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  1. absl-py==0.6.1
  2. aiohttp==3.5.4
  3. aiohttp-socks==0.2.2
  4. anytree==2.4.3
  5. appdirs==1.4.3
  6. appmode==0.7.0
  7. argh==0.26.2
  8. asn1crypto==0.24.0
  9. astor==0.7.1
  10. astunparse==1.6.3
  11. async-generator==1.10
  12. async-timeout==3.0.1
  13. attrs==18.2.0
  14. Automat==0.7.0
  15. backcall==0.1.0
  16. beautifulsoup4==4.6.3
  17. bleach==1.5.0
  18. blis==0.4.1
  19. boto==2.49.0
  20. boto3==1.9.71
  21. botocore==1.12.71
  22. bqplot==0.12.6
  23. bz2file==0.98
  24. CacheControl==0.12.5
  25. cachetools==4.1.1
  26. catalogue==1.0.0
  27. certifi==2019.6.16
  28. cffi==1.11.5
  29. chardet==3.0.4
  30. Click==7.0
  31. colorama==0.4.1
  32. constantly==15.1.0
  33. cryptography==2.4.2
  34. cssselect==1.0.3
  35. cycler==0.10.0
  36. cymem==2.0.2
  37. Cython==0.29.2
  38. cytoolz==
  39. de-core-news-sm==2.0.0
  40. decorator==4.3.0
  41. defusedxml==0.5.0
  42. dill==
  43. distlib==0.2.8
  44. distro==1.3.0
  45. dnspython==1.16.0
  46. docutils==0.14
  47. ecdsa==0.13
  48. engineering-notation==0.6.0
  49. entrypoints==0.2.3
  50. gast==0.2.0
  51. gensim==3.6.0
  52. Glances==3.0.2
  53. grpcio==1.17.0
  54. gunicorn==19.9.0
  55. h5py==2.8.0
  56. hickle==3.3.2
  57. html5lib==0.9999999
  58. hyperlink==18.0.0
  59. idna==2.7
  60. idna-ssl==1.1.0
  61. importlib-metadata==1.4.0
  62. incremental==17.5.0
  63. ipykernel==4.9.0
  64. ipython==7.1.1
  65. ipython-genutils==0.1.0
  66. ipyvue==1.3.1
  67. ipyvuetify==1.2.2
  68. ipywidgets==7.5.1
  69. jedi==0.13.1
  70. Jinja2==2.10
  71. jmespath==0.9.3
  72. jsonrpclib-pelix==0.3.2
  73. jsonschema==2.6.0
  74. jupyter-client==6.1.2
  75. jupyter-console==6.0.0
  76. jupyter-contrib-core==0.3.3
  77. jupyter-contrib-nbextensions==0.5.1
  78. jupyter-core==4.6.0
  79. jupyter-highlight-selected-word==0.2.0
  80. jupyter-latex-envs==1.4.6
  81. jupyter-nbextensions-configurator==0.4.1
  82. jupyter-server==0.1.1
  83. jupyterlab-pygments==0.1.0
  84. jupyterthemes==0.20.0
  85. Keras-Applications==1.0.6
  86. Keras-Preprocessing==1.0.5
  87. kiwisolver==1.0.1
  88. lesscpy==0.14.0
  89. lockfile==0.12.2
  90. lxml==4.2.5
  91. Markdown==2.6.11
  92. MarkupSafe==1.1.0
  93. matplotlib==3.0.2
  94. mistune==0.8.4
  95. mock==3.0.5
  96. more-itertools==8.1.0
  97. msgpack==0.5.6
  98. msgpack-numpy==
  99. multidict==4.5.2
  100. murmurhash==1.0.1
  101. nbconvert==5.6.1
  102. nbformat==4.4.0
  103. ngrok==0.0.1
  104. nltk==3.4.1
  105. notebook==5.7.2
  106. numpy==1.15.4
  107. oauthlib==3.1.0
  108. olefile==0.46
  109. opt-einsum==3.3.0
  110. packaging==18.0
  111. pandas==0.23.4
  112. pandocfilters==1.4.2
  113. parsel==1.5.1
  114. parso==0.3.1
  115. pathlib2==2.3.5
  116. pbkdf2==1.3
  117. pdfminer3k==1.3.1
  118. pep517==0.3
  119. pexpect==4.6.0
  120. pickleshare==0.7.5
  121. Pillow==5.3.0
  122. plac==0.9.6
  123. pluggy==0.13.1
  124. ply==3.11
  125. preshed==2.0.1
  126. progress==1.4
  127. prometheus-client==0.4.2
  128. prompt-toolkit==2.0.7
  129. protobuf==3.6.1
  130. psutil==5.4.8
  131. ptyprocess==0.6.0
  132. py==1.8.1
  133. pyaes==1.6.1
  134. pyasn1==0.4.4
  135. pyasn1-modules==0.2.2
  136. pycparser==2.19
  137. pycryptodomex==3.6.6
  138. PyDispatcher==2.0.5
  139. Pygments==2.6.1
  140. PyHamcrest==1.9.0
  141. pyOpenSSL==18.0.0
  142. pyparsing==2.3.0
  143. PyQt5==5.11.3
  144. PyQt5-sip==4.19.13
  145. PySocks==1.6.8
  146. PyStemmer==1.3.0
  147. pytest==5.3.2
  148. python-dateutil==2.7.5
  149. pytoml==0.1.20
  150. pytz==2018.7
  151. PyYAML==5.3
  152. pyzmq==17.1.0
  153. qrcode==6.0
  154. QtPy==1.5.1
  155. queuelib==1.5.0
  156. regex==2018.1.10
  157. requests==2.20.1
  158. requests-oauthlib==1.3.0
  159. retrying==1.3.3
  160. rsa==4.6
  161. s3transfer==0.1.13
  162. scikit-learn==0.20.0
  163. scipy==1.1.0
  164. Scrapy==1.5.1
  165. Send2Trash==1.5.0
  166. service-identity==18.1.0
  167. simplegeneric==0.8.1
  168. six==1.12.0
  169. smart-open==1.7.1
  170. spacy==2.0.18
  171. srsly==1.0.1
  172. tensorboard==1.12.0
  173. tensorboard-plugin-wit==1.7.0
  174. tensorflow==1.12.0
  175. tensorflow-gpu==1.12.0
  176. tensorflow-serving-api==1.12.0
  177. tensorflow-tensorboard==1.5.1
  178. termcolor==1.1.0
  179. terminado==0.8.1
  180. testpath==0.4.2
  181. thinc==6.12.1
  182. tk-tools==0.12.0
  183. toolz==0.9.0
  184. tornado==5.1.1
  185. tqdm==4.28.1
  186. traitlets==4.3.2
  187. traittypes==0.2.1
  188. Twisted==18.9.0
  189. typing-extensions==
  190. ujson==1.35
  191. urllib3==1.24.1
  192. virtualenv==16.1.0
  193. voila==0.1.21
  194. voila-gridstack==0.0.8
  195. voila-vuetify==0.2.2
  196. w3lib==1.19.0
  197. wasabi==0.6.0
  198. wcwidth==0.1.7
  199. webencodings==0.5.1
  200. websocket-client==0.54.0
  201. Werkzeug==0.14.1
  202. widgetsnbextension==3.5.1
  203. wrapt==1.10.11
  204. yarl==1.3.0
  205. zipp==0.6.0
  206. zope.interface==4.6.0