- Mistune
- =======
- The fastest markdown parser in pure Python with renderer features,
- inspired by marked_.
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- Features
- --------
- * **Pure Python**. Tested in Python 2.7, Python 3.5+ and PyPy.
- * **Very Fast**. It is the fastest in all **pure Python** markdown parsers.
- * **More Features**. Table, footnotes, autolink, fenced code etc.
- View the `benchmark results <https://github.com/lepture/mistune/issues/1>`_.
- Installation
- ------------
- Installing mistune with pip::
- $ pip install mistune
- Mistune can be faster, if you compile with cython::
- $ pip install cython mistune
- Basic Usage
- -----------
- A simple API that render a markdown formatted text:
- .. code:: python
- import mistune
- mistune.markdown('I am using **mistune markdown parser**')
- # output: <p>I am using <strong>mistune markdown parser</strong></p>
- If you care about performance, it is better to re-use the Markdown instance:
- .. code:: python
- import mistune
- markdown = mistune.Markdown()
- markdown('I am using **mistune markdown parser**')
- Mistune has enabled all features by default. You don't have to configure
- anything. But there are options for you to change the parser behaviors.
- Options
- -------
- Here is a list of all options that will affect the rendering results,
- configure them with ``mistune.Renderer``:
- .. code:: python
- renderer = mistune.Renderer(escape=True, hard_wrap=True)
- # use this renderer instance
- markdown = mistune.Markdown(renderer=renderer)
- markdown(text)
- * **escape**: if set to *False*, all raw html tags will not be escaped.
- * **hard_wrap**: if set to *True*, it will has GFM line breaks feature.
- All new lines will be replaced with ``<br>`` tag
- * **use_xhtml**: if set to *True*, all tags will be in xhtml, for example: ``<hr />``.
- * **parse_block_html**: parse text only in block level html.
- * **parse_inline_html**: parse text only in inline level html.
- When using the default renderer, you can use one of the following shortcuts::
- mistune.markdown(text, escape=True, hard_wrap=True)
- markdown = mistune.Markdown(escape=True, hard_wrap=True)
- markdown(text)
- Renderer
- --------
- Like misaka/sundown, you can influence the rendering by custom renderers.
- All you need to do is subclassing a `Renderer` class.
- Here is an example of code highlighting:
- .. code:: python
- import mistune
- from pygments import highlight
- from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
- from pygments.formatters import html
- class HighlightRenderer(mistune.Renderer):
- def block_code(self, code, lang):
- if not lang:
- return '\n<pre><code>%s</code></pre>\n' % \
- mistune.escape(code)
- lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang, stripall=True)
- formatter = html.HtmlFormatter()
- return highlight(code, lexer, formatter)
- renderer = HighlightRenderer()
- markdown = mistune.Markdown(renderer=renderer)
- print(markdown('```python\nassert 1 == 1\n```'))
- Find more renderers in `mistune-contrib`_.
- Block Level
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Here is a list of block level renderer API::
- block_code(code, language=None)
- block_quote(text)
- block_html(html)
- header(text, level, raw=None)
- hrule()
- list(body, ordered=True)
- list_item(text)
- paragraph(text)
- table(header, body)
- table_row(content)
- table_cell(content, **flags)
- The *flags* tells you whether it is header with ``flags['header']``. And it
- also tells you the align with ``flags['align']``.
- Span Level
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Here is a list of span level renderer API::
- autolink(link, is_email=False)
- codespan(text)
- double_emphasis(text)
- emphasis(text)
- image(src, title, alt_text)
- linebreak()
- newline()
- link(link, title, content)
- strikethrough(text)
- text(text)
- inline_html(text)
- Footnotes
- ~~~~~~~~~
- Here is a list of renderers related to footnotes::
- footnote_ref(key, index)
- footnote_item(key, text)
- footnotes(text)
- Lexers
- ------
- Sometimes you want to add your own rules to Markdown, such as GitHub Wiki
- links. You can't achieve this goal with renderers. You will need to deal
- with the lexers, it would be a little difficult for the first time.
- We will take an example for GitHub Wiki links: ``[[Page 2|Page 2]]``.
- It is an inline grammar, which requires custom ``InlineGrammar`` and
- ``InlineLexer``:
- .. code:: python
- import copy,re
- from mistune import Renderer, InlineGrammar, InlineLexer
- class WikiLinkRenderer(Renderer):
- def wiki_link(self, alt, link):
- return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (link, alt)
- class WikiLinkInlineLexer(InlineLexer):
- def enable_wiki_link(self):
- # add wiki_link rules
- self.rules.wiki_link = re.compile(
- r'\[\[' # [[
- r'([\s\S]+?\|[\s\S]+?)' # Page 2|Page 2
- r'\]\](?!\])' # ]]
- )
- # Add wiki_link parser to default rules
- # you can insert it some place you like
- # but place matters, maybe 3 is not good
- self.default_rules.insert(3, 'wiki_link')
- def output_wiki_link(self, m):
- text = m.group(1)
- alt, link = text.split('|')
- # you can create an custom render
- # you can also return the html if you like
- return self.renderer.wiki_link(alt, link)
- You should pass the inline lexer to ``Markdown`` parser:
- .. code:: python
- renderer = WikiLinkRenderer()
- inline = WikiLinkInlineLexer(renderer)
- # enable the feature
- inline.enable_wiki_link()
- markdown = Markdown(renderer, inline=inline)
- markdown('[[Link Text|Wiki Link]]')
- It is the same with block level lexer. It would take a while to understand
- the whole mechanism. But you won't do the trick a lot.
- Contribution & Extensions
- -------------------------
- Mistune itself doesn't accept any extension. It will always be a simple one
- file script.
- If you want to add features, you can head over to `mistune-contrib`_.
- Here are some extensions already in `mistune-contrib`_:
- * Math/MathJax features
- * Highlight Code Renderer
- * TOC table of content features
- * MultiMarkdown Metadata parser
- Get inspired with the contrib repository.
- .. _`mistune-contrib`: https://github.com/lepture/mistune-contrib