removed unused files regarding rust interface container
This commit is contained in:
32 changed files with 0 additions and 5500 deletions
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 342 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.7 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB |
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
FROM rust:slim
# Install needed dependecies
RUN echo "deb unstable main contrib" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libmysql++-dev git
RUN git clone
WORKDIR /opt/sncf
COPY config.toml /opt/sncf/config.toml
# graphics individualization
COPY foorms_logo_beta.svg /opt/sncf/templates/assets/foorms_logo_beta.svg
COPY white-background.png /opt/sncf/templates/assets/index-background.png
COPY Digi_3corner.png /opt/sncf/templates/assets/flavicon.ico
COPY index.css /opt/sncf/templates/assets/index.css
COPY cloud.css /opt/sncf/templates/assets/cloud.css
COPY bootstrap.min.css /opt/sncf/templates/assets/bootstrap.min.css
COPY digitalcourage.css /opt/sncf/templates/assets/digitalcourage.css
COPY index.html /opt/sncf/templates/index.html
COPY link.html /opt/sncf/templates/link.html
COPY /opt/sncf/src/
#COPY /opt/sncf/src/
# The written is just firstly a hack
COPY lang.json /opt/sncf/lang.json
CMD cargo run --no-default-features --features mysql
@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
use actix_web::client::Client;
use actix_web::{http, web, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
use base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD;
use percent_encoding::percent_decode_str;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use rand::Rng;
use rand::RngCore;
use regex::Regex;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::debug;
use crate::errors::{crash, TrainCrash};
use crate::templates::get_lang;
use crate::CONFIG;
struct NCLoginForm<'a> {
pub user: &'a str,
pub password: &'a str,
pub timezone: &'a str,
pub timezone_offset: &'a str,
pub requesttoken: &'a str,
// check if the user is connected to Nextcloud
// returns Some(cookie_raw_value) if connected
// returns None if disconnected
pub fn is_logged_in(req: &HttpRequest) -> Option<&str> {
let c = req.headers().get("Cookie")?.to_str().ok()?;
if c.contains("nc_username") {
} else {
// attempts to create the account from Nextcloud's API
// returns the newly created username.
// if it fails (bad return code), returns None.
pub async fn create_account(
client: &web::Data<Client>,
user: &str,
password: &str,
lang: String,
) -> Result<String, TrainCrash> {
let mut register_query = client
CONFIG.nextcloud_url, "ocs/v1.php/cloud/users"
.timeout(Duration::new(PROXY_TIMEOUT, 0))
.basic_auth(&CONFIG.admin_username, Some(&CONFIG.admin_password))
.header("OCS-APIRequest", "true")
.send_form(&NCCreateAccountForm {
userid: user,
quota: "0B",
language: &lang,
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_createaccount_post: {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_createaccount_post")
// only 200 http status code is allowed
if register_query.status() != 200 {
eprintln!("error_createaccount_status: {}", register_query.status());
// + extract response body for debugging purposes
let response_body = register_query.body().await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_createaccount_post_body: {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_createaccount_post_body")
debug(&format!("Body: {:#?}", response_body));
return Err(crash(lang.clone(), "error_createaccount_status"));
// extract response body
let response_body = register_query.body().await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_createaccount_post_body: {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_createaccount_post_body")
let response_body = String::from_utf8_lossy(&response_body);
// grasp NC status code
let status_start = response_body.find("<statuscode>").ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("error_createaccount_ncstatus_parse: start missing");
crash(lang.clone(), "error_createaccount_ncstatus_parse")
})? + 12;
let status_end = response_body.find("</statuscode>").ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("error_createaccount_ncstatus_parse: end missing");
crash(lang.clone(), "error_createaccount_ncstatus_parse")
let code = &response_body[status_start..status_end];
match code.parse::<u16>() {
Ok(100) => Ok(String::from(user)), // success
Ok(r) => {
eprintln!("error_createaccount_ncstatus: {}", r);
Err(crash(lang.clone(), "error_createaccount_ncstatus"))
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("error_createaccount_ncstatus_parse: {}", e);
Err(crash(lang.clone(), "error_createaccount_ncstatus_parse"))
struct NCCreateAccountForm<'a> {
pub userid: &'a str,
pub password: &'a str,
pub quota: &'a str,
pub language: &'a str,
pub async fn login(
client: &web::Data<Client>,
req: &HttpRequest,
user: &str,
password: &str,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
debug(&format!("Sending forged login for user {}", user));
// 1. GET /csrftoken
let mut login_get = client
.get(format!("{}/{}", CONFIG.nextcloud_url, "csrftoken"))
.timeout(Duration::new(PROXY_TIMEOUT, 0))
.header("User-Agent", USER_AGENT)
.header("Accept-Language" , "fr" )
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_get: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_get")
// rewrite cookie headers from GET to POST
let mut str_cookiepair = String::new();
// remove duplicate oc<id> cookie (nextcloud bug)
// leading to sncf being unable to forge logins
let cookie_set = login_get.headers().get_all("set-cookie");
let mut cookie_map: HashMap<String, String> = HashMap::new();
for c in cookie_set {
// get str version of cookie header
let c_str = c.to_str().map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_cookiepair (1): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_cookiepair")
// percent decode
let c_str = percent_decode_str(c_str).decode_utf8_lossy();
//then remove values after ';'
let c_str_arr = c_str.split(';').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let c_str = c_str_arr
.expect("error: cookiepair split does not have a first value. shouldn't happen.");
// split cookie key and cookie value
// split_once would work best but it's nightly-only for now
let c_str_arr = c_str.split('=').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let c_key = c_str_arr
.expect("error: cookie key split does not have a first value, shouldn't happen.");
let c_value = c_str.replace(&format!("{}=", c_key), "");
if c_key != c_str {
// if the key already exists in hashmap, replace its value
// else, insert it
if let Some(c_sel) = cookie_map.get_mut(*c_key) {
*c_sel = c_value;
} else {
cookie_map.insert(c_key.to_string(), c_value);
} else {
eprintln!("error_login_cookiepair (2)");
return Err(crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_cookiepair"));
for (cookie_k, cookie_v) in cookie_map {
str_cookiepair.push_str(&format!("{}={}; ", cookie_k, cookie_v));
// load requesttoken regex
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"\{"token":"(?P<token>[^"]*)"\}"#)
.expect("Error while parsing the requesttoken regex");
let post_body = login_get.body().await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_get_body: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_get_body")
let post_body_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(&post_body);
// save requesttoken (CSRF) for POST
let requesttoken = RE
.ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("error_login_regex (no capture)");
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_regex")
.ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("error_login_regex (no capture named token)");
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_regex")
// 2. POST /login
let mut login_post = client
.post(format!("{}/{}", CONFIG.nextcloud_url, "login"))
.timeout(Duration::new(PROXY_TIMEOUT, 0))
.header("User-Agent", USER_AGENT)
.header("Accept-Language" , "fr" );
// include all NC cookies in one cookie (cookie pair)
login_post = login_post.header("Cookie", str_cookiepair);
// send the same POST data as you'd log in from a web browser
let response_post = login_post
.send_form(&NCLoginForm {
timezone: "UTC",
timezone_offset: "2",
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_post: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_post")
// 3. set the same cookies in the user's browser
let mut user_response = HttpResponse::SeeOther();
for item in response_post.headers().clone().get_all("set-cookie") {
item.to_str().map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_setcookie: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_setcookie")
// redirect to forms!
.header("Accept-Language", "fr" )
.header(http::header::LOCATION, "/apps/forms")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_redir: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_redir")
// checks if the token seems valid before asking the db.
// The token must be 45 bytes long and base64-encoded.
// returns true if the token is valid
pub fn check_token(token: &str) -> bool {
let token_dec = base64::decode_config(token, URL_SAFE_NO_PAD);
if let Ok(token_bytes) = token_dec {
token_bytes.len() == 45
} else {
// generates a new token
pub fn gen_token(size: usize) -> String {
// Using /dev/random to generate random bytes
let mut r = OsRng;
let mut my_secure_bytes = vec![0u8; size];
r.fill_bytes(&mut my_secure_bytes);
base64::encode_config(my_secure_bytes, URL_SAFE_NO_PAD)
// generates a random username composed of
// an adjective, a name and a 4-byte base64-encoded token.
// with the default list, that represents:
// 141 * 880 = 124 080
// 255^4 / 2 = 2 114 125 312 (we lose approx. the half because of uppercase)
// 2 114 125 312 * 124 080 = 2.623206687*10^14 possible combinations??
pub fn gen_name() -> String {
// uppercasing gen_token because NC would probably refuse two
// users with the same name but a different case
// and that'd be a pain to debug
pub fn list_rand(list: &[String]) -> &String {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let roll = rng.gen_range(0..list.len() - 1);
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
# The address and port sncf will listen
listening_address = ""
listening_port = 8000
# Public-facing domain for sncf.
# includes protocol, FQDN and port, without the trailing slash.
sncf_url = ""
# SQLite: path to the SQLite DB
# PostgreSQL: postgres://user:password@address:port/database
# MySQL: mysql://user:password@address:port/database
database_path = "mysql://nextcloud:KF8zUh1q4HovFmBa6lnk7xCmvoonfBoE@nextcloud-db:3306/nextcloud"
# IP address of the Nextcloud instance, including protocol and port
nextcloud_url = "http://nextcloud-web:80"
# Nextcloud admin account credentials
# TODO hash adminpw
admin_username = "sncf_admin"
admin_password = "DieHeiligeKuhDerNacht1635"
# How many days of inactivity for an admin token before deleting NC accounts
prune_days = 40
# Displays route names and a lot of information
debug_mode = true
# Used to encrypt csrf tokens and csrf cookies.
# Generate random bytes: openssl rand -base64 32
# Then paste the result in this variable
cookie_key = "Af3v5KMNPmwYYBRRjm/W5ds1rHDdyCEvpxVTMLKEKl0="
# Don't touch this unless you know what you're doing
config_version = 2
@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
/* This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license. If a copy of this license
* is not distributed with this file, you can obtain one at
* Authors of STUdS (initial project) : Guilhem BORGHESI ( and Raphaël DROZ
* Authors of OpenSondage : Framasoft (
* =============================
* Ce logiciel est régi par la licence CeCILL-B. Si une copie de cette licence
* ne se trouve pas avec ce fichier vous pouvez l'obtenir sur
* Auteurs de STUdS (projet initial) : Guilhem BORGHESI ( et Raphaël DROZ
* Auteurs d'OpenSondage : Framasoft (
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/* Commentaires */
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background: #F5F5F5;
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padding-left: 14px;
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.very-small {
font-size: 70%;
/* Effet sur les images en page d'accueil */
.opacity img {
opacity: 0.8;
.opacity:hover img {
opacity: 1;
.home-choice {
/* Description du sondage */
/* studs.php et adminstuds.php */
header .lead {
padding: 10px 0;
header form .input-group .form-control {
margin-bottom: 20px;
header form .input-group .input-group-btn {
vertical-align: top;
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.admin-link:hover, .public-link:hover {
.jumbotron h3, .jumbotron .js-title {
.poll-description {
font-family: inherit;
word-break: initial;
/** Description in markdown **/
.form-group .CodeMirror, .form-group .CodeMirror-scroll {
min-height: 200px;
#description-form .CodeMirror {
background-color: #f5f5f5;
.editor-toolbar {
margin-top: 10px;
background-color: #eee;
#poll_comments {
margin-top: 10px;
h4.control-label {
display: inline-block;
max-width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 5px;
font-weight: 700;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 1.42857;
caption {
padding: 0 10px 10px;
.results a.btn-default.btn-sm {
padding: 3px 7px;
font-size: 0.7em;
/* adminstuds.php */
#title-form h3 .btn-edit,
#email-form .btn-edit,
#description-form .btn-edit,
#poll-rules-form .btn-edit,
#poll-hidden-form .btn-edit,
#expiration-form .btn-edit,
#password-form .btn-edit,
#name-form .btn-edit {
#title-form .btn-edit:focus,
#title-form h3:hover .btn-edit,
#email-form .btn-edit:focus,
#email-form:hover .btn-edit,
#description-form .btn-edit:focus,
#description-form:hover .btn-edit,
#poll-rules-form .btn-edit:focus,
#poll-rules-form:hover .btn-edit,
#poll-hidden-form .btn-edit:focus,
#poll-hidden-form:hover .btn-edit,
#expiration-form .btn-edit:focus,
#expiration-form:hover .btn-edit,
#password-form .btn-edit:focus,
#password-form:hover .btn-edit,
#name-form .btn-edit:focus,
#name-form:hover .btn-edit {
position:relative !important;
padding: 0 10px;
.js-desc textarea {
#author-form .form-control-static {
#poll-rules-form p, #poll-hidden-form p,
.jumbotron p.well {
.jumbotron p {
font-weight: normal;
/* Tableau du sondage */
#tableContainer {
margin:5px auto;
table.results {
margin:0 auto;
table.results > tbody > tr:hover > td,
table.results > tbody > tr:hover > th {
table.results > tbody > tr#vote-form:hover > td,
table.results > tbody > tr#vote-form:hover > th {
table.results tbody td {
padding:1px 5px;
border-bottom: 2px solid white;
border-top: 2px solid white;
table.results thead th {
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table.results {
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border-left: 2px dotted white;
table.results tbody {
border-right: 2px solid white;
border-left: 2px solid white;
table.results {
table.results #nom {
table.results .btn-link.btn-sm {
#addition {
#showChart {
#Chart {
/* Formulaire de création de sondage */
@media (max-width: 767px) {
#formulaire .col-xs-12 {
padding-left: 0;
margin-bottom: 20px;
/* Formulaire de vote */
#vote-form td ul, #vote-form td label {
#vote-form td label {
padding: 1px 3px;
#vote-form td {
border-top:2px solid white;
#vote-form td:first-child {
min-width: 180px;
.yes input, .ifneedbe input,.no input {
position: absolute;
width: 1px;
height: 1px;
padding: 0;
margin: -1px;
overflow: hidden;
clip: rect(0px, 0px, 0px, 0px);
border: 0 none;
.choice input:focus + label {
outline: 2px dotted #000;
outline-offset: -2px;
.choice {
width: 35px;
margin:0 auto !important;
.choice label {
cursor: pointer;
td.btn-edit {
padding: 5px;
span.edit-username-left {
float: right;
.yes .btn, .ifneedbe .btn, .no .btn {
width: 35px;
color: #555;
.yes .btn,.yes .btn:hover {
border-bottom-right-radius:0 !important;
border-bottom-left-radius:0 !important;
margin-bottom:-1px !important;
margin-top:4px !important;
color: #677835;
.ifneedbe .btn,.ifneedbe .btn:hover {
border-radius: 0;
color: #C48A1B;
.no .btn,.no .btn:hover{
border-top-right-radius:0 !important;
border-top-left-radius:0 !important;
margin-bottom:4px !important;
margin-top:-1px !important;
color: #AD220F;
.yes input[type="radio"]:checked + label { /* */
color: #fff;
background-color: #768745;
border-color: #67753C;
box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125) inset;
.ifneedbe input[type="radio"]:checked + label { /* */
color: #fff;
background-color: #CF9800;
border-color: #BD8A00;
box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125) inset;
.no input[type="radio"]:checked + label { /* */
color: #fff;
background-color: #BF2511;
border-color: #AD220F;
box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125) inset;
/* Button and results "No" */
