- from collections import OrderedDict
- import six
- def _attr_key(attr):
- """Returns appropriate key for sorting attribute names
- Attribute names are a tuple of ``(namespace, name)`` where namespace can be
- ``None`` or a string. These can't be compared in Python 3, so we conver the
- ``None`` to an empty string.
- """
- key = (attr[0][0] or ''), attr[0][1]
- return key
- def alphabetize_attributes(attrs):
- """Takes a dict of attributes (or None) and returns them alphabetized"""
- if not attrs:
- return attrs
- return OrderedDict(
- [(k, v) for k, v in sorted(attrs.items(), key=_attr_key)]
- )
- def force_unicode(text):
- """Takes a text (Python 2: str/unicode; Python 3: unicode) and converts to unicode
- :arg str/unicode text: the text in question
- :returns: text as unicode
- :raises UnicodeDecodeError: if the text was a Python 2 str and isn't in
- utf-8
- """
- # If it's already unicode, then return it
- if isinstance(text, six.text_type):
- return text
- # If not, convert it
- return six.text_type(text, 'utf-8', 'strict')