- from qrcode import constants, exceptions, util
- from qrcode.image.base import BaseImage
- import six
- from bisect import bisect_left
- def make(data=None, **kwargs):
- qr = QRCode(**kwargs)
- qr.add_data(data)
- return qr.make_image()
- def _check_version(version):
- if version < 1 or version > 40:
- raise ValueError(
- "Invalid version (was %s, expected 1 to 40)" % version)
- def _check_box_size(size):
- if int(size) <= 0:
- raise ValueError(
- "Invalid box size (was %s, expected larger than 0)" % size)
- def _check_mask_pattern(mask_pattern):
- if mask_pattern is None:
- return
- if not isinstance(mask_pattern, int):
- raise TypeError(
- "Invalid mask pattern (was %s, expected int)" % type(mask_pattern))
- if mask_pattern < 0 or mask_pattern > 7:
- raise ValueError(
- "Mask pattern should be in range(8) (got %s)" % mask_pattern)
- class QRCode:
- def __init__(self, version=None,
- error_correction=constants.ERROR_CORRECT_M,
- box_size=10, border=4,
- image_factory=None,
- mask_pattern=None):
- _check_box_size(box_size)
- self.version = version and int(version)
- self.error_correction = int(error_correction)
- self.box_size = int(box_size)
- # Spec says border should be at least four boxes wide, but allow for
- # any (e.g. for producing printable QR codes).
- self.border = int(border)
- _check_mask_pattern(mask_pattern)
- self.mask_pattern = mask_pattern
- self.image_factory = image_factory
- if image_factory is not None:
- assert issubclass(image_factory, BaseImage)
- self.clear()
- def clear(self):
- """
- Reset the internal data.
- """
- self.modules = None
- self.modules_count = 0
- self.data_cache = None
- self.data_list = []
- def add_data(self, data, optimize=20):
- """
- Add data to this QR Code.
- :param optimize: Data will be split into multiple chunks to optimize
- the QR size by finding to more compressed modes of at least this
- length. Set to ``0`` to avoid optimizing at all.
- """
- if isinstance(data, util.QRData):
- self.data_list.append(data)
- else:
- if optimize:
- self.data_list.extend(
- util.optimal_data_chunks(data, minimum=optimize))
- else:
- self.data_list.append(util.QRData(data))
- self.data_cache = None
- def make(self, fit=True):
- """
- Compile the data into a QR Code array.
- :param fit: If ``True`` (or if a size has not been provided), find the
- best fit for the data to avoid data overflow errors.
- """
- if fit or (self.version is None):
- self.best_fit(start=self.version)
- if self.mask_pattern is None:
- self.makeImpl(False, self.best_mask_pattern())
- else:
- self.makeImpl(False, self.mask_pattern)
- def makeImpl(self, test, mask_pattern):
- _check_version(self.version)
- self.modules_count = self.version * 4 + 17
- self.modules = [None] * self.modules_count
- for row in range(self.modules_count):
- self.modules[row] = [None] * self.modules_count
- for col in range(self.modules_count):
- self.modules[row][col] = None # (col + row) % 3
- self.setup_position_probe_pattern(0, 0)
- self.setup_position_probe_pattern(self.modules_count - 7, 0)
- self.setup_position_probe_pattern(0, self.modules_count - 7)
- self.setup_position_adjust_pattern()
- self.setup_timing_pattern()
- self.setup_type_info(test, mask_pattern)
- if self.version >= 7:
- self.setup_type_number(test)
- if self.data_cache is None:
- self.data_cache = util.create_data(
- self.version, self.error_correction, self.data_list)
- self.map_data(self.data_cache, mask_pattern)
- def setup_position_probe_pattern(self, row, col):
- for r in range(-1, 8):
- if row + r <= -1 or self.modules_count <= row + r:
- continue
- for c in range(-1, 8):
- if col + c <= -1 or self.modules_count <= col + c:
- continue
- if (0 <= r and r <= 6 and (c == 0 or c == 6)
- or (0 <= c and c <= 6 and (r == 0 or r == 6))
- or (2 <= r and r <= 4 and 2 <= c and c <= 4)):
- self.modules[row + r][col + c] = True
- else:
- self.modules[row + r][col + c] = False
- def best_fit(self, start=None):
- """
- Find the minimum size required to fit in the data.