.no .btn.startunchecked {
box-shadow:none !important;
color:#AD220F !important;
background:#fff !important;
border-color:#bdbdbd !important;
.no .btn.startunchecked:hover {
background-color: #E0E0E0 !important;
border-color: #949494 !important;
table.results .bg-danger .glyphicon {
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animation-name: hideNoIcon;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
animation-timing-function: ease-in;
animation-duration: 2s;
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0% {
100% {
@-webkit-keyframes hideNoIcon {
0% {
100% {
@keyframes hideNoIcon {
0% {
100% {
table.results > tbody > tr:hover > td .glyphicon {
/* create_date_poll.php */
#selected-days .form-group {
#selected-days legend input {
box-shadow: none;
color: #333;
font-size: 21px;
#selected-days legend input:hover,
#selected-days legend input:focus {
#selected-days legend .input-group-addon {
#selected-days legend .input-group-addon:last-of-type {
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
#selected-days legend {
height: 33px;
/* create_classic_poll.php */
.md-a-img {
text-decoration:none !important;
#md-a-imgModal .form-group {
margin:10px 0;
#md-a-imgModalLabel {
font-size: 24px;
/* Admin */
#poll_search {
cursor: pointer;
.table-of-polls {
overflow-x: scroll;
margin-bottom: 0;
border: 0;
box-shadow: none;
/* Studs */
.password_request {
padding-top: 15px;
padding-bottom: 15px;
#password-form .btn-cancel {
float: right;
/* Buttons */
.btn {
white-space: normal;
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
<!doctype html>
<html lang="{{ lang }}">
<title>{{ "error_title"|tr(lang) }}</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="description" content="{{ "meta_description"|tr(lang) }}" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="48x48" href="/assets/favicon.ico" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/index.css?v=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/cloud.css?v=1.0" />
<div class="flex page-heading error fullheight">
<div class="flex page-heading-text">
<h1 class="title">{{ "error_title"|tr(lang) }}</h1>
<h2 class="title">{{ "error_description"|tr(lang) }}</h2>
<h3 class="title">{{ error_msg|tr(lang) }}</h3>
<p class="title">{{ "error_note1"|tr(lang) }}</h3>
<p class="title">{{ "error_note2"|tr(lang) }}</h3>
<div class="flex">
<a class="ncstyle-button error c-button" href="/">{{ "error_back"|tr(lang) }}</a>
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<svg id="Ebene_1" data-name="Ebene 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 27.38 31.61"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#fc0;}</style></defs><polygon class="cls-1" points="0 0 27.38 15.8 0 31.61 0 0"/></svg>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 211 B |
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 178.31 41.22"><defs><style>.cls-1{font-size:37.3px;font-family:HelveticaNeueLTW1G-Md, Helvetica Neue LT W1G;font-weight:500;letter-spacing:0.04em;}.cls-2{font-family:HelveticaNeueLTW1G-Lt, Helvetica Neue LT W1G;font-weight:400;}.cls-3{fill:#f0c;}.cls-4{font-size:6.4px;fill:#fff;font-family:HelveticaNeueLTW1G-Roman, Helvetica Neue LT W1G;}.cls-5{letter-spacing:-0.08em;}.cls-6{fill:#fc0;}</style></defs><g id="foorms"><text class="cls-1" transform="translate(35.73 31.97)">f<tspan class="cls-2" x="13.24" y="0">oorms</tspan></text></g><g id="beta"><rect class="cls-3" x="159.95" y="8.92" width="18.35" height="7.99" rx="2.26"/><text class="cls-4" transform="translate(161.29 15.23)">BE<tspan class="cls-5" x="8.3" y="0">T</tspan><tspan x="11.48" y="0">A</tspan></text></g><g id="Dreieck"><polygon class="cls-6" points="0 3.82 27.38 19.62 0 35.43 0 3.82"/></g></svg>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 919 B |
@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
use actix_web::client::{Client, ClientRequest};
use actix_web::{http, web, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
use actix_session::Session;
use askama::Template;
use chrono::Utc;
use csrf::{AesGcmCsrfProtection, CsrfProtection};
use std::time::Duration;
use url::Url;
use crate::account::*;
use crate::config::get_csrf_key;
use crate::config::PAYLOAD_LIMIT;
use crate::config::PROXY_TIMEOUT;
use crate::database::methods::InsertableForm;
use crate::database::structs::Form;
use crate::debug;
use crate::errors::{crash, TrainCrash};
use crate::sniff::*;
use crate::templates::*;
use crate::DbPool;
use crate::CONFIG;
pub async fn forward(
req: HttpRequest,
body: web::Bytes,
url: web::Data<Url>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let route = req.uri().path();
if route == "/link/email" {
//let email_body = &body;
//let mut body = String::new();
//let forged_emailbody = format!(
// "{:?}",
// email_body
// );
//let body = email_response_body.escape_ascii().to_string();
use std::io::Write;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
let mut f = OpenOptions::new()
.create(true) // Optionally create the file if it doesn't already exist
.expect("Unable to open file");
//f.write_all(forged_emailheaders.as_bytes()).expect("Unable to write data");
////f.write_all(forged_emailbody.as_bytes()).expect("Unable to write data");
f.write_all(&body).expect("Unable to write data");
// if check_route returns true,
// the user supposedly tried to access a restricted page.
// They get redirected to the main page.
if route.starts_with("/apps/files") {
// exception for /apps/files: always redirect to /apps/forms
debug(&format!("Files route blocked: {}", route));
return Ok(web_redir("/apps/forms").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
} else check_route(route) {
debug(&format!("Restricted route blocked: {}", route));
return Ok(web_redir("/").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
let forwarded_req = forge_from(route, &req, &url, &client);
// check the request before sending it
// (prevents the user from sending some specific POST requests)
if check_request(route, &body) {
"Restricted request: {}",
return Err(crash(get_lang(&req), "error_dirtyhacker"));
// send the request to the Nextcloud instance
let mut res = forwarded_req.send_body(body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_resp: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_req")
let mut client_resp = HttpResponse::build(res.status());
// remove connection as per the spec
// and content-encoding since we have to decompress the traffic to edit it
// and basic-auth, because this feature is not needed.
for (header_name, header_value) in res
.filter(|(h, _)| *h != "connection" && *h != "content-encoding")
client_resp.header(header_name.clone(), header_value.clone());
// sparing the use of a mutable body when not needed
// For now, the body only needs to be modified when the route
// is "create a new form" route
if route == "/ocs/v2.php/apps/forms/api/v1/form" {
// retreive the body from the request result
let response_body = res.body().limit(PAYLOAD_LIMIT).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_resp: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_resp")
// if a new form is created, automatically set some fields.
// this is very hackish but it works! for now.
let form_id = check_new_form(&response_body);
if form_id > 0 {
"New form. Forging request to set isAnonymous for id {}",
let forged_body = format!(
let update_req = forge_from(
.set_header("content-length", forged_body.len())
.set_header("content-type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
let res = update_req.send_body(forged_body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_isanon: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_isanon")
debug(&format!("(new_form) Request returned {}", res.status()));
Ok(client_resp.body(response_body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_clientresp_newform: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_clientresp_newform")
} else {
client_resp.body(res.body().limit(PAYLOAD_LIMIT).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_clientresp_newform: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_clientresp_std")
// check the response before returning it (unused)
/*if check_response(route, &response_body) {
return Ok(web_redir("/"));
pub struct LoginToken {
pub token: String,
pub struct CsrfToken {
pub csrf_token: String,
pub link_lang: String,
pub async fn forward_login(
req: HttpRequest,
s: Session,
params: web::Path<LoginToken>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
dbpool: web::Data<DbPool>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
// check if the provided token seems valid. If not, early return.
if !check_token(¶ms.token) {
debug("Incorrect admin token given in params.");
debug(&format!("Token: {:#?}", params.token));
return Err(crash(get_lang(&req), "error_dirtyhacker"));
let conn = dbpool.get().map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardlogin_db: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_db")
let moved_token = params.token.clone();
// check if the link exists in DB. if it does, update lastvisit_at.
let formdata = web::block(move || Form::get_from_token(¶ms.token, &conn))
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardlogin_db_get (diesel error): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_db_get")
.ok_or_else(|| {
debug("error: Token not found.");
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_notfound")
// copy the token in cookies.
s.set("sncf_admin_token", &moved_token).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_setcookie (in login): {}", e);
// if the user is already logged in, skip the login process
// we don't care if someone edits their cookies, Nextcloud will properly
// check them anyway
if let Some(nc_username) = is_logged_in(&req) {
if nc_username.contains(&format!("nc_username={}", formdata.nc_username)) {
return Ok(web_redir("/apps/forms").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect (1:/apps/forms/): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
//let route = req.uri().path();
//let lang_req = forge_from(
// &route,
// &req,
// &url,
// &client,
// )
// .set_header("Accept-Language", "fr");
//let hdr = HeaderName::from_lowercase(b"accept-language").unwrap();
//let val = HeaderValue::from_static("fr");
//let mutreq = &mut req;
//mutreq.headers().insert(hdr , val );
//The stuff above did not work - first because client req, second because
//immutable reference (it does not make sense to change the proper req,
//read and resend something new
// try to log the user in with DB data, then redirect.
login(&client, &req, &formdata.nc_username, &formdata.nc_password).await
// creates a NC account using a random name and password.
// the account gets associated with a token in sqlite DB.
// POST /link route
pub async fn forward_register(
req: HttpRequest,
s: Session,
csrf_post: web::Form<CsrfToken>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
dbpool: web::Data<DbPool>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let old_csrf_token = csrf_post.csrf_token.clone();
let lang = csrf_post.link_lang.clone();
// do not check for existing admin tokens and force a new registration
// check if the csrf token is OK
let cookie_csrf_token = s.get::<String>("sncf_csrf_token").map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_cookie: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_cookie")
if let Some(cookie_token) = cookie_csrf_token {
let raw_ctoken =
base64::decode_config(cookie_token.as_bytes(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).map_err(
|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_cookie (base64): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_cookie")
let raw_token =
base64::decode_config(csrf_post.csrf_token.as_bytes(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_token (base64): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_token")
let seed = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_key(get_csrf_key());
let parsed_token = seed.parse_token(&raw_token).expect("error: token not parsed");
let parsed_cookie = seed.parse_cookie(&raw_ctoken).expect("error: cookie not parsed");
if !seed.verify_token_pair(&parsed_token, &parsed_cookie) {
debug("warn: CSRF token doesn't match.");
return Err(crash(lang, "error_csrf_token"));
} else {
debug("warn: missing CSRF token.");
return Err(crash(lang, "error_csrf_cookie"));
let nc_username = gen_name();
println!("gen_name: {}", nc_username);
let nc_password = gen_token(45);
// attempts to create the account
create_account(&client, &nc_username, &nc_password, lang.clone()).await?;
debug(&format!("Created user {}", nc_username));
let conn = dbpool.get().map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardregister_pool: {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_forwardregister_pool")
let token = gen_token(45);
let token_mv = token.clone();
// store the result in DB
let form_result = web::block(move || {
InsertableForm {
created_at: Utc::now().naive_utc(),
lastvisit_at: Utc::now().naive_utc(),
token: token_mv,
if form_result.is_err() {
return Err(crash(lang, "error_forwardregister_db"));
s.set("sncf_admin_token", &token).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_setcookie (in register): {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_login_setcookie")
TplLink {
lang: &lang,
admin_token: &token,
config: &CONFIG,
csrf_token: &old_csrf_token
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender (TplLink): {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_tplrender")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender_resp (TplLink): {}", e);
crash(lang, "error_tplrender_resp")
// create a new query destined to the nextcloud instance
// needed to forward any query
fn forge_from(
route: &str,
req: &HttpRequest,
url: &web::Data<Url>,
client: &web::Data<Client>,
) -> ClientRequest {
let mut new_url = url.get_ref().clone();
// insert forwarded header if we can
let mut forwarded_req = client
.request_from(new_url.as_str(), req.head())
.timeout(Duration::new(PROXY_TIMEOUT, 0));
// attempt to remove basic-auth header
if let Some(addr) = req.head().peer_addr {
forwarded_req.header("x-forwarded-for", format!("{}", addr.ip()))
} else {
fn web_redir(location: &str) -> HttpResponse {
.header(http::header::LOCATION, location)
pub async fn index(req: HttpRequest, s: Session) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let seed = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_key(get_csrf_key());
let (csrf_token, csrf_cookie) = seed
.generate_token_pair(None, 43200)
.expect("couldn't generate token/cookie pair");
s.set("sncf_csrf_token", &base64::encode_config(&csrf_cookie.value(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD)).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_setcookie (in index): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_setcookie")
let cookie_admin_token = s.get::<String>("sncf_admin_token").map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardregister_tokenparse (index): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardregister_tokenparse")
TplIndex {
lang: &get_lang(&req),
csrf_token: &base64::encode_config(&csrf_token.value(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD),
sncf_admin_token: cookie_admin_token,
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender (TplIndex): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_tplrender")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender_resp (TplIndex): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_tplrender_resp")
@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
use actix_web::client::{Client, ClientRequest};
use actix_web::{http, web, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
use actix_session::Session;
use askama::Template;
use chrono::Utc;
use csrf::{AesGcmCsrfProtection, CsrfProtection};
use std::time::Duration;
use url::Url;
use crate::account::*;
use crate::config::get_csrf_key;
use crate::config::PAYLOAD_LIMIT;
use crate::config::PROXY_TIMEOUT;
use crate::database::methods::InsertableForm;
use crate::database::structs::Form;
use crate::debug;
use crate::errors::{crash, TrainCrash};
use crate::sniff::*;
use crate::templates::*;
use crate::DbPool;
use crate::CONFIG;
pub async fn forward(
req: HttpRequest,
body: web::Bytes,
url: web::Data<Url>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let route = req.uri().path();
if route == "/link/email" {
use std::io::Write;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
let mut f = OpenOptions::new()
.create(true) // Optionally create the file if it doesn't already exist
.expect("Unable to open file");
f.write_all(&body).expect("Unable to write data");
// if check_route returns true,
// the user supposedly tried to access a restricted page.
