
- const_float2d_t
- const_double2d_t
- cdef fused real_ft:
- float
- double
- ctypedef int64_t dim_t
- ctypedef int64_t inc_t
- ctypedef int64_t doff_t
- # Sucks to set these from magic numbers, but it's better than dragging
- # the header into our header.
- # We get some piece of mind from checking the values on init.
- cpdef enum trans_t:
- cpdef enum conj_t:
- cpdef enum side_t:
- LEFT = 0
- RIGHT = 1
- cpdef enum uplo_t:
- LOWER = 192
- UPPER = 96
- DENSE = 224
- cpdef enum diag_t:
- UNIT_DIAG = 256
- cdef void gemm(
- trans_t transa,
- trans_t transb,
- dim_t m,
- dim_t n,
- dim_t k,
- double alpha,
- reals_ft a, inc_t rsa, inc_t csa,
- reals_ft b, inc_t rsb, inc_t csb,
- double beta,
- reals_ft c, inc_t rsc, inc_t csc,
- ) nogil
- cdef void ger(
- conj_t conjx,
- conj_t conjy,
- dim_t m,
- dim_t n,
- double alpha,
- reals_ft x, inc_t incx,
- reals_ft y, inc_t incy,
- reals_ft a, inc_t rsa, inc_t csa
- ) nogil
- cdef void gemv(
- trans_t transa,
- conj_t conjx,
- dim_t m,
- dim_t n,
- real_ft alpha,
- reals_ft a, inc_t rsa, inc_t csa,
- reals_ft x, inc_t incx,
- real_ft beta,
- reals_ft y, inc_t incy
- ) nogil
- cdef void axpyv(
- conj_t conjx,
- dim_t m,
- real_ft alpha,
- reals_ft x, inc_t incx,
- reals_ft y, inc_t incy
- ) nogil
- cdef void scalv(
- conj_t conjalpha,
- dim_t m,
- real_ft alpha,
- reals_ft x, inc_t incx
- ) nogil
- cdef double dotv(
- conj_t conjx,
- conj_t conjy,
- dim_t m,
- reals_ft x,
- reals_ft y,
- inc_t incx,
- inc_t incy,
- ) nogil
- cdef double norm_L1(
- dim_t n,
- reals_ft x, inc_t incx
- ) nogil
- cdef double norm_L2(
- dim_t n,
- reals_ft x, inc_t incx
- ) nogil
- cdef double norm_inf(
- dim_t n,
- reals_ft x, inc_t incx
- ) nogil
- cdef void randv(
- dim_t m,
- reals_ft x, inc_t incx
- ) nogil