- """
- if start is None:
- start = 1
- _check_version(start)
- # Corresponds to the code in util.create_data, except we don't yet know
- # version, so optimistically assume start and check later
- mode_sizes = util.mode_sizes_for_version(start)
- buffer = util.BitBuffer()
- for data in self.data_list:
- buffer.put(data.mode, 4)
- buffer.put(len(data), mode_sizes[data.mode])
- data.write(buffer)
- needed_bits = len(buffer)
- self.version = bisect_left(util.BIT_LIMIT_TABLE[self.error_correction],
- needed_bits, start)
- if self.version == 41:
- raise exceptions.DataOverflowError()
- # Now check whether we need more bits for the mode sizes, recursing if
- # our guess was too low
- if mode_sizes is not util.mode_sizes_for_version(self.version):
- self.best_fit(start=self.version)
- return self.version
- def best_mask_pattern(self):
- """
- Find the most efficient mask pattern.
- """
- min_lost_point = 0
- pattern = 0
- for i in range(8):
- self.makeImpl(True, i)
- lost_point = util.lost_point(self.modules)
- if i == 0 or min_lost_point > lost_point:
- min_lost_point = lost_point
- pattern = i
- return pattern
- def print_tty(self, out=None):
- """
- Output the QR Code only using TTY colors.
- If the data has not been compiled yet, make it first.
- """
- if out is None:
- import sys
- out = sys.stdout
- if not out.isatty():
- raise OSError("Not a tty")
- if self.data_cache is None:
- self.make()
- modcount = self.modules_count
- out.write("\x1b[1;47m" + (" " * (modcount * 2 + 4)) + "\x1b[0m\n")
- for r in range(modcount):
- out.write("\x1b[1;47m \x1b[40m")
- for c in range(modcount):
- if self.modules[r][c]:
- out.write(" ")
- else:
- out.write("\x1b[1;47m \x1b[40m")
- out.write("\x1b[1;47m \x1b[0m\n")
- out.write("\x1b[1;47m" + (" " * (modcount * 2 + 4)) + "\x1b[0m\n")
- out.flush()
- def print_ascii(self, out=None, tty=False, invert=False):
- """
- Output the QR Code using ASCII characters.
- :param tty: use fixed TTY color codes (forces invert=True)
- :param invert: invert the ASCII characters (solid <-> transparent)
- """
- if out is None:
- import sys
- if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
- # On Python versions 2.6 and earlier, stdout tries to encode
- # strings using ASCII rather than stdout.encoding, so use this
- # workaround.
- import codecs
- out = codecs.getwriter(sys.stdout.encoding)(sys.stdout)
- else:
- out = sys.stdout
- if tty and not out.isatty():
- raise OSError("Not a tty")
- if self.data_cache is None:
- self.make()
- modcount = self.modules_count
- codes = [six.int2byte(code).decode('cp437')
- for code in (255, 223, 220, 219)]
- if tty:
- invert = True
- if invert:
- codes.reverse()
- def get_module(x, y):
- if (invert and self.border and
- max(x, y) >= modcount+self.border):
- return 1
- if min(x, y) < 0 or max(x, y) >= modcount:
- return 0
- return self.modules[x][y]
- for r in range(-self.border, modcount+self.border, 2):
- if tty:
- if not invert or r < modcount+self.border-1:
- out.write('\x1b[48;5;232m') # Background black
- out.write('\x1b[38;5;255m') # Foreground white
- for c in range(-self.border, modcount+self.border):
- pos = get_module(r, c) + (get_module(r+1, c) << 1)
- out.write(codes[pos])
- if tty:
- out.write('\x1b[0m')
- out.write('\n')
- out.flush()
- def make_image(self, image_factory=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Make an image from the QR Code data.
- If the data has not been compiled yet, make it first.