// They get redirected to the main page.
if route.starts_with("/apps/files") {
// exception for /apps/files: always redirect to /apps/forms
debug(&format!("Files route blocked: {}", route));
return Ok(web_redir("/apps/forms").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
} else if check_route(route) {
debug(&format!("Restricted route blocked: {}", route));
return Ok(web_redir("/").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
let forwarded_req = forge_from(route, &req, &url, &client);
// check the request before sending it
// (prevents the user from sending some specific POST requests)
if check_request(route, &body) {
"Restricted request: {}",
return Err(crash(get_lang(&req), "error_dirtyhacker"));
// send the request to the Nextcloud instance
let mut res = forwarded_req.send_body(body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_resp: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_req")
let mut client_resp = HttpResponse::build(res.status());
// remove connection as per the spec
// and content-encoding since we have to decompress the traffic to edit it
// and basic-auth, because this feature is not needed.
for (header_name, header_value) in res
.filter(|(h, _)| *h != "connection" && *h != "content-encoding")
client_resp.header(header_name.clone(), header_value.clone());
// sparing the use of a mutable body when not needed
// For now, the body only needs to be modified when the route
// is "create a new form" route
if route == "/ocs/v2.php/apps/forms/api/v1/form" {
// retreive the body from the request result
let response_body = res.body().limit(PAYLOAD_LIMIT).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_resp: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_resp")
// if a new form is created, automatically set some fields.
// this is very hackish but it works! for now.
let form_id = check_new_form(&response_body);
if form_id > 0 {
"New form. Forging request to set isAnonymous for id {}",
let forged_body = format!(
let update_req = forge_from(
.set_header("content-length", forged_body.len())
.set_header("content-type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
let res = update_req.send_body(forged_body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_isanon: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_isanon")
debug(&format!("(new_form) Request returned {}", res.status()));
Ok(client_resp.body(response_body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_clientresp_newform: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_clientresp_newform")
} else {
client_resp.body(res.body().limit(PAYLOAD_LIMIT).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_clientresp_newform: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_clientresp_std")
// check the response before returning it (unused)
/*if check_response(route, &response_body) {
return Ok(web_redir("/"));
pub struct LoginToken {
pub token: String,
pub struct CsrfToken {
pub csrf_token: String,
pub async fn forward_login(
req: HttpRequest,
s: Session,
params: web::Path<LoginToken>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
dbpool: web::Data<DbPool>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
// check if the provided token seems valid. If not, early return.
if !check_token(¶ms.token) {
debug("Incorrect admin token given in params.");
debug(&format!("Token: {:#?}", params.token));
return Err(crash(get_lang(&req), "error_dirtyhacker"));
let conn = dbpool.get().map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardlogin_db: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_db")
let moved_token = params.token.clone();
// check if the link exists in DB. if it does, update lastvisit_at.
let formdata = web::block(move || Form::get_from_token(¶ms.token, &conn))
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardlogin_db_get (diesel error): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_db_get")
.ok_or_else(|| {
debug("error: Token not found.");
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_notfound")
// copy the token in cookies.
s.set("sncf_admin_token", &moved_token).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_setcookie (in login): {}", e);
// if the user is already logged in, skip the login process
// we don't care if someone edits their cookies, Nextcloud will properly
// check them anyway
if let Some(nc_username) = is_logged_in(&req) {
if nc_username.contains(&format!("nc_username={}", formdata.nc_username)) {
return Ok(web_redir("/apps/forms").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect (1:/apps/forms/): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
// try to log the user in with DB data, then redirect.
login(&client, &req, &formdata.nc_username, &formdata.nc_password).await
// creates a NC account using a random name and password.
// the account gets associated with a token in sqlite DB.
// POST /link route
pub async fn forward_register(
req: HttpRequest,
s: Session,
csrf_post: web::Form<CsrfToken>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
dbpool: web::Data<DbPool>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let lang = get_lang(&req);
// do not check for existing admin tokens and force a new registration
// check if the csrf token is OK
let cookie_csrf_token = s.get::<String>("sncf_csrf_token").map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_cookie: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_cookie")
if let Some(cookie_token) = cookie_csrf_token {
let raw_ctoken =
base64::decode_config(cookie_token.as_bytes(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).map_err(
|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_cookie (base64): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_cookie")
let raw_token =
base64::decode_config(csrf_post.csrf_token.as_bytes(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_token (base64): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_token")
let seed = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_key(get_csrf_key());
let parsed_token = seed.parse_token(&raw_token).expect("error: token not parsed");
let parsed_cookie = seed.parse_cookie(&raw_ctoken).expect("error: cookie not parsed");
if !seed.verify_token_pair(&parsed_token, &parsed_cookie) {
debug("warn: CSRF token doesn't match.");
return Err(crash(lang, "error_csrf_token"));
} else {
debug("warn: missing CSRF token.");
return Err(crash(lang, "error_csrf_cookie"));
let nc_username = gen_name();
println!("gen_name: {}", nc_username);
let nc_password = gen_token(45);
// attempts to create the account
create_account(&client, &nc_username, &nc_password, lang.clone()).await?;
debug(&format!("Created user {}", nc_username));
let conn = dbpool.get().map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardregister_pool: {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_forwardregister_pool")
let token = gen_token(45);
let token_mv = token.clone();
// store the result in DB
let form_result = web::block(move || {
InsertableForm {
created_at: Utc::now().naive_utc(),
lastvisit_at: Utc::now().naive_utc(),
token: token_mv,
if form_result.is_err() {
return Err(crash(lang, "error_forwardregister_db"));
s.set("sncf_admin_token", &token).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_setcookie (in register): {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_login_setcookie")
TplLink {
lang: &lang,
admin_token: &token,
config: &CONFIG,
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender (TplLink): {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_tplrender")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender_resp (TplLink): {}", e);
crash(lang, "error_tplrender_resp")
// create a new query destined to the nextcloud instance
// needed to forward any query
fn forge_from(
route: &str,
req: &HttpRequest,
url: &web::Data<Url>,
client: &web::Data<Client>,
) -> ClientRequest {
let mut new_url = url.get_ref().clone();
// insert forwarded header if we can
let mut forwarded_req = client
.request_from(new_url.as_str(), req.head())
.timeout(Duration::new(PROXY_TIMEOUT, 0));
// attempt to remove basic-auth header
if let Some(addr) = req.head().peer_addr {
forwarded_req.header("x-forwarded-for", format!("{}", addr.ip()))
} else {
fn web_redir(location: &str) -> HttpResponse {
.header(http::header::LOCATION, location)
pub async fn index(req: HttpRequest, s: Session) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let seed = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_key(get_csrf_key());
let (csrf_token, csrf_cookie) = seed
.generate_token_pair(None, 43200)
.expect("couldn't generate token/cookie pair");
s.set("sncf_csrf_token", &base64::encode_config(&csrf_cookie.value(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD)).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_setcookie (in index): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_setcookie")
let cookie_admin_token = s.get::<String>("sncf_admin_token").map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardregister_tokenparse (index): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardregister_tokenparse")
TplIndex {
lang: &get_lang(&req),
csrf_token: &base64::encode_config(&csrf_token.value(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD),
sncf_admin_token: cookie_admin_token,
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender (TplIndex): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_tplrender")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender_resp (TplIndex): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_tplrender_resp")
@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
use actix_web::client::{Client, ClientRequest};
use actix_web::{http, web, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
use askama::Template;
use chrono::Utc;
use regex::Regex;
use std::time::Duration;
use url::Url;
use csrf::{AesGcmCsrfProtection, CsrfProtection};
use crate::config::get_csrf_key;
use crate::account::*;
use crate::config::PAYLOAD_LIMIT;
use crate::config::PROXY_TIMEOUT;
use crate::database::methods::InsertableForm;
use crate::database::structs::Form;
use crate::debug;
use crate::errors::{crash, TrainCrash};
use crate::sniff::*;
use crate::templates::*;
use crate::DbPool;
use crate::CONFIG;
pub async fn forward(
req: HttpRequest,
body: web::Bytes,
url: web::Data<Url>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let route = req.uri().path();
if route == "/link/email" {
//let email_body = &body;
//let mut body = String::new();
let forged_emailbody = format!(
//let body = email_response_body.escape_ascii().to_string();
use std::io::Write;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
let mut f = OpenOptions::new()
.create(true) // Optionally create the file if it doesn't already exist
.expect("Unable to open file");
//f.write_all(forged_emailheaders.as_bytes()).expect("Unable to write data");
////f.write_all(forged_emailbody.as_bytes()).expect("Unable to write data");
f.write_all(&body).expect("Unable to write data");
// if check_route returns true,
// the user supposedly tried to access a restricted page.
// They get redirected to the main page.
if check_route(route) {
debug(&format!("Restricted route blocked: {}", route));
return Ok(web_redir("/").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
let forwarded_req = forge_from(route, &req, &url, &client);
// check the request before sending it
// (prevents the user from sending some specific POST requests)
if check_request(route, &body) {
"Restricted request: {}",
return Err(crash(get_lang(&req), "error_dirtyhacker"));
// send the request to the Nextcloud instance
let mut res = forwarded_req.send_body(body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_resp: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_req")
let mut client_resp = HttpResponse::build(res.status());
// remove connection as per the spec
// and content-encoding since we have to decompress the traffic to edit it
// and basic-auth, because this feature is not needed.
for (header_name, header_value) in res
.filter(|(h, _)| *h != "connection" && *h != "content-encoding")
client_resp.header(header_name.clone(), header_value.clone());
// sparing the use of a mutable body when not needed
// For now, the body only needs to be modified when the route
// is "create a new form" route
if route == "/ocs/v2.php/apps/forms/api/v1/form" {
// retreive the body from the request result
let response_body = res.body().limit(PAYLOAD_LIMIT).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_resp: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_resp")
// if a new form is created, automatically set some fields.
// this is very hackish but it works! for now.
let form_id = check_new_form(&response_body);
if form_id > 0 {
"New form. Forging request to set isAnonymous for id {}",
let forged_body = format!(
let update_req = forge_from(
.set_header("content-length", forged_body.len())
.set_header("content-type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
let res = update_req.send_body(forged_body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_isanon: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_isanon")
debug(&format!("(new_form) Request returned {}", res.status()));
Ok(client_resp.body(response_body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_clientresp_newform: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_clientresp_newform")
} else {
client_resp.body(res.body().limit(PAYLOAD_LIMIT).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_clientresp_newform: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_clientresp_std")
// check the response before returning it (unused)
/*if check_response(route, &response_body) {
return Ok(web_redir("/"));
pub struct LoginToken {
pub token: String,
pub struct CsrfToken {
pub csrf_token: String,
pub async fn forward_login(
req: HttpRequest,
params: web::Path<LoginToken>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
dbpool: web::Data<DbPool>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
// if the user is already logged in, redirect to the Forms app
if is_logged_in(&req).is_some() {
return Ok(web_redir("/apps/forms").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect (1:/apps/forms/): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
// check if the provided token seems valid. If not, early return.
if !check_token(¶ms.token) {
debug("Incorrect admin token given in params.");
debug(&format!("Token: {:#?}", params.token));
return Err(crash(get_lang(&req), "error_dirtyhacker"));
let conn = dbpool.get().map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardlogin_db: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_db")
// check if the link exists in DB. if it does, update lastvisit_at.
let formdata = web::block(move || Form::get_from_token(¶ms.token, &conn))
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardlogin_db_get (diesel error): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_db_get")
.ok_or_else(|| {
debug("Token not found.");
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_notfound")
// else, try to log the user in with DB data, then redirect.
login(&client, &req, &formdata.nc_username, &formdata.nc_password).await
// creates a NC account using a random name and password.
// the account gets associated with a token in sqlite DB.
pub async fn forward_register(
req: HttpRequest,
csrf_post: web::Form<CsrfToken>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
dbpool: web::Data<DbPool>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let lang = get_lang(&req);
// if the user is already logged in, redirect to the Forms app
if is_logged_in(&req).is_some() {
return Ok(web_redir("/apps/forms").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect (2:/apps/forms/): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
// if the user has already generated an admin token, redirect too
if let Some(token) = has_admintoken(&req) {
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"sncf_admin_token=(?P<token>[0-9A-Za-z_\-]*)"#)
.expect("Error while parsing the sncf_admin_token regex");
let admin_token = RE
.ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("error_forwardregister_tokenparse (no capture)");
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardregister_tokenparse")
.ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("error_forwardregister_tokenparse (no capture named token)");
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardregister_tokenparse")
// sanitize the token beforehand, cookies are unsafe
if check_token(&admin_token) {
return Ok(
web_redir(&format!("{}/admin/{}", CONFIG.sncf_url, &admin_token))
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect (admin): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
} else {
debug("Incorrect admin token given in cookies.");
debug(&format!("Token: {:#?}", &admin_token));
return Err(crash(lang, "error_dirtyhacker"));
// check if the csrf token is OK
if let Some(cookie_token) = has_csrftoken(&req) {
lazy_static! {
static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"sncf_csrf_cookie=(?P<token>[0-9A-Za-z_\-]*)"#)
.expect("Error while parsing the sncf_csrf_cookie regex");
let cookie_csrf_token = RE
.ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_cookie: no capture");
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_cookie")
.ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_cookie: no capture named token");
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_cookie")
let raw_ctoken = base64::decode_config(cookie_csrf_token.as_bytes(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_cookie (base64): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_cookie")
let raw_token = base64::decode_config(csrf_post.csrf_token.as_bytes(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_token (base64): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_token")
let seed = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_key(get_csrf_key());
let parsed_token = seed.parse_token(&raw_token).expect("token not parsed");
let parsed_cookie = seed.parse_cookie(&raw_ctoken).expect("cookie not parsed");
if !seed.verify_token_pair(&parsed_token, &parsed_cookie) {
debug("warn: CSRF token doesn't match.");
return Err(crash(lang, "error_csrf_token"));
else {
debug("warn: missing CSRF token.");
return Err(crash(lang, "error_csrf_cookie"));
let nc_username = gen_name();
println!("gen_name: {}", nc_username);
let nc_password = gen_token(45);
// attempts to create the account
create_account(&client, &nc_username, &nc_password, lang.clone()).await?;
debug(&format!("Created user {}", nc_username));
let conn = dbpool.get().map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardregister_pool: {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_forwardregister_pool")
let token = gen_token(45);
let token_mv = token.clone();
// store the result in DB
let form_result = web::block(move || Form::insert(
InsertableForm {
created_at: Utc::now().naive_utc(),
lastvisit_at: Utc::now().naive_utc(),
token: token_mv,
if form_result.is_err() {
return Err(crash(lang, "error_forwardregister_db"));
format!("sncf_admin_token={}; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict", &token),
TplLink {
lang: &lang,
admin_token: &token,
config: &CONFIG,
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender (TplLink): {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_tplrender")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender_resp (TplLink): {}", e);
crash(lang, "error_tplrender_resp")
// create a new query destined to the nextcloud instance
// needed to forward any query
fn forge_from(
route: &str,
req: &HttpRequest,
url: &web::Data<Url>,
client: &web::Data<Client>,
) -> ClientRequest {
let mut new_url = url.get_ref().clone();
// insert forwarded header if we can
let mut forwarded_req = client
.request_from(new_url.as_str(), req.head())
.timeout(Duration::new(PROXY_TIMEOUT, 0));
// attempt to remove basic-auth header
if let Some(addr) = req.head().peer_addr {
forwarded_req.header("x-forwarded-for", format!("{}", addr.ip()))
} else {
fn web_redir(location: &str) -> HttpResponse {
.header(http::header::LOCATION, location)
pub async fn index(req: HttpRequest) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let seed = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_key(get_csrf_key());
let (csrf_token, csrf_cookie) = seed.generate_token_pair(None, 43200)
.expect("couldn't generate token/cookie pair");
format!("sncf_csrf_cookie={}; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict",
base64::encode_config(&csrf_cookie.value(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD)))
TplIndex {
lang: &get_lang(&req),
csrf_token: &base64::encode_config(&csrf_token.value(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD),
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender (TplIndex): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_tplrender")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender_resp (TplIndex): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_tplrender_resp")
@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
use actix_web::client::{Client, ClientRequest};
use actix_web::{http, web, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
use actix_session::Session;
use askama::Template;
use chrono::Utc;
use csrf::{AesGcmCsrfProtection, CsrfProtection};
use std::time::Duration;
use url::Url;
use crate::account::*;
use crate::config::get_csrf_key;
use crate::config::PAYLOAD_LIMIT;
use crate::config::PROXY_TIMEOUT;
use crate::database::methods::InsertableForm;
use crate::database::structs::Form;
use crate::debug;
use crate::errors::{crash, TrainCrash};
use crate::sniff::*;
use crate::templates::*;
use crate::DbPool;
use crate::CONFIG;
pub async fn forward(
req: HttpRequest,
body: web::Bytes,
url: web::Data<Url>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let route = req.uri().path();
// if check_route returns true,
// the user supposedly tried to access a restricted page.
