- """Terminal management for exposing terminals to a web interface using Tornado.
- """
- # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team
- # Copyright (c) 2014, Ramalingam Saravanan <sarava@sarava.net>
- # Distributed under the terms of the Simplified BSD License.
- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
- import sys
- if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
- byte_code = ord
- else:
- byte_code = lambda x: x
- unicode = str
- from collections import deque
- import itertools
- import logging
- import os
- import signal
- try:
- from ptyprocess import PtyProcessUnicode
- except ImportError:
- from winpty import PtyProcess as PtyProcessUnicode
- from tornado import gen
- from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
- ENV_PREFIX = "PYXTERM_" # Environment variable prefix
- class PtyWithClients(object):
- def __init__(self, ptyproc):
- self.ptyproc = ptyproc
- self.clients = []
- # Store the last few things read, so when a new client connects,
- # it can show e.g. the most recent prompt, rather than absolutely
- # nothing.
- self.read_buffer = deque([], maxlen=10)
- def resize_to_smallest(self):
- """Set the terminal size to that of the smallest client dimensions.
- A terminal not using the full space available is much nicer than a
- terminal trying to use more than the available space, so we keep it
- sized to the smallest client.
- """
- minrows = mincols = 10001
- for client in self.clients:
- rows, cols = client.size
- if rows is not None and rows < minrows:
- minrows = rows
- if cols is not None and cols < mincols:
- mincols = cols
- if minrows == 10001 or mincols == 10001:
- return
- rows, cols = self.ptyproc.getwinsize()
- if (rows, cols) != (minrows, mincols):
- self.ptyproc.setwinsize(minrows, mincols)
- def kill(self, sig=signal.SIGTERM):
- """Send a signal to the process in the pty"""
- self.ptyproc.kill(sig)
- def killpg(self, sig=signal.SIGTERM):
- """Send a signal to the process group of the process in the pty"""
- if os.name == 'nt':
- return self.ptyproc.kill(sig)
- pgid = os.getpgid(self.ptyproc.pid)
- os.killpg(pgid, sig)
- @gen.coroutine
- def terminate(self, force=False):
- '''This forces a child process to terminate. It starts nicely with
- SIGHUP and SIGINT. If "force" is True then moves onto SIGKILL. This
- returns True if the child was terminated. This returns False if the
- child could not be terminated. '''
- if os.name == 'nt':
- signals = [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM]
- else:
- signals = [signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGCONT, signal.SIGINT,
- signal.SIGTERM]
- loop = IOLoop.current()
- sleep = lambda : gen.Task(loop.add_timeout, loop.time() + self.ptyproc.delayafterterminate)
- if not self.ptyproc.isalive():
- raise gen.Return(True)
- try:
- for sig in signals:
- self.kill(sig)
- yield sleep()
- if not self.ptyproc.isalive():
- raise gen.Return(True)
- if force:
- self.kill(signal.SIGKILL)
- yield sleep()
- if not self.ptyproc.isalive():
- raise gen.Return(True)
- else:
- raise gen.Return(False)
- raise gen.Return(False)
- except OSError:
- # I think there are kernel timing issues that sometimes cause
- # this to happen. I think isalive() reports True, but the
- # process is dead to the kernel.
- # Make one last attempt to see if the kernel is up to date.
- yield sleep()
- if not self.ptyproc.isalive():
- raise gen.Return(True)
- else:
- raise gen.Return(False)
- def _update_removing(target, changes):
- """Like dict.update(), but remove keys where the value is None.
- """
- for k, v in changes.items():
- if v is None:
- target.pop(k, None)
- else:
- target[k] = v
- class TermManagerBase(object):
- """Base class for a terminal manager."""
- def __init__(self, shell_command, server_url="", term_settings={},
- extra_env=None, ioloop=None):
- self.shell_command = shell_command
- self.server_url = server_url
- self.term_settings = term_settings
- self.extra_env = extra_env
- self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- self.ptys_by_fd = {}
- if ioloop is not None:
- self.ioloop = ioloop
- else:
- import tornado.ioloop
- self.ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
- def make_term_env(self, height=25, width=80, winheight=0, winwidth=0, **kwargs):
- """Build the environment variables for the process in the terminal."""
- env = os.environ.copy()
- env["TERM"] = self.term_settings.get("type",DEFAULT_TERM_TYPE)
- dimensions = "%dx%d" % (width, height)
- if winwidth and winheight:
- dimensions += ";%dx%d" % (winwidth, winheight)
- env[ENV_PREFIX+"DIMENSIONS"] = dimensions
- env["COLUMNS"] = str(width)
- env["LINES"] = str(height)
- if self.server_url:
- env[ENV_PREFIX+"URL"] = self.server_url
- if self.extra_env:
- _update_removing(env, self.extra_env)
- return env
- def new_terminal(self, **kwargs):
- """Make a new terminal, return a :class:`PtyWithClients` instance."""
- options = self.term_settings.copy()
- options['shell_command'] = self.shell_command
- options.update(kwargs)
- argv = options['shell_command']
- env = self.make_term_env(**options)
- pty = PtyProcessUnicode.spawn(argv, env=env, cwd=options.get('cwd', None))
- return PtyWithClients(pty)
- def start_reading(self, ptywclients):
- """Connect a terminal to the tornado event loop to read data from it."""