- """
- _check_box_size(self.box_size)
- if self.data_cache is None:
- self.make()
- if image_factory is not None:
- assert issubclass(image_factory, BaseImage)
- else:
- image_factory = self.image_factory
- if image_factory is None:
- # Use PIL by default
- from qrcode.image.pil import PilImage
- image_factory = PilImage
- im = image_factory(
- self.border, self.modules_count, self.box_size, **kwargs)
- for r in range(self.modules_count):
- for c in range(self.modules_count):
- if self.modules[r][c]:
- im.drawrect(r, c)
- return im
- def setup_timing_pattern(self):
- for r in range(8, self.modules_count - 8):
- if self.modules[r][6] is not None:
- continue
- self.modules[r][6] = (r % 2 == 0)
- for c in range(8, self.modules_count - 8):
- if self.modules[6][c] is not None:
- continue
- self.modules[6][c] = (c % 2 == 0)
- def setup_position_adjust_pattern(self):
- pos = util.pattern_position(self.version)
- for i in range(len(pos)):
- for j in range(len(pos)):
- row = pos[i]
- col = pos[j]
- if self.modules[row][col] is not None:
- continue
- for r in range(-2, 3):
- for c in range(-2, 3):
- if (r == -2 or r == 2 or c == -2 or c == 2 or
- (r == 0 and c == 0)):
- self.modules[row + r][col + c] = True
- else:
- self.modules[row + r][col + c] = False
- def setup_type_number(self, test):
- bits = util.BCH_type_number(self.version)
- for i in range(18):
- mod = (not test and ((bits >> i) & 1) == 1)
- self.modules[i // 3][i % 3 + self.modules_count - 8 - 3] = mod
- for i in range(18):
- mod = (not test and ((bits >> i) & 1) == 1)
- self.modules[i % 3 + self.modules_count - 8 - 3][i // 3] = mod
- def setup_type_info(self, test, mask_pattern):
- data = (self.error_correction << 3) | mask_pattern
- bits = util.BCH_type_info(data)
- # vertical
- for i in range(15):
- mod = (not test and ((bits >> i) & 1) == 1)
- if i < 6:
- self.modules[i][8] = mod
- elif i < 8:
- self.modules[i + 1][8] = mod
- else:
- self.modules[self.modules_count - 15 + i][8] = mod
- # horizontal
- for i in range(15):
- mod = (not test and ((bits >> i) & 1) == 1)
- if i < 8:
- self.modules[8][self.modules_count - i - 1] = mod
- elif i < 9:
- self.modules[8][15 - i - 1 + 1] = mod
- else:
- self.modules[8][15 - i - 1] = mod
- # fixed module
- self.modules[self.modules_count - 8][8] = (not test)
- def map_data(self, data, mask_pattern):
- inc = -1
- row = self.modules_count - 1
- bitIndex = 7
- byteIndex = 0
- mask_func = util.mask_func(mask_pattern)
- data_len = len(data)
- for col in six.moves.xrange(self.modules_count - 1, 0, -2):
- if col <= 6:
- col -= 1
- col_range = (col, col-1)
- while True:
- for c in col_range:
- if self.modules[row][c] is None:
- dark = False
- if byteIndex < data_len:
- dark = (((data[byteIndex] >> bitIndex) & 1) == 1)
- if mask_func(row, c):
- dark = not dark
- self.modules[row][c] = dark
- bitIndex -= 1
- if bitIndex == -1:
- byteIndex += 1
- bitIndex = 7
- row += inc
- if row < 0 or self.modules_count <= row:
- row -= inc
- inc = -inc
- break
- def get_matrix(self):
- """
- Return the QR Code as a multidimensonal array, including the border.
- To return the array without a border, set ``self.border`` to 0 first.
- """
- if self.data_cache is None:
- self.make()
- if not self.border:
- return self.modules
- width = len(self.modules) + self.border*2
- code = [[False]*width] * self.border
- x_border = [False]*self.border
- for module in self.modules:
- code.append(x_border + module + x_border)
- code += [[False]*width] * self.border
- return code