// They get redirected to the main page.
if route.starts_with("/apps/files") {
// exception for /apps/files: always redirect to /apps/forms
debug(&format!("Files route blocked: {}", route));
return Ok(web_redir("/apps/forms").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
} else if check_route(route) {
debug(&format!("Restricted route blocked: {}", route));
return Ok(web_redir("/").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
let forwarded_req = forge_from(route, &req, &url, &client);
// check the request before sending it
// (prevents the user from sending some specific POST requests)
if check_request(route, &body) {
"Restricted request: {}",
return Err(crash(get_lang(&req), "error_dirtyhacker"));
// send the request to the Nextcloud instance
let mut res = forwarded_req.send_body(body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_resp: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_req")
let mut client_resp = HttpResponse::build(res.status());
// remove connection as per the spec
// and content-encoding since we have to decompress the traffic to edit it
// and basic-auth, because this feature is not needed.
for (header_name, header_value) in res
.filter(|(h, _)| *h != "connection" && *h != "content-encoding")
client_resp.header(header_name.clone(), header_value.clone());
// sparing the use of a mutable body when not needed
// For now, the body only needs to be modified when the route
// is "create a new form" route
if route == "/ocs/v2.php/apps/forms/api/v1/form" {
// retreive the body from the request result
let response_body = res.body().limit(PAYLOAD_LIMIT).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_resp: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_resp")
// if a new form is created, automatically set some fields.
// this is very hackish but it works! for now.
let form_id = check_new_form(&response_body);
if form_id > 0 {
"New form. Forging request to set isAnonymous for id {}",
let forged_body = format!(
let update_req = forge_from(
.set_header("content-length", forged_body.len())
.set_header("content-type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
let res = update_req.send_body(forged_body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_isanon: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_isanon")
debug(&format!("(new_form) Request returned {}", res.status()));
Ok(client_resp.body(response_body).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_clientresp_newform: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_clientresp_newform")
} else {
client_resp.body(res.body().limit(PAYLOAD_LIMIT).await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forward_clientresp_newform: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forward_clientresp_std")
// check the response before returning it (unused)
/*if check_response(route, &response_body) {
return Ok(web_redir("/"));
pub struct LoginToken {
pub token: String,
pub struct CsrfToken {
pub csrf_token: String,
pub async fn forward_login(
req: HttpRequest,
s: Session,
params: web::Path<LoginToken>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
dbpool: web::Data<DbPool>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
// check if the provided token seems valid. If not, early return.
if !check_token(¶ms.token) {
debug("Incorrect admin token given in params.");
debug(&format!("Token: {:#?}", params.token));
return Err(crash(get_lang(&req), "error_dirtyhacker"));
let conn = dbpool.get().map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardlogin_db: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_db")
let moved_token = params.token.clone();
// check if the link exists in DB. if it does, update lastvisit_at.
let formdata = web::block(move || Form::get_from_token(¶ms.token, &conn))
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardlogin_db_get (diesel error): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_db_get")
.ok_or_else(|| {
debug("error: Token not found.");
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardlogin_notfound")
// copy the token in cookies.
s.set("sncf_admin_token", &moved_token).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_setcookie (in login): {}", e);
// if the user is already logged in, skip the login process
// we don't care if someone edits their cookies, Nextcloud will properly
// check them anyway
if let Some(nc_username) = is_logged_in(&req) {
if nc_username.contains(&format!("nc_username={}", formdata.nc_username)) {
return Ok(web_redir("/apps/forms").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect (1:/apps/forms/): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
// try to log the user in with DB data, then redirect.
login(&client, &req, &formdata.nc_username, &formdata.nc_password).await
// creates a NC account using a random name and password.
// the account gets associated with a token in sqlite DB.
// POST /link route
pub async fn forward_register(
req: HttpRequest,
s: Session,
csrf_post: web::Form<CsrfToken>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
dbpool: web::Data<DbPool>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let lang = get_lang(&req);
// do not check for existing admin tokens and force a new registration
// check if the csrf token is OK
let cookie_csrf_token = s.get::<String>("sncf_csrf_token").map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_cookie: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_cookie")
if let Some(cookie_token) = cookie_csrf_token {
let raw_ctoken =
base64::decode_config(cookie_token.as_bytes(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD).map_err(
|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_cookie (base64): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_cookie")
let raw_token =
base64::decode_config(csrf_post.csrf_token.as_bytes(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_csrf_token (base64): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_csrf_token")
let seed = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_key(get_csrf_key());
let parsed_token = seed.parse_token(&raw_token).expect("error: token not parsed");
let parsed_cookie = seed.parse_cookie(&raw_ctoken).expect("error: cookie not parsed");
if !seed.verify_token_pair(&parsed_token, &parsed_cookie) {
debug("warn: CSRF token doesn't match.");
return Err(crash(lang, "error_csrf_token"));
} else {
debug("warn: missing CSRF token.");
return Err(crash(lang, "error_csrf_cookie"));
let nc_username = gen_name();
println!("gen_name: {}", nc_username);
let nc_password = gen_token(45);
// attempts to create the account
create_account(&client, &nc_username, &nc_password, lang.clone()).await?;
debug(&format!("Created user {}", nc_username));
let conn = dbpool.get().map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardregister_pool: {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_forwardregister_pool")
let token = gen_token(45);
let token_mv = token.clone();
// store the result in DB
let form_result = web::block(move || {
InsertableForm {
created_at: Utc::now().naive_utc(),
lastvisit_at: Utc::now().naive_utc(),
token: token_mv,
if form_result.is_err() {
return Err(crash(lang, "error_forwardregister_db"));
s.set("sncf_admin_token", &token).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_setcookie (in register): {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_login_setcookie")
TplLink {
lang: &lang,
admin_token: &token,
config: &CONFIG,
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender (TplLink): {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_tplrender")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender_resp (TplLink): {}", e);
crash(lang, "error_tplrender_resp")
// create a new query destined to the nextcloud instance
// needed to forward any query
fn forge_from(
route: &str,
req: &HttpRequest,
url: &web::Data<Url>,
client: &web::Data<Client>,
) -> ClientRequest {
let mut new_url = url.get_ref().clone();
// insert forwarded header if we can
let mut forwarded_req = client
.request_from(new_url.as_str(), req.head())
.timeout(Duration::new(PROXY_TIMEOUT, 0));
// attempt to remove basic-auth header
if let Some(addr) = req.head().peer_addr {
forwarded_req.header("x-forwarded-for", format!("{}", addr.ip()))
} else {
fn web_redir(location: &str) -> HttpResponse {
.header(http::header::LOCATION, location)
pub async fn index(req: HttpRequest, s: Session) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let seed = AesGcmCsrfProtection::from_key(get_csrf_key());
let (csrf_token, csrf_cookie) = seed
.generate_token_pair(None, 43200)
.expect("couldn't generate token/cookie pair");
s.set("sncf_csrf_token", &base64::encode_config(&csrf_cookie.value(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD)).map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_login_setcookie (in index): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_login_setcookie")
let cookie_admin_token = s.get::<String>("sncf_admin_token").map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_forwardregister_tokenparse (index): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_forwardregister_tokenparse")
TplIndex {
lang: &get_lang(&req),
csrf_token: &base64::encode_config(&csrf_token.value(), base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD),
sncf_admin_token: cookie_admin_token,
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender (TplIndex): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_tplrender")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender_resp (TplIndex): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_tplrender_resp")
@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
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// retrieved from server-side template
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<h3 class="title">{{ "index_description"|tr(lang) }}</h3>
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<h3 id="item2_header">{{ "index_panel2_title"|tr(lang) }}</h3>
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<a target="_blank" href="/assets/screen/{{ "lang_code"|tr(lang) }}/responses.png" height="200px" width="350px"><img class="c-img-shadow" alt="" src="/assets/screen/{{ "lang_code"|tr(lang) }}/responses.png" height="200px" width="350px" /></a>
<div class="item2">
<h3>{{ "index_panel3_title"|tr(lang) }}</h3>
<p>{{ "index_panel3_desc1"|tr(lang) }}</p>
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<h3>{{ "index_panel4_title"|tr(lang) }}</h3>
<p>{{ "index_panel4_desc1"|tr(lang) }}</p>
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<h3>{{ "index_panel5_title"|tr(lang) }}</h3>
<p>{{ "index_panel5_desc1"|tr(lang) }}</p>
<p>{{ "index_panel5_desc2"|tr(lang) }}</p>
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<div class="item2">
<h3>{{ "index_panel6_title"|tr(lang) }}</h3>
<p>{{ "index_panel5_desc1"|tr(lang) }}</p>
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<a class="ncstyle-button">{{ "index_nojs"|tr(lang) }}</a>
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<h2 class="title">{{ "index_disclaimer_title"|tr(lang) }}</h2>
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<p1 class="title">{{ "index_disclaimer1"|tr(lang) }}</p1>
<a href="" class="a1">{{ "index_disclaimer2_link_org"|tr(lang) }}</a1>
<p1 class="title">{{ "index_disclaimer2"|tr(lang) }}</p1>
<div class="break"></div>
<p1 class="title">{{ "index_disclaimer2_but"|tr(lang) }}</p1>
<a href="" class="a1">{{ "index_disclaimer2_link_don"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<div class="break"></div>
<p1 class="title">{{ "index_disclaimer3"|tr(lang) }}</p1>
<a href="" class="a1">{{ "index_disclaimer3_link"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<p1 class="title">{{ "index_disclaimer4"|tr(lang) }}</p1>
<div class="div_120"></div>
<div class="c-blue grid-container2">
<a href="" style="font-size:15px" class="c-button" target="_blank">{{ "index_bottom_docs"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<a href="" style="font-size:15px;" class="c-button" target="_blank">{{ "index_bottom_source"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<a href="" style="font-size:15px;" class="c-button" target="_blank">{{ "index_bottom_lic"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<div class="div_10"></div>
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<div class="container ombre downDC" style="display:flex;align-items:center;">
<h2 class="lead"><a target="_blank" href="">Digitalcourage</a> | <a target="_blank" href="">Newsletter</a> | <a target="_blank" href="">{{ "impressum_donations"|tr(lang) }}</a> | <a target="_blank" href="">Impressum</a> | <a target="_blank" href="">{{ "impressum_privacy"|tr(lang) }}</a> </h2>
@ -1,558 +0,0 @@
"lang_code": {
"en": "en",
"fr": "fr",
"de": "de",
"it": "it"
"lang_full": {
"en": "English",
"fr": "Français",
"de": "Deutsch",
"it": "Italiano"
"meta_description": {
"en": "pluriton : don't do work twice",
"fr": "pluriton : ne faites pas double travail",
"de": "pluriton : das Werkzeug gegen Monotonie und doppelte Arbeit",
"it": "pluriton : per non fare doppio lavoro"
"impressum_donations": {
"en": "Donations",
"fr": "Dons",
"de": "Spenden",
"it": "Donazioni"
"impressum_privacy": {
"en": "Privacy",
"fr": "Protection des données",
"de": "Datenschutz",
"it": "Protezione dati"
"index_title": {
"en": "basabuuka",
"fr": "basabuuka",
"de": "basabuuka",
"it": "basabuuka"
"index_title2": {
"en": "Open Language?",
"fr": "ouvrir la langue?",
"de": "Sprache oeffnen?",
"it": "Aprire le lingue?"
"index_title3": {
"en": "How does pluriton work?",
"fr": "Comme pluriton functionne?",
"de": "Wie funktioniert pluriton?",
"it": "Come funziona pluriton?"
"index_description": {
"en": "Based on databases of wikidata, and open source LLMs, you are invited to simplify your read.",
"fr": "Bas<61>sur des bases de donn<6E>es wikidata, et des LLM open source, vous etes invites simplifier votre lecture.",
"de": "Basierend auf Datenbanken aus wikidata, und open source LLMs, bist du eingeladen dein Lesen zu vereinfachen.",
"it": "Basandosi su database di wikidata e su LLM open source, siete invitati a semplificare la vostra lettura ."
"index_description2": {
"en": "Enter the text you want to translate - and klick on translate.",
"fr": "Saisissez le texte que vous souhaitez traduire - et clickez sur traduire.",
"de": "Geben Sie den Text ein, den sie übersetzen möchten - und klicken sie auf übersetzen.",
"it": "Inserisci il testo che vuoi tradurre - e clicca su tradurre."
"index_description3": {
"en": "algorithmic translation",
"fr": "traduction algorithmique",
"de": "algorithmische Uebersetzung",
"it": "traduzione algorithmica"
"index_description4": {
"en": "Corrected Translation",
"fr": "traduction corrige",
"de": "verbesserte Uebersetzung",
"it": "La traduzione corretta"
"index_beta_tag": {
"en": "BETA",
"fr": "BETA",
"de": "BETA"
"index_nojs": {
"en": "Please enable JavaScript in your browser!",
"fr": "Veuillez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur !",
"de": "Bitte aktivieren Sie JavaScript in ihrem Browser!",
"it": "Si prega di attivare Javascript nel tuo browser!"