- fd = ptywclients.ptyproc.fd
- self.ptys_by_fd[fd] = ptywclients
- self.ioloop.add_handler(fd, self.pty_read, self.ioloop.READ)
- def on_eof(self, ptywclients):
- """Called when the pty has closed.
- """
- # Stop trying to read from that terminal
- fd = ptywclients.ptyproc.fd
- self.log.info("EOF on FD %d; stopping reading", fd)
- del self.ptys_by_fd[fd]
- self.ioloop.remove_handler(fd)
- # This closes the fd, and should result in the process being reaped.
- ptywclients.ptyproc.close()
- def pty_read(self, fd, events=None):
- """Called by the event loop when there is pty data ready to read."""
- ptywclients = self.ptys_by_fd[fd]
- try:
- s = ptywclients.ptyproc.read(65536)
- ptywclients.read_buffer.append(s)
- for client in ptywclients.clients:
- client.on_pty_read(s)
- except EOFError:
- self.on_eof(ptywclients)
- for client in ptywclients.clients:
- client.on_pty_died()
- def get_terminal(self, url_component=None):
- """Override in a subclass to give a terminal to a new websocket connection
- The :class:`TermSocket` handler works with zero or one URL components
- (capturing groups in the URL spec regex). If it receives one, it is
- passed as the ``url_component`` parameter; otherwise, this is None.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def client_disconnected(self, websocket):
- """Override this to e.g. kill terminals on client disconnection.
- """
- pass
- @gen.coroutine
- def shutdown(self):
- yield self.kill_all()
- @gen.coroutine
- def kill_all(self):
- futures = []
- for term in self.ptys_by_fd.values():
- futures.append(term.terminate(force=True))
- # wait for futures to finish
- for f in futures:
- yield f
- class SingleTermManager(TermManagerBase):
- """All connections to the websocket share a common terminal."""
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(SingleTermManager, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.terminal = None
- def get_terminal(self, url_component=None):
- if self.terminal is None:
- self.terminal = self.new_terminal()
- self.start_reading(self.terminal)
- return self.terminal
- @gen.coroutine
- def kill_all(self):
- yield super(SingleTermManager, self).kill_all()
- self.terminal = None
- class MaxTerminalsReached(Exception):
- def __init__(self, max_terminals):
- self.max_terminals = max_terminals
- def __str__(self):
- return "Cannot create more than %d terminals" % self.max_terminals
- class UniqueTermManager(TermManagerBase):
- """Give each websocket a unique terminal to use."""
- def __init__(self, max_terminals=None, **kwargs):
- super(UniqueTermManager, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.max_terminals = max_terminals
- def get_terminal(self, url_component=None):
- if self.max_terminals and len(self.ptys_by_fd) >= self.max_terminals:
- raise MaxTerminalsReached(self.max_terminals)
- term = self.new_terminal()
- self.start_reading(term)
- return term
- def client_disconnected(self, websocket):
- """Send terminal SIGHUP when client disconnects."""
- self.log.info("Websocket closed, sending SIGHUP to terminal.")
- if websocket.terminal:
- if os.name == 'nt':
- websocket.terminal.kill()
- # Immediately call the pty reader to process
- # the eof and free up space
- self.pty_read(websocket.terminal.ptyproc.fd)
- return
- websocket.terminal.killpg(signal.SIGHUP)
- class NamedTermManager(TermManagerBase):
- """Share terminals between websockets connected to the same endpoint.
- """
- def __init__(self, max_terminals=None, **kwargs):
- super(NamedTermManager, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.max_terminals = max_terminals
- self.terminals = {}
- def get_terminal(self, term_name):
- assert term_name is not None
- if term_name in self.terminals:
- return self.terminals[term_name]
- if self.max_terminals and len(self.terminals) >= self.max_terminals:
- raise MaxTerminalsReached(self.max_terminals)
- # Create new terminal
- self.log.info("New terminal with specified name: %s", term_name)
- term = self.new_terminal()
- term.term_name = term_name
- self.terminals[term_name] = term
- self.start_reading(term)
- return term
- name_template = "%d"
- def _next_available_name(self):
- for n in itertools.count(start=1):
- name = self.name_template % n
- if name not in self.terminals:
- return name
- def new_named_terminal(self):
- name = self._next_available_name()
- term = self.new_terminal()
- self.log.info("New terminal with automatic name: %s", name)
- term.term_name = name
- self.terminals[name] = term
- self.start_reading(term)
- return name, term
- def kill(self, name, sig=signal.SIGTERM):
- term = self.terminals[name]
- term.kill(sig) # This should lead to an EOF
- @gen.coroutine
- def terminate(self, name, force=False):
- term = self.terminals[name]
- yield term.terminate(force=force)
- def on_eof(self, ptywclients):
- super(NamedTermManager, self).on_eof(ptywclients)
- name = ptywclients.term_name
- self.log.info("Terminal %s closed", name)
- self.terminals.pop(name, None)
- @gen.coroutine
- def kill_all(self):
- yield super(NamedTermManager, self).kill_all()
- self.terminals = {}