- # coding: utf-8
- """Utilities for installing Javascript extensions for the notebook"""
- # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
- # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
- from __future__ import print_function
- import os
- import shutil
- import sys
- import tarfile
- import zipfile
- from os.path import basename, join as pjoin, normpath
- try:
- from urllib.parse import urlparse # Py3
- from urllib.request import urlretrieve
- except ImportError:
- from urlparse import urlparse
- from urllib import urlretrieve
- from jupyter_core.paths import (
- jupyter_data_dir, jupyter_config_path, jupyter_path,
- )
- from jupyter_core.utils import ensure_dir_exists
- from ipython_genutils.py3compat import string_types, cast_unicode_py2
- from ipython_genutils.tempdir import TemporaryDirectory
- from ._version import __version__
- from .config_manager import BaseJSONConfigManager
- from traitlets.utils.importstring import import_item
- NBCONFIG_SECTIONS = ['common', 'notebook', 'tree', 'edit', 'terminal']
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Public API
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def check_nbextension(files, user=False, prefix=None, nbextensions_dir=None, sys_prefix=False):
- """Check whether nbextension files have been installed
- Returns True if all files are found, False if any are missing.
- Parameters
- ----------
- files : list(paths)
- a list of relative paths within nbextensions.
- user : bool [default: False]
- Whether to check the user's .jupyter/nbextensions directory.
- Otherwise check a system-wide install (e.g. /usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions).
- prefix : str [optional]
- Specify install prefix, if it should differ from default (e.g. /usr/local).
- Will check prefix/share/jupyter/nbextensions
- nbextensions_dir : str [optional]
- Specify absolute path of nbextensions directory explicitly.
- sys_prefix : bool [default: False]
- Install into the sys.prefix, i.e. environment
- """
- nbext = _get_nbextension_dir(user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix, prefix=prefix, nbextensions_dir=nbextensions_dir)
- # make sure nbextensions dir exists
- if not os.path.exists(nbext):
- return False
- if isinstance(files, string_types):
- # one file given, turn it into a list
- files = [files]
- return all(os.path.exists(pjoin(nbext, f)) for f in files)
- def install_nbextension(path, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
- user=False, prefix=None, nbextensions_dir=None,
- destination=None, verbose=DEPRECATED_ARGUMENT,
- logger=None, sys_prefix=False
- ):
- """Install a Javascript extension for the notebook
- Stages files and/or directories into the nbextensions directory.
- By default, this compares modification time, and only stages files that need updating.
- If `overwrite` is specified, matching files are purged before proceeding.
- Parameters
- ----------
- path : path to file, directory, zip or tarball archive, or URL to install
- By default, the file will be installed with its base name, so '/path/to/foo'
- will install to 'nbextensions/foo'. See the destination argument below to change this.
- Archives (zip or tarballs) will be extracted into the nbextensions directory.
- overwrite : bool [default: False]
- If True, always install the files, regardless of what may already be installed.
- symlink : bool [default: False]
- If True, create a symlink in nbextensions, rather than copying files.
- Not allowed with URLs or archives. Windows support for symlinks requires
- Vista or above, Python 3, and a permission bit which only admin users
- have by default, so don't rely on it.
- user : bool [default: False]
- Whether to install to the user's nbextensions directory.
- Otherwise do a system-wide install (e.g. /usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions).
- prefix : str [optional]
- Specify install prefix, if it should differ from default (e.g. /usr/local).
- Will install to ``<prefix>/share/jupyter/nbextensions``
- nbextensions_dir : str [optional]
- Specify absolute path of nbextensions directory explicitly.
- destination : str [optional]
- name the nbextension is installed to. For example, if destination is 'foo', then
- the source file will be installed to 'nbextensions/foo', regardless of the source name.
- This cannot be specified if an archive is given as the source.