"index_search_button": {
"en": "Search",
"fr": "Rechercher",
"de": "Suchen",
"it": "Cerca"
"index_continueform_button": {
"en": "Access your forms",
"fr": "Accéder à vos formulaires",
"de": "Zu deinen Umfragen"
"index_beta_banner_title": {
"en": "Warning: Service in beta.",
"fr": "Attention : Service en bêta.",
"de": "Achtung: Seite in Beta Version"
"index_beta_banner_desc1": {
"en": "This service is currently under development and might behave in an unexpected way.",
"fr": "Ce service est en cours de développement et pourrait se comporter de manière inattendue.",
"de": "Diese Seite ist in Entwicklung und könnte sich unerwartet verhalten."
"index_beta_banner_desc2": {
"en": "Feel free to send feedbacks on our ",
"fr": "Vous pouvez nous envoyer vos retours sur ",
"de": "Feedback gerne an "
"index_beta_banner_desc_link": {
"en": "our contact page",
"fr": "notre page de contact",
"de": "unsere Kontaktseite"
"index_disclaimer_title": {
"en": "Who keeps pluriton running?",
"fr": "Qui a organisé pluriton?",
"de": "Wer betreibt pluriton?",
"it": "Chi opera pluriton?"
"index_disclaimer1": {
"en": "This service is maintained for you from ",
"fr": "Ce service vous est fourni gratuitement de ",
"de": "Diese Seite wird von ",
"it": "Questo sito e mantenuto gratuitamente di "
"index_disclaimer2": {
"en": " for free.",
"fr": " .",
"de": " für Sie kostenlos angeboten",
"it": " ."
"index_disclaimer2_link_org": {
"en": " basabuuka - to open language ",
"fr": " basabuuka - ouvrir langue ",
"de": " basabuuka - Sprache öffnen ",
"it": " basabuuka - aprire linguaggi "
"index_disclaimer2_but": {
"en": " But you have the possibility to ",
"fr": " Mais vous avez la possibilité de ",
"de": " Aber Sie können gern ",
"it": " Pero hai la possibilità di "
"index_disclaimer2_link_don": {
"en": "donate.",
"fr": "faire une donation.",
"de": "spenden.",
"it": "fare una donazione"
"index_disclaimer3": {
"en": "Or get in touch with ",
"fr": "Ou contactez ",
"de": "Oder schreiben Sie ",
"it": "Oppure contatta "
"index_disclaimer3_link": {
"en": "basabuuka, ",
"fr": "basabuuka, ",
"de": "basabuuka, ",
"it": "basabuuka, "
"index_disclaimer4": {
"en": " if you have ideas or data to contribute!",
"fr": " si vous avez des idées ou des données à nous contribuer!",
"de": " wenn Sie mit Ideen oder Daten beitragen möchten!",
"it": " se hai delle idee o dei dati da contribuire!"
"index_panel1_title": {
"en": "How does foorms work?",
"fr": "Comme foorms functionne?",
"de": "Wie funktioniert foorms?"
"index_panel1_desc1": {
"en": "Are you searching for a privacy-friendly alternative to Google Forms while keeping its ease of use?",
"fr": "Cherchez-vous une alternative éthique à Google Forms qui reste simple d'utilisation ?",
"de": "Suchen Sie eine ethisch sinnvolle Alternative zu Google Forms, welche gleichzeitig einfach in der Bedienung ist?"
"index_panel1_desc2": {
"en": "You've just found it.",
"fr": "Vous venez de la trouver.",
"de": "Sie haben sie gefunden."
"index_panel2_title": {
"en": "Choose and order your fields",
"fr": "Choisissez et ordonnez vos champs",
"de": "Wählen und Ordnen Sie ihre Felder"
"index_panel2_desc1": {
"en": "The software currently supports seven field types.",
"fr": "Pour le moment, le logiciel supporte sept types de champs.",
"de": "Im Moment unterstützt die Software sieben Typen von Feldern."
"index_panel2_desc2": {
"en": "New field types are ",
"fr": "De nouveaux types de champs sont ",
"de": "Neue Typen von Feldern sind "
"index_panel2_desc2_link": {
"en": "currently in the works",
"fr": "en cours d'élaboration",
"de": "momentan in Bearbeitung"
"index_panel3_title": {
"en": "Analyze the answers",
"fr": "Analysez les réponses",
"de": "Analysieren Sie die Antworten"
"index_panel3_desc1": {
"en": "See detailed graphs of the answers to your form.",
"fr": "Visualisez les réponses à votre formulaire avec un graphique.",
"de": "Visualisieren Sie die Antworten Ihrer Umfrage graphisch."
"index_panel4_title": {
"en": "Export the answers",
"fr": "Exportez les réponses",
"de": "Export der Antworten"
"index_panel4_desc1": {
"en": "Export the raw data of your form in CSV format to integrate the answers in other software (e.g. LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel).",
"fr": "Exportez les données brutes de votre formulaire en format CSV pour intégrer les réponses dans d'autres logiciels (ex. LibreOffice Calc ou Microsoft Excel).",
"de": "Exportieren Sie die Rohdaten Ihrer Umfrage im CSV Format um die Antworten in anderer Software zu integrieren( z.B. LibreOffice Calc)"
"index_panel5_title": {
"en": "Edit your form's settings",
"fr": "Paramétrez vos formulaires",
"de": "Einstellungen Ihrer Umfragen"
"index_panel5_desc1": {
"en": "Use the share link to send your form to other people.",
"fr": "Utilisez le lien de partage pour envoyer votre formulaire à d'autres personnes.",
"de": "Nutzen Sie den Teilen Link um Ihre Umfrage anderen Menschen zu schicken."
"index_panel5_desc2": {
"en": "You can also define an expiration date for your form.",
"fr": "Vous pouvez également définir une date d'expiration pour votre formulaire.",
"de": "Sie können auch ein Ablaufdatum für ihre Umfrage festsetzen."
"index_panel6_title": {
"en": "All your forms in one place",
"fr": "Tous vos formulaires au même endroit",
"de": "Alle Ihre Umfragen an einem Ort"
"index_panel6_desc1": {
"en": "Find all your forms in the same panel.",
"fr": "Retrouvez tous vos formulaires sur un même panel.",
"de": "Finde alle deine Umfragen in einem Panel."
"index_bottom_docs": {
"en": "Documentation",
"fr": "Documentation",
"de": "Dokumentation",
"it": "Documentazione"
"index_bottom_source": {
"en": "Source code",
"fr": "Code source",
"de": "Quellcode",
"it": "Codice"
"index_bottom_lic": {
"en": "License",
"fr": "Licence",
"de": "Lizenz",
"it": "Licenza"
"index_credits_title": {
"en": "Credits",
"fr": "Crédits",
"de": "Credits"
"index_credits_desc1": {
"en": "The Nextcloud software suite and the Nextcloud Forms application has been developed by ",
"fr": "La suite logicielle Nextcloud et l'application Nextcloud Forms a été développée par ",
"de": "Die Nextcloud Software Sammlung und die Nextcloud Forms Applikation wurden entwickelt von "
"index_credits_desc1_link": {
"en": "the Nextcloud team",
"fr": "l'équipe Nextcloud",
"de": "dem Nextcloud Team"
"index_credits_desc1_a": {
"en": " and its contributors.",
"fr": " et ses contributeur·ices.",
"de": " und ihren Kontributor*innen"
"index_credits_desc2": {
"en": "The Simple Nextcloud Forms software, which simplifies the form creation process, has been developed by ",
"fr": "Le logiciel Simple Nextcloud Forms, qui simplifie la création de formulaires, a été développé par ",
"de": "Die Simple Nextcloud Forms Software, welche die Erstellung von Umfragen erleichtert, wurde entwickelt von "
"index_credits_desc2_for": {
"en": " for ",
"fr": " pour ",
"de": " für "
"index_credits_desc2_org": {
"en": "the 42l association",
"fr": "l'association 42l",
"de": "die 42l Assoziation"
"index_credits_desc3": {
"en": "source code",
"fr": "code source",
"de": "Quellcode"
"link_title": {
"en": "Link created",
"fr": "Lien créé",
"de": "Link erstellt"
"link_desc1_1": {
"en": "Here's an <b>administration link</b>, which will allow you to access all",
"fr": "Voici un <b>lien d'administration</b>, qui vous permettra d'accéder à tous",
"de": "Hier ist ein <b>Administrations Link</b>, der es ermöglicht wieder zu"
"link_desc1_2": {
"en": "your forms and check your answers.",
"fr": "vos formulaires et de consulter vos réponses.",
"de": "ihren Umfragen zu gelangen und die Antworten einzusehen."
"link_desc2_1": {
"en": "<b>Keep it</b> carefully and don't give it away",
"fr": "<b>Conservez-le</B> bien précieusement et ne le donnez pas",
"de": "<b>Bewahren Sie diese</b> gut und sicher auf"
"link_desc2_2": {
"en": "(it'd be the same as giving out your password!).",
"fr": "(cela reviendrait à donner un mot de passe!).",
"de": "(Die Weitergabe entspricht der Weitergabe eines Passwortes!)."
"link_desc3_1": {
"en": "Once your link copied, click on the button below to",
"fr": "Une fois votre lien copié, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour",
"de": "Ist der Link kopiert, drücken sie auf den unteren Button um"
"link_desc3_2": {
"en": "start editing your forms.",
"fr": "commencer à éditer vos formulaires.",
"de": "Umfragen zu erstellen oder zu bearbeiten."
"link_access_btn": {
"en": "to foorms",
"fr": "Accéder foorms",
"de": "zu foorms"
"link_note": {
"en": "Note: If you don't use your administration link during more than ",
"fr": "Note : Si vous n'utilisez pas votre lien d'administration pendant plus de ",
"de": "Notiz: Wenn Sie den Administrations Link für länger als "
"link_note2": {
"en": " days, your forms will be automatically deleted.",
"fr": " jours, vos formulaires seront automatiquement supprimés.",
"de": " Tage nicht benutzen, werden ihre Umfragen automatisch gelöscht."
"link_copy": {
"en": "Copy link",
"fr": "Copier le lien",
"de": "Link kopieren"
"link_copied": {
"en": "Link copied!",
"fr": "Lien copié !",
"de": "Link kopiert !"
"link_mail": {
"en": "send Link",
"fr": "envoyer lien",
"de": "Link senden"
"error_title": {
"en": "Oops!...",
"fr": "Oups !...",
"de": "Ups !..."
"error_description": {
"en": "The application encountered a problem:",
"fr": "L'application a rencontré un problème :",
"de": "Die Anwendung hat ein Problem festgestellt:"
"error_back": {
"en": "Back to the main page",
"fr": "Retour à la page principale",
"de": "Zurück zur Hauptseite"
"error_note1": {
"en": "We are (probably) aware of this bug, but feel free to contact us if you need assistance.",
"fr": "Nous sommes (probablement) au courant, mais n'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez besoin d'aide.",
"de": "Wir sind uns (wahrscheinlich) bewusst, was diesen Fehler angeht. Fühlen sie sich frei uns zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen."
"error_note2": {
"en": "Sorry for the inconvenience.",
"fr": "Désolés pour les désagréments occasionnés.",
"de": "Entschuldigen Sie die Störung."
"error_forward_req": {
"en": "Error while connecting to the Nextcloud instance.",
"fr": "Erreur lors de la connexion à l'instance Nextcloud.",
"de": "Fehler beim Verbinden zur Nextcloud Instanz."
"error_forward_resp": {
"en": "Error while reading Nextcloud instance's response.",
"fr": "Erreur lors de la lecture de la réponse de l'instance Nextcloud.",
"de": "Feher beim Lesen der Antwort der Nextcloud Instanz."
"error_forward_isanon": {
"en": "Couldn't set the form's isAnonymous value.",
"fr": "Échec lors de la définition de la valeur isAnonymous du formulaire.",
"de": "Es ist nicht möglich, die isAnonymous Wert des Formulars zu setzen."
"error_forward_clientresp_newform": {
"en": "Failed to send the response body (new form).",
"fr": "Échec lors de l'envoi du corps de la réponse (nouveau formulaire).",
"de": "Fehler beim senden des Response body (neues Formular)."
"error_forward_clientresp_std": {
"en": "Failed to send the response body.",
"fr": "Échec lors de l'envoi du corps de la réponse.",
"de": "Fehler beim Senden des Response Body."
"error_forwardlogin_db": {
"en": "Couldn't connect to the local database.",
"fr": "Échec lors de la connexion à la base de données locale.",
"de": "Fehler beim verbinden zur lokalen Datenbank."
"error_forwardlogin_db_get": {
"en": "Error during information retrieval from the local database.",
"fr": "Erreur lors de la récupération des informations dans la base de données locale.",
"de": "Fehler beim Empfangen von Daten der lokalen Datenbank."
"error_forwardlogin_notfound": {
"en": "The specified token doesn't exist in local database.",
"fr": "Le token spécifié n'existe pas dans la base de données locale.",
"de": "Der gesetzte Token existiert nicht in der lokalen Datenbank."
"error_login_get": {
"en": "The account creation request (GET) to Nextcloud has failed.",
"fr": "La requête de création de compte (GET) vers l'instance Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Das Account Erstellungs Request (GET) zu Nextcloud hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_login_get_body": {
"en": "Reading response from the account creation request to Nextcloud has failed.",
"fr": "La lecture de la réponse à la requête de création de compte vers l'instance Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Das Lesen der Response vom Account Erstellungs Request zu Nextcloud hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_login_post": {
"en": "The account creation request (POST) to Nextcloud has failed.",
"fr": "La requête de création de compte (POST) vers l'instance Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Der Account Erstellungs Request (POST) zu Nextcloud hat nicht funktioniert. "
"error_login_redir": {
"en": "Redirection to Nextcloud account failed.",
"fr": "La redirection vers le compte Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Die Weiterleitung zum Nextcloud account hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_createaccount_post": {
"en": "Account creation: connection to the Nextcloud API failed.",
"fr": "Création de compte : la connexion à l'API Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Account Erstellung: Verbindung zur Nextcloud API hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_createaccount_post_body": {
"en": "Account creation: reading the answer from the Nextcloud API failed.",
"fr": "Création de compte : le traitement de la réponse de l'API Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Account Erstellung : das Lesen der Antwort der Nextcloud API hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_createaccount_status": {
"en": "The Nextcloud instance responded with an unexpected status code.",
"fr": "L'instance Nextcloud a répondu avec un code de statut inattendu.",
"de": "Die Nextcloud Instanz hat mit einem unexpected status code geantwortet."
"error_createaccount_ncstatus": {
"en": "The Nextcloud API responded with an unexpected status code.",
"fr": "L'API Nextcloud a répondu avec un code de statut inattendu.",
"de": "Die Nextcloud API hat mit unexpected ncstatus geantwortet."
"error_createaccount_ncstatus_parse": {
"en": "Error parsing Nextcloud API's status code.",
"fr": "Erreur lors de la lecture du code de statut de l'API Nextcloud.",
"de": "Fehler beim Lesen des Nextcloud API status codes."
"error_forwardregister_pool": {
"en": "Error while connecting to the local database.",
"fr": "Erreur lors de la connexion à la base de données locale.",
"de": "Fehler beim Verbinden zu der lokalen Datenbank."
"error_forwardregister_db": {
"en": "Failed adding the Nextcloud account in the local database.",
"fr": "L'ajout du compte Nextcloud dans la base de données locale a échoué.",
"de": "Fehlre beim Hinzufügen des Nextcloud Accounts zur lokalen Datenbank."
"error_forwardregister_tokenparse": {
"en": "Failed parsing the admin token.",
"fr": "Échec lors de la lecture du token administrateur.",
"de": "Fehler beim Parsen des Admin Tokens."
"error_login_cookiepair": {
"en": "Couldn't read cookies.",
"fr": "Échec lors de la lecture de cookies.",
"de": "Fehler beim Lesen der Cookies"
"error_login_regex": {
"en": "Couldn't read the CSRF token.",
"fr": "Échec lors de la lecture du token CSRF.",
"de": "Fehler beim Lesen des CSRF Tokens."
"error_login_setcookie": {
"en": "Error during cookies transfer.",
"fr": "Erreur lors du transfert de cookies.",
"de": "Feheler beim Transfer der Cookies."
"error_form_insert": {
"en": "The local database couldn't be reached.",
"fr": "Échec de la connexion avec la base de données locale.",
"de": "Die lokale Datenbank ist nicht erreichbar."
"error_createaccount": {
"en": "The Nextcloud API returned an unexpected result.",
"fr": "L'API de Nextcloud a retourné un résultat inattendu.",
"de": "Die Nextcloud API hat ein unerwartetes Resultat zurückgesendet."
"error_redirect": {
"en": "Failed to redirect.",
"fr": "La redirection a échoué.",
"de": "Weiterleitung (Redirect) hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_csrf_cookie": {
"en": "Your CSRF token (cookie) seems incorrect, please retry.",
"fr": "Votre token CSRF (cookie) semble incorrect, veuillez réessayer.",
"de": "Dein CSRF Token (Cookie) scheint inkorrekt, versuchen Sie es erneut."
"error_csrf_token": {
"en": "Your CSRF token seems incorrect, please retry.",
"fr": "Votre token CSRF semble incorrect, veuillez réessayer.",
"de": "Ihr CSRF Token scheint nicht korrekt, versuchen Sie es erneut. "
"error_dirtyhacker": {
"en": "Attempt to access an unauthorized resource.",
"fr": "Tentative d'accès à une ressource non autorisée.",
"de": "Zugangs-Versuch einer unauthorisierten Quelle."
"error_tplrender": {
"en": "Template rendering failed.",
"fr": "Le rendu du template a échoué.",
"de": "Template rendering hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_tplrender_resp": {
"en": "Sending response failed.",
"fr": "L'envoi de la réponse a échoué.",
"de": "Senden der Antwort hat nicht funktioniert."
@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
"lang_code": {
"en": "en",
"fr": "fr",
"de": "de"
"lang_full": {
"en": "English",
"fr": "Français",
"de": "Deutsch"
"meta_description": {
"en": "foorms : create forms for free, without registration while protecting your privacy",
"fr": "foorms : créez des formulaires ou questionnaires gratuitement, sans inscription et dans le respect de votre vie privée",
"de": "foorms: erstellen Sie gratis Umfragen, ohne Registrierung und unter Wahrung Ihrer Privatssphäre"
"impressum_donations": {
"en": "Donations",
"fr": "Dons",
"de": "Spenden"
"impressum_privacy": {
"en": "Privacy",
"fr": "Protection des données",
"de": "Datenschutz"
"index_title": {
"en": "foorms",
"fr": "foorms",
"de": "foorms"
"index_title2": {
"en": "What is foorms?",
"fr": "Qu'est-ce que c'est foorms?",
"de": "Was ist foorms?"
"index_title3": {
"en": "How does foorms work?",
"fr": "Comme foorms functionne?",
"de": "Wie funktioniert foorms?"
"index_description": {
"en": "Create forms fast and simple - without registration,",
"fr": "Créez des questionnaires en facon simple et vite - sans inscription,",
"de": "Erstellen Sie schnell und einfach Umfragen - ohne Registrierung,"
"index_description2": {
"en": "advertisement, tracking and saving of metadata.",
"fr": "publicité, tracking et sauvegarde des métadonnées.",
"de": "Werbung, Tracking und Speicherung von Metadaten."
"index_beta_tag": {
"en": "BETA",
"fr": "BETA",
"de": "BETA"
"index_nojs": {
"en": "Please enable JavaScript in your browser!",
"fr": "Veuillez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur !",
"de": "Bitte aktivieren Sie JavaScript in ihrem Browser!"
"index_createform_button": {
"en": "Create a form",
"fr": "Créer un formulaire",
"de": "Umfrage erstellen"
"index_continueform_button": {
"en": "Access your forms",
"fr": "Accéder à vos formulaires",
"de": "Zu deinen Umfragen"
"index_beta_banner_title": {
"en": "Warning: Service in beta.",
"fr": "Attention : Service en bêta.",
"de": "Achtung: Seite in Beta Version"
"index_beta_banner_desc1": {
"en": "This service is currently under development and might behave in an unexpected way.",
"fr": "Ce service est en cours de développement et pourrait se comporter de manière inattendue.",
"de": "Diese Seite ist in Entwicklung und könnte sich unerwartet verhalten."
"index_beta_banner_desc2": {
"en": "Feel free to send feedbacks on our ",
"fr": "Vous pouvez nous envoyer vos retours sur ",
"de": "Feedback gerne an "
"index_beta_banner_desc_link": {
"en": "our contact page",
"fr": "notre page de contact",
"de": "unsere Kontaktseite"
"index_disclaimer_title": {
"en": "Who keeps foorms running?",
"fr": "Qui a organisé foorms?",
"de": "Wer betreibt foorms?"
"index_disclaimer1": {
"en": "This service is maintained for you from ",
"fr": "Ce service vous est fourni gratuitement de ",
"de": "Diese Seite wird von "
"index_disclaimer2": {
"en": " for free.",
"fr": " gratuitement.",
"de": " für Sie kostenlos angeboten"
"index_disclaimer2_link_org": {
"en": " Digitalcourage e.V. ",
"fr": " Digitalcourage e.V. ",
"de": " Digitalcourage e.V. "
"index_disclaimer2_but": {
"en": " But you have the possibility to ",
"fr": " Mais vous avez la possibilité de ",
"de": " Aber Sie können gern "
"index_disclaimer2_link_don": {
"en": "donate.",
"fr": "faire une donation.",
"de": "spenden."
"index_disclaimer3": {
"en": "Subscribe to the ",
"fr": "Inscrivez-vous à notre ",
"de": "Abonnieren Sie den "
"index_disclaimer3_link": {
"en": "newsletter, ",
"fr": "newsletter, ",
"de": "Newsletter, "
"index_disclaimer4": {
"en": " to stay informed about our work!",
"fr": " pour rester informé de notre travail!",
"de": " um über unsere Arbeit informiert zu bleiben!"
"index_panel1_title": {
"en": "How does foorms work?",
"fr": "Comme foorms functionne?",
"de": "Wie funktioniert foorms?"
"index_panel1_desc1": {
"en": "Are you searching for a privacy-friendly alternative to Google Forms while keeping its ease of use?",
"fr": "Cherchez-vous une alternative éthique à Google Forms qui reste simple d'utilisation ?",
"de": "Suchen Sie eine ethisch sinnvolle Alternative zu Google Forms, welche gleichzeitig einfach in der Bedienung ist?"
"index_panel1_desc2": {
"en": "You've just found it.",
"fr": "Vous venez de la trouver.",
"de": "Sie haben sie gefunden."
"index_panel2_title": {
"en": "Choose and order your fields",
"fr": "Choisissez et ordonnez vos champs",
"de": "Wählen und Ordnen Sie ihre Felder"
"index_panel2_desc1": {
"en": "The software currently supports seven field types.",
"fr": "Pour le moment, le logiciel supporte sept types de champs.",
"de": "Im Moment unterstützt die Software sieben Typen von Feldern."
"index_panel2_desc2": {
"en": "New field types are ",
"fr": "De nouveaux types de champs sont ",
"de": "Neue Typen von Feldern sind "
"index_panel2_desc2_link": {
"en": "currently in the works",
"fr": "en cours d'élaboration",
"de": "momentan in Bearbeitung"
"index_panel3_title": {
"en": "Analyze the answers",
"fr": "Analysez les réponses",
"de": "Analysieren Sie die Antworten"
"index_panel3_desc1": {
"en": "See detailed graphs of the answers to your form.",
"fr": "Visualisez les réponses à votre formulaire avec un graphique.",
"de": "Visualisieren Sie die Antworten Ihrer Umfrage graphisch."
"index_panel4_title": {
"en": "Export the answers",
"fr": "Exportez les réponses",
"de": "Export der Antworten"
"index_panel4_desc1": {
"en": "Export the raw data of your form in CSV format to integrate the answers in other software (e.g. LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel).",
"fr": "Exportez les données brutes de votre formulaire en format CSV pour intégrer les réponses dans d'autres logiciels (ex. LibreOffice Calc ou Microsoft Excel).",
"de": "Exportieren Sie die Rohdaten Ihrer Umfrage im CSV Format um die Antworten in anderer Software zu integrieren( z.B. LibreOffice Calc)"
"index_panel5_title": {
"en": "Edit your form's settings",
"fr": "Paramétrez vos formulaires",
"de": "Einstellungen Ihrer Umfragen"
"index_panel5_desc1": {
"en": "Use the share link to send your form to other people.",
"fr": "Utilisez le lien de partage pour envoyer votre formulaire à d'autres personnes.",
"de": "Nutzen Sie den Teilen Link um Ihre Umfrage anderen Menschen zu schicken."
"index_panel5_desc2": {
"en": "You can also define an expiration date for your form.",
"fr": "Vous pouvez également définir une date d'expiration pour votre formulaire.",
"de": "Sie können auch ein Ablaufdatum für ihre Umfrage festsetzen."
"index_panel6_title": {
"en": "All your forms in one place",
"fr": "Tous vos formulaires au même endroit",
"de": "Alle Ihre Umfragen an einem Ort"
"index_panel6_desc1": {
"en": "Find all your forms in the same panel.",
"fr": "Retrouvez tous vos formulaires sur un même panel.",
"de": "Finde alle deine Umfragen in einem Panel."
"index_bottom_docs": {
"en": "Documentation",
"fr": "Documentation",
"de": "Dokumentation"
"index_bottom_source": {
"en": "Source code",
"fr": "Code source",
"de": "Quellcode"
"index_bottom_lic": {
"en": "License",
"fr": "Licence",
"de": "Lizenz"
"index_credits_title": {
"en": "Credits",
"fr": "Crédits",
"de": "Credits"
"index_credits_desc1": {
"en": "The Nextcloud software suite and the Nextcloud Forms application has been developed by ",
"fr": "La suite logicielle Nextcloud et l'application Nextcloud Forms a été développée par ",
"de": "Die Nextcloud Software Sammlung und die Nextcloud Forms Applikation wurden entwickelt von "
"index_credits_desc1_link": {
"en": "the Nextcloud team",
"fr": "l'équipe Nextcloud",
"de": "dem Nextcloud Team"
"index_credits_desc1_a": {
"en": " and its contributors.",
"fr": " et ses contributeur·ices.",
"de": " und ihren Kontributor*innen"
"index_credits_desc2": {
"en": "The Simple Nextcloud Forms software, which simplifies the form creation process, has been developed by ",
"fr": "Le logiciel Simple Nextcloud Forms, qui simplifie la création de formulaires, a été développé par ",
"de": "Die Simple Nextcloud Forms Software, welche die Erstellung von Umfragen erleichtert, wurde entwickelt von "
"index_credits_desc2_for": {
"en": " for ",
"fr": " pour ",
"de": " für "
"index_credits_desc2_org": {
"en": "the 42l association",
"fr": "l'association 42l",
"de": "die 42l Assoziation"
"index_credits_desc3": {
"en": "source code",
"fr": "code source",
"de": "Quellcode"
"link_title": {
"en": "Link created",
"fr": "Lien créé",
"de": "Link erstellt"
"link_desc1_1": {
"en": "Here's an <b>administration link</b>, which will allow you to access all",
"fr": "Voici un <b>lien d'administration</b>, qui vous permettra d'accéder à tous",
"de": "Hier ist ein <b>Administrations Link</b>, der es ermöglicht wieder zu"
"link_desc1_2": {
"en": "your forms and check your answers.",
"fr": "vos formulaires et de consulter vos réponses.",
"de": "ihren Umfragen zu gelangen und die Antworten einzusehen."
"link_desc2_1": {
"en": "<b>Keep it</b> carefully and don't give it away",
"fr": "<b>Conservez-le</B> bien précieusement et ne le donnez pas",
"de": "<b>Bewahren Sie diese</b> gut und sicher auf"
"link_desc2_2": {
"en": "(it'd be the same as giving out your password!).",
"fr": "(cela reviendrait à donner un mot de passe!).",
"de": "(Die Weitergabe entspricht der Weitergabe eines Passwortes!)."
"link_desc3_1": {
"en": "Once your link copied, click on the button below to",
"fr": "Une fois votre lien copié, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous pour",
"de": "Ist der Link kopiert, drücken sie auf den unteren Button um"
"link_desc3_2": {
"en": "start editing your forms.",
"fr": "commencer à éditer vos formulaires.",
"de": "Umfragen zu erstellen oder zu bearbeiten."
"link_access_btn": {
"en": "to foorms",
"fr": "Accéder foorms",
"de": "zu foorms"
"link_note": {
"en": "Note: If you don't use your administration link during more than ",
"fr": "Note : Si vous n'utilisez pas votre lien d'administration pendant plus de ",
"de": "Notiz: Wenn Sie den Administrations Link für länger als "
"link_note2": {
"en": " days, your forms will be automatically deleted.",
"fr": " jours, vos formulaires seront automatiquement supprimés.",
"de": " Tage nicht benutzen, werden ihre Umfragen automatisch gelöscht."
"link_copy": {
"en": "Copy link",
"fr": "Copier le lien",
"de": "Link kopieren"
"link_copied": {
"en": "Link copied!",
"fr": "Lien copié !",
"de": "Link kopiert !"
"link_mail": {
"en": "send Link",
"fr": "envoyer lien",
"de": "Link senden"
"error_title": {
"en": "Oops!...",
"fr": "Oups !...",
"de": "Ups !..."