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- if verbose != DEPRECATED_ARGUMENT:
- import warnings
- warnings.warn("`install_nbextension`'s `verbose` parameter is deprecated, it will have no effects and will be removed in Notebook 5.0", DeprecationWarning)
- # the actual path to which we eventually installed
- full_dest = None
- nbext = _get_nbextension_dir(user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix, prefix=prefix, nbextensions_dir=nbextensions_dir)
- # make sure nbextensions dir exists
- ensure_dir_exists(nbext)
- # forcing symlink parameter to False if os.symlink does not exist (e.g., on Windows machines running python 2)
- if not hasattr(os, 'symlink'):
- symlink = False
- if isinstance(path, (list, tuple)):
- raise TypeError("path must be a string pointing to a single extension to install; call this function multiple times to install multiple extensions")
- path = cast_unicode_py2(path)
- if path.startswith(('https://', 'http://')):
- if symlink:
- raise ValueError("Cannot symlink from URLs")
- # Given a URL, download it
- with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
- filename = urlparse(path).path.split('/')[-1]
- local_path = os.path.join(td, filename)
- if logger:
- logger.info("Downloading: %s -> %s" % (path, local_path))
- urlretrieve(path, local_path)
- # now install from the local copy
- full_dest = install_nbextension(local_path, overwrite=overwrite, symlink=symlink,
- nbextensions_dir=nbext, destination=destination, logger=logger)
- elif path.endswith('.zip') or _safe_is_tarfile(path):
- if symlink:
- raise ValueError("Cannot symlink from archives")
- if destination:
- raise ValueError("Cannot give destination for archives")
- if logger:
- logger.info("Extracting: %s -> %s" % (path, nbext))
- if path.endswith('.zip'):
- archive = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
- elif _safe_is_tarfile(path):
- archive = tarfile.open(path)
- archive.extractall(nbext)
- archive.close()
- # TODO: what to do here
- full_dest = None
- else:
- if not destination:
- destination = basename(normpath(path))
- destination = cast_unicode_py2(destination)
- full_dest = normpath(pjoin(nbext, destination))
- if overwrite and os.path.lexists(full_dest):
- if logger:
- logger.info("Removing: %s" % full_dest)
- if os.path.isdir(full_dest) and not os.path.islink(full_dest):
- shutil.rmtree(full_dest)
- else:
- os.remove(full_dest)
- if symlink:
- path = os.path.abspath(path)
- if not os.path.exists(full_dest):
- if logger:
- logger.info("Symlinking: %s -> %s" % (full_dest, path))
- os.symlink(path, full_dest)
- elif os.path.isdir(path):
- path = pjoin(os.path.abspath(path), '') # end in path separator
- for parent, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- dest_dir = pjoin(full_dest, parent[len(path):])
- if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
- if logger:
- logger.info("Making directory: %s" % dest_dir)
- os.makedirs(dest_dir)
- for file_name in files:
- src = pjoin(parent, file_name)
- dest_file = pjoin(dest_dir, file_name)
- _maybe_copy(src, dest_file, logger=logger)
- else:
- src = path
- _maybe_copy(src, full_dest, logger=logger)
- return full_dest
- def install_nbextension_python(module, overwrite=False, symlink=False,
- user=False, sys_prefix=False, prefix=None, nbextensions_dir=None, logger=None):
- """Install an nbextension bundled in a Python package.
- Returns a list of installed/updated directories.
- See install_nbextension for parameter information."""
- m, nbexts = _get_nbextension_metadata(module)
- base_path = os.path.split(m.__file__)[0]
- full_dests = []
- for nbext in nbexts:
- src = os.path.join(base_path, nbext['src'])
- dest = nbext['dest']
- if logger:
- logger.info("Installing %s -> %s" % (src, dest))
- full_dest = install_nbextension(
- src, overwrite=overwrite, symlink=symlink,
- user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix, prefix=prefix, nbextensions_dir=nbextensions_dir,
- destination=dest, logger=logger
- )
- validate_nbextension_python(nbext, full_dest, logger)
- full_dests.append(full_dest)
- return full_dests
- def uninstall_nbextension(dest, require=None, user=False, sys_prefix=False, prefix=None,
- nbextensions_dir=None, logger=None):
- """Uninstall a Javascript extension of the notebook
- Removes staged files and/or directories in the nbextensions directory and
- removes the extension from the frontend config.
- Parameters
- ----------
- dest : str
- path to file, directory, zip or tarball archive, or URL to install
- name the nbextension is installed to. For example, if destination is 'foo', then
- the source file will be installed to 'nbextensions/foo', regardless of the source name.
- This cannot be specified if an archive is given as the source.
- require : str [optional]
- require.js path used to load the extension.
- If specified, frontend config loading extension will be removed.