"error_description": {
"en": "The application encountered a problem:",
"fr": "L'application a rencontré un problème :",
"de": "Die Anwendung hat ein Problem festgestellt:"
"error_back": {
"en": "Back to the main page",
"fr": "Retour à la page principale",
"de": "Zurück zur Hauptseite"
"error_note1": {
"en": "We are (probably) aware of this bug, but feel free to contact us if you need assistance.",
"fr": "Nous sommes (probablement) au courant, mais n'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez besoin d'aide.",
"de": "Wir sind uns (wahrscheinlich) bewusst, was diesen Fehler angeht. Fühlen sie sich frei uns zu kontaktieren, wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen."
"error_note2": {
"en": "Sorry for the inconvenience.",
"fr": "Désolés pour les désagréments occasionnés.",
"de": "Entschuldigen Sie die Störung."
"error_forward_req": {
"en": "Error while connecting to the Nextcloud instance.",
"fr": "Erreur lors de la connexion à l'instance Nextcloud.",
"de": "Fehler beim Verbinden zur Nextcloud Instanz."
"error_forward_resp": {
"en": "Error while reading Nextcloud instance's response.",
"fr": "Erreur lors de la lecture de la réponse de l'instance Nextcloud.",
"de": "Feher beim Lesen der Antwort der Nextcloud Instanz."
"error_forward_isanon": {
"en": "Couldn't set the form's isAnonymous value.",
"fr": "Échec lors de la définition de la valeur isAnonymous du formulaire.",
"de": "Es ist nicht möglich, die isAnonymous Wert des Formulars zu setzen."
"error_forward_clientresp_newform": {
"en": "Failed to send the response body (new form).",
"fr": "Échec lors de l'envoi du corps de la réponse (nouveau formulaire).",
"de": "Fehler beim senden des Response body (neues Formular)."
"error_forward_clientresp_std": {
"en": "Failed to send the response body.",
"fr": "Échec lors de l'envoi du corps de la réponse.",
"de": "Fehler beim Senden des Response Body."
"error_forwardlogin_db": {
"en": "Couldn't connect to the local database.",
"fr": "Échec lors de la connexion à la base de données locale.",
"de": "Fehler beim verbinden zur lokalen Datenbank."
"error_forwardlogin_db_get": {
"en": "Error during information retrieval from the local database.",
"fr": "Erreur lors de la récupération des informations dans la base de données locale.",
"de": "Fehler beim Empfangen von Daten der lokalen Datenbank."
"error_forwardlogin_notfound": {
"en": "The specified token doesn't exist in local database.",
"fr": "Le token spécifié n'existe pas dans la base de données locale.",
"de": "Der gesetzte Token existiert nicht in der lokalen Datenbank."
"error_login_get": {
"en": "The account creation request (GET) to Nextcloud has failed.",
"fr": "La requête de création de compte (GET) vers l'instance Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Das Account Erstellungs Request (GET) zu Nextcloud hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_login_get_body": {
"en": "Reading response from the account creation request to Nextcloud has failed.",
"fr": "La lecture de la réponse à la requête de création de compte vers l'instance Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Das Lesen der Response vom Account Erstellungs Request zu Nextcloud hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_login_post": {
"en": "The account creation request (POST) to Nextcloud has failed.",
"fr": "La requête de création de compte (POST) vers l'instance Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Der Account Erstellungs Request (POST) zu Nextcloud hat nicht funktioniert. "
"error_login_redir": {
"en": "Redirection to Nextcloud account failed.",
"fr": "La redirection vers le compte Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Die Weiterleitung zum Nextcloud account hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_createaccount_post": {
"en": "Account creation: connection to the Nextcloud API failed.",
"fr": "Création de compte : la connexion à l'API Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Account Erstellung: Verbindung zur Nextcloud API hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_createaccount_post_body": {
"en": "Account creation: reading the answer from the Nextcloud API failed.",
"fr": "Création de compte : le traitement de la réponse de l'API Nextcloud a échoué.",
"de": "Account Erstellung : das Lesen der Antwort der Nextcloud API hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_createaccount_status": {
"en": "The Nextcloud instance responded with an unexpected status code.",
"fr": "L'instance Nextcloud a répondu avec un code de statut inattendu.",
"de": "Die Nextcloud Instanz hat mit einem unexpected status code geantwortet."
"error_createaccount_ncstatus": {
"en": "The Nextcloud API responded with an unexpected status code.",
"fr": "L'API Nextcloud a répondu avec un code de statut inattendu.",
"de": "Die Nextcloud API hat mit unexpected ncstatus geantwortet."
"error_createaccount_ncstatus_parse": {
"en": "Error parsing Nextcloud API's status code.",
"fr": "Erreur lors de la lecture du code de statut de l'API Nextcloud.",
"de": "Fehler beim Lesen des Nextcloud API status codes."
"error_forwardregister_pool": {
"en": "Error while connecting to the local database.",
"fr": "Erreur lors de la connexion à la base de données locale.",
"de": "Fehler beim Verbinden zu der lokalen Datenbank."
"error_forwardregister_db": {
"en": "Failed adding the Nextcloud account in the local database.",
"fr": "L'ajout du compte Nextcloud dans la base de données locale a échoué.",
"de": "Fehlre beim Hinzufügen des Nextcloud Accounts zur lokalen Datenbank."
"error_forwardregister_tokenparse": {
"en": "Failed parsing the admin token.",
"fr": "Échec lors de la lecture du token administrateur.",
"de": "Fehler beim Parsen des Admin Tokens."
"error_login_cookiepair": {
"en": "Couldn't read cookies.",
"fr": "Échec lors de la lecture de cookies.",
"de": "Fehler beim Lesen der Cookies"
"error_login_regex": {
"en": "Couldn't read the CSRF token.",
"fr": "Échec lors de la lecture du token CSRF.",
"de": "Fehler beim Lesen des CSRF Tokens."
"error_login_setcookie": {
"en": "Error during cookies transfer.",
"fr": "Erreur lors du transfert de cookies.",
"de": "Feheler beim Transfer der Cookies."
"error_form_insert": {
"en": "The local database couldn't be reached.",
"fr": "Échec de la connexion avec la base de données locale.",
"de": "Die lokale Datenbank ist nicht erreichbar."
"error_createaccount": {
"en": "The Nextcloud API returned an unexpected result.",
"fr": "L'API de Nextcloud a retourné un résultat inattendu.",
"de": "Die Nextcloud API hat ein unerwartetes Resultat zurückgesendet."
"error_redirect": {
"en": "Failed to redirect.",
"fr": "La redirection a échoué.",
"de": "Weiterleitung (Redirect) hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_csrf_cookie": {
"en": "Your CSRF token (cookie) seems incorrect, please retry.",
"fr": "Votre token CSRF (cookie) semble incorrect, veuillez réessayer.",
"de": "Dein CSRF Token (Cookie) scheint inkorrekt, versuchen Sie es erneut."
"error_csrf_token": {
"en": "Your CSRF token seems incorrect, please retry.",
"fr": "Votre token CSRF semble incorrect, veuillez réessayer.",
"de": "Ihr CSRF Token scheint nicht korrekt, versuchen Sie es erneut. "
"error_dirtyhacker": {
"en": "Attempt to access an unauthorized resource.",
"fr": "Tentative d'accès à une ressource non autorisée.",
"de": "Zugangs-Versuch einer unauthorisierten Quelle."
"error_tplrender": {
"en": "Template rendering failed.",
"fr": "Le rendu du template a échoué.",
"de": "Template rendering hat nicht funktioniert."
"error_tplrender_resp": {
"en": "Sending response failed.",
"fr": "L'envoi de la réponse a échoué.",
"de": "Senden der Antwort hat nicht funktioniert."
@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="it">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<title>{{ "link_title"|tr(lang) }} – {{ "index_title"|tr(lang) }}</title>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<meta name="description" content="{{ "meta_description"|tr(lang) }}" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="48x48" href="/assets/favicon.svg" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/index.css?v=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/cloud.css?v=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/digitalcourage.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/bootstrap.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function () {
// show link copy button if javascript is enabled
document.getElementById("script-copy").style.display = "unset";
let btn = document.getElementById("script-copy-btn");
|||| = "pointer";
let csrf_token = "{{ csrf_token }}";
let lang = "{{ lang }}";
document.getElementById('new_link_button').addEventListener('click', function () {
btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
var copyText = document.getElementById("link");
/* Select the text field */
copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999);
btn.innerHTML = '{{ "link_copied"|tr(lang) }}';
function ValidateEmail(mail)
if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/.test(mail))
return (true)
alert("Die eingegebene Mail Adresse ist ungültig. Sie können sich auch anmelden, ohne den Token zugeschickt zu bekommen.")
return (false)
document.getElementById("email-register").style.display = "unset";
let btn2 = document.getElementById("email-register-btn");
|||| = "pointer";
btn2.addEventListener('click', function() {
var email = document.getElementById("email").value;
var adtok = document.getElementById("link").value;
var validation = ValidateEmail(email);
/* var emailjsonstring = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(document.getElementById('email'))); */
if (validation == true)
var xhr1=new XMLHttpRequest();
||||"POST",'link/email', true);
xhr1.send(email + ',' + adtok + '\n');
document.getElementById("email").value = "Die Email ist auf dem Weg";
function new_link(csrf) {
var sel = document.getElementById('langs');
let opt = getSelectedOption(sel);
let lang = opt.value;
document.getElementById('langs').value = lang;
document.getElementById("link_lang").value = lang;
document.getElementById("csrf_token").value = csrf;
function getSelectedOption(sel) {
var opt;
for ( var i = 0, len = sel.options.length; i < len; i++ ) {
opt = sel.options[i];
if ( opt.selected === true ) {
return opt;
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<div class="container ombre">
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<form id="new_link" method="post" action="/link" class="hidden-print">
<div class="input-group input-group-sm pull-right col-xs-12 col-sm-2 langs" style="margin-right: 8px">
<select id="langs" name="lang" class="form-control" title="Select language" >
<option lang="fr" value="fr">Français</option>
<option lang="en" selected value="en">English</option>
<option lang="oc" value="oc">Occitan</option>
<option lang="es" value="es">Español</option>
<option lang="de" value="de">Deutsch</option>
<option lang="nl" value="nl">Dutch</option>
<option lang="it" value="it">Italiano</option>
<option lang="br" value="br">Brezhoneg</option>
<input id="csrf_token" name="csrf_token" type="text" class="hidden">
<input id="link_lang" name="link_lang" type="text" class="hidden">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<a id="new_link_button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm language_button" title="Change language">OK</a>
<a href="" title="Home - foorms" style="margin-left: 8px" >
<img src="/assets/foorms_logo_beta.svg" alt="foorms" class="" height="58vh" />
<h2 class="lead col-xs-12"></h2> <div class="trait col-xs-12" role="presentation"></div>
<main role="main">
<div class="has-text-centered">
<br />
<h2>{{ "link_title"|tr(lang) }}</h2>
<div class="div_25"> </div>
<p>{{ "link_desc1_1"|tr(lang)|safe }}</p>
<div class="break"> </div>
<p>{{ "link_desc1_2"|tr(lang)|safe }}</p>
<div class="div_25"> </div>
<div class="c-flex c-jumbo">
<input id="link" class="ncstyle-input" type="text" style='font-size: 16px; text-align:center' size="80" readonly value="{{ config.sncf_url }}/admin/{{ admin_token }}" />
<div class="div_35"> </div>
<div id="script-copy">
<div class="c-flex">
<a id="script-copy-btn" class="ncstyle-button margin-bottom">{{ "link_copy"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<div class="div_120"> </div>
<p>{{ "link_desc2_1"|tr(lang)|safe }}</p>
<div class="break"> </div>
<p>{{ "link_desc2_2"|tr(lang)|safe }}</p>
<div class="div_25"> </div>
<div class="c-flex">
<input id="email" class="ncstyle-input" style="text-align:center;" type="text" value="Send_Password_Link@invalid" />
<div class="div_35"> </div>
<div id="email-register">
<div class="c-flex">
<a id="email-register-btn" class="ncstyle-button margin-bottom">{{ "link_mail"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<div class="div_120"> </div>
<p>{{ "link_desc3_1"|tr(lang) }}</p>
<div class="break"></div>
<p>{{ "link_desc3_2"|tr(lang) }}</p>
<div class=div_35></div>
<div class="c-flex">
<a id="forms-btn" class="ncstyle-button margin-bottom" href="{{ config.sncf_url }}/admin/{{ admin_token }}">{{ "link_access_btn"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<div class="div_120"></div>
<div class="c-blue grid-container2">
<a href="" style="font-size:15px;" class="c-button" target="_blank">{{ "index_bottom_docs"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<a href="" style="font-size:15px;" class="c-button" target="_blank">{{ "index_bottom_source"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<a href="" style="font-size:15px;" class="c-button" target="_blank">{{ "index_bottom_lic"|tr(lang) }}</a>
<div class="div_10"></div>
<div class="div_10"></div>
<div class="div_10"></div>
</div> <!-- .container -->
<div class="container ombre downDC" style="display:flex; align-items:center;">
<h2 class="lead"><a target="_blank" href="">Digitalcourage</a> | <a target="_blank" href="">Newsletter</a> | <a target="_blank" href="">{{ "impressum_donations"|tr(lang)|safe }}</a> | <a target="_blank" href="">Impressum</a> | <a target="_blank" href="">{{ "impressum_privacy"|tr(lang)|safe }}</a> </h2>
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate diesel;
extern crate diesel_migrations;
use actix_session::CookieSession;
use actix_web::cookie::SameSite;
use actix_files::Files;
use actix_web::client::Client;
use actix_web::{web, App, FromRequest, HttpServer};
use diesel::prelude::*;
use diesel::r2d2::{self, ConnectionManager};
use url::Url;
use crate::config::CONFIG;
use crate::config::PAYLOAD_LIMIT;
use crate::forward::*;
mod account;
mod config;
mod database;
mod errors;
mod forward;
mod sniff;
mod templates;
// default to postgres
#[cfg(feature = "default")]
type DbConn = PgConnection;
#[cfg(feature = "default")]
#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
type DbConn = PgConnection;
#[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
type DbConn = SqliteConnection;
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
#[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
type DbConn = MysqlConnection;
#[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
type DbPool = r2d2::Pool<ConnectionManager<DbConn>>;
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
/* std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=debug");
println!("ta ta tala ~ SNCF init");
println!("Checking configuration file...");
if CONFIG.database_path.is_empty() {
println!("No database specified. Please enter a MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite connection string in config.toml.");
debug(&format!("Opening database {}", CONFIG.database_path));
let manager = ConnectionManager::<DbConn>::new(&CONFIG.database_path);
let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder()
.expect("ERROR: main: Failed to create the database pool.");
let conn = pool.get().expect("ERROR: main: DB connection failed");
println!("Running migrations...");
embedded_migrations::run(&*conn).expect("ERROR: main: Failed to run database migrations");
let forward_url =
Url::parse(&CONFIG.nextcloud_url).expect("Couldn't parse the forward url from config");
"Now listening at {}:{}",
CONFIG.listening_address, CONFIG.listening_port
// starting the http server
HttpServer::new(move || {
CookieSession::signed(&[0; 32])
/*.route("/mimolette", web::get().to(login))*/
/*.route("/login", web::post().to(forward))*/
.service(Files::new("/assets/", "./templates/assets/").index_file("index.html"))
.route("/", web::get().to(index))
.route("/link", web::post().to(forward_register))
.route("/admin/{token}", web::get().to(forward_login))
.data(String::configure(|cfg| cfg.limit(PAYLOAD_LIMIT)))
.app_data(actix_web::web::Bytes::configure(|cfg| {
.bind((CONFIG.listening_address.as_str(), CONFIG.listening_port))?
pub fn debug(text: &str) {
if CONFIG.debug_mode {
println!("{}", text);
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
use serde_json::Value;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader};
use std::path::Path;
// payload limit set to 5MiB
pub const PAYLOAD_LIMIT: usize = 10_000_000;
pub const PROXY_TIMEOUT: u64 = 15;
pub const CONFIG_FILE: &str = "./config.toml";
pub const CONFIG_VERSION: u8 = 2;
pub const ADJ_LIST_FILE: &str = "./adj-list.txt";
pub const NAME_LIST_FILE: &str = "./name-list.txt";
pub const LOC_FILE: &str = "./lang.json";
pub const USER_AGENT: &str = "Actix-web";
lazy_static! {
pub static ref CONFIG: Config = Config::init();
pub static ref ADJ_LIST: Vec<String> =
lines_from_file(ADJ_LIST_FILE).expect("Failed to load adjectives list");
pub static ref NAME_LIST: Vec<String> =
lines_from_file(NAME_LIST_FILE).expect("Failed to load names list");
pub static ref LOC: Value = init_lang();
// Open LOC_FILE and store it in memory (LOC)
fn init_lang() -> Value {
let mut file = File::open(LOC_FILE).expect("init_lang: Can't open translations file");
let mut data = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut data)
.expect("init_lang: Can't read translations file");
serde_json::from_str(&data).expect("init_lang(): Can't parse translations file")
// Open a file from its path
fn lines_from_file(filename: impl AsRef<Path>) -> io::Result<Vec<String>> {
pub struct Config {
pub listening_address: String,
pub listening_port: u16,
pub website_url: String,
pub debug_mode: bool,
pub config_version: u8,
// totally not copypasted from rs-short
impl Config {
// open and parse CONFIG_FILE
pub fn init() -> Self {
let mut conffile = File::open(CONFIG_FILE).expect(
r#"Config file config.toml not found.
Please create it using config.toml.sample."#,
let mut confstr = String::new();
.read_to_string(&mut confstr)
.expect("Couldn't read config to string");
toml::from_str(&confstr).expect("Couldn't deserialize the config. Please update at --- Error")
// if config.config_version doesn't match the hardcoded version,
// ask the admin to manually upgrade its config file
pub fn check_version(&self) {
if self.config_version != CONFIG_VERSION {
eprintln!("Your configuration file is obsolete!\nPlease update it following the instructions in and update its version to {}.", CONFIG_VERSION);
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
use crate::templates::TplError;
use actix_web::dev::HttpResponseBuilder;
use actix_web::{error, http::header, http::StatusCode, HttpResponse};
use askama::Template;
use std::fmt;
pub fn crash(lang: String, error_msg: &'static str) -> TrainCrash {
TrainCrash { lang, error_msg }
pub struct TrainCrash {
pub error_msg: &'static str,
pub lang: String,
// gonna avoid using failure crate
// by implementing display
impl fmt::Display for TrainCrash {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self.error_msg)
impl error::ResponseError for TrainCrash {
fn error_response(&self) -> HttpResponse {
eprintln!("Error reached: {}", self.error_msg);
.set_header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html; charset=utf-8")
TplError {
lang: &self.lang,
error_msg: self.error_msg,
.expect("error_tplrender (TplError). Empty page sent to client."),
fn status_code(&self) -> StatusCode {
match self.error_msg {
"error_forward_req" => StatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY,
"error_forward_resp" => StatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY,
"error_login_get" => StatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY,
"error_login_get_body" => StatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY,
"error_login_post" => StatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY,
"error_login_redir" => StatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY,
"error_forwardlogin_notfound" => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND,
"error_forwardregister_tokenparse" => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
"error_login_cookiepair" => StatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY,
"error_login_regex" => StatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY,
"error_login_setcookie" => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
"error_createaccount" => StatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY,
"error_dirtyhacker" => StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED,
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
use actix_web::client::{Client, ClientRequest};
use actix_web::{http, web, HttpRequest, HttpResponse};
use actix_session::Session;
use askama::Template;
use chrono::Utc;
use std::time::Duration;
use url::Url;
use crate::config::PAYLOAD_LIMIT;
use crate::config::PROXY_TIMEOUT;
use crate::debug;
use crate::errors::{crash, TrainCrash};
use crate::sniff::*;
use crate::templates::*;
use crate::CONFIG;
pub async fn forward(
req: HttpRequest,
body: web::Bytes,
url: web::Data<Url>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let route = req.uri().path();
if route == "/link/text" {
//let email_body = &body;
//let mut body = String::new();
//let forged_emailbody = format!(
// "{:?}",
// email_body
// );
//let body = email_response_body.escape_ascii().to_string();
use std::io::Write;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
let mut f = OpenOptions::new()
.create(true) // Optionally create the file if it doesn't already exist
.expect("Unable to open file");
////f.write_all(forged_emailbody.as_bytes()).expect("Unable to write data");
f.write_all(&body).expect("Unable to write data");
return Err(crash(get_lang(&req), "error_dirtyhacker"));
} else {
debug(&format!("Restricted route blocked: {}", route));
return Ok(web_redir("/").await.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_redirect: {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_redirect")
pub struct CsrfToken {
pub link_lang: String,
// creates a NC account using a random name and password.
// the account gets associated with a token in sqlite DB.
// POST /link route
pub async fn forward_register(
req: HttpRequest,
s: Session,
csrf_post: web::Form<CsrfToken>,
client: web::Data<Client>,
) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
let lang = csrf_post.link_lang.clone();
TplLink {
lang: &lang,
config: &CONFIG,
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender (TplLink): {}", e);
crash(lang.clone(), "error_tplrender")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender_resp (TplLink): {}", e);
crash(lang, "error_tplrender_resp")
// create a new query destined to the nextcloud instance
// needed to forward any query
fn forge_from(
route: &str,
req: &HttpRequest,
url: &web::Data<Url>,
client: &web::Data<Client>,
) -> ClientRequest {
let mut new_url = url.get_ref().clone();
// insert forwarded header if we can
let mut forwarded_req = client
.request_from(new_url.as_str(), req.head())
.timeout(Duration::new(PROXY_TIMEOUT, 0));
// attempt to remove basic-auth header
if let Some(addr) = req.head().peer_addr {
forwarded_req.header("x-forwarded-for", format!("{}", addr.ip()))
} else {
fn web_redir(location: &str) -> HttpResponse {
.header(http::header::LOCATION, location)
pub async fn index(req: HttpRequest, s: Session) -> Result<HttpResponse, TrainCrash> {
TplIndex {
lang: &get_lang(&req),
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender (TplIndex): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_tplrender")
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("error_tplrender_resp (TplIndex): {}", e);
crash(get_lang(&req), "error_tplrender_resp")
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate diesel;
extern crate diesel_migrations;
use actix_session::CookieSession;
use actix_web::cookie::SameSite;
use actix_files::Files;
use actix_web::client::Client;
use actix_web::{web, App, FromRequest, HttpServer};
use diesel::prelude::*;
use url::Url;
use crate::config::CONFIG;
use crate::config::PAYLOAD_LIMIT;
use crate::forward::*;
mod config;
mod errors;
mod forward;
mod sniff;
mod templates;
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
/* std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=debug");
println!("ta ta tala ~ SNCF init");
println!("Checking configuration file...");
"Now listening at {}:{}",
CONFIG.listening_address, CONFIG.listening_port
// starting the http server
HttpServer::new(move || {
// CookieSession::signed(&[0; 32])
// .secure(true)
// .same_site(SameSite::Strict)
// .http_only(true)
// .name("pluriton_cookies")
// )
.service(Files::new("/assets/", "./templates/assets/").index_file("index.html"))
.route("/", web::get().to(index))
.route("/link/text", web::post().to(forward_register))
.data(String::configure(|cfg| cfg.limit(PAYLOAD_LIMIT)))
.app_data(actix_web::web::Bytes::configure(|cfg| {
.bind((CONFIG.listening_address.as_str(), CONFIG.listening_port))?
pub fn debug(text: &str) {
if CONFIG.debug_mode {
println!("{}", text);
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
use actix_web::web;
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::debug;
// checks to be done on user requests
// if it returns true, cancels the request
pub fn check_request(route: &str, body: &web::Bytes) -> bool {
match route {
"/ocs/v2.php/apps/forms/api/v1/form/update" => rq_form_update(body),
_ => false,
// prevents the user from doing anything other than link sharing.
fn rq_form_update(body: &web::Bytes) -> bool {
let req = String::from_utf8_lossy(body);
// try to serialize the body.
// If the parsing fails, drop the request
let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(&req).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
eprintln!("check_request: failed to parse JSON: {}", e);
// if the type or isAnonymous is set (isn't null),
// drop the request.
// Also drop if v is null because of parsing fail.
v == Value::Null
|| v["keyValuePairs"]["isAnonymous"] != Value::Null
|| v["keyValuePairs"]["access"]["type"] != Value::Null
// checks to be done on responses from the Nextcloud instance
// if it returns true, cancels the request
// NOTE: unused for now
/*pub fn check_response(_route: &str, _body: &web::Bytes) -> bool {
// checks if a form has been created.
// if it's the case, sets some parameters.
// this part may need code quality improvements
// the body MUST come from the "create new form" route
// (this is checked upstream)
// returns the form UID and the request body
pub fn check_new_form(body: &web::Bytes) -> u64 {
let req = String::from_utf8_lossy(body);
// finds the form ID
let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(&req).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
eprintln!("check_new_form: failed to parse JSON: {}", e);
if v != Value::Null
&& v["ocs"].is_object()
&& v["ocs"]["data"].is_object()
&& v["ocs"]["data"]["id"] != Value::Null
&& v["ocs"]["data"]["isAnonymous"] == Value::Null
//getting form id
v["ocs"]["data"]["id"].as_u64().unwrap_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("check_new_form: failed to parse formid: {}", v);
} else {
eprintln!("error: check_new_form: can't find formid: {}", v);
// those routes won't be redirected
const BLOCKED_ROUTES: &[&str] = &[
// ...except if they are in this list
const ALLOWED_ROUTES: &[&str] = &["/ocs/v2.php/apps/forms/", "/status.php"];
// checks if the accessed route is allowed for the user.
// if it returns true, redirects elsewhere
pub fn check_route(route: &str) -> bool {
if route.starts_with(r) {
if route.starts_with(s) {
return false;
return true;
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
use actix_web::HttpRequest;
use askama::Template;
use crate::config::Config;
#[template(path = "index.html")]
pub struct TplIndex<'a> {
pub lang: &'a str,
#[template(path = "error.html")]
pub struct TplError<'a> {
pub lang: &'a str,
pub error_msg: &'a str,
#[template(path = "link.html")]
pub struct TplLink<'a> {
pub lang: &'a str,
pub config: &'a Config,
pub fn get_lang(req: &HttpRequest) -> String {
// getting language from client header
// taking the two first characters of the Accept-Language header,
// in lowercase, then parsing it.
// if it fails, returns "en"
if let Some(la) = req.uri().query() {
return la[5..].to_string();
} else {
if let Some(l) = req.headers().get("Accept-Language") {
if let Ok(s) = l.to_str() {
return s.to_lowercase()[..2].to_string();
mod filters {
use crate::config::LOC;
pub fn tr(key: &str, lang: &str) -> askama::Result<String> {
let translation = LOC.get(key).ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("tr filter: couldn't find the key {}", key);
.unwrap_or(translation.get("en").ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("tr filter: couldn't find the lang {} in key {}", lang, key);
.ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("tr filter: lang {} in key {} is not str", lang, key);
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
use actix_web::HttpRequest;
use askama::Template;
use crate::config::Config;
#[template(path = "index.html")]
pub struct TplIndex<'a> {
pub lang: &'a str,
pub csrf_token: &'a str,
pub sncf_admin_token: Option<String>,
#[template(path = "error.html")]
pub struct TplError<'a> {
pub lang: &'a str,
pub error_msg: &'a str,
#[template(path = "link.html")]
pub struct TplLink<'a> {
pub lang: &'a str,
pub admin_token: &'a str,
pub csrf_token: &'a str,
pub config: &'a Config,
pub fn get_lang(req: &HttpRequest) -> String {
// getting language from client header
// taking the two first characters of the Accept-Language header,
// in lowercase, then parsing it.
// if it fails, returns "en"
if let Some(la) = req.uri().query() {
return la[5..].to_string();
} else {
if let Some(l) = req.headers().get("Accept-Language") {
if let Ok(s) = l.to_str() {
return s.to_lowercase()[..2].to_string();
mod filters {
use crate::config::LOC;
pub fn tr(key: &str, lang: &str) -> askama::Result<String> {
let translation = LOC.get(key).ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("tr filter: couldn't find the key {}", key);
.unwrap_or(translation.get("en").ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("tr filter: couldn't find the lang {} in key {}", lang, key);
.ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("tr filter: lang {} in key {} is not str", lang, key);
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
use actix_web::HttpRequest;
use askama::Template;
use crate::config::Config;
#[template(path = "index.html")]
pub struct TplIndex<'a> {
pub lang: &'a str,
pub csrf_token: &'a str,
#[template(path = "error.html")]
pub struct TplError<'a> {
pub lang: &'a str,
pub error_msg: &'a str,
#[template(path = "link.html")]
pub struct TplLink<'a> {
pub lang: &'a str,
pub admin_token: &'a str,
pub config: &'a Config,
pub fn get_lang(req: &HttpRequest) -> String {
// getting language from client header
// taking the two first characters of the Accept-Language header,
// in lowercase, then parsing it.
// if it fails, returns "en"
if let Some(l) = req.headers().get("Accept-Language") {
if let Ok(s) = l.to_str() {
return s.to_lowercase()[..2].to_string();
if let Some(l) = req.headers().get("lang") {
if let Ok(s) = l.to_str() {
return s.to_lowercase()[..2].to_string();
mod filters {
use crate::config::LOC;
pub fn tr(key: &str, lang: &str) -> askama::Result<String> {
let translation = LOC.get(key).ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("tr filter: couldn't find the key {}", key);
.unwrap_or(translation.get("en").ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("tr filter: couldn't find the lang {} in key {}", lang, key);
.ok_or_else(|| {
eprintln!("tr filter: lang {} in key {} is not str", lang, key);
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