- user : bool [default: False]
- Whether to install to the user's nbextensions directory.
- Otherwise do a system-wide install (e.g. /usr/local/share/jupyter/nbextensions).
- prefix : str [optional]
- Specify install prefix, if it should differ from default (e.g. /usr/local).
- Will install to ``<prefix>/share/jupyter/nbextensions``
- nbextensions_dir : str [optional]
- Specify absolute path of nbextensions directory explicitly.
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- nbext = _get_nbextension_dir(user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix, prefix=prefix, nbextensions_dir=nbextensions_dir)
- dest = cast_unicode_py2(dest)
- full_dest = pjoin(nbext, dest)
- if os.path.lexists(full_dest):
- if logger:
- logger.info("Removing: %s" % full_dest)
- if os.path.isdir(full_dest) and not os.path.islink(full_dest):
- shutil.rmtree(full_dest)
- else:
- os.remove(full_dest)
- # Look through all of the config sections making sure that the nbextension
- # doesn't exist.
- config_dir = os.path.join(_get_config_dir(user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix), 'nbconfig')
- cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=config_dir)
- if require:
- for section in NBCONFIG_SECTIONS:
- cm.update(section, {"load_extensions": {require: None}})
- def _find_uninstall_nbextension(filename, logger=None):
- """Remove nbextension files from the first location they are found.
- Returns True if files were removed, False otherwise.
- """
- filename = cast_unicode_py2(filename)
- for nbext in jupyter_path('nbextensions'):
- path = pjoin(nbext, filename)
- if os.path.lexists(path):
- if logger:
- logger.info("Removing: %s" % path)
- if os.path.isdir(path) and not os.path.islink(path):
- shutil.rmtree(path)
- else:
- os.remove(path)
- return True
- return False
- def uninstall_nbextension_python(module,
- user=False, sys_prefix=False, prefix=None, nbextensions_dir=None,
- logger=None):
- """Uninstall an nbextension bundled in a Python package.
- See parameters of `install_nbextension_python`
- """
- m, nbexts = _get_nbextension_metadata(module)
- for nbext in nbexts:
- dest = nbext['dest']
- require = nbext['require']
- if logger:
- logger.info("Uninstalling {} {}".format(dest, require))
- uninstall_nbextension(dest, require, user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix,
- prefix=prefix, nbextensions_dir=nbextensions_dir, logger=logger)
- def _set_nbextension_state(section, require, state,
- user=True, sys_prefix=False, logger=None):
- """Set whether the section's frontend should require the named nbextension
- Returns True if the final state is the one requested.
- Parameters
- ----------
- section : string
- The section of the server to change, one of NBCONFIG_SECTIONS
- require : string
- An importable AMD module inside the nbextensions static path
- state : bool
- The state in which to leave the extension
- user : bool [default: True]
- Whether to update the user's .jupyter/nbextensions directory
- sys_prefix : bool [default: False]
- Whether to update the sys.prefix, i.e. environment. Will override
- `user`.
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- user = False if sys_prefix else user
- config_dir = os.path.join(
- _get_config_dir(user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix), 'nbconfig')
- cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(config_dir=config_dir)
- if logger:
- logger.info("{} {} extension {}...".format(
- "Enabling" if state else "Disabling",
- section,
- require
- ))
- cm.update(section, {"load_extensions": {require: state}})
- validate_nbextension(require, logger=logger)
- return cm.get(section).get(require) == state
- def _set_nbextension_state_python(state, module, user, sys_prefix,
- logger=None):
- """Enable or disable some nbextensions stored in a Python package
- Returns a list of whether the state was achieved (i.e. changed, or was
- already right)
- Parameters
- ----------
- state : Bool
- Whether the extensions should be enabled
- module : str
- Importable Python module exposing the
- magic-named `_jupyter_nbextension_paths` function
- user : bool
- Whether to enable in the user's nbextensions directory.
- sys_prefix : bool
- Enable/disable in the sys.prefix, i.e. environment
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- m, nbexts = _get_nbextension_metadata(module)
- return [_set_nbextension_state(section=nbext["section"],
- require=nbext["require"],
- state=state,
- user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix,
- logger=logger)
- for nbext in nbexts]
- def enable_nbextension(section, require, user=True, sys_prefix=False,
- logger=None):
- """Enable a named nbextension
- Returns True if the final state is the one requested.
- Parameters
- ----------
- section : string
- The section of the server to change, one of NBCONFIG_SECTIONS
- require : string
- An importable AMD module inside the nbextensions static path
- user : bool [default: True]
- Whether to enable in the user's nbextensions directory.
- sys_prefix : bool [default: False]
- Whether to enable in the sys.prefix, i.e. environment. Will override
- `user`
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- return _set_nbextension_state(section=section, require=require,
- state=True,
- user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix,
- logger=logger)
- def disable_nbextension(section, require, user=True, sys_prefix=False,
- logger=None):
- """Disable a named nbextension
- Returns True if the final state is the one requested.
- Parameters
- ----------
- section : string
- The section of the server to change, one of NBCONFIG_SECTIONS
- require : string
- An importable AMD module inside the nbextensions static path
- user : bool [default: True]
- Whether to enable in the user's nbextensions directory.
- sys_prefix : bool [default: False]
- Whether to enable in the sys.prefix, i.e. environment. Will override
- `user`.
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- return _set_nbextension_state(section=section, require=require,
- state=False,
- user=user, sys_prefix=sys_prefix,
- logger=logger)
- def _find_disable_nbextension(section, require, logger=None):
- """Disable an nbextension from the first config location where it is enabled.
- Returns True if it changed any config, False otherwise.
- """
- for config_dir in jupyter_config_path():
- cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(
- config_dir=os.path.join(config_dir, 'nbconfig'))
- d = cm.get(section)
- if d.get('load_extensions', {}).get(require, None):
- if logger:
- logger.info("Disabling %s extension in %s", require, config_dir)
- cm.update(section, {'load_extensions': {require: None}})
- return True
- return False
- def enable_nbextension_python(module, user=True, sys_prefix=False,
- logger=None):
- """Enable some nbextensions associated with a Python module.
- Returns a list of whether the state was achieved (i.e. changed, or was
- already right)
- Parameters
- ----------
- module : str
- Importable Python module exposing the
- magic-named `_jupyter_nbextension_paths` function
- user : bool [default: True]
- Whether to enable in the user's nbextensions directory.
- sys_prefix : bool [default: False]
- Whether to enable in the sys.prefix, i.e. environment. Will override
- `user`
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- return _set_nbextension_state_python(True, module, user, sys_prefix,
- logger=logger)
- def disable_nbextension_python(module, user=True, sys_prefix=False,
- logger=None):
- """Disable some nbextensions associated with a Python module.
- Returns True if the final state is the one requested.
- Parameters
- ----------
- module : str
- Importable Python module exposing the
- magic-named `_jupyter_nbextension_paths` function
- user : bool [default: True]
- Whether to enable in the user's nbextensions directory.
- sys_prefix : bool [default: False]
- Whether to enable in the sys.prefix, i.e. environment
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- return _set_nbextension_state_python(False, module, user, sys_prefix,
- logger=logger)
- def validate_nbextension(require, logger=None):
- """Validate a named nbextension.
- Looks across all of the nbextension directories.
- Returns a list of warnings.
- require : str
- require.js path used to load the extension
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- warnings = []
- infos = []
- js_exists = False
- for exts in jupyter_path('nbextensions'):
- # Does the Javascript entrypoint actually exist on disk?
- js = u"{}.js".format(os.path.join(exts, *require.split("/")))
- js_exists = os.path.exists(js)
- if js_exists:
- break
- require_tmpl = u" - require? {} {}"
- if js_exists:
- infos.append(require_tmpl.format(GREEN_OK, require))
- else:
- warnings.append(require_tmpl.format(RED_X, require))
- if logger:
- if warnings:
- logger.warning(u" - Validating: problems found:")
- for msg in warnings:
- logger.warning(msg)
- for msg in infos:
- logger.info(msg)
- else:
- logger.info(u" - Validating: {}".format(GREEN_OK))
- return warnings
- def validate_nbextension_python(spec, full_dest, logger=None):
- """Assess the health of an installed nbextension
- Returns a list of warnings.
- Parameters
- ----------
- spec : dict
- A single entry of _jupyter_nbextension_paths():
- [{
- 'section': 'notebook',
- 'src': 'mockextension',
- 'dest': '_mockdestination',
- 'require': '_mockdestination/index'
- }]
- full_dest : str
- The on-disk location of the installed nbextension: this should end
- with `nbextensions/<dest>`
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- infos = []
- warnings = []
- section = spec.get("section", None)
- if section in NBCONFIG_SECTIONS:
- infos.append(u" {} section: {}".format(GREEN_OK, section))
- else:
- warnings.append(u" {} section: {}".format(RED_X, section))
- require = spec.get("require", None)
- if require is not None:
- require_path = os.path.join(
- full_dest[0:-len(spec["dest"])],
- u"{}.js".format(require))
- if os.path.exists(require_path):
- infos.append(u" {} require: {}".format(GREEN_OK, require_path))
- else:
- warnings.append(u" {} require: {}".format(RED_X, require_path))
- if logger:
- if warnings:
- logger.warning("- Validating: problems found:")
- for msg in warnings:
- logger.warning(msg)
- for msg in infos:
- logger.info(msg)
- logger.warning(u"Full spec: {}".format(spec))
- else:
- logger.info(u"- Validating: {}".format(GREEN_OK))
- return warnings
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Applications
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- from .extensions import (
- BaseExtensionApp, _get_config_dir, GREEN_ENABLED, RED_DISABLED, GREEN_OK, RED_X,
- ArgumentConflict, _base_aliases, _base_flags,
- )
- from traitlets import Bool, Unicode
- flags = {}
- flags.update(_base_flags)
- flags.update({
- "overwrite" : ({
- "InstallNBExtensionApp" : {
- "overwrite" : True,
- }}, "Force overwrite of existing files"
- ),
- "symlink" : ({
- "InstallNBExtensionApp" : {
- "symlink" : True,
- }}, "Create symlink instead of copying files"
- ),
- })
- flags['s'] = flags['symlink']
- aliases = {}
- aliases.update(_base_aliases)
- aliases.update({
- "prefix" : "InstallNBExtensionApp.prefix",
- "nbextensions" : "InstallNBExtensionApp.nbextensions_dir",
- "destination" : "InstallNBExtensionApp.destination",
- })
- class InstallNBExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp):
- """Entry point for installing notebook extensions"""
- description = """Install Jupyter notebook extensions
- Usage
- jupyter nbextension install path|url [--user|--sys-prefix]
- This copies a file or a folder into the Jupyter nbextensions directory.
- If a URL is given, it will be downloaded.
- If an archive is given, it will be extracted into nbextensions.
- If the requested files are already up to date, no action is taken
- unless --overwrite is specified.
- """
- examples = """
- jupyter nbextension install /path/to/myextension
- """
- aliases = aliases
- flags = flags
- overwrite = Bool(False, config=True, help="Force overwrite of existing files")
- symlink = Bool(False, config=True, help="Create symlinks instead of copying files")
- prefix = Unicode('', config=True, help="Installation prefix")
- nbextensions_dir = Unicode('', config=True,
- help="Full path to nbextensions dir (probably use prefix or user)")
- destination = Unicode('', config=True, help="Destination for the copy or symlink")
- def _config_file_name_default(self):
- """The default config file name."""
- return 'jupyter_notebook_config'
- def install_extensions(self):
- """Perform the installation of nbextension(s)"""
- if len(self.extra_args)>1:
- raise ValueError("Only one nbextension allowed at a time. "
- "Call multiple times to install multiple extensions.")
- if self.python:
- install = install_nbextension_python
- kwargs = {}
- else:
- install = install_nbextension
- kwargs = {'destination': self.destination}
- full_dests = install(self.extra_args[0],
- overwrite=self.overwrite,
- symlink=self.symlink,
- user=self.user,
- sys_prefix=self.sys_prefix,
- prefix=self.prefix,
- nbextensions_dir=self.nbextensions_dir,
- logger=self.log,
- **kwargs
- )
- if full_dests:
- self.log.info(
- u"\nTo initialize this nbextension in the browser every time"
- " the notebook (or other app) loads:\n\n"
- " jupyter nbextension enable {}{}{}{}\n".format(
- self.extra_args[0] if self.python else "<the entry point>",
- " --user" if self.user else "",
- " --py" if self.python else "",
- " --sys-prefix" if self.sys_prefix else ""
- )
- )
- def start(self):
- """Perform the App's function as configured"""
- if not self.extra_args:
- sys.exit('Please specify an nbextension to install')
- else:
- try:
- self.install_extensions()
- except ArgumentConflict as e:
- sys.exit(str(e))
- class UninstallNBExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp):
- """Entry point for uninstalling notebook extensions"""
- version = __version__
- description = """Uninstall Jupyter notebook extensions
- Usage
- jupyter nbextension uninstall path/url path/url/entrypoint
- jupyter nbextension uninstall --py pythonPackageName
- This uninstalls an nbextension. By default, it uninstalls from the
- first directory on the search path where it finds the extension, but you can
- uninstall from a specific location using the --user, --sys-prefix or
- --system flags, or the --prefix option.
- If you specify the --require option, the named extension will be disabled,
- e.g.::
- jupyter nbextension uninstall myext --require myext/main
- If you use the --py or --python flag, the name should be a Python module.
- It will uninstall nbextensions listed in that module, but not the module
- itself (which you should uninstall using a package manager such as pip).
- """
- examples = """
- jupyter nbextension uninstall dest/dir dest/dir/extensionjs
- jupyter nbextension uninstall --py extensionPyPackage
- """
- aliases = {
- "prefix" : "UninstallNBExtensionApp.prefix",
- "nbextensions" : "UninstallNBExtensionApp.nbextensions_dir",
- "require": "UninstallNBExtensionApp.require",
- }
- flags = BaseExtensionApp.flags.copy()
- flags['system'] = ({'UninstallNBExtensionApp': {'system': True}},
- "Uninstall specifically from systemwide installation directory")
- prefix = Unicode('', config=True,
- help="Installation prefix. Overrides --user, --sys-prefix and --system"
- )
- nbextensions_dir = Unicode('', config=True,
- help="Full path to nbextensions dir (probably use prefix or user)"
- )
- require = Unicode('', config=True, help="require.js module to disable loading")
- system = Bool(False, config=True,
- help="Uninstall specifically from systemwide installation directory"
- )
- def _config_file_name_default(self):
- """The default config file name."""
- return 'jupyter_notebook_config'
- def uninstall_extension(self):
- """Uninstall an nbextension from a specific location"""
- kwargs = {
- 'user': self.user,
- 'sys_prefix': self.sys_prefix,
- 'prefix': self.prefix,
- 'nbextensions_dir': self.nbextensions_dir,
- 'logger': self.log
- }
- if self.python:
- uninstall_nbextension_python(self.extra_args[0], **kwargs)
- else:
- if self.require:
- kwargs['require'] = self.require
- uninstall_nbextension(self.extra_args[0], **kwargs)
- def find_uninstall_extension(self):
- """Uninstall an nbextension from an unspecified location"""
- name = self.extra_args[0]
- if self.python:
- _, nbexts = _get_nbextension_metadata(name)
- changed = False
- for nbext in nbexts:
- if _find_uninstall_nbextension(nbext['dest'], logger=self.log):
- changed = True
- # Also disable it in config.
- for section in NBCONFIG_SECTIONS:
- _find_disable_nbextension(section, nbext['require'],
- logger=self.log)
- else:
- changed = _find_uninstall_nbextension(name, logger=self.log)
- if not changed:
- print("No installed extension %r found." % name)
- if self.require:
- for section in NBCONFIG_SECTIONS:
- _find_disable_nbextension(section, self.require,
- logger=self.log)
- def start(self):
- if not self.extra_args:
- sys.exit('Please specify an nbextension to uninstall')
- elif len(self.extra_args) > 1:
- sys.exit("Only one nbextension allowed at a time. "
- "Call multiple times to uninstall multiple extensions.")
- elif (self.user or self.sys_prefix or self.system or self.prefix
- or self.nbextensions_dir):
- # The user has specified a location from which to uninstall.
- try:
- self.uninstall_extension()
- except ArgumentConflict as e:
- sys.exit(str(e))
- else:
- # Uninstall wherever it is.
- self.find_uninstall_extension()
- class ToggleNBExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp):
- """A base class for apps that enable/disable extensions"""
- name = "jupyter nbextension enable/disable"
- version = __version__
- description = "Enable/disable an nbextension in configuration."
- section = Unicode('notebook', config=True,
- help="""Which config section to add the extension to, 'common' will affect all pages."""
- )
- user = Bool(True, config=True, help="Apply the configuration only for the current user (default)")
- aliases = {'section': 'ToggleNBExtensionApp.section'}
- _toggle_value = None
- def _config_file_name_default(self):
- """The default config file name."""
- return 'jupyter_notebook_config'
- def toggle_nbextension_python(self, module):
- """Toggle some extensions in an importable Python module.
- Returns a list of booleans indicating whether the state was changed as
- requested.
- Parameters
- ----------
- module : str
- Importable Python module exposing the
- magic-named `_jupyter_nbextension_paths` function
- """
- toggle = (enable_nbextension_python if self._toggle_value
- else disable_nbextension_python)
- return toggle(module,
- user=self.user,
- sys_prefix=self.sys_prefix,
- logger=self.log)
- def toggle_nbextension(self, require):
- """Toggle some a named nbextension by require-able AMD module.
- Returns whether the state was changed as requested.
- Parameters
- ----------
- require : str
- require.js path used to load the nbextension
- """
- toggle = (enable_nbextension if self._toggle_value
- else disable_nbextension)
- return toggle(self.section, require,
- user=self.user, sys_prefix=self.sys_prefix,
- logger=self.log)
- def start(self):
- if not self.extra_args:
- sys.exit('Please specify an nbextension/package to enable or disable')
- elif len(self.extra_args) > 1:
- sys.exit('Please specify one nbextension/package at a time')
- if self.python:
- self.toggle_nbextension_python(self.extra_args[0])
- else:
- self.toggle_nbextension(self.extra_args[0])
- class EnableNBExtensionApp(ToggleNBExtensionApp):
- """An App that enables nbextensions"""
- name = "jupyter nbextension enable"
- description = """
- Enable an nbextension in frontend configuration.
- Usage
- jupyter nbextension enable [--system|--sys-prefix]
- """
- _toggle_value = True
- class DisableNBExtensionApp(ToggleNBExtensionApp):
- """An App that disables nbextensions"""
- name = "jupyter nbextension disable"
- description = """
- Disable an nbextension in frontend configuration.
- Usage
- jupyter nbextension disable [--system|--sys-prefix]
- """
- _toggle_value = None
- class ListNBExtensionsApp(BaseExtensionApp):
- """An App that lists and validates nbextensions"""
- name = "jupyter nbextension list"
- version = __version__
- description = "List all nbextensions known by the configuration system"
- def list_nbextensions(self):
- """List all the nbextensions"""
- config_dirs = [os.path.join(p, 'nbconfig') for p in jupyter_config_path()]
- print("Known nbextensions:")
- for config_dir in config_dirs:
- head = u' config dir: {}'.format(config_dir)
- head_shown = False
- cm = BaseJSONConfigManager(parent=self, config_dir=config_dir)
- for section in NBCONFIG_SECTIONS:
- data = cm.get(section)
- if 'load_extensions' in data:
- if not head_shown:
- # only show heading if there is an nbextension here
- print(head)
- head_shown = True
- print(u' {} section'.format(section))
- for require, enabled in data['load_extensions'].items():
- print(u' {} {}'.format(
- require,
- GREEN_ENABLED if enabled else RED_DISABLED))
- if enabled:
- validate_nbextension(require, logger=self.log)
- def start(self):
- """Perform the App's functions as configured"""
- self.list_nbextensions()
- _examples = """
- jupyter nbextension list # list all configured nbextensions
- jupyter nbextension install --py <packagename> # install an nbextension from a Python package
- jupyter nbextension enable --py <packagename> # enable all nbextensions in a Python package
- jupyter nbextension disable --py <packagename> # disable all nbextensions in a Python package
- jupyter nbextension uninstall --py <packagename> # uninstall an nbextension in a Python package
- """
- class NBExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp):
- """Base jupyter nbextension command entry point"""
- name = "jupyter nbextension"
- version = __version__
- description = "Work with Jupyter notebook extensions"
- examples = _examples
- subcommands = dict(
- install=(InstallNBExtensionApp,"Install an nbextension"),
- enable=(EnableNBExtensionApp, "Enable an nbextension"),
- disable=(DisableNBExtensionApp, "Disable an nbextension"),
- uninstall=(UninstallNBExtensionApp, "Uninstall an nbextension"),
- list=(ListNBExtensionsApp, "List nbextensions")
- )
- def start(self):
- """Perform the App's functions as configured"""
- super(NBExtensionApp, self).start()
- # The above should have called a subcommand and raised NoStart; if we
- # get here, it didn't, so we should self.log.info a message.
- subcmds = ", ".join(sorted(self.subcommands))
- sys.exit("Please supply at least one subcommand: %s" % subcmds)
- main = NBExtensionApp.launch_instance
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Private API
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _should_copy(src, dest, logger=None):
- """Should a file be copied, if it doesn't exist, or is newer?
- Returns whether the file needs to be updated.
- Parameters
- ----------
- src : string
- A path that should exist from which to copy a file
- src : string
- A path that might exist to which to copy a file
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- if not os.path.exists(dest):
- return True
- if os.stat(src).st_mtime - os.stat(dest).st_mtime > 1e-6:
- # we add a fudge factor to work around a bug in python 2.x
- # that was fixed in python 3.x: https://bugs.python.org/issue12904
- if logger:
- logger.warn("Out of date: %s" % dest)
- return True
- if logger:
- logger.info("Up to date: %s" % dest)
- return False
- def _maybe_copy(src, dest, logger=None):
- """Copy a file if it needs updating.
- Parameters
- ----------
- src : string
- A path that should exist from which to copy a file
- src : string
- A path that might exist to which to copy a file
- logger : Jupyter logger [optional]
- Logger instance to use
- """
- if _should_copy(src, dest, logger=logger):
- if logger:
- logger.info("Copying: %s -> %s" % (src, dest))
- shutil.copy2(src, dest)
- def _safe_is_tarfile(path):
- """Safe version of is_tarfile, return False on IOError.
- Returns whether the file exists and is a tarfile.
- Parameters
- ----------
- path : string
- A path that might not exist and or be a tarfile
- """
- try:
- return tarfile.is_tarfile(path)
- except IOError:
- return False
- def _get_nbextension_dir(user=False, sys_prefix=False, prefix=None, nbextensions_dir=None):
- """Return the nbextension directory specified
- Parameters
- ----------
- user : bool [default: False]
- Get the user's .jupyter/nbextensions directory
- sys_prefix : bool [default: False]
- Get sys.prefix, i.e. ~/.envs/my-env/share/jupyter/nbextensions
- prefix : str [optional]
- Get custom prefix
- nbextensions_dir : str [optional]
- Get what you put in
- """
- conflicting = [
- ('user', user),
- ('prefix', prefix),
- ('nbextensions_dir', nbextensions_dir),
- ('sys_prefix', sys_prefix),
- ]
- conflicting_set = ['{}={!r}'.format(n, v) for n, v in conflicting if v]
- if len(conflicting_set) > 1:
- raise ArgumentConflict(
- "cannot specify more than one of user, sys_prefix, prefix, or nbextensions_dir, but got: {}"
- .format(', '.join(conflicting_set)))
- if user:
- nbext = pjoin(jupyter_data_dir(), u'nbextensions')
- elif sys_prefix:
- nbext = pjoin(ENV_JUPYTER_PATH[0], u'nbextensions')
- elif prefix:
- nbext = pjoin(prefix, 'share', 'jupyter', 'nbextensions')
- elif nbextensions_dir:
- nbext = nbextensions_dir
- else:
- nbext = pjoin(SYSTEM_JUPYTER_PATH[0], 'nbextensions')
- return nbext
- def _get_nbextension_metadata(module):
- """Get the list of nbextension paths associated with a Python module.
- Returns a tuple of (the module, [{
- 'section': 'notebook',
- 'src': 'mockextension',
- 'dest': '_mockdestination',
- 'require': '_mockdestination/index'
- }])
- Parameters
- ----------
- module : str
- Importable Python module exposing the
- magic-named `_jupyter_nbextension_paths` function
- """
- m = import_item(module)
- if not hasattr(m, '_jupyter_nbextension_paths'):
- raise KeyError('The Python module {} is not a valid nbextension, '
- 'it is missing the `_jupyter_nbextension_paths()` method.'.format(module))
- nbexts = m._jupyter_nbextension_paths()
- return m, nbexts